
1489 строки
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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is OEone Calendar Code, released October 31st, 2001.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* OEone Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Garth Smedley <garths@oeone.com>
* Mike Potter <mikep@oeone.com>
* Colin Phillips <colinp@oeone.com>
* Karl Guertin <grayrest@grayrest.com>
* Mike Norton <xor@ivwnet.com>
* ArentJan Banck <ajbanck@planet.nl>
* Eric Belhaire <belhaire@ief.u-psud.fr>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
/***** calendar
* Garth Smedley
* <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://calendar/content/calendarEvent.js"/>
* Code for the calendar.
* What is in this file:
* - Global variables and functions - Called directly from the XUL
* - Several classes:
* G L O B A L V A R I A B L E S
//the next line needs XX-DATE-XY but last X instead of Y
var gDateMade = "2002052213-cal"
// turn on debuging
var gDebugCalendar = false;
// ICal Library
var gICalLib = null;
// calendar event data source see penCalendarEvent.js
var gEventSource = null;
// single global instance of CalendarWindow
var gCalendarWindow;
// style sheet number for calendar
var gCalendarStyleSheet;
//an array of indexes to boxes for the week view
var gHeaderDateItemArray = null;
// Show event details on mouseover (sometimes this is false in the code)
var showTooltip = true;
//Show only the working days (changed in different menus)
var gOnlyWorkdayChecked ;
var kDayViewHourLeftStart = 105;
var kWeekViewHourHeight = 50;
var kWeekViewHourHeightDifference = 2;
var kDaysInWeek = 7;
const kMAX_NUMBER_OF_DOTS_IN_MONTH_VIEW = "8"; //the maximum number of dots that fit in the month view
var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
var rootPrefNode = prefService.getBranch(null); // preferences root node
/*To log messages in the JSconsole */
if( gDebugCalendar == true ) {
var aConsoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"].
var logMessage = aConsoleService.logStringMessage ;
} else
var logMessage = function(){} ;
/*To recognize the application running calendar*/
var applicationName = navigator.vendor ;
if(applicationName == "" ) applicationName = "Mozilla" ;
logMessage("application : " + applicationName);
* G L O B A L C A L E N D A R F U N C T I O N S
* Called from calendar.xul window onload.
function calendarInit()
if(applicationName == "Thunderbird") {
document.getElementById( 'tasksMenuNavigator' ).setAttribute( "collapsed", "true" );
// get the calendar event data source
gEventSource = new CalendarEventDataSource();
// get the Ical Library
gICalLib = gEventSource.getICalLib();
// this suspends feedbacks to observers until all is settled
gICalLib.batchMode = true;
// set up the CalendarWindow instance
gCalendarWindow = new CalendarWindow();
//when you switch to a view, it takes care of refreshing the events, so that call is not needed.
gCalendarWindow.currentView.switchTo( gCalendarWindow.currentView );
// set up the checkboxes variables
gOnlyWorkdayChecked = document.getElementById( "only-workday-checkbox-1" ).getAttribute("checked") ;
gDisplayToDoInViewChecked = document.getElementById( "display-todo-inview-checkbox-1" ).getAttribute("checked") ;
// set up the unifinder
// Change made by CofC for Calendar Coloring
// initialize calendar color style rules in the calendar's styleSheet
// find calendar's style sheet index
for (var i=0; i<document.styleSheets.length; i++)
if (document.styleSheets[i].href.match(/chrome.*\/skin.*\/calendar.css$/))
gCalendarStyleSheet = document.styleSheets[i];
var calendarNode;
var calendarColor;
// loop through the calendars via the rootSequence of the RDF datasource
var seq = gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.rdf.getRootSeq("urn:calendarcontainer");
var list = seq.getSubNodes();
for(var i=0; i<list.length;i++)
calendarNode = gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.rdf.getNode( list[i].subject );
// grab the container name and use it for the name of the style rule
containerName = list[i].subject.split(":")[2];
// obtain calendar color from the rdf datasource
calendarColor = calendarNode.getAttribute("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#color");
// if the calendar had a color attribute create a style sheet for it
if (calendarColor != null)
gCalendarStyleSheet.insertRule("." + containerName + " { background-color:" + calendarColor + "!important;}", 1);
// CofC Calendar Coloring Change
if( window.arguments && window.arguments[0].channel )
gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.checkCalendarURL( window.arguments[0].channel );
//a bit of a hack since the menulist doesn't remember the selected value
var value = document.getElementById( 'event-filter-menulist' ).value;
document.getElementById( 'event-filter-menulist' ).selectedItem = document.getElementById( 'event-filter-'+value );
//All is settled, enable feedbacks to observers
gICalLib.batchMode = false;
// Set the date and time on the clock and set up a timeout to refresh the clock when the
// next minute ticks over
function update_date()
// get the current time
var now = new Date();
var tomorrow = new Date( now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), ( now.getDate() + 1 ) );
var milliSecsTillTomorrow = tomorrow.getTime() - now.getTime();
setTimeout( "update_date()", milliSecsTillTomorrow );
* Called from calendar.xul window onunload.
