зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
277 строки
9.0 KiB
Executable File
277 строки
9.0 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import os
import sys
import cgi
import time
import re
import gzip
import minjson as json
import cStringIO
from graphsdb import db
# All objects are returned in the form:
# {
# resultcode: n,
# ...
# }
# The ... is dependant on the result type.
# Result codes:
# 0 success
# -1 bad tinderbox
# -2 bad test name
# incoming query string:
# tbox=name
# tinderbox name
# If only tbox specified, returns array of test names for that tinderbox in data
# If invalid tbox specified, returns error -1
# test=testname
# test name
# Returns results for that test in .results, in array of [time0, value0, time1, value1, ...]
# Also returns .annotations for that dataset, in array of [time0, string0, time1, string1, ...]
# raw=1
# Same as full results, but includes raw data for test in .rawdata, in form [time0, rawdata0, ...]
# starttime=tval
# Start time to return results from, in seconds since GMT epoch
# endtime=tval
# End time, in seconds since GMT epoch
# getlist=1
# To be combined with branch, machine and testname
# Returns a list of distinct branches, machines or testnames in the database
# if neither getlist nor setid are found in the query string the returned results will be a list
# of tests, limited by a given datelimit, branch, machine and testname
# ie) dgetdata?datelimit=1&branch=1.8 will return all tests in the database that are not older than a day and that
# were run on the 1.8 branch
def doError(errCode):
errString = "unknown error"
if errCode == -1:
errString = "bad tinderbox"
elif errCode == -2:
errString = "bad test name"
print "{ resultcode: " + str(errCode) + ", error: '" + errString + "' }"
def doGetList(fo, type, branch, machine, testname):
results = []
s1 = ""
if branch:
s1 = "SELECT DISTINCT branch FROM dataset_info"
if machine:
s1 = "SELECT DISTINCT machine FROM dataset_info"
if testname:
s1 = "SELECT DISTINCT test FROM dataset_info"
cur = db.cursor()
cur.execute(s1 + " WHERE type = ?", (type,))
for row in cur:
results.append({ "value": row[0] })
fo.write(json.write( {"resultcode": 0, "results": results} ))
def doListTests(fo, type, datelimit, branch, machine, testname, graphby):
results = []
s1 = ""
# FIXME: This could be vulnerable to SQL injection! Although it looks like checkstring should catch bad strings.
if branch:
s1 += " AND branch = '" + branch + "' "
if machine:
s1 += " AND machine = '" + machine + "' "
if testname:
s1 += " AND test = '" + testname + "' "
cur = db.cursor()
if graphby and graphby == 'bydata':
cur.execute("SELECT id, machine, test, test_type, dataset_extra_data.data, extra_data, branch FROM dataset_extra_data JOIN dataset_info ON dataset_extra_data.dataset_id = dataset_info.id WHERE type = ? AND test_type != ? and (date >= ?) " + s1 +" GROUP BY machine,test,test_type,dataset_extra_data.data, extra_data, branch", (type, "baseline", datelimit))
cur.execute("SELECT id, machine, test, test_type, date, extra_data, branch FROM dataset_info WHERE type = ? AND test_type != ? and (date >= ?)" + s1, (type, "baseline", datelimit))
for row in cur:
if graphby and graphby == 'bydata':
results.append( {"id": row[0],
"machine": row[1],
"test": row[2],
"test_type": row[3],
"data": row[4],
"extra_data": row[5],
"branch": row[6]})
results.append( {"id": row[0],
"machine": row[1],
"test": row[2],
"test_type": row[3],
"date": row[4],
"extra_data": row[5],
"branch": row[6]})
fo.write (json.write( {"resultcode": 0, "results": results} ))
def getByDataResults(cur,setid,extradata,starttime,endtime):
s1 = ""
s2 = ""
SELECT dataset_info.date,avg(dataset_values.value)
FROM dataset_info
JOIN dataset_extra_data
ON dataset_extra_data.dataset_id = dataset_info.id
JOIN dataset_values
ON dataset_extra_data.time = dataset_values.time
AND dataset_info.id = dataset_values.dataset_id
(dataset_info.machine,dataset_info.test,dataset_info.test_type,dataset_info.extra_data,dataset_info.branch) = (SELECT machine,test,test_type,extra_data,branch from dataset_info where id = ? limit 1)
AND dataset_extra_data.data = ?
