/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Pierre Phaneuf */ #include "nsICaret.h" #include "nsHTMLEditor.h" #include "nsHTMLEditRules.h" #include "nsHTMLEditUtils.h" #include "nsEditorEventListeners.h" #include "nsIDOMText.h" #include "nsIDOMNodeList.h" #include "nsIDOMDocument.h" #include "nsIDOMAttr.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIDOMEventReceiver.h" #include "nsIDOMKeyEvent.h" #include "nsIDOMKeyListener.h" #include "nsIDOMMouseListener.h" #include "nsIDOMSelection.h" #include "nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement.h" #include "nsIDOMHTMLImageElement.h" #include "nsISelectionController.h" #include "nsIFrameSelection.h" // For TABLESELECTION_ defines #include "nsICSSLoader.h" #include "nsICSSStyleSheet.h" #include "nsIHTMLContentContainer.h" #include "nsIStyleSet.h" #include "nsIDocumentObserver.h" #include "nsIDocumentStateListener.h" #include "nsIStyleContext.h" #include "nsIEnumerator.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIContentIterator.h" #include "nsEditorCID.h" #include "nsLayoutCID.h" #include "nsIDOMRange.h" #include "nsIDOMNSRange.h" #include "nsISupportsArray.h" #include "nsVoidArray.h" #include "nsFileSpec.h" #include "nsIComponentManager.h" #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsWidgetsCID.h" #include "nsIDocumentEncoder.h" #include "nsIDOMDocumentFragment.h" #include "nsIPresShell.h" #include "nsIImage.h" #include "nsAOLCiter.h" #include "nsInternetCiter.h" #include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h" #include "InsertTextTxn.h" // netwerk #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" // Drag & Drop, Clipboard #include "nsWidgetsCID.h" #include "nsIClipboard.h" #include "nsITransferable.h" // Transactionas #include "PlaceholderTxn.h" #include "nsStyleSheetTxns.h" // Misc #include "TextEditorTest.h" #include "nsEditorUtils.h" #include "nsIPref.h" const PRUnichar nbsp = 160; // HACK - CID for NavDTD until we can get at dtd via the document // {a6cf9107-15b3-11d2-932e-00805f8add32} #define NS_CNAVDTD_CID \ { 0xa6cf9107, 0x15b3, 0x11d2, { 0x93, 0x2e, 0x0, 0x80, 0x5f, 0x8a, 0xdd, 0x32 } } static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCNavDTDCID, NS_CNAVDTD_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kHTMLEditorCID, NS_HTMLEDITOR_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCContentIteratorCID, NS_CONTENTITERATOR_CID); static NS_DEFINE_IID(kSubtreeIteratorCID, NS_SUBTREEITERATOR_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCRangeCID, NS_RANGE_CID); static NS_DEFINE_IID(kFileWidgetCID, NS_FILEWIDGET_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kPrefServiceCID, NS_PREF_CID); // Drag & Drop, Clipboard Support static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCClipboardCID, NS_CLIPBOARD_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCTransferableCID, NS_TRANSFERABLE_CID); #if defined(NS_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_buster) static PRBool gNoisy = PR_FALSE; #else static const PRBool gNoisy = PR_FALSE; #endif // Some utilities to handle annoying overloading of "A" tag for link and named anchor static char hrefText[] = "href"; static char anchorTxt[] = "anchor"; static char namedanchorText[] = "namedanchor"; nsIAtom *nsHTMLEditor::gTypingTxnName; nsIAtom *nsHTMLEditor::gIMETxnName; nsIAtom *nsHTMLEditor::gDeleteTxnName; // some prototypes for rules creation shortcuts nsresult NS_NewTextEditRules(nsIEditRules** aInstancePtrResult); nsresult NS_NewHTMLEditRules(nsIEditRules** aInstancePtrResult); #define IsLink(s) (s.EqualsIgnoreCase(hrefText)) #define IsNamedAnchor(s) (s.EqualsIgnoreCase(anchorTxt) || s.EqualsIgnoreCase(namedanchorText)) static PRBool IsLinkNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode) { if (aNode) { nsCOMPtr anchor = do_QueryInterface(aNode); if (anchor) { nsAutoString tmpText; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(anchor->GetHref(tmpText)) && tmpText.GetUnicode() && tmpText.Length() != 0) return PR_TRUE; } } return PR_FALSE; } static PRBool IsNamedAnchorNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode) { if (aNode) { nsCOMPtr anchor = do_QueryInterface(aNode); if (anchor) { nsAutoString tmpText; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(anchor->GetName(tmpText)) && tmpText.GetUnicode() && tmpText.Length() != 0) return PR_TRUE; } } return PR_FALSE; } static PRBool IsListNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode) { if (aNode) { nsCOMPtrelement; element = do_QueryInterface(aNode); if (element) { nsAutoString tagName; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(element->GetTagName(tagName))) { tagName.ToLowerCase(); // With only 3 tests, it doesn't // seem worth using nsAtoms if (tagName.EqualsWithConversion("ol") || tagName.EqualsWithConversion("ul") || tagName.EqualsWithConversion("dl")) { return PR_TRUE; } } } } return PR_FALSE; } static PRBool IsCellNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode) { if (aNode) { nsCOMPtrelement; element = do_QueryInterface(aNode); if (element) { nsAutoString tagName; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(element->GetTagName(tagName))) { // With only 2 tests, it doesn't // seem worth using nsAtoms if (tagName.EqualsIgnoreCase("td") || tagName.EqualsIgnoreCase("th")) { return PR_TRUE; } } } } return PR_FALSE; } nsHTMLEditor::nsHTMLEditor() : nsEditor() , mTypeInState(nsnull) , mRules(nsnull) , mIsComposing(PR_FALSE) , mMaxTextLength(-1) , mSelectedCellIndex(0) { // Done in nsEditor // NS_INIT_REFCNT(); mBoldAtom = getter_AddRefs(NS_NewAtom("b")); mItalicAtom = getter_AddRefs(NS_NewAtom("i")); mUnderlineAtom = getter_AddRefs(NS_NewAtom("u")); mFontAtom = getter_AddRefs(NS_NewAtom("font")); mLinkAtom = getter_AddRefs(NS_NewAtom("a")); if (!gTypingTxnName) gTypingTxnName = NS_NewAtom("Typing"); else NS_ADDREF(gTypingTxnName); if (!gIMETxnName) gIMETxnName = NS_NewAtom("IME"); else NS_ADDREF(gIMETxnName); if (!gDeleteTxnName) gDeleteTxnName = NS_NewAtom("Deleting"); else NS_ADDREF(gDeleteTxnName); } nsHTMLEditor::~nsHTMLEditor() { /* first, delete the transaction manager if there is one. this will release any remaining transactions. this is important because transactions can hold onto the atoms (gTypingTxnName, ...) and to make the optimization (holding refcounted statics) work correctly, the editor instance needs to hold the last refcount. If you get this wrong, expect to deref a garbage gTypingTxnName pointer if you bring up a second editor. */ if (mTxnMgr) { mTxnMgr = 0; } nsrefcnt refCount=0; if (gTypingTxnName) // we addref'd in the constructor { // want to release it without nulling out the pointer. refCount = gTypingTxnName->Release(); if (0==refCount) { gTypingTxnName = nsnull; } } if (gIMETxnName) // we addref'd in the constructor { // want to release it without nulling out the pointer. refCount = gIMETxnName->Release(); if (0==refCount) { gIMETxnName = nsnull; } } if (gDeleteTxnName) // we addref'd in the constructor { // want to release it without nulling out the pointer. refCount = gDeleteTxnName->Release(); if (0==refCount) { gDeleteTxnName = nsnull; } } // remove the rules as an action listener. Else we get a bad ownership loop later on. // it's ok if the rules aren't a listener; we ignore the error. nsCOMPtr mListener = do_QueryInterface(mRules); RemoveEditActionListener(mListener); //the autopointers will clear themselves up. //but we need to also remove the listeners or we have a leak nsCOMPtrselection; nsresult result = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); // if we don't get the selection, just skip this if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && selection) { nsCOMPtrlistener; listener = do_QueryInterface(mTypeInState); if (listener) { selection->RemoveSelectionListener(listener); } } // Don't use getDocument here, because we have no way of knowing if // Init() was ever called. So we need to get the document ourselves, // if it exists. if (mDocWeak) { nsCOMPtr doc = do_QueryReferent(mDocWeak); if (doc) { nsCOMPtr erP = do_QueryInterface(doc, &result); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && erP) { if (mKeyListenerP) { erP->RemoveEventListenerByIID(mKeyListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMKeyListener)); } if (mMouseListenerP) { erP->RemoveEventListenerByIID(mMouseListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMMouseListener)); } if (mTextListenerP) { erP->RemoveEventListenerByIID(mTextListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMTextListener)); } if (mCompositionListenerP) { erP->RemoveEventListenerByIID(mCompositionListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMCompositionListener)); } if (mFocusListenerP) { erP->RemoveEventListenerByIID(mFocusListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMFocusListener)); } if (mDragListenerP) { erP->RemoveEventListenerByIID(mDragListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMDragListener)); } } else NS_NOTREACHED("~nsTextEditor"); } } NS_IF_RELEASE(mTypeInState); } NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(nsHTMLEditor, nsEditor) NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(nsHTMLEditor, nsEditor) NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::QueryInterface(REFNSIID aIID, void** aInstancePtr) { if (!aInstancePtr) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *aInstancePtr = nsnull; if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIHTMLEditor))) { *aInstancePtr = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIHTMLEditor*, this); NS_ADDREF_THIS(); return NS_OK; } if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIEditorMailSupport))) { *aInstancePtr = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIEditorMailSupport*, this); NS_ADDREF_THIS(); return NS_OK; } if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsITableEditor))) { *aInstancePtr = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsITableEditor*, this); NS_ADDREF_THIS(); return NS_OK; } if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIEditorStyleSheets))) { *aInstancePtr = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIEditorStyleSheets*, this); NS_ADDREF_THIS(); return NS_OK; } if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsICSSLoaderObserver))) { *aInstancePtr = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsICSSLoaderObserver*, this); NS_ADDREF_THIS(); return NS_OK; } return nsEditor::QueryInterface(aIID, aInstancePtr); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::Init(nsIDOMDocument *aDoc, nsIPresShell *aPresShell, PRUint32 aFlags) { NS_PRECONDITION(aDoc && aPresShell, "bad arg"); if (!aDoc || !aPresShell) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult result = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // Init the base editor result = nsEditor::Init(aDoc, aPresShell, aFlags); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { return result; } nsCOMPtr bodyElement; result = nsEditor::GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(bodyElement)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { return result; } if (!bodyElement) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } // init the type-in state mTypeInState = new TypeInState(); if (!mTypeInState) {return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;} NS_ADDREF(mTypeInState); nsCOMPtrselection; result = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { return result; } if (selection) { nsCOMPtrlistener; listener = do_QueryInterface(mTypeInState); if (listener) { selection->AddSelectionListener(listener); } } // Set up a DTD XXX XXX // HACK: This should have happened in a document specific way // in nsEditor::Init(), but we dont' have a way to do that yet result = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kCNavDTDCID, nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsIDTD), getter_AddRefs(mDTD)); if (!mDTD) result = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; // Init the rules system result = InitRules(); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; EnableUndo(PR_TRUE); return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetDocumentCharacterSet(const PRUnichar* characterSet) { nsresult result; result = nsEditor::SetDocumentCharacterSet(characterSet); // update META charset tag if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { nsCOMPtrdomdoc; result = GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(domdoc)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && domdoc) { nsAutoString newMetaString; nsCOMPtrmetaList; nsCOMPtrmetaNode; nsCOMPtrmetaElement; PRBool newMetaCharset = PR_TRUE; // get a list of META tags result = domdoc->GetElementsByTagName(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("meta"), getter_AddRefs(metaList)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && metaList) { PRUint32 listLength = 0; (void) metaList->GetLength(&listLength); for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < listLength; i++) { metaList->Item(i, getter_AddRefs(metaNode)); if (!metaNode) continue; metaElement = do_QueryInterface(metaNode); if (!metaElement) continue; const NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2 content("charset="); nsString currentValue; if (NS_FAILED(metaElement->GetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("http-equiv"), currentValue))) continue; if (kNotFound != currentValue.Find("content-type", PR_TRUE)) { if (NS_FAILED(metaElement->GetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("content"), currentValue))) continue; PRInt32 offset = currentValue.Find(content.GetUnicode(), PR_TRUE); if (kNotFound != offset) { currentValue.Left(newMetaString, offset); // copy current value before "charset=" (e.g. text/html) newMetaString.Append(content); newMetaString.Append(characterSet); result = nsEditor::SetAttribute(metaElement, NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("content"), newMetaString); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) newMetaCharset = PR_FALSE; break; } } } } if (newMetaCharset) { nsCOMPtrheadList; nsCOMPtrheadNode; nsCOMPtrresultNode; result = domdoc->GetElementsByTagName(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("head"),getter_AddRefs(headList)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && headList) { headList->Item(0, getter_AddRefs(headNode)); if (headNode) { // Create a new meta charset tag result = CreateNode(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("meta"), headNode, 0, getter_AddRefs(resultNode)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // Set attributes to the created element if (resultNode && nsCRT::strlen(characterSet) > 0) { metaElement = do_QueryInterface(resultNode); if (metaElement) { // not undoable, undo should undo CreateNode result = metaElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("http-equiv"), NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("Content-Type")); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { newMetaString.AssignWithConversion("text/html;charset="); newMetaString.Append(characterSet); // not undoable, undo should undo CreateNode result = metaElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("content"), newMetaString); } } } } } } } } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::PostCreate() { nsresult result = InstallEventListeners(); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; result = nsEditor::PostCreate(); return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::InstallEventListeners() { NS_ASSERTION(mDocWeak, "no document set on this editor"); if (!mDocWeak) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; nsresult result; // get a key listener result = NS_NewEditorKeyListener(getter_AddRefs(mKeyListenerP), this); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { HandleEventListenerError(); return result; } // get a mouse listener result = NS_NewEditorMouseListener(getter_AddRefs(mMouseListenerP), this); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { HandleEventListenerError(); return result; } // get a text listener result = NS_NewEditorTextListener(getter_AddRefs(mTextListenerP),this); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { #ifdef DEBUG_TAGUE printf("nsTextEditor.cpp: failed to get TextEvent Listener\n"); #endif HandleEventListenerError(); return result; } // get a composition listener result = NS_NewEditorCompositionListener(getter_AddRefs(mCompositionListenerP),this); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { #ifdef DEBUG_TAGUE printf("nsTextEditor.cpp: failed to get TextEvent Listener\n"); #endif HandleEventListenerError(); return result; } // get a drag listener result = NS_NewEditorDragListener(getter_AddRefs(mDragListenerP), this); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { HandleEventListenerError(); return result; } // get a focus listener result = NS_NewEditorFocusListener(getter_AddRefs(mFocusListenerP), this); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { HandleEventListenerError(); return result; } // get the DOM event receiver nsCOMPtr erP; nsCOMPtr doc = do_QueryReferent(mDocWeak); if (!doc) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; result = doc->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMEventReceiver), getter_AddRefs(erP)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { HandleEventListenerError(); return result; } // register the event listeners with the DOM event reveiver result = erP->AddEventListenerByIID(mKeyListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMKeyListener)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(result), "failed to register key listener"); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = erP->AddEventListenerByIID(mMouseListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMMouseListener)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(result), "failed to register mouse listener"); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = erP->AddEventListenerByIID(mFocusListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMFocusListener)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(result), "failed to register focus listener"); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = erP->AddEventListenerByIID(mTextListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMTextListener)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(result), "failed to register text listener"); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = erP->AddEventListenerByIID(mCompositionListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMCompositionListener)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(result), "failed to register composition listener"); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = erP->AddEventListenerByIID(mDragListenerP, NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMDragListener)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(result), "failed to register drag listener"); } } } } } if (NS_FAILED(result)) { HandleEventListenerError(); } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetFlags(PRUint32 *aFlags) { if (!mRules || !aFlags) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } return mRules->GetFlags(aFlags); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetFlags(PRUint32 aFlags) { if (!mRules) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } return mRules->SetFlags(aFlags); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::InitRules() { // instantiate the rules for this text editor // XXX: we should be told which set of rules to instantiate nsresult res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (mFlags & eEditorPlaintextMask) res = NS_NewTextEditRules(getter_AddRefs(mRules)); else res = NS_NewHTMLEditRules(getter_AddRefs(mRules)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!mRules) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; res = mRules->Init(this, mFlags); return res; } PRBool nsHTMLEditor::IsModifiable() { PRUint32 flags; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetFlags(&flags))) return ((flags & eEditorReadonlyMask) == 0); else return PR_FALSE; } #ifdef XP_MAC #pragma mark - #pragma mark nsIHTMLEditor methods #pragma mark - #endif NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::EditorKeyPress(nsIDOMKeyEvent* aKeyEvent) { PRUint32 keyCode, character; PRBool isShift, ctrlKey, altKey, metaKey; nsresult res; if (!aKeyEvent) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aKeyEvent->GetKeyCode(&keyCode)) && NS_SUCCEEDED(aKeyEvent->GetShiftKey(&isShift)) && NS_SUCCEEDED(aKeyEvent->GetCtrlKey(&ctrlKey)) && NS_SUCCEEDED(aKeyEvent->GetAltKey(&altKey)) && NS_SUCCEEDED(aKeyEvent->GetMetaKey(&metaKey))) { // this royally blows: because tabs come in from keyDowns instead // of keyPress, and because GetCharCode refuses to work for keyDown // i have to play games. if (keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_TAB) character = '\t'; else aKeyEvent->GetCharCode(&character); if (keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_TAB && !(mFlags&eEditorPlaintextBit)) { PRBool bHandled = PR_FALSE; res = TabInTable(isShift, &bHandled); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (bHandled) return res; } else if (keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_RETURN || keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_ENTER) { nsAutoString empty; if (isShift && !