/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * John A. Taylor */ #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsIEventQueueService.h" #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h" #include "nsIProgressEventSink.h" #include "nsIComponentManager.h" #include "prprf.h" #include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h" #include "nsTimer.h" #include "prlong.h" #include "plstr.h" #include "nsSupportsArray.h" #include int getStrLine(const char *src, char *str, int ind, int max); nsresult auxLoad(char *uriBuf); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #define RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, step) \ PR_BEGIN_MACRO \ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { \ printf(">>> %s failed: rv=%x\n", step, rv); \ return rv;\ } \ PR_END_MACRO static NS_DEFINE_CID(kEventQueueServiceCID, NS_EVENTQUEUESERVICE_CID); static nsIEventQueue* gEventQ = nsnull; static PRBool gKeepRunning = PR_FALSE; static nsString globalStream; //static char urlBuf[256]; static nsCOMPtr baseURI; static nsCOMPtr uriList; //Temp, should remove: static int numStart=0; static int numFound=0; //--------writer fun---------------------- static NS_METHOD streamParse (nsIInputStream* in, void* closure, const char* fromRawSegment, PRUint32 toOffset, PRUint32 count, PRUint32 *writeCount) { char parseBuf[2048], loc[2048], lineBuf[2048]; char *loc_t, *loc_t2; int i = 0; char *tmp; if(globalStream.Length() > 0) { globalStream.AppendWithConversion(fromRawSegment); tmp = globalStream.ToNewCString(); //printf("\n>>NOW:\n^^^^^\n%s\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", tmp); } else { tmp = (char *)fromRawSegment; } while(i < (int)count) { i = getStrLine(tmp, lineBuf, i, count); if(i < 0) { *writeCount = count; return NS_OK; } parseBuf[0]='\0'; if((loc_t=PL_strcasestr(lineBuf, "img"))!= NULL || (loc_t=PL_strcasestr(lineBuf, "script"))!=NULL) { loc_t2=PL_strcasestr(loc_t, "src"); if(loc_t2!=NULL) { loc_t2+=3; strcpy(loc, loc_t2); sscanf(loc, "=\"%[^\"]", parseBuf); if(parseBuf[0]=='\0') sscanf(loc, "=%s", parseBuf); if(parseBuf[0]!='\0'){ numFound++; auxLoad(parseBuf); } } } /***NEED BETTER CHECK FOR STYLESHEETS if((loc_t=PL_strcasestr(lineBuf, "link"))!= NULL) { loc_t2=PL_strcasestr(loc_t, "href"); if(loc_t2!=NULL) { loc_t2+=4; strcpy(loc, loc_t2); //printf("%s\n", loc); sscanf(loc, "=\"%[^\"]", parseBuf); if(parseBuf[0]!='\0'){ //printf("%s\n", parseBuf); numFound++; auxLoad(parseBuf); } } } */ if((loc_t=PL_strcasestr(lineBuf, "background"))!=NULL) { loc_t+=10; strcpy(loc, loc_t); sscanf(loc, "=\"%[^\"]", parseBuf); if(parseBuf[0]!='\0') { numFound++; auxLoad(parseBuf); } } i++; } *writeCount = count; return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsIStreamListener implementation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MyListener : public nsIStreamListener { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIREQUESTOBSERVER NS_DECL_NSISTREAMLISTENER MyListener() { NS_INIT_ISUPPORTS(); } virtual ~MyListener() {} }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS2(MyListener, nsIRequestObserver, nsIStreamListener) NS_IMETHODIMP MyListener::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest *req, nsISupports *ctxt) { //printf(">>> OnStartRequest\n"); numStart++; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP MyListener::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest *req, nsISupports *ctxt, nsresult status) { //printf(">>> OnStopRequest status=%x\n", status); gKeepRunning--; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP MyListener::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest *req, nsISupports *ctxt, nsIInputStream *stream, PRUint32 offset, PRUint32 count) { //printf(">>> OnDataAvailable [count=%u]\n", count); nsresult rv; PRUint32 bytesRead=0; int i=0; char buf[1024]; if(ctxt == nsnull) { bytesRead=0; rv = stream->ReadSegments(streamParse, &offset, count, &bytesRead); } else { while (count) { PRUint32 amount = PR_MIN(count, sizeof(buf)); rv = stream->Read(buf, amount, &bytesRead); count -= bytesRead; } } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { printf(">>> stream->Read failed with rv=%x\n", rv); return rv; } return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NotificationCallbacks implementation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MyNotifications : public nsIInterfaceRequestor , public nsIProgressEventSink { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIINTERFACEREQUESTOR NS_DECL_NSIPROGRESSEVENTSINK