/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the * terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the * "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable * instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your * version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to * allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, * indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and * replace them with the notice and other provisions required by * the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient * may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the * GPL. */ /* ** certutil.c ** ** utility for managing certificates and the cert database ** */ /* test only */ #include "nspr.h" #include "plgetopt.h" #include "secutil.h" #include "cert.h" #include "certdb.h" #include "nss.h" #define SEC_CERT_DB_EXISTS 0 #define SEC_CREATE_CERT_DB 1 static char *progName; static CERTSignedCrl *FindCRL (CERTCertDBHandle *certHandle, char *name, int type) { CERTSignedCrl *crl = NULL; CERTCertificate *cert = NULL; cert = CERT_FindCertByNickname(certHandle, name); if (!cert) { SECU_PrintError(progName, "could not find certificate named %s", name); return ((CERTSignedCrl *)NULL); } crl = SEC_FindCrlByName(certHandle, &cert->derSubject, type); if (crl ==NULL) SECU_PrintError (progName, "could not find %s's CRL", name); CERT_DestroyCertificate (cert); return (crl); } static void DisplayCRL (CERTCertDBHandle *certHandle, char *nickName, int crlType) { CERTCertificate *cert = NULL; CERTSignedCrl *crl = NULL; crl = FindCRL (certHandle, nickName, crlType); if (crl) { SECU_PrintCRLInfo (stdout, &crl->crl, "CRL Info:\n", 0); SEC_DestroyCrl (crl); } } static void ListCRLNames (CERTCertDBHandle *certHandle, int crlType) { CERTCrlHeadNode *crlList = NULL; CERTCrlNode *crlNode = NULL; CERTName *name = NULL; PRArenaPool *arena = NULL; SECStatus rv; void *mark; do { arena = PORT_NewArena (SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE); if (arena == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: fail to allocate memory\n", progName); break; } name = PORT_ArenaZAlloc (arena, sizeof(*name)); if (name == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: fail to allocate memory\n", progName); break; } name->arena = arena; rv = SEC_LookupCrls (certHandle, &crlList, crlType); if (rv != SECSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: fail to look up CRLs (%s)\n", progName, SECU_Strerror(PORT_GetError())); break; } /* just in case */ if (!crlList) break; crlNode = crlList->first; fprintf (stdout, "\n"); fprintf (stdout, "\n%-40s %-5s\n\n", "CRL names", "CRL Type"); while (crlNode) { name = &crlNode->crl->crl.name; if (!name){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: fail to get the CRL issuer name\n", progName, SECU_Strerror(PORT_GetError())); break; } fprintf (stdout, "\n%-40s %-5s\n", CERT_NameToAscii(name), "CRL"); crlNode = crlNode->next; } } while (0); if (crlList) PORT_FreeArena (crlList->arena, PR_FALSE); PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE); } static void ListCRL (CERTCertDBHandle *certHandle, char *nickName, int crlType) { if (nickName == NULL) ListCRLNames (certHandle, crlType); else DisplayCRL (certHandle, nickName, crlType); } static SECStatus DeleteCRL (CERTCertDBHandle *certHandle, char *name, int type) { CERTSignedCrl *crl = NULL; SECStatus rv = SECFailure; crl = FindCRL (certHandle, name, type); if (!crl) { SECU_PrintError (progName, "could not find the issuer %s's CRL", name); return SECFailure; } rv = SEC_DeletePermCRL (crl); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintError (progName, "fail to delete the issuer %s's CRL from the perm dbase (reason: %s)", name, SECU_Strerror(PORT_GetError())); return SECFailure; } return (rv); } SECStatus ImportCRL (CERTCertDBHandle *certHandle, char *url, int type, PRFileDesc *inFile) { CERTCertificate *cert = NULL; CERTSignedCrl *crl = NULL; SECItem crlDER; int rv; crlDER.data = NULL; /* Read in the entire file specified with the -f argument */ rv = SECU_ReadDERFromFile(&crlDER, inFile, PR_FALSE); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to read input file"); return (SECFailure); } crl = CERT_ImportCRL (certHandle, &crlDER, url, type, NULL); if (!crl) { const char *errString; errString = SECU_Strerror(PORT_GetError()); if (PORT_Strlen (errString) == 0) SECU_PrintError (progName, "CRL is not import (error: input CRL is not up to date.)"); else SECU_PrintError (progName, "unable to import CRL"); } PORT_Free (crlDER.data); SEC_DestroyCrl (crl); return (rv); } static void Usage(char *progName) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s -L [-n nickname[ [-d keydir] [-t crlType]\n" " %s -D -n nickname [-d keydir]\n" " %s -I -i crl -t crlType [-u url] [-d keydir]\n", progName, progName, progName); fprintf (stderr, "%-15s List CRL\n", "-L"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s Specify the nickname of the CA certificate\n", "-n nickname"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s Key database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n", "-d keydir"); fprintf (stderr, "%-15s Delete a CRL from the cert dbase\n", "-D"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s Specify the nickname for the CA certificate\n", "-n nickname"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s Specify the crl type.\n", "-t crlType"); fprintf (stderr, "%-15s Import a CRL to the cert dbase\n", "-I"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s Specify the file which contains the CRL to import\n", "-i crl"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s Specify the url.\n", "-u url"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s Specify the crl type.\n", "-t crlType"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s CRL Types (default is SEC_CRL_TYPE):\n", " "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s \t 0 - SEC_KRL_TYPE\n", " "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s \t 1 - SEC_CRL_TYPE\n", " "); exit(-1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { SECItem privKeyDER; CERTCertDBHandle *certHandle; FILE *certFile; PRFileDesc *inFile; int listCRL; int importCRL; int opt; int deleteCRL; int rv; char *nickName; char *url; int crlType; PLOptState *optstate; PLOptStatus status; SECStatus secstatus; progName = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); progName = progName ? progName+1 : argv[0]; rv = 0; deleteCRL = importCRL = listCRL = 0; certFile = NULL; inFile = NULL; nickName = url = NULL; privKeyDER.data = NULL; certHandle = NULL; crlType = SEC_CRL_TYPE; /* * Parse command line arguments */ optstate = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "IALd:i:Dn:Ct:u:"); while ((status = PL_GetNextOpt(optstate)) == PL_OPT_OK) { switch (optstate->option) { case '?': Usage(progName); break; case 'C': listCRL = 1; break; case 'D': deleteCRL = 1; break; case 'I': importCRL = 1; break; case 'L': listCRL = 1; break; case 'd': SECU_ConfigDirectory(optstate->value); break; case 'i': inFile = PR_Open(optstate->value, PR_RDONLY, 0); if (!inFile) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to open \"%s\" for reading\n", progName, optstate->value); return -1; } break; case 'n': nickName = strdup(optstate->value); break; case 'u': url = strdup(optstate->value); break; case 't': { char *type; type = strdup(optstate->value); crlType = atoi (type); if (crlType != SEC_CRL_TYPE && crlType != SEC_KRL_TYPE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid crl type\n", progName); return -1; } break; } } } if (deleteCRL && !nickName) Usage (progName); if (!(listCRL || deleteCRL || importCRL)) Usage (progName); if (importCRL && !inFile) Usage (progName); PR_Init( PR_SYSTEM_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 1); secstatus = NSS_InitReadWrite(SECU_ConfigDirectory(NULL)); if (secstatus != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintPRandOSError(progName); return -1; } certHandle = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB(); if (certHandle == NULL) { SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to open the cert db"); return (-1); } /* Read in the private key info */ if (deleteCRL) DeleteCRL (certHandle, nickName, crlType); else if (listCRL) ListCRL (certHandle, nickName, crlType); else if (importCRL) rv = ImportCRL (certHandle, url, crlType, inFile); return (rv); }