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1036 строки
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* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is TransforMiiX XSLT processor.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is The MITRE Corporation.
* Portions created by MITRE are Copyright (C) 1999 The MITRE Corporation.
* Portions created by Keith Visco as a Non MITRE employee,
* (C) 1999-2000 Keith Visco. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Keith Visco, kvisco@ziplink.net
* -- original author.
* Olivier Gerardin, ogerardin@vo.lu
* -- added code in ::resolveFunctionCall to support the
* document() function.
* $Id: ProcessorState.cpp,v 1.19 2001-02-15 09:21:03 axel%pike.org Exp $
* Implementation of ProcessorState
* Much of this code was ported from XSL:P
* @version $Revision: 1.19 $ $Date: 2001-02-15 09:21:03 $
#include "ProcessorState.h"
#include "XSLTFunctions.h"
//- Constants -/
const String ProcessorState::wrapperNSPrefix = "transformiix";
const String ProcessorState::wrapperName = "transformiix:result";
const String ProcessorState::wrapperNS = "http://www.mitre.org/TransforMiix";
* Creates a new ProcessorState
ProcessorState::ProcessorState() {
this->xslDocument = NULL;
this->resultDocument = NULL;
currentAction = 0;
} //-- ProcessorState
* Creates a new ProcessorState for the given XSL document
* and resultDocument
ProcessorState::ProcessorState(Document& xslDocument, Document& resultDocument) {
this->xslDocument = &xslDocument;
this->resultDocument = &resultDocument;
currentAction = 0;
} //-- ProcessorState
* Destroys this ProcessorState
ProcessorState::~ProcessorState() {
if (dfWildCardTemplate)
delete dfWildCardTemplate;
if (dfTextTemplate)
delete dfTextTemplate;
delete resultNodeStack;
while ( ! variableSets.empty() ) {
delete (NamedMap*) variableSets.pop();
//-- delete includes
StringList* keys = includes.keys();
StringListIterator* iter = keys->iterator();
while (iter->hasNext()) {
String* key = iter->next();
MITREObjectWrapper* objWrapper
= (MITREObjectWrapper*)includes.remove(*key);
delete (Document*)objWrapper->object;
delete objWrapper;
delete iter;
delete keys;
//-- clean up XSLT actions stack
while (currentAction) {
XSLTAction* item = currentAction;
item->node = 0;
currentAction = item->prev;
item->prev = 0;
delete item;
} //-- ~ProcessorState
* Adds the given attribute set to the list of available named attribute sets
* @param attributeSet the Element to add as a named attribute set
void ProcessorState::addAttributeSet(Element* attributeSet) {
if ( !attributeSet ) return;
String name = attributeSet->getAttribute(NAME_ATTR);
if ( name.length() == 0 ) {
cout << "missing required name attribute for xsl:" << ATTRIBUTE_SET <<endl;
//-- get attribute set, if already exists, then merge
NodeSet* attSet = (NodeSet*)namedAttributeSets.get(name);
if ( !attSet) {
attSet = new NodeSet();
namedAttributeSets.put(name, attSet);
//-- add xsl:attribute elements to attSet
NodeList* nl = attributeSet->getChildNodes();
for ( UInt32 i = 0; i < nl->getLength(); i++) {
Node* node = nl->item(i);
if ( node->getNodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE) {
String nodeName = node->getNodeName();
String ns;
XMLUtils::getNameSpace(nodeName, ns);
if ( !xsltNameSpace.isEqual(ns)) continue;
String localPart;
XMLUtils::getLocalPart(nodeName, localPart);
if ( ATTRIBUTE.isEqual(localPart) ) attSet->add(node);
} //-- addAttributeSet
* Registers the given ErrorObserver with this ProcessorState
void ProcessorState::addErrorObserver(ErrorObserver& errorObserver) {