function calendarFinish()
gICalLib.removeObserver( gEventSource.alarmObserver );
function launchPreferences()
if( applicationName == "Mozilla" || applicationName == "Firebird" ) {
goPreferences( "calendarPanel", "chrome://calendar/content/pref/calendarPref.xul", "calendarPanel" );
} else
window.openDialog("chrome://calendar/content/pref/prefBird.xul", "PrefWindow", "chrome,titlebar,resizable=no");
* Called to set up the date picker from the go to day button
function prepareChooseDate()
// the value attribute of the datePickerPopup is the initial date shown
var datePickerPopup = document.getElementById( "oe-date-picker-popup" );
datePickerPopup.setAttribute( "value", gCalendarWindow.getSelectedDate() );
* Called on single click in the day view, select an event
* hourNumber - 0-23 hard-coded in the XUL
* event - the click event, Not used yet
function dayEventItemClick( eventBox, event )
//do this check, otherwise on double click you get into an infinite loop
if( event.detail == 1 )
gCalendarWindow.EventSelection.replaceSelection( eventBox.calendarEventDisplay.event );
if ( event )
* Called on double click in the day view, edit an existing event
* or create a new one.
* hourNumber - 0-23 hard-coded in the XUL
* event - the click event, Not used yet
function dayEventItemDoubleClick( eventBox, event )
// we only care about button 0 (left click) events
if (event.button != 0) return;
editEvent( eventBox.calendarEventDisplay.event );
if ( event )
* Called on single click in the hour area in the day view
* hourNumber - 0-23 hard-coded in the XUL
* event - the click event, Not used yet
function dayViewHourClick( event )
if( event.detail == 1 )
gCalendarWindow.setSelectedHour( event.target.getAttribute( "hour" ) );
* Called on single click in the hour area in the day view
* hourNumber - 0-23 hard-coded in the XUL
* event - the click event, Not used yet
function dayViewHourContextClick( event )
var dayIndex = event.target.getAttribute( "day" );
gNewDateVariable = gCalendarWindow.getSelectedDate();
gNewDateVariable.setHours( event.target.getAttribute( "hour" ) );
gNewDateVariable.setMinutes( 0 );
* Called on double click of an hour box.
function dayViewHourDoubleClick( event )
// we only care about button 0 (left click) events
if (event.button != 0) return;
var startDate = gCalendarWindow.dayView.getNewEventDate();
newEvent( startDate );
* Called on single click in the day view, select an event
* hourNumber - 0-23 hard-coded in the XUL
* event - the click event, Not used yet
function weekEventItemClick( eventBox, event )
//do this check, otherwise on double click you get into an infinite loop
if( event.detail == 1 )
gCalendarWindow.EventSelection.replaceSelection( eventBox.calendarEventDisplay.event );
var newDate = gCalendarWindow.getSelectedDate();
newDate.setDate( eventBox.calendarEventDisplay.event.start.day );
gCalendarWindow.setSelectedDate( newDate );
if ( event )
* Called on double click in the day view, edit an existing event
* or create a new one.