(mFlags&eEditorPlaintextBit)) { return TypedText(empty, eTypedBR); // only inserts a br node } else { return TypedText(empty, eTypedBreak); // uses rules to figure out what to insert } } else if (keyCode == nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_VK_ESCAPE) { // pass escape keypresses through as empty strings: needed forime support nsAutoString empty; return TypedText(empty, eTypedText); } // if we got here we either fell out of the tab case or have a normal character. // Either way, treat as normal character. if (character && !altKey && !ctrlKey && !isShift && !metaKey) { nsAutoString key(character); return TypedText(key, eTypedText); } } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } /* This routine is needed to provide a bottleneck for typing for logging purposes. Can't use EditorKeyPress() (above) for that since it takes a nsIDOMUIEvent* parameter. So instead we pass enough info through to TypedText() to determine what action to take, but without passing an event. */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::TypedText(const nsString& aString, PRInt32 aAction) { nsAutoPlaceHolderBatch batch(this, gTypingTxnName); switch (aAction) { case eTypedText: { return InsertText(aString); } case eTypedBR: { nsCOMPtr brNode; return InsertBR(&brNode); // only inserts a br node } case eTypedBreak: { return InsertBreak(); // uses rules to figure out what to insert } } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::TabInTable(PRBool inIsShift, PRBool *outHandled) { if (!outHandled) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *outHandled = PR_FALSE; // Find enclosing table cell from the selection (cell may be the selected element) nsCOMPtr cellElement; nsresult res = GetElementOrParentByTagName(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("td"), nsnull, getter_AddRefs(cellElement)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // Do nothing -- we didn't find a table cell if (!cellElement) return NS_OK; // find enclosing table nsCOMPtr tbl = GetEnclosingTable(cellElement); if (!tbl) return res; // advance to next cell // first create an iterator over the table nsCOMPtr iter; res = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kCContentIteratorCID, nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsIContentIterator), getter_AddRefs(iter)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!iter) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtr cTbl = do_QueryInterface(tbl); nsCOMPtr cBlock = do_QueryInterface(cellElement); res = iter->Init(cTbl); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // position iter at block res = iter->PositionAt(cBlock); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; nsCOMPtr node; nsCOMPtr cNode; do { if (inIsShift) res = iter->Prev(); else res = iter->Next(); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(cNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; node = do_QueryInterface(cNode); if (IsTableCell(node) && (GetEnclosingTable(node) == tbl)) { res = CollapseSelectionToDeepestNonTableFirstChild(nsnull, node); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; *outHandled = PR_TRUE; return NS_OK; } } while (iter->IsDone() == NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::CreateBRImpl(nsCOMPtr *aInOutParent, PRInt32 *aInOutOffset, nsCOMPtr *outBRNode, EDirection aSelect) { if (!aInOutParent || !*aInOutParent || !aInOutOffset || !outBRNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *outBRNode = nsnull; nsresult res; // we need to insert a br. unfortunately, we may have to split a text node to do it. nsCOMPtr node = *aInOutParent; PRInt32 theOffset = *aInOutOffset; nsCOMPtr nodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(node); nsAutoString brType; brType.AssignWithConversion("br"); nsCOMPtr brNode; if (nodeAsText) { nsCOMPtr tmp; PRInt32 offset; PRUint32 len; nodeAsText->GetLength(&len); GetNodeLocation(node, &tmp, &offset); if (!tmp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (!theOffset) { // we are already set to go } else if (theOffset == (PRInt32)len) { // update offset to point AFTER the text node offset++; } else { // split the text node res = SplitNode(node, theOffset, getter_AddRefs(tmp)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = GetNodeLocation(node, &tmp, &offset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } // create br res = CreateNode(brType, tmp, offset, getter_AddRefs(brNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; *aInOutParent = tmp; *aInOutOffset = offset+1; } else { res = CreateNode(brType, node, theOffset, getter_AddRefs(brNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; (*aInOutOffset)++; } *outBRNode = brNode; if (*outBRNode && (aSelect != eNone)) { nsCOMPtr selection; nsCOMPtr parent; PRInt32 offset; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = GetNodeLocation(*outBRNode, &parent, &offset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (aSelect == eNext) { // position selection after br selection->SetHint(PR_TRUE); res = selection->Collapse(parent, offset+1); } else if (aSelect == ePrevious) { // position selection before br selection->SetHint(PR_TRUE); res = selection->Collapse(parent, offset); } } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::CreateBR(nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRInt32 aOffset, nsCOMPtr *outBRNode, EDirection aSelect) { nsCOMPtr parent = aNode; PRInt32 offset = aOffset; return CreateBRImpl(&parent, &offset, outBRNode, aSelect); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::InsertBR(nsCOMPtr *outBRNode) { PRBool bCollapsed; nsCOMPtr selection; if (!outBRNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *outBRNode = nsnull; nsresult res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&bCollapsed); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!bCollapsed) { res = DeleteSelection(nsIEditor::eNone); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } nsCOMPtr selNode; PRInt32 selOffset; res = GetStartNodeAndOffset(selection, &selNode, &selOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = CreateBR(selNode, selOffset, outBRNode); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // position selection after br selection->SetHint(PR_TRUE); res = selection->Collapse(selNode, selOffset+1); return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetInlineProperty(nsIAtom *aProperty, const nsString *aAttribute, const nsString *aValue) { if (!aProperty) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } if (!mRules) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } ForceCompositionEnd(); nsresult res; nsCOMPtrselection; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; PRBool isCollapsed; selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed); if (isCollapsed) { // manipulating text attributes on a collapsed selection only sets state for the next text insertion return mTypeInState->SetProp(aProperty, *aAttribute, *aValue); } nsAutoEditBatch batchIt(this); nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpInsertElement, nsIEditor::eNext); nsAutoSelectionReset selectionResetter(selection, this); PRBool cancel, handled; nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsTextEditRules::kSetTextProperty); res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!cancel && !handled) { // get selection range enumerator nsCOMPtr enumerator; res = selection->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!enumerator) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // loop thru the ranges in the selection enumerator->First(); nsCOMPtr currentItem; while ((NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE == enumerator->IsDone())) { res = enumerator->CurrentItem(getter_AddRefs(currentItem)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!currentItem) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr range( do_QueryInterface(currentItem) ); // adjust range to include any ancestors who's children are entirely selected res = PromoteInlineRange(range); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // check for easy case: both range endpoints in same text node nsCOMPtr startNode, endNode; res = range->GetStartParent(getter_AddRefs(startNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = range->GetEndParent(getter_AddRefs(endNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if ((startNode == endNode) && IsTextNode(startNode)) { // MOOSE: workaround for selection bug: selection->ClearSelection(); PRInt32 startOffset, endOffset; range->GetStartOffset(&startOffset); range->GetEndOffset(&endOffset); nsCOMPtr nodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(startNode); res = SetInlinePropertyOnTextNode(nodeAsText, startOffset, endOffset, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } else { // not the easy case. range not contained in single text node. // there are up to three phases here. There are all the nodes // reported by the subtree iterator to be processed. And there // are potentially a starting textnode and an ending textnode // which are only partially contained by the range. // lets handle the nodes reported by the iterator. These nodes // are entirely contained in the selection range. We build up // a list of them (since doing operations on the document during // iteration would perturb the iterator). nsCOMPtr iter; res = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kSubtreeIteratorCID, nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsIContentIterator), getter_AddRefs(iter)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!iter) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr arrayOfNodes; nsCOMPtr content; nsCOMPtr node; nsCOMPtr isupports; // make a array res = NS_NewISupportsArray(getter_AddRefs(arrayOfNodes)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // iterate range and build up array iter->Init(range); while (NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE == iter->IsDone()) { res = iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(content)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; node = do_QueryInterface(content); if (!node) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (IsEditable(node)) { isupports = do_QueryInterface(node); arrayOfNodes->AppendElement(isupports); } res = iter->Next(); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } // MOOSE: workaround for selection bug: selection->ClearSelection(); // first check the start parent of the range to see if it needs to // be seperately handled (it does if it's a text node, due to how the // subtree iterator works - it will not have reported it). if (IsTextNode(startNode) && IsEditable(startNode)) { nsCOMPtr nodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(startNode); PRInt32 startOffset; PRUint32 textLen; range->GetStartOffset(&startOffset); nodeAsText->GetLength(&textLen); res = SetInlinePropertyOnTextNode(nodeAsText, startOffset, textLen, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } // then loop through the list, set the property on each node PRUint32 listCount; PRUint32 j; arrayOfNodes->Count(&listCount); for (j = 0; j < listCount; j++) { isupports = (dont_AddRef)(arrayOfNodes->ElementAt(0)); node = do_QueryInterface(isupports); res = SetInlinePropertyOnNode(node, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; arrayOfNodes->RemoveElementAt(0); } // last check the end parent of the range to see if it needs to // be seperately handled (it does if it's a text node, due to how the // subtree iterator works - it will not have reported it). if (IsTextNode(endNode) && IsEditable(endNode)) { nsCOMPtr nodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(endNode); PRInt32 endOffset; range->GetEndOffset(&endOffset); res = SetInlinePropertyOnTextNode(nodeAsText, 0, endOffset, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } } enumerator->Next(); } } if (!cancel) { // post-process res = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, res); } return res; } nsresult nsHTMLEditor::SetInlinePropertyOnTextNode( nsIDOMCharacterData *aTextNode, PRInt32 aStartOffset, PRInt32 aEndOffset, nsIAtom *aProperty, const nsString *aAttribute, const nsString *aValue) { if (!aTextNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // dont need to do anything if no characters actually selected if (aStartOffset == aEndOffset) return NS_OK; nsresult res = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr tmp, node = do_QueryInterface(aTextNode); // dont need to do anything if property already set on node PRBool bHasProp; nsCOMPtr styleNode; IsTextPropertySetByContent(node, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue, bHasProp, getter_AddRefs(styleNode)); if (bHasProp) return NS_OK; // do we need to split the text node? PRUint32 textLen; aTextNode->GetLength(&textLen); if ( (PRUint32)aEndOffset != textLen ) { // we need to split off back of text node res = SplitNode(node, aEndOffset, getter_AddRefs(tmp)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; node = tmp; // remember left node } if ( aStartOffset ) { // we need to split off front of text node res = SplitNode(node, aStartOffset, getter_AddRefs(tmp)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } // reparent the node inside inline node with appropriate {attribute,value} res = SetInlinePropertyOnNode(node, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue); return res; } nsresult nsHTMLEditor::SetInlinePropertyOnNode( nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsIAtom *aProperty, const nsString *aAttribute, const nsString *aValue) { if (!aNode || !aProperty) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr tmp; nsAutoString tag; aProperty->ToString(tag); tag.ToLowerCase(); // dont need to do anything if property already set on node PRBool bHasProp; nsCOMPtr styleNode; IsTextPropertySetByContent(aNode, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue, bHasProp, getter_AddRefs(styleNode)); if (bHasProp) return NS_OK; // is it already the right kind of node, but with wrong attribute? if (NodeIsType(aNode, aProperty)) { // just set the attribute on it. // but first remove any contrary style in it's children. res = RemoveStyleInside(aNode, aProperty, aAttribute, PR_TRUE); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; nsCOMPtr elem = do_QueryInterface(aNode); return SetAttribute(elem, *aAttribute, *aValue); } // can it be put inside inline node? if (TagCanContain(tag, aNode)) { nsCOMPtr priorNode, nextNode; // is either of it's neighbors the right kind of node? GetPriorHTMLSibling(aNode, &priorNode); GetNextHTMLSibling(aNode, &nextNode); if (priorNode && NodeIsType(priorNode, aProperty) && HasAttrVal(priorNode, aAttribute, aValue) && IsOnlyAttribute(priorNode, aAttribute) ) { // previous sib is already right kind of inline node; slide this over into it res = MoveNode(aNode, priorNode, -1); } else if (nextNode && NodeIsType(nextNode, aProperty) && HasAttrVal(nextNode, aAttribute, aValue) && IsOnlyAttribute(priorNode, aAttribute) ) { // following sib is already right kind of inline node; slide this over into it res = MoveNode(aNode, nextNode, 0); } else { // ok, chuck it in it's very own container res = InsertContainerAbove(aNode, &tmp, tag, aAttribute, aValue); } if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; return RemoveStyleInside(aNode, aProperty, aAttribute); } // none of the above? then cycle through the children. nsCOMPtr childNodes; res = aNode->GetChildNodes(getter_AddRefs(childNodes)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (childNodes) { PRInt32 j; PRUint32 childCount; childNodes->GetLength(&childCount); if (childCount) { nsCOMPtr arrayOfNodes; nsCOMPtr node; nsCOMPtr isupports; // make a array res = NS_NewISupportsArray(getter_AddRefs(arrayOfNodes)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // populate the list for (j=0 ; j < (PRInt32)childCount; j++) { nsCOMPtr childNode; res = childNodes->Item(j, getter_AddRefs(childNode)); if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) && (childNode) && IsEditable(childNode)) { isupports = do_QueryInterface(childNode); arrayOfNodes->AppendElement(isupports); } } // then loop through the list, set the property on each node PRUint32 listCount; arrayOfNodes->Count(&listCount); for (j = 0; j < (PRInt32)listCount; j++) { isupports = (dont_AddRef)(arrayOfNodes->ElementAt(0)); node = do_QueryInterface(isupports); res = SetInlinePropertyOnNode(node, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; arrayOfNodes->RemoveElementAt(0); } } } return res; } nsresult nsHTMLEditor::SplitStyleAboveRange(nsIDOMRange *inRange, nsIAtom *aProperty, const nsString *aAttribute) { if (!inRange) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res; nsCOMPtr startNode, endNode, origStartNode; PRInt32 startOffset, endOffset, origStartOffset; res = inRange->GetStartParent(getter_AddRefs(startNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = inRange->GetStartOffset(&startOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = inRange->GetEndParent(getter_AddRefs(endNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = inRange->GetEndOffset(&endOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; origStartNode = startNode; origStartOffset = startOffset; PRBool sameNode = (startNode==endNode); // split any matching style nodes above the start of range res = SplitStyleAbovePoint(&startNode, &startOffset, aProperty, aAttribute); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (sameNode && (startNode != origStartNode)) { // our startNode got split. This changes the offset of the end of our range. endOffset -= origStartOffset; } // second verse, same as the first... res = SplitStyleAbovePoint(&endNode, &endOffset, aProperty, aAttribute); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // reset the range res = inRange->SetStart(startNode, startOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = inRange->SetEnd(endNode, endOffset); return res; } nsresult nsHTMLEditor::SplitStyleAbovePoint(nsCOMPtr *aNode, PRInt32 *aOffset, nsIAtom *aProperty, // null here means we split all properties const nsString *aAttribute) { if (!aNode || !*aNode || !aOffset) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // split any matching style nodes above the node/offset nsCOMPtr parent, tmp = *aNode; PRInt32 offset; while (tmp && !nsHTMLEditUtils::IsBody(tmp)) { if ( (aProperty && NodeIsType(tmp, aProperty)) || // node is the correct inline prop (aProperty == nsIEditProperty::href && IsLinkNode(tmp)) || // node is href - test if really GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(*aNode)); *aOffset = offset; } tmp->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent)); tmp = parent; } return NS_OK; } PRBool nsHTMLEditor::NodeIsProperty(nsIDOMNode *aNode) { if (!aNode) return PR_FALSE; if (!IsContainer(aNode)) return PR_FALSE; if (!IsEditable(aNode)) return PR_FALSE; if (!IsInlineNode(aNode)) return PR_FALSE; if (NodeIsType(aNode, nsIEditProperty::a)) return PR_FALSE; return PR_TRUE; } nsresult nsHTMLEditor::RemoveStyleInside(nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsIAtom *aProperty, // null here means remove all properties const nsString *aAttribute, PRBool aChildrenOnly) { if (!aNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (IsTextNode(aNode)) return NS_OK; nsresult res = NS_OK; // first process the children nsCOMPtr child, tmp; aNode->GetFirstChild(getter_AddRefs(child)); while (child) { // cache next sibling since we might remove child child->GetNextSibling(getter_AddRefs(tmp)); res = RemoveStyleInside(child, aProperty, aAttribute); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; child = tmp; } // then process the node itself if ( !aChildrenOnly && ((aProperty && NodeIsType(aNode, aProperty)) || // node is prop we asked for (aProperty == nsIEditProperty::href && IsLinkNode(aNode))) || // but check for link (IsEmpty()) { res = RemoveContainer(aNode); } // otherwise we just want to eliminate the attribute else { if (HasAttr(aNode, aAttribute)) { // if this matching attribute is the ONLY one on the node, // then remove the whole node. Otherwise just nix the attribute. if (IsOnlyAttribute(aNode, aAttribute)) { res = RemoveContainer(aNode); } else { nsCOMPtr elem = do_QueryInterface(aNode); if (!elem) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; res = RemoveAttribute(elem, *aAttribute); } } } } return res; } PRBool nsHTMLEditor::IsOnlyAttribute(nsIDOMNode *aNode, const nsString *aAttribute) { if (!aNode || !aAttribute) return PR_FALSE; // ooops nsCOMPtr content = do_QueryInterface(aNode); if (!content) return PR_FALSE; // ooops PRInt32 attrCount, i, nameSpaceID; nsIAtom* attrName; content->GetAttributeCount(attrCount); for (i=0; iGetAttributeNameAt(i, nameSpaceID, attrName); nsAutoString attrString, tmp; if (!attrName) continue; // ooops attrName->ToString(attrString); // if it's the attribute we know about, keep looking if (attrString.EqualsIgnoreCase(*aAttribute)) continue; // if it's a special _moz... attribute, keep looking attrString.Left(tmp,4); if (tmp.EqualsWithConversion("_moz")) continue; // otherwise, it's another attribute, so return false return PR_FALSE; } // if we made it through all of them without finding a real attribute // other than aAttribute, then return PR_TRUE return PR_TRUE; } PRBool nsHTMLEditor::HasMatchingAttributes(nsIDOMNode *aNode1, nsIDOMNode *aNode2) { if (!aNode1 || !aNode2) return PR_FALSE; // ooops nsCOMPtr content1 = do_QueryInterface(aNode1); if (!content1) return PR_FALSE; // ooops nsCOMPtr content2 = do_QueryInterface(aNode2); if (!content2) return PR_FALSE; // ooops PRInt32 attrCount, i, nameSpaceID, realCount1=0, realCount2=0; nsIAtom* attrName; nsresult res, res2; content1->GetAttributeCount(attrCount); nsAutoString attrString, tmp, attrVal1, attrVal2; for (i=0; iGetAttributeNameAt(i, nameSpaceID, attrName); if (!attrName) continue; // ooops attrName->ToString(attrString); // if it's a special _moz... attribute, keep going attrString.Left(tmp,4); if (tmp.EqualsWithConversion("_moz")) continue; // otherwise, it's another attribute, so count it realCount1++; // and compare it to element2's attributes res = content1->GetAttribute(nameSpaceID, attrName, attrVal1); res2 = content2->GetAttribute(nameSpaceID, attrName, attrVal2); if (res != res2) return PR_FALSE; if (!attrVal1.EqualsIgnoreCase(attrVal2)) return PR_FALSE; } content2->GetAttributeCount(attrCount); for (i=0; iGetAttributeNameAt(i, nameSpaceID, attrName); if (!attrName) continue; // ooops attrName->ToString(attrString); // if it's a special _moz... attribute, keep going attrString.Left(tmp,4); if (tmp.EqualsWithConversion("_moz")) continue; // otherwise, it's another attribute, so count it realCount2++; } if (realCount1 != realCount2) return PR_FALSE; // otherwise, attribute counts match, and we already compared them // when going through the first list, so we're done. return PR_TRUE; } PRBool nsHTMLEditor::HasAttr(nsIDOMNode *aNode, const nsString *aAttribute) { if (!aNode) return PR_FALSE; if (!aAttribute || aAttribute->IsEmpty()) return PR_TRUE; // everybody has the 'null' attribute // get element nsCOMPtr elem = do_QueryInterface(aNode); if (!elem) return PR_FALSE; // get attribute node nsCOMPtr attNode; nsresult res = elem->GetAttributeNode(*aAttribute, getter_AddRefs(attNode)); if ((NS_FAILED(res)) || !attNode) return PR_FALSE; return PR_TRUE; } PRBool nsHTMLEditor::HasAttrVal(nsIDOMNode *aNode, const nsString *aAttribute, const nsString *aValue) { if (!aNode) return PR_FALSE; if (!aAttribute || aAttribute->IsEmpty()) return PR_TRUE; // everybody has the 'null' attribute // get element nsCOMPtr elem = do_QueryInterface(aNode); if (!elem) return PR_FALSE; // get attribute node nsCOMPtr attNode; nsresult res = elem->GetAttributeNode(*aAttribute, getter_AddRefs(attNode)); if ((NS_FAILED(res)) || !attNode) return PR_FALSE; // check if attribute has a value PRBool isSet; attNode->GetSpecified(&isSet); // if no value, and that's what we wanted, then return true if (!isSet && (!aValue || aValue->IsEmpty())) return PR_TRUE; // get attribute value nsAutoString attrVal; attNode->GetValue(attrVal); // do values match? if (attrVal.EqualsIgnoreCase(*aValue)) return PR_TRUE; return PR_FALSE; } nsresult nsHTMLEditor::PromoteInlineRange(nsIDOMRange *inRange) { if (!inRange) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res; nsCOMPtr startNode, endNode, parent; PRInt32 startOffset, endOffset; res = inRange->GetStartParent(getter_AddRefs(startNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = inRange->GetStartOffset(&startOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = inRange->GetEndParent(getter_AddRefs(endNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = inRange->GetEndOffset(&endOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; while ( startNode && !nsHTMLEditUtils::IsBody(startNode) && IsAtFrontOfNode(startNode, startOffset) ) { res = GetNodeLocation(startNode, &parent, &startOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; startNode = parent; } if (!startNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; while ( endNode && !nsHTMLEditUtils::IsBody(endNode) && IsAtEndOfNode(endNode, endOffset) ) { res = GetNodeLocation(endNode, &parent, &endOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; endNode = parent; endOffset++; // we are AFTER this node } if (!endNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; res = inRange->SetStart(startNode, startOffset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = inRange->SetEnd(endNode, endOffset); return res; } PRBool nsHTMLEditor::IsAtFrontOfNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRInt32 aOffset) { if (!aNode) return PR_FALSE; // oops if (!aOffset) return PR_TRUE; if (IsTextNode(aNode)) { return PR_FALSE; } else { nsCOMPtr firstNode; GetFirstEditableNode(aNode, &firstNode); if (!firstNode) return PR_TRUE; PRInt32 offset; nsEditor::GetChildOffset(firstNode, aNode, offset); if (offset < aOffset) return PR_FALSE; return PR_TRUE; } } PRBool nsHTMLEditor::IsAtEndOfNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRInt32 aOffset) { if (!aNode) return PR_FALSE; // oops PRUint32 len; GetLengthOfDOMNode(aNode, len); if (aOffset == (PRInt32)len) return PR_TRUE; if (IsTextNode(aNode)) { return PR_FALSE; } else { nsCOMPtr lastNode; GetLastEditableNode(aNode, &lastNode); if (!lastNode) return PR_TRUE; PRInt32 offset; nsEditor::GetChildOffset(lastNode, aNode, offset); if (offset < aOffset) return PR_TRUE; return PR_FALSE; } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetInlineProperty(nsIAtom *aProperty, const nsString *aAttribute, const nsString *aValue, PRBool &aFirst, PRBool &aAny, PRBool &aAll) { if (!aProperty) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; /* if (gNoisy) { nsAutoString propString; aProperty->ToString(propString); char *propCString = propString.ToNewCString(); if (gNoisy) { printf("nsTextEditor::GetTextProperty %s\n", propCString); } nsCRT::free(propCString); } */ nsresult result; aAny=PR_FALSE; aAll=PR_TRUE; aFirst=PR_FALSE; PRBool first=PR_TRUE; nsCOMPtrselection; result = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; PRBool isCollapsed; selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed); nsCOMPtr collapsedNode; nsCOMPtr enumerator; result = selection->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (!enumerator) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; enumerator->First(); nsCOMPtr currentItem; result = enumerator->CurrentItem(getter_AddRefs(currentItem)); // XXX: should be a while loop, to get each separate range // XXX: ERROR_HANDLING can currentItem be null? if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) && currentItem) { PRBool firstNodeInRange = PR_TRUE; // for each range, set a flag nsCOMPtr range(do_QueryInterface(currentItem)); if (isCollapsed) { // efficiency hack. we cache prior results for being collapsed in a given text node. // this speeds up typing. Note that other parts of the editor code have to clear out // this cache after certain actions. range->GetStartParent(getter_AddRefs(collapsedNode)); if (!collapsedNode) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // refresh the cache if we need to if (collapsedNode != mCachedNode) CacheInlineStyles(collapsedNode); // cache now current, use it! But override it with typeInState results if any... PRBool isSet, theSetting; if (aProperty == mBoldAtom.get()) { mTypeInState->GetTypingState(isSet, theSetting, aProperty); if (isSet) { aFirst = aAny = aAll = theSetting; } else { aFirst = aAny = aAll = mCachedBoldStyle; } return NS_OK; } else if (aProperty == mItalicAtom.get()) { mTypeInState->GetTypingState(isSet, theSetting, aProperty); if (isSet) { aFirst = aAny = aAll = theSetting; } else { aFirst = aAny = aAll = mCachedItalicStyle; } return NS_OK; } else if (aProperty == mUnderlineAtom.get()) { mTypeInState->GetTypingState(isSet, theSetting, aProperty); if (isSet) { aFirst = aAny = aAll = theSetting; } else { aFirst = aAny = aAll = mCachedUnderlineStyle; } return NS_OK; } else if (aProperty == mFontAtom.get()) { // MOOSE! return NS_OK; } } // either non-collapsed selection or no cached value: do it the hard way nsCOMPtr iter; result = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kCContentIteratorCID, nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsIContentIterator), getter_AddRefs(iter)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (!iter) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; iter->Init(range); nsCOMPtr content; result = iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(content)); while (NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE == iter->IsDone()) { //if (gNoisy) { printf(" checking node %p\n", content.get()); } nsCOMPtrtext; text = do_QueryInterface(content); PRBool skipNode = PR_FALSE; if (text) { if (!isCollapsed && first && firstNodeInRange) { firstNodeInRange = PR_FALSE; PRInt32 startOffset; range->GetStartOffset(&startOffset); PRUint32 count; text->GetLength(&count); if (startOffset==(PRInt32)count) { //if (gNoisy) { printf(" skipping node %p\n", content.get()); } skipNode = PR_TRUE; } } } else { // handle non-text leaf nodes here PRBool canContainChildren; content->CanContainChildren(canContainChildren); if (canContainChildren) { //if (gNoisy) { printf(" skipping non-leaf node %p\n", content.get()); } skipNode = PR_TRUE; } else { //if (gNoisy) { printf(" testing non-text leaf node %p\n", content.get()); } } } if (!skipNode) { nsCOMPtrnode; node = do_QueryInterface(content); if (node) { PRBool isSet; nsCOMPtrresultNode; IsTextPropertySetByContent(node, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue, isSet, getter_AddRefs(resultNode)); if (first) { aFirst = isSet; first = PR_FALSE; } if (isSet) { aAny = PR_TRUE; } else { aAll = PR_FALSE; } } } iter->Next(); iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(content)); } } if (!aAny) { // make sure that if none of the selection is set, we don't report all is set aAll = PR_FALSE; } //if (gNoisy) { printf(" returning first=%d any=%d all=%d\n", aFirst, aAny, aAll); } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::RemoveAllInlineProperties() { return RemoveInlinePropertyImpl(nsnull, nsnull); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::RemoveInlineProperty(nsIAtom *aProperty, const nsString *aAttribute) { return RemoveInlinePropertyImpl(aProperty, aAttribute); } nsresult nsHTMLEditor::RemoveInlinePropertyImpl(nsIAtom *aProperty, const nsString *aAttribute) { if (!mRules) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; ForceCompositionEnd(); nsresult res; nsCOMPtrselection; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; PRBool isCollapsed; selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed); if (isCollapsed) { // manipulating text attributes on a collapsed selection only sets state for the next text insertion // For links, aProperty uses "href", use "a" instead if (aProperty == nsIEditProperty::href) aProperty = nsIEditProperty::a; if (aProperty) return mTypeInState->ClearProp(aProperty, *aAttribute); // else return mTypeInState->ClearAllProps(); } nsAutoEditBatch batchIt(this); nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpRemoveTextProperty, nsIEditor::eNext); nsAutoSelectionReset selectionResetter(selection, this); PRBool cancel, handled; nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsTextEditRules::kRemoveTextProperty); res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!cancel && !handled) { // get selection range enumerator nsCOMPtr enumerator; res = selection->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!enumerator) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // loop thru the ranges in the selection enumerator->First(); nsCOMPtr currentItem; while ((NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE == enumerator->IsDone())) { res = enumerator->CurrentItem(getter_AddRefs(currentItem)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!currentItem) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr range( do_QueryInterface(currentItem) ); // adjust range to include any ancestors who's children are entirely selected res = PromoteInlineRange(range); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // remove this style from ancestors of our range endpoints, // splitting them as appropriate res = SplitStyleAboveRange(range, aProperty, aAttribute); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // check for easy case: both range endpoints in same text node nsCOMPtr startNode, endNode; res = range->GetStartParent(getter_AddRefs(startNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = range->GetEndParent(getter_AddRefs(endNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if ((startNode == endNode) && IsTextNode(startNode)) { // we're done with this range! } else { // not the easy case. range not contained in single text node. nsCOMPtr iter; res = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kSubtreeIteratorCID, nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsIContentIterator), getter_AddRefs(iter)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!iter) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr arrayOfNodes; nsCOMPtr content; nsCOMPtr node; nsCOMPtr isupports; // make a array res = NS_NewISupportsArray(getter_AddRefs(arrayOfNodes)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // iterate range and build up array iter->Init(range); while (NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE == iter->IsDone()) { res = iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(content)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; node = do_QueryInterface(content); if (!node) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (IsEditable(node)) { isupports = do_QueryInterface(node); arrayOfNodes->AppendElement(isupports); } res = iter->Next(); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } // loop through the list, remove the property on each node PRUint32 listCount; PRUint32 j; arrayOfNodes->Count(&listCount); for (j = 0; j < listCount; j++) { isupports = (dont_AddRef)(arrayOfNodes->ElementAt(0)); node = do_QueryInterface(isupports); res = RemoveStyleInside(node, aProperty, aAttribute); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; arrayOfNodes->RemoveElementAt(0); } } enumerator->Next(); } } if (!cancel) { // post-process res = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, res); } return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::IncreaseFontSize() { return RelativeFontChange(1); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::DecreaseFontSize() { return RelativeFontChange(-1); } nsresult nsHTMLEditor::GetTextSelectionOffsets(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, PRInt32 &aOutStartOffset, PRInt32 &aOutEndOffset) { if(!aSelection) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } nsresult result; // initialize out params aOutStartOffset = 0; // default to first char in selection aOutEndOffset = -1; // default to total length of text in selection nsCOMPtr startNode, endNode, parentNode; PRInt32 startOffset, endOffset; aSelection->GetAnchorNode(getter_AddRefs(startNode)); aSelection->GetAnchorOffset(&startOffset); aSelection->GetFocusNode(getter_AddRefs(endNode)); aSelection->GetFocusOffset(&endOffset); nsCOMPtr enumerator; result = aSelection->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (!enumerator) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // don't use "result" in this block enumerator->First(); nsCOMPtr currentItem; nsresult findParentResult = enumerator->CurrentItem(getter_AddRefs(currentItem)); if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(findParentResult)) && (currentItem)) { nsCOMPtr range( do_QueryInterface(currentItem) ); range->GetCommonParent(getter_AddRefs(parentNode)); } else { parentNode = do_QueryInterface(startNode); } return GetAbsoluteOffsetsForPoints(startNode, startOffset, endNode, endOffset, parentNode, aOutStartOffset, aOutEndOffset); } // this is a complete ripoff from nsTextEditor::GetTextSelectionOffsetsForRange // the two should use common code, or even just be one method nsresult nsHTMLEditor::GetAbsoluteOffsetsForPoints(nsIDOMNode *aInStartNode, PRInt32 aInStartOffset, nsIDOMNode *aInEndNode, PRInt32 aInEndOffset, nsIDOMNode *aInCommonParentNode, PRInt32 &aOutStartOffset, PRInt32 &aOutEndOffset) { if(!aInStartNode || !aInEndNode || !aInCommonParentNode) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } nsresult result; // initialize out params aOutStartOffset = 0; // default to first char in selection aOutEndOffset = -1; // default to total length of text in selection nsCOMPtr iter; result = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kCContentIteratorCID, nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsIContentIterator), getter_AddRefs(iter)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (!iter) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; PRUint32 totalLength=0; nsCOMPtrtextNode; nsCOMPtrblockParentContent = do_QueryInterface(aInCommonParentNode); iter->Init(blockParentContent); // loop through the content iterator for each content node nsCOMPtr content; result = iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(content)); while (NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE == iter->IsDone()) { textNode = do_QueryInterface(content); if (textNode) { nsCOMPtrcurrentNode = do_QueryInterface(textNode); if (!currentNode) {return NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;} if (IsEditable(currentNode)) { if (currentNode.get() == aInStartNode) { aOutStartOffset = totalLength + aInStartOffset; } if (currentNode.get() == aInEndNode) { aOutEndOffset = totalLength + aInEndOffset; break; } PRUint32 length; textNode->GetLength(&length); totalLength += length; } } iter->Next(); iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(content)); } if (-1==aOutEndOffset) { aOutEndOffset = totalLength; } // guarantee that aOutStartOffset <= aOutEndOffset if (aOutEndOffset end"); return result; } nsresult nsHTMLEditor::CollapseSelectionToDeepestNonTableFirstChild(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection, nsIDOMNode *aNode) { if (!aNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res; nsCOMPtr selection; if (aSelection) { selection = aSelection; } else { res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsCOMPtr node = aNode; nsCOMPtr child; do { node->GetFirstChild(getter_AddRefs(child)); if (child) { // Stop if we find a table // don't want to go into nested tables if (IsTable(child)) break; node = child; } } while (child); selection->Collapse(node,0); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::DeleteSelection(nsIEditor::EDirection aAction) { if (!mRules) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } nsCOMPtr selection; PRBool cancel, handled; nsresult result; // If it's one of these modes, // we have to extend the selection first. // This can't happen inside selection batching -- // selection refuses to move if batching is on. if (aAction == eNextWord || aAction == ePreviousWord || aAction == eToBeginningOfLine || aAction == eToEndOfLine) { if (!mPresShellWeak) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; nsCOMPtr ps = do_QueryReferent(mPresShellWeak); nsCOMPtr selCont (do_QueryInterface(ps)); if (!selCont) return NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; switch (aAction) { case eNextWord: result = selCont->WordMove(PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE); // DeleteSelectionImpl doesn't handle these actions // because it's inside batching, so don't confuse it: aAction = eNone; break; case ePreviousWord: result = selCont->WordMove(PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE); aAction = eNone; break; case eToBeginningOfLine: selCont->IntraLineMove(PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE); // try to move to end result = selCont->IntraLineMove(PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE); // select to beginning aAction = eNone; break; case eToEndOfLine: result = selCont->IntraLineMove(PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE); aAction = eNext; break; default: // avoid several compiler warnings result = NS_OK; break; } if (NS_FAILED(result)) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Selection controller interface didn't work!\n"); #endif return result; } } // delete placeholder txns merge. nsAutoPlaceHolderBatch batch(this, gDeleteTxnName); nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpDeleteSelection, aAction); // pre-process result = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsTextEditRules::kDeleteSelection); ruleInfo.collapsedAction = aAction; result = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (!cancel && !handled) { result = DeleteSelectionImpl(aAction); } if (!cancel) { // post-process result = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, result); } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::InsertText(const nsString& aStringToInsert) { if (!mRules) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } nsCOMPtr selection; PRBool cancel, handled; PRInt32 theAction = nsTextEditRules::kInsertText; PRInt32 opID = kOpInsertText; if (mInIMEMode) { theAction = nsTextEditRules::kInsertTextIME; opID = kOpInsertIMEText; } nsAutoPlaceHolderBatch batch(this, nsnull); nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, opID, nsIEditor::eNext); // pre-process nsresult result = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsAutoString resultString; nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(theAction); ruleInfo.inString = &aStringToInsert; ruleInfo.outString = &resultString; ruleInfo.maxLength = mMaxTextLength; result = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (!cancel && !handled) { // we rely on rules code for now - no default implementation } if (!cancel) { // post-process result = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, result); } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::InsertHTML(const nsString& aInputString) { nsAutoString charset; return InsertHTMLWithCharset(aInputString, charset); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::InsertHTMLWithCharset(const nsString& aInputString, const nsString& aCharset) { ForceCompositionEnd(); nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this); nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpInsertElement, nsIEditor::eNext); nsresult res; nsCOMPtrselection; if (!mRules) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; nsCOMPtr parentNode; PRInt32 offsetOfNewNode; res = DeleteSelectionAndPrepareToCreateNode(parentNode, offsetOfNewNode); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // give rules a chance to handle or cancel nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsHTMLEditRules::kInsertElement); PRBool cancel, handled; res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (cancel) return NS_OK; // rules canceled the operation if (!handled) { // Get the first range in the selection, for context: nsCOMPtr range; res = selection->GetRangeAt(0, getter_AddRefs(range)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; nsCOMPtr nsrange (do_QueryInterface(range)); if (!nsrange) return NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; nsCOMPtr docfrag; res = nsrange->CreateContextualFragment(aInputString, getter_AddRefs(docfrag)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Couldn't create contextual fragment: error was %d\n", res); #endif return res; } #if defined(DEBUG_akkana_verbose) printf("============ Fragment dump :===========\n"); nsCOMPtr fragc (do_QueryInterface(docfrag)); if (!fragc) printf("Couldn't get fragment is nsIContent\n"); else fragc->List(stdout); #endif // Insert the contents of the document fragment: nsCOMPtr fragmentAsNode (do_QueryInterface(docfrag)); // Loop over the contents of the fragment: nsCOMPtr child; res = fragmentAsNode->GetFirstChild(getter_AddRefs(child)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { printf("GetFirstChild failed!