} //-- addErrorObserver
* Adds the given XSL document to the list of includes
* The href is used as a key for the include, to prevent
* including the same document more than once
void ProcessorState::addInclude(const String& href, Document* xslDocument) {
MITREObjectWrapper* objWrapper = new MITREObjectWrapper();
objWrapper->object = xslDocument;
includes.put(href, objWrapper);
} //-- addInclude
* Adds the given template to the list of templates to process
* @param xslTemplate, the Element to add as a template
void ProcessorState::addTemplate(Element* xslTemplate) {
if ( !xslTemplate ) return;
const String match = xslTemplate->getAttribute(MATCH_ATTR);
String name = xslTemplate->getAttribute(NAME_ATTR);
if ( name.length() > 0 ) {
//-- check for duplicates
MITREObjectWrapper* mObj = (MITREObjectWrapper*)namedTemplates.get(name);
if ( mObj ) {
String warn("error duplicate template name: ");
warn.append("\n -- using template closest to end of document");
delete mObj;
MITREObjectWrapper* oldObj = mObj;
mObj= new MITREObjectWrapper();
mObj->object = xslTemplate;
if ( oldObj ) delete oldObj;
patternExprHash.put(match, exprParser.createPatternExpr(match));
} //-- addTempalte
* Adds the given node to the result tree
* @param node the Node to add to the result tree
MBool ProcessorState::addToResultTree(Node* node) {
Node* current = resultNodeStack->peek();
#ifdef MOZ_XSL
String nameSpaceURI, name, localName;
switch (node->getNodeType()) {
if (current->getNodeType() != Node::ELEMENT_NODE) return MB_FALSE;
Element* element = (Element*)current;
Attr* attr = (Attr*)node;
#ifdef MOZ_XSL
name = attr->getName();
getResultNameSpaceURI(name, nameSpaceURI);
// XXX HACK (pvdb) Workaround for BUG 51656 Html rendered as xhtml
if (getOutputFormat()->isHTMLOutput()) {
element->setAttributeNS(nameSpaceURI, name, attr->getValue());
delete node;
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE:
//-- if current node is the document, make sure
//-- we don't already have a document element.
//-- if we do, create a wrapper element
if ( current == resultDocument ) {
Element* docElement = resultDocument->getDocumentElement();
if ( docElement ) {
String nodeName(wrapperName);
Element* wrapper = resultDocument->createElement(nodeName);
current = wrapper;
#ifdef MOZ_XSL
else {
// Checking if we should set the output method to HTML
name = node->getNodeName();
XMLUtils::getLocalPart(name, localName);
if (localName.isEqualIgnoreCase(HTML)) {
// XXX HACK (pvdb) Workaround for BUG 51656
// Html rendered as xhtml
case Node::TEXT_NODE :
//-- if current node is the document, create wrapper element
if ( current == resultDocument ) {
String nodeName(wrapperName);
Element* wrapper = resultDocument->createElement(nodeName);
current = wrapper;
case Node::COMMENT_NODE :
delete node; //-- DOM Implementation does not clean up DocumentFragments
//-- only add if not adding to document Node
if (current != resultDocument) current->appendChild(node);
else return MB_FALSE;
return MB_TRUE;
} //-- addToResultTree
* Copies the node using the rules defined in the XSL specification
Node* ProcessorState::copyNode(Node* node) {
return 0;
} //-- copyNode
* Finds a template for the given Node. Only templates with
* a mode attribute equal to the given mode will be searched.
Element* ProcessorState::findTemplate(Node* node, Node* context) {
return findTemplate(node, context, 0);
} //-- findTemplate
* Finds a template for the given Node. Only templates with
* a mode attribute equal to the given mode will be searched.