MyNotifications() { NS_INIT_ISUPPORTS(); } virtual ~MyNotifications() {} }; NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS2(MyNotifications, nsIInterfaceRequestor, nsIProgressEventSink) NS_IMETHODIMP MyNotifications::GetInterface(const nsIID &iid, void **result) { return QueryInterface(iid, result); } NS_IMETHODIMP MyNotifications::OnStatus(nsIRequest *req, nsISupports *ctx, nsresult status, const PRUnichar *statusText) { //printf("status: %x\n", status); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP MyNotifications::OnProgress(nsIRequest *req, nsISupports *ctx, PRUint32 progress, PRUint32 progressMax) { //printf("progress: %u/%u\n", progress, progressMax); return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main, etc.. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsresult NS_AutoregisterComponents() { nsresult rv = nsComponentManager::AutoRegister(nsIComponentManager::NS_Startup, NULL /* default */); return rv; } //---------getStrLine Helper function--------------- //Finds a newline in src starting at ind. Puts the //line in str (must be big enough). Returns the index //of the newline, or -1 if at end of string. If reaches //end of string ('\0'), then will copy contents to //globalStream. int getStrLine(const char *src, char *str, int ind, int max) { char c = src[ind]; int i=0; globalStream.AssignWithConversion("\0"); while(c!='\n' && c!='\0' && i myBool = do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_PRBOOL_CONTRACTID); nsCOMPtr uri; nsCOMPtr chan; nsCOMPtr listener = new MyListener(); nsCOMPtr callbacks = new MyNotifications(); printf("Getting: %s", uriBuf); //If relative link if(strncmp(uriBuf, "http:", 5)) { //Relative link rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), uriBuf, baseURI); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return(rv); } else { //Absolute link, no base needed rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), uriBuf); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return(rv); } //Compare to see if exists PRUint32 num; uriList->Count(&num); PRBool equal; nsCOMPtr uriTmp; for(PRUint32 i = 0; i < num; i++) { uriList->GetElementAt(i, getter_AddRefs(uriTmp)); uri->Equals(uriTmp, &equal); if(equal) { printf("(duplicate, canceling)\n",uriBuf); return NS_OK; } } printf("\n"); uriList->AppendElement(uri); rv = NS_OpenURI(getter_AddRefs(chan), uri, nsnull, nsnull, callbacks); RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "NS_OpenURI"); gKeepRunning++; rv = chan->AsyncOpen(listener, myBool); RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "AsyncOpen"); return NS_OK; } //---------Buffer writer fun--------- //---------MAIN----------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { nsresult rv; if (argc == 1) { printf("usage: TestPageLoad \n"); return -1; } PRTime start, finish; rv = NS_NewISupportsArray(getter_AddRefs(uriList)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "NS_NewISupportsArray"); rv = NS_AutoregisterComponents(); RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "NS_AutoregisterComponents"); // Create the Event Queue for this thread... nsCOMPtr eqs = do_GetService(kEventQueueServiceCID, &rv); RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "do_GetService(EventQueueService)"); rv = eqs->CreateMonitoredThreadEventQueue(); RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "CreateMonitoredThreadEventQueue"); rv = eqs->GetThreadEventQueue(NS_CURRENT_THREAD, &gEventQ); RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "GetThreadEventQueue"); printf("Loading necko ... \n"); nsCOMPtr chan; nsCOMPtr listener = new MyListener(); nsCOMPtr callbacks = new MyNotifications(); rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(baseURI), argv[1]); RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "NS_NewURI"); rv = NS_OpenURI(getter_AddRefs(chan), baseURI, nsnull, nsnull, callbacks); RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "NS_OpenURI"); gKeepRunning++; //TIMER STARTED----------------------- printf("Starting clock ... \n"); start = PR_Now(); rv = chan->AsyncOpen(listener, nsnull); RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "AsyncOpen"); while (gKeepRunning) { gEventQ->ProcessPendingEvents(); } finish = PR_Now(); PRUint32 totalTime32; PRUint64 totalTime64; LL_SUB(totalTime64, finish, start); LL_L2UI(totalTime32, totalTime64); printf("\n\n--------------------\nAll done:\nnum found:%d\nnum start:%d\n", numFound, numStart); printf("\n\n>>PageLoadTime>>%u>>\n\n", totalTime32); return 0; }