\n"); return res; } while (child) { #if defined(DEBUG_akkana_verbose) printf("About to try to insert this node:\n"); nsCOMPtr nodec (do_QueryInterface(child)); if (nodec) nodec->List(stdout); printf("-----\n"); #endif // Get the next sibling before inserting the node; // when we insert the node, it moves into the main doc tree // so we'll no longer be able to get the siblings in the doc frag. nsCOMPtr nextSib; child->GetNextSibling(getter_AddRefs(nextSib)); // Ignore the return value, we'll check child when we loop around again. // Now we can insert the node. res = InsertNode(child, parentNode, offsetOfNewNode++); if (NS_FAILED(res)) break; child = nextSib; } if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // Now collapse the selection to the end of what we just inserted: selection->Collapse(parentNode, offsetOfNewNode); } res = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, res); return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::InsertBreak() { nsresult res; if (!mRules) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpInsertBreak, nsIEditor::eNext); nsCOMPtr selection; PRBool cancel, handled; // pre-process res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsHTMLEditRules::kInsertBreak); res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!cancel && !handled) { // create the new BR node nsCOMPtr newNode; nsAutoString tag; tag.AssignWithConversion("BR"); res = DeleteSelectionAndCreateNode(tag, getter_AddRefs(newNode)); if (!newNode) res = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // don't return here, so DidDoAction is called if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) { // set the selection to the new node nsCOMPtrparent; res = newNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent)); if (!parent) res = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // don't return here, so DidDoAction is called if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) { PRInt32 offsetInParent=-1; // we use the -1 as a marker to see if we need to compute this or not nsCOMPtrnextNode; newNode->GetNextSibling(getter_AddRefs(nextNode)); if (nextNode) { nsCOMPtrnextTextNode; nextTextNode = do_QueryInterface(nextNode); if (!nextTextNode) { nextNode = do_QueryInterface(newNode); } else { offsetInParent=0; } } else { nextNode = do_QueryInterface(newNode); } res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (!selection) res = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // don't return here, so DidDoAction is called if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) { if (-1==offsetInParent) { nextNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent)); res = GetChildOffset(nextNode, parent, offsetInParent); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) { // SetHint(PR_TRUE) means we want the caret to stick to the content on the "right". // We want the caret to stick to whatever is past the break. This is // because the break is on the same line we were on, but the next content // will be on the following line. selection->SetHint(PR_TRUE); res = selection->Collapse(parent, offsetInParent+1); // +1 to insert just after the break } } else { res = selection->Collapse(nextNode, offsetInParent); } } } } } if (!cancel) { // post-process, always called if WillInsertBreak didn't return cancel==PR_TRUE res = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, res); } return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::InsertElementAtSelection(nsIDOMElement* aElement, PRBool aDeleteSelection) { nsresult res = NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; if (!aElement) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; ForceCompositionEnd(); nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this); nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpInsertElement, nsIEditor::eNext); nsCOMPtrselection; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(res) || !selection) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // hand off to the rules system, see if it has anything to say about this PRBool cancel, handled; nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsHTMLEditRules::kInsertElement); ruleInfo.insertElement = aElement; res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (cancel || (NS_FAILED(res))) return res; if (!handled) { if (aDeleteSelection) { nsCOMPtr tempNode; PRInt32 tempOffset; nsresult result = DeleteSelectionAndPrepareToCreateNode(tempNode,tempOffset); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) return result; } // If deleting, selection will be collapsed. // so if not, we collapse it if (!aDeleteSelection) { // Named Anchor is a special case, // We collapse to insert element BEFORE the selection // For all other tags, we insert AFTER the selection nsCOMPtr node = do_QueryInterface(aElement); if (IsNamedAnchorNode(node)) { selection->CollapseToStart(); } else { selection->CollapseToEnd(); } } nsCOMPtr parentSelectedNode; PRInt32 offsetForInsert; res = selection->GetAnchorNode(getter_AddRefs(parentSelectedNode)); // XXX: ERROR_HANDLING bad XPCOM usage if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && NS_SUCCEEDED(selection->GetAnchorOffset(&offsetForInsert)) && parentSelectedNode) { #ifdef DEBUG_cmanske { nsAutoString name; parentSelectedNode->GetNodeName(name); printf("InsertElement: Anchor node of selection: "); wprintf(name.GetUnicode()); printf(" Offset: %d\n", offsetForInsert); } #endif nsAutoString tagName; aElement->GetNodeName(tagName); tagName.ToLowerCase(); nsCOMPtr parent = parentSelectedNode; nsCOMPtr topChild = parentSelectedNode; nsCOMPtr tmp; nsAutoString parentTagName; PRBool isRoot; // Search up the parent chain to find a suitable container while (!CanContainTag(parent, tagName)) { // If the current parent is a root (body or table cell) // then go no further - we can't insert parent->GetNodeName(parentTagName); res = IsRootTag(parentTagName, isRoot); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(res) || isRoot) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // Get the next parent parent->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(tmp)); if (!tmp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; topChild = parent; parent = tmp; } #ifdef DEBUG_cmanske { nsAutoString name; parent->GetNodeName(name); printf("Parent node to insert under: "); wprintf(name.GetUnicode()); printf("\n"); topChild->GetNodeName(name); printf("TopChild to split: "); wprintf(name.GetUnicode()); printf("\n"); } #endif if (parent != topChild) { // we need to split some levels above the original selection parent res = SplitNodeDeep(topChild, parentSelectedNode, offsetForInsert, &offsetForInsert); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } // Now we can insert the new node res = InsertNode(aElement, parent, offsetForInsert); // Set caret after element, but check for special case // of inserting table-related elements: set in first cell instead if (!SetCaretInTableCell(aElement)) res = SetCaretAfterElement(aElement); } } res = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, res); return res; } // XXX: error handling in this routine needs to be cleaned up! NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::DeleteSelectionAndCreateNode(const nsString& aTag, nsIDOMNode ** aNewNode) { nsCOMPtr parentSelectedNode; PRInt32 offsetOfNewNode; nsresult result = DeleteSelectionAndPrepareToCreateNode(parentSelectedNode, offsetOfNewNode); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) return result; nsCOMPtr newNode; result = CreateNode(aTag, parentSelectedNode, offsetOfNewNode, getter_AddRefs(newNode)); // XXX: ERROR_HANDLING check result, and make sure aNewNode is set correctly in success/failure cases *aNewNode = newNode; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aNewNode); // we want the selection to be just after the new node nsCOMPtr selection; result = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; result = selection->Collapse(parentSelectedNode, offsetOfNewNode+1); return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SelectElement(nsIDOMElement* aElement) { nsresult res = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // Must be sure that element is contained in the document body if (IsElementInBody(aElement)) { nsCOMPtr selection; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtrparent; res = aElement->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && parent) { PRInt32 offsetInParent; res = GetChildOffset(aElement, parent, offsetInParent); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) { // Collapse selection to just before desired element, res = selection->Collapse(parent, offsetInParent); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) { // then extend it to just after res = selection->Extend(parent, offsetInParent+1); } } } } return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetCaretAfterElement(nsIDOMElement* aElement) { nsresult res = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // Be sure the element is contained in the document body if (aElement && IsElementInBody(aElement)) { nsCOMPtr selection; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtrparent; res = aElement->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!parent) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; PRInt32 offsetInParent; res = GetChildOffset(aElement, parent, offsetInParent); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) { // Collapse selection to just after desired element, res = selection->Collapse(parent, offsetInParent+1); #if 0 //def DEBUG_cmanske { nsAutoString name; parent->GetNodeName(name); printf("SetCaretAfterElement: Parent node: "); wprintf(name.GetUnicode()); printf(" Offset: %d\n\nHTML:\n", offsetInParent+1); nsAutoString Format("text/html"); nsAutoString ContentsAs; OutputToString(ContentsAs, Format, 2); wprintf(ContentsAs.GetUnicode()); } #endif } } return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetParagraphFormat(const nsString& aParagraphFormat) { //Kinda sad to waste memory just to force lower case nsAutoString tag = aParagraphFormat; tag.ToLowerCase(); return InsertBasicBlock(tag); } // XXX: ERROR_HANDLING -- this method needs a little work to ensure all error codes are // checked properly, all null pointers are checked, and no memory leaks occur NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetParentBlockTags(nsStringArray *aTagList, PRBool aGetLists) { if (!aTagList) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } nsresult res; nsCOMPtrselection; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // Find out if the selection is collapsed: PRBool isCollapsed; res = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (isCollapsed) { nsCOMPtr node, blockParent; PRInt32 offset; res = GetStartNodeAndOffset(selection, &node, &offset); if (!node) res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; nsCOMPtr blockParentElem; if (aGetLists) { // Get the "ol", "ul", or "dl" parent element res = GetElementOrParentByTagName(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("list"), node, getter_AddRefs(blockParentElem)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } else { if (IsBlockNode(node)) blockParent = node; else blockParent = GetBlockNodeParent(node); blockParentElem = do_QueryInterface(blockParent); } if (blockParentElem) { nsAutoString blockParentTag; blockParentElem->GetTagName(blockParentTag); aTagList->AppendString(blockParentTag); } return res; } // else non-collapsed selection nsCOMPtr enumerator; res = selection->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!enumerator) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; enumerator->First(); nsCOMPtr currentItem; res = enumerator->CurrentItem(getter_AddRefs(currentItem)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; //XXX: should be while loop? if (currentItem) { nsCOMPtr range( do_QueryInterface(currentItem) ); // scan the range for all the independent block content blockSections // and get the block parent of each nsISupportsArray *blockSections; res = NS_NewISupportsArray(&blockSections); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!blockSections) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; res = GetBlockSectionsForRange(range, blockSections); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) { nsIDOMRange *subRange; subRange = (nsIDOMRange *)(blockSections->ElementAt(0)); while (subRange) { nsCOMPtrstartParent; res = subRange->GetStartParent(getter_AddRefs(startParent)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && startParent) { nsCOMPtr blockParent; if (aGetLists) { // Get the "ol", "ul", or "dl" parent element res = GetElementOrParentByTagName(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("list"), startParent, getter_AddRefs(blockParent)); } else { blockParent = do_QueryInterface(GetBlockNodeParent(startParent)); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && blockParent) { nsAutoString blockParentTag; blockParent->GetTagName(blockParentTag); PRBool isRoot; IsRootTag(blockParentTag, isRoot); if ((!isRoot) && (-1==aTagList->IndexOf(blockParentTag))) { aTagList->AppendString(blockParentTag); } } } NS_RELEASE(subRange); if (NS_FAILED(res)) break; // don't return here, need to release blockSections blockSections->RemoveElementAt(0); subRange = (nsIDOMRange *)(blockSections->ElementAt(0)); } } NS_RELEASE(blockSections); } return res; } // get the paragraph style(s) for the selection NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetParagraphTags(nsStringArray *aTagList) { #if 0 if (gNoisy) { printf("---------- nsHTMLEditor::GetPargraphTags ----------\n"); } #endif return GetParentBlockTags(aTagList, PR_FALSE); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetListTags(nsStringArray *aTagList) { return GetParentBlockTags(aTagList, PR_TRUE); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::MakeOrChangeList(const nsString& aListType) { nsresult res; if (!mRules) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } nsCOMPtr selection; PRBool cancel, handled; nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this); nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpMakeList, nsIEditor::eNext); // pre-process res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsHTMLEditRules::kMakeList); if (aListType.EqualsWithConversion("ol")) ruleInfo.bOrdered = PR_TRUE; else ruleInfo.bOrdered = PR_FALSE; res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (cancel || (NS_FAILED(res))) return res; if (!handled) { // Find out if the selection is collapsed: PRBool isCollapsed; res = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; nsCOMPtr node; PRInt32 offset; res = GetStartNodeAndOffset(selection, &node, &offset); if (!node) res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (isCollapsed) { // have to find a place to put the list nsCOMPtr parent = node; nsCOMPtr topChild = node; nsCOMPtr tmp; while ( !CanContainTag(parent, aListType)) { parent->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(tmp)); if (!tmp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; topChild = parent; parent = tmp; } if (parent != node) { // we need to split up to the child of parent res = SplitNodeDeep(topChild, node, offset, &offset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } // make a list nsCOMPtr newList; res = CreateNode(aListType, parent, offset, getter_AddRefs(newList)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // make a list item nsAutoString tag; tag.AssignWithConversion("li"); nsCOMPtr newItem; res = CreateNode(tag, newList, 0, getter_AddRefs(newItem)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = selection->Collapse(newItem,0); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } } res = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, res); return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::RemoveList(const nsString& aListType) { nsresult res; if (!mRules) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } nsCOMPtr selection; PRBool cancel, handled; nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this); nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpRemoveList, nsIEditor::eNext); // pre-process res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsHTMLEditRules::kRemoveList); if (aListType.EqualsWithConversion("ol")) ruleInfo.bOrdered = PR_TRUE; else ruleInfo.bOrdered = PR_FALSE; res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (cancel || (NS_FAILED(res))) return res; // no default behavior for this yet. what would it mean? res = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, res); return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::InsertBasicBlock(const nsString& aBlockType) { nsresult res; if (!mRules) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } nsCOMPtr selection; PRBool cancel, handled; nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this); nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpMakeBasicBlock, nsIEditor::eNext); // pre-process res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsHTMLEditRules::kMakeBasicBlock); ruleInfo.blockType = &aBlockType; res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (cancel || (NS_FAILED(res))) return res; if (!handled) { // Find out if the selection is collapsed: PRBool isCollapsed; res = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; nsCOMPtr node; PRInt32 offset; res = GetStartNodeAndOffset(selection, &node, &offset); if (!node) res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (isCollapsed) { // have to find a place to put the block nsCOMPtr parent = node; nsCOMPtr topChild = node; nsCOMPtr tmp; while ( !CanContainTag(parent, aBlockType)) { parent->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(tmp)); if (!tmp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; topChild = parent; parent = tmp; } if (parent != node) { // we need to split up to the child of parent res = SplitNodeDeep(topChild, node, offset, &offset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } // make a block nsCOMPtr newBlock; res = CreateNode(aBlockType, parent, offset, getter_AddRefs(newBlock)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // reposition selection to inside the block res = selection->Collapse(newBlock,0); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } } res = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, res); return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::Indent(const nsString& aIndent) { nsresult res; if (!mRules) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } PRBool cancel, handled; PRInt32 theAction = nsHTMLEditRules::kIndent; PRInt32 opID = kOpIndent; if (aIndent.EqualsWithConversion("outdent")) { theAction = nsHTMLEditRules::kOutdent; opID = kOpOutdent; } nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this); nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, opID, nsIEditor::eNext); // pre-process nsCOMPtr selection; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(theAction); res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (cancel || (NS_FAILED(res))) return res; if (!handled) { // Do default - insert a blockquote node if selection collapsed nsCOMPtr node; PRInt32 offset; PRBool isCollapsed; res = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = GetStartNodeAndOffset(selection, &node, &offset); if (!node) res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; nsAutoString inward; inward.AssignWithConversion("indent"); if (aIndent == inward) { if (isCollapsed) { // have to find a place to put the blockquote nsCOMPtr parent = node; nsCOMPtr topChild = node; nsCOMPtr tmp; nsAutoString bq; bq.AssignWithConversion("blockquote"); while ( !CanContainTag(parent, bq)) { parent->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(tmp)); if (!tmp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; topChild = parent; parent = tmp; } if (parent != node) { // we need to split up to the child of parent res = SplitNodeDeep(topChild, node, offset, &offset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } // make a blockquote nsCOMPtr newBQ; res = CreateNode(bq, parent, offset, getter_AddRefs(newBQ)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // put a space in it so layout will draw the list item res = selection->Collapse(newBQ,0); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; nsAutoString theText; theText.AssignWithConversion(" "); res = InsertText(theText); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; // reposition selection to before the space character res = GetStartNodeAndOffset(selection, &node, &offset); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = selection->Collapse(node,0); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; } } } res = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, res); return res; } //TODO: IMPLEMENT ALIGNMENT! NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::Align(const nsString& aAlignType) { nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this); nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpAlign, nsIEditor::eNext); nsCOMPtr node; PRBool cancel, handled; // Find out if the selection is collapsed: nsCOMPtr selection; nsresult res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsHTMLEditRules::kAlign); ruleInfo.alignType = &aAlignType; res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled); if (cancel || NS_FAILED(res)) return res; res = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, res); return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetElementOrParentByTagName(const nsString &aTagName, nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsIDOMElement** aReturn) { if (aTagName.Length() == 0 || !aReturn ) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsresult res = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr currentNode; if (aNode) currentNode = aNode; else { // If no node supplied, get it from anchor node of current selection nsCOMPtrselection; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtr anchorNode; res = selection->GetAnchorNode(getter_AddRefs(anchorNode)); if(NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!anchorNode) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // Try to get the actual selected node PRBool hasChildren = PR_FALSE; anchorNode->HasChildNodes(&hasChildren); if (hasChildren) { PRInt32 offset; res = selection->GetAnchorOffset(&offset); if(NS_FAILED(res)) return res; currentNode = nsEditor::GetChildAt(anchorNode, offset); } // anchor node is probably a text node - just use that if (!currentNode) currentNode = anchorNode; } nsAutoString TagName = aTagName; TagName.ToLowerCase(); PRBool getLink = IsLink(TagName); PRBool getNamedAnchor = IsNamedAnchor(TagName); if ( getLink || getNamedAnchor) { TagName.AssignWithConversion("a"); } PRBool findTableCell = aTagName.EqualsIgnoreCase("td"); PRBool findList = aTagName.EqualsIgnoreCase("list"); // default is null - no element found *aReturn = nsnull; nsCOMPtr parent; PRBool bNodeFound = PR_FALSE; while (PR_TRUE) { nsAutoString currentTagName; // Test if we have a link (an anchor with href set) if ( (getLink && IsLinkNode(currentNode)) || (getNamedAnchor && IsNamedAnchorNode(currentNode)) ) { bNodeFound = PR_TRUE; break; } else { if (findList) { // Match "ol", "ul", or "dl" for lists if (IsListNode(currentNode)) goto NODE_FOUND; } else if (findTableCell) { // Table cells are another special case: // Match either "td" or "th" for them if (IsCellNode(currentNode)) goto NODE_FOUND; } else { currentNode->GetNodeName(currentTagName); if (currentTagName.EqualsIgnoreCase(TagName)) { NODE_FOUND: bNodeFound = PR_TRUE; break; } } } // Search up the parent chain // We should never fail because of root test below, but lets be safe // XXX: ERROR_HANDLING error return code lost if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(currentNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent))) || !parent) break; // Stop searching if parent is a body tag nsAutoString parentTagName; parent->GetNodeName(parentTagName); // Note: Originally used IsRoot to stop at table cells, // but that's too messy when you are trying to find the parent table //PRBool isRoot; //if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(IsRootTag(parentTagName, isRoot)) || isRoot) if(parentTagName.EqualsIgnoreCase("body")) break; currentNode = parent; } if (bNodeFound) { nsCOMPtr currentElement = do_QueryInterface(currentNode); if (currentElement) { *aReturn = currentElement; // Getters must addref NS_ADDREF(*aReturn); } } else res = NS_EDITOR_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND; return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetSelectedElement(const nsString& aTagName, nsIDOMElement** aReturn) { if (!aReturn ) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // default is null - no element found *aReturn = nsnull; nsAutoString TagName = aTagName; TagName.ToLowerCase(); // Empty string indicates we should match any element tag PRBool anyTag = (TagName.IsEmpty()); //Note that this doesn't need to go through the transaction system nsresult res=NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; //PRBool first=PR_TRUE; nsCOMPtrselection; res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; PRBool