Element* ProcessorState::findTemplate(Node* node, Node* context, String* mode) {
if (!node) return 0;
Element* matchTemplate = 0;
double currentPriority = 0.5;
for (int i = 0; i < templates.size(); i++) {
//cout << "looking at template: " << i << endl;
Element* xslTemplate = (Element*) templates.get(i);
//-- check mode attribute
Attr* modeAttr = xslTemplate->getAttributeNode(MODE_ATTR);
if (( mode ) && (!modeAttr)) continue;
else if (( !mode ) && (modeAttr)) continue;
else if ( mode ) {
if ( ! mode->isEqual( modeAttr->getValue() ) ) continue;
//-- get templates match expr
String match = xslTemplate->getAttribute(MATCH_ATTR);
//cout << "match attr: " << match << endl;
//-- get Expr from expression hash table
PatternExpr* pExpr = getPatternExpr(match);
if ( !pExpr ) continue;
if (pExpr->matches(node, context, this)) {
String priorityAttr = xslTemplate->getAttribute(PRIORITY_ATTR);
double tmpPriority = 0;
if ( priorityAttr.length() > 0 ) {
Double dbl(priorityAttr);
tmpPriority = dbl.doubleValue();
else tmpPriority = pExpr->getDefaultPriority(node,context,this);
if (( !matchTemplate ) || ( tmpPriority >= currentPriority ))
matchTemplate = xslTemplate;
currentPriority = tmpPriority;
// cout << "findTemplate:end"<<endl;
// if (matchTemplate) {
// String nodeName = node->getNodeName();
// cout << "node " << nodeName;
// String match = matchTemplate->getAttribute(MATCH_ATTR);
// cout << " matched template: " << match << endl;
// }
return matchTemplate;
} //-- findTemplate
* Generates a unique ID for the given node and places the result in
* dest
void ProcessorState::generateId(Node* node, String& dest) {
domHelper.generateId(node, dest);
} //-- generateId
* Returns the AttributeSet associated with the given name
* or null if no AttributeSet is found
NodeSet* ProcessorState::getAttributeSet(const String& name) {
return (NodeSet*)namedAttributeSets.get(name);
} //-- getAttributeSet
* Returns the source node currently being processed
Node* ProcessorState::getCurrentNode() {
return currentNodeStack.peek();
} //-- setCurrentNode
* Gets the default Namespace URI stack.
Stack* ProcessorState::getDefaultNSURIStack() {
return &defaultNameSpaceURIStack;
} //-- getDefaultNSURIStack
* Returns the global document base for resolving relative URIs within
* the XSL stylesheets
const String& ProcessorState::getDocumentBase() {
return documentBase;
} //-- getDocumentBase
* Returns the href for the given XSL document by looking in the
* includes and imports lists
void ProcessorState::getDocumentHref
(Document* xslDocument, String& documentBase)
//-- lookup includes
StringList* keys = includes.keys();
StringListIterator* iter = keys->iterator();
while (iter->hasNext()) {
String* key = iter->next();
MITREObjectWrapper* objWrapper
= (MITREObjectWrapper*)includes.get(*key);
if (xslDocument == objWrapper->object) {
delete iter;
delete keys;
} //-- getDocumentBase
* @return the included xsl document that was associated with the
* given href, or null if no document is found
Document* ProcessorState::getInclude(const String& href) {
MITREObjectWrapper* objWrapper = (MITREObjectWrapper*)includes.get(href);
Document* doc = 0;
if (objWrapper) {
doc = (Document*) objWrapper->object;
return doc;
} //-- getInclude(String)
Expr* ProcessorState::getExpr(const String& pattern) {
Expr* expr = (Expr*)exprHash.get(pattern);
if ( !expr ) {
expr = exprParser.createExpr(pattern);
if ( !expr ) {
String err = "invalid expression: ";
expr = new ErrorFunctionCall(err);
exprHash.put(pattern, expr);
return expr;
} //-- getExpr
* Returns the template associated with the given name, or
* null if not template is found
Element* ProcessorState::getNamedTemplate(String& name) {
MITREObjectWrapper* mObj = (MITREObjectWrapper*)namedTemplates.get(name);
if ( mObj ) {
return (Element*)mObj->object;
return 0;
} //-- getNamedTemplate
* Returns the namespace URI for the given name, this method should only be
* called for determining a namespace declared within the context (ie. the stylesheet)
void ProcessorState::getNameSpaceURI(const String& name, String& nameSpaceURI) {
String prefix;
XMLUtils::getNameSpace(name, prefix);
getNameSpaceURIFromPrefix(prefix, nameSpaceURI);
} //-- getNameSpaceURI
* Returns the namespace URI for the given namespace prefix, this method should
* only be called for determining a namespace declared within the context
* (ie. the stylesheet)
void ProcessorState::getNameSpaceURIFromPrefix(const String& prefix, String& nameSpaceURI) {
XSLTAction* action = currentAction;
while (action) {
Node* node = action->node;
if (( node ) && (node->getNodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE)) {
if (XMLDOMUtils::getNameSpace(prefix, (Element*) node, nameSpaceURI))
action = action->prev;
} //-- getNameSpaceURI
* Returns the NodeStack which keeps track of where we are in the
* result tree
* @return the NodeStack which keeps track of where we are in the
* result tree
NodeStack* ProcessorState::getNodeStack() {
return resultNodeStack;
} //-- getNodeStack
* Returns the OutputFormat which contains information on how
* to serialize the output. I will be removing this soon, when
* change to an event based printer, so that I can serialize
* as I go
OutputFormat* ProcessorState::getOutputFormat() {
return &format;
} //-- getOutputFormat
PatternExpr* ProcessorState::getPatternExpr(const String& pattern) {
PatternExpr* pExpr = (PatternExpr*)patternExprHash.get(pattern);
if ( !pExpr ) {
pExpr = exprParser.createPatternExpr(pattern);
patternExprHash.put(pattern, pExpr);
return pExpr;
} //-- getPatternExpr
Document* ProcessorState::getResultDocument() {
return resultDocument;
} //-- getResultDocument
* Returns the namespace URI for the given name, this method should only be
* called for returning a namespace declared within in the result document.
