/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: NPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the NPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the NPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #import #import "CHBrowserWrapper.h" #import "CHFind.h" #import "CHBookmarksToolbar.h" class nsIDOMEvent; class nsIDOMNode; // // ThrobberHandler // // A helper class that handles animating the throbber when it's alive. It starts // automatically when you init it. To get it to stop, call |stopThrobber|. Calling // |release| is not enough because the timer used to animate the images holds a strong // ref back to the handler so it won't go away unless you break that cycle manually with // |stopThrobber|. // // This class must be separate from BrowserWindowController else the // same thing will happen there and the timer will cause it to stay alive and continue // loading the webpage even though the window has gone away. // @interface ThrobberHandler : NSObject { NSTimer* mTimer; NSArray* mImages; unsigned int mFrame; } // public - (id)initWithToolbarItem:(NSToolbarItem*)inButton images:(NSArray*)inImages; - (void)stopThrobber; // internal - (void)startThrobber; - (void)pulseThrobber:(id)aSender; @end @class BookmarksDataSource; @class CHHistoryDataSource; @class CHExtendedTabView; @interface BrowserWindowController : NSWindowController { IBOutlet CHExtendedTabView* mTabBrowser; IBOutlet NSDrawer* mSidebarDrawer; IBOutlet NSTabView* mSidebarTabView; IBOutlet NSTabView* mSidebarSourceTabView; IBOutlet NSView* mLocationToolbarView; IBOutlet NSTextField* mURLBar; IBOutlet NSTextField* mStatus; IBOutlet NSProgressIndicator* mProgress; IBOutlet NSImageView* mLock; IBOutlet NSWindow* mLocationSheetWindow; IBOutlet NSTextField* mLocationSheetURLField; IBOutlet NSView* mStatusBar; // contains the status text, progress bar, and lock IBOutlet id mSidebarBrowserView; // currently unused IBOutlet BookmarksDataSource* mSidebarBookmarksDataSource; IBOutlet CHHistoryDataSource* mHistoryDataSource; IBOutlet CHBookmarksToolbar* mPersonalToolbar; IBOutlet NSWindow* mAddBookmarkSheetWindow; IBOutlet NSTextField* mAddBookmarkTitleField; IBOutlet NSPopUpButton* mAddBookmarkFolderField; IBOutlet NSButton* mAddBookmarkCheckbox; // Context menu outlets. IBOutlet NSMenu* mPageMenu; IBOutlet NSMenu* mImageMenu; IBOutlet NSMenu* mInputMenu; IBOutlet NSMenu* mLinkMenu; IBOutlet NSMenu* mImageLinkMenu; // Context menu item outlets IBOutlet NSMenuItem* mBackItem; IBOutlet NSMenuItem* mForwardItem; NSToolbarItem* mLocationToolbarItem; NSToolbarItem* mSidebarToolbarItem; BOOL mInitialized; NSString* mPendingURL; NSString* mPendingReferrer; CHBrowserWrapper* mBrowserView; BOOL mMoveReentrant; NSModalSession mModalSession; BOOL mShouldAutosave; BOOL mShouldLoadHomePage; BOOL mDrawerCachedFrame; NSRect mCachedFrameBeforeDrawerOpen; // This is used by the drawer to figure out if the window should // be returned to its original position when the drawer closes. NSRect mCachedFrameAfterDrawerOpen; unsigned int mChromeMask; // Indicates which parts of the window to show (e.g., don't show toolbars) // Context menu members. int mContextMenuFlags; nsIDOMEvent* mContextMenuEvent; nsIDOMNode* mContextMenuNode; // Cached bookmark ds used when adding through a sheet id mCachedBMDS; // Throbber state