isCollapsed; selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed); nsCOMPtr selectedElement; PRBool bNodeFound = PR_FALSE; if (IsLink(TagName)) { // Link tag is a special case - we return the anchor node // found for any selection that is totally within a link, // included a collapsed selection (just a caret in a link) nsCOMPtr anchorNode; res = selection->GetAnchorNode(getter_AddRefs(anchorNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; PRInt32 anchorOffset = -1; if (anchorNode) selection->GetAnchorOffset(&anchorOffset); nsCOMPtr focusNode; res = selection->GetFocusNode(getter_AddRefs(focusNode)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; PRInt32 focusOffset = -1; if (focusNode) selection->GetFocusOffset(&focusOffset); // Link node must be the same for both ends of selection if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && anchorNode) { #ifdef DEBUG_cmanske { nsAutoString name; anchorNode->GetNodeName(name); printf("GetSelectedElement: Anchor node of selection: "); wprintf(name.GetUnicode()); printf(" Offset: %d\n", anchorOffset); focusNode->GetNodeName(name); printf("Focus node of selection: "); wprintf(name.GetUnicode()); printf(" Offset: %d\n", focusOffset); } #endif nsCOMPtr parentLinkOfAnchor; res = GetElementOrParentByTagName(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("href"), anchorNode, getter_AddRefs(parentLinkOfAnchor)); // XXX: ERROR_HANDLING can parentLinkOfAnchor be null? if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && parentLinkOfAnchor) { if (isCollapsed) { // We have just a caret in the link bNodeFound = PR_TRUE; } else if(focusNode) { // Link node must be the same for both ends of selection nsCOMPtr parentLinkOfFocus; res = GetElementOrParentByTagName(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("href"), focusNode, getter_AddRefs(parentLinkOfFocus)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && parentLinkOfFocus == parentLinkOfAnchor) bNodeFound = PR_TRUE; } // We found a link node parent if (bNodeFound) { // GetElementOrParentByTagName addref'd this, so we don't need to do it here *aReturn = parentLinkOfAnchor; return NS_OK; } } else if (anchorOffset >= 0) // Check if link node is the only thing selected { nsCOMPtr anchorChild; anchorChild = GetChildAt(anchorNode,anchorOffset); if (anchorChild && IsLinkNode(anchorChild) && (anchorNode == focusNode) && focusOffset == (anchorOffset+1)) { selectedElement = do_QueryInterface(anchorChild); bNodeFound = PR_TRUE; } } } } if (!bNodeFound && !isCollapsed) // Don't bother to examine selection if it is collapsed { nsCOMPtr enumerator; res = selection->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) { if(!enumerator) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; enumerator->First(); nsCOMPtr currentItem; res = enumerator->CurrentItem(getter_AddRefs(currentItem)); if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) && currentItem) { nsCOMPtr range( do_QueryInterface(currentItem) ); nsCOMPtr iter; res = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kCContentIteratorCID, nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsIContentIterator), getter_AddRefs(iter)); // XXX: ERROR_HANDLING XPCOM usage if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) && iter) { iter->Init(range); // loop through the content iterator for each content node nsCOMPtr content; while (NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE == iter->IsDone()) { res = iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(content)); // Note likely! if (NS_FAILED(res)) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // Query interface to cast nsIContent to nsIDOMNode // then get tagType to compare to aTagName // Clone node of each desired type and append it to the aDomFrag selectedElement = do_QueryInterface(content); if (selectedElement) { // If we already found a node, then we have another element, // thus there's not just one element selected if (bNodeFound) { bNodeFound = PR_FALSE; break; } nsAutoString domTagName; selectedElement->GetNodeName(domTagName); domTagName.ToLowerCase(); if (anyTag) { // Get name of first selected element selectedElement->GetTagName(TagName); TagName.ToLowerCase(); anyTag = PR_FALSE; } // The "A" tag is a pain, // used for both link(href is set) and "Named Anchor" nsCOMPtr selectedNode = do_QueryInterface(selectedElement); if ( (IsLink(TagName) && IsLinkNode(selectedNode)) || (IsNamedAnchor(TagName) && IsNamedAnchorNode(selectedNode)) ) { bNodeFound = PR_TRUE; } else if (TagName == domTagName) { // All other tag names are handled here bNodeFound = PR_TRUE; } if (!bNodeFound) { // Check if node we have is really part of the selection??? break; } } iter->Next(); } } } else { // Should never get here? isCollapsed = PR_TRUE; printf("isCollapsed was FALSE, but no elements found in selection\n"); } } else { printf("Could not create enumerator for GetSelectionProperties\n"); } } if (bNodeFound) { *aReturn = selectedElement; if (selectedElement) { // Getters must addref NS_ADDREF(*aReturn); } } else res = NS_EDITOR_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND; return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::CreateElementWithDefaults(const nsString& aTagName, nsIDOMElement** aReturn) { nsresult res=NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; if (aReturn) *aReturn = nsnull; if (aTagName.IsEmpty() || !aReturn) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsAutoString TagName = aTagName; TagName.ToLowerCase(); nsAutoString realTagName; if (IsLink(TagName) || IsNamedAnchor(TagName)) { realTagName.AssignWithConversion("a"); } else { realTagName = TagName; } //We don't use editor's CreateElement because we don't want to // go through the transaction system nsCOMPtrnewElement; nsCOMPtr doc = do_QueryReferent(mDocWeak); if (!doc) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; res = doc->CreateElement(realTagName, getter_AddRefs(newElement)); if (NS_FAILED(res) || !newElement) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // Mark the new element dirty, so it will be formatted newElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("_moz_dirty"), nsAutoString()); // Set default values for new elements if (TagName.EqualsWithConversion("hr")) { // Note that we read the user's attributes for these from prefs (in InsertHLine JS) newElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("align"),NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("center")); newElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("width"),NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("100%")); newElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("size"),NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("2")); } else if (TagName.EqualsWithConversion("table")) { newElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("cellpadding"),NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("2")); newElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("cellspacing"),NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("2")); newElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("border"),NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("1")); } else if (TagName.EqualsWithConversion("tr")) { newElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("valign"),NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("top")); } else if (TagName.EqualsWithConversion("td")) { newElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("valign"),NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("top")); // I'm def'ing this out to see if auto br insertion is working here #if 0 // Insert the default space in a cell so border displays nsCOMPtr newCellNode = do_QueryInterface(newElement); if (newCellNode) { // TODO: This should probably be in the RULES code or // preference based for "should we add the nbsp" nsCOMPtrnewTextNode; nsAutoString space; // Set contents to the   character by concatanating the char code space += nbsp; // If we fail here, we return NS_OK anyway, since we have an OK cell node nsresult result = doc->CreateTextNode(space, getter_AddRefs(newTextNode)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (!newTextNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtrresultNode; result = newCellNode->AppendChild(newTextNode, getter_AddRefs(resultNode)); } #endif } // ADD OTHER TAGS HERE if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) { *aReturn = newElement; // Getters must addref NS_ADDREF(*aReturn); } return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::InsertLinkAroundSelection(nsIDOMElement* aAnchorElement) { nsresult res=NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtr selection; if (!aAnchorElement) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // We must have a real selection res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (!selection) { res = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; PRBool isCollapsed; res = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed); if (NS_FAILED(res)) isCollapsed = PR_TRUE; if (isCollapsed) { printf("InsertLinkAroundSelection called but there is no selection!!!\n"); res = NS_OK; } else { // Be sure we were given an anchor element nsCOMPtr anchor = do_QueryInterface(aAnchorElement); if (anchor) { nsAutoString href; res = anchor->GetHref(href); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (href.GetUnicode() && href.Length() > 0) { nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this); nsString attribute; attribute.AssignWithConversion("href"); SetInlineProperty(nsIEditProperty::a, &attribute, &href); //TODO: Enumerate through other properties of the anchor tag // and set those as well. // Optimization: Modify SetTextProperty to set all attributes at once? } } } return res; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetBackgroundColor(const nsString& aColor) { NS_PRECONDITION(mDocWeak, "Missing Editor DOM Document"); // Find a selected or enclosing table element to set background on nsCOMPtr element; PRInt32 selectedCount; nsAutoString tagName; nsresult res = GetSelectedOrParentTableElement(*getter_AddRefs(element), tagName, selectedCount); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (element) { if (selectedCount > 0) { // Traverse all selected cells nsCOMPtr cell; res = GetFirstSelectedCell(getter_AddRefs(cell), nsnull); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && cell) { while(cell) { SetAttribute(cell, NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("bgcolor"), aColor); GetNextSelectedCell(getter_AddRefs(cell), nsnull); }; return NS_OK; } } // If we failed to find a cell, fall through to use originally-found element } else { // No table element -- set the background color on the body tag res = nsEditor::GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(element)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; if (!element) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } // Use the editor method that goes through the transaction system return SetAttribute(element, NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("bgcolor"), aColor); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetBodyAttribute(const nsString& aAttribute, const nsString& aValue) { nsresult res; // TODO: Check selection for Cell, Row, Column or table and do color on appropriate level NS_ASSERTION(mDocWeak, "Missing Editor DOM Document"); // Set the background color attribute on the body tag nsCOMPtr bodyElement; res = nsEditor::GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(bodyElement)); if (!bodyElement) res = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) { // Use the editor method that goes through the transaction system res = SetAttribute(bodyElement, aAttribute, aValue); } return res; } /* NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::MoveSelectionUp(nsIAtom *aIncrement, PRBool aExtendSelection) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::MoveSelectionDown(nsIAtom *aIncrement, PRBool aExtendSelection) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::MoveSelectionNext(nsIAtom *aIncrement, PRBool aExtendSelection) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::MoveSelectionPrevious(nsIAtom *aIncrement, PRBool aExtendSelection) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SelectNext(nsIAtom *aIncrement, PRBool aExtendSelection) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SelectPrevious(nsIAtom *aIncrement, PRBool aExtendSelection) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::ScrollUp(nsIAtom *aIncrement) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::ScrollDown(nsIAtom *aIncrement) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::ScrollIntoView(PRBool aScrollToBegin) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetDocumentIsEmpty(PRBool *aDocumentIsEmpty) { if (!aDocumentIsEmpty) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (!mRules) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; return mRules->DocumentIsEmpty(aDocumentIsEmpty); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetDocumentLength(PRInt32 *aCount) { if (!aCount) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } nsresult result; // initialize out params *aCount = 0; // special-case for empty document, to account for the bogus text node PRBool docEmpty; result = GetDocumentIsEmpty(&docEmpty); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; if (docEmpty) { *aCount = 0; return NS_OK; } // get the body node nsCOMPtr bodyElement; result = nsEditor::GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(bodyElement)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { return result; } if (!bodyElement) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } // get the offsets of the first and last children of the body node nsCOMPtrbodyNode = do_QueryInterface(bodyElement); if (!bodyNode) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } PRInt32 numBodyChildren=0; nsCOMPtrlastChild; result = bodyNode->GetLastChild(getter_AddRefs(lastChild)); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { return result; } if (!lastChild) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } result = GetChildOffset(lastChild, bodyNode, numBodyChildren); if (NS_FAILED(result)) { return result; } // count PRInt32 start, end; result = GetAbsoluteOffsetsForPoints(bodyNode, 0, bodyNode, numBodyChildren, bodyNode, start, end); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { NS_ASSERTION(0==start, "GetAbsoluteOffsetsForPoints failed to set start correctly."); NS_ASSERTION(0<=end, "GetAbsoluteOffsetsForPoints failed to set end correctly."); if (0<=end) { *aCount = end; printf ("count = %d\n", *aCount); } } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetMaxTextLength(PRInt32 aMaxTextLength) { mMaxTextLength = aMaxTextLength; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetMaxTextLength(PRInt32& aMaxTextLength) { aMaxTextLength = mMaxTextLength; return NS_OK; } #ifdef XP_MAC #pragma mark - #pragma mark nsIEditorStyleSheets methods #pragma mark - #endif NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::AddStyleSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet) { AddStyleSheetTxn* txn; nsresult rv = CreateTxnForAddStyleSheet(aSheet, &txn); if (!txn) rv = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = Do(txn); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { mLastStyleSheet = do_QueryInterface(aSheet); // save it so we can remove before applying the next one } } // The transaction system (if any) has taken ownwership of txns NS_IF_RELEASE(txn); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::RemoveStyleSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet) { RemoveStyleSheetTxn* txn; nsresult rv = CreateTxnForRemoveStyleSheet(aSheet, &txn); if (!txn) rv = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = Do(txn); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { mLastStyleSheet = nsnull; // forget it } } // The transaction system (if any) has taken ownwership of txns NS_IF_RELEASE(txn); return rv; } // Do NOT use transaction system for override style sheets NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::RemoveOverrideStyleSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet) { if (!mPresShellWeak) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; nsCOMPtr ps = do_QueryReferent(mPresShellWeak); if (!ps) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; nsCOMPtr document; nsresult rv = ps->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(document)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (!document) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtr styleSet; rv = ps->GetStyleSet(getter_AddRefs(styleSet)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (!styleSet) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtr styleSheet = do_QueryInterface(aSheet); if (!styleSheet) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; styleSet->RemoveOverrideStyleSheet(styleSheet); // This notifies document observers to rebuild all frames // (this doesn't affect style sheet because it is not a doc sheet) document->SetStyleSheetDisabledState(styleSheet, PR_FALSE); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::ApplyOverrideStyleSheet(const nsString& aURL, nsICSSStyleSheet **aStyleSheet) { return ApplyDocumentOrOverrideStyleSheet(aURL, PR_TRUE, aStyleSheet); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::ApplyStyleSheet(const nsString& aURL, nsICSSStyleSheet **aStyleSheet) { return ApplyDocumentOrOverrideStyleSheet(aURL, PR_FALSE, aStyleSheet); } //Note: Loading a document style sheet is undoable, loading an override sheet is not nsresult nsHTMLEditor::ApplyDocumentOrOverrideStyleSheet(const nsString& aURL, PRBool aOverride, nsICSSStyleSheet **aStyleSheet) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr uaURL; rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uaURL), aURL); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr document; if (!mPresShellWeak) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; nsCOMPtr ps = do_QueryReferent(mPresShellWeak); if (!ps) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; rv = ps->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(document)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (!document) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtr container = do_QueryInterface(document); if (!container) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtr cssLoader; nsCOMPtr cssStyleSheet; rv = container->GetCSSLoader(*getter_AddRefs(cssLoader)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (!cssLoader) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; PRBool complete; if (aOverride) { // We use null for the callback and data pointer because // we MUST ONLY load synchronous local files (no @import) rv = cssLoader->LoadAgentSheet(uaURL, *getter_AddRefs(cssStyleSheet), complete, nsnull); // Synchronous loads should ALWAYS return completed if (!complete || !cssStyleSheet) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; nsCOMPtr styleSheet; styleSheet = do_QueryInterface(cssStyleSheet); nsCOMPtr styleSet; rv = ps->GetStyleSet(getter_AddRefs(styleSet)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (!styleSet) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // Add the override style sheet // (This checks if already exists) styleSet->AppendOverrideStyleSheet(styleSheet); // This notifies document observers to rebuild all frames // (this doesn't affect style sheet because it is not a doc sheet) document->SetStyleSheetDisabledState(styleSheet, PR_FALSE); } else { rv = cssLoader->LoadAgentSheet(uaURL, *getter_AddRefs(cssStyleSheet), complete, this); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (complete) ApplyStyleSheetToPresShellDocument(cssStyleSheet,this); // // If not complete, we will be notified later // with a call to ApplyStyleSheetToPresShellDocument(). // } if (aStyleSheet) { *aStyleSheet = cssStyleSheet; NS_ADDREF(*aStyleSheet); } } return rv; } #ifdef XP_MAC #pragma mark - #pragma mark nsIEditorMailSupport methods #pragma mark - #endif NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetBodyStyleContext(nsIStyleContext** aStyleContext) { nsCOMPtr body; nsresult res = GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(body)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; nsCOMPtr content = do_QueryInterface(body); nsIFrame *frame; if (!mPresShellWeak) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; nsCOMPtr ps = do_QueryReferent(mPresShellWeak); if (!ps) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; res = ps->GetPrimaryFrameFor(content, &frame); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; nsCOMPtr styleContext; return ps->GetStyleContextFor(frame, aStyleContext); } // // Get the wrap width for the first PRE tag in the document. // If no PRE tag, throw an error. // NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetBodyWrapWidth(PRInt32 *aWrapColumn) { nsresult res; if (! aWrapColumn) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *aWrapColumn = -1; // default: no wrap nsCOMPtr styleContext; res = GetBodyStyleContext(getter_AddRefs(styleContext)); if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res; const nsStyleText* styleText = (const nsStyleText*)styleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Text); if (NS_STYLE_WHITESPACE_PRE == styleText->mWhiteSpace) *aWrapColumn = 0; // wrap to window width else if (NS_STYLE_WHITESPACE_MOZ_PRE_WRAP == styleText->mWhiteSpace) { const nsStylePosition* stylePosition = (const nsStylePosition*)styleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Position); if (stylePosition->mWidth.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Chars) *aWrapColumn = stylePosition->mWidth.GetIntValue(); else { #ifdef DEBUG_akkana printf("Can't get wrap column: style unit is %d\n", stylePosition->mWidth.GetUnit()); #endif *aWrapColumn = -1; return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } else *aWrapColumn = -1; return NS_OK; } // // See if the style value includes this attribute, and if it does, // cut out everything from the attribute to the next semicolon. // static void CutStyle(const char* stylename, nsString& styleValue) { // Find the current wrapping type: PRInt32 styleStart = styleValue.Find(stylename, PR_TRUE); if (styleStart >= 0) { PRInt32 styleEnd = styleValue.Find(";", PR_FALSE, styleStart); if (styleEnd > styleStart) styleValue.Cut(styleStart, styleEnd - styleStart + 1); else styleValue.Cut(styleStart, styleValue.Length() - styleStart); } } // // Change the wrap width on the first
 tag in this document.
// (Eventually want to search for more than one in case there are
// interspersed quoted text blocks.)
// Alternately: Change the wrap width on the editor style sheet.
NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::SetBodyWrapWidth(PRInt32 aWrapColumn)
  nsresult res;