void ProcessorState::getResultNameSpaceURI(const String& name, String& nameSpaceURI) {
String prefix;
XMLUtils::getNameSpace(name, prefix);
if (prefix.length() == 0) {
else {
String* result = (String*)nameSpaceMap.get(prefix);
if (result) {
} //-- getResultNameSpaceURI
NodeSet* ProcessorState::getTemplates() {
return &templates;
} //-- getTemplates
Stack* ProcessorState::getVariableSetStack() {
return &variableSets;
} //-- getVariableSetStack
String& ProcessorState::getXSLNamespace() {
return xsltNameSpace;
} //-- getXSLNamespace
* Determines if the given XSL node allows Whitespace stripping
MBool ProcessorState::isXSLStripSpaceAllowed(Node* node) {
if ( !node ) return MB_FALSE;
return (MBool)(PRESERVE != getXMLSpaceMode(node));
} //--isXSLStripSpaceAllowed
* Removes the current XSLT action from the top of the stack.
* @returns the XSLT action after removing from the top of the stack
Node* ProcessorState::popAction() {
Node* xsltAction = 0;
if (currentAction) {
xsltAction = currentAction->node;
XSLTAction* item = currentAction;
currentAction = currentAction->prev;
item->node = 0;
delete item;
return xsltAction;
} //-- popAction
* Removes and returns the current source node being processed, from the stack
* @return the current source node
Node* ProcessorState::popCurrentNode() {
return currentNodeStack.pop();
} //-- popCurrentNode
* Adds the set of names to the Whitespace preserving element set
void ProcessorState::preserveSpace(String& names) {
//-- split names on whitespace
Tokenizer tokenizer(names);
String name;
while ( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ) {
wsPreserve.add(new String(name));
} //-- preserveSpace
* Adds the given XSLT action to the top of the action stack
void ProcessorState::pushAction(Node* xsltAction) {
if (currentAction) {
XSLTAction* newAction = new XSLTAction;
newAction->prev = currentAction;
currentAction = newAction;
else {
currentAction = new XSLTAction;
currentAction->prev = 0;
currentAction->node = xsltAction;
} //-- pushAction
* Sets the source node currently being processed
* @param node the source node to set as the "current" node
void ProcessorState::pushCurrentNode(Node* node) {
} //-- setCurrentNode
* Sets a new default Namespace URI.
void ProcessorState::setDefaultNameSpaceURIForResult(const String& nsURI) {
String* nsTempURIPointer = 0;
String* nsURIPointer = 0;
StringListIterator theIterator(&nameSpaceURIList);
while (theIterator.hasNext()) {
nsTempURIPointer = theIterator.next();
if (nsTempURIPointer->isEqual(nsURI)) {
nsURIPointer = nsTempURIPointer;
if ( ! nsURIPointer ) {
nsURIPointer = new String(nsURI);
} //-- setDefaultNameSpaceURI
* Sets the document base for use when resolving relative URIs
void ProcessorState::setDocumentBase(const String& documentBase) {
this->documentBase = documentBase;
} //-- setDocumentBase
* Sets the output method. Valid output method options are,
* "xml", "html", or "text".
