# -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the # License. # # The Original Code is mozilla.org code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Netscape Communications Corporation. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Blake Ross # David Hyatt # Peter Annema # Dean Tessman # Kevin Puetz (puetzk@iastate.edu) # Ben Goodger # Pierre Chanial # Jason Eager # Joe Hewitt # Alec Flett # Asaf Romano # Jason Barnabe # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** const NS_ERROR_MODULE_NETWORK = 2152398848; const NS_NET_STATUS_READ_FROM = NS_ERROR_MODULE_NETWORK + 8; const NS_NET_STATUS_WROTE_TO = NS_ERROR_MODULE_NETWORK + 9; const kXULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; const nsCI = Components.interfaces; const nsIWebNavigation = nsCI.nsIWebNavigation; const MAX_HISTORY_MENU_ITEMS = 15; // bookmark dialog features #ifdef XP_MACOSX const BROWSER_ADD_BM_FEATURES = "centerscreen,chrome,dialog,resizable,modal"; #else const BROWSER_ADD_BM_FEATURES = "centerscreen,chrome,dialog,resizable,dependent"; #endif var gRDF = null; var gGlobalHistory = null; var gURIFixup = null; var gPageStyleButton = null; var gLivemarksButton = null; var gCharsetMenu = null; var gLastBrowserCharset = null; var gPrevCharset = null; var gURLBar = null; var gProxyButton = null; var gProxyFavIcon = null; var gProxyDeck = null; var gNavigatorBundle = null; var gIsLoadingBlank = false; var gLastValidURLStr = ""; var gLastValidURL = null; var gHaveUpdatedToolbarState = false; var gClickSelectsAll = false; var gIgnoreFocus = false; var gIgnoreClick = false; var gMustLoadSidebar = false; var gProgressMeterPanel = null; var gProgressCollapseTimer = null; var gPrefService = null; var appCore = null; var gBrowser = null; var gSidebarCommand = ""; // Global variable that holds the nsContextMenu instance. var gContextMenu = null; var gChromeState = null; // chrome state before we went into print preview var gSanitizeListener = null; var gFormFillPrefListener = null; var gFormHistory = null; var gFormFillEnabled = true; var gURLBarAutoFillPrefListener = null; var gAutoHideTabbarPrefListener = null; /** * We can avoid adding multiple load event listeners and save some time by adding * one listener that calls all real handlers. */ function pageShowEventHandlers(event) { // Filter out events that are not about the document load we are interested in if (event.originalTarget == content.document) { checkForDirectoryListing(); charsetLoadListener(event); #ifdef ALTSS_ICON updatePageStyles(); #endif updatePageLivemarks(); } // some event handlers want to be told what the original browser/listener is var targetBrowser = null; if (gBrowser.mTabbedMode) { var targetBrowserIndex = gBrowser.getBrowserIndexForDocument(event.originalTarget); if (targetBrowserIndex == -1) return; targetBrowser = gBrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(targetBrowserIndex); } else { targetBrowser = gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser; } // update the last visited date if (targetBrowser.currentURI.spec) BMSVC.updateLastVisitedDate(targetBrowser.currentURI.spec, targetBrowser.contentDocument.characterSet); } /** * Determine whether or not the content area is displaying a page with frames, * and if so, toggle the display of the 'save frame as' menu item. **/ function getContentAreaFrameCount() { var saveFrameItem = document.getElementById("menu_saveFrame"); if (!content || !content.frames.length || !isContentFrame(document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow)) saveFrameItem.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); else saveFrameItem.removeAttribute("hidden"); } function UpdateBackForwardButtons() { var backBroadcaster = document.getElementById("Browser:Back"); var forwardBroadcaster = document.getElementById("Browser:Forward"); var webNavigation = gBrowser.webNavigation; // Avoid setting attributes on broadcasters if the value hasn't changed! // Remember, guys, setting attributes on elements is expensive! They // get inherited into anonymous content, broadcast to other widgets, etc.! // Don't do it if the value hasn't changed! - dwh var backDisabled = backBroadcaster.hasAttribute("disabled"); var forwardDisabled = forwardBroadcaster.hasAttribute("disabled"); if (backDisabled == webNavigation.canGoBack) { if (backDisabled) backBroadcaster.removeAttribute("disabled"); else backBroadcaster.setAttribute("disabled", true); } if (forwardDisabled == webNavigation.canGoForward) { if (forwardDisabled) forwardBroadcaster.removeAttribute("disabled"); else forwardBroadcaster.setAttribute("disabled", true); } } const gSessionHistoryObserver = { observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic != "browser:purge-session-history") return; var backCommand = document.getElementById("Browser:Back"); backCommand.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); var fwdCommand = document.getElementById("Browser:Forward"); fwdCommand.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } }; const gPopupBlockerObserver = { _reportButton: null, _kIPM: Components.interfaces.nsIPermissionManager, onUpdatePageReport: function () { if (!this._reportButton) this._reportButton = document.getElementById("page-report-button"); if (gBrowser.selectedBrowser.pageReport) { this._reportButton.setAttribute("blocked", "true"); if (gPrefService && gPrefService.getBoolPref("privacy.popups.showBrowserMessage")) { var bundle_browser = document.getElementById("bundle_browser"); var brandBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_brand"); var brandShortName = brandBundle.getString("brandShortName"); var message; var popupCount = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.pageReport.length; #ifdef XP_WIN var popupButtonText = bundle_browser.getString("popupWarningButton"); #else var popupButtonText = bundle_browser.getString("popupWarningButtonUnix"); #endif if (popupCount > 1) message = bundle_browser.getFormattedString("popupWarningMultiple", [brandShortName, popupCount]); else message = bundle_browser.getFormattedString("popupWarning", [brandShortName]); gBrowser.showMessage(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "chrome://browser/skin/Info.png", message, popupButtonText, null, null, "blockedPopupOptions", "top", true); } } else this._reportButton.removeAttribute("blocked"); }, toggleAllowPopupsForSite: function (aEvent) { var currentURI = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.webNavigation.currentURI; var pm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1"] .getService(this._kIPM); var shouldBlock = aEvent.target.getAttribute("block") == "true"; var perm = shouldBlock ? this._kIPM.DENY_ACTION : this._kIPM.ALLOW_ACTION; pm.add(currentURI, "popup", perm); gBrowser.hideMessage(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "top"); }, fillPopupList: function (aEvent) { var bundle_browser = document.getElementById("bundle_browser"); // XXXben - rather than using |currentURI| here, which breaks down on multi-framed sites // we should really walk the pageReport and create a list of "allow for " // menuitems for the common subset of hosts present in the report, this will // make us frame-safe. var uri = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.webNavigation.currentURI; var blockedPopupAllowSite = document.getElementById("blockedPopupAllowSite"); try { blockedPopupAllowSite.removeAttribute("hidden"); var pm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1"] .getService(this._kIPM); if (pm.testPermission(uri, "popup") == this._kIPM.ALLOW_ACTION) { // Offer an item to block popups for this site, if a whitelist entry exists // already for it. var blockString = bundle_browser.getFormattedString("popupBlock", [uri.host]); blockedPopupAllowSite.setAttribute("label", blockString); blockedPopupAllowSite.setAttribute("block", "true"); } else { // Offer an item to allow popups for this site var allowString = bundle_browser.getFormattedString("popupAllow", [uri.host]); blockedPopupAllowSite.setAttribute("label", allowString); blockedPopupAllowSite.removeAttribute("block"); } } catch (e) { blockedPopupAllowSite.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); } var item = aEvent.target.lastChild; while (item && item.getAttribute("observes") != "blockedPopupsSeparator") { var next = item.previousSibling; item.parentNode.removeChild(item); item = next; } var blockedPopupsSeparator; var pageReport = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.pageReport; if (pageReport && pageReport.length > 0) { blockedPopupsSeparator = document.getElementById("blockedPopupsSeparator"); blockedPopupsSeparator.removeAttribute("hidden"); for (var i = 0; i < pageReport.length; ++i) { var popupURIspec = pageReport[i].popupWindowURI.spec; if (popupURIspec == "" || popupURIspec == "about:blank" || popupURIspec == uri.spec) continue; var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem"); var label = bundle_browser.getFormattedString("popupShowPopupPrefix", [popupURIspec]); menuitem.setAttribute("label", label); menuitem.setAttribute("requestingWindowURI", pageReport[i].requestingWindowURI.spec); menuitem.setAttribute("popupWindowURI", popupURIspec); menuitem.setAttribute("popupWindowFeatures", pageReport[i].popupWindowFeatures); menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", "gPopupBlockerObserver.showBlockedPopup(event);"); aEvent.target.appendChild(menuitem); } } else { blockedPopupsSeparator = document.getElementById("blockedPopupsSeparator"); blockedPopupsSeparator.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); } var blockedPopupDontShowMessage = document.getElementById("blockedPopupDontShowMessage"); var showMessage = gPrefService.getBoolPref("privacy.popups.showBrowserMessage"); blockedPopupDontShowMessage.setAttribute("checked", !showMessage); if (aEvent.target.localName == "popup") blockedPopupDontShowMessage.setAttribute("label", bundle_browser.getString("popupWarningDontShowFromMessage")); else blockedPopupDontShowMessage.setAttribute("label", bundle_browser.getString("popupWarningDontShowFromStatusbar")); }, _findChildShell: function (aDocShell, aSoughtURI) { var webNav = aDocShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation); if (webNav.currentURI.spec == aSoughtURI.spec) return aDocShell; var node = aDocShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeNode); for (var i = 0; i < node.childCount; ++i) { var docShell = node.getChildAt(i); docShell = this._findChildShell(docShell, aSoughtURI); if (docShell) return docShell; } return null; }, showBlockedPopup: function (aEvent) { var requestingWindow = aEvent.target.getAttribute("requestingWindowURI"); var requestingWindowURI = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService) .newURI(requestingWindow, null, null); var popupWindowURI = aEvent.target.getAttribute("popupWindowURI"); var features = aEvent.target.getAttribute("popupWindowFeatures"); var shell = this._findChildShell(gBrowser.selectedBrowser.docShell, requestingWindowURI); if (shell) { var ifr = shell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor); var dwi = ifr.getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindowInternal); // XXXben - nsIDOMPopupBlockedEvent needs to store target, too! dwi.open(popupWindowURI, "", features); } }, editPopupSettings: function () { var host = ""; try { var uri = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.webNavigation.currentURI; host = uri.host; } catch (e) { } var bundlePreferences = document.getElementById("bundle_preferences"); var params = { blockVisible : false, sessionVisible : false, allowVisible : true, prefilledHost : host, permissionType : "popup", windowTitle : bundlePreferences.getString("popuppermissionstitle"), introText : bundlePreferences.getString("popuppermissionstext") }; var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var existingWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("Browser:Permissions"); if (existingWindow) { existingWindow.initWithParams(params); existingWindow.focus(); } else window.openDialog("chrome://browser/content/preferences/permissions.xul", "_blank", "resizable,dialog=no,centerscreen", params); }, dontShowMessage: function () { var showMessage = gPrefService.getBoolPref("privacy.popups.showBrowserMessage"); var firstTime = gPrefService.getBoolPref("privacy.popups.firstTime"); // If the info message is showing at the top of the window, and the user has never // hidden the message before, show an info box telling the user where the info // will be displayed. if (showMessage && firstTime) this._displayPageReportFirstTime(); gPrefService.setBoolPref("privacy.popups.showBrowserMessage", !showMessage); gBrowser.hideMessage(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "top"); }, _displayPageReportFirstTime: function () { window.openDialog("chrome://browser/content/pageReportFirstTime.xul", "_blank", "dependent"); } }; const gXPInstallObserver = { _findChildShell: function (aDocShell, aSoughtShell) { if (aDocShell == aSoughtShell) return aDocShell; var node = aDocShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeNode); for (var i = 0; i < node.childCount; ++i) { var docShell = node.getChildAt(i); docShell = this._findChildShell(docShell, aSoughtShell); if (docShell == aSoughtShell) return docShell; } return null; }, _getBrowser: function (aDocShell) { var tabbrowser = getBrowser(); for (var i = 0; i < tabbrowser.browsers.length; ++i) { var browser = tabbrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(i); var soughtShell = aDocShell; var shell = this._findChildShell(browser.docShell, soughtShell); if (shell) return browser; } return null; }, observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) { var brandBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_brand"); var browserBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_browser"); var browser, webNav, wm, tabbrowser; switch (aTopic) { case "xpinstall-install-blocked": var shell = aSubject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShell); browser = this._getBrowser(shell); if (browser) { var host = browser.docShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation).currentURI.host; var brandShortName = brandBundle.getString("brandShortName"); var iconURL, messageKey, buttonKey; if (aData == "install-chrome") { // XXXben - use regular software install warnings for now until we can // properly differentiate themes. It's likely in fact that themes won't // be blocked so this code path will only be reached for extensions. iconURL = "chrome://mozapps/skin/xpinstall/xpinstallItemGeneric.png"; messageKey = "xpinstallWarning"; buttonKey = "xpinstallWarningButton"; } else { iconURL = "chrome://mozapps/skin/xpinstall/xpinstallItemGeneric.png"; messageKey = "xpinstallWarning"; buttonKey = "xpinstallWarningButton"; } var messageString, buttonString; if (!gPrefService.getBoolPref("xpinstall.enabled")) { messageString = browserBundle.getFormattedString("xpinstallDisabledWarning", [brandShortName, host]); buttonString = browserBundle.getString("xpinstallDisabledWarningButton"); getBrowser().showMessage(browser, iconURL, messageString, buttonString, null, "xpinstall-install-edit-prefs", null, "top", false); } else { messageString = browserBundle.getFormattedString(messageKey, [brandShortName, host]); buttonString = browserBundle.getString(buttonKey); webNav = shell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation); getBrowser().showMessage(browser, iconURL, messageString, buttonString, shell, "xpinstall-install-edit-permissions", null, "top", false); } } break; case "xpinstall-install-edit-prefs": openPreferences("paneContent"); tabbrowser = getBrowser(); tabbrowser.hideMessage(tabbrowser.selectedBrowser, "top"); break; case "xpinstall-install-edit-permissions": browser = this._getBrowser(aSubject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShell)); if (browser) { var bundlePreferences = document.getElementById("bundle_preferences"); webNav = aSubject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation); var params = { blockVisible : false, sessionVisible : false, allowVisible : true, prefilledHost : webNav.currentURI.host, permissionType : "install", windowTitle : bundlePreferences.getString("installpermissionstitle"), introText : bundlePreferences.getString("installpermissionstext") }; wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var existingWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("Browser:Permissions"); if (existingWindow) { existingWindow.initWithParams(params); existingWindow.focus(); } else window.openDialog("chrome://browser/content/preferences/permissions.xul", "_blank", "resizable,dialog=no,centerscreen", params); tabbrowser = getBrowser(); tabbrowser.hideMessage(tabbrowser.selectedBrowser, "top"); } break; } } }; function BrowserStartup() { gBrowser = document.getElementById("content"); window.tryToClose = WindowIsClosing; var uriToLoad = null; // Check for window.arguments[0]. If present, use that for uriToLoad. if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments.length >= 1 && window.arguments[0]) uriToLoad = window.arguments[0]; gIsLoadingBlank = uriToLoad == "about:blank"; if (!gIsLoadingBlank) prepareForStartup(); #ifdef ENABLE_PAGE_CYCLER appCore.startPageCycler(); #else // only load url passed in when we're not page cycling if (uriToLoad && !gIsLoadingBlank) { if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments.length >= 3) loadURI(uriToLoad, window.arguments[2], null); else loadOneOrMoreURIs(uriToLoad); } #endif var sidebarSplitter; if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed) { if (window.opener.gFindMode == FIND_NORMAL) { var openerFindBar = window.opener.document.getElementById("FindToolbar"); if (openerFindBar && !openerFindBar.hidden) openFindBar(); } var openerSidebarBox = window.opener.document.getElementById("sidebar-box"); // The opener can be the hidden window too, if we're coming from the state // where no windows are open, and the hidden window has no sidebar box. if (openerSidebarBox && !openerSidebarBox.hidden) { var sidebarBox = document.getElementById("sidebar-box"); var sidebarTitle = document.getElementById("sidebar-title"); sidebarTitle.setAttribute("value", window.opener.document.getElementById("sidebar-title").getAttribute("value")); sidebarBox.setAttribute("width", openerSidebarBox.boxObject.width); var sidebarCmd = openerSidebarBox.getAttribute("sidebarcommand"); sidebarBox.setAttribute("sidebarcommand", sidebarCmd); sidebarBox.setAttribute("src", window.opener.document.getElementById("sidebar").getAttribute("src")); gMustLoadSidebar = true; sidebarBox.hidden = false; sidebarSplitter = document.getElementById("sidebar-splitter"); sidebarSplitter.hidden = false; document.getElementById(sidebarCmd).setAttribute("checked", "true"); } } else { var box = document.getElementById("sidebar-box"); if (box.hasAttribute("sidebarcommand")) { var cmd = box.getAttribute("sidebarcommand"); if (cmd) { gMustLoadSidebar = true; box.hidden = false; sidebarSplitter = document.getElementById("sidebar-splitter"); sidebarSplitter.hidden = false; document.getElementById(cmd).setAttribute("checked", "true"); } } } // Certain kinds of automigration rely on this notification to complete their // tasks BEFORE the browser window is shown. var obs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); obs.notifyObservers(null, "browser-window-before-show", ""); // Set a sane starting width/height for all resolutions on new profiles. if (!document.documentElement.hasAttribute("width")) { var defaultWidth = 994, defaultHeight; if (screen.availHeight <= 600) { document.documentElement.setAttribute("sizemode", "maximized"); defaultWidth = 610; defaultHeight = 450; } else { // Create a narrower window for large or wide-aspect displays, to suggest // side-by-side page view. if ((screen.availWidth / 2) >= 800) defaultWidth = (screen.availWidth / 2) - 20; defaultHeight = screen.availHeight - 10; #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GTK #define USE_HEIGHT_ADJUST #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GTK2 #define USE_HEIGHT_ADJUST #endif #ifdef USE_HEIGHT_ADJUST // On X, we're not currently able to account for the size of the window // border. Use 28px as a guess (titlebar + bottom window border) defaultHeight -= 28; #endif } document.documentElement.setAttribute("width", defaultWidth); document.documentElement.setAttribute("height", defaultHeight); } setTimeout(delayedStartup, 0); } function prepareForStartup() { gURLBar = document.getElementById("urlbar"); gNavigatorBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_browser"); gProgressMeterPanel = document.getElementById("statusbar-progresspanel"); gBrowser.addEventListener("DOMUpdatePageReport", gPopupBlockerObserver.onUpdatePageReport, false); gBrowser.addEventListener("DOMLinkAdded", livemarkOnLinkAdded, false); gBrowser.addEventListener("PluginNotFound", gMissingPluginInstaller.newMissingPlugin, false); var webNavigation; try { // Create the browser instance component. appCore = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/component/browser/instance;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIBrowserInstance); if (!appCore) throw "couldn't create a browser instance"; webNavigation = getWebNavigation(); if (!webNavigation) throw "no XBL binding for browser"; } catch (e) { alert("Error launching browser window:" + e); window.close(); // Give up. return; } // initialize observers and listeners // and give C++ access to gBrowser window.XULBrowserWindow = new nsBrowserStatusHandler(); window.QueryInterface(nsCI.