/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is The JavaScript Debugger * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation * Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the * terms of the GNU Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the * provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above. * If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your * version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this * file under either the MPL or the GPL. * * Contributor(s): * Robert Ginda, , original author * */ function MenuManager (commandManager, menuSpecs, contextFunction, commandStr) { var menuManager = this; this.commandManager = commandManager; this.menuSpecs = menuSpecs; this.contextFunction = contextFunction; this.commandStr = commandStr; this.onPopupShowing = function mmgr_onshow (event) { return menuManager.showPopup (event); }; this.onPopupHiding = function mmgr_onhide (event) { return menuManager.hidePopup (event); }; } /** * Internal use only. * * Registers event handlers on a given menu. */ MenuManager.prototype.hookPopup = function mmgr_hookpop (node) { node.addEventListener ("popupshowing", this.onPopupShowing, false); node.addEventListener ("popuphiding", this.onPopupHiding, false); } /** * Internal use only. * * |showPopup| is called from the "onpopupshowing" event of menus * managed by the CommandManager. If a command is disabled, represents a command * that cannot be "satisfied" by the current command context |cx|, or has an * "enabledif" attribute that eval()s to false, then the menuitem is disabled. * In addition "checkedif" and "visibleif" attributes are eval()d and * acted upon accordingly. */ MenuManager.prototype.showPopup = function mmgr_showpop (event) { //dd ("showPopup {"); /* returns true if the command context has the properties required to * execute the command associated with |menuitem|. */ function satisfied() { if (menuitem.hasAttribute("isSeparator") || !menuitem.hasAttribute("commandname")) { return true; } if (!("menuManager" in cx)) { dd ("no menuManager in cx"); return false; } var name = menuitem.getAttribute("commandname"); var commandManager = cx.menuManager.commandManager; var commands = commandManager.commands; if (!ASSERT (name in commands, "menu contains unknown command '" + name + "'")) { return false; } var rv = commandManager.isCommandSatisfied(cx, commands[name]); delete cx.parseError; return rv; }; /* Convenience function for "enabledif", etc, attributes. */ function has (prop) { return (prop in cx); }; /* evals the attribute named |attr| on the node |node|. */ function evalIfAttribute (node, attr) { var ex; var expr = node.getAttribute(attr); if (!expr) return true; expr = expr.replace (/\Wand\W/gi, " && "); try { return eval("(" + expr + ")"); } catch (ex) { dd ("caught exception evaling '" + node.getAttribute("id") + "'.'" + attr + "'\n" + ex); } return true; }; var cx; var popup = event.originalTarget; var menuitem = popup.firstChild; /* If the host provided a |contextFunction|, use it now. Remember the * return result as this.cx for use if something from this menu is actually * dispatched. this.cx is deleted in |hidePopup|. */ if (typeof this.contextFunction == "function") { cx = this.cx = this.contextFunction (popup.getAttribute("menuName"), event); } else { cx = this.cx = { menuManager: this, originalEvent: event }; } do { /* should it be visible? */ if (menuitem.hasAttribute("visibleif")) { if (evalIfAttribute(menuitem, "visibleif")) menuitem.removeAttribute ("hidden"); else { menuitem.setAttribute ("hidden", "true"); continue; } } /* ok, it's visible, maybe it should be disabled? */ if (satisfied()) { if (menuitem.hasAttribute("enabledif")) { if (evalIfAttribute(menuitem, "enabledif")) menuitem.removeAttribute ("disabled"); else menuitem.setAttribute ("disabled", "true"); } else menuitem.removeAttribute ("disabled"); } else { menuitem.setAttribute ("disabled", "true"); } /* should it have a check? */ if (menuitem.hasAttribute("checkedif")) { if (evalIfAttribute(menuitem, "checkedif")) menuitem.setAttribute ("checked", "true"); else menuitem.removeAttribute ("checked"); } } while ((menuitem = menuitem.nextSibling)); //dd ("}"); return true; } /** * Internal use only. * * |hidePopup| is called from the "onpopuphiding" event of menus * managed by the CommandManager. Nothing to do here anymore. * We used to just clean up this.cx, but that's a problem for nested * menus. */ MenuManager.prototype.hidePopup = function mmgr_hidepop (id) { return true; } /** * Appends a sub-menu to an existing menu. * @param parentNode DOM Node to insert into * @param beforeNode DOM Node already contained by parentNode, to insert before * @param id ID of the sub-menu to add. * @param label Text to use for this sub-menu. The & character can be * used to indicate the accesskey. * @param attribs Object containing CSS attributes to set on the element. */ MenuManager.prototype.appendSubMenu = function mmgr_addsmenu (parentNode, beforeNode, menuName, domId, label, attribs) { var document = parentNode.ownerDocument; /* sometimes the menu is already there, for overlay purposes. */ var menu = document.getElementById(domId); if (!menu) { menu = document.createElement ("menu"); menu.setAttribute ("id", domId); parentNode.insertBefore(menu, beforeNode); } var menupopup = menu.firstChild; if (!menupopup) { menupopup = document.createElement ("menupopup"); menupopup.setAttribute ("id", domId + "-popup"); menu.appendChild(menupopup); menupopup = menu.firstChild; } menupopup.setAttribute ("menuName", menuName); menu.setAttribute ("accesskey", getAccessKey(label)); menu.setAttribute ("label", label.replace("&", "")); menu.setAttribute ("isSeparator", true); if (typeof attribs == "object") { for (var p in attribs) menu.setAttribute (p, attribs[p]); } this.hookPopup (menupopup); return menupopup; } /** * Appends a popup to an existing popupset. * @param parentNode DOM Node to insert into * @param beforeNode DOM Node already contained by parentNode, to insert before * @param id ID of the popup to add. * @param label Text to use for this popup. Popup menus don't normally have * labels, but we set a "label" attribute anyway, in case * the host wants it for some reason. Any "&" characters will * be stripped. * @param attribs Object containing CSS attributes to set on the element. */ MenuManager.prototype.appendPopupMenu = function mmgr_addpmenu (parentNode, beforeNode, menuName, id, label, attribs) { var document = parentNode.ownerDocument; var popup = document.createElement ("popup"); popup.setAttribute ("id", id); if (label) popup.setAttribute ("label", label.replace("&", "")); if (typeof attribs == "object") { for (var p in attribs) popup.setAttribute (p, attribs[p]); } popup.setAttribute ("menuName", menuName); parentNode.insertBefore(popup, beforeNode); this.hookPopup (popup); return popup; } /** * Appends a menuitem to an existing menu or popup. * @param parentNode DOM Node to insert into * @param beforeNode DOM Node already contained by parentNode, to insert before * @param command A reference to the CommandRecord this menu item will represent. * @param attribs Object containing CSS attributes to set on the element. */ MenuManager.prototype.appendMenuItem = function mmgr_addmenu (parentNode, beforeNode, commandName, attribs) { var menuManager = this; var document = parentNode.ownerDocument; if (commandName == "-") return this.appendMenuSeparator(parentNode, beforeNode, attribs); var parentId = parentNode.getAttribute("id"); if (!ASSERT(commandName in this.commandManager.commands, "unknown command " + commandName + " targeted for " + parentId)) { return null; } var command = this.commandManager.commands[commandName]; var menuitem = document.createElement ("menuitem"); menuitem.setAttribute ("id", parentId + ":" + commandName); menuitem.setAttribute ("commandname", command.name); menuitem.setAttribute ("key", "key:" + command.name); menuitem.setAttribute ("accesskey", getAccessKey(command.label)); menuitem.setAttribute ("label", command.label.replace("&", "")); menuitem.setAttribute ("oncommand", this.commandStr); if (typeof attribs == "object") { for (var p in attribs) menuitem.setAttribute (p, attribs[p]); } command.uiElements.push(menuitem); parentNode.insertBefore (menuitem, beforeNode); return menuitem; } /** * Appends a