GROUP BY dataset_info.date ORDER BY dataset_info.date
""", (setid,extradata))
def doSendResults(fo, setid, starttime, endtime, raw, graphby, extradata=None):
s1 = ""
s2 = ""
if starttime:
s1 = " AND time >= " + starttime
if endtime:
s2 = " AND time <= " + endtime
fo.write ("{ resultcode: 0,")
cur = db.cursor()
if not graphby or graphby == "time":
cur.execute("SELECT time, value FROM dataset_values WHERE dataset_id = ? " + s1 + s2 + " ORDER BY time", (setid,))
getByDataResults(cur,setid, extradata,starttime,endtime)
fo.write ("results: [")
for row in cur:
if row[1] == 'nan':
fo.write ("%s,%s," % (row[0], row[1]))
fo.write ("],")
cur = db.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT time, value FROM annotations WHERE dataset_id = ? " + s1 + s2 + " ORDER BY time", (setid,))
fo.write ("annotations: [")
for row in cur:
fo.write("%s,'%s'," % (row[0], row[1]))
fo.write ("],")
cur = db.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT test FROM dataset_info WHERE id = ?", (setid,))
row = cur.fetchone()
test_name = row[0]
cur.execute("SELECT id, extra_data FROM dataset_info WHERE test = ? and test_type = ?", (test_name, "baseline"))
baselines = cur.fetchall()
fo.write ("baselines: {")
for baseline in baselines:
cur.execute("SELECT value FROM dataset_values WHERE dataset_id = ? LIMIT 1", (baseline[0],))
row = cur.fetchone()
fo.write("'%s': '%s'," % (baseline[1], row[0]))
if raw:
cur = db.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT time, data FROM dataset_extra_data WHERE dataset_id = ? " + s1 + s2 + " ORDER BY time", (setid,))
fo.write ("rawdata: [")
for row in cur:
blob = row[1]
if "\\" in blob:
blob = blob.replace("\\", "\\\\")
if "'" in blob:
blob = blob.replace("'", "\\'")
fo.write("%s,'%s'," % (row[0], blob))
fo.write ("],")
cur = db.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT avg(value), max(value), min(value) from dataset_values where dataset_id = ? " + s1 + s2 + " GROUP BY dataset_id", (setid,))
fo.write("stats: [")
for row in cur:
fo.write("%s, %s, %s," %(row[0], row[1], row[2]))
fo.write ("}")
#if var is a number returns a value other than None
def checkNumber(var):
if var is None:
return 1
reNumber = re.compile('^[0-9.]*$')
return reNumber.match(var)
#if var is a string returns a value other than None
def checkString(var):
if var is None:
return 1
reString = re.compile('^[0-9A-Za-z._()\- ]*$')
return reString.match(var)
doGzip = 0
if "gzip" in os.environ["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"]:
doGzip = 1
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
#make sure that we are getting clean data from the user
for strField in ["type", "machine", "branch", "test", "graphby","extradata"]:
val = form.getfirst(strField)
if strField == "test":
strField = "testname"
if not checkString(val):
print "Invalid string arg: ", strField, " '" + val + "'"
globals()[strField] = val
for numField in ["setid", "raw", "starttime", "endtime", "datelimit", "getlist"]:
val = form.getfirst(numField)
if not checkNumber(val):
print "Invalid string arg: ", numField, " '" + val + "'"
globals()[numField] = val
if not datelimit:
datelimit = 0
zbuf = cStringIO.StringIO()
zfile = zbuf
if doGzip == 1:
zfile = gzip.GzipFile(mode = 'wb', fileobj = zbuf, compresslevel = 5)
if not setid and not getlist:
doListTests(zfile, type, datelimit, branch, machine, testname, graphby)
elif not getlist:
doSendResults(zfile, setid, starttime, endtime, raw, graphby,extradata)
doGetList(zfile, type, branch, machine, testname)
sys.stdout.write("Content-Type: text/plain\n")
if doGzip == 1:
sys.stdout.write("Content-Encoding: gzip\n")