variables. ThrobberHandler* mThrobberHandler; NSArray* mThrobberImages; } - (void)dealloc; -(id)getTabBrowser; -(CHBrowserWrapper*)getBrowserWrapper; - (void)loadURL:(NSString*)aURLSpec referrer:(NSString*)aReferrer; - (void)updateLocationFields:(NSString *)locationString; - (void)updateToolbarItems; - (void)focusURLBar; // call to update the image of the lock icon with a value from nsIWebProgressListener - (void)updateLock:(unsigned int)securityState; - (void)performAppropriateLocationAction; - (IBAction)goToLocationFromToolbarURLField:(id)sender; - (void)focusURLBar; - (void)beginLocationSheet; - (IBAction)endLocationSheet:(id)sender; - (IBAction)cancelLocationSheet:(id)sender; - (IBAction)cancelAddBookmarkSheet:(id)sender; - (IBAction)endAddBookmarkSheet:(id)sender; - (void)cacheBookmarkDS: (id)aDS; - (IBAction)viewSource:(id)aSender; - (void)saveDocument: (NSView*)aFilterView filterList: (NSPopUpButton*)aFilterList; - (void)saveURL: (NSView*)aFilterView filterList: (NSPopUpButton*)aFilterList url: (NSString*)aURLSpec suggestedFilename: (NSString*)aFilename; - (void)printDocument; - (void)printPreview; - (void)startThrobber; - (void)stopThrobber; - (void)clickThrobber:(id)aSender; -(void) biggerTextSize; -(void) smallerTextSize; - (BOOL)shouldShowBookmarkToolbar; - (void)addBookmarkExtended: (BOOL)aIsFromMenu isFolder:(BOOL)aIsFolder URL:(NSString*)aURL title:(NSString*)aTitle; - (IBAction)manageBookmarks: (id)aSender; - (void)importBookmarks: (NSString*)aURLSpec; - (IBAction)toggleSidebar:(id)aSender; - (void)newTab:(BOOL)allowHomepage; - (void)closeTab; - (void)previousTab; - (void)nextTab; - (IBAction)back:(id)aSender; - (IBAction)forward:(id)aSender; - (IBAction)reload:(id)aSender; - (IBAction)stop:(id)aSender; - (IBAction)home:(id)aSender; -(void)enterModalSession; -(void)openNewWindowWithURL: (NSString*)aURLSpec referrer:(NSString*)aReferrer loadInBackground: (BOOL)aLoadInBG; -(void)openNewWindowWithGroup: (nsIDOMElement*)aFolderElement loadInBackground: (BOOL)aLoadInBG; -(void)openNewTabWithURL: (NSString*)aURLSpec referrer: (NSString*)aReferrer loadInBackground: (BOOL)aLoadInBG; -(void)autosaveWindowFrame; -(void)disableAutosave; -(void)disableLoadPage; -(void)setChromeMask:(unsigned int)aMask; -(unsigned int)chromeMask; -(id)getAddBookmarkSheetWindow; -(id)getAddBookmarkTitle; -(id)getAddBookmarkFolder; -(id)getAddBookmarkCheckbox; // Called when a context menu should be shown. - (void)onShowContextMenu:(int)flags domEvent:(nsIDOMEvent*)aEvent domNode:(nsIDOMNode*)aNode; - (NSMenu*)getContextMenu; // Context menu methods - (IBAction)openLinkInNewWindow:(id)aSender; - (IBAction)openLinkInNewTab:(id)aSender; -(void)openLinkInNewWindowOrTab: (BOOL)aUseWindow; - (IBAction)savePageAs:(id)aSender; - (IBAction)saveLinkAs:(id)aSender; - (IBAction)saveImageAs:(id)aSender; - (IBAction)bookmarkPage: (id)aSender; - (IBAction)bookmarkLink: (id)aSender; - (IBAction)copyLinkLocation:(id)aSender; - (IBAction)viewOnlyThisImage:(id)aSender; - (CHBookmarksToolbar*) bookmarksToolbar; - (BOOL) isResponderGeckoView:(NSResponder*) responder; // called when the internal window focus has changed // this allows us to dispatch activate and deactivate events as necessary - (void) focusChangedFrom:(NSResponder*) oldResponder to:(NSResponder*) newResponder; // Called to get cached versions of our security icons + (NSImage*) insecureIcon; + (NSImage*) secureIcon; + (NSImage*) brokenIcon; // cache the toolbar defaults we parse from a plist + (NSArray*) toolbarDefaults; @end