#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/mysqltcl # -*- Mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License # Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998 # Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. source CGI.tcl source myglobrecur.tcl if {[llength $argv] == 5} { lassign $argv treeid FORM(startfrom) FORM(firstfile) FORM(subdir) FORM(modules) } else { puts "Content-type: text/plain " CheckPassword $FORM(password) } set startfrom [ParseTimeAndCheck [FormData startfrom]] set firstfile [string trim [FormData firstfile]] set subdir [string trim [FormData subdir]] Lock LoadTreeConfig Unlock ConnectToDatabase set repository $treeinfo($treeid,repository) regsub -all -- / $repository _ mungedname puts "Rebuilding entire checkin history in $treeinfo($treeid,description) ..." flush stdout # cmdtrace on set repositoryid [GetId repositories repository $repository] proc ProcessOneFile {filename} { global repository startfrom puts "$filename" flush stdout set fid [open "|/tools/ns/bin/rlog $filename" r] set doingtags 0 catch {unset branchname} regsub -- {,v$} $filename {} filerealname set filehead [file dirname $filerealname] regsub -- "^$repository" $filehead {} filehead regsub -- {^/} $filehead {} filehead if {[clength $filehead] == 0} { set filehead "." } set filetail [file tail $filerealname] while {1} { if {[gets $fid line] < 0} { break } set trimmed [string trim $line] if {$doingtags} { if {![cequal "\t" [crange $line 0 0]]} { set doingtags 0 } else { lassign [split $trimmed ":"] tag version if {[clength $tag] == 0 || [clength $version] == 0} { continue } set version [string trim $version] set branchid [GetId branches branch $tag] set dirid [GetId dirs dir $filehead] set fileid [GetId files file $filetail] # Don't touch the tags database for now. Nothing uses it, and it just takes # up too much damn space. # SendSQL "replace into tags (branchid, repositoryid, dirid, fileid, revision) values ($branchid, $repositoryid, $dirid, $fileid, '$version')" set vlist [split $version '.'] set sub [expr [llength $vlist] - 2] if {[cequal "0" [lindex $vlist $sub]]} { # Aha! Second-to-last being a zero is CVS's special way # of remembering a branch tag. set bnum [join [lreplace $vlist $sub $sub] "."] set branchname($bnum) $tag } continue } } switch -regexp -- $line { {^symbolic names} { set doingtags 1 } {^revision ([0-9.]*)$} { set indesc 0 while {1} { if {$indesc} { if {[cequal $line "----------------------------"] || [cequal $line "============================================================================="]} { # OK, we're done. Write it out. if {[info exists revision] && [info exists datestr] && [info exists author]} { if {[regexp -- {^([0-9]*)/([0-9]*)/([0-9]*) ([0-9]*):([0-9]*):([0-9]*)$} $datestr foo year month day hours mins secs]} { set date [convertclock "$month/$day/$year $hours:$mins:$secs" GMT] if {$date >= $startfrom} { set tbranch "T$branch" if {[cequal $tbranch "T"]} { set tbranch "" } set entrystr "C|$date|$author|$repository|$filehead|$filetail|$revision||$branch|+$pluscount|-$minuscount" AddToDatabase $entrystr $desc } } } set indesc 0 } else { append desc $line append desc "\n" } } else { switch -regexp -- $line { {^revision ([0-9.]*)$} { if {[regexp -- {^revision ([0-9.]*)$} $line foo new]} { set revision $new catch {unset datestr} catch {unset author} set pluscount 0 set minuscount 0 set desc {} regsub -- {.[0-9]*$} $revision {} bnum if {[info exists branchname($bnum)]} { set branch "$branchname($bnum)" } else { set branch "" } } } {^date:} { regexp -- {^date: ([0-9 /:]*); author: ([^;]*);} $line foo datestr author regexp -- {lines: \+([0-9]*) -([0-9]*)} $line foo pluscount minuscount } {^branches: [0-9 .;]*$} { # Ignore these lines; make sure they don't # become part of the desciption. } default { set indesc 1 set desc "$line\n" } } } if {[gets $fid line] < 0} { break } } } } } catch {close $fid} } proc ProcessDirectory {dir} { global firstfile my_for_recursive_glob filename $dir "*,v" { if {![cequal $firstfile ""]} { if {![cequal $filename $firstfile]} { puts "Skipping $filename" flush stdout continue } set firstfile "" } ProcessOneFile $filename } } proc digest {str} { global array set key [lvarpop str] if {[cequal [cindex [lindex $str 0] 0] "-"]} { lvarpop str } set array($key) $str } set env(CVSROOT) $treeinfo($treeid,repository) set origdir [pwd] cd / set fid [open "|/tools/ns/bin/cvs checkout -c" r] cd $origdir set curline "" while {[gets $fid line] >= 0} { if {[ctype space [cindex $line 0]]} { append curline $line } else { digest $curline set curline $line } } digest $curline close $fid set startingdir $repository/$subdir regsub -- {/\.$} $startingdir {} startingdir regsub -- {/$} $startingdir {} startingdir set oldlist {} set list {} if {[info exists FORM(modules)]} { set list [split $FORM(modules) ","] } if {[lempty $list]} { set list $treeinfo($treeid,module) } while {![cequal $list $oldlist]} { set oldlist $list set list {} foreach i $oldlist { if {[info exists array($i)]} { set list [concat $list $array($i)] # Do an unset to prevent infinite recursion. unset array($i) } else { lappend list $i } } } set tlist {} catch {unset present} foreach i $list { if {![info exists present($i)]} { lappend tlist $i set present($i) 1 } } catch {unset present} set list {} foreach i $tlist { set d $repository/$i regsub -- {/\.$} $d {} d regsub -- {/$} $d {} d lappend list $d } if {[lempty $list]} { set $list $startingdir } set slen [expr [clength $startingdir] - 1] puts "Doing directories: $list" foreach dir $list { if {![cequal [crange $dir 0 $slen] $startingdir]} { puts "*** Skipping $dir ***" continue } if {![file isdirectory $dir]} { if {[file isfile $dir]} { ProcessOneFile $dir } } else { ProcessDirectory $dir } } # puts "
# flush stdout
# set infid [open data/checkinlog$mungedname "r"]
# ConnectToDatabase
# set buffer {}
# set desc {}
# set indesc 0
# set done 0
# while {[gets $infid line] >= 0} {
# if {$indesc} {
# if {[cequal $line ":ENDLOGCOMMENT"]} {
# AddToDatabase $buffer $desc
# set buffer {}
# set desc {}
# set indesc 0
# incr done
# if {$done % 5 == 0} {
# puts "$done done.
# flush stdout
# }
# } else {
# append desc $line
# append desc "\n"
# }
# } else {
# if {[cequal $line "LOGCOMMENT"]} {
# set indesc 1
# } else {
# append buffer $line
# append buffer "\n"
# }
# }
# }
# close $infid
# puts "
Done. $numfiles files checked; $numtags tags created.