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(nsCI.nsIDocShellTreeItem).treeOwner .QueryInterface(nsCI.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(nsCI.nsIXULWindow) .XULBrowserWindow = window.XULBrowserWindow; window.QueryInterface(nsCI.nsIDOMChromeWindow).browserDOMWindow = new nsBrowserAccess(); window.browserContentListener = new nsBrowserContentListener(window, gBrowser); // set default character set if provided if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments.length > 1 && window.arguments[1]) { if (window.arguments[1].indexOf("charset=") != -1) { var arrayArgComponents = window.arguments[1].split("="); if (arrayArgComponents) { //we should "inherit" the charset menu setting in a new window getMarkupDocumentViewer().defaultCharacterSet = arrayArgComponents[1]; } } } // Initialize browser instance.. appCore.setWebShellWindow(window); // Manually hook up session and global history for the first browser // so that we don't have to load global history before bringing up a // window. // Wire up session and global history before any possible // progress notifications for back/forward button updating webNavigation.sessionHistory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/shistory;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISHistory); var os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); os.addObserver(gBrowser.browsers[0], "browser:purge-session-history", false); // remove the disablehistory attribute so the browser cleans up, as // though it had done this work itself gBrowser.browsers[0].removeAttribute("disablehistory"); // enable global history gBrowser.docShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellHistory).useGlobalHistory = true; // hook up UI through progress listener gBrowser.addProgressListener(window.XULBrowserWindow, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_ALL); } function delayedStartup() { var os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); os.addObserver(gSessionHistoryObserver, "browser:purge-session-history", false); os.addObserver(gXPInstallObserver, "xpinstall-install-blocked", false); os.addObserver(gXPInstallObserver, "xpinstall-install-edit-prefs", false); os.addObserver(gXPInstallObserver, "xpinstall-install-edit-permissions", false); os.addObserver(gMissingPluginInstaller, "missing-plugin", false); gPrefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); BrowserOffline.init(); if (gURLBar && document.documentElement.getAttribute("chromehidden").indexOf("toolbar") != -1) { gURLBar.setAttribute("readonly", "true"); gURLBar.setAttribute("enablehistory", "false"); } if (gIsLoadingBlank) prepareForStartup(); if (gURLBar) gURLBar.addEventListener("dragdrop", URLBarOnDrop, true); // loads the services initServices(); initBMService(); gBrowser.addEventListener("PageShow", function(evt) { setTimeout(pageShowEventHandlers, 0, evt); }, true); window.addEventListener("keypress", ctrlNumberTabSelection, false); if (gMustLoadSidebar) { var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar"); var sidebarBox = document.getElementById("sidebar-box"); sidebar.setAttribute("src", sidebarBox.getAttribute("src")); } initFindBar(); // now load bookmarks BMSVC.readBookmarks(); var bt = document.getElementById("bookmarks-ptf"); if (bt) { var btf = BMSVC.getBookmarksToolbarFolder().Value; bt.ref = btf; document.getElementById("bookmarks-chevron").ref = btf; bt.database.AddObserver(BookmarksToolbarRDFObserver); bt.controllers.appendController(BookmarksMenuController); } var bm = document.getElementById("bookmarks-menu"); bm.controllers.appendController(BookmarksMenuController); window.addEventListener("resize", BookmarksToolbar.resizeFunc, false); // called when we go into full screen, even if it is // initiated by a web page script window.addEventListener("fullscreen", onFullScreen, false); var element; if (gIsLoadingBlank && gURLBar && !gURLBar.hidden && !gURLBar.parentNode.parentNode.collapsed) element = gURLBar; else element = content; // This is a redo of the fix for jag bug 91884 var ww = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher); if (window == ww.activeWindow) { element.focus(); } else { // set the element in command dispatcher so focus will restore properly // when the window does become active if (element instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow) { document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow = element; document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement = null; } else if (element instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMElement) { document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement = element; } } SetPageProxyState("invalid"); var toolbox = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox"); toolbox.customizeDone = BrowserToolboxCustomizeDone; // Set up Sanitize Item gSanitizeListener = new SanitizeListener(); var pbi = gPrefService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal); // Enable/Disable Form Fill gFormFillPrefListener = new FormFillPrefListener(); pbi.addObserver(gFormFillPrefListener.domain, gFormFillPrefListener, false); gFormFillPrefListener.toggleFormFill(); // Enable/Disable URL Bar Auto Fill gURLBarAutoFillPrefListener = new URLBarAutoFillPrefListener(); pbi.addObserver(gURLBarAutoFillPrefListener.domain, gURLBarAutoFillPrefListener, false); // Enable/Disbale auto-hide tabbar gAutoHideTabbarPrefListener = new AutoHideTabbarPrefListener(); pbi.addObserver(gAutoHideTabbarPrefListener.domain, gAutoHideTabbarPrefListener, false); pbi.addObserver(gHomeButton.prefDomain, gHomeButton, false); gHomeButton.updateTooltip(); gClickSelectsAll = gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll"); clearObsoletePrefs(); #ifdef HAVE_SHELL_SERVICE // Perform default browser checking (after window opens). var shell = getShellService(); if (shell) { var shouldCheck = shell.shouldCheckDefaultBrowser; if (shouldCheck && !shell.isDefaultBrowser(true)) { var brandBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_brand"); var shellBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_shell"); var brandShortName = brandBundle.getString("brandShortName"); var promptTitle = shellBundle.getString("setDefaultBrowserTitle"); var promptMessage = shellBundle.getFormattedString("setDefaultBrowserMessage", [brandShortName]); var checkboxLabel = shellBundle.getFormattedString("setDefaultBrowserDontAsk", [brandShortName]); const IPS = Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService; var ps = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"] .getService(IPS); var checkEveryTime = { value: shouldCheck }; var rv = ps.confirmEx(window, promptTitle, promptMessage, (IPS.BUTTON_TITLE_YES * IPS.BUTTON_POS_0) + (IPS.BUTTON_TITLE_NO * IPS.BUTTON_POS_1), null, null, null, checkboxLabel, checkEveryTime); if (rv == 0) shell.setDefaultBrowser(true, false); shell.shouldCheckDefaultBrowser = checkEveryTime.value; } } else { // We couldn't get the shell service; go hide the mail toolbar button. var mailbutton = document.getElementById("mail-button"); if (mailbutton) mailbutton.hidden = true; } #endif var updatePanel = document.getElementById("softwareupdate"); try { updatePanel.init(); } catch (e) { } // BiDi UI gBidiUI = isBidiEnabled(); if (gBidiUI) { document.getElementById("documentDirection-separator").hidden = false; document.getElementById("documentDirection-swap").hidden = false; document.getElementById("textfieldDirection-separator").hidden = false; document.getElementById("textfieldDirection-swap").hidden = false; } // Ensure the Software Update item is visible on the menubar on Windows and // Linux, and on the navigation toolbar on MacOSX (since we can't put items on // the menubar on OS X)... if the Throbber is present place the Updates item // to the left of it, otherwise place it at the end of the bar. // We don't use a customizable item for the updates item so we can always be // sure it's present. var updateItem = document.getElementById("softwareupdate-item"); updateItem.parentNode.removeChild(updateItem); #ifdef XP_MACOSX var theToolbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar"); #else var theToolbar = document.getElementById("toolbar-menubar"); #endif if (theToolbar.lastChild.id == "throbber-box") theToolbar.insertBefore(updateItem, document.getElementById("throbber-box")); else theToolbar.appendChild(updateItem); } function BrowserShutdown() { var os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); os.removeObserver(gSessionHistoryObserver, "browser:purge-session-history"); os.removeObserver(gXPInstallObserver, "xpinstall-install-blocked"); os.removeObserver(gXPInstallObserver, "xpinstall-install-edit-permissions"); os.removeObserver(gXPInstallObserver, "xpinstall-install-edit-prefs"); os.removeObserver(gMissingPluginInstaller, "missing-plugin"); try { gBrowser.removeProgressListener(window.XULBrowserWindow); } catch (ex) { } var bt = document.getElementById("bookmarks-ptf"); if (bt) { try { bt.database.RemoveObserver(BookmarksToolbarRDFObserver); bt.controllers.removeController(BookmarksMenuController); } catch (ex) { } } try { var bm = document.getElementById("bookmarks-menu"); bm.controllers.removeController(BookmarksMenuController); } catch (ex) { } try { var pbi = gPrefService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal); pbi.removeObserver(gFormFillPrefListener.domain, gFormFillPrefListener); pbi.removeObserver(gURLBarAutoFillPrefListener.domain, gURLBarAutoFillPrefListener); pbi.removeObserver(gAutoHideTabbarPrefListener.domain, gAutoHideTabbarPrefListener); pbi.removeObserver(gHomeButton.prefDomain, gHomeButton); } catch (ex) { } if (gSanitizeListener) gSanitizeListener.shutdown(); BrowserOffline.uninit(); uninitFindBar(); var windowManager = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService(); var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var enumerator = windowManagerInterface.getEnumerator(null); enumerator.getNext(); if (!enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { document.persist("sidebar-box", "sidebarcommand"); document.persist("sidebar-box", "width"); document.persist("sidebar-box", "src"); document.persist("sidebar-title", "value"); } window.XULBrowserWindow.destroy(); window.XULBrowserWindow = null; window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeItem).treeOwner .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIXULWindow) .XULBrowserWindow = null; window.QueryInterface(nsCI.nsIDOMChromeWindow).browserDOMWindow = null; window.browserContentListener.close(); // Close the app core. if (appCore) appCore.close(); } #ifdef XP_MACOSX // nonBrowserWindowStartup() and nonBrowserWindowDelayedStartup() are used for // non-browser windows in macBrowserOverlay function nonBrowserWindowStartup() { // Disable inappropriate commands / submenus var disabledItems = ['cmd_newNavigatorTab', 'Browser:SavePage', 'Browser:SendLink', 'cmd_pageSetup', 'cmd_print', 'cmd_find', 'cmd_findAgain', 'viewToolbarsMenu', 'cmd_toggleTaskbar', 'viewSidebarMenuMenu', 'Browser:Reload', 'Browser:ReloadSkipCache', 'viewTextZoomMenu', 'pageStyleMenu', 'charsetMenu', 'View:PageSource', 'View:FullScreen', 'viewHistorySidebar', 'Browser:AddBookmarkAs', 'View:PageInfo', 'Tasks:InspectPage']; var element; for (var id in disabledItems) { element = document.getElementById(disabledItems[id]); if (element) element.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } // If no windows are active (i.e. we're the hidden window), disable the close, minimize // and zoom menu commands as well if (window.location.href == "chrome://browser/content/hiddenWindow.xul") { var hiddenWindowDisabledItems = ['cmd_close', 'minimizeWindow', 'zoomWindow']; for (var id in hiddenWindowDisabledItems) { element = document.getElementById(hiddenWindowDisabledItems[id]); if (element) element.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } // also hide the window-list separator element = document.getElementById("sep-window-list"); element.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); } gNavigatorBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_browser"); setTimeout(nonBrowserWindowDelayedStartup, 0); } function nonBrowserWindowDelayedStartup() { // loads the services initServices(); initBMService(); // init global pref service gPrefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); // Set up Sanitize Item gSanitizeListener = new SanitizeListener(); } #endif function FormFillPrefListener() { gBrowser.attachFormFill(); } FormFillPrefListener.prototype = { domain: "browser.formfill.enable", observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aPrefName) { if (aTopic != "nsPref:changed" || aPrefName != this.domain) return; this.toggleFormFill(); }, toggleFormFill: function () { try { gFormFillEnabled = gPrefService.getBoolPref(this.domain); } catch (e) { } var formController = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/satchel/form-fill-controller;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteInput); formController.disableAutoComplete = !gFormFillEnabled; var searchBar = document.getElementsByTagName("searchbar"); for (var i=0; i 8) return; if (index >= gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes.length) return; var oldTab = gBrowser.selectedTab; var newTab = gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes[index]; if (newTab != oldTab) { oldTab.selected = false; gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab; } event.preventDefault(); event.preventBubble(); event.preventCapture(); event.stopPropagation(); } function gotoHistoryIndex(aEvent) { var index = aEvent.target.getAttribute("index"); if (!index) return false; var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent); if (where == "current") { // Normal click. Go there in the current tab and update session history. try { getWebNavigation().gotoIndex(index); } catch(ex) { return false; } return true; } else { // Modified click. Go there in a new tab/window. // This code doesn't copy history or work well with framed pages. var sessionHistory = getWebNavigation().sessionHistory; var entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(index, false); var url = entry.URI.spec; openUILinkIn(url, where); return true; } } function BrowserForward(aEvent, aIgnoreAlt) { var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, aIgnoreAlt); if (where == "current") { try { getWebNavigation().goForward(); } catch(ex) { } } else { var sessionHistory = getWebNavigation().sessionHistory; var currentIndex = sessionHistory.index; var entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(currentIndex + 1, false); var url = entry.URI.spec; openUILinkIn(url, where); } } function BrowserBack(aEvent, aIgnoreAlt) { var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, aIgnoreAlt); if (where == "current") { try { getWebNavigation().goBack(); } catch(ex) { } } else { var sessionHistory = getWebNavigation().sessionHistory; var currentIndex = sessionHistory.index; var entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(currentIndex - 1, false); var url = entry.URI.spec; openUILinkIn(url, where); } } #ifndef XP_MACOSX function BrowserHandleBackspace() { BrowserBack(); } #endif function BrowserBackMenu(event) { return FillHistoryMenu(event.target, "back"); } function BrowserForwardMenu(event) { return FillHistoryMenu(event.target, "forward"); } function BrowserStop() { try { const stopFlags = nsIWebNavigation.STOP_ALL; getWebNavigation().stop(stopFlags); } catch(ex) { } } function BrowserReload() { const reloadFlags = nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE; return BrowserReloadWithFlags(reloadFlags); } function BrowserReloadSkipCache() { // Bypass proxy and cache. const reloadFlags = nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_PROXY | nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE; return BrowserReloadWithFlags(reloadFlags); } function BrowserHome() { var homePage = gHomeButton.getHomePage(); loadOneOrMoreURIs(homePage); } function BrowserHomeClick(aEvent) { if (aEvent.button == 2) // right-click: do nothing return; var homePage = gHomeButton.getHomePage(); var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent); var urls; // openUILinkIn in utilityOverlay.js doesn't handle loading multiple pages switch (where) { case "save": urls = homePage.split("|"); saveURL(urls[0], null, null, true); // only save the first page break; case "current": loadOneOrMoreURIs(homePage); break; case "tabshifted": case "tab": urls = homePage.split("|"); var firstTabAdded = gBrowser.addTab(urls[0]); for (var i = 1; i < urls.length; ++i) gBrowser.addTab(urls[i]); if ((where == "tab") ^ getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInBackground", false)) { gBrowser.selectedTab = firstTabAdded; content.focus(); } break; case "window": OpenBrowserWindow(); break; } } function loadOneOrMoreURIs(aURIString) { #ifdef XP_MACOSX // we're not a browser window, pass the URI string to a new browser window if (window.location.href != getBrowserURL()) { newWindow = openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "all,dialog=no", aURIString); return; } #endif var urls = aURIString.split("|"); loadURI(urls[0]); for (var i = 1; i < urls.length; ++i) { // addTab throws for certain malformed URIs // catch this so we don't hork startup. try { gBrowser.addTab(urls[i]); } catch (ex) { // do nothing } } } function constructGoMenuItem(goMenu, beforeItem, url, title) { var menuitem = document.createElementNS(kXULNS, "menuitem"); menuitem.setAttribute("statustext", url); menuitem.setAttribute("label", title); goMenu.insertBefore(menuitem, beforeItem); return menuitem; } function onGoMenuHidden() { setTimeout(destroyGoMenuItems, 0, document.getElementById('goPopup')); } function destroyGoMenuItems(goMenu) { var startSeparator = document.getElementById("startHistorySeparator"); var endSeparator = document.getElementById("endHistorySeparator"); endSeparator.hidden = true; // Destroy the items. var destroy = false; for (var i = 0; i < goMenu.childNodes.length; i++) { var item = goMenu.childNodes[i]; if (item == endSeparator) break; if (destroy) { i--; goMenu.removeChild(item); } if (item == startSeparator) destroy = true; } } function updateGoMenu(goMenu) { // In case the timer didn't fire. destroyGoMenuItems(goMenu); var history = document.getElementById("hiddenHistoryTree"); if (history.hidden) { history.hidden = false; var globalHistory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/global-history;2"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource); history.database.AddDataSource(globalHistory); } if (!history.ref) history.ref = "NC:HistoryRoot"; var count = history.view.rowCount; if (count > 10) count = 10; if (count == 0) return; const NC_NS = "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#"; if (!gRDF) gRDF = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService); var builder = history.builder.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIXULTreeBuilder); var beforeItem = document.getElementById("endHistorySeparator"); var nameResource = gRDF.GetResource(NC_NS + "Name"); var endSep = beforeItem; var showSep = false; for (var i = count-1; i >= 0; i--) { var res = builder.getResourceAtIndex(i); var url = res.Value; var titleRes = history.database.GetTarget(res, nameResource, true); if (!titleRes) continue; showSep = true; var titleLiteral = titleRes.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral); beforeItem = constructGoMenuItem(goMenu, beforeItem, url, titleLiteral.Value); } if (showSep) endSep.hidden = false; } function addBookmarkAs(aBrowser, aIsWebPanel) { const browsers = aBrowser.browsers; if (browsers && browsers.length > 1) addBookmarkForTabBrowser(aBrowser); else addBookmarkForBrowser(aBrowser.webNavigation, aIsWebPanel); } function addBookmarkForTabBrowser(aTabBrowser, aSelect) { var tabsInfo = []; var currentTabInfo = { name: "", url: "", charset: null }; const activeBrowser = aTabBrowser.selectedBrowser; const browsers = aTabBrowser.browsers; for (var i = 0; i < browsers.length; ++i) { var webNav = browsers[i].webNavigation; var url = webNav.currentURI.spec; var name = ""; var charSet; try { var doc = webNav.document; name = doc.title || url; charSet = doc.characterSet; description = BookmarksUtils.getDescriptionFromDocument(doc); } catch (e) { name = url; } tabsInfo[i] = { name: name, url: url, charset: charSet, description: description, bAddGroup: true }; if (browsers[i] == activeBrowser) currentTabInfo = tabsInfo[i]; } var dialogArgs = currentTabInfo; dialogArgs.objGroup = tabsInfo; openDialog("chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/addBookmark2.xul", "", BROWSER_ADD_BM_FEATURES, dialogArgs); } function addBookmarkForBrowser(aDocShell, aIsWebPanel) { // Bug 52536: We obtain the URL and title from the nsIWebNavigation // associated with a rather than from a DOMWindow. // This is because when a full page plugin is loaded, there is // no DOMWindow (?) but information about the loaded document // may still be obtained from the webNavigation. var url = aDocShell.currentURI.spec; var title, charSet = null; try { title = aDocShell.document.title || url; charSet = aDocShell.document.characterSet; description = BookmarksUtils.getDescriptionFromDocument(aDocShell.document); } catch (e) { title = url; } BookmarksUtils.addBookmark(url, title, charSet, aIsWebPanel, description); } function openLocation() { if (gURLBar && !gURLBar.parentNode.parentNode.collapsed && !