* hourNumber - 0-23 hard-coded in the XUL
* event - the click event, Not used yet
function weekEventItemDoubleClick( eventBox, event )
// we only care about button 0 (left click) events
if (event.button != 0) return;
editEvent( eventBox.calendarEventDisplay.event );
if ( event )
/** ( event )
* Called on single click in the hour area in the day view
* hourNumber - 0-23 hard-coded in the XUL
* event - the click event, Not used yet
function weekViewHourClick( event )
if( event.detail == 1 )
var dayIndex = event.target.getAttribute( "day" );
newDate = new Date( gHeaderDateItemArray[dayIndex].getAttribute( "date" ) );
newDate.setHours( event.target.getAttribute( "hour" ) );
gCalendarWindow.setSelectedDate( newDate );
/** ( event )
* Called on single click in the hour area in the day view
* hourNumber - 0-23 hard-coded in the XUL
* event - the click event, Not used yet
function weekViewContextClick( event )
var dayIndex = event.target.getAttribute( "day" );
gNewDateVariable = new Date( gHeaderDateItemArray[dayIndex].getAttribute( "date" ) );
gNewDateVariable.setHours( event.target.getAttribute( "hour" ) );
* Called on double click of an hour box.
function weekViewHourDoubleClick( event )
// we only care about button 0 (left click) events
if (event.button != 0) return;
var startDate = gCalendarWindow.weekView.getNewEventDate();
newEvent( startDate );
* Called on single click on an event box in the month view
* eventBox - The XUL box clicked on
* event - the click event
function monthEventBoxClickEvent( eventBox, event )
//do this check, otherwise on double click you get into an infinite loop
if( event.detail == 1 )
gCalendarWindow.EventSelection.replaceSelection( eventBox.calendarEventDisplay.event );
var newDate = gCalendarWindow.getSelectedDate();
newDate.setDate( eventBox.calendarEventDisplay.event.start.day );
gCalendarWindow.setSelectedDate( newDate, false );
if ( event )
* Called on double click on an event box in the month view,
* launches the edit dialog on the event
* eventBox - The XUL box clicked on
function monthEventBoxDoubleClickEvent( eventBox, event )
// we only care about button 0 (left click) events
if (event.button != 0) return;
editEvent( eventBox.calendarEventDisplay.event );
if ( event )
* Called on single click on an todo box in the multiweek view
* todoBox - The XUL box clicked on
* event - the click event
function multiweekToDoBoxClickEvent( todoBox, event )
//do this check, otherwise on double click you get into an infinite loop
if( event.detail == 1 )
gCalendarWindow.EventSelection.replaceSelection( todoBox.calendarToDo );
var newDate = gCalendarWindow.getSelectedDate();
newDate.setDate( todoBox.calendarToDo.due.day );
gCalendarWindow.setSelectedDate( newDate, false );
if ( event )
* Called on double click on an todo box in the multiweek view
* launches the edit dialog on the event
* todoBox - The XUL box clicked on
* event - the click event
function multiweekToDoBoxDoubleClickEvent( todoBox, event )
// we only care about button 0 (left click) events
if (event.button != 0) return;
editToDo( todoBox.calendarToDo );
if ( event )
* Called when the new event button is clicked
var gNewDateVariable = null;
function newEventCommand( event )
var startDate;
if( gNewDateVariable != null )
startDate = gNewDateVariable;
startDate = gCalendarWindow.currentView.getNewEventDate();
var Minutes = Math.ceil( startDate.getMinutes() / 5 ) * 5 ;
startDate = new Date( startDate.getFullYear(),
newEvent( startDate );
* Called when the new event button is clicked
function newToDoCommand()
var calendarToDo = createToDo();
var startDate = gCalendarWindow.currentView.getNewEventDate();
var Minutes = Math.ceil( startDate.getMinutes() / 5 ) * 5 ;
startDate = new Date( startDate.getFullYear(),