void ProcessorState::setOutputMethod(const String& method) {
if ( method.indexOf(HTML) == 0 ) {
* Adds the set of names to the Whitespace stripping element set
void ProcessorState::stripSpace(String& names) {
//-- split names on whitespace
Tokenizer tokenizer(names);
String name;
while ( tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ) {
wsStrip.add(new String(name));
} //-- stripSpace
//- Virtual Methods from derived from ContextState -/
* Returns the Stack of context NodeSets
* @return the Stack of context NodeSets
Stack* ProcessorState::getNodeSetStack() {
return &nodeSetStack;
} //-- getNodeSetStack
* Returns the parent of the given Node. This method is needed
* beacuse with the DOM some nodes such as Attr do not have parents
* @param node the Node to find the parent of
* @return the parent of the given Node, or null if not found
Node* ProcessorState::getParentNode(Node* node) {
return domHelper.getParentNode(node);
} //-- getParentNode
* Returns the value of a given variable binding within the current scope
* @param the name to which the desired variable value has been bound
* @return the ExprResult which has been bound to the variable with the given
* name
ExprResult* ProcessorState::getVariable(String& name) {
StackIterator* iter = variableSets.iterator();
ExprResult* exprResult = 0;
while ( iter->hasNext() ) {
NamedMap* map = (NamedMap*) iter->next();
if ( map->get(name)) {
exprResult = ((VariableBinding*)map->get(name))->getValue();
delete iter;
return exprResult;
} //-- getVariable
* Determines if the given XML node allows Whitespace stripping
MBool ProcessorState::isStripSpaceAllowed(Node* node) {
if ( !node ) return MB_FALSE;
switch ( node->getNodeType() ) {
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE :
//-- check Whitespace element names against given Node
String name = node->getNodeName();
if (wsPreserve.contains(name)) return MB_FALSE;
if (wsStrip.contains(name)) return MB_TRUE;
String method;
if (format.getMethod(method).isEqual("html")) {
String ucName = name;
if (ucName.isEqual("SCRIPT")) return MB_FALSE;
case Node::TEXT_NODE:
return isStripSpaceAllowed(node->getParentNode());
XMLSpaceMode mode = getXMLSpaceMode(node);
if (mode == DEFAULT) return (MBool)(defaultSpace == STRIP);
return (MBool)(STRIP == mode);
} //--isStripSpaceAllowed
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error, with default
* level of NORMAL
void ProcessorState::recieveError(String& errorMessage) {
recieveError(errorMessage, ErrorObserver::NORMAL);
} //-- recieveError
* Notifies this Error observer of a new error using the given error level
void ProcessorState::recieveError(String& errorMessage, ErrorLevel level) {
ListIterator* iter = errorObservers.iterator();
while ( iter->hasNext()) {
ErrorObserver* observer = (ErrorObserver*)iter->next();
observer->recieveError(errorMessage, level);
delete iter;
} //-- recieveError
* Returns a call to the function that has the given name.
* This method is used for XPath Extension Functions.
* @return the FunctionCall for the function with the given name.
FunctionCall* ProcessorState::resolveFunctionCall(const String& name) {
String err;
if (DOCUMENT_FN.isEqual(name)) {
return new DocumentFunctionCall(xslDocument);
else if (KEY_FN.isEqual(name)) {
err = "function not yet implemented: ";
else if (FORMAT_NUMBER_FN.isEqual(name)) {
err = "function not yet implemented: ";
else if (CURRENT_FN.isEqual(name)) {
return new CurrentFunctionCall(this);
else if (UNPARSED_ENTITY_URI_FN.isEqual(name)) {
err = "function not yet implemented: ";
else if (GENERATE_ID_FN.isEqual(name)) {
return new GenerateIdFunctionCall(&domHelper);
else if (SYSTEM_PROPERTY_FN.isEqual(name)) {
return new SystemPropertyFunctionCall();
else if (ELEMENT_AVAILABLE_FN.isEqual(name)) {
return new ElementAvailableFunctionCall();
else if (FUNCTION_AVAILABLE_FN.isEqual(name)) {
return new FunctionAvailableFunctionCall();
else {
err = "invalid function call: ";
return new ErrorFunctionCall(err);
} //-- resolveFunctionCall
* Sorts the given NodeSet by DocumentOrder.