(window.getComputedStyle(gURLBar.parentNode, null).display == "none")) { gURLBar.focus(); gURLBar.select(); } #ifdef XP_MACOSX else if (window.location.href != getBrowserURL()) { var win = getTopWin(); if (win) { // If there's an open browser window, it should handle this command win.focus() win.openLocation(); } else { // If there are no open browser windows, open a new one win = window.openDialog("chrome://browser/content/", "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", "about:blank"); win.addEventListener("load", openLocationCallback, false); } } #endif else openDialog("chrome://browser/content/openLocation.xul", "_blank", "chrome,modal,titlebar", window); } function openLocationCallback() { // make sure the DOM is ready setTimeout(function() { this.openLocation(); }, 0); } function BrowserOpenTab() { gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab('about:blank'); if (gURLBar) setTimeout(function() { gURLBar.focus(); }, 0); } /* Called from the openLocation dialog. This allows that dialog to instruct its opener to open a new window and then step completely out of the way. Anything less byzantine is causing horrible crashes, rather believably, though oddly only on Linux. */ function delayedOpenWindow(chrome,flags,url) { // The other way to use setTimeout, // setTimeout(openDialog, 10, chrome, "_blank", flags, url), // doesn't work here. The extra "magic" extra argument setTimeout adds to // the callback function would confuse prepareForStartup() by making // window.arguments[1] be an integer instead of null. setTimeout(function() { openDialog(chrome, "_blank", flags, url); }, 10); } /* Required because the tab needs time to set up its content viewers and get the load of the URI kicked off before becoming the active content area. */ function delayedOpenTab(url) { setTimeout(function(aTabElt) { gBrowser.selectedTab = aTabElt; }, 0, gBrowser.addTab(url)); } function BrowserOpenFileWindow() { // Get filepicker component. try { const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker; var fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(nsIFilePicker); fp.init(window, gNavigatorBundle.getString("openFile"), nsIFilePicker.modeOpen); fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterAll | nsIFilePicker.filterText | nsIFilePicker.filterImages | nsIFilePicker.filterXML | nsIFilePicker.filterHTML); if (fp.show() == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) openTopWin(fp.fileURL.spec); } catch (ex) { } } function BrowserCloseTabOrWindow() { #ifdef XP_MACOSX // If we're not a browser window, just close the window if (window.location.href != getBrowserURL()) { closeWindow(true); return; } #endif if (gBrowser.localName == 'tabbrowser' && gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes.length > 1) { // Just close up a tab. gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); return; } BrowserCloseWindow(); } function BrowserTryToCloseWindow() { //give tryToClose a chance to veto if it is defined if (typeof(window.tryToClose) != "function" || window.tryToClose()) BrowserCloseWindow(); } function BrowserCloseWindow() { // This code replicates stuff in BrowserShutdown(). It is here because // window.screenX and window.screenY have real values. We need // to fix this eventually but by replicating the code here, we // provide a means of saving position (it just requires that the // user close the window via File->Close (vs. close box). // Get the current window position/size. var x = window.screenX; var y = window.screenY; var h = window.outerHeight; var w = window.outerWidth; // Store these into the window attributes (for persistence). var win = document.getElementById( "main-window" ); win.setAttribute( "x", x ); win.setAttribute( "y", y ); win.setAttribute( "height", h ); win.setAttribute( "width", w ); closeWindow(true); } function loadURI(uri, referrer, postData) { try { if (postData === undefined) postData = null; getWebNavigation().loadURI(uri, nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE, referrer, postData, null); } catch (e) { } } function BrowserLoadURL(aTriggeringEvent, aPostData) { var url = gURLBar.value; if (gBrowser.localName == "tabbrowser" && aTriggeringEvent && 'altKey' in aTriggeringEvent && aTriggeringEvent.altKey) { handleURLBarRevert(); content.focus(); var t = gBrowser.addTab(url, null, null, aPostData); // open link in new tab gBrowser.selectedTab = t; gURLBar.value = url; aTriggeringEvent.preventDefault(); aTriggeringEvent.preventBubble(); aTriggeringEvent.preventCapture(); aTriggeringEvent.stopPropagation(); } else loadURI(url, null, aPostData); content.focus(); } function SearchLoadURL(aURL, aTriggeringEvent) { if (gBrowser.localName == "tabbrowser" && aTriggeringEvent && 'altKey' in aTriggeringEvent && aTriggeringEvent.altKey) { content.focus(); var t = gBrowser.addTab(aURL, null); // open link in new tab gBrowser.selectedTab = t; if (gURLBar) gURLBar.value = aURL; } else loadURI(aURL, null, null); content.focus(); } function getShortcutOrURI(aURL, aPostDataRef) { // rjc: added support for URL shortcuts (3/30/1999) try { var shortcutURL = BMSVC.resolveKeyword(aURL, aPostDataRef); if (!shortcutURL) { // rjc: add support for string substitution with shortcuts (4/4/2000) // (see bug # 29871 for details) var aOffset = aURL.indexOf(" "); if (aOffset > 0) { var cmd = aURL.substr(0, aOffset); var text = aURL.substr(aOffset+1); shortcutURL = BMSVC.resolveKeyword(cmd, aPostDataRef); if (shortcutURL && text) { if (aPostDataRef && aPostDataRef.value) { // XXXben - currently we only support "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" // enctypes. aPostDataRef.value = unescape(aPostDataRef.value); if (aPostDataRef.value.match(/%s/)) aPostDataRef.value = getPostDataStream(aPostDataRef.value, text, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); else { shortcutURL = null; aPostDataRef.value = null; } } else shortcutURL = shortcutURL.match(/%s/) ? shortcutURL.replace(/%s/g, encodeURIComponent(text)) : null; } } } if (shortcutURL) aURL = shortcutURL; } catch (ex) { } return aURL; } #if 0 // XXXben - this is only useful if we ever support text/plain encoded forms in // smart keywords. function normalizePostData(aStringData) { var parts = aStringData.split("&"); var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) { var part = unescape(parts[i]); if (part) result += part + "\r\n"; } return result; } #endif function getPostDataStream(aStringData, aKeyword, aType) { var dataStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIStringInputStream); aStringData = aStringData.replace(/%s/g, encodeURIComponent(aKeyword)); dataStream.setData(aStringData, aStringData.length); var mimeStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/mime-input-stream;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIMIMEInputStream); mimeStream.addHeader("Content-Type", aType); mimeStream.addContentLength = true; mimeStream.setData(dataStream); return mimeStream.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInputStream); } function readFromClipboard() { var url; try { // Get clipboard. var clipboard = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboard); // Create tranferable that will transfer the text. var trans = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable); trans.addDataFlavor("text/unicode"); // If available, use selection clipboard, otherwise global one if (clipboard.supportsSelectionClipboard()) clipboard.getData(trans, clipboard.kSelectionClipboard); else clipboard.getData(trans, clipboard.kGlobalClipboard); var data = {}; var dataLen = {}; trans.getTransferData("text/unicode", data, dataLen); if (data) { data = data.value.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); url = data.data.substring(0, dataLen.value / 2); } } catch (ex) { } return url; } function BrowserViewSourceOfDocument(aDocument) { var docCharset; var pageCookie; var webNav; // Get the document charset docCharset = "charset=" + aDocument.characterSet; // Get the nsIWebNavigation associated with the document try { var win; var ifRequestor; // Get the DOMWindow for the requested document. If the DOMWindow // cannot be found, then just use the content window... // // XXX: This is a bit of a hack... win = aDocument.defaultView; if (win == window) { win = content; } ifRequestor = win.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor); webNav = ifRequestor.getInterface(nsIWebNavigation); } catch(err) { // If nsIWebNavigation cannot be found, just get the one for the whole // window... webNav = getWebNavigation(); } // // Get the 'PageDescriptor' for the current document. This allows the // view-source to access the cached copy of the content rather than // refetching it from the network... // try{ var PageLoader = webNav.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebPageDescriptor); pageCookie = PageLoader.currentDescriptor; } catch(err) { // If no page descriptor is available, just use the view-source URL... } BrowserViewSourceOfURL(webNav.currentURI.spec, docCharset, pageCookie); } function BrowserViewSourceOfURL(url, charset, pageCookie) { // try to open a view-source window while inheriting the charset (if any) openDialog("chrome://global/content/viewSource.xul", "_blank", "scrollbars,resizable,chrome,dialog=no", url, charset, pageCookie); } // doc=null for regular page info, doc=owner document for frame info. function BrowserPageInfo(doc) { toOpenDialogByTypeAndUrl("Browser:page-info", doc ? doc.location : window.content.document.location, "chrome://browser/content/pageInfo.xul", "chrome,dialog=no", doc); } #ifdef DEBUG // Initialize the LeakDetector class. function LeakDetector(verbose) { this.verbose = verbose; } const NS_LEAKDETECTOR_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/xpcom/leakdetector;1"; if (NS_LEAKDETECTOR_CONTRACTID in Components.classes) { try { LeakDetector.prototype = Components.classes[NS_LEAKDETECTOR_CONTRACTID] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILeakDetector); } catch (err) { LeakDetector.prototype = Object.prototype; } } else { LeakDetector.prototype = Object.prototype; } var leakDetector = new LeakDetector(false); // Dumps current set of memory leaks. function dumpMemoryLeaks() { leakDetector.dumpLeaks(); } // Traces all objects reachable from the chrome document. function traceChrome() { leakDetector.traceObject(document, leakDetector.verbose); } // Traces all objects reachable from the content document. function traceDocument() { // keep the chrome document out of the dump. leakDetector.markObject(document, true); leakDetector.traceObject(content, leakDetector.verbose); leakDetector.markObject(document, false); } // Controls whether or not we do verbose tracing. function traceVerbose(verbose) { leakDetector.verbose = (verbose == "true"); } #endif function checkForDirectoryListing() { if ( "HTTPIndex" in content && content.HTTPIndex instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIHTTPIndex ) { content.wrappedJSObject.defaultCharacterset = getMarkupDocumentViewer().defaultCharacterSet; } } function URLBarFocusHandler(aEvent, aElt) { if (gIgnoreFocus) gIgnoreFocus = false; else if (gClickSelectsAll) aElt.select(); } function URLBarMouseDownHandler(aEvent, aElt) { if (aElt.hasAttribute("focused")) { gIgnoreClick = true; } else { gIgnoreFocus = true; gIgnoreClick = false; aElt.setSelectionRange(0, 0); } } function URLBarClickHandler(aEvent, aElt) { if (!gIgnoreClick && gClickSelectsAll && aElt.selectionStart == aElt.selectionEnd) aElt.select(); } // If "ESC" is pressed in the url bar, we replace the urlbar's value with the url of the page // and highlight it, unless it is about:blank, where we reset it to "". function handleURLBarRevert() { var url = getWebNavigation().currentURI.spec; var throbberElement = document.getElementById("navigator-throbber"); var isScrolling = gURLBar.popupOpen; // don't revert to last valid url unless page is NOT loading // and user is NOT key-scrolling through autocomplete list if ((!throbberElement || !throbberElement.hasAttribute("busy")) && !isScrolling) { if (url != "about:blank") { gURLBar.value = url; gURLBar.select(); SetPageProxyState("valid"); } else { //if about:blank, urlbar becomes "" gURLBar.value = ""; } } gBrowser.userTypedValue = null; // tell widget to revert to last typed text only if the user // was scrolling when they hit escape return !isScrolling; } function handleURLBarCommand(aTriggeringEvent) { var postData = { }; canonizeUrl(aTriggeringEvent, postData); try { addToUrlbarHistory(); } catch (ex) { // Things may go wrong when adding url to session history, // but don't let that interfere with the loading of the url. } BrowserLoadURL(aTriggeringEvent, postData.value); } function canonizeUrl(aTriggeringEvent, aPostDataRef) { if (!gURLBar) return; var url = gURLBar.value; // Prevent suffix when already exists www , http , / if (!/^(www|http)|\/\s*$/i.test(url) && aTriggeringEvent) { var suffix = null; #ifdef XP_MACOSX var accelPressed = 'metaKey' in aTriggeringEvent && aTriggeringEvent.metaKey; #else var accelPressed = 'ctrlKey' in aTriggeringEvent && aTriggeringEvent.ctrlKey; #endif var shiftPressed = 'shiftKey' in aTriggeringEvent && aTriggeringEvent.shiftKey; if (accelPressed && shiftPressed) suffix = ".org/"; else if (accelPressed) { try { suffix = gPrefService.getCharPref("browser.fixup.alternate.suffix"); if (suffix.charAt(suffix.length - 1) != '/') suffix += "/"; } catch(e) { suffix = ".com/"; } } else if (shiftPressed) suffix = ".net/"; if (suffix != null) { // trim leading/trailing spaces (bug 233205) url = url.replace( /^\s+/, ""); url = url.replace( /\s+$/, ""); // Tack www. and suffix on. url = "http://www." + url + suffix; } } gURLBar.value = getShortcutOrURI(url, aPostDataRef); } function UpdatePageProxyState() { if (gURLBar && gURLBar.value != gLastValidURLStr) SetPageProxyState("invalid"); } function SetPageProxyState(aState) { if (!gURLBar) return; if (!gProxyButton) gProxyButton = document.getElementById("page-proxy-button"); if (!gProxyFavIcon) gProxyFavIcon = document.getElementById("page-proxy-favicon"); if (!gProxyDeck) gProxyDeck = document.getElementById("page-proxy-deck"); gProxyButton.setAttribute("pageproxystate", aState); // the page proxy state is set to valid via OnLocationChange, which // gets called when we switch tabs. if (aState == "valid") { gLastValidURLStr = gURLBar.value; gURLBar.addEventListener("input", UpdatePageProxyState, false); PageProxySetIcon(gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser.mIconURL); } else if (aState == "invalid") { gURLBar.removeEventListener("input", UpdatePageProxyState, false); PageProxyClearIcon(); } } function PageProxySetIcon (aURL) { if (!gProxyFavIcon) return; if (!aURL) PageProxyClearIcon(); else if (gProxyFavIcon.getAttribute("src") != aURL) gProxyFavIcon.setAttribute("src", aURL); else if (gProxyDeck.selectedIndex != 1) gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 1; } function PageProxyClearIcon () { if (gProxyDeck.selectedIndex != 0) gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; if (gProxyFavIcon.hasAttribute("src")) gProxyFavIcon.removeAttribute("src"); } function PageProxyDragGesture(aEvent) { if (gProxyButton.getAttribute("pageproxystate") == "valid") { nsDragAndDrop.startDrag(aEvent, proxyIconDNDObserver); return true; } return false; } function URLBarOnDrop(evt) { nsDragAndDrop.drop(evt, urlbarObserver); } var urlbarObserver = { onDrop: function (aEvent, aXferData, aDragSession) { var url = transferUtils.retrieveURLFromData(aXferData.data, aXferData.flavour.contentType); // The URL bar automatically handles inputs with newline characters, // so we can get away with treating text/x-moz-url flavours as text/unicode. if (url) { getBrowser().dragDropSecurityCheck(aEvent, aDragSession, url); // XXXBlake Workaround caret crash when you try to set the textbox's value on dropping setTimeout(function(u) { gURLBar.value = u; handleURLBarCommand(); }, 0, url); } }, getSupportedFlavours: function () { var flavourSet = new FlavourSet(); // Plain text drops are often misidentified as "text/x-moz-url", so favor plain text. flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/unicode"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/x-moz-url"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("application/x-moz-file", "nsIFile"); return flavourSet; } } function updateToolbarStates(toolbarMenuElt) { if (!gHaveUpdatedToolbarState) { var mainWindow = document.getElementById("main-window"); if (mainWindow.hasAttribute("chromehidden")) { gHaveUpdatedToolbarState = true; var i; for (i = 0; i < toolbarMenuElt.childNodes.length; ++i) document.getElementById(toolbarMenuElt.childNodes[i].getAttribute("observes")).removeAttribute("checked"); var toolbars = document.getElementsByTagName("toolbar"); // Start i at 1, since we skip the menubar. for (i = 1; i < toolbars.length; ++i) { if (toolbars[i].getAttribute("class").indexOf("chromeclass") != -1) toolbars[i].setAttribute("collapsed", "true"); } var statusbars = document.getElementsByTagName("statusbar"); for (i = 1; i < statusbars.length; ++i) { if (statusbars[i].getAttribute("class").indexOf("chromeclass") != -1) statusbars[i].setAttribute("collapsed", "true"); } mainWindow.removeAttribute("chromehidden"); } } } function BrowserImport() { #ifdef XP_MACOSX var features = "centerscreen,chrome,resizable=no"; #else var features = "modal,centerscreen,chrome,resizable=no"; #endif window.openDialog("chrome://browser/content/migration/migration.xul", "migration", features); } function BrowserFullScreen() { window.fullScreen = !window.fullScreen; } function onFullScreen() { FullScreen.toggle(); } function getWebNavigation() { try { return gBrowser.webNavigation; } catch (e) { return null; } } function BrowserReloadWithFlags(reloadFlags) { /* First, we'll try to use the session history object to reload so * that framesets are handled properly. If we're in a special * window (such as view-source) that has no session history, fall * back on using the web navigation's reload method. */ var webNav = getWebNavigation(); try { var sh = webNav.sessionHistory; if (sh) webNav = sh.QueryInterface(nsIWebNavigation); } catch (e) { } try { webNav.reload(reloadFlags); } catch (e) { } } function toggleAffectedChrome(aHide) { // chrome to toggle includes: // (*) menubar // (*) navigation bar // (*) bookmarks toolbar // (*) browser messages // (*) sidebar // (*) find bar // (*) statusbar var navToolbox = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox"); navToolbox.hidden = aHide; if (aHide) { gChromeState = {}; var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar-box"); gChromeState.sidebarOpen = !sidebar.hidden; gSidebarCommand = sidebar.getAttribute("sidebarcommand"); var message = gBrowser.getMessageForBrowser(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "top"); gChromeState.messageOpen = !message.hidden; message.hidden = aHide; var statusbar = document.getElementById("status-bar"); gChromeState.statusbarOpen = !statusbar.hidden; statusbar.hidden = aHide; var findBar = document.getElementById("FindToolbar"); gChromeState.findOpen = !findBar.hidden; closeFindBar(); } else { if (gChromeState.messageOpen) { var message = gBrowser.getMessageForBrowser(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "top"); message.hidden = aHide; } if (gChromeState.statusbarOpen) { var statusbar = document.getElementById("status-bar"); statusbar.hidden = aHide; } if (gChromeState.findOpen) openFindBar(); } if (gChromeState.sidebarOpen) toggleSidebar(gSidebarCommand); } function onEnterPrintPreview() { toggleAffectedChrome(true); } function onExitPrintPreview() { // restore chrome to original state toggleAffectedChrome(false); } function getMarkupDocumentViewer() { return gBrowser.markupDocumentViewer; } /** * Content area tooltip. * XXX - this must move into XBL binding/equiv! Do not want to pollute * browser.js with functionality that can be encapsulated into * browser widget. TEMPORARY! * * NOTE: Any changes to this routine need to be mirrored in ChromeListener::FindTitleText() * (located in mozilla/embedding/browser/webBrowser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp) * which performs the same function, but for embedded clients that * don't use a XUL/JS layer. It is important that the logic of * these two routines be kept more or less in sync. * (pinkerton) **/ function FillInHTMLTooltip(tipElement) { var retVal = false; if (tipElement.namespaceURI == "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul") return retVal; const XLinkNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; var titleText = null; var XLinkTitleText = null; while (!titleText && !XLinkTitleText && tipElement) { if (tipElement.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { titleText = tipElement.getAttribute("title"); XLinkTitleText = tipElement.getAttributeNS(XLinkNS, "title"); } tipElement = tipElement.parentNode; } var texts = [titleText, XLinkTitleText]; var tipNode = document.getElementById("aHTMLTooltip"); for (var i = 0; i < texts.length; ++i) { var t = texts[i]; if (t && t.search(/\S/) >= 0) { tipNode.setAttribute("label", t); retVal = true; } } return retVal; } var proxyIconDNDObserver = { onDragStart: function (aEvent, aXferData, aDragAction) { var value = gURLBar.value; // XXX - do we want to allow the user to set a blank page to their homepage? // if so then we want to modify this a little to set about:blank as // the homepage in the event of an empty urlbar. if (!value) return; var urlString = value + "\n" + window.content.document.title; var htmlString = "" + value + ""; aXferData.data = new TransferData(); aXferData.data.addDataForFlavour("text/x-moz-url", urlString); aXferData.data.addDataForFlavour("text/unicode", value); aXferData.data.addDataForFlavour("text/html", htmlString); // we're copying the URL from the proxy icon, not moving // we specify all of them though, because d&d sucks and OS's // get confused if they don't get the one they want aDragAction.action = Components.interfaces.