calendarToDo.start.setTime( startDate );
var MinutesToAddOn = getIntPref(gCalendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref, "event.defaultlength", gCalendarBundle.getString("defaultEventLength" ) );
var dueDateTime = startDate.getTime() + ( 1000 * 60 * MinutesToAddOn );
calendarToDo.due.setTime( dueDateTime );
var args = new Object();
args.mode = "new";
args.onOk = self.addToDoDialogResponse;
args.calendarEvent = calendarToDo;
window.setCursor( "wait" );
// open the dialog modally
openDialog("chrome://calendar/content/toDoDialog.xul", "caEditEvent", "chrome,modal", args );
function createEvent ()
var iCalEventComponent = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/icalevent;1"].createInstance();
var iCalEvent = iCalEventComponent.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.oeIICalEvent);
return iCalEvent;
function createToDo ()
var iCalToDoComponent = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/icaltodo;1"].createInstance();
var iCalToDo = iCalToDoComponent.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.oeIICalTodo);
return iCalToDo;
function isEvent ( aObject )
return aObject instanceof Components.interfaces.oeIICalEvent;
function isToDo ( aObject )
return aObject instanceof Components.interfaces.oeIICalTodo;
* Helper function to launch the event composer to create a new event.
* When the user clicks OK "addEventDialogResponse" is called
function newEvent( startDate, endDate )
// create a new event to be edited and added
var calendarEvent = createEvent();
calendarEvent.start.setTime( startDate );
if( !endDate )
var MinutesToAddOn = getIntPref(gCalendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref, "event.defaultlength", gCalendarBundle.getString("defaultEventLength" ) );
var endDateTime = startDate.getTime() + ( 1000 * 60 * MinutesToAddOn );
calendarEvent.end.setTime( endDateTime );
calendarEvent.end.setTime( endDate.getTime() );
//get the selected calendar
var selectedCalendarItem = document.getElementById( "list-calendars-listbox" ).selectedItem;
var server = null;
if( selectedCalendarItem )
server = selectedCalendarItem.getAttribute( "calendarPath" );
editNewEvent( calendarEvent, server );
* Helper function to launch the event composer to edit a new event.
* When the user clicks OK "addEventDialogResponse" is called
function editNewEvent( calendarEvent, server )
// set up a bunch of args to pass to the dialog
var args = new Object();
args.mode = "new";
args.onOk = self.addEventDialogResponse;
args.calendarEvent = calendarEvent;
if( server )
args.server = server;
window.setCursor( "wait" );
// open the dialog modally
openDialog("chrome://calendar/content/eventDialog.xul", "caEditEvent", "chrome,modal", args );
* Called when the user clicks OK in the new event dialog
* Update the data source, the unifinder views and the calendar views will be
* notified of the change through their respective observers
function addEventDialogResponse( calendarEvent, Server )
refreshRemoteCalendarAndRunFunction( calendarEvent, Server, "addEvent" );
* Called when the user clicks OK in the new to do item dialog
function addToDoDialogResponse( calendarToDo, Server )
gICalLib.addTodo( calendarToDo, Server );
* Helper function to launch the event composer to edit an event.
* When the user clicks OK "modifyEventDialogResponse" is called
function editEvent( calendarEvent )
// set up a bunch of args to pass to the dialog
var args = new Object();
args.mode = "edit";
args.onOk = self.modifyEventDialogResponse;
args.calendarEvent = calendarEvent;
// open the dialog modally
window.setCursor( "wait" );
openDialog("chrome://calendar/content/eventDialog.xul", "caEditEvent", "chrome,modal", args );
* Helper function to launch the event composer to edit an event.
