This file contains only important changes made to Bonsai. If you are updating from an older verseion, make sure that you check this file! For a more complete list of what has changed, use Bonsai itself, at ( to query the CVS tree. For example, will tell you what has been changed in the last week. 7/9/99 Ported completely to perl! (Due to heroic efforts by Dieter Weber ). Among the things you need to do to get this to work are: - Realize that this installation will clear the "hook", and will prevent you from seeing any old hooks that were created by the old TCL code. - Create a, based on the tree data in your old (now obsolete) configdata. - Make sure your perl contains the MailDate and libnet CPAN modules (see INSTALL for how to get these) - Add a new column to the descs table (Dieter added this to speedup database rebuilds). Feed this to mysql: alter table descs add column hash bigint not null; - Go visit the new editparams.cgi page, and adjust everything. - Change your mail alias to point to the new script (instead of handleCheckinMail.tcl) - If you use the "administrator mail" feature, change its mail alias to point to the new (instead of handleAdminMail.tcl). 4/30/99 Now uses autoconf, and comes with a configure script. A few new variables can be defined in your configdata file, and probably need to be. See the file for a list of the new parameters.