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_COPY | Components.interfaces.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_MOVE | Components.interfaces.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_LINK; } } var homeButtonObserver = { onDrop: function (aEvent, aXferData, aDragSession) { var url = transferUtils.retrieveURLFromData(aXferData.data, aXferData.flavour.contentType); setTimeout(openHomeDialog, 0, url); }, onDragOver: function (aEvent, aFlavour, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = gNavigatorBundle.getString("droponhomebutton"); aDragSession.dragAction = Components.interfaces.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_LINK; }, onDragExit: function (aEvent, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = ""; }, getSupportedFlavours: function () { var flavourSet = new FlavourSet(); flavourSet.appendFlavour("application/x-moz-file", "nsIFile"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/x-moz-url"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/unicode"); return flavourSet; } } function openHomeDialog(aURL) { var promptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService); var promptTitle = gNavigatorBundle.getString("droponhometitle"); var promptMsg = gNavigatorBundle.getString("droponhomemsg"); var pressedVal = promptService.confirmEx(window, promptTitle, promptMsg, (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_YES * promptService.BUTTON_POS_0) + (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_NO * promptService.BUTTON_POS_1), null, null, null, null, {value:0}); if (pressedVal == 0) { try { var str = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); str.data = aURL; gPrefService.setComplexValue("browser.startup.homepage", Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString, str); var homeButton = document.getElementById("home-button"); homeButton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aURL); } catch (ex) { dump("Failed to set the home page.\n"+ex+"\n"); } } } var bookmarksButtonObserver = { onDrop: function (aEvent, aXferData, aDragSession) { var split = aXferData.data.split("\n"); var url = split[0]; if (url != aXferData.data) { //do nothing if it's not a valid URL var dialogArgs = { name: split[1], url: url } openDialog("chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/addBookmark2.xul", "", BROWSER_ADD_BM_FEATURES, dialogArgs); } }, onDragOver: function (aEvent, aFlavour, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = gNavigatorBundle.getString("droponbookmarksbutton"); aDragSession.dragAction = Components.interfaces.nsIDragService.DRAGDROP_ACTION_LINK; }, onDragExit: function (aEvent, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = ""; }, getSupportedFlavours: function () { var flavourSet = new FlavourSet(); flavourSet.appendFlavour("application/x-moz-file", "nsIFile"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/x-moz-url"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/unicode"); return flavourSet; } } var newTabButtonObserver = { onDragOver: function(aEvent, aFlavour, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = gNavigatorBundle.getString("droponnewtabbutton"); aEvent.target.setAttribute("dragover", "true"); return true; }, onDragExit: function (aEvent, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = ""; aEvent.target.removeAttribute("dragover"); }, onDrop: function (aEvent, aXferData, aDragSession) { var xferData = aXferData.data.split("\n"); var uri = xferData[0] ? xferData[0] : xferData[1]; if (uri) openNewTabWith(uri, aXferData, aEvent, false); }, getSupportedFlavours: function () { var flavourSet = new FlavourSet(); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/unicode"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/x-moz-url"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("application/x-moz-file", "nsIFile"); return flavourSet; } } var newWindowButtonObserver = { onDragOver: function(aEvent, aFlavour, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = gNavigatorBundle.getString("droponnewwindowbutton"); aEvent.target.setAttribute("dragover", "true"); return true; }, onDragExit: function (aEvent, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = ""; aEvent.target.removeAttribute("dragover"); }, onDrop: function (aEvent, aXferData, aDragSession) { var xferData = aXferData.data.split("\n"); var uri = xferData[0] ? xferData[0] : xferData[1]; if (uri) openNewWindowWith(uri, aXferData, null, false); }, getSupportedFlavours: function () { var flavourSet = new FlavourSet(); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/unicode"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/x-moz-url"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("application/x-moz-file", "nsIFile"); return flavourSet; } } var goButtonObserver = { onDragOver: function(aEvent, aFlavour, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = gNavigatorBundle.getString("dropongobutton"); aEvent.target.setAttribute("dragover", "true"); return true; }, onDragExit: function (aEvent, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = ""; aEvent.target.removeAttribute("dragover"); }, onDrop: function (aEvent, aXferData, aDragSession) { var xferData = aXferData.data.split("\n"); var uri = xferData[0] ? xferData[0] : xferData[1]; if (uri) { getBrowser().dragDropSecurityCheck(aEvent, aDragSession, uri); loadURI(uri, null, null); } }, getSupportedFlavours: function () { var flavourSet = new FlavourSet(); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/unicode"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/x-moz-url"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("application/x-moz-file", "nsIFile"); return flavourSet; } } var DownloadsButtonDNDObserver = { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsDragAndDrop onDragOver: function (aEvent, aFlavour, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = gNavigatorBundle.getString("dropondownloadsbutton"); aDragSession.canDrop = (aFlavour.contentType == "text/x-moz-url" || aFlavour.contentType == "text/unicode"); }, onDragExit: function (aEvent, aDragSession) { var statusTextFld = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); statusTextFld.label = ""; }, onDrop: function (aEvent, aXferData, aDragSession) { var split = aXferData.data.split("\n"); var url = split[0]; if (url != aXferData.data) { //do nothing, not a valid URL getBrowser().dragDropSecurityCheck(aEvent, aDragSession, url); var name = split[1]; saveURL(url, name, null, true, true); } }, getSupportedFlavours: function () { var flavourSet = new FlavourSet(); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/x-moz-url"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/unicode"); return flavourSet; } } function WebSearch() { var searchBar = document.getElementById("searchbar"); if (searchBar && !searchBar.parentNode.parentNode.collapsed && !(window.getComputedStyle(searchBar.parentNode, null).display == "none")) { searchBar.select(); searchBar.focus(); } // XXX: If the search box is hidden, we should open a search dialog (see bug 235204) #ifdef XP_MACOSX else if (window.location.href != getBrowserURL()) { var win = getTopWin(); if (win) { // If there's an open browser window, it should handle this command win.focus() win.WebSearch(); } else { // If there are no open browser windows, open a new one win = window.openDialog("chrome://browser/content/", "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", "about:blank"); win.addEventListener("load", WebSearchCallback, false); } } #endif } function WebSearchCallback() { // make sure the DOM is ready setTimeout(function() { this.WebSearch(); }, 0); } function OpenSearch(tabName, searchStr, newTabFlag) { //This function needs to be split up someday. //XXXnoririty I don't want any prefs switching open by tabs to window //XXXpch: this routine needs to be cleaned up. var defaultSearchURL = null; var navigatorRegionBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_browser_region"); var fallbackDefaultSearchURL = navigatorRegionBundle.getString("fallbackDefaultSearchURL"); //Check to see if search string contains "://" or "ftp." or white space. //If it does treat as url and match for pattern var urlmatch= /(:\/\/|^ftp\.)[^ \S]+$/ var forceAsURL = urlmatch.test(searchStr); try { defaultSearchURL = gPrefService.getComplexValue("browser.search.defaulturl", Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data; } catch (ex) { } // Fallback to a default url (one that we can get sidebar search results for) if (!defaultSearchURL) defaultSearchURL = fallbackDefaultSearchURL; if (!searchStr) { BrowserSearchInternet(); } else { //Check to see if location bar field is a url //If it is a url go to URL. A Url is "://" or "." as commented above //Otherwise search on entry if (forceAsURL) { BrowserLoadURL(null, null) } else { if (searchStr) { var escapedSearchStr = encodeURIComponent(searchStr); defaultSearchURL += escapedSearchStr; var searchDS = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/datasource;1?name=internetsearch"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIInternetSearchService); searchDS.RememberLastSearchText(escapedSearchStr); try { var searchEngineURI = gPrefService.getCharPref("browser.search.defaultengine"); if (searchEngineURI) { var searchURL = getSearchUrl("actionButton"); if (searchURL) { defaultSearchURL = searchURL + escapedSearchStr; } else { searchURL = searchDS.GetInternetSearchURL(searchEngineURI, escapedSearchStr, 0, 0, {value:0}); if (searchURL) defaultSearchURL = searchURL; } } } catch (ex) { } if (!newTabFlag) { loadURI(defaultSearchURL, null, null); } else { var newTab = getBrowser().addTab(defaultSearchURL); if (!gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground")) getBrowser().selectedTab = newTab; } } } } } function FillHistoryMenu(aParent, aMenu) { // Remove old entries if any deleteHistoryItems(aParent); var sessionHistory = getWebNavigation().sessionHistory; var count = sessionHistory.count; var index = sessionHistory.index; var end; var j; var entry; switch (aMenu) { case "back": end = (index > MAX_HISTORY_MENU_ITEMS) ? index - MAX_HISTORY_MENU_ITEMS : 0; if ((index - 1) < end) return false; for (j = index - 1; j >= end; j--) { entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(j, false); if (entry) createMenuItem(aParent, j, entry.title); } break; case "forward": end = ((count-index) > MAX_HISTORY_MENU_ITEMS) ? index + MAX_HISTORY_MENU_ITEMS : count; if ((index + 1) >= end) return false; for (j = index + 1; j <= end; j++) { entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(j, false); if (entry) createMenuItem(aParent, j, entry.title); } break; case "go": aParent.lastChild.hidden = (count == 0); end = count > MAX_HISTORY_MENU_ITEMS ? count - MAX_HISTORY_MENU_ITEMS : 0; for (j = count - 1; j >= end; j--) { entry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(j, false); if (entry) createRadioMenuItem(aParent, j, entry.title, j==index); } break; } return true; } function addToUrlbarHistory() { var urlToAdd = gURLBar.value; if (!urlToAdd) return; if (urlToAdd.search(/[\x00-\x1F]/) != -1) // don't store bad URLs return; if (!gGlobalHistory) gGlobalHistory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/global-history;2"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBrowserHistory); if (!gURIFixup) gURIFixup = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/docshell/urifixup;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIURIFixup); try { if (urlToAdd.indexOf(" ") == -1) { var fixedUpURI = gURIFixup.createFixupURI(urlToAdd, 0); gGlobalHistory.markPageAsTyped(fixedUpURI); } } catch(ex) { } } function createMenuItem( aParent, aIndex, aLabel) { var menuitem = document.createElement( "menuitem" ); menuitem.setAttribute( "label", aLabel ); menuitem.setAttribute( "index", aIndex ); aParent.appendChild( menuitem ); } function createRadioMenuItem( aParent, aIndex, aLabel, aChecked) { var menuitem = document.createElement( "menuitem" ); menuitem.setAttribute( "type", "radio" ); menuitem.setAttribute( "label", aLabel ); menuitem.setAttribute( "index", aIndex ); if (aChecked==true) menuitem.setAttribute( "checked", "true" ); aParent.appendChild( menuitem ); } function deleteHistoryItems(aParent) { var children = aParent.childNodes; for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var index = children[i].getAttribute("index"); if (index) aParent.removeChild(children[i]); } } function toJavaScriptConsole() { toOpenWindowByType("global:console", "chrome://global/content/console.xul"); } function toOpenWindowByType(inType, uri, features) { var windowManager = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService(); var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var topWindow = windowManagerInterface.getMostRecentWindow(inType); if (topWindow) topWindow.focus(); else if (features) window.open(uri, "_blank", features); else window.open(uri, "_blank", "chrome,extrachrome,menubar,resizable,scrollbars,status,toolbar"); } function toOpenDialogByTypeAndUrl(inType, relatedUrl, windowUri, features, extraArgument) { var windowManager = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService(); var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var windows = windowManagerInterface.getEnumerator(inType); // Check for windows matching the url while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { var currentWindow = windows.getNext(); if (currentWindow.document.firstChild.getAttribute("relatedUrl") == relatedUrl) { currentWindow.focus(); return; } } // We didn't find a matching window, so open a new one. if (features) window.openDialog(windowUri, "_blank", features, extraArgument); else window.openDialog(windowUri, "_blank", "chrome,extrachrome,menubar,resizable,scrollbars,status,toolbar", extraArgument); } function OpenBrowserWindow() { var charsetArg = new String(); var handler = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/clh;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBrowserHandler); var defaultArgs = handler.defaultArgs; var wintype = document.firstChild.getAttribute('windowtype'); // if and only if the current window is a browser window and it has a document with a character // set, then extract the current charset menu setting from the current document and use it to // initialize the new browser window... var win; if (window && (wintype == "navigator:browser") && window.content && window.content.document) { var DocCharset = window.content.document.characterSet; charsetArg = "charset="+DocCharset; //we should "inherit" the charset menu setting in a new window win = window.openDialog("chrome://browser/content/", "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", defaultArgs, charsetArg); } else // forget about the charset information. { win = window.openDialog("chrome://browser/content/", "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", defaultArgs); } return win; } function BrowserCustomizeToolbar() { // Disable the toolbar context menu items var menubar = document.getElementById("main-menubar"); for (var i = 0; i < menubar.childNodes.length; ++i) menubar.childNodes[i].setAttribute("disabled", true); var cmd = document.getElementById("cmd_CustomizeToolbars"); cmd.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); window.openDialog("chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul", "CustomizeToolbar", "chrome,all,dependent", document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox")); } function BrowserToolboxCustomizeDone(aToolboxChanged) { // Update global UI elements that may have been added or removed if (aToolboxChanged) { gURLBar = document.getElementById("urlbar"); gProxyButton = document.getElementById("page-proxy-button"); gProxyFavIcon = document.getElementById("page-proxy-favicon"); gProxyDeck = document.getElementById("page-proxy-deck"); gHomeButton.updateTooltip(); window.XULBrowserWindow.init(); } // Update the urlbar var url = getWebNavigation().currentURI.spec; if (gURLBar) { gURLBar.value = url; SetPageProxyState("valid"); } // Re-enable parts of the UI we disabled during the dialog var menubar = document.getElementById("main-menubar"); for (var i = 0; i < menubar.childNodes.length; ++i) menubar.childNodes[i].setAttribute("disabled", false); var cmd = document.getElementById("cmd_CustomizeToolbars"); cmd.removeAttribute("disabled"); // fix up the personal toolbar folder var bt = document.getElementById("bookmarks-ptf"); if (bt) { var btf = BMSVC.getBookmarksToolbarFolder().Value; var btchevron = document.getElementById("bookmarks-chevron"); bt.ref = btf; btchevron.ref = btf; // no uniqueness is guaranteed, so we have to remove first try { bt.database.RemoveObserver(BookmarksToolbarRDFObserver); bt.controllers.removeController(BookmarksMenuController); } catch (ex) { // ignore } bt.database.AddObserver(BookmarksToolbarRDFObserver); bt.controllers.appendController(BookmarksMenuController); bt.builder.rebuild(); btchevron.builder.rebuild(); // fake a resize; this function takes care of flowing bookmarks // from the bar to the overflow item BookmarksToolbar.resizeFunc(null); } // XXX Shouldn't have to do this, but I do window.focus(); } var FullScreen = { toggle: function() { // show/hide all menubars, toolbars, and statusbars (except the full screen toolbar) this.showXULChrome("toolbar", window.fullScreen); this.showXULChrome("statusbar", window.fullScreen); }, showXULChrome: function(aTag, aShow) { var XULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; var els = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(XULNS, aTag); var i, savedMode, savedIconSize; for (i = 0; i < els.length; ++i) { // XXX don't interfere with previously collapsed toolbars if (els[i].getAttribute("fullscreentoolbar") == "true") { if (!aShow) { var toolbarMode = els[i].getAttribute("mode"); var iconSize = els[i].getAttribute("iconsize"); var contextMenu = els[i].getAttribute("context"); if (toolbarMode != "text") { els[i].setAttribute("saved-mode", toolbarMode); els[i].setAttribute("saved-iconsize", iconSize); els[i].setAttribute("mode", "icons"); els[i].setAttribute("iconsize", "small"); } // XXX See bug 202978: we disable the context menu // to prevent customization while in fullscreen, which // causes menu breakage. els[i].setAttribute("saved-context", contextMenu); els[i].removeAttribute("context"); } else { if (els[i].hasAttribute("saved-mode")) { savedMode = els[i].getAttribute("saved-mode"); els[i].setAttribute("mode", savedMode); els[i].removeAttribute("saved-mode"); } if (els[i].hasAttribute("saved-iconsize")) { savedIconSize = els[i].getAttribute("saved-iconsize"); els[i].setAttribute("iconsize", savedIconSize); els[i].removeAttribute("saved-iconsize"); } // XXX see above. if (els[i].hasAttribute("saved-context")) { var savedContext = els[i].getAttribute("saved-context"); els[i].setAttribute("context", savedContext); els[i].removeAttribute("saved-context"); } } } else { // use moz-collapsed so it doesn't persist hidden/collapsed, // so that new windows don't have missing toolbars if (aShow) els[i].removeAttribute("moz-collapsed"); else els[i].setAttribute("moz-collapsed", "true"); } } #ifndef XP_MACOSX var controls = document.getElementsByAttribute("fullscreencontrol", "true"); for (i = 0; i < controls.length; ++i) controls[i].hidden = aShow; #endif // XXXvladimir this was a fix for bug 174174, but I don't think it's necessary // any more? var toolbox = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox"); if (!aShow) { var toolboxMode = toolbox.getAttribute("mode"); var toolboxIconSize = toolbox.getAttribute("iconsize"); if (toolboxMode != "text") { toolbox.setAttribute("saved-mode", toolboxMode); toolbox.setAttribute("saved-iconsize", toolboxIconSize); toolbox.setAttribute("mode", "icons"); toolbox.setAttribute("iconsize", "small"); } else { if (toolbox.hasAttribute("saved-mode")) { savedMode = toolbox.getAttribute("saved-mode"); toolbox.setAttribute("mode", savedMode); toolbox.removeAttribute("saved-mode"); } if (toolbox.hasAttribute("saved-iconsize")) { savedIconSize = toolbox.getAttribute("saved-iconsize"); toolbox.setAttribute("iconsize", savedIconSize); toolbox.removeAttribute("saved-iconsize"); } } } } }; function nsBrowserStatusHandler() { this.init(); } nsBrowserStatusHandler.prototype = { // Stored Status, Link and Loading values status : "", defaultStatus : "", jsStatus : "", jsDefaultStatus : "", overLink : "", startTime : 0, statusText: "", lastURI: null, statusTimeoutInEffect : false, QueryInterface : function(aIID) { if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIXULBrowserWindow) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE; }, init : function() { this.throbberElement = document.getElementById("navigator-throbber"); this.statusMeter = document.getElementById("statusbar-icon"); this.stopCommand = document.getElementById("Browser:Stop"); this.reloadCommand = document.getElementById("Browser:Reload"); this.reloadSkipCacheCommand = document.getElementById("Browser:ReloadSkipCache"); this.statusTextField = document.getElementById("statusbar-display"); this.securityButton = document.getElementById("security-button"); this.urlBar = document.getElementById("urlbar"); // Initialize the security button's state and tooltip text var securityUI = getBrowser().securityUI; this.onSecurityChange(null, null, securityUI.state); }, destroy : function() { // XXXjag to avoid leaks :-/, see bug 60729 this.throbberElement = null; this.statusMeter = null; this.stopCommand = null; this.reloadCommand = null; this.reloadSkipCacheCommand = null; this.statusTextField = null; this.securityButton = null; this.urlBar = null; this.statusText = null; this.lastURI = null; }, setJSStatus : function(status) { this.jsStatus = status; this.updateStatusField(); }, setJSDefaultStatus : function(status) { this.jsDefaultStatus = status; this.updateStatusField(); }, setDefaultStatus : function(status) { this.defaultStatus = status; this.updateStatusField(); }, setOverLink : function(link, b) { this.overLink = link; this.updateStatusField(); }, updateStatusField : function() { var text = this.overLink || this.status || this.jsStatus || this.jsDefaultStatus || this.defaultStatus; // check the current value so we don't trigger an attribute change // and cause needless (slow!) UI updates if (this.statusText != text) { this.statusTextField.label = text; this.statusText = text; } }, onLinkIconAvailable : function(aBrowser) { if (gProxyFavIcon && gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser == aBrowser && gBrowser.userTypedValue === null) { PageProxySetIcon(aBrowser.mIconURL); } }, onProgressChange : function (aWebProgress, aRequest, aCurSelfProgress, aMaxSelfProgress, aCurTotalProgress, aMaxTotalProgress) { if (aMaxTotalProgress > 0) { // This is highly optimized. Don't touch this code unless // you are intimately familiar with the cost of setting // attrs on XUL elements. -- hyatt var percentage = (aCurTotalProgress * 100) / aMaxTotalProgress; this.statusMeter.value = percentage; } }, onStateChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus) { const nsIWebProgressListener = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener; const nsIChannel = Components.interfaces.nsIChannel; if (aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START) { // This (thanks to the filter) is a network start or the first // stray request (the first request outside of the document load), // initialize the throbber and his friends. // Call start document load listeners (only if this is a network load) if (aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK && aRequest && aWebProgress.DOMWindow == content) this.startDocumentLoad(aRequest); if (this.throbberElement) { // Turn the throbber on. this.throbberElement.setAttribute("busy", "true"); } // Turn the status meter on. this.statusMeter.value = 0; // be sure to clear the progress bar if (gProgressCollapseTimer) { window.clearTimeout(gProgressCollapseTimer); gProgressCollapseTimer = null; } else this.statusMeter.parentNode.collapsed = false; // XXX: This needs to be based on window activity... this.stopCommand.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else if (aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) { if (aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK) { if (aWebProgress.DOMWindow == content) { if (aRequest) this.endDocumentLoad(aRequest, aStatus); var browser = gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser; if (!gBrowser.mTabbedMode && !browser.mIconURL) gBrowser.useDefaultIcon(gBrowser.mCurrentTab); if (browser.mIconURL) BookmarksUtils.loadFavIcon(browser.currentURI.spec, browser.mIconURL); } } // This (thanks to the filter) is a network stop or the last // request stop outside of loading the document, stop throbbers // and progress bars and such if (aRequest) { var msg = ""; // Get the channel if the request is a channel var channel; try { channel = aRequest.QueryInterface(nsIChannel); } catch(e) { }; if (channel) { var location = channel.URI; // For keyword URIs clear the user typed value since they will be changed into real URIs if (location.scheme == "keyword" && aWebProgress.DOMWindow == content) getBrowser().userTypedValue = null; if (location.spec != "about:blank") { const kErrorBindingAborted = 0x804B0002; const kErrorNetTimeout = 0x804B000E; switch (aStatus) { case kErrorBindingAborted: msg = gNavigatorBundle.getString("nv_stopped"); break; case kErrorNetTimeout: msg = gNavigatorBundle.getString("nv_timeout"); break; } } } // If msg is false then we did not have an error (channel may have // been null, in the case of a stray image load). if (!msg) { msg = gNavigatorBundle.getString("nv_done"); } this.status = ""; this.setDefaultStatus(msg); } // Turn the progress meter and throbber off. gProgressCollapseTimer = window.setTimeout( function() { gProgressMeterPanel.collapsed = true; gProgressCollapseTimer = null; }, 100); if (this.throbberElement) this.throbberElement.removeAttribute("busy"); this.stopCommand.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } }, onLocationChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocation) { // This code here does not compare uris exactly when determining // whether or not the message should be hidden since the message // may be prematurely hidden when an install is invoked by a click // on a link that looks like this: // // Install Foo // // - which fires a onLocationChange message to uri + '#'... var selectedBrowser = getBrowser().selectedBrowser; if (selectedBrowser.lastURI) { var oldSpec = selectedBrowser.lastURI.spec; var oldIndexOfHash = oldSpec.indexOf("#"); if (oldIndexOfHash != -1) oldSpec = oldSpec.substr(0, oldIndexOfHash); var newSpec = aLocation.spec; var newIndexOfHash = newSpec.indexOf("#"); if (newIndexOfHash != -1) newSpec = newSpec.substr(0, newSpec.indexOf("#")); if (newSpec != oldSpec) { var tabbrowser = getBrowser(); tabbrowser.hideMessage(tabbrowser.selectedBrowser, "both"); } } selectedBrowser.lastURI = aLocation; this.setOverLink("", null); // We should probably not do this if the value has changed since the user // searched // Update urlbar only if a new page was loaded on the primary content area // Do not update urlbar if there was a subframe navigation var browser = getBrowser().selectedBrowser; var findField = document.getElementById("find-field"); if (aWebProgress.DOMWindow == content) { var location = aLocation.spec; if (location == "about:blank" || location == "") { //second condition is for new tabs, otherwise location = ""; //reload function is enabled until tab is refreshed this.reloadCommand.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); this.reloadSkipCacheCommand.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { this.reloadCommand.removeAttribute("disabled"); this.reloadSkipCacheCommand.removeAttribute("disabled"); } // The document loaded correctly, clear the value if we should if (browser.userTypedClear) browser.userTypedValue = null; if (!gBrowser.mTabbedMode) gBrowser.setIcon(gBrowser.mCurrentTab, null); if (findField) setTimeout(function() { findField.value = browser.findString; }, 0, findField, browser); //XXXBlake don't we have to reinit this.urlBar, etc. // when the toolbar changes? if (gURLBar) { var userTypedValue = browser.userTypedValue; if (!userTypedValue) { // If the url has "wyciwyg://" as the protocol, strip it off. // Nobody wants to see it on the urlbar for dynamically generated // pages. if (!gURIFixup) gURIFixup = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/docshell/urifixup;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIURIFixup); if (location && gURIFixup) try { var locationURI = gURIFixup.createExposableURI(aLocation); location = locationURI.spec; } catch (exception) {} if (getBrowser().forceSyncURLBarUpdate) { gURLBar.value = ""; // hack for bug 249322 gURLBar.value = location; SetPageProxyState("valid"); } else { setTimeout(function(loc) { gURLBar.value = ""; // hack for bug 249322 gURLBar.value = loc; SetPageProxyState("valid"); }, 0, location); } // Setting the urlBar value in some cases causes userTypedValue to // become set because of oninput, so reset it to its old value. browser.userTypedValue = userTypedValue; } else { gURLBar.value = userTypedValue; SetPageProxyState("invalid"); } } } UpdateBackForwardButtons(); if (findField && gFindMode != FIND_NORMAL) { // Close the Find toolbar if we're in old-style TAF mode closeFindBar(); gBackProtectBuffer = 0; } //fix bug 253793 - turn off highlight when page changes if (document.getElementById("highlight").checked) document.getElementById("highlight").removeAttribute("checked"); setTimeout(function () { updatePageLivemarks(); }, 0); #ifdef ALTSS_ICON setTimeout(function () { updatePageStyles(); }, 0); #endif }, onStatusChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStatus, aMessage) { this.status = aMessage; this.updateStatusField(); }, onSecurityChange : function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aState) { const wpl = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener; this.securityButton.removeAttribute("label"); switch (aState) { case wpl.STATE_IS_SECURE | wpl.STATE_SECURE_HIGH: this.securityButton.setAttribute("level", "high"); if (this.urlBar) this.urlBar.setAttribute("level", "high"); try { this.securityButton.setAttribute("label", gBrowser.contentWindow.location.host); } catch(exception) {} break; case wpl.STATE_IS_SECURE | wpl.STATE_SECURE_LOW: this.securityButton.setAttribute("level", "low"); if (this.urlBar) this.urlBar.setAttribute("level", "low"); try { this.securityButton.setAttribute("label", gBrowser.contentWindow.location.host); } catch(exception) {} break; case wpl.STATE_IS_BROKEN: this.securityButton.setAttribute("level", "broken"); if (this.urlBar) this.urlBar.setAttribute("level", "broken"); break; case wpl.STATE_IS_INSECURE: default: this.securityButton.removeAttribute("level"); if (this.urlBar) this.urlBar.removeAttribute("level"); break; } var securityUI = gBrowser.securityUI; this.securityButton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", securityUI.tooltipText); if (this.urlBar) this.urlBar.setAttribute("infotext", securityUI.tooltipText); }, startDocumentLoad : function(aRequest) { // It's okay to clear what the user typed when we start // loading a document. If the user types, this flag gets // set to false, if the document load ends without an // onLocationChange, this flag also gets set to false // (so we keep it while switching tabs after failed load getBrowser().userTypedClear = true; // clear out livemark data gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser.livemarkLinks = null; const nsIChannel = Components.interfaces.nsIChannel; var urlStr = aRequest.QueryInterface(nsIChannel).URI.spec; var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); try { observerService.notifyObservers(content, "StartDocumentLoad", urlStr); } catch (e) { } }, endDocumentLoad : function(aRequest, aStatus) { // The document is done loading, it's okay to clear // the value again. getBrowser().userTypedClear = false; const nsIChannel = Components.interfaces.nsIChannel; var urlStr = aRequest.QueryInterface(nsIChannel).originalURI.spec; var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); var notification = Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus) ? "EndDocumentLoad" : "FailDocumentLoad"; try { observerService.notifyObservers(content, notification, urlStr); } catch (e) { } setTimeout(function() { if (document.getElementById("highlight").checked) toggleHighlight(true); }, 0); } } function nsBrowserAccess() { } nsBrowserAccess.prototype = { QueryInterface : function(aIID) { if (aIID.equals(nsCI.nsIBrowserDOMWindow) || aIID.equals(nsCI.nsISupports)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE; }, openURI : function(aURI, aOpener, aWhere, aContext) { var newWindow = null; var referrer = null; var location; if (aWhere == nsCI.nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_DEFAULTWINDOW) { switch (aContext) { case nsCI.nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_EXTERNAL : aWhere = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.link.open_external"); break; default : // OPEN_NEW or an illegal value aWhere = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.link.open_newwindow"); } } var url = aURI ? aURI.spec : "about:blank"; switch(aWhere) { case nsCI.nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_NEWWINDOW : newWindow = openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "all,dialog=no", url); break; case nsCI.nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_NEWTAB : var newTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank"); if (!gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground")) gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab; newWindow = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(newTab).docShell .QueryInterface(nsCI.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(nsCI.nsIDOMWindow); try { if (aOpener) { location = aOpener.location; referrer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService) .newURI(location, null, null); } newWindow.QueryInterface(nsCI.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(nsCI.nsIWebNavigation) .loadURI(url, nsCI.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE, referrer, null, null); } catch(e) { } break; default : // OPEN_CURRENTWINDOW or an illegal value try { if (aOpener) { newWindow = aOpener.top; location = aOpener.location; referrer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService) .newURI(location, null, null); newWindow.QueryInterface(nsCI.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(nsIWebNavigation) .loadURI(url, nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE, referrer, null, null); } else { newWindow = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.docShell .QueryInterface(nsCI.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(nsCI.nsIDOMWindow); loadURI(url, null); } if(!gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground")) content.focus(); } catch(e) { } } return newWindow; }, isTabContentWindow : function(aWindow) { var browsers = gBrowser.browsers; for (var ctr = 0; ctr < browsers.length; ctr++) if (browsers.item(ctr).contentWindow == aWindow) return true; return false; } } function onViewToolbarsPopupShowing(aEvent) { var popup = aEvent.target; var i; // Empty the menu for (i = popup.childNodes.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { var deadItem = popup.childNodes[i]; if (deadItem.hasAttribute("toolbarindex")) popup.removeChild(deadItem); } var firstMenuItem = popup.firstChild; var toolbox = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox"); for (i = 0; i < toolbox.childNodes.length; ++i) { var toolbar = toolbox.childNodes[i]; var toolbarName = toolbar.getAttribute("toolbarname"); var type = toolbar.getAttribute("type"); if (toolbarName && type != "menubar") { var menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuItem.setAttribute("toolbarindex", i); menuItem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); menuItem.setAttribute("label", toolbarName); menuItem.setAttribute("accesskey", toolbar.getAttribute("accesskey")); menuItem.setAttribute("checked", toolbar.getAttribute("collapsed") != "true"); popup.insertBefore(menuItem, firstMenuItem); menuItem.addEventListener("command", onViewToolbarCommand, false); } toolbar = toolbar.nextSibling; } } function onViewToolbarCommand(aEvent) { var toolbox = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox"); var index = aEvent.originalTarget.getAttribute("toolbarindex"); var toolbar = toolbox.childNodes[index]; toolbar.collapsed = aEvent.originalTarget.getAttribute("checked") != "true"; document.persist(toolbar.id, "collapsed"); } function displaySecurityInfo() { window.openDialog("chrome://browser/content/pageInfo.xul", "_blank", "dialog=no", null, "securityTab"); } function nsBrowserContentListener(toplevelWindow, contentWindow) { // this one is not as easy as you would hope. // need to convert toplevelWindow to an XPConnected object, instead // of a DOM-based object, to be able to QI() it to nsIXULWindow this.init(toplevelWindow, contentWindow); } /* implements nsIURIContentListener */ nsBrowserContentListener.prototype = { init: function(toplevelWindow, contentWindow) { const nsIWebBrowserChrome = Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserChrome; this.toplevelWindow = toplevelWindow; this.contentWindow = contentWindow; // hook up the whole parent chain thing var windowDocShell = this.convertWindowToDocShell(toplevelWindow); if (windowDocShell) { windowDocshell .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIURIContentListener) .parentContentListener = this; } var registerWindow = false; try { var treeItem = contentWindow.docShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeItem); var treeOwner = treeItem.treeOwner; var interfaceRequestor = treeOwner.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor); var webBrowserChrome = interfaceRequestor.getInterface(nsIWebBrowserChrome); if (webBrowserChrome) { var chromeFlags = webBrowserChrome.chromeFlags; var res = chromeFlags & nsIWebBrowserChrome.CHROME_ALL; var res2 = chromeFlags & nsIWebBrowserChrome.CHROME_DEFAULT; if ( res == nsIWebBrowserChrome.CHROME_ALL || res2 == nsIWebBrowserChrome.CHROME_DEFAULT) { registerWindow = true; } } } catch (ex) {} // register ourselves if (registerWindow) { var uriLoader = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/uriloader;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIURILoader); uriLoader.registerContentListener(this); } }, close: function() { this.contentWindow = null; var uriLoader = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/uriloader;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIURILoader); uriLoader.unRegisterContentListener(this); }, QueryInterface: function(iid) { if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIURIContentListener) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE; }, onStartURIOpen: function(uri) { // ignore and don't abort return false; }, doContent: function(contentType, isContentPreferred, request, contentHandler) { // forward the doContent to our content area webshell var docShell = this.contentWindow.docShell; var contentListener; try { contentListener = docShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIURIContentListener); } catch (ex) { dump(ex); } if (!contentListener) return false; return contentListener.doContent(contentType, isContentPreferred, request, contentHandler); }, isPreferred: function(contentType, desiredContentType) { // seems like we should be getting this from helper apps or something switch(contentType) { case "text/html": case "text/xul": case "text/rdf": case "text/xml": case "text/css": case "image/gif": case "image/jpeg": case "image/png": case "text/plain": case "application/http-index-format": return true; } return false; }, canHandleContent: function(contentType, isContentPreferred, desiredContentType) { var docShell = this.contentWindow.docShell; var contentListener; try { contentListener = docShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIURIContentListener); } catch (ex) { dump(ex); } if (!contentListener) return false; return contentListener.canHandleContent(contentType, isContentPreferred, desiredContentType); }, convertWindowToDocShell: function(win) { // don't know how to do this return null; }, loadCookie: null, parentContentListener: null } // |forceOpen| is a bool that indicates that the sidebar should be forced open. In other words // the toggle won't be allowed to close the sidebar. function toggleSidebar(aCommandID, forceOpen) { var sidebarBox = document.getElementById("sidebar-box"); if (!aCommandID) aCommandID = sidebarBox.getAttribute("sidebarcommand"); var elt = document.getElementById(aCommandID); var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar"); var sidebarTitle = document.getElementById("sidebar-title"); var sidebarSplitter = document.getElementById("sidebar-splitter"); if (!forceOpen && elt.getAttribute("checked") == "true") { elt.removeAttribute("checked"); sidebarBox.setAttribute("sidebarcommand", ""); sidebarTitle.setAttribute("value", ""); sidebarBox.hidden = true; sidebarSplitter.hidden = true; content.focus(); return; } var elts = document.getElementsByAttribute("group", "sidebar"); for (var i = 0; i < elts.length; ++i) elts[i].removeAttribute("checked"); elt.setAttribute("checked", "true");; if (sidebarBox.hidden) { sidebarBox.hidden = false; sidebarSplitter.hidden = false; } var url = elt.getAttribute("sidebarurl"); var title = elt.getAttribute("sidebartitle"); if (!title) title = elt.getAttribute("label"); sidebar.setAttribute("src", url); sidebarBox.setAttribute("src", url); sidebarBox.setAttribute("sidebarcommand", elt.id); sidebarTitle.setAttribute("value", title); if (aCommandID != "viewWebPanelsSidebar") { // no searchbox there // if the sidebar we want is already constructed, focus the searchbox if ((aCommandID == "viewBookmarksSidebar" && sidebar.contentDocument.getElementById("bookmarksPanel")) || (aCommandID == "viewHistorySidebar" && sidebar.contentDocument.getElementById("history-panel"))) sidebar.contentDocument.getElementById("search-box").focus(); // otherwiese, attach an onload handler else sidebar.addEventListener("load", asyncFocusSearchBox, true); } } function asyncFocusSearchBox(event) { var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar"); var searchBox = sidebar.contentDocument.getElementById("search-box"); if (searchBox) searchBox.focus(); sidebar.removeEventListener("load", asyncFocusSearchBox, true); } var gHomeButton = { prefDomain: "browser.startup.homepage", observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aPrefName) { if (aTopic != "nsPref:changed" || aPrefName != this.prefDomain) return; this.updateTooltip(); }, updateTooltip: function () { var homeButton = document.getElementById("home-button"); if (homeButton) { var homePage = this.getHomePage(); homePage = homePage.replace(/\|/g,', '); homeButton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", homePage); } }, getHomePage: function () { var url; try { url = gPrefService.getComplexValue(this.prefDomain, Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data; } catch (e) { } // use this if we can't find the pref if (!url) { var navigatorRegionBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_browser_region"); url = navigatorRegionBundle.getString("homePageDefault"); } return url; } }; function nsContextMenu( xulMenu ) { this.target = null; this.menu = null; this.onTextInput = false; this.onKeywordField = false; this.onImage = false; this.onLink = false; this.onMailtoLink = false; this.onSaveableLink = false; this.onMetaDataItem = false; this.onMathML = false; this.link = false; this.inFrame = false; this.hasBGImage = false; this.isTextSelected = false; this.isContentSelected = false; this.inDirList = false; this.shouldDisplay = true; // Initialize new menu. this.initMenu( xulMenu ); } // Prototype for nsContextMenu "class." nsContextMenu.prototype = { // onDestroy is a no-op at this point. onDestroy : function () { }, // Initialize context menu. initMenu : function ( popup ) { // Save menu. this.menu = popup; // Get contextual info. this.setTarget( document.popupNode ); this.isTextSelected = this.isTextSelection(); this.isContentSelected = this.isContentSelection(); // Initialize (disable/remove) menu items. this.initItems(); }, initItems : function () { this.initOpenItems(); this.initNavigationItems(); this.initViewItems(); this.initMiscItems(); this.initSaveItems(); this.initClipboardItems(); this.initMetadataItems(); }, initOpenItems : function () { this.showItem( "context-openlink", this.onSaveableLink || ( this.inDirList && this.onLink ) ); this.showItem( "context-openlinkintab", this.onSaveableLink || ( this.inDirList && this.onLink ) ); this.showItem( "context-sep-open", this.onSaveableLink || ( this.inDirList && this.onLink ) ); }, initNavigationItems : function () { // Back determined by canGoBack broadcaster. this.setItemAttrFromNode( "context-back", "disabled", "canGoBack" ); // Forward determined by canGoForward broadcaster. this.setItemAttrFromNode( "context-forward", "disabled", "canGoForward" ); this.showItem( "context-back", !