* When the user clicks OK "modifyEventDialogResponse" is called
function editToDo( calendarToDo )
// set up a bunch of args to pass to the dialog
var args = new Object();
args.mode = "edit";
args.onOk = self.modifyToDoDialogResponse;
args.calendarEvent = calendarToDo;
window.setCursor( "wait" );
// open the dialog modally
openDialog("chrome://calendar/content/toDoDialog.xul", "caEditToDo", "chrome,modal", args );
* Called when the user clicks OK in the edit event dialog
* Update the data source, the unifinder views and the calendar views will be
* notified of the change through their respective observers
function modifyEventDialogResponse( calendarEvent, Server )
refreshRemoteCalendarAndRunFunction( calendarEvent, Server, "modifyEvent" );
* Called when the user clicks OK in the edit event dialog
* Update the data source, the unifinder views and the calendar views will be
* notified of the change through their respective observers
function modifyToDoDialogResponse( calendarToDo, Server )
gICalLib.modifyTodo( calendarToDo, Server );
* This is called from the unifinder's edit command
function editEventCommand()
if( gCalendarWindow.EventSelection.selectedEvents.length == 1 )
var calendarEvent = gCalendarWindow.EventSelection.selectedEvents[0];
if( calendarEvent != null )
editEvent( calendarEvent );
function refreshRemoteCalendarAndRunFunction( calendarEvent, Server, functionToRun )
var calendarServer = gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.getCalendarByName( Server )
if( calendarServer )
if( calendarServer.getAttribute( "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#publishAutomatically" ) == "true" )
var onResponseExtra = function( )
//add the event
eval( "gICalLib."+functionToRun+"( calendarEvent, Server )" );
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
//publish the changes back to the server
if( calendarServer.getAttribute( "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#publishAutomatically" ) == "true" )
gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.publishCalendar( calendarServer );
//refresh the calendar file.
gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.retrieveAndSaveRemoteCalendar( calendarServer, onResponseExtra );
eval( "gICalLib."+functionToRun+"( calendarEvent, Server )" );
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
eval( "gICalLib."+functionToRun+"( calendarEvent, Server )" );
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
* This is called from the unifinder's delete command
function deleteEventCommand( DoNotConfirm )
var SelectedItems = gCalendarWindow.EventSelection.selectedEvents;
if( SelectedItems.length == 1 )
var calendarEvent = SelectedItems[0];
if ( calendarEvent.title != "" ) {
if( !DoNotConfirm ) {
if ( confirm( confirmDeleteEvent+" "+calendarEvent.title+"?" ) )
refreshRemoteCalendarAndRunFunction( calendarEvent.id, calendarEvent.parent.server, "deleteEvent" );
refreshRemoteCalendarAndRunFunction( calendarEvent.id, calendarEvent.parent.server, "deleteEvent" );
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
if( !DoNotConfirm ) {
if ( confirm( confirmDeleteUntitledEvent ) ) {
refreshRemoteCalendarAndRunFunction( calendarEvent.id, calendarEvent.parent.server, "deleteEvent" );
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
refreshRemoteCalendarAndRunFunction( calendarEvent.id, calendarEvent.parent.server, "deleteEvent" );
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
else if( SelectedItems.length > 1 )
var NumberOfEventsToDelete = SelectedItems.length;
gICalLib.batchMode = true;
var ThisItem;
if( !DoNotConfirm )
if( confirm( "Are you sure you want to delete all selected events?" ) )
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
while( SelectedItems.length )
ThisItem = SelectedItems.pop();
gICalLib.deleteEvent( ThisItem.id );
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
while( SelectedItems.length )
ThisItem = SelectedItems.pop();
gICalLib.deleteEvent( ThisItem.id );
gICalLib.batchMode = false;
var NumberOfTotalEvents = gCalendarWindow.calendarEvent.getAllEvents().length;
if( NumberOfTotalEvents = NumberOfEventsToDelete )
//highlight today's date
function goFindNewCalendars()
//launch the browser to http://www.apple.com/ical/library/
var browserService = penapplication.getService( "org.penzilla.browser" );
function displayCalendarVersion()
window.openDialog( getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", 'chrome://calendar/content/about.html' );
function playSound( ThisURL )
ThisURL = "chrome://calendar/content/sound.wav";
var url = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1"].createInstance();
url = url.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIURL);
url.spec = ThisURL;
var sample = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/sound;1"].createInstance();
sample = sample.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISound);
sample.play( url );
catch ( ex )
//alert( ex );
var gSelectAll = false;
function selectAllEvents()
gSelectAll = true;
gCalendarWindow.EventSelection.setArrayToSelection( gEventSource.currentEvents );
function closeCalendar()
function launchWizard()
var args = new Object();
openDialog("chrome://calendar/content/wizard.xul", "caWizard", "chrome,modal", args );
* Called when a user hovers over a todo element and the text for the mouse over is changed.
