/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * NPL. * * The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights * Reserved. */ var captureString=""; var thePath = ""; function go( msg ) { if ( msg == thePath ) return checkData(); return false; } function doGo() { parent.controls.go( "Next" ); } function setPath( msg ) { thePath = msg; setTimeout( "doGo()", 1 ); } function checkData() { return true; } function doAbout() { parent.controls.go( "About" ); } function captureKeys( e ) { captureString = captureString + String.fromCharCode( e.which ); if ( captureString.length > 5 ) captureString = captureString.substring( captureString.length - 5,captureString.length ); if ( captureString == "about" ) { captureString=""; setTimeout( "doAbout()", 1 ); } return true; } function loadData() { var cleanFlag = false; var configuredFlag = false; var newProfileFlag = false; var configFilename = ""; netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege( "AccountSetup" ); var acctSetupFile = parent.parent.globals.getAcctSetupFilename( self ); var editMode = parent.parent.globals.document.vars.editMode.value; if ( editMode != null && editMode != "" ) editMode = editMode.toLowerCase(); if ( editMode != "yes" ) { document.onkeydown = captureKeys; // get platform var thePlatform = parent.parent.globals.getPlatform(); //var profileDir = parent.parent.globals.document.setupPlugin.GetCurrentProfileDirectory(); var profileDir = parent.parent.globals.currentProfileDirectory; parent.parent.globals.debug("****Priofile Dir = " + profileDir); if ( profileDir != null && profileDir != "" ) { if ( thePlatform == "Macintosh" ) // Macintosh support configFilename = profileDir + "Configuration"; else // Windows support configFilename = profileDir + "CONFIG.INI"; // if a MUC file exists: re-using Account Setup against a profile that's been configured // else, if "account_setup.upgraded" is true, but no MUC: upgrade from 3.x or earlier var accountName = parent.parent.globals.document.setupPlugin.GetNameValuePair( configFilename, "Account", "Account" ); if ( accountName != null && accountName != "" && accountName != "Untitled" && accountName != "None" ) configuredFlag = true; else { var profileName = parent.parent.globals.document.setupPlugin.GetCurrentProfileName(); if ( profileName != null ) { profileName = profileName.toUpperCase(); if ( profileName == '911' || profileName == 'USER1' ) cleanFlag=true; else newProfileFlag=true; } } } // ensure that some descriptive layer is shown if ( cleanFlag == false && configuredFlag == false && newProfileFlag == false ) cleanFlag = true; if ( document && document.layers ) { document.layers[ "Clean_Installation" ].visibility = ( ( cleanFlag == true ) ? "show" : "hide" ); document.layers[ "Profile_Configured" ].visibility = ( ( configuredFlag == true ) ? "show" : "hide" ); document.layers[ "Profile_Manager_Entrance" ].visibility = ( ( newProfileFlag == true ) ? "show" : "hide" ); } parent.parent.globals.loadUserInput(); } if ( document && document.layers ) { document.layers[ "buttontext" ].visibility = "show"; var showIntroScreens = parent.parent.globals.document.setupPlugin.GetNameValuePair( acctSetupFile, "Mode Selection", "Show_Intro_Screens" ); document.layers[ "Intro_Screens" ].visibility = ( ( showIntroScreens == "yes" ) ? "show" : "hide" ); } if ( parent && parent.controls && parent.controls.generateControls ) parent.controls.generateControls(); } function saveData() { }