#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -w # -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): require 'CGI.pl'; use strict; # Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once". "use vars" just # doesn't work for me. sub sillyness { my $zz; $zz = $::FORM{password}; $zz = $::LegalDirs; $zz = $::TreeOpen; } print "Content-type: text/html "; &validateReferer('admin.cgi'); CheckPassword($::FORM{'password'}); my $startfrom = ParseTimeAndCheck(FormData('startfrom')); Lock(); LoadTreeConfig(); LoadDirList(); LoadCheckins(); @::CheckInList = (); $| = 1; ConnectToDatabase(); print " Rebooting, please wait...

Recreating the hook


Searching for first checkin after " . SqlFmtClock($startfrom) . "...

\n"; my $inbranch = $::TreeInfo{$::TreeID}->{'branch'}; print "


\n"; my $sqlstring = "SELECT type, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ci_when), people.who, " . "repositories.repository, dirs.dir, files.file, revision, stickytag, " . "branches.branch, addedlines, removedlines, descs.description FROM " . "checkins,people,repositories,dirs,files,branches,descs WHERE " . "people.id=whoid AND repositories.id=repositoryid AND dirs.id=dirid " . "AND files.id=fileid AND branches.id=branchid AND descs.id=descid AND " . "branches.branch=? AND ci_when>=? ORDER BY ci_when;"; my @bind_values = ($inbranch, &SqlFmtClock($startfrom)); print "

" . &html_quote($sqlstring) . "
\n"; print "With values:
\n"; foreach my $v (@bind_values) { print "\t" . &html_quote($v) . "
\n"; } print "

\n"; &SendSQL($sqlstring, @bind_values); my ($change, $date, $who, $repos, $dir, $file, $rev, $sticky, $branch, $linesa, $linesr, $log); my ($lastchange, $lastdate, $lastwho, $lastrepos, $lastdir, $lastrev, $laststicky, $lastbranch, $lastlinesa, $lastlinesr, $lastlog); my ($id, $info, @files, @fullinfo); my ($d, $f, $okdir, $full); my ($r); $lastdate = ""; $lastdir = ""; @files = (); @fullinfo = (); while (($change, $date, $who, $repos, $dir, $file, $rev, $sticky, $branch, $linesa, $linesr, $log) = FetchSQLData()) { # print "

$change $date $who $repos $dir $file $rev $sticky $branch $linesa $linesr $log

\n "; if (($date ne $lastdate && $lastdate ne "") || ($dir ne $lastdir && $lastdir ne "")) { $okdir = 0; LEGALDIR: foreach $d (sort( grep(!/\*$/, @::LegalDirs))) { if ($lastdir =~ m!^$d\b!) { $okdir = 1; last LEGALDIR; } } if ($okdir) { print "
"; print "$lastchange $lastdate $lastwho $lastrepos
$lastdir "; print "
"; foreach $f (@files) { print "$f ";} print "
$lastrev $laststicky $lastbranch $lastlinesa $lastlinesr
$lastlog"; print "\n
\n"; $r++; $id = "::checkin_${lastdate}_$r"; push @::CheckInList, $id; $info = eval("\\\%$id"); %$info = ( person => $lastwho, date => $lastdate, dir => $lastdir, files => join('!NeXt!', @files), 'log' => MarkUpText(html_quote(trim($lastlog))), treeopen => $::TreeOpen, fullinfo => join('!NeXt!', @fullinfo) ); } @files = (); @fullinfo = (); } $lastchange = $change; $lastdate = $date; $lastwho = $who; $lastrepos = $repos; $lastdir = $dir; $lastrev = $rev; $laststicky = $sticky; $lastbranch = $branch; $lastlinesa = $linesa; $lastlinesr = $linesr; $lastlog = $log; if (!($file=~/Tag:/ || ($file=~/$branch/) && ($branch) )) { push @files, $file; push @fullinfo, "$file|$rev|$linesa|$linesr|"; } } WriteCheckins(); Unlock(); print "

OK, done. \n"; PutsTrailer();