TransforMiiX (TM) (C) Copyright 1999, 2000, The MITRE Corporation, Keith Visco, et al. All rights reserved. Build 20000412 -- Fixed the following Axes names in Names.cpp so that the are compatible with the XSLT 1.0 recommendation (Marina) -- FOLLOWING_SIBLING_AXIS - removed the trailing s -- PRECEDING_SIBLING_AXIS - removed the trailing s -- Added support for xsl:sort (kvisco) -- simple sorting is working...documentation to follow -- Added StringComparator and DefaultStringComparator -- we need some more comparators for I18N support -- Did some directory structure changes - source/xsl is now source/xslt - source/xsl/expr is now source/xpath -- Changed xslt/XSLProcessor.* to XSLTProcessor.* -- Incorporated some changes from Olivier Gerardin for the Expat parser Build 20000331 -- Fixed a memory leak with translate() function (kvisco) -- StringFunctionCall.cpp -- Updated the necessary source files to support the changes to the String class (kvisco) -- Overloaded String::toCharArray to automatically create the character array (tomk) -- Changed String::toChar to String::toCharArray (tomk) Build 20000327 -- Fixed "dot" bug in CNAME parsing (ExprLexer.cpp) reported by Nathan Pride Build 20000326 -- Added Peter Van der Beken's changes to net/URIUtils for integration within Mozilla -- Added Marina Mechtcheriakova's changes to xml/parser/XMLParser.cpp to fix a Unicode bug in ::startElement. Instead of improperly casting char* as DOM_CHAR*, the proper String constructor, String(char*) is used Build 20000322 -- Added Unicode bug fix from Lidong Build 20000318 -- Added Olivier's implementation of the XPath Number functions -- Added missing prototype to String.h (Peter Van der Beken) Build 20000222 -- Added Attribute parent mapping since DOM 1.0 doesn't support it -- Added default sorting of NodeSet by DocumentOrder -- yes this is a hint that xsl:sort is will be available soon Build 20000218 -- Fixed bug reported by Thiery Le Bouil, xsl:param was getting processed, and then treated as a literal element Build 20000217 -- Changed StringList#iterator to return a pointer instead of a reference -- Added patches from Eric Du for FreeBSD, sorry for the delay in committing these Build 20000216 -- Fixed bug with using wildcards directly after the parent operator, such as "/*" -- Fixed bug with PredicateList#isEmpty which was returning the opposite of the expected value. -- this also caused default priorities to be incorrectly calculated. Build 19991110 -- fixed bug with PathExpr and LocationStep with respect to the ::match method -- problem reported by Oblix -- Added support for xsl:include (only file URLs will work) -- fixed the built-in xsl:apply-templates rule to handle text nodes -- moved code base to Linux platform for default development environment Build 19990818 -- Added very simple support for xsl:number -- Added support for xsl:with-param -- Added more XPath support -- added operator precedence -- added and, or, <,<=,>=,> Build 19990816 -- Changed focus from 19990709 to 19990813 XSLT Working Draft -- Made some changes for Borland C compatibility -- submitted by Stefan Heesch -- added xsl:copy-of -- fixed a bug with DOM Element, to allow DocumentFragments as children Build 19990813 -- added new example: identity.xml/xsl which tests: -- xsl:copy, node() -- added comment(), pi(), and node() -- XMLParser still needs to handle reading in XML comments -- added xsl:copy -- added xsl:processing-instruction -- added xsl:comment Build 19990812 -- Created base/Double.cpp (primitives.h) -- Based off some code submitted by Larry Fitzpatrick, changed Name from FloatPort to Double, I wanted to add more Double related methods -- changed the NaN() method to just a static double -- All expr classes now use Double::isNaN() and Double::NaN -- I added Double::isInfinite, Double::POSITIVE_INFINITY and Double::NEGATIVE_INFINITY -- Added base/Integer.cpp back into Makefile -- added Integer::toString(int,String); -- changed implementation -- Moved code to convert from Strings to doubles and from doubles to Strings into the Double class -- removed testdom.cpp from xml/dom -- Added more changes from Larry Fitzpatrick and Michele Lee for porting issues -- added appropriate return values for: -- xml/dom/Element.cpp -- xml/dom/NodeDefinition.cpp -- base/StringList.cpp -- xsl/expr/PredicateList.cpp -- Added remaining String Function Calls -- substring(), substring-after(), substring-before(), translate(), string-length() Build 19990810 -- Added most of the Whitespace handling -- Added ErrorObserver interface -- ErrorObserver is now used throughout most of the code -- Added SimpleErrorObserver implementation of ErrorObserver -- Moved main() method from XSLProcessor.cpp to tranformiix.cpp -- Added the following XPath functions: -- local-part(), name(), namespace() -- see functions.xml/functions.xsl for available functions Build 19990806 -- Incoporated Changes From Larry Fitzpatrick -- Added more XPath functions -- last(), count(), string(), contains(), starts-with(), concat() -- see functions.xml/functions.xsl for available functions -- Added xsl:text support