/* Localized versions of UI keys */ /* generic */ "OKButtonText" = "OK"; "CancelButtonText" = "Cancel"; "ChooseDirectoryOKButton" = "Select"; "yes" = "yes"; "no" = "no"; "BuildID" = "Build ID: %010u"; "AlreadyRunningAlert" = "Cannot Launch %@"; "AlreadyRunningMsg" = "%@ is already running on this system. Only one version may be run at any time."; "AlreadyRunningButton" = "Quit"; "RequiredVersionNotMetTitle" = "Cannot Launch %@"; "RequiredVersionNotMet" = "%@ requires MacOS X 10.2 or higher."; /* for toggling show/hide bookmarks toolbar menu item */ "Hide Bookmarks Toolbar" = "Hide Bookmark Bar"; "Show Bookmarks Toolbar" = "Show Bookmark Bar"; "Hide All Bookmarks" = "Hide All Bookmarks"; "Show All Bookmarks" = "Show All Bookmarks"; /* offline window title (unused) */ "OfflineTitleFormat" = "%@ [Working Offline]"; /* quit with downloads alert */ "QuitWithDownloadsMsg" = "Are you sure you want to Quit?"; "QuitWithDownloadsExpl" = "There are downloads in progress that will be stopped if you quit now."; "QuitWithdownloadsButtonDefault" = "Cancel"; "QuitWithdownloadsButtonAlt" = "Quit"; /* Parser error loading bookmarks.xml file */ "CorruptedBookmarksAlert" = "Error Reading Bookmarks"; "CorruptedBookmarksMsg" = "The bookmarks file could not be read, because its contents don’t conform to the expected format."; /* Error importing bookarks */ "ImportFailureTitle" = "Import Failed"; "ImportFailureMessage" = "The file “%@” is not a supported bookmark file type."; /* popup blocking */ "PopupBlockMsg" = "This web site is attempting to open an unrequested popup window. %@ can automatically prevent Web sites from opening popup advertisements. Click OK to prevent all unrequested popups (including this one) from opening."; "Unblock %@" = "Unblock %@"; /* Prefs window */ "ShowAllPrefItems" = "Show All"; /* title for untitled pages (lowercase per Aqua HI Guidelines) */ "UntitledPageTitle" = "untitled"; /* prefix of tabs and windows showing source */ "SourceOf" = "Source of %@"; /* "Loading" message for tab labels */ "TabLoading" = "Loading..."; /* Preferences window */ "PrefsWindowTitleFormat" = "%@ Preferences"; "Loading %@..." = "Loading %@..."; /* About window */ "AboutWindowTitleFormat" = "About %@"; /* Download Progress Dialog */ "dlRemoveButtonLabel" = "Remove"; "dlRevealButtonLabel" = "Show"; "dlOpenButtonLabel" = "Open"; "dlCancelButtonLabel" = "Cancel"; "dlCleanUpButtonLabel" = "Clean Up"; "dlRemoveButtonTooltip" = "Remove selected download(s)"; "dlRevealButtonTooltip" = "Show selected download(s) in Finder"; "dlOpenButtonTooltip" = "Open saved file(s)"; "dlCancelButtonTooltip" = "Cancel selected download(s)"; "dlCleanUpButtonTooltip" = "Remove all inactive downloads"; /* For contextual menus */ "dlRemoveCMLabel" = "Remove"; "dlRevealCMLabel" = "Show in Finder"; "dlOpenCMLabel" = "Open"; "dlCancelCMLabel" = "Cancel"; "dlCopySourceURLCMLabel" = "Copy Source URL"; "UnderSec" = "Under %d seconds"; "UnderMin" = "Under a minute"; "AboutMin" = "About a minute"; "AboutMins" = "About %d minutes"; "AboutHour" = "Over an hour"; "AboutHours" = "Over %d hours"; "LabelString" = "%@ of %@ (at %@/sec)"; /* New Download progress dialog */ "DownloadLabelString" = "Downloading “%@” to “%@”"; "DownloadDoneLabelString" = "Downloaded “%@” to “%@”"; "DownloadStatusString" = "%@ of %@ (at %@/sec)"; "DownloadDoneStatusString" = "%@ of %@ done (at %@/sec)"; "DownloadCompleted" = "Completed in %@ (%@)"; "DownloadCancelled" = "Canceled"; "DownloadInterrupted" = "Interrupted"; "DownloadCalculatingString" = "Unknown"; "DownloadRemainingLabel" = "Time remaining:"; "DownloadRemainingLabelDone" = "Time elapsed:"; "DownloadingTooltipFormat" = "Downloading %@\n\t%@\n\t%@"; "DownloadedTooltipFormat" = "Downloaded %@\n\t%@\n\t%@"; /* for Keychain prompt */ "KeychainCheckTitle" = "Store this password in the keychain"; /* Browser Toolbar Buttons */ "Back" = "Back"; "Forward" = "Forward"; "Reload" = "Reload"; "Stop" = "Stop"; "Home" = "Home"; "Sidebar" = "Sidebar"; "Search" = "Search"; "Progress" = "Progress"; "Location" = "Location"; "Print" = "Print"; "View Source" = "View Source"; "Bookmark" = "Bookmark"; "ToggleBookmarks" = "Bookmarks"; "Manage Bookmarks" = "Manage Bookmarks"; "BigText" = "Bigger Text"; "SmallText" = "Smaller Text"; "NewTab" = "New Tab"; "CloseTab" = "Close Tab"; "SendLink" = "Send Link"; "Downloads" = "Downloads"; "Go Back" = "Go Back"; "Go Forward" = "Go Forward"; "Reload Page" = "Reload Page"; "Stop Loading" = "Stop Loading"; "Go Home" = "Go Home"; "Toggle Sidebar" = "Toggle Sidebar"; "View Page Source" = "View Page Source"; "Bookmark Page" = "Bookmark Page"; "Fill Form" = "Fill Form"; "BackToolTip" = "Go back one page"; "ForwardToolTip" = "Go forward one page"; "ReloadToolTip" = "Reload current page"; "StopToolTip" = "Stop loading this page"; "HomeToolTip" = "Go to home page"; "BookmarkMgrToolTip" = "Show or hide all bookmarks"; "SearchToolTip" = "Search the Internet"; "PrintToolTip" = "Print this page"; "ViewSourceToolTip" = "Display the HTML source of this page"; "BookmarkToolTip" = "Add this page to your bookmarks"; "BigTextToolTip" = "Enlarge the text on this page"; "SmallTextToolTip" = "Shrink the text on this page"; "NewTabToolTip" = "Create a new tab"; "CloseTabToolTip" = "Close the current tab"; "SendLinkToolTip" = "Open a new message in your mail program with the URL of the current page"; "DownloadsToolTip" = "Show the download manager"; "FillFormToolTip" = "Fill fields on this webpage with your address book information"; /* Rendezvous messages */ "NoServicesFound"="(No Services Found)"; "ServiceResolutionFailedTitle"="Could not connect"; "ServiceResolutionFailedMsgFormat"="There was a problem trying to connect to “%@”."; "_ftp._tcp."=" (ftp)"; "_http._tcp."=" (http)"; "_https._tcp."=" (ftp)"; "UserNameRequestTitle"="FTP Login"; "UsernameRequestFormat"="Enter a username to access the FTP server “%@”. Leave blank to use anonymous login."; /* Password Dialogs */ "Username Label" = "Username:"; "Password Label" = "Password:"; /* Security dialogs */ "ContinueButton" = "Continue"; "StopButton" = "Stop"; "Accept Always" = "Always Accept"; "Accept Once" = "Accept One Time Only"; "Security Warning" = "Security Warning"; "Post To Insecure" = "The information you have entered will be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue sending this information?"; "Security Mismatch" = "There is a problem with this site's security certificate. It may be invalid, expired, or not registered with a trusted authority.\n\nAre you sure you want to connect to this site?"; "Expired Certification" = "This site is using an expired certificate.\n\nAre you sure you want to connect to this site?"; "Unknown Certification" = "This site has an identity that cannot be verified."; /* cookie dialog */ "CookieText" = "%s wants to set a cookie. Do you want to allow it?"; "CookieCheckbox" = "Remember this decision?"; "CookieTitle" = "Allow Cookie?"; "SessionOnly" = "Allow For Current Session"; "Allow" = "Allow"; "Deny" = "Deny"; /* Bookmark undo menu messages */ "Add Folder" = "Add Folder"; "Add Bookmark" = "Add Bookmark"; "Add Separator" = "Add Separator"; "Move Folder" = "Move Folder"; "Move Bookmark" = "Move Bookmark"; "Move Separator" = "Move Separator"; "Copy Folder" ="Copy Folder"; "Copy Bookmark" = "Copy Bookmark"; "Delete Bookmark" = "Delete Bookmark"; "Delete Separator" = "Delete Separator"; "Delete Folder" = "Delete Folder"; /* Bookmark menu spacer */ "