  // Ought to set a style sheet here ...
  // Probably should keep around an mPlaintextStyleSheet for this purpose.
  nsCOMPtr bodyElement;
  res = GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(bodyElement));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (!bodyElement) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  // Get the current style for this body element:
  nsAutoString styleName; styleName.AssignWithConversion("style");
  nsAutoString styleValue;
  res = bodyElement->GetAttribute(styleName, styleValue);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;

  // We'll replace styles for these values:
  CutStyle("white-space", styleValue);
  CutStyle("width", styleValue);
  CutStyle("font-family", styleValue);

  // If we have other style left, trim off any existing semicolons
  // or whitespace, then add a known semicolon-space:
  if (styleValue.Length() > 0)
    styleValue.Trim("; \t", PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
    styleValue.AppendWithConversion("; ");

  // Make sure we have fixed-width font.  This should be done for us,
  // but it isn't, see bug 22502, so we have to add "font: monospace;".
  // Only do this if we're wrapping.
  if (aWrapColumn >= 0)
    styleValue.AppendWithConversion("font-family: monospace; ");

  // and now we're ready to set the new whitespace/wrapping style.
  if (aWrapColumn > 0)        // Wrap to a fixed column
    styleValue.AppendWithConversion("white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; width: ");
  else if (aWrapColumn == 0)
    styleValue.AppendWithConversion("white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;");
    styleValue.AppendWithConversion("white-space: pre;");

  res = bodyElement->SetAttribute(styleName, styleValue);

#ifdef DEBUG_akkana
  char* curstyle = styleValue.ToNewCString();
  printf("Setting style: [%s]\nNow body looks like:\n", curstyle);
  //nsCOMPtr nodec (do_QueryInterface(bodyElement));
  //if (nodec) nodec->List(stdout);
#endif /* DEBUG_akkana */

  return res;

nsHTMLEditor::GetEmbeddedObjects(nsISupportsArray** aNodeList)
  if (!aNodeList)

  nsresult res;

  res = NS_NewISupportsArray(aNodeList);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (!*aNodeList) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  nsCOMPtr iter;
  res = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kCContentIteratorCID, nsnull,
  if (!iter) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(res)))
    // get the root content
    nsCOMPtr rootContent;

    nsCOMPtr domdoc;
    if (!domdoc)

    nsCOMPtr doc (do_QueryInterface(domdoc));
    if (!doc)

    rootContent = doc->GetRootContent();


    // loop through the content iterator for each content node
    while (NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE == iter->IsDone())
      nsCOMPtr content;
      res = iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(content));
      if (NS_FAILED(res))
      nsCOMPtr node (do_QueryInterface(content));
      if (node)
        nsAutoString tagName;

        // See if it's an image or an embed
        if (tagName.EqualsWithConversion("img") || tagName.EqualsWithConversion("embed"))
        else if (tagName.EqualsWithConversion("a"))
          // XXX Only include links if they're links to file: URLs
          nsCOMPtr anchor (do_QueryInterface(content));
          if (anchor)
            nsAutoString href;
            if (NS_SUCCEEDED(anchor->GetHref(href)))
              if (href.CompareWithConversion("file:", PR_TRUE, 5) == 0)

  return res;

#ifdef XP_MAC
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark  nsIEditor overrides 
#pragma mark -

nsHTMLEditor::Undo(PRUint32 aCount)
  nsresult result = NS_OK;


  nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsTextEditRules::kUndo);
  nsCOMPtr selection;
  PRBool cancel, handled;
  result = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled);
  if (!cancel && NS_SUCCEEDED(result))
    result = nsEditor::Undo(aCount);
    result = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, result);

  return result;

nsHTMLEditor::Redo(PRUint32 aCount)
  nsresult result = NS_OK;


  nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsTextEditRules::kRedo);
  nsCOMPtr selection;
  PRBool cancel, handled;
  result = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled);
  if (!cancel && NS_SUCCEEDED(result))
    result = nsEditor::Redo(aCount);
    result = mRules->DidDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, result);

  return result;

  nsCOMPtr selection;
  nsresult res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
  if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(res))
    return res;

  PRBool isCollapsed;
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed)) && isCollapsed)

  res = Copy();
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res))
    res = DeleteSelection(eNone);
  return res;

NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::CanCut(PRBool &aCanCut)
  aCanCut = PR_FALSE;
  nsCOMPtr selection;
  nsresult res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  PRBool isCollapsed;
  res = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;

  aCanCut = !isCollapsed && IsModifiable();
  return NS_OK;

  if (!mPresShellWeak) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
  nsCOMPtr ps = do_QueryReferent(mPresShellWeak);
  if (!ps) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
  return ps->DoCopy();

NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::CanCopy(PRBool &aCanCopy)
  aCanCopy = PR_FALSE;
  nsCOMPtr selection;
  nsresult res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  PRBool isCollapsed;
  res = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;

  aCanCopy = !isCollapsed;
  return NS_OK;

NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::Paste(PRInt32 aSelectionType)
  nsAutoString stuffToPaste;

  // Get Clipboard Service
  nsresult rv;
  NS_WITH_SERVICE ( nsIClipboard, clipboard, kCClipboardCID, &rv );
  if ( NS_FAILED(rv) )
    return rv;
  // Create generic Transferable for getting the data
  nsCOMPtr trans;
  rv = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kCTransferableCID, nsnull, 
                                          (void**) getter_AddRefs(trans));
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
    // Get the nsITransferable interface for getting the data from the clipboard
    if (trans)
      // Create the desired DataFlavor for the type of data
      // we want to get out of the transferable
      if ((mFlags & eEditorPlaintextMask) == 0)  // This should only happen in html editors, not plaintext

      // Get the Data from the clipboard
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(clipboard->GetData(trans, aSelectionType)))
        char* bestFlavor = nsnull;
        nsCOMPtr genericDataObj;
        PRUint32 len = 0;
        if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(trans->GetAnyTransferData(&bestFlavor, getter_AddRefs(genericDataObj), &len)) )
          nsAutoString flavor; flavor.AssignWithConversion( bestFlavor );   // just so we can use flavor.Equals()
#ifdef DEBUG_akkana
          printf("Got flavor [%s]\n", bestFlavor);
          if (flavor.EqualsWithConversion(kHTMLMime))
            nsCOMPtr textDataObj ( do_QueryInterface(genericDataObj) );
            if (textDataObj && len > 0)
              PRUnichar* text = nsnull;
              textDataObj->ToString ( &text );
              stuffToPaste.Assign ( text, len / 2 );
              nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this);
              rv = InsertHTML(stuffToPaste);
          else if (flavor.EqualsWithConversion(kUnicodeMime))
            nsCOMPtr textDataObj ( do_QueryInterface(genericDataObj) );
            if (textDataObj && len > 0)
              PRUnichar* text = nsnull;
              textDataObj->ToString ( &text );
              stuffToPaste.Assign ( text, len / 2 );
              nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this);
              rv = InsertText(stuffToPaste);
          else if (flavor.EqualsWithConversion(kJPEGImageMime))
            // Insert Image code here
            printf("Don't know how to insert an image yet!\n");
            //nsIImage* image = (nsIImage *)data;
            rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; // for now give error code

  // Try to scroll the selection into view if the paste succeeded:
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
    nsCOMPtr presShell;
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetPresShell(getter_AddRefs(presShell))) && presShell)
      presShell->ScrollSelectionIntoView(SELECTION_NORMAL, SELECTION_FOCUS_REGION);

  return rv;

NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::CanPaste(PRInt32 aSelectionType, PRBool &aCanPaste)
  aCanPaste = PR_FALSE;
  nsresult rv;
  NS_WITH_SERVICE(nsIClipboard, clipboard, kCClipboardCID, &rv);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
  // the flavors that we can deal with
  char* textEditorFlavors[] = { kUnicodeMime, nsnull };
  char* htmlEditorFlavors[] = { kJPEGImageMime, kHTMLMime, nsnull };

  nsCOMPtr flavorsList;
  rv = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTSARRAY_PROGID, nsnull, 
         NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsArray), getter_AddRefs(flavorsList));
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
  PRUint32 editorFlags;
  // add the flavors for all editors
  for (char** flavor = textEditorFlavors; *flavor; flavor++)
    nsCOMPtr flavorString;            
    nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_STRING_PROGID, nsnull, 
         NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsString), getter_AddRefs(flavorString));
    if (flavorString)
  // add the HTML-editor only flavors
  if ((editorFlags & eEditorPlaintextMask) == 0)
    for (char** htmlFlavor = htmlEditorFlavors; *htmlFlavor; htmlFlavor++)
      nsCOMPtr flavorString;            
      nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_STRING_PROGID, nsnull, 
           NS_GET_IID(nsISupportsString), getter_AddRefs(flavorString));
      if (flavorString)
  PRBool haveFlavors;
  rv = clipboard->HasDataMatchingFlavors(flavorsList, aSelectionType, &haveFlavors);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
  aCanPaste = haveFlavors;
  return NS_OK;

// HTML PasteAsQuotation: Paste in a blockquote type=cite
NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::PasteAsQuotation(PRInt32 aSelectionType)
  if (mFlags & eEditorPlaintextMask)
    return PasteAsPlaintextQuotation(aSelectionType);

  nsAutoString citation;
  return PasteAsCitedQuotation(citation, aSelectionType);

NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::PasteAsCitedQuotation(const nsString& aCitation,
                                                  PRInt32 aSelectionType)
  nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this);
  nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpInsertQuotation, nsIEditor::eNext);

  // get selection
  nsCOMPtr selection;
  nsresult res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  // give rules a chance to handle or cancel
  nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsHTMLEditRules::kInsertElement);
  PRBool cancel, handled;
  res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (cancel) return NS_OK; // rules canceled the operation
  if (!handled)
    nsCOMPtr newNode;
    nsAutoString tag; tag.AssignWithConversion("blockquote");
    res = DeleteSelectionAndCreateNode(tag, getter_AddRefs(newNode));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if (!newNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

    // Try to set type=cite.  Ignore it if this fails.
    nsCOMPtr newElement (do_QueryInterface(newNode));
    if (newElement)
      nsAutoString type; type.AssignWithConversion("type");
      nsAutoString cite; cite.AssignWithConversion("cite");
      newElement->SetAttribute(type, cite);

    // Set the selection to the underneath the node we just inserted:
    res = selection->Collapse(newNode, 0);
    if (NS_FAILED(res))
#ifdef DEBUG_akkana
      printf("Couldn't collapse");
      // XXX: error result:  should res be returned here?

    res = Paste(aSelectionType);
  return res;

// Paste a plaintext quotation
NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::PasteAsPlaintextQuotation(PRInt32 aSelectionType)
  // Get Clipboard Service
  nsresult rv;
  NS_WITH_SERVICE(nsIClipboard, clipboard, kCClipboardCID, &rv);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

  // Create generic Transferable for getting the data
  nsCOMPtr trans;
  rv = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kCTransferableCID, nsnull, 
                                          (void**) getter_AddRefs(trans));
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && trans)
    // We only handle plaintext pastes here

    // Get the Data from the clipboard
    clipboard->GetData(trans, aSelectionType);

    // Now we ask the transferable for the data
    // it still owns the data, we just have a pointer to it.
    // If it can't support a "text" output of the data the call will fail
    nsCOMPtr genericDataObj;
    PRUint32 len = 0;
    char* flav = 0;
    rv = trans->GetAnyTransferData(&flav, getter_AddRefs(genericDataObj),
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
#ifdef DEBUG_akkana
      printf("PasteAsPlaintextQuotation: GetAnyTransferData failed, %d\n", rv);
      return rv;
#ifdef DEBUG_akkana
    printf("Got flavor [%s]\n", flav);
    nsAutoString flavor; flavor.AssignWithConversion(flav);
    nsAutoString stuffToPaste;
    if (flavor.EqualsWithConversion(kUnicodeMime))
      nsCOMPtr textDataObj ( do_QueryInterface(genericDataObj) );
      if (textDataObj && len > 0)
        PRUnichar* text = nsnull;
        textDataObj->ToString ( &text );
        stuffToPaste.Assign ( text, len / 2 );
        nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this);
        rv = InsertAsPlaintextQuotation(stuffToPaste, 0);

  return rv;

NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::InsertAsQuotation(const nsString& aQuotedText,
                                              nsIDOMNode **aNodeInserted)
  if (mFlags & eEditorPlaintextMask)
    return InsertAsPlaintextQuotation(aQuotedText, aNodeInserted);

  nsAutoString citation;
  nsAutoString charset;
  return InsertAsCitedQuotation(aQuotedText, citation, PR_FALSE,
                                charset, aNodeInserted);

// text insert.
nsHTMLEditor::InsertAsPlaintextQuotation(const nsString& aQuotedText,
                                         nsIDOMNode **aNodeInserted)
  // We have the text.  Cite it appropriately:
  nsCOMPtr citer;
  nsresult rv;
  NS_WITH_SERVICE(nsIPref, prefs, kPrefServiceCID, &rv);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

  char *citationType = 0;
  rv = prefs->CopyCharPref("mail.compose.citationType", &citationType);
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && citationType[0])
    if (!strncmp(citationType, "aol", 3))
      citer = new nsAOLCiter;
      citer = new nsInternetCiter;
    citer = new nsInternetCiter;
  // Let the citer quote it for us:
  nsString quotedStuff;
  rv = citer->GetCiteString(aQuotedText, quotedStuff);
  if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
    return rv;

  nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this);
  nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpInsertQuotation, nsIEditor::eNext);

  // get selection
  nsCOMPtr selection;
  rv = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
  if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  // give rules a chance to handle or cancel
  nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsHTMLEditRules::kInsertElement);
  PRBool cancel, handled;
  rv = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
  if (cancel) return NS_OK; // rules canceled the operation
  nsCOMPtr preNode;
  if (!handled)
    // Wrap the inserted quote in a 
 so it won't be wrapped:
    nsAutoString tag; tag.AssignWithConversion("pre");
    rv = DeleteSelectionAndCreateNode(tag, getter_AddRefs(preNode));
    // If this succeeded, then set selection inside the pre
    // so the inserted text will end up there.
    // If it failed, we don't care what the return value was,
    // but we'll fall through and try to insert the text anyway.
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && preNode)
      // Add an attribute on the pre node so we'll know it's a quotation.
      // Do this after the insertion, so that 
      nsCOMPtr preElement (do_QueryInterface(preNode));
      if (preElement)
        preElement->SetAttribute(NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("_moz_quote"), NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("true"));

      // and set the selection inside it:
      selection->Collapse(preNode, 0);

    rv = InsertText(quotedStuff);

    if (aNodeInserted && NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
      *aNodeInserted = preNode;

    // Set the selection to just after the inserted node:
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && preNode)
      nsCOMPtr parent;
      PRInt32 offset;
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetNodeLocation(preNode, &parent, &offset)) && parent)
        selection->Collapse(parent, offset+1);
  return rv;

nsHTMLEditor::InsertAsCitedQuotation(const nsString& aQuotedText,
                                     const nsString& aCitation,
                                     PRBool aInsertHTML,
                                     const nsString& aCharset,
                                     nsIDOMNode **aNodeInserted)
  nsAutoEditBatch beginBatching(this);
  nsCOMPtr newNode;
  nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpInsertQuotation, nsIEditor::eNext);

  // get selection
  nsCOMPtr selection;
  nsresult res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  // give rules a chance to handle or cancel
  nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsHTMLEditRules::kInsertElement);
  PRBool cancel, handled;
  res = mRules->WillDoAction(selection, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (cancel) return NS_OK; // rules canceled the operation
  if (!handled)
    nsAutoString tag; tag.AssignWithConversion("blockquote");
    res = DeleteSelectionAndCreateNode(tag, getter_AddRefs(newNode));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if (!newNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

    // Try to set type=cite.  Ignore it if this fails.
    nsCOMPtr newElement (do_QueryInterface(newNode));
    if (newElement)
      nsAutoString type; type.AssignWithConversion("type");
      nsAutoString cite; cite.AssignWithConversion("cite");
      newElement->SetAttribute(type, cite);

      if (aCitation.Length() > 0)
        newElement->SetAttribute(cite, aCitation);

      // Set the selection inside the blockquote so aQuotedText will go there:
      selection->Collapse(newNode, 0);

    if (aInsertHTML)
      res = InsertHTMLWithCharset(aQuotedText, aCharset);

      res = InsertText(aQuotedText);  // XXX ignore charset

    if (aNodeInserted)
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res))
        *aNodeInserted = newNode;

    // Set the selection to just after the inserted node:
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && newNode)
      nsCOMPtr parent;
      PRInt32 offset;
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetNodeLocation(newNode, &parent, &offset)) && parent)
        selection->Collapse(parent, offset+1);
  return res;

NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::OutputToString(nsString& aOutputString,
                                           const nsString& aFormatType,
                                           PRUint32 aFlags)
  PRBool cancel, handled;
  nsString resultString;
  nsTextRulesInfo ruleInfo(nsTextEditRules::kOutputText);
  ruleInfo.outString = &resultString;
  ruleInfo.outputFormat = &aFormatType;
  nsresult rv = mRules->WillDoAction(nsnull, &ruleInfo, &cancel, &handled);
  if (cancel || NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
  if (handled)
  { // this case will get triggered by password fields
    aOutputString = *(ruleInfo.outString);
  { // default processing
    rv = NS_OK;
    // special-case for empty document when requesting plain text,
    // to account for the bogus text node
    if (aFormatType.EqualsWithConversion("text/plain"))
      PRBool docEmpty;
      rv = GetDocumentIsEmpty(&docEmpty);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
      if (docEmpty) {
        return NS_OK;
      else if (mFlags & eEditorPlaintextMask)
        aFlags |= nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputPreformatted;

    nsCOMPtr encoder;
    char* progid = (char *)nsAllocator::Alloc(strlen(NS_DOC_ENCODER_PROGID_BASE) + aFormatType.Length() + 1);
    if (! progid)
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    strcpy(progid, NS_DOC_ENCODER_PROGID_BASE);
    char* type = aFormatType.ToNewCString();
    strcat(progid, type);
    rv = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(progid,

    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
      printf("Couldn't get progid %s\n", progid);
      return rv;

    nsCOMPtr domdoc;
    rv = GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(domdoc));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
      return rv;
    nsCOMPtr doc = do_QueryInterface(domdoc);

    rv = encoder->Init(doc, aFormatType, aFlags);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
      return rv;

    // Set the selection, if appropriate:
    if (aFlags & nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputSelectionOnly)
      nsCOMPtr selection;
      rv = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && selection)
    // Set the wrap column.  If our wrap column is 0,
    // i.e. wrap to body width, then don't set it, let the
    // document encoder use its own default.
    PRInt32 wrapColumn;
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetBodyWrapWidth(&wrapColumn)))
      if (wrapColumn != 0)
        PRUint32 wc;
        if (wrapColumn < 0)
          wc = 0;
          wc = (PRUint32)wrapColumn;
        if (wrapColumn > 0)

    rv = encoder->EncodeToString(aOutputString);
  return rv;

NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::OutputToStream(nsIOutputStream* aOutputStream,
                                           const nsString& aFormatType,
                                           const nsString* aCharset,
                                           PRUint32 aFlags)

  nsresult rv;