* @param nodes the NodeSet to sort
* <BR />
* <B>Note:</B> I will be moving this functionality elsewhere soon
void ProcessorState::sortByDocumentOrder(NodeSet* nodes) {
if ((!nodes) || (nodes->size() < 2)) return;
NodeSet sorted(nodes->size());
int i = 1;
for ( ; i < nodes->size(); i++) {
Node* node = nodes->get(i);
for (int k = i-1; k >= 0; k--) {
Node* tmpNode = sorted.get(k);
if (domHelper.appearsFirst(node, tmpNode) == tmpNode) {
if (k == i-1) sorted.add(node);
else sorted.add(k, node);
else if (k == 0) {
sorted.add(0, node);
//-- save current state of duplicates checking
MBool checkDuplicates = nodes->getDuplicateChecking();
for (i = 0; i < sorted.size(); i++) {
} //-- sortByDocumentOrder
//- Private Methods -/
* Returns the closest xml:space value for the given Text node
ProcessorState::XMLSpaceMode ProcessorState::getXMLSpaceMode(Node* node) {
if (!node) return DEFAULT; //-- we should never see this
Node* parent = node;
while ( parent ) {
switch ( parent->getNodeType() ) {
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE:
String value = ((Element*)parent)->getAttribute(XML_SPACE);
if ( value.isEqual(PRESERVE_VALUE)) {
return PRESERVE;
case Node::TEXT_NODE:
//-- we will only see this the first time through the loop
//-- if the argument node is a text node
return DEFAULT;
parent = parent->getParentNode();
return DEFAULT;
} //-- getXMLSpaceMode
* Initializes this ProcessorState
void ProcessorState::initialize() {
dfWildCardTemplate = 0;
dfTextTemplate = 0;
//-- initialize default-space
defaultSpace = PRESERVE;
//-- add global variable set
NamedMap* globalVars = new NamedMap();
/* turn object deletion on for some of the Maps (NamedMap) */
//-- named templates uses deletion, to remove the ObjectWrappers
//-- do not set ObjectDeletion for templates, since the Document
//-- handles the cleanup
//-- create NodeStack
resultNodeStack = new NodeStack();
//-- determine xsl properties
Element* element = NULL;
if (xslDocument) {
element = xslDocument->getDocumentElement();
if ( element ) {
//-- process namespace nodes
NamedNodeMap* atts = element->getAttributes();
if ( atts ) {
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < atts->getLength(); i++) {
Attr* attr = (Attr*)atts->item(i);
String attName = attr->getName();
String attValue = attr->getValue();
if ( attName.indexOf(XMLUtils::XMLNS) == 0) {
String ns;
XMLUtils::getLocalPart(attName, ns);
// default namespace
if ( attName.isEqual(XMLUtils::XMLNS) ) {
//-- Is this correct?
// namespace declaration
else {
String ns;
XMLUtils::getLocalPart(attName, ns);
nameSpaceMap.put(ns, new String(attValue));
// check for XSL namespace
if ( attValue.indexOf(XSLT_NS) == 0) {
xsltNameSpace = ns;
else if ( attName.isEqual(DEFAULT_SPACE_ATTR) ) {
if ( attValue.isEqual(STRIP_VALUE) ) {
defaultSpace = STRIP;
else if ( attName.isEqual(RESULT_NS_ATTR) ) {
if (attValue.length() > 0) {
if ( attValue.indexOf(HTML_NS) == 0 ) {
else setOutputMethod(attValue);
else if ( attName.isEqual(INDENT_RESULT_ATTR) ) {
if ( attValue.length() > 0 ) {
} //-- end for each att
} //-- end if atts are not null
/* Create default (built-in) templates */
//-- create default template for elements
String templateName = xsltNameSpace;
if (templateName.length() > 0) templateName.append(':');
String actionName = xsltNameSpace;
if ( actionName.length()>0) actionName.append(':');
dfWildCardTemplate = xslDocument->createElement(templateName);
dfWildCardTemplate->setAttribute(MATCH_ATTR, "* | /");
//-- create default "built-in" templates for text nodes
dfTextTemplate = xslDocument->createElement(templateName);
dfTextTemplate->setAttribute(MATCH_ATTR, "text()|@*");
actionName = xsltNameSpace;
if ( actionName.length()>0) actionName.append(':');
Element* value_of = xslDocument->createElement(actionName);
value_of->setAttribute(SELECT_ATTR, IDENTITY_OP);
String wild("*");
//-- add PatternExpr hash for default templates
patternExprHash.put("*", new ElementExpr(wild));
patternExprHash.put("/", new RootExpr());
patternExprHash.put("text()", new TextExpr());
//cout << "XSLT namespace: " << xsltNameSpace << endl;