titledbox { border : 2px groove #CCCCCC; padding : 7px; margin : 5px; } title { margin-left : 6px; padding-right : 40px; } /* This just SUCKS, but seems to be necessitated by titledbox design... */ title > * { margin-left : 5px; margin-right : 5px; } :titledbox-content { display : block; padding : inherit; } /** box formatting **/ box[autostretch="never"] { vertical-align : middle; } box[autostretch="never"][valign="top"] { vertical-align : top; } box[autostretch="never"][valign="bottom"] { vertical-align : bottom; } box[autostretch="never"][halign="center"] { text-align : center; } box[autostretch="never"][halign="right"] { text-align : right; } row { vertical-align : middle; }