/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): */ #include "nsIEventQueueService.h" #include "nsIInputStream.h" #include "nsIIOService.h" #include "nsIOutputStream.h" #include "nsIGenericFactory.h" #include "nsIPostToServer.h" #include "nsIRDFCompositeDataSource.h" #include "nsIRDFXMLDataSource.h" #include "nsIRDFDocument.h" #include "nsIRDFNode.h" #include "nsIRDFService.h" #include "nsIRDFXMLSource.h" #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsIStreamListener.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsDOMCID.h" // for NS_SCRIPT_NAMESET_REGISTRY_CID #include "nsLayoutCID.h" // for NS_NAMESPACEMANAGER_CID #include "nsRDFCID.h" #include "nsRDFCID.h" #include "nsIComponentManager.h" #include "plevent.h" #include "plstr.h" #if defined(XP_PC) #define DOM_DLL "jsdom.dll" #define LAYOUT_DLL "gkhtml.dll" #define NETLIB_DLL "netlib.dll" #define PARSER_DLL "gkparser.dll" #define RDF_DLL "rdf.dll" #define XPCOM_DLL "xpcom32.dll" #elif defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_BEOS) #define DOM_DLL "libjsdom"MOZ_DLL_SUFFIX #define LAYOUT_DLL "libraptorhtml"MOZ_DLL_SUFFIX #define NETLIB_DLL "libnetlib"MOZ_DLL_SUFFIX #define PARSER_DLL "libraptorhtmlpars"MOZ_DLL_SUFFIX #define RDF_DLL "librdf"MOZ_DLL_SUFFIX #define XPCOM_DLL "libxpcom"MOZ_DLL_SUFFIX #elif defined(XP_MAC) #define DOM_DLL "DOM_DLL" #define LAYOUT_DLL "LAYOUT_DLL" #define NETLIB_DLL "NETLIB_DLL" #define PARSER_DLL "PARSER_DLL" #define RDF_DLL "RDF_DLL" #define XPCOM_DLL "XPCOM_DLL" #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CIDs // rdf static NS_DEFINE_CID(kRDFServiceCID, NS_RDFSERVICE_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kRDFXMLDataSourceCID, NS_RDFXMLDATASOURCE_CID); // xpcom static NS_DEFINE_CID(kEventQueueServiceCID, NS_EVENTQUEUESERVICE_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kGenericFactoryCID, NS_GENERICFACTORY_CID); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IIDs NS_DEFINE_IID(kIEventQueueServiceIID, NS_IEVENTQUEUESERVICE_IID); NS_DEFINE_IID(kIOutputStreamIID, NS_IOUTPUTSTREAM_IID); NS_DEFINE_IID(kIRDFXMLDataSourceIID, NS_IRDFXMLDATASOURCE_IID); NS_DEFINE_IID(kIRDFServiceIID, NS_IRDFSERVICE_IID); NS_DEFINE_IID(kIRDFXMLSourceIID, NS_IRDFXMLSOURCE_IID); static nsresult SetupRegistry(void) { // netlib static NS_DEFINE_CID(kIOServiceCID, NS_IOSERVICE_CID); nsComponentManager::RegisterComponent(kIOServiceCID, NULL, NULL, NETLIB_DLL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE); // parser static NS_DEFINE_CID(kParserCID, NS_PARSER_IID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kWellFormedDTDCID, NS_WELLFORMEDDTD_CID); nsComponentManager::RegisterComponent(kParserCID, NULL, NULL, PARSER_DLL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE); nsComponentManager::RegisterComponent(kWellFormedDTDCID, NULL, NULL, PARSER_DLL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE); // layout static NS_DEFINE_CID(kNameSpaceManagerCID, NS_NAMESPACEMANAGER_CID); nsComponentManager::RegisterComponent(kNameSpaceManagerCID, NULL, NULL, LAYOUT_DLL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE); // xpcom nsComponentManager::RegisterComponent(kEventQueueServiceCID, NULL, NULL, XPCOM_DLL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE); nsComponentManager::RegisterComponent(kGenericFactoryCID, NULL, NULL, XPCOM_DLL, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE); return NS_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ConsoleOutputStreamImpl : public nsIOutputStream { public: ConsoleOutputStreamImpl(void) { NS_INIT_REFCNT(); } virtual ~ConsoleOutputStreamImpl(void) {} // nsISupports interface NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS // nsIBaseStream interface NS_IMETHOD Close(void) { return NS_OK; } // nsIOutputStream interface NS_IMETHOD Write(const char* aBuf, PRUint32 aCount, PRUint32 *aWriteCount) { PR_Write(PR_GetSpecialFD(PR_StandardOutput), aBuf, aCount); *aWriteCount = aCount; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHOD Flush() { PR_Sync(PR_GetSpecialFD(PR_StandardOutput)); return NS_OK; } }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(ConsoleOutputStreamImpl, kIOutputStreamIID); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char** argv) { nsresult rv; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [url]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } SetupRegistry(); nsIEventQueueService* theEventQueueService = nsnull; nsIEventQueue* mainQueue = nsnull; nsIRDFService* theRDFService = nsnull; nsIRDFXMLDataSource* ds = nsnull; nsIOutputStream* out = nsnull; nsIRDFXMLSource* source = nsnull; // Get netlib off the floor... if (NS_FAILED(rv = nsServiceManager::GetService(kEventQueueServiceCID, kIEventQueueServiceIID, (nsISupports**) &theEventQueueService))) { NS_ERROR("unable to get event queue service"); goto done; } if (NS_FAILED(rv = theEventQueueService->CreateThreadEventQueue())) { NS_ERROR("unable to create thread event queue"); goto done; } if (NS_FAILED(rv = theEventQueueService->GetThreadEventQueue(NS_CURRENT_THREAD, &mainQueue))) { NS_ERROR("unable to get event queue for current thread"); goto done; } NS_IF_RELEASE(mainQueue); // Create a stream data source and initialize it on argv[1], which // is hopefully a "file:" URL. (Actually, we can do _any_ kind of // URL, but only a "file:" URL will be written back to disk.) if (NS_FAILED(rv = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kRDFXMLDataSourceCID, nsnull, kIRDFXMLDataSourceIID, (void**) &ds))) { NS_ERROR("unable to create RDF/XML data source"); goto done; } if (NS_FAILED(rv = ds->SetSynchronous(PR_TRUE))) { NS_ERROR("unable to mark data source as synchronous"); goto done; } // Okay, this should load the XML file... if (NS_FAILED(rv = ds->Init(argv[1]))) { NS_ERROR("unable to initialize data source"); goto done; } // And finally, write it back out. if ((out = new ConsoleOutputStreamImpl()) == nsnull) { NS_ERROR("unable to create console output stream"); rv = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto done; } NS_ADDREF(out); if (NS_FAILED(rv = ds->QueryInterface(kIRDFXMLSourceIID, (void**) &source))) { NS_ERROR("unable to RDF/XML interface"); goto done; } if (NS_FAILED(rv = source->Serialize(out))) { NS_ERROR("error serializing"); goto done; } done: NS_IF_RELEASE(out); NS_IF_RELEASE(ds); if (theRDFService) { nsServiceManager::ReleaseService(kRDFServiceCID, theRDFService); theRDFService = nsnull; } if (theEventQueueService) { nsServiceManager::ReleaseService(kEventQueueServiceCID, theEventQueueService); theEventQueueService = nsnull; } return (NS_FAILED(rv) ? 1 : 0); }