  // special-case for empty document when requesting plain text,
  // to account for the bogus text node
  if (aFormatType.EqualsWithConversion("text/plain"))
    PRBool docEmpty;
    rv = GetDocumentIsEmpty(&docEmpty);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
    if (docEmpty)
       return NS_OK;    // output nothing

  nsCOMPtr encoder;
  char* progid = (char *)nsAllocator::Alloc(strlen(NS_DOC_ENCODER_PROGID_BASE) + aFormatType.Length() + 1);
  if (! progid)
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

  strcpy(progid, NS_DOC_ENCODER_PROGID_BASE);
  char* type = aFormatType.ToNewCString();
  strcat(progid, type);
  rv = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(progid,

  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    printf("Couldn't get progid %s\n", progid);
    return rv;

  nsCOMPtr domdoc;
  rv = GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(domdoc));
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return rv;
  nsCOMPtr doc = do_QueryInterface(domdoc);

  if (aCharset && aCharset->Length() != 0 && aCharset->EqualsWithConversion("null")==PR_FALSE)

    rv = encoder->Init(doc, aFormatType, aFlags);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
      return rv;

  // Set the selection, if appropriate:
  if (aFlags & nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputSelectionOnly)
    nsCOMPtr selection;
    rv = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && selection)
  // Set the wrap column.  If our wrap column is 0,
  // i.e. wrap to body width, then don't set it, let the
  // document encoder use its own default.
  PRInt32 wrapColumn;
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetBodyWrapWidth(&wrapColumn)))
    if (wrapColumn != 0)
      PRUint32 wc;
      if (wrapColumn < 0)
        wc = 0;
        wc = (PRUint32)wrapColumn;
      if (wrapColumn > 0)

  return encoder->EncodeToStream(aOutputStream);

nsHTMLEditor::DebugUnitTests(PRInt32 *outNumTests, PRInt32 *outNumTestsFailed)
#ifdef DEBUG
  if (!outNumTests || !outNumTestsFailed)

  TextEditorTest *tester = new TextEditorTest();
  if (!tester)
  tester->Run(this, outNumTests, outNumTestsFailed);
  delete tester;
  return NS_OK;

#ifdef XP_MAC
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark  nsIEditorIMESupport overrides 
#pragma mark -

nsHTMLEditor::SetCompositionString(const nsString& aCompositionString, nsIPrivateTextRangeList* aTextRangeList,nsTextEventReply* aReply)
  NS_ASSERTION(aTextRangeList, "null ptr");
  if(nsnull == aTextRangeList)
        return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  nsCOMPtr  caretP;
  // workaround for windows ime bug 23558: we get every ime event twice. 
  // for escape keypress, this causes an empty string to be passed
  // twice, which freaks out the editor.  This is to detect and aviod that
  // situation:
  if (aCompositionString.IsEmpty() && !mIMETextNode) 
    return NS_OK;
  nsCOMPtr selection;
  nsresult result = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result;

  mIMETextRangeList = aTextRangeList;
  nsAutoPlaceHolderBatch batch(this, gIMETxnName);

  result = InsertText(aCompositionString);

  mIMEBufferLength = aCompositionString.Length();

  if (!mPresShellWeak) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
  nsCOMPtr ps = do_QueryReferent(mPresShellWeak);
  if (!ps) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED;

  // second part of 23558 fix:
  if (aCompositionString.IsEmpty()) 
    mIMETextNode = nsnull;
  return result;

#ifdef XP_MAC
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark  StyleSheet utils 
#pragma mark -

nsHTMLEditor::ReplaceStyleSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet *aNewSheet)
  nsresult  rv = NS_OK;
  nsAutoEditBatch batchIt(this);

  if (mLastStyleSheet)
    rv = RemoveStyleSheet(mLastStyleSheet);
    //XXX: rv is ignored here, why?

  rv = AddStyleSheet(aNewSheet);
  return rv;

nsHTMLEditor::StyleSheetLoaded(nsICSSStyleSheet*aSheet, PRBool aNotify)
  ApplyStyleSheetToPresShellDocument(aSheet, this);
  return NS_OK;

/* static callback */
void nsHTMLEditor::ApplyStyleSheetToPresShellDocument(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, void *aData)
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;

  nsHTMLEditor *editor = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsHTMLEditor*, aData);
  if (editor)
    rv = editor->ReplaceStyleSheet(aSheet);
  // XXX: we lose the return value here. Set a flag in the editor?

#ifdef XP_MAC
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark  nsEditor overrides 
#pragma mark -

/** All editor operations which alter the doc should be prefaced
 *  with a call to StartOperation, naming the action and direction */
nsHTMLEditor::StartOperation(PRInt32 opID, nsIEditor::EDirection aDirection)
  if (! ((opID==kOpInsertText) || (opID==kOpInsertIMEText)) )
  if (mRules) return mRules->BeforeEdit(opID, aDirection);
  return NS_OK;

/** All editor operations which alter the doc should be followed
 *  with a call to EndOperation, naming the action and direction */
nsHTMLEditor::EndOperation(PRInt32 opID, nsIEditor::EDirection aDirection)
  if (! ((opID==kOpInsertText) || (opID==kOpInsertIMEText)) )
  if (mRules) return mRules->AfterEdit(opID, aDirection);
  return NS_OK;

nsHTMLEditor::CanContainTag(nsIDOMNode* aParent, const nsString &aTag)
  // CNavDTD gives some unwanted results.  We override them here.
  // if parent is a list and tag is text, say "no". 
  if (IsListNode(aParent) && (aTag.EqualsWithConversion("__moz_text")))
    return PR_FALSE;
  // else fall thru
  return nsEditor::CanContainTag(aParent, aTag);

nsHTMLEditor::SelectEntireDocument(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection)
  nsresult res;
  if (!aSelection || !mRules) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
  // get body node
  res = GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(bodyElement));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  nsCOMPtrbodyNode = do_QueryInterface(bodyElement);
  if (!bodyNode) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  // is doc empty?
  PRBool bDocIsEmpty;
  res = mRules->DocumentIsEmpty(&bDocIsEmpty);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (bDocIsEmpty)
    // if its empty dont select entire doc - that would select the bogus node
    return aSelection->Collapse(bodyNode, 0);
    return nsEditor::SelectEntireDocument(aSelection);
  return res;

#ifdef XP_MAC
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark  Random methods 
#pragma mark -

NS_IMETHODIMP nsHTMLEditor::GetLayoutObject(nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsISupports **aLayoutObject)
  nsresult result = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;  // we return an error unless we get the index
  if (!mPresShellWeak) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
  nsCOMPtr ps = do_QueryReferent(mPresShellWeak);
  if (!ps) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED;

  if ((nsnull!=aNode))
  { // get the content interface
    nsCOMPtr nodeAsContent( do_QueryInterface(aNode) );
    if (nodeAsContent)
    { // get the frame from the content interface
      //Note: frames are not ref counted, so don't use an nsCOMPtr
      *aLayoutObject = nsnull;
      result = ps->GetLayoutObjectFor(nodeAsContent, aLayoutObject);
  else {

  return result;

// this will NOT find aAttribute unless aAttribute has a non-null value
// so singleton attributes like  will not be matched!
void nsHTMLEditor::IsTextPropertySetByContent(nsIDOMNode     *aNode,
                                              nsIAtom        *aProperty, 
                                              const nsString *aAttribute, 
                                              const nsString *aValue, 
                                              PRBool         &aIsSet,
                                              nsIDOMNode    **aStyleNode) const
  nsresult result;
  aIsSet = PR_FALSE;  // must be initialized to false for code below to work
  nsAutoString propName;
  result = aNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent));
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) return;
  while (parent)
    element = do_QueryInterface(parent);
    if (element)
      nsAutoString tag;
      if (propName.EqualsIgnoreCase(tag))
        PRBool found = PR_FALSE;
        if (aAttribute && 0!=aAttribute->Length())
          nsAutoString value;
          element->GetAttribute(*aAttribute, value);
          if (0!=value.Length())
            if (!aValue) {
              found = PR_TRUE;
            else if (aValue->EqualsIgnoreCase(value)) {
              found = PR_TRUE;
            else {  // we found the prop with the attribute, but the value doesn't match
        else { 
          found = PR_TRUE;
        if (found)
          aIsSet = PR_TRUE;
    result = parent->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(temp));
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && temp) {
      parent = do_QueryInterface(temp);
    else {
      parent = do_QueryInterface(nsnull);

void nsHTMLEditor::IsTextStyleSet(nsIStyleContext *aSC, 
                                  nsIAtom *aProperty, 
                                  const nsString *aAttribute,  
                                  PRBool &aIsSet) const
  aIsSet = PR_FALSE;
  if (aSC && aProperty)
    nsStyleFont* font = (nsStyleFont*)aSC->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Font);
    if (nsIEditProperty::i==aProperty)
      aIsSet = PRBool(font->mFont.style & NS_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC);
    else if (nsIEditProperty::b==aProperty)
    { // XXX: check this logic with Peter
      aIsSet = PRBool(font->mFont.weight > NS_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL);

#ifdef XP_MAC
#pragma mark -

// HTML Editor methods
// Note: Table Editing methods are implemented in nsTableEditor.cpp

PRBool nsHTMLEditor::IsElementInBody(nsIDOMElement* aElement)
  if ( aElement )
    nsIDOMElement* bodyElement = nsnull;
    nsresult res = nsEditor::GetBodyElement(&bodyElement);
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if (!bodyElement) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
    nsCOMPtr parent;
    nsCOMPtr currentElement = do_QueryInterface(aElement);
    if (currentElement)
      do {
        if (parent)
          if (parent == bodyElement)
            return PR_TRUE;

          currentElement = parent;
      } while(parent);
  return PR_FALSE;

nsHTMLEditor::SetCaretInTableCell(nsIDOMElement* aElement)
  PRBool caretIsSet = PR_FALSE;

  if (aElement && IsElementInBody(aElement))
    nsresult res = NS_OK;
    nsCOMPtr content = do_QueryInterface(aElement);
    if (content)
      nsCOMPtr atom;
      if (atom.get() == nsIEditProperty::table ||
          atom.get() == nsIEditProperty::tbody ||
          atom.get() == nsIEditProperty::thead ||
          atom.get() == nsIEditProperty::tfoot ||
          atom.get() == nsIEditProperty::caption ||
          atom.get() == nsIEditProperty::tr ||
          atom.get() == nsIEditProperty::td )
        nsCOMPtr node = do_QueryInterface(aElement);
        nsCOMPtr parent;
        // This MUST succeed if IsElementInBody was TRUE
        // Find deepest child
        PRBool hasChild;
        while (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->HasChildNodes(&hasChild)) && hasChild)
          if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->GetFirstChild(getter_AddRefs(firstChild))))
            parent = node;
            node = firstChild;
# if 0 
// I've ifdef'd this out because it isn't finished and I'm not sure what the intent is.
        PRInt32 offset = 0;
        res = parent->GetLastChild(getter_AddRefs(lastChild));
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && lastChild && node != lastChild)
          if (node == lastChild)
            // Check if node is text and has more than just a  
            nsCOMPtrtextNode = do_QueryInterface(node);
            nsAutoString text;
            PRUnichar nbspStr[2] = {nbsp, 0};
            if (textNode && textNode->GetData(text))
              // Set selection relative to the text node
              parent = node;
              PRInt32 len = text.Length();
              if (len > 1 || text != nbspStr)
                offset = len;
          } else {
            // We have > 1 node, so set to end of content
        // Set selection at beginning of deepest node
        nsCOMPtr selection;
        res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && selection && firstChild)
          res = selection->Collapse(firstChild, 0);
          if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res))
            caretIsSet = PR_TRUE;
  return caretIsSet;

nsHTMLEditor::IsRootTag(nsString &aTag, PRBool &aIsTag)
  static char bodyTag[] = "body";
  static char tdTag[] = "td";
  static char thTag[] = "th";
  static char captionTag[] = "caption";
  if (aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(bodyTag) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(tdTag) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(thTag) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(captionTag) )
    aIsTag = PR_TRUE;
  else {
    aIsTag = PR_FALSE;
  return NS_OK;

nsHTMLEditor::IsSubordinateBlock(nsString &aTag, PRBool &aIsTag)
  static char p[] = "p";
  static char h1[] = "h1";
  static char h2[] = "h2";
  static char h3[] = "h3";
  static char h4[] = "h4";
  static char h5[] = "h5";
  static char h6[] = "h6";
  static char address[] = "address";
  static char pre[] = "pre";
  static char li[] = "li";
  static char dt[] = "dt";
  static char dd[] = "dd";
  if (aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(p)  ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(h1) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(h2) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(h3) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(h4) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(h5) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(h6) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(address) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(pre) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(li) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(dt) ||
      aTag.EqualsIgnoreCase(dd) )
    aIsTag = PR_TRUE;
  else {
    aIsTag = PR_FALSE;
  return NS_OK;

// IsTable: true if node an html table
nsHTMLEditor::IsTable(nsIDOMNode *node)
  NS_PRECONDITION(node, "null node passed to nsHTMLEditor::IsTable");
  nsAutoString tag;
  if (tag.EqualsWithConversion("table"))
    return PR_TRUE;
  return PR_FALSE;

// IsTableCell: true if node an html td
nsHTMLEditor::IsTableCell(nsIDOMNode *node)
  NS_PRECONDITION(node, "null node passed to nsHTMLEditor::IsTableCell");
  nsAutoString tag;
  if (tag.EqualsWithConversion("td") || tag.EqualsWithConversion("th"))
    return PR_TRUE;
  return PR_FALSE;

// IsTableElement: true if node an html table, td, tr, ...
nsHTMLEditor::IsTableElement(nsIDOMNode *node)
  NS_PRECONDITION(node, "null node passed to nsHTMLEditor::IsTableElement");
  nsAutoString tagName;
  if (tagName.EqualsWithConversion("table") || tagName.EqualsWithConversion("tr") || 
      tagName.EqualsWithConversion("td")    || tagName.EqualsWithConversion("th") ||
      tagName.EqualsWithConversion("thead") || tagName.EqualsWithConversion("tfoot") ||
      tagName.EqualsWithConversion("tbody") || tagName.EqualsWithConversion("caption"))
    return PR_TRUE;
  return PR_FALSE;

// GetEnclosingTable: find ancestor who is a table, if any
nsHTMLEditor::GetEnclosingTable(nsIDOMNode *aNode)
  NS_PRECONDITION(aNode, "null node passed to nsHTMLEditor::GetEnclosingTable");
  nsCOMPtr tbl, tmp, node = aNode;

  while (!tbl)
    tmp = GetBlockNodeParent(node);
    if (!tmp) break;
    if (IsTable(tmp)) tbl = tmp;
    node = tmp;
  return tbl;

nsHTMLEditor::DeleteSelectionAndPrepareToCreateNode(nsCOMPtr &parentSelectedNode, PRInt32& offsetOfNewNode)
  nsresult result=NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
  nsCOMPtr selection;
  result = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result;
  if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  PRBool collapsed;
  result = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&collapsed);
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && !collapsed) 
    result = DeleteSelection(nsIEditor::eNone);
    if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
      return result;
    // get the new selection
    result = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
    if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
      return result;
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
    nsresult debugResult = selection->GetAnchorNode(getter_AddRefs(testSelectedNode));
    // no selection is ok.
    // if there is a selection, it must be collapsed
    if (testSelectedNode)
      PRBool testCollapsed;
      debugResult = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&testCollapsed);
      NS_ASSERTION((NS_SUCCEEDED(result)), "couldn't get a selection after deletion");
      NS_ASSERTION(testCollapsed, "selection not reset after deletion");
  // split the selected node
  PRInt32 offsetOfSelectedNode;
  result = selection->GetAnchorNode(getter_AddRefs(parentSelectedNode));
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && NS_SUCCEEDED(selection->GetAnchorOffset(&offsetOfSelectedNode)) && parentSelectedNode)
    nsCOMPtr selectedNode;
    PRUint32 selectedNodeContentCount=0;
    selectedParentNodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(parentSelectedNode);

    offsetOfNewNode = offsetOfSelectedNode;
    /* if the selection is a text node, split the text node if necesary
       and compute where to put the new node
    if (selectedParentNodeAsText) 
      PRInt32 indexOfTextNodeInParent;
      selectedNode = do_QueryInterface(parentSelectedNode);
      GetChildOffset(selectedNode, parentSelectedNode, indexOfTextNodeInParent);

      if ((offsetOfSelectedNode!=0) && (((PRUint32)offsetOfSelectedNode)!=selectedNodeContentCount))
        nsCOMPtr newSiblingNode;
        result = SplitNode(selectedNode, offsetOfSelectedNode, getter_AddRefs(newSiblingNode));
        // now get the node's offset in it's parent, and insert the new tag there
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
          result = GetChildOffset(selectedNode, parentSelectedNode, offsetOfNewNode);
      { // determine where to insert the new node
        if (0==offsetOfSelectedNode) {
          offsetOfNewNode = indexOfTextNodeInParent; // insert new node as previous sibling to selection parent
        else {                 // insert new node as last child
          GetChildOffset(selectedNode, parentSelectedNode, offsetOfNewNode);
          offsetOfNewNode++;    // offsets are 0-based, and we need the index of the new node
  // I dont know what is up with this, but there is no reason to split 
  // any node we happen to be inserting into.  The code below (ifdef'd out) 
  // breaks InsertBreak().
#if 0  

    /* if the selection is not a text node, split the parent node if necesary
       and compute where to put the new node
    { // it's an interior node
      if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) && parentChildList)
        result = parentChildList->Item(offsetOfSelectedNode, getter_AddRefs(selectedNode));
        if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) && selectedNode)
          selectedNodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(selectedNode);
          //CM: I added "result ="
          result = selectedNode->GetChildNodes(getter_AddRefs(childList));
          if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) 
            if (childList)
              // This is the case where the collapsed selection offset
              //   points to an inline node with no children
              //   This must also be where the new node should be inserted
              //   and there is no splitting necessary
              offsetOfNewNode = offsetOfSelectedNode;
              return NS_OK;
            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
          if ((offsetOfSelectedNode!=0) && (((PRUint32)offsetOfSelectedNode)!=selectedNodeContentCount))
            nsCOMPtr newSiblingNode;
            result = SplitNode(selectedNode, offsetOfSelectedNode, getter_AddRefs(newSiblingNode));
            // now get the node's offset in it's parent, and insert the new tag there
            if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
              result = GetChildOffset(selectedNode, parentSelectedNode, offsetOfNewNode);
          { // determine where to insert the new node
            if (0==offsetOfSelectedNode) {
              offsetOfNewNode = 0; // insert new node as first child
            else {                 // insert new node as last child
              GetChildOffset(selectedNode, parentSelectedNode, offsetOfNewNode);
              offsetOfNewNode++;    // offsets are 0-based, and we need the index of the new node

