function doSort(sortColName) { var node = document.getElementById(sortColName); // determine column resource to sort on var sortResource = node.getAttribute('resource'); if (!node) return(false); var sortDirection="ascending"; var isSortActive = node.getAttribute('sortActive'); if (isSortActive == "true") { var currentDirection = node.getAttribute('sortDirection'); if (currentDirection == "ascending") sortDirection = "descending"; else if (currentDirection == "descending") sortDirection = "natural"; else sortDirection = "ascending"; } dump("Sort on '" + sortResource + "' column in '" + sortDirection + "' order.\n"); // get RDF Core service var rdfCore = XPAppCoresManager.Find("RDFCore"); if (!rdfCore) { rdfCore = new RDFCore(); if (!rdfCore) { dump(" *** error: Unable to create new RDFCore.\n"); return(false); } dump("RDFCore created\n"); rdfCore.Init("RDFCore"); dump("RDFCore inited\n"); XPAppCoresManager.Add(rdfCore); dump("RDFCore added into XPAppCoresManager\n"); } // sort!!! dump("About to sort...\n"); rdfCore.doSort(node, sortResource, sortDirection); dump("Sort done.\n"); return(false); } function OpenURL(event,node) { /* if (node.getAttribute('type') != "") { return false; } */ if (node.getAttribute('container') == "true") { return false; } url = node.getAttribute('id'); // Ignore "NC:" urls. if (url.substring(0, 3) == "NC:") { return false; } dump(url); parent.frames[1].location.href = url; RefreshUrlbar(); return true; } Name URL Shortcut URL Last Modified Bookmarks File System History By Site History By Date Related Links