function getPreviewTextForTask( toDoItem )
var HolderBox = document.createElement( "vbox" );
var textString ;
if( toDoItem )
showTooltip = true; //needed to show the tooltip.
if (toDoItem.title)
var TitleHtml = document.createElement( "description" );
textString = gCalendarBundle.getFormattedString("tooltipTitleElement", [toDoItem.title]);
var TitleText = document.createTextNode( textString );
TitleHtml.appendChild( TitleText );
HolderBox.appendChild( TitleHtml );
var DateHtml = document.createElement( "description" );
var startDate = new Date( toDoItem.start.getTime() );
textString = gCalendarBundle.getFormattedString("tooltipTaskStart",
[gCalendarWindow.dateFormater.getFormatedDate( startDate )]);
var DateText = document.createTextNode( textString );
DateHtml.appendChild( DateText );
HolderBox.appendChild( DateHtml );
DateHtml = document.createElement( "description" );
var dueDate = new Date( toDoItem.due.getTime() );
textString = gCalendarBundle.getFormattedString("tooltipTaskEnd",
[gCalendarWindow.dateFormater.getFormatedDate( dueDate )]);
DateText = document.createTextNode( textString );
DateHtml.appendChild( DateText );
HolderBox.appendChild( DateHtml );
if (toDoItem.description)
var text = gCalendarBundle.getFormattedString("tooltipTaskDescription", [toDoItem.description]);
var lines = text.split("\n");
var nbmaxlines = 5 ;
var nblines = lines.length ;
if( nblines > nbmaxlines ) {
var nblines = nbmaxlines ;
lines[ nblines - 1 ] = "..." ;
for (var i = 0; i < nblines; i++) {
var DescriptionHtml = document.createElement("description");
var DescriptionText = document.createTextNode(lines[i]);
return ( HolderBox );
showTooltip = false; //Don't show the tooltip
* Called when a user hovers over an element and the text for the mouse over is changed.
function getPreviewTextForRepeatingEvent( calendarEventDisplay )
showTooltip = true;
var HolderBox = document.createElement( "vbox" );
var textString ;
if (calendarEventDisplay.event.title)
var TitleHtml = document.createElement( "description" );
textString = gCalendarBundle.getFormattedString("tooltipTitleElement", [calendarEventDisplay.event.title]);
if( calendarEventDisplay.event.recurUnits == "years" )
//count the number of years to figure out
TitleText = TitleText+" "+getNumberOfRepeatTimes( calendarEventDisplay.event, false );
var TitleTextNode = document.createTextNode( textString );
TitleHtml.appendChild( TitleTextNode );
HolderBox.appendChild( TitleHtml );
var startDate = new Date( calendarEventDisplay.displayDate );
var endDate = new Date( calendarEventDisplay.displayEndDate );
var DateHtml = document.createElement( "description" );
if (!calendarEventDisplay.event.allDay) {
textString = gCalendarBundle.getFormattedString("tooltipEventStart",
gCalendarWindow.dateFormater.getFormatedTime( startDate )]);
var DateText = document.createTextNode( textString );
DateHtml.appendChild( DateText );
HolderBox.appendChild( DateHtml );
DateHtml = document.createElement( "description" );
textString = gCalendarBundle.getFormattedString("tooltipEventEnd",
gCalendarWindow.dateFormater.getFormatedTime( endDate )]);
DateText = document.createTextNode( textString );
DateHtml.appendChild( DateText );
HolderBox.appendChild( DateHtml );
if (calendarEventDisplay.event.location)
var LocationHtml = document.createElement( "description" );
textString = gCalendarBundle.getFormattedString("tooltipEventLocation", [calendarEventDisplay.event.location]);
var LocationText = document.createTextNode( textString );
LocationHtml.appendChild( LocationText );
HolderBox.appendChild( LocationHtml );
if (calendarEventDisplay.event.description)
textString = gCalendarBundle.getFormattedString("tooltipEventDescription", [calendarEventDisplay.event.description]);
var lines = textString.split("\n");
var nbmaxlines = 5 ;
var nblines = lines.length ;
if( nblines > nbmaxlines ) {