( this.isContentSelected || this.onLink || this.onImage || this.onTextInput ) ); this.showItem( "context-forward", !( this.isContentSelected || this.onLink || this.onImage || this.onTextInput ) ); this.showItem( "context-reload", !( this.isContentSelected || this.onLink || this.onImage || this.onTextInput ) ); this.showItem( "context-stop", !( this.isContentSelected || this.onLink || this.onImage || this.onTextInput ) ); this.showItem( "context-sep-stop", !( this.isContentSelected || this.onLink || this.onTextInput || this.onImage ) ); // XXX: Stop is determined in navigator.js; the canStop broadcaster is broken //this.setItemAttrFromNode( "context-stop", "disabled", "canStop" ); }, initSaveItems : function () { this.showItem( "context-savepage", !( this.inDirList || this.isContentSelected || this.onTextInput || this.onLink || this.onImage )); this.showItem( "context-sendpage", !( this.inDirList || this.isContentSelected || this.onTextInput || this.onLink || this.onImage )); // Save link depends on whether we're in a link. this.showItem( "context-savelink", this.onSaveableLink ); // Save image depends on whether there is one. this.showItem( "context-saveimage", this.onImage ); this.showItem( "context-sendimage", this.onImage ); // Send link depends on whether we're in a link. this.showItem( "context-sendlink", this.onSaveableLink ); }, initViewItems : function () { // View source is always OK, unless in directory listing. this.showItem( "context-viewpartialsource-selection", this.isContentSelected ); this.showItem( "context-viewpartialsource-mathml", this.onMathML && !this.isContentSelected ); this.showItem( "context-viewsource", !( this.inDirList || this.onImage || this.isContentSelected || this.onLink || this.onTextInput ) ); this.showItem( "context-viewinfo", !( this.inDirList || this.onImage || this.isContentSelected || this.onLink || this.onTextInput ) ); this.showItem( "context-sep-properties", !( this.inDirList || this.isContentSelected || this.onTextInput ) ); // Set as Desktop background depends on whether an image was clicked on, // and only works if we have a shell service. var haveSetDesktopBackground = false; #ifdef HAVE_SHELL_SERVICE // Only enable Set as Desktop Background if we can get the shell service. var shell = getShellService(); if (shell) haveSetDesktopBackground = true; #endif this.showItem( "context-setDesktopBackground", haveSetDesktopBackground && this.onImage ); if ( haveSetDesktopBackground && this.onImage ) { // Disable the Set as Desktop Background menu item if we're still trying // to load the image or the load failed const nsIImageLoadingContent = Components.interfaces.nsIImageLoadingContent; var disableDesktopBackground = false; if (("complete" in this.target) && !this.target.complete) disableSetWallpaper = true; else if (this.target instanceof nsIImageLoadingContent) { var request = this.target.QueryInterface(nsIImageLoadingContent) .getRequest(nsIImageLoadingContent.CURRENT_REQUEST); if (!request) disableDesktopBackground = true; } else if (makeURI(this.target.src).scheme == "javascript") disableDesktopBackground = true; this.setItemAttr( "context-setDesktopBackground", "disabled", disableDesktopBackground); } // View Image depends on whether an image was clicked on. this.showItem( "context-viewimage", this.onImage && !this.onStandaloneImage ); // View background image depends on whether there is one. this.showItem( "context-viewbgimage", !( this.inDirList || this.onImage || this.isContentSelected || this.onLink || this.onTextInput ) ); this.showItem( "context-sep-viewbgimage", !( this.inDirList || this.onImage || this.isContentSelected || this.onLink || this.onTextInput ) ); this.setItemAttr( "context-viewbgimage", "disabled", this.hasBGImage ? null : "true"); }, initMiscItems : function () { // Use "Bookmark This Link" if on a link. this.showItem( "context-bookmarkpage", !( this.isContentSelected || this.onTextInput || this.onLink || this.onImage ) ); this.showItem( "context-bookmarklink", this.onLink && !this.onMailtoLink ); this.showItem( "context-searchselect", this.isTextSelected ); this.showItem( "context-keywordfield", this.onTextInput && this.onKeywordField ); this.showItem( "frame", this.inFrame ); this.showItem( "frame-sep", this.inFrame ); // BiDi UI this.showItem( "context-sep-bidi", gBidiUI); this.showItem( "context-bidi-text-direction-toggle", this.onTextInput && gBidiUI); this.showItem( "context-bidi-page-direction-toggle", !this.onTextInput && gBidiUI); if (this.onImage) { var blockImage = document.getElementById("context-blockimage"); var uri = this.target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIImageLoadingContent).currentURI; var hostLabel; // this throws if the image URI doesn't have a host (eg, data: image URIs) // see bug 296758 for details try { hostLabel = uri.host; } catch (ex) { } if (hostLabel) { var shortenedUriHost = hostLabel.replace(/^www\./i,""); if (shortenedUriHost.length > 15) shortenedUriHost = shortenedUriHost.substr(0,15) + "..."; blockImage.label = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("blockImages", [shortenedUriHost]); if (this.isImageBlocked()) blockImage.setAttribute("checked", "true"); else blockImage.removeAttribute("checked"); } } // Only show the block image item if the image can be blocked this.showItem( "context-blockimage", this.onImage && hostLabel); }, initClipboardItems : function () { // Copy depends on whether there is selected text. // Enabling this context menu item is now done through the global // command updating system // this.setItemAttr( "context-copy", "disabled", !this.isTextSelected() ); goUpdateGlobalEditMenuItems(); this.showItem( "context-undo", this.onTextInput ); this.showItem( "context-sep-undo", this.onTextInput ); this.showItem( "context-cut", this.onTextInput ); this.showItem( "context-copy", this.isContentSelected || this.onTextInput ); this.showItem( "context-paste", this.onTextInput ); this.showItem( "context-delete", this.onTextInput ); this.showItem( "context-sep-paste", this.onTextInput ); this.showItem( "context-selectall", !( this.onLink || this.onImage ) ); this.showItem( "context-sep-selectall", this.isContentSelected ); // XXX dr // ------ // nsDocumentViewer.cpp has code to determine whether we're // on a link or an image. we really ought to be using that... // Copy email link depends on whether we're on an email link. this.showItem( "context-copyemail", this.onMailtoLink ); // Copy link location depends on whether we're on a link. this.showItem( "context-copylink", this.onLink ); this.showItem( "context-sep-copylink", this.onLink && this.onImage); #ifdef CONTEXT_COPY_IMAGE_CONTENTS // Copy image contents depends on whether we're on an image. this.showItem( "context-copyimage-contents", this.onImage ); #endif // Copy image location depends on whether we're on an image. this.showItem( "context-copyimage", this.onImage ); this.showItem( "context-sep-copyimage", this.onImage ); }, initMetadataItems : function () { // Show if user clicked on something which has metadata. this.showItem( "context-metadata", this.onMetaDataItem ); }, // Set various context menu attributes based on the state of the world. setTarget : function ( node ) { const xulNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; if ( node.namespaceURI == xulNS ) { this.shouldDisplay = false; return; } // Initialize contextual info. this.onImage = false; this.onStandaloneImage = false; this.onMetaDataItem = false; this.onTextInput = false; this.onKeywordField = false; this.imageURL = ""; this.onLink = false; this.onMathML = false; this.inFrame = false; this.hasBGImage = false; this.bgImageURL = ""; // Remember the node that was clicked. this.target = node; // See if the user clicked on an image. if ( this.target.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) { if ( this.target instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIImageLoadingContent && this.target.currentURI != null ) { this.onImage = true; this.imageURL = this.target.currentURI.spec; if ( this.target.ownerDocument instanceof ImageDocument) this.onStandaloneImage = true; } else if ( this.target.localName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") { type = this.target.getAttribute("type"); this.onTextInput = this.isTargetATextBox(this.target); this.onKeywordField = this.isTargetAKeywordField(this.target); } else if ( this.target.localName.toUpperCase() == "TEXTAREA" ) { this.onTextInput = true; } else if ( this.target.localName.toUpperCase() == "HTML" ) { // pages with multiple s are lame. we'll teach them a lesson. var bodyElt = this.target.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; if ( bodyElt ) { var computedURL = this.getComputedURL( bodyElt, "background-image" ); if ( computedURL ) { this.hasBGImage = true; this.bgImageURL = makeURLAbsolute( bodyElt.baseURI, computedURL ); } } } else if ( "HTTPIndex" in content && content.HTTPIndex instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIHTTPIndex ) { this.inDirList = true; // Bubble outward till we get to an element with URL attribute // (which should be the href). var root = this.target; while ( root && !this.link ) { if ( root.tagName == "tree" ) { // Hit root of tree; must have clicked in empty space; // thus, no link. break; } if ( root.getAttribute( "URL" ) ) { // Build pseudo link object so link-related functions work. this.onLink = true; this.link = { href : root.getAttribute("URL"), getAttribute: function (attr) { if (attr == "title") { return root.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label"); } else { return ""; } } }; // If element is a directory, then you can't save it. if ( root.getAttribute( "container" ) == "true" ) { this.onSaveableLink = false; } else { this.onSaveableLink = true; } } else { root = root.parentNode; } } } } // We have meta data on images. this.onMetaDataItem = this.onImage; // See if the user clicked on MathML const NS_MathML = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"; if ((this.target.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && this.target.parentNode.namespaceURI == NS_MathML) || (this.target.namespaceURI == NS_MathML)) this.onMathML = true; // See if the user clicked in a frame. if ( this.target.ownerDocument != window.content.document ) { this.inFrame = true; } // Bubble out, looking for items of interest const XMLNS = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"; var elem = this.target; while ( elem ) { if ( elem.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) { var localname = elem.localName.toUpperCase(); // Link? if ( !this.onLink && ( (localname === "A" && elem.href) || localname === "AREA" || localname === "LINK" || elem.getAttributeNS( "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "type") == "simple" ) ) { // Clicked on a link. this.onLink = true; this.onMetaDataItem = true; // Remember corresponding element. this.link = elem; this.onMailtoLink = this.isLinkType( "mailto:", this.link ); // Remember if it is saveable. this.onSaveableLink = this.isLinkSaveable( this.link ); } // Text input? if ( !this.onTextInput ) { // Clicked on a link. this.onTextInput = this.isTargetATextBox(elem); } // Metadata item? if ( !this.onMetaDataItem ) { // We currently display metadata on anything which fits // the below test. if ( ( localname === "BLOCKQUOTE" && 'cite' in elem && elem.cite) || ( localname === "Q" && 'cite' in elem && elem.cite) || ( localname === "TABLE" && 'summary' in elem && elem.summary) || ( ( localname === "INS" || localname === "DEL" ) && ( ( 'cite' in elem && elem.cite ) || ( 'dateTime' in elem && elem.dateTime ) ) ) || ( 'title' in elem && elem.title ) || ( 'lang' in elem && elem.lang ) || elem.getAttributeNS(XMLNS, "lang") ) { this.onMetaDataItem = true; } } // Background image? Don't bother if we've already found a // background image further down the hierarchy. Otherwise, // we look for the computed background-image style. if ( !this.hasBGImage ) { var bgImgUrl = this.getComputedURL( elem, "background-image" ); if ( bgImgUrl ) { this.hasBGImage = true; this.bgImageURL = makeURLAbsolute( elem.baseURI, bgImgUrl ); } } } elem = elem.parentNode; } }, // Returns the computed style attribute for the given element. getComputedStyle: function( elem, prop ) { return elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, '' ).getPropertyValue( prop ); }, // Returns a "url"-type computed style attribute value, with the url() stripped. getComputedURL: function( elem, prop ) { var url = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, '' ).getPropertyCSSValue( prop ); return ( url.primitiveType == CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_URI ) ? url.getStringValue() : null; }, // Returns true iff clicked on link is saveable. isLinkSaveable : function ( link ) { // We don't do the Right Thing for news/snews yet, so turn them off // until we do. return !(this.isLinkType( "mailto:" , link ) || this.isLinkType( "javascript:" , link ) || this.isLinkType( "news:", link ) || this.isLinkType( "snews:", link ) ); }, // Returns true iff clicked on link is of type given. isLinkType : function ( linktype, link ) { try { // Test for missing protocol property. if ( !link.protocol ) { // We must resort to testing the URL string :-(. var protocol; var wrapper = link; if (wrapper.href) { protocol = wrapper.href.substr(0, linktype.length); } else { protocol = wrapper.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink","href"); if (protocol) { protocol = protocol.substr(0, linktype.length); } } return protocol.toLowerCase() === linktype; } else { // Presume all but javascript: urls are saveable. return link.protocol.toLowerCase() === linktype; } } catch (e) { // something was wrong with the link, // so we won't be able to save it anyway return false; } }, // Open linked-to URL in a new window. openLink : function () { // Determine linked-to URL. openNewWindowWith(this.linkURL(), this.link, true); }, // Open linked-to URL in a new tab. openLinkInTab : function () { // Determine linked-to URL. openNewTabWith(this.linkURL(), this.link, null, true); }, // Open frame in a new tab. openFrameInTab : function () { // Determine linked-to URL. openNewTabWith(this.target.ownerDocument.location.href, null, null, true); }, // Reload clicked-in frame. reloadFrame : function () { this.target.ownerDocument.location.reload(); }, // Open clicked-in frame in its own window. openFrame : function () { openNewWindowWith(this.target.ownerDocument.location.href, null, true); }, // Open clicked-in frame in the same window showOnlyThisFrame : function () { window.loadURI(this.target.ownerDocument.location.href, null, null); }, // View Partial Source viewPartialSource : function ( context ) { var focusedWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; if (focusedWindow == window) focusedWindow = content; var docCharset = null; if (focusedWindow) docCharset = "charset=" + focusedWindow.document.characterSet; // "View Selection Source" and others such as "View MathML Source" // are mutually exclusive, with the precedence given to the selection // when there is one var reference = null; if (context == "selection") reference = focusedWindow.getSelection(); else if (context == "mathml") reference = this.target; else throw "not reached"; var docUrl = null; // unused (and play nice for fragments generated via XSLT too) window.openDialog("chrome://global/content/viewPartialSource.xul", "_blank", "scrollbars,resizable,chrome,dialog=no", docUrl, docCharset, reference, context); }, // Open new "view source" window with the frame's URL. viewFrameSource : function () { BrowserViewSourceOfDocument(this.target.ownerDocument); }, viewInfo : function () { BrowserPageInfo(); }, viewFrameInfo : function () { BrowserPageInfo(this.target.ownerDocument); }, // Change current window to the URL of the image. viewImage : function (e) { urlSecurityCheck( this.imageURL, document ) openUILink( this.imageURL, e ); }, // Change current window to the URL of the background image. viewBGImage : function (e) { urlSecurityCheck( this.bgImageURL, document ) openUILink( this.bgImageURL, e ); }, setDesktopBackground: function() { // Confirm since it's annoying if you hit this accidentally. const kDesktopBackgroundURL = "chrome://browser/content/setDesktopBackground.xul"; #ifdef XP_MACOSX var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var dbWin = wm.getMostRecentWindow("Shell:SetDesktopBackground"); if (dbWin) { dbWin.gSetBackground.init(this.target); dbWin.focus(); } else { openDialog(kDesktopBackgroundURL, "", "centerscreen,chrome,dialog=no,dependent,resizable=no", this.target); } #else openDialog(kDesktopBackgroundURL, "", "centerscreen,chrome,dialog,modal,dependent", this.target); #endif }, // Save URL of clicked-on frame. saveFrame : function () { saveDocument( this.target.ownerDocument ); }, // Save URL of clicked-on link. saveLink : function () { saveURL( this.linkURL(), this.linkText(), null, true, false ); }, sendLink : function () { MailIntegration.sendMessage( this.linkURL(), "" ); // we don't know the title of the link so pass in an empty string }, // Save URL of clicked-on image. saveImage : function () { saveImageURL( this.imageURL, null, "SaveImageTitle", false, false, getReferrer(document) ); }, sendImage : function () { MailIntegration.sendMessage(this.imageURL, ""); }, toggleImageBlocking : function (aBlock) { var nsIPermissionManager = Components.interfaces.nsIPermissionManager; var permissionmanager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1"] .getService(nsIPermissionManager); var uri = this.target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIImageLoadingContent).currentURI; permissionmanager.add(uri, "image", aBlock ? nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION : nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION); }, isImageBlocked : function() { var nsIPermissionManager = Components.interfaces.nsIPermissionManager; var permissionmanager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPermissionManager); var uri = this.target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIImageLoadingContent).currentURI; return permissionmanager.testPermission(uri, "image") == nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION; }, // Generate email address and put it on clipboard. copyEmail : function () { // Copy the comma-separated list of email addresses only. // There are other ways of embedding email addresses in a mailto: // link, but such complex parsing is beyond us. var url = this.linkURL(); var