beard%netscape.com 8070285bc2 Added mPluginPort, which is either the assigned port, or an empty one shared among all plugin instances. This should inhibit drawing when an applet leaves the current page. Added explicit releaseFrames(), called by MRJContext's destructor, so that any frames owned by the applet will be disconnected from the C++ objects before the objects go away. 1998-12-17 18:22:22 +00:00
documentation First Checked In. 1998-12-03 23:29:19 +00:00
plugin Added mPluginPort, which is either the assigned port, or an empty one shared among all plugin instances. This should inhibit drawing when an applet leaves the current page. Added explicit releaseFrames(), called by MRJContext's destructor, so that any frames owned by the applet will be disconnected from the C++ objects before the objects go away. 1998-12-17 18:22:22 +00:00
testing/TrivialApplet Converted to Pro 4 format. 1998-12-17 18:18:46 +00:00