var nblines = nbmaxlines ;
lines[ nblines - 1 ] = "..." ;
for (var i = 0; i < nblines; i++) {
var DescriptionHtml = document.createElement("description");
var DescriptionText = document.createTextNode(lines[i]);
return ( HolderBox );
function getNumberOfRepeatTimes( Event, DateToCompare )
if( !DateToCompare )
DateToCompare = new Date();
var startDate = new Date( Event.start.getTime() );
//get the difference in the number of years from now.
var NumberOfYears = DateToCompare.getFullYear() - startDate.getFullYear();
//find out if the event has happened this year or not.
//add on the proper extension.
return( NumberOfYears );
function reloadApplication()
* Print events using a stylesheet.
* Mostly Hack to get going, Should probably be rewritten later when stylesheets are available
function printEventArray( calendarEventArray, stylesheetName )
var xslProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
var domParser = new DOMParser;
var xcsDocument = getXcsDocument( calendarEventArray );
printWindow = window.open( "", "CalendarPrintWindow");
if( printWindow )
// if only passsed a filename, assume it is a file in the default directory
if( stylesheetName.indexOf( ":" ) == -1 )
stylesheetName = convertersDirectory + stylesheetName;
var stylesheetUrl = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIURI);
stylesheetUrl.spec = convertersDirectory;
domParser.baseURI = stylesheetUrl;
var xslContent = loadFile( stylesheetName );
var xslDocument = domParser.parseFromString(xslContent, 'text/xml');
// hack, might be cleaner to assing xml document directly to printWindow.document
// var elementNode = xcsDocument.documentElement;
// result.appendChild(elementNode); // doesn't work
xslProcessor.transformDocument(xcsDocument, xslDocument, printWindow.document, null);
printWindow.locationbar.visible = false;
printWindow.personalbar.visible = false;
printWindow.statusbar.visible = false;
printWindow.toolbar.visible = false;
function print()
var args = new Object();
args.eventSource = gEventSource;
args.selectedEvents = gCalendarWindow.EventSelection.selectedEvents ;
args.selectedDate=gNewDateVariable = gCalendarWindow.getSelectedDate();
var Offset = getIntPref(gCalendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref,
gCalendarBundle.getString("defaultWeekStart" ) );
var WeeksInView = getIntPref(gCalendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref,
gCalendarBundle.getString("defaultWeeksInView" ) );
WeeksInView = ( WeeksInView >= 6 ) ? 6 : WeeksInView ;
var PreviousWeeksInView = getIntPref(gCalendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref,
gCalendarBundle.getString("defaultPreviousWeeksInView" ) );
PreviousWeeksInView = ( PreviousWeeksInView >= WeeksInView - 1 ) ? WeeksInView - 1 : PreviousWeeksInView ;
function publishEntireCalendar()
var args = new Object();
args.onOk = self.publishEntireCalendarDialogResponse;
var name = gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.getSelectedCalendarId();
var node = gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.rdf.getNode( name );
var remotePath = node.getAttribute( "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#remotePath" );
if( remotePath != "" && remotePath != null )
var publishObject = new Object( );
publishObject.username = node.getAttribute( "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#username" );
publishObject.remotePath = remotePath;
publishObject.password = node.getAttribute( "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#password" );
args.publishObject = publishObject;
openDialog("chrome://calendar/content/publishDialog.xul", "caPublishEvents", "chrome,modal", args );
function publishEntireCalendarDialogResponse( CalendarPublishObject )
//update the calendar object with the publish information
var name = gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.getSelectedCalendarId();