menuseparator to an existing menu or popup. * @param parentNode DOM Node to insert into * @param beforeNode DOM Node already contained by parentNode, to insert before * @param attribs Object containing CSS attributes to set on the element. */ MenuManager.prototype.appendMenuSeparator = function mmgr_addsep (parentNode, beforeNode, attribs) { var document = parentNode.ownerDocument; var menuitem = document.createElement ("menuseparator"); menuitem.setAttribute ("isSeparator", true); if (typeof attribs == "object") { for (var p in attribs) menuitem.setAttribute (p, attribs[p]); } parentNode.insertBefore (menuitem, beforeNode); return menuitem; } /** * Appends a toolbaritem to an existing box element. * @param parentNode DOM Node to insert into * @param beforeNode DOM Node already contained by parentNode, to insert before * @param command A reference to the CommandRecord this toolbaritem will * represent. * @param attribs Object containing CSS attributes to set on the element. */ MenuManager.prototype.appendToolbarItem = function mmgr_addtb (parentNode, beforeNode, commandName, attribs) { if (commandName == "-") return this.appendToolbarSeparator(parentNode, beforeNode, attribs); var parentId = parentNode.getAttribute("id"); if (!ASSERT(commandName in this.commandManager.commands, "unknown command " + commandName + " targeted for " + parentId)) { return null; } var command = this.commandManager.commands[commandName]; var document = parentNode.ownerDocument; var tbitem = document.createElement ("toolbarbutton"); var id = parentNode.getAttribute("id") + ":" + commandName; tbitem.setAttribute ("id", id); tbitem.setAttribute ("class", "toolbarbutton-1"); tbitem.setAttribute ("label", command.label.replace("&", "")); tbitem.setAttribute ("oncommand", "dispatch('" + commandName + "');"); if (typeof attribs == "object") { for (var p in attribs) tbitem.setAttribute (p, attribs[p]); } command.uiElements.push(tbitem); parentNode.insertBefore (tbitem, beforeNode); return tbitem; } /** * Appends a toolbarseparator to an existing box. * @param parentNode DOM Node to insert into * @param beforeNode DOM Node already contained by parentNode, to insert before * @param attribs Object containing CSS attributes to set on the element. */ MenuManager.prototype.appendToolbarSeparator = function mmgr_addmenu (parentNode, beforeNode, attribs) { var document = parentNode.ownerDocument; var tbitem = document.createElement ("toolbarseparator"); tbitem.setAttribute ("isSeparator", true); if (typeof attribs == "object") { for (var p in attribs) tbitem.setAttribute (p, attribs[p]); } parentNode.appendChild (tbitem); return tbitem; } /** * Creates menu DOM nodes from a menu specification. * @param parentNode DOM Node to insert into * @param beforeNode DOM Node already contained by parentNode, to insert before * @param menuSpec array of menu items */ MenuManager.prototype.createMenu = function mmgr_newmenu (parentNode, beforeNode, menuName, domId, attribs) { if (typeof domId == "undefined") domId = menuName; if (!ASSERT(menuName in this.menuSpecs, "unknown menu name " + menuName)) return null; var menuSpec = this.menuSpecs[menuName]; var subMenu = this.appendSubMenu (parentNode, beforeNode, menuName, domId, menuSpec.label, attribs); this.createMenuItems (subMenu, null, menuSpec.items); return subMenu; } MenuManager.prototype.createMenuItems = function mmgr_newitems (parentNode, beforeNode, menuItems) { function itemAttribs() { return (1 in menuItems[i]) ? menuItems[i][1] : null; }; var parentId = parentNode.getAttribute("id"); for (var i in menuItems) { var itemName = menuItems[i][0]; if (itemName[0] == ">") { itemName = itemName.substr(1); if (!ASSERT(itemName in this.menuSpecs, "unknown submenu " + itemName + " referenced in " + parentId)) { continue; } this.createMenu (parentNode, beforeNode, itemName, parentId + ":" + itemName, itemAttribs()); } else if (itemName in this.commandManager.commands) { this.appendMenuItem (parentNode, beforeNode, itemName, itemAttribs()); } else if (itemName == "-") { this.appendMenuSeparator (parentNode, beforeNode, itemAttribs()); } else { dd ("unknown command " + itemName + " referenced in " + parentId); } } }