This is mozilla's modified version of the libart source code. The original code can be found in the cvs repository. The below notice appears in the cvs tree. It isn't a requirement to submitting a patch to this directory that people assign copyright. However, you should be aware of the below if you want your changes to be accepted into the official libart release. We strongly encourage all submitted patches (except, obviously, for mozilla-specific build hacks) to be sent to the maintainer. We don't want to fork the code, but we do want and need patches so that, for example, SVG can work on the mac. --------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the libart source tree! This code is being developed in a "free software for sale" model. Thus, it's available under a free software license (LGPL for this module), but I'm also requesting that for all changes to the code the copyright gets assigned back to me. So if you want to contribute, please do, but contact me about getting the copyright assigned. Otherwise, I will have to back your changes out. Thanks! Raph Levien