//get the node
var node = gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.rdf.getNode( name );
node.setAttribute("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#username", CalendarPublishObject.username);
node.setAttribute("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#password", CalendarPublishObject.password);
node.setAttribute( "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#remotePath", CalendarPublishObject.remotePath );
node.setAttribute("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#publishAutomatically", "false");
calendarUploadFile(node.getAttribute( "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#path" ),
return( false );
function publishCalendarData()
var args = new Object();
args.onOk = self.publishCalendarDataDialogResponse;
openDialog("chrome://calendar/content/publishDialog.xul", "caPublishEvents", "chrome,modal", args );
function publishCalendarDataDialogResponse( CalendarPublishObject )
var calendarString = eventArrayToICalString( gCalendarWindow.EventSelection.selectedEvents );
calendarPublish(calendarString, CalendarPublishObject.remotePath, CalendarPublishObject.username, CalendarPublishObject.password, "text/calendar");
** A little function to see if we can show the tooltip
function checkTooltip( event )
//returns true if you can show the tooltip
//or false if the tooltip should not be shown
return( showTooltip );
function getCharPref (prefObj, prefName, defaultValue)
return prefObj.getCharPref (prefName);
catch (e)
prefObj.setCharPref( prefName, defaultValue );
return defaultValue;
function getIntPref (prefObj, prefName, defaultValue)
return prefObj.getIntPref (prefName);
catch (e)
prefObj.setIntPref( prefName, defaultValue );
return defaultValue;
function getBoolPref (prefObj, prefName, defaultValue)
return prefObj.getBoolPref (prefName);
catch (e)
prefObj.setBoolPref( prefName, defaultValue );
return defaultValue;
function GetUnicharPref(prefObj, prefName, defaultValue)
try {
return prefObj.getComplexValue(prefName, Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString).data;
SetUnicharPref(prefObj, prefName, defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
function SetUnicharPref(aPrefObj, aPrefName, aPrefValue)
try {
var str = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"]
str.data = aPrefValue;
aPrefObj.setComplexValue(aPrefName, Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString, str);
catch(e) {}
/* Change the only-workday checkbox */
function changeOnlyWorkdayCheckbox( menuindex ) {
var check = document.getElementById( "only-workday-checkbox-" + menuindex ).getAttribute("checked") ;
case 1:
var changemenu = 2 ;
case 2:
var changemenu = 1 ;
if(check == "true") {
document.getElementById( "only-workday-checkbox-" + changemenu ).setAttribute("checked","true");
gOnlyWorkdayChecked = "true" ;
else {
document.getElementById( "only-workday-checkbox-" + changemenu ).removeAttribute("checked");
gOnlyWorkdayChecked = "false" ;
gCalendarWindow.currentView.refreshDisplay( );
gCalendarWindow.currentView.refreshEvents( );
/* Change the display-todo-inview checkbox */
function changeDisplayToDoInViewCheckbox( menuindex ) {
var check = document.getElementById( "display-todo-inview-checkbox-" + menuindex ).getAttribute("checked") ;
case 1:
var changemenu = 2 ;
case 2:
var changemenu = 1 ;
if(check == "true") {
document.getElementById( "display-todo-inview-checkbox-" + changemenu ).setAttribute("checked","true");
gDisplayToDoInViewChecked = "true" ;
else {
document.getElementById( "display-todo-inview-checkbox-" + changemenu ).removeAttribute("checked");
gDisplayToDoInViewChecked = "false" ;
gCalendarWindow.currentView.refreshEvents( );
function openAboutDialog()
window.openDialog("chrome://calendar/content/aboutDialog.xul", "About", "modal,centerscreen,chrome,resizable=no");
function openPreferences()