qmark = url.indexOf( "?" ); var addresses; if ( qmark > 7 ) { // 7 == length of "mailto:" addresses = url.substring( 7, qmark ); } else { addresses = url.substr( 7 ); } // Let's try to unescape it using a character set // in case the address is not ASCII. try { var characterSet = this.target.ownerDocument.characterSet; const textToSubURI = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/texttosuburi;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsITextToSubURI); addresses = textToSubURI.unEscapeURIForUI(characterSet, addresses); } catch(ex) { // Do nothing. } var clipboard = this.getService( "@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1", Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper ); clipboard.copyString(addresses); }, addBookmark : function() { var docshell = document.getElementById( "content" ).webNavigation; BookmarksUtils.addBookmark( docshell.currentURI.spec, docshell.document.title, docshell.document.charset, BookmarksUtils.getDescriptionFromDocument(docshell.document)); }, addBookmarkForFrame : function() { var doc = this.target.ownerDocument; var uri = doc.location.href; var title = doc.title; var description = BookmarksUtils.getDescriptionFromDocument(doc); if ( !title ) title = uri; BookmarksUtils.addBookmark(uri, title, doc.charset, description); }, // Open Metadata window for node showMetadata : function () { window.openDialog( "chrome://browser/content/metaData.xul", "_blank", "scrollbars,resizable,chrome,dialog=no", this.target); }, /////////////// // Utilities // /////////////// // Create instance of component given contractId and iid (as string). createInstance : function ( contractId, iidName ) { var iid = Components.interfaces[ iidName ]; return Components.classes[ contractId ].createInstance( iid ); }, // Get service given contractId and iid (as string). getService : function ( contractId, iidName ) { var iid = Components.interfaces[ iidName ]; return Components.classes[ contractId ].getService( iid ); }, // Show/hide one item (specified via name or the item element itself). showItem : function ( itemOrId, show ) { var item = itemOrId.constructor == String ? document.getElementById(itemOrId) : itemOrId; if (item) item.hidden = !show; }, // Set given attribute of specified context-menu item. If the // value is null, then it removes the attribute (which works // nicely for the disabled attribute). setItemAttr : function ( id, attr, val ) { var elem = document.getElementById( id ); if ( elem ) { if ( val == null ) { // null indicates attr should be removed. elem.removeAttribute( attr ); } else { // Set attr=val. elem.setAttribute( attr, val ); } } }, // Set context menu attribute according to like attribute of another node // (such as a broadcaster). setItemAttrFromNode : function ( item_id, attr, other_id ) { var elem = document.getElementById( other_id ); if ( elem && elem.getAttribute( attr ) == "true" ) { this.setItemAttr( item_id, attr, "true" ); } else { this.setItemAttr( item_id, attr, null ); } }, // Temporary workaround for DOM api not yet implemented by XUL nodes. cloneNode : function ( item ) { // Create another element like the one we're cloning. var node = document.createElement( item.tagName ); // Copy attributes from argument item to the new one. var attrs = item.attributes; for ( var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++ ) { var attr = attrs.item( i ); node.setAttribute( attr.nodeName, attr.nodeValue ); } // Voila! return node; }, // Generate fully-qualified URL for clicked-on link. linkURL : function () { var wrapper = this.link; if (wrapper.href) { return wrapper.href; } var href = wrapper.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href"); if (!href || !href.match(/\S/)) { throw "Empty href"; // Without this we try to save as the current doc, for example, HTML case also throws if empty } href = makeURLAbsolute(wrapper.baseURI, href); return href; }, // Get text of link. linkText : function () { var text = gatherTextUnder( this.link ); if (!text || !text.match(/\S/)) { text = this.link.getAttribute("title"); if (!text || !text.match(/\S/)) { text = this.link.getAttribute("alt"); if (!text || !text.match(/\S/)) { var wrapper = this.link; if (wrapper.href) { text = wrapper.href; } else { text = wrapper.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href"); if (text && text.match(/\S/)) { text = makeURLAbsolute(wrapper.baseURI, text); } } } } } return text; }, //Get selected object and convert it to a string to get //selected text. Only use the first 15 chars. isTextSelection : function() { var result = false; var selection = this.searchSelected(16); var searchSelectText; if (selection) { searchSelectText = selection.toString(); if (searchSelectText.length > 15) searchSelectText = searchSelectText.substr(0,15) + "..."; result = true; // format "Search for " string to show in menu searchSelectText = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("searchText", [searchSelectText]); this.setItemAttr("context-searchselect", "label", searchSelectText); } return result; }, // Returns true if anything is selected. isContentSelection : function() { var focusedWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; var selection = focusedWindow.getSelection(); if (selection.rangeCount == 0) { return false; } var rangeFragment = selection.getRangeAt(0).cloneContents(); if (rangeFragment.childNodes.length == 0) { return false; } // The selection object may also report an empty text node if there is no selection. var node = rangeFragment.childNodes[0]; if (node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE && node.nodeValue.length == 0) { return false; } return true; }, searchSelected : function( charlen ) { var focusedWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; var searchStr = focusedWindow.getSelection(); searchStr = searchStr.toString(); // searching for more than 150 chars makes no sense if (!charlen) charlen = 150; if (charlen < searchStr.length) { // only use the first charlen important chars. see bug 221361 var pattern = new RegExp("^(?:\\s*.){0," + charlen + "}"); pattern.test(searchStr); searchStr = RegExp.lastMatch; } searchStr = searchStr.replace(/\s*(.*?)\s*$/, "$1"); searchStr = searchStr.replace(/\s+/g, " "); return searchStr; }, toString : function () { return "contextMenu.target = " + this.target + "\n" + "contextMenu.onImage = " + this.onImage + "\n" + "contextMenu.onLink = " + this.onLink + "\n" + "contextMenu.link = " + this.link + "\n" + "contextMenu.inFrame = " + this.inFrame + "\n" + "contextMenu.hasBGImage = " + this.hasBGImage + "\n"; }, isTargetATextBox : function ( node ) { if (node.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return false; if (node.localName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") { var attrib = ""; var type = node.getAttribute("type"); if (type) attrib = type.toUpperCase(); return( (attrib != "IMAGE") && (attrib != "CHECKBOX") && (attrib != "RADIO") && (attrib != "SUBMIT") && (attrib != "RESET") && (attrib != "FILE") && (attrib != "HIDDEN") && (attrib != "RESET") && (attrib != "BUTTON") ); } else { return(node.localName.toUpperCase() == "TEXTAREA"); } }, isTargetAKeywordField : function ( node ) { var form = node.form; if (!form) return false; var method = form.method.toUpperCase(); // These are the following types of forms we can create keywords for: // // method encoding type can create keyword // GET * YES // * YES // POST YES // POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded YES // POST text/plain NO (a little tricky to do) // POST multipart/form-data NO // POST everything else YES return (method == "GET" || method == "") || (form.enctype != "text/plain") && (form.enctype != "multipart/form-data"); }, // Determines whether or not the separator with the specified ID should be // shown or not by determining if there are any non-hidden items between it // and the previous separator. shouldShowSeparator : function ( aSeparatorID ) { var separator = document.getElementById(aSeparatorID); if (separator) { var sibling = separator.previousSibling; while (sibling && sibling.localName != "menuseparator") { if (sibling.getAttribute("hidden") != "true") return true; sibling = sibling.previousSibling; } } return false; } } var gWebPanelURI; function openWebPanel(aTitle, aURI) { // Ensure that the web panels sidebar is open. toggleSidebar('viewWebPanelsSidebar', true); // Set the title of the panel. document.getElementById("sidebar-title").value = aTitle; // Tell the Web Panels sidebar to load the bookmark. var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar"); if (sidebar.docShell && sidebar.contentDocument && sidebar.contentDocument.getElementById('web-panels-browser')) { sidebar.contentWindow.loadWebPanel(aURI); if (gWebPanelURI) { gWebPanelURI = ""; sidebar.removeEventListener("load", asyncOpenWebPanel, true); } } else { // The panel is still being constructed. Attach an onload handler. if (!gWebPanelURI) sidebar.addEventListener("load", asyncOpenWebPanel, true); gWebPanelURI = aURI; } } function asyncOpenWebPanel(event) { var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar"); if (gWebPanelURI && sidebar.contentDocument && sidebar.contentDocument.getElementById('web-panels-browser')) sidebar.contentWindow.loadWebPanel(gWebPanelURI); gWebPanelURI = ""; sidebar.removeEventListener("load", asyncOpenWebPanel, true); } /* * - [ Dependencies ] --------------------------------------------------------- * utilityOverlay.js: * - gatherTextUnder */ // Called whenever the user clicks in the content area, // except when left-clicking on links (special case) // should always return true for click to go through function contentAreaClick(event, fieldNormalClicks) { if (!event.isTrusted) { return true; } var target = event.target; var linkNode; var local_name = target.localName; if (local_name) { local_name = local_name.toLowerCase(); } switch (local_name) { case "a": case "area": case "link": if (target.hasAttribute("href")) linkNode = target; break; default: linkNode = findParentNode(event.originalTarget, "a"); // cannot be nested. So if we find an anchor without an // href, there is no useful around the target if (linkNode && !linkNode.hasAttribute("href")) linkNode = null; break; } var wrapper = null; if (linkNode) { wrapper = linkNode; if (event.button == 0 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey) { // A Web panel's links should target the main content area. Do this // if no modifier keys are down and if there's no target or the target equals // _main (the IE convention) or _content (the Mozilla convention). // The only reason we field _main and _content here is for the markLinkVisited // hack. target = wrapper.getAttribute("target"); var docWrapper = wrapper.ownerDocument; var locWrapper = docWrapper.location; if (fieldNormalClicks && (!target || target == "_content" || target == "_main")) // IE uses _main, SeaMonkey uses _content, we support both { if (!wrapper.href) return true; if (wrapper.getAttribute("onclick")) return true; // javascript links should be executed in the current browser if (wrapper.href.substr(0, 11) === "javascript:") return true; // data links should be executed in the current browser if (wrapper.href.substr(0, 5) === "data:") return true; if (!webPanelSecurityCheck(locWrapper.href, wrapper.href)) return false; var postData = { }; var url = getShortcutOrURI(wrapper.href, postData); if (!url) return true; markLinkVisited(wrapper.href, linkNode); loadURI(url, null, postData.value); event.preventDefault(); return false; } else if (linkNode.getAttribute("rel") == "sidebar") { // This is the Opera convention for a special link that - when clicked - allows // you to add a sidebar panel. We support the Opera convention here. The link's // title attribute contains the title that should be used for the sidebar panel. var dialogArgs = { name: wrapper.getAttribute("title"), url: wrapper.href, bWebPanel: true } openDialog("chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/addBookmark2.xul", "", BROWSER_ADD_BM_FEATURES, dialogArgs); event.preventDefault(); return false; } else if (target == "_search") { // Used in WinIE as a way of transiently loading pages in a sidebar. We // mimic that WinIE functionality here and also load the page transiently. // javascript links targeting the sidebar shouldn't be allowed // we copied this from IE, and IE blocks this completely if (wrapper.href.substr(0, 11) === "javascript:") return false; // data: URIs are just as dangerous if (wrapper.href.substr(0, 5) === "data:") return false; if (!webPanelSecurityCheck(locWrapper.href, wrapper.href)) return false; openWebPanel(gNavigatorBundle.getString("webPanels"), wrapper.href); event.preventDefault(); return false; } } else { handleLinkClick(event, wrapper.href, linkNode); } return true; } else { // Try simple XLink var href; linkNode = target; while (linkNode) { if (linkNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { wrapper = linkNode; href = wrapper.getAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href"); break; } linkNode = linkNode.parentNode; } if (href) { var baseURI = linkNode.baseURI; href = makeURLAbsolute(baseURI, href); handleLinkClick(event, href, null); return true; } } if (event.button == 1 && !findParentNode(event.originalTarget, "scrollbar") && gPrefService.getBoolPref("middlemouse.contentLoadURL")) { middleMousePaste(event); } return true; } function handleLinkClick(event, href, linkNode) { switch (event.button) { case 0: #ifdef XP_MACOSX if (event.metaKey) { // Cmd #else if (event.ctrlKey) { #endif openNewTabWith(href, linkNode, event, true); event.preventBubble(); return true; } // if left button clicked if (event.shiftKey) { openNewWindowWith(href, linkNode, true); event.preventBubble(); return true; } if (event.altKey) { saveURL(href, linkNode ? gatherTextUnder(linkNode) : "", null, true, true); return true; } return false; case 1: // if middle button clicked var tab; try { tab = gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick") } catch(ex) { tab = true; } if (tab) openNewTabWith(href, linkNode, event, true); else openNewWindowWith(href, linkNode, true); event.preventBubble(); return true; } return false; } function middleMousePaste(event) { var url = readFromClipboard(); if (!url) return; var postData = { }; url = getShortcutOrURI(url, postData); if (!url) return; openUILink(url, event, true /* ignore the fact this is a middle click */); event.preventBubble(); } function makeURLAbsolute( base, url ) { // Construct nsIURL. var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); var baseURI = ioService.newURI(base, null, null); return ioService.newURI(baseURI.resolve(url), null, null).spec; } function findParentNode(node, parentNode) { if (node && node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { node = node.parentNode; } while (node) { if (node.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { return null; } var nodeName = node.localName; if (!nodeName) return null; nodeName = nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeName == "body" || nodeName == "html") { return null; } if (nodeName == parentNode) return node; node = node.parentNode; } return null; } /* * Note that most of this routine has been moved into C++ in order to * be available for all tags as well as gecko embedding. See * mozilla/content/base/src/nsContentAreaDragDrop.cpp. * * Do not add any new fuctionality here other than what is needed for * a standalone product. */ var contentAreaDNDObserver = { onDrop: function (aEvent, aXferData, aDragSession) { var url = transferUtils.retrieveURLFromData(aXferData.data, aXferData.flavour.contentType); // valid urls don't contain spaces ' '; if we have a space it // isn't a valid url, or if it's a javascript: or data: url, // bail out if (!url || !url.length || url.indexOf(" ", 0) != -1 || /^\s*(javascript|data):/.test(url)) return; getBrowser().dragDropSecurityCheck(aEvent, aDragSession, url); switch (document.firstChild.getAttribute('windowtype')) { case "navigator:browser": var postData = { }; var uri = getShortcutOrURI(url, postData); loadURI(uri, null, postData.value); break; case "navigator:view-source": viewSource(url); break; } // keep the event from being handled by the dragDrop listeners // built-in to gecko if they happen to be above us. aEvent.preventDefault(); }, getSupportedFlavours: function () { var flavourSet = new FlavourSet(); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/x-moz-url"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("text/unicode"); flavourSet.appendFlavour("application/x-moz-file", "nsIFile"); return flavourSet; } }; // For extensions function getBrowser() { if (!gBrowser) gBrowser = document.getElementById("content"); return gBrowser; } function MultiplexHandler(event) { try { var node = event.target; var name = node.getAttribute('name'); if (name == 'detectorGroup') { SetForcedDetector(true); SelectDetector(event, false); } else if (name == 'charsetGroup') { var charset = node.getAttribute('id'); charset = charset.substring('charset.'.length, charset.length) SetForcedCharset(charset); SetDefaultCharacterSet(charset); } else if (name == 'charsetCustomize') { //do nothing - please remove this else statement, once the charset prefs moves to the pref window } else { SetForcedCharset(node.getAttribute('id')); SetDefaultCharacterSet(node.getAttribute('id')); } } catch(ex) { alert(ex); } } function SetDefaultCharacterSet(charset) { BrowserSetDefaultCharacterSet(charset); } function SelectDetector(event, doReload) { var uri = event.target.getAttribute("id"); var prefvalue = uri.substring('chardet.'.length, uri.length); if ("off" == prefvalue) { // "off" is special value to turn off the detectors prefvalue = ""; } try { var pref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); var str = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); str.data = prefvalue; pref.setComplexValue("intl.charset.detector", Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString, str); if (doReload) window.content.location.reload(); } catch (ex) { dump("Failed to set the intl.charset.detector preference.\n"); } } function SetForcedDetector(doReload) { BrowserSetForcedDetector(doReload); } function SetForcedCharset(charset) { BrowserSetForcedCharacterSet(charset); } function BrowserSetDefaultCharacterSet(aCharset) { // no longer needed; set when setting Force; see bug 79608 } function BrowserSetForcedCharacterSet(aCharset) { var docCharset = getBrowser().docShell.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIDocCharset); docCharset.charset = aCharset; BrowserReloadWithFlags(nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_CHARSET_CHANGE); } function BrowserSetForcedDetector(doReload) { getBrowser().documentCharsetInfo.forcedDetector = true; if (doReload) BrowserReloadWithFlags(nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_CHARSET_CHANGE); } function UpdateCurrentCharset() { var menuitem = null; // exctract the charset from DOM var wnd = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; if ((window == wnd) || (wnd == null)) wnd = window.content; menuitem = document.getElementById('charset.' + wnd.document.characterSet); if (menuitem) { // uncheck previously checked item to workaround Mac checkmark problem // bug 98625 if (gPrevCharset) { var pref_item = document.getElementById('charset.' + gPrevCharset); if (pref_item) pref_item.setAttribute('checked', 'false'); } menuitem.setAttribute('checked', 'true'); } } function UpdateCharsetDetector() { var prefvalue; try { var pref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); prefvalue = pref.getComplexValue("intl.charset.detector", Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data; } catch (ex) { prefvalue = ""; } if (prefvalue == "") prefvalue = "off"; dump("intl.charset.detector = "+ prefvalue + "\n"); prefvalue = 'chardet.' + prefvalue; var menuitem = document.getElementById(prefvalue); if (menuitem) { menuitem.setAttribute('checked', 'true'); } } function UpdateMenus(event) { // use setTimeout workaround to delay checkmark the menu // when onmenucomplete is ready then use it instead of oncreate // see bug 78290 for the detail UpdateCurrentCharset(); setTimeout(UpdateCurrentCharset, 0); UpdateCharsetDetector(); setTimeout(UpdateCharsetDetector, 0); } function CreateMenu(node) { var observerService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); observerService.notifyObservers(null, "charsetmenu-selected", node); } function charsetLoadListener (event) { var charset = window.content.document.characterSet; if (charset.length > 0 && (charset != gLastBrowserCharset)) { if (!gCharsetMenu) gCharsetMenu = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/datasource;1?name=charset-menu'].getService().