    // Here's where the new node was inserted
  else {
    printf("InsertBreak into an empty document is not yet supported\n");
  return result;

#ifdef XP_MAC
#pragma mark -

void nsHTMLEditor::CacheInlineStyles(nsIDOMNode *aNode)
  if (!aNode) return;
  nsCOMPtr resultNode;
  mCachedNode = do_QueryInterface(aNode);
  IsTextPropertySetByContent(aNode, mBoldAtom, 0, 0, mCachedBoldStyle, getter_AddRefs(resultNode));
  IsTextPropertySetByContent(aNode, mItalicAtom, 0, 0, mCachedItalicStyle, getter_AddRefs(resultNode));
  IsTextPropertySetByContent(aNode, mUnderlineAtom, 0, 0, mCachedUnderlineStyle, getter_AddRefs(resultNode));

void nsHTMLEditor::ClearInlineStylesCache()
  mCachedNode = nsnull;

nsCOMPtr nsHTMLEditor::FindPreElement()
  nsCOMPtr domdoc;
  if (!domdoc)
    return 0;

  nsCOMPtr doc (do_QueryInterface(domdoc));
  if (!doc)
    return 0;

  nsIContent* rootContent = doc->GetRootContent();
  if (!rootContent)
    return 0;

  nsCOMPtr rootNode (do_QueryInterface(rootContent));
  if (!rootNode)
    return 0;

  nsString prestr ("PRE");  // GetFirstNodeOfType requires capitals
  nsCOMPtr preNode;
  if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(nsEditor::GetFirstNodeOfType(rootNode, prestr,
    return 0;

  return do_QueryInterface(preNode);
#endif /* PRE_NODE_IN_BODY */

void nsHTMLEditor::HandleEventListenerError()
  if (gNoisy) { printf("failed to add event listener\n"); }
  // null out the nsCOMPtrs
  mKeyListenerP = nsnull;
  mMouseListenerP = nsnull;
  mTextListenerP = nsnull;
  mDragListenerP = nsnull;
  mCompositionListenerP = nsnull;
  mFocusListenerP = nsnull;

/* this method scans the selection for adjacent text nodes
 * and collapses them into a single text node.
 * "adjacent" means literally adjacent siblings of the same parent.
 * Uses nsEditor::JoinNodes so action is undoable. 
 * Should be called within the context of a batch transaction.
nsHTMLEditor::CollapseAdjacentTextNodes(nsIDOMRange *aInRange)
  if (!aInRange) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  nsAutoTxnsConserveSelection dontSpazMySelection(this);
  nsVoidArray textNodes;  // we can't actually do anything during iteration, so store the text nodes in an array
                          // don't bother ref counting them because we know we can hold them for the 
                          // lifetime of this method

  // build a list of editable text nodes
  nsCOMPtr iter;
  nsresult result = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kSubtreeIteratorCID, nsnull,
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result;
  if (!iter) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  nsCOMPtr content;
  result = iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(content));
  while (NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE == iter->IsDone())
    nsCOMPtr text = do_QueryInterface(content);
    nsCOMPtr          node = do_QueryInterface(content);
    if (text && node && IsEditable(node))

  // now that I have a list of text nodes, collapse adjacent text nodes
  // NOTE: assumption that JoinNodes keeps the righthand node
  nsIDOMNode *leftTextNode = (nsIDOMNode *)(textNodes.ElementAt(0));
  nsIDOMNode *rightTextNode = (nsIDOMNode *)(textNodes.ElementAt(1));

  while (leftTextNode && rightTextNode)
    // get the prev sibling of the right node, and see if it's leftTextNode
    nsCOMPtr prevSibOfRightNode;
    result = GetPriorHTMLSibling(rightTextNode, &prevSibOfRightNode);
    if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result;
    if (prevSibOfRightNode && (prevSibOfRightNode.get() == leftTextNode))
      nsCOMPtr parent;
      result = rightTextNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent));
      if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result;
      if (!parent) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
      result = JoinNodes(leftTextNode, rightTextNode, parent);
      if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result;

    textNodes.RemoveElementAt(0); // remove the leftmost text node from the list
    leftTextNode = (nsIDOMNode *)(textNodes.ElementAt(0));
    rightTextNode = (nsIDOMNode *)(textNodes.ElementAt(1));

  return result;

nsHTMLEditor::GetNextElementByTagName(nsIDOMElement    *aCurrentElement,
                                      const nsString   *aTagName,
                                      nsIDOMElement   **aReturn)
  nsresult res = NS_OK;
  if (!aCurrentElement || !aTagName || !aReturn)

  nsIAtom *tagAtom = NS_NewAtom(*aTagName);
  if (!tagAtom) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
  if (tagAtom==nsIEditProperty::th)

  nsCOMPtr currentNode = do_QueryInterface(aCurrentElement);
  if (!currentNode)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  *aReturn = nsnull;

  nsCOMPtr nextNode;
  PRBool done = PR_FALSE;

  do {
    res = GetNextNode(currentNode, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(nextNode));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if (!nextNode) break;

    nsCOMPtr atom = GetTag(currentNode);

    if (tagAtom==atom.get())
      nsCOMPtr element = do_QueryInterface(currentNode);
      if (!element) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

      *aReturn = element;
      done = PR_TRUE;
      return NS_OK;
    currentNode = nextNode;
  } while (!done);

  return res;

nsHTMLEditor::SetSelectionAtDocumentStart(nsIDOMSelection *aSelection)
  nsCOMPtr bodyElement;
  nsresult res = GetBodyElement(getter_AddRefs(bodyElement));  
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res))
  	if (!bodyElement) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
    res = aSelection->Collapse(bodyElement,0);
  return res;

#ifdef XP_MAC
#pragma mark -

nsHTMLEditor::RelativeFontChange( PRInt32 aSizeChange)
  // Can only change font size by + or - 1
  if ( !( (aSizeChange==1) || (aSizeChange==-1) ) )

  // Get the selection 
  nsresult res = GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (!selection) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  // Is the selection collapsed?
  PRBool bCollapsed;
  res = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&bCollapsed);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  // if it's collapsed dont do anything.  
  // MOOSE: We should probably have typing state for this like
  // we do for other things.
  if (bCollapsed)
    return NS_OK;
  // wrap with txn batching, rules sniffing, and selection preservation code
  nsAutoEditBatch batchIt(this);
  nsAutoRules beginRulesSniffing(this, kOpSetTextProperty, nsIEditor::eNext);
  nsAutoSelectionReset selectionResetter(selection, this);

  // get selection range enumerator
  nsCOMPtr enumerator;
  res = selection->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (!enumerator)    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // loop thru the ranges in the selection
  nsCOMPtr currentItem;
  while ((NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE == enumerator->IsDone()))
    res = enumerator->CurrentItem(getter_AddRefs(currentItem));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if (!currentItem)   return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    nsCOMPtr range( do_QueryInterface(currentItem) );

    // adjust range to include any ancestors who's children are entirely selected
    res = PromoteInlineRange(range);
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    // check for easy case: both range endpoints in same text node
    nsCOMPtr startNode, endNode;
    res = range->GetStartParent(getter_AddRefs(startNode));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    res = range->GetEndParent(getter_AddRefs(endNode));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if ((startNode == endNode) && IsTextNode(startNode))
      // MOOSE: workaround for selection bug:

      PRInt32 startOffset, endOffset;
      nsCOMPtr nodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(startNode);
      res = RelativeFontChangeOnTextNode(aSizeChange, nodeAsText, startOffset, endOffset);
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      // not the easy case.  range not contained in single text node. 
      // there are up to three phases here.  There are all the nodes
      // reported by the subtree iterator to be processed.  And there
      // are potentially a starting textnode and an ending textnode
      // which are only partially contained by the range.
      // lets handle the nodes reported by the iterator.  These nodes
      // are entirely contained in the selection range.  We build up
      // a list of them (since doing operations on the document during
      // iteration would perturb the iterator).

      nsCOMPtr iter;
      res = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kSubtreeIteratorCID, nsnull,
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      if (!iter)          return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

      nsCOMPtr arrayOfNodes;
      nsCOMPtr content;
      nsCOMPtr node;
      nsCOMPtr isupports;
      // make a array
      res = NS_NewISupportsArray(getter_AddRefs(arrayOfNodes));
      if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      // iterate range and build up array
      while (NS_ENUMERATOR_FALSE == iter->IsDone())
        res = iter->CurrentNode(getter_AddRefs(content));
        if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
        node = do_QueryInterface(content);
        if (!node) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
        if (IsEditable(node))
          isupports = do_QueryInterface(node);
        res = iter->Next();
        if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      // MOOSE: workaround for selection bug:

      // now that we have the list, do the font size change on each node
      PRUint32 listCount;
      PRUint32 j;
      for (j = 0; j < listCount; j++)
        isupports = (dont_AddRef)(arrayOfNodes->ElementAt(0));
        node = do_QueryInterface(isupports);
        res = RelativeFontChangeOnNode(aSizeChange, node);
        if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      // now check the start and end parents of the range to see if they need to 
      // be seperately handled (they do if they are text nodes, due to how the
      // subtree iterator works - it will not have reported them).
      if (IsTextNode(startNode) && IsEditable(startNode))
        nsCOMPtr nodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(startNode);
        PRInt32 startOffset;
        PRUint32 textLen;
        res = RelativeFontChangeOnTextNode(aSizeChange, nodeAsText, startOffset, textLen);
        if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
      if (IsTextNode(endNode) && IsEditable(endNode))
        nsCOMPtr nodeAsText = do_QueryInterface(endNode);
        PRInt32 endOffset;
        res = RelativeFontChangeOnTextNode(aSizeChange, nodeAsText, 0, endOffset);
        if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  return res;  

nsHTMLEditor::RelativeFontChangeOnTextNode( PRInt32 aSizeChange, 
                                            nsIDOMCharacterData *aTextNode, 
                                            PRInt32 aStartOffset,
                                            PRInt32 aEndOffset)
  // Can only change font size by + or - 1
  if ( !( (aSizeChange==1) || (aSizeChange==-1) ) )
  if (!aTextNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  // dont need to do anything if no characters actually selected
  if (aStartOffset == aEndOffset) return NS_OK;
  nsresult res = NS_OK;
  nsCOMPtr tmp, node = do_QueryInterface(aTextNode);
  // do we need to split the text node?
  PRUint32 textLen;
  if ( (PRUint32)aEndOffset != textLen )
    // we need to split off back of text node
    res = SplitNode(node, aEndOffset, getter_AddRefs(tmp));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    node = tmp;  // remember left node
  if ( aStartOffset )
    // we need to split off front of text node
    res = SplitNode(node, aStartOffset, getter_AddRefs(tmp));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  // reparent the node inside font node with appropriate relative size
  res = InsertContainerAbove(node, &tmp, NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2( aSizeChange==1 ? "big" : "small" ));
  return res;

nsHTMLEditor::RelativeFontChangeOnNode( PRInt32 aSizeChange, 
                                        nsIDOMNode *aNode)
  // Can only change font size by + or - 1
  if ( !( (aSizeChange==1) || (aSizeChange==-1) ) )
  if (!aNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;

  nsresult res = NS_OK;
  nsCOMPtr tmp;
  nsAutoString tag;
  if (aSizeChange == 1) tag.AssignWithConversion("big");
  else tag.AssignWithConversion("small");
  // is this node a text node?
  if (IsTextNode(aNode))
    res = InsertContainerAbove(aNode, &tmp, tag);
    return res;
  // is it the opposite of what we want?  
  if ( ((aSizeChange == 1) && nsHTMLEditUtils::IsSmall(aNode)) || 
       ((aSizeChange == -1) &&  nsHTMLEditUtils::IsBig(aNode)) )
    // in that case, just remove this node and pull up the children
    res = RemoveContainer(aNode);
    return res;
  // can it be put inside a "big" or "small"?
  if (TagCanContain(tag, aNode))
    // ok, chuck it in.
    res = InsertContainerAbove(aNode, &tmp, tag);
    return res;
  // none of the above?  then cycle through the children.
  // MOOSE: we should group the children together if possible
  // into a single "big" or "small".  For the moment they are
  // each getting their own.  
  nsCOMPtr childNodes;
  res = aNode->GetChildNodes(getter_AddRefs(childNodes));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (childNodes)
    PRInt32 j;
    PRUint32 childCount;
    for (j=0 ; j < (PRInt32)childCount; j++)
      nsCOMPtr childNode;
      res = childNodes->Item(j, getter_AddRefs(childNode));
      if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) && (childNode))
        res = RelativeFontChangeOnNode(aSizeChange, childNode);
        if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  return res;

// GetPriorHTMLSibling: returns the previous editable sibling, if there is
//                   one within the parent
nsHTMLEditor::GetPriorHTMLSibling(nsIDOMNode *inNode, nsCOMPtr *outNode)
  if (!outNode || !inNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  nsresult res = NS_OK;
  *outNode = nsnull;
  nsCOMPtr temp, node = do_QueryInterface(inNode);
  while (1)
    res = node->GetPreviousSibling(getter_AddRefs(temp));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if (!temp) return NS_OK;  // return null sibling
    // if it's editable, we're done
    if (IsEditable(temp)) break;
    // otherwise try again
    node = temp;
  *outNode = temp;
  return res;

// GetPriorHTMLSibling: returns the previous editable sibling, if there is
//                   one within the parent.  just like above routine but
//                   takes a parent/offset instead of a node.
nsHTMLEditor::GetPriorHTMLSibling(nsIDOMNode *inParent, PRInt32 inOffset, nsCOMPtr *outNode)
  if (!outNode || !inParent) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  nsresult res = NS_OK;
  *outNode = nsnull;
  if (!inOffset) return NS_OK;  // return null sibling if at offset zero
  nsCOMPtr node = nsEditor::GetChildAt(inParent,inOffset-1);
  if (IsEditable(node)) 
    *outNode = node;
    return res;
  // else
  return GetPriorHTMLSibling(node, outNode);

// GetNextHTMLSibling: returns the next editable sibling, if there is
//                   one within the parent
nsHTMLEditor::GetNextHTMLSibling(nsIDOMNode *inNode, nsCOMPtr *outNode)
  if (!outNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  nsresult res = NS_OK;
  *outNode = nsnull;
  nsCOMPtr temp, node = do_QueryInterface(inNode);
  while (1)
    res = node->GetNextSibling(getter_AddRefs(temp));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if (!temp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    // if it's editable, we're done
    if (IsEditable(temp)) break;
    // otherwise try again
    node = temp;
  *outNode = temp;
  return res;

// GetNextHTMLSibling: returns the next editable sibling, if there is
//                   one within the parent.  just like above routine but
//                   takes a parent/offset instead of a node.
nsHTMLEditor::GetNextHTMLSibling(nsIDOMNode *inParent, PRInt32 inOffset, nsCOMPtr *outNode)
  if (!outNode || !inParent) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  nsresult res = NS_OK;
  *outNode = nsnull;
  nsCOMPtr node = nsEditor::GetChildAt(inParent,inOffset);
  if (!node) return NS_OK; // return null sibling if no sibling
  if (IsEditable(node)) 
    *outNode = node;
    return res;
  // else
  return GetPriorHTMLSibling(node, outNode);

// GetPriorHTMLNode: returns the previous editable leaf node, if there is
//                   one within the 
nsHTMLEditor::GetPriorHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode *inNode, nsCOMPtr *outNode)
  if (!outNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  nsresult res = GetPriorNode(inNode, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(*outNode));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  // if it's not in the body, then zero it out
  if (*outNode && !nsHTMLEditUtils::InBody(*outNode))
    *outNode = nsnull;
  return res;

// GetPriorHTMLNode: same as above but takes {parent,offset} instead of node
nsHTMLEditor::GetPriorHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode *inParent, PRInt32 inOffset, nsCOMPtr *outNode)
  if (!outNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  nsresult res = GetPriorNode(inParent, inOffset, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(*outNode));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  // if it's not in the body, then zero it out
  if (*outNode && !nsHTMLEditUtils::InBody(*outNode))
    *outNode = nsnull;
  return res;

// GetNextHTMLNode: returns the previous editable leaf node, if there is
//                   one within the 
nsHTMLEditor::GetNextHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode *inNode, nsCOMPtr *outNode)
  if (!outNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  nsresult res = GetNextNode(inNode, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(*outNode));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  // if it's not in the body, then zero it out
  if (*outNode && !nsHTMLEditUtils::InBody(*outNode))
    *outNode = nsnull;
  return res;

// GetNHTMLextNode: same as above but takes {parent,offset} instead of node
nsHTMLEditor::GetNextHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode *inParent, PRInt32 inOffset, nsCOMPtr *outNode)
  if (!outNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  nsresult res = GetNextNode(inParent, inOffset, PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(*outNode));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  // if it's not in the body, then zero it out
  if (*outNode && !nsHTMLEditUtils::InBody(*outNode))
    *outNode = nsnull;
  return res;

nsHTMLEditor::IsFirstEditableChild( nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRBool *aOutIsFirst)
  // check parms
  if (!aOutIsFirst || !aNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  // init out parms
  *aOutIsFirst = PR_FALSE;
  // find first editable child and compare it to aNode
  nsCOMPtr parent, firstChild;
  nsresult res = aNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (!parent) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  res = GetFirstEditableChild(parent, &firstChild);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  *aOutIsFirst = (firstChild.get() == aNode);
  return res;

nsHTMLEditor::IsLastEditableChild( nsIDOMNode *aNode, PRBool *aOutIsLast)
  // check parms
  if (!aOutIsLast || !aNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  // init out parms
  *aOutIsLast = PR_FALSE;
  // find last editable child and compare it to aNode
  nsCOMPtr parent, lastChild;
  nsresult res = aNode->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parent));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  if (!parent) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  res = GetLastEditableChild(parent, &lastChild);
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  *aOutIsLast = (lastChild.get() == aNode);
  return res;

nsHTMLEditor::GetFirstEditableChild( nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsCOMPtr *aOutFirstChild)
  // check parms
  if (!aOutFirstChild || !aNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  // init out parms
  *aOutFirstChild = nsnull;
  // find first editable child
  nsCOMPtr child;
  nsresult res = aNode->GetFirstChild(getter_AddRefs(child));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  while (child && !IsEditable(child))
    nsCOMPtr tmp;
    res = child->GetNextSibling(getter_AddRefs(tmp));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if (!tmp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    child = tmp;
  *aOutFirstChild = child;
  return res;

nsHTMLEditor::GetLastEditableChild( nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsCOMPtr *aOutLastChild)
  // check parms
  if (!aOutLastChild || !aNode) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
  // init out parms
  *aOutLastChild = nsnull;
  // find last editable child
  nsCOMPtr child;
  nsresult res = aNode->GetLastChild(getter_AddRefs(child));
  if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
  while (child && !IsEditable(child))
    nsCOMPtr tmp;
    res = child->GetPreviousSibling(getter_AddRefs(tmp));
    if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
    if (!tmp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    child = tmp;
  *aOutLastChild = child;
  return res;