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICurrentCharsetListener); gCharsetMenu.SetCurrentCharset(charset); gPrevCharset = gLastBrowserCharset; gLastBrowserCharset = charset; } } /* Begin Page Style Functions */ function getStyleSheetArray(frame) { var styleSheets = frame.document.styleSheets; var styleSheetsArray = new Array(styleSheets.length); for (var i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; i++) { styleSheetsArray[i] = styleSheets[i]; } return styleSheetsArray; } function getAllStyleSheets(frameset) { var styleSheetsArray = getStyleSheetArray(frameset); for (var i = 0; i < frameset.frames.length; i++) { var frameSheets = getAllStyleSheets(frameset.frames[i]); styleSheetsArray = styleSheetsArray.concat(frameSheets); } return styleSheetsArray; } function stylesheetFillPopup(menuPopup) { var noStyle = menuPopup.firstChild; var persistentOnly = noStyle.nextSibling; var sep = persistentOnly.nextSibling; while (sep.nextSibling) menuPopup.removeChild(sep.nextSibling); var styleSheets = getAllStyleSheets(window.content); var currentStyleSheets = []; var styleDisabled = getMarkupDocumentViewer().authorStyleDisabled; var haveAltSheets = false; var altStyleSelected = false; for (var i = 0; i < styleSheets.length; ++i) { var currentStyleSheet = styleSheets[i]; // Skip any stylesheets that don't match the screen media type. var media = currentStyleSheet.media.mediaText.toLowerCase(); if (media && (media.indexOf("screen") == -1) && (media.indexOf("all") == -1)) continue; if (currentStyleSheet.title) { if (!currentStyleSheet.disabled) altStyleSelected = true; haveAltSheets = true; var lastWithSameTitle = null; if (currentStyleSheet.title in currentStyleSheets) lastWithSameTitle = currentStyleSheets[currentStyleSheet.title]; if (!lastWithSameTitle) { var menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuItem.setAttribute("type", "radio"); menuItem.setAttribute("label", currentStyleSheet.title); menuItem.setAttribute("data", currentStyleSheet.title); menuItem.setAttribute("checked", !currentStyleSheet.disabled && !styleDisabled); menuPopup.appendChild(menuItem); currentStyleSheets[currentStyleSheet.title] = menuItem; } else { if (currentStyleSheet.disabled) lastWithSameTitle.removeAttribute("checked"); } } } noStyle.setAttribute("checked", styleDisabled); persistentOnly.setAttribute("checked", !altStyleSelected && !styleDisabled); persistentOnly.hidden = (window.content.document.preferredStylesheetSet) ? true : false; sep.hidden = (noStyle.hidden && persistentOnly.hidden) || !haveAltSheets; return true; } function stylesheetInFrame(frame, title) { var docStyleSheets = frame.document.styleSheets; for (var i = 0; i < docStyleSheets.length; ++i) { if (docStyleSheets[i].title == title) return true; } return false; } function stylesheetSwitchFrame(frame, title) { var docStyleSheets = frame.document.styleSheets; for (var i = 0; i < docStyleSheets.length; ++i) { var docStyleSheet = docStyleSheets[i]; if (title == "_nostyle") docStyleSheet.disabled = true; else if (docStyleSheet.title) docStyleSheet.disabled = (docStyleSheet.title != title); else if (docStyleSheet.disabled) docStyleSheet.disabled = false; } } function stylesheetSwitchAll(frameset, title) { if (!title || title == "_nostyle" || stylesheetInFrame(frameset, title)) { stylesheetSwitchFrame(frameset, title); } for (var i = 0; i < frameset.frames.length; i++) { stylesheetSwitchAll(frameset.frames[i], title); } } function setStyleDisabled(disabled) { getMarkupDocumentViewer().authorStyleDisabled = disabled; } #ifdef ALTSS_ICON function updatePageStyles(evt) { // XXX - Accessing window.content.document can generate an // onLocationChange for the current tab, this can cause the url // bar to be cleared. Prevent that happening by setting the clear // state to false for the duration of this function. var browser = getBrowser().selectedBrowser; var userTypedClear = browser.userTypedClear; browser.userTypedClear = false; if (!gPageStyleButton) gPageStyleButton = document.getElementById("page-theme-button"); var hasAltSS = false; var stylesheets = window.content.document.styleSheets; var preferredSheet = window.content.document.preferredStylesheetSet; for (var i = 0; i < stylesheets.length; ++i) { var currentStyleSheet = stylesheets[i]; if (currentStyleSheet.title && currentStyleSheet.title != preferredSheet) { // Skip any stylesheets that don't match the screen media type. var media = currentStyleSheet.media.mediaText.toLowerCase(); if (media && (media.indexOf("screen") == -1) && (media.indexOf("all") == -1)) continue; hasAltSS = true; break; } } if (hasAltSS) { gPageStyleButton.setAttribute("themes", "true"); // FIXME: Do a first-time explanation of page styles here perhaps? // Avoid for now since Firebird's default home page has an alt sheet. } else gPageStyleButton.removeAttribute("themes"); // Restore clear state browser.userTypedClear = userTypedClear; } #endif /* End of the Page Style functions */ function clearObsoletePrefs() { // removed 10/03/2003 try { PREF.clearUserPref("timebomb.first_launch_time"); } catch (e) {} // removed 10/16/2003 // migrate firebird cookie prefs, if they exist. try { PREF.clearUserPref("network.cookie.enable"); // No error: it means this pref was not the default one, cookie were disabled. PREF.SetIntPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 2); } catch (e) { try { PREF.clearUserPref("network.cookie.enableForOriginatingWebsiteOnly"); // No error: it means that enableForOriginatingWebsiteOnly was true. PREF.SetIntPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 1); } catch (e) { // here, either we already have migrated the cookie pref // or the new and old behavior are the same (0). In any case: nothing to do. } } // removed 03/09/2003 // last of the forked cookie prefs try { PREF.clearUserPref("network.cookie.enableForCurrentSessionOnly"); // No error, therefore we were limiting cookies to session PREF.setIntPref("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", 2); } catch (e) { // nothing to do in this case } try { PREF.clearUserPref("network.cookie.warnAboutCookies"); // No error: the pref is set to ask for cookies, set the correct pref // This will replace the setting if enableForCurrentSessionOnly was // also true, because dialogs explictly allow accepting for session PREF.setIntPref("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", 1); } catch (e) { // nothing to do in this case } // removed 10/22/2003 try { PREF.clearUserPref("browser.search.defaultengine"); } catch (e) {} // removed 11/01/2003 try { PREF.clearUserPref("print.use_global_printsettings"); } catch (e) {} try { PREF.clearUserPref("print.save_print_settings"); } catch (e) {} } var BrowserOffline = { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserOffline Public Methods init: function () { var os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); os.addObserver(this, "network:offline-status-changed", false); if (!this._uiElement) this._uiElement = document.getElementById("goOfflineMenuitem"); // set the initial state var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); var isOffline = false; try { isOffline = gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.offline"); } catch (e) { } ioService.offline = isOffline; this._updateOfflineUI(isOffline); }, uninit: function () { try { var os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); os.removeObserver(this, "network:offline-status-changed"); } catch (ex) { } }, toggleOfflineStatus: function () { if (!this._canGoOffline()) { this._updateOfflineUI(false); return; } var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); ioService.offline = !ioService.offline; gPrefService.setBoolPref("browser.offline", ioService.offline); }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsIObserver observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aState) { if (aTopic != "network:offline-status-changed") return; this._updateOfflineUI(aState == "offline"); }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BrowserOffline Implementation Methods _canGoOffline: function () { var os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService); if (os) { try { var cancelGoOffline = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool); os.notifyObservers(cancelGoOffline, "offline-requested", null); // Something aborted the quit process. if (cancelGoOffline.data) return false; } catch (ex) { } } return true; }, _uiElement: null, _updateOfflineUI: function (aOffline) { var offlineLocked = gPrefService.prefIsLocked("network.online"); if (offlineLocked) this._uiElement.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); this._uiElement.setAttribute("checked", aOffline); } }; function WindowIsClosing() { var browser = getBrowser(); var cn = browser.tabContainer.childNodes; var numtabs = cn.length; var reallyClose = browser.warnAboutClosingTabs(true); for (var i = 0; reallyClose && i < numtabs; ++i) { var ds = browser.getBrowserForTab(cn[i]).docShell; if (ds.contentViewer && !ds.contentViewer.permitUnload()) reallyClose = false; } if (reallyClose) return closeWindow(false); return reallyClose; } var MailIntegration = { sendLinkForContent: function () { this.sendMessage(window.content.location.href, window.content.document.title); }, sendMessage: function (aBody, aSubject) { // generate a mailto url based on the url and the url's title var mailtoUrl = aBody ? "mailto:?body=" + encodeURIComponent(aBody) + "&subject=" + encodeURIComponent(aSubject) : "mailto:"; var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); var uri = ioService.newURI(mailtoUrl, null, null); // now pass this url to the operating system this._launchExternalUrl(uri); }, // a generic method which can be used to pass arbitrary urls to the operating system. // aURL --> a nsIURI which represents the url to launch _launchExternalUrl: function(aURL) { var extProtocolSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-protocol-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExternalProtocolService); if (extProtocolSvc) extProtocolSvc.loadUrl(aURL); #ifdef HAVE_SHELL_SERVICE }, readMail: function () { var shell = getShellService(); if (shell) shell.openApplication(Components.interfaces.nsIShellService.APPLICATION_MAIL); }, readNews: function () { var shell = getShellService(); if (shell) shell.openApplication(Components.interfaces.nsIShellService.APPLICATION_NEWS); }, updateUnreadCount: function () { #ifdef XP_WIN var shell = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/shell-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowsShellService); var unreadCount = shell.unreadMailCount; var message = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("mailUnreadTooltip", [unreadCount]); var element = document.getElementById("mail-button"); if (element) element.setAttribute("tooltiptext", message); message = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("mailUnreadMenuitem", [unreadCount]); element = document.getElementById("Browser:ReadMail"); element.setAttribute("label", message); #endif } #else } #endif }; function BrowserOpenExtensions(aOpenMode) { const EMTYPE = "Extension:Manager"; var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); var needToOpen = true; var windowType = EMTYPE + "-" + aOpenMode; var windows = wm.getEnumerator(windowType); while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { var theEM = windows.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindowInternal); if (theEM.document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype") == windowType) { theEM.focus(); needToOpen = false; break; } } if (needToOpen) { const EMURL = "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul?type=" + aOpenMode; const EMFEATURES = "chrome,dialog=no,resizable"; window.openDialog(EMURL, "", EMFEATURES); } } function AddKeywordForSearchField() { var node = document.popupNode; var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService); var uri = ioService.newURI(node.ownerDocument.URL, node.ownerDocument.characterSet, null); var keywordURL = ioService.newURI(node.form.getAttribute("action"), node.ownerDocument.characterSet, uri); var spec = keywordURL.spec; var postData = ""; var i, e; if (node.form.method.toUpperCase() == "POST" && (node.form.enctype == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" || node.form.enctype == "")) { for (i=0; i < node.form.elements.length; ++i) { e = node.form.elements[i]; if (e.type.toLowerCase() == "text" || e.type.toLowerCase() == "hidden" || e.localName.toLowerCase() == "textarea") postData += escape(e.name + "=" + (e == node ? "%s" : e.value)) + "&"; else if (e.localName.toLowerCase() == "select" && e.selectedIndex >= 0) postData += escape(e.name + "=" + e.options[e.selectedIndex].value) + "&"; else if ((e.type.toLowerCase() == "checkbox" || e.type.toLowerCase() == "radio") && e.checked) postData += escape(e.name + "=" + e.value) + "&"; } } else { spec += "?" + escape(node.name) + "=%s"; for (i=0; i < node.form.elements.length; ++i) { e = node.form.elements[i]; if (e == node) // avoid duplication of the target field value, which was populated above. continue; if (e.type.toLowerCase() == "text" || e.type.toLowerCase() == "hidden" || e.localName.toLowerCase() == "textarea") spec += "&" + escape(e.name) + "=" + escape(e.value); else if (e.localName.toLowerCase() == "select" && e.selectedIndex >= 0) spec += "&" + escape(e.name) + "=" + escape(e.options[e.selectedIndex].value); else if ((e.type.toLowerCase() == "checkbox" || e.type.toLowerCase() == "radio") && e.checked) spec += "&" + escape(e.name) + "=" + escape(e.value); } } var dialogArgs = { name: "", url: spec, charset: node.ownerDocument.characterSet, bWebPanel: false, keyword: "", bNeedKeyword: true, postData: postData, description: BookmarksUtils.getDescriptionFromDocument(node.ownerDocument) } openDialog("chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/addBookmark2.xul", "", BROWSER_ADD_BM_FEATURES, dialogArgs); } /////////////// livemark handling // XXX this event listener can/should probably be combined with the onLinkAdded // listener in tabbrowser.xml, which only listens for favicons and then passes // them to onLinkIconAvailable in the ProgressListener. We could extend the // progress listener to have a generic onLinkAvailable and have tabbrowser pass // along all events. It should give us the browser for the tab, as well as // the actual event. function livemarkOnLinkAdded(event) { if (!gLivemarksButton) gLivemarksButton = document.getElementById("livemark-button"); // from tabbrowser.xml // mechanism for reading properties of the underlying XPCOM object // (ignoring potential getters/setters added by malicious content) var safeGetProperty = function(obj, propname) { return obj[propname]; } var erel = event.target.rel; var etype = event.target.type; var etitle = event.target.title; // this is a blogger post service URL; so skip it if (erel && erel == "service.post") return; if (etype == "application/rss+xml" || etype == "application/atom+xml" || etype == "application/x.atom+xml" || etitle.indexOf("RSS") != -1 || etitle.indexOf("Atom") != -1 || etitle.indexOf("rss") != -1) { const targetDoc = safeGetProperty(event.target, "ownerDocument"); // find which tab this is for, and set the attribute on the browser // should there be a getTabForDocument method on tabbedbrowser? var browserForLink = null; if (gBrowser.mTabbedMode) { var browserIndex = gBrowser.getBrowserIndexForDocument(targetDoc); if (browserIndex == -1) return; browserForLink = gBrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(browserIndex); } else if (gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser.contentDocument == targetDoc) { browserForLink = gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser; } if (!browserForLink) { // ??? this really shouldn't happen.. return; } var livemarkLinks = []; if (browserForLink.livemarkLinks != null) { livemarkLinks = browserForLink.livemarkLinks; } var wrapper = event.target; livemarkLinks.push({ href: wrapper.href, type: wrapper.type, title: wrapper.title}); browserForLink.livemarkLinks = livemarkLinks; if (browserForLink == gBrowser || browserForLink == gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser) gLivemarksButton.setAttribute("livemarks", "true"); } } // this is called both from onload and also whenever the user // switches tabs; we update whether we show or hide the livemark // button based on whether the window has livemarks set. function updatePageLivemarks() { if (!gLivemarksButton) gLivemarksButton = document.getElementById("livemark-button"); var livemarkLinks = gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser.livemarkLinks; if (!livemarkLinks || livemarkLinks.length == 0) { gLivemarksButton.removeAttribute("livemarks"); gLivemarksButton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", gNavigatorBundle.getString("livemarkNoLivemarksTooltip")); } else { gLivemarksButton.setAttribute("livemarks", "true"); gLivemarksButton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", gNavigatorBundle.getString("livemarkHasLivemarksTooltip")); } } function livemarkFillPopup(menuPopup) { var livemarkLinks = gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser.livemarkLinks; if (livemarkLinks == null) { // XXX hack -- menu opening depends on setting of an "open" // attribute, and the menu refuses to open if that attribute is // set (because it thinks it's already open). onpopupshowing gets // called after the attribute is unset, and it doesn't get unset // if we return false. so we unset it here; otherwise, the menu // refuses to work past this point. menuPopup.parentNode.removeAttribute("open"); return false; } while (menuPopup.firstChild) { menuPopup.removeChild(menuPopup.firstChild); } for (var i = 0; i < livemarkLinks.length; i++) { var markinfo = livemarkLinks[i]; var menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem"); var baseTitle = markinfo.title || markinfo.href; var labelStr = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("livemarkSubscribeTo", [baseTitle]); menuItem.setAttribute("label", labelStr); menuItem.setAttribute("data", markinfo.href); menuItem.setAttribute("tooltiptext", markinfo.href); menuPopup.appendChild(menuItem); } return true; } function livemarkAddMark(wincontent, data) { var title = wincontent.document.title; var description = BookmarksUtils.getDescriptionFromDocument(wincontent.document); BookmarksUtils.addLivemark(wincontent.document.baseURI, data, title, description); } function GetFrameDocumentsFromWindow(aWindow){ if (aWindow.getComputedStyle(aWindow.document.body, "").direction == "ltr") aWindow.document.dir = "rtl"; else aWindow.document.dir = "ltr"; for (var run = 0; run < aWindow.frames.length; run++) GetFrameDocumentsFromWindow(aWindow.frames[run]); } function SwitchDocumentDirection(){ GetFrameDocumentsFromWindow(window.content); } function missingPluginInstaller(){ } missingPluginInstaller.prototype.installSinglePlugin = function(aEvent){ var tabbrowser = getBrowser(); var missingPluginsArray = new Object; var tagMimetype; var pluginsPage; if (aEvent.target.localName.toLowerCase() == "applet") { tagMimetype = "application/x-java-vm"; } else if (aEvent.target.localName.toLowerCase() == "object") { tagMimetype = aEvent.target.type; pluginsPage = aEvent.target.getAttribute("codebase"); } else { tagMimetype = aEvent.target.type; pluginsPage = aEvent.target.getAttribute("pluginspage"); } missingPluginsArray[tagMimetype] = {mimetype: tagMimetype, pluginsPage: pluginsPage}; if (missingPluginsArray) { window.openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/plugins/pluginInstallerWizard.xul", "PFSWindow", "modal,chrome,resizable=yes", {plugins: missingPluginsArray, tab: tabbrowser.mCurrentTab}); } aEvent.preventDefault(); } missingPluginInstaller.prototype.newMissingPlugin = function(aEvent){ // For broken non-object plugin tags, register a click handler so // that the user can click the plugin replacement to get the new // plugin. Object tags can, and often do, deal with that themselves, // so don't stomp on the page developers toes. if (aEvent.target.localName.toLowerCase() != "object") { aEvent.target.addEventListener("click", gMissingPluginInstaller.installSinglePlugin, false); } var tabbrowser = getBrowser(); const browsers = tabbrowser.mPanelContainer.childNodes; var window = aEvent.target.ownerDocument.__parent__; // walk up till the toplevel window while (window.parent != window) window = window.parent; var i = 0; for (; i < browsers.length; i++) { if (tabbrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(i).contentWindow == window) break; } var tab = tabbrowser.mTabContainer.childNodes[i]; if (!tab.missingPlugins) tab.missingPlugins = new Object(); var tagMimetype; var pluginsPage; if (aEvent.target.localName.toLowerCase() == "applet") { tagMimetype = "application/x-java-vm"; } else if (aEvent.target.localName.toLowerCase() == "object") { tagMimetype = aEvent.target.type; pluginsPage = aEvent.target.getAttribute("codebase"); } else { tagMimetype = aEvent.target.type; pluginsPage = aEvent.target.getAttribute("pluginspage"); } tab.missingPlugins[tagMimetype] = { mimetype: tagMimetype, pluginsPage: pluginsPage }; var browser = tabbrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(i); var iconURL = "chrome://mozapps/skin/xpinstall/xpinstallItemGeneric.png"; var bundle_browser = document.getElementById("bundle_browser"); var messageString = bundle_browser.getString("missingpluginsMessage.title"); var buttonString = bundle_browser.getString("missingpluginsMessage.button.label"); tabbrowser.showMessage(browser, iconURL, messageString, buttonString, "", "missing-plugin", null, "top", true); } missingPluginInstaller.prototype.observe = function(aSubject, aTopic, aData){ switch (aTopic) { case "missing-plugin": // get the urls of missing plugins var tabbrowser = getBrowser(); var missingPluginsArray = tabbrowser.mCurrentTab.missingPlugins; if (missingPluginsArray) { window.openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/plugins/pluginInstallerWizard.xul", "PFSWindow", "modal,chrome,resizable=yes", {plugins: missingPluginsArray, tab: tabbrowser.mCurrentTab}); } break; } } var gMissingPluginInstaller = new missingPluginInstaller();