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/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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* License.
* The Original Code is Oracle Corporation code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Oracle Corporation
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Stuart Parmenter <stuart.parmenter@oracle.com>
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/* dialog stuff */
function onLoad()
var args = window.arguments[0];
window.onAcceptCallback = args.onOk;
window.calendarEvent = args.calendarEvent;
window.originalRecurrenceInfo = args.recurrenceInfo;
function onAccept()
var event = window.calendarEvent;
var recurrenceInfo = saveDialog();
return true;
function onCancel()
function loadDialog()
// Start with setting some labels, that depend on the (start)date of the item
// Those labels are for the monthly recurrence deck.
var sbs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]
var props = sbs.createBundle("chrome://calendar/locale/dateFormat.properties");
// Set label to '15th day of the month'
var nthstr = props.GetStringFromName("ordinal.suffix."+window.calendarEvent.startDate.day);
var str = props.formatStringFromName("recurNthDay", [window.calendarEvent.startDate.day, nthstr], 2);
document.getElementById("monthly-nth-day").label = str;
// Set label to 'second week of the month'
var monthWeekNum = Math.floor(window.calendarEvent.startDate.day / 7) + 1;
nthstr = props.GetStringFromName("ordinal.name."+monthWeekNum);
var daystr = props.GetStringFromName("day."+(window.calendarEvent.startDate.weekday+1)+".name");
str = props.formatStringFromName("recurNthWeek", [nthstr, daystr], 2);
document.getElementById("monthly-nth-week").label = str;
// Set two values needed to create the real rrule later
document.getElementById("monthly-nth-week").day = window.calendarEvent.startDate.weekday;
document.getElementById("monthly-nth-week").week = monthWeekNum;
// If this is the last friday of the month, set label to 'last friday of the month'
// (Or any other day, ofcourse.) Otherwise, hide last option
var monthLength = window.calendarEvent.startDate.endOfMonth.day;
var isLastWeek = (monthLength - window.calendarEvent.startDate.day) < 7;
document.getElementById("monthly-last-week").hidden = !isLastWeek;
var isLastDay = (monthLength == window.calendarEvent.startDate.day);
document.getElementById("monthly-last-day").hidden = !isLastDay;
if (isLastWeek) {
str = props.formatStringFromName("recurLast", [daystr], 1);
document.getElementById("monthly-last-week").label = str;
document.getElementById("monthly-last-week").day = window.calendarEvent.startDate.weekday;
if (!window.originalRecurrenceInfo)
/* split out rules and exceptions */
var rrules = splitRecurrenceRules(window.originalRecurrenceInfo);
var rules = rrules[0];
var exceptions = rrules[1];
/* deal with the rules */
if (rules.length > 0) {
// we only handle 1 rule currently
var rule = rules[0];
if (rule instanceof calIRecurrenceRule) {
switch(rule.type) {
case "DAILY":
document.getElementById("period-list").selectedIndex = 0;
setElementValue("daily-days", rule.interval);
case "WEEKLY":
document.getElementById("period-list").selectedIndex = 1;
const byDayTable = { 1 : "sun", 2 : "mon", 3 : "tue", 4 : "wed",
5 : "thu", 6 : "fri", 7: "sat" };
for each (var i in rule.getComponent("BYDAY", {})) {
setElementValue("weekly-" + byDayTable[i], "true", "checked");
case "MONTHLY":
document.getElementById("period-list").selectedIndex = 2;
// XXX This code ignores a lot of monthly recurrence rules that
// can come in from external sources. There just is no UI to
// show them
var days = rule.getComponent("BYMONTHDAY", {});
if (days.length > 0 && days[0]) {
if (days[0] == -1) {
radioGroupSelectItem("monthly-type", "monthly-last-day");
} else {
radioGroupSelectItem("monthly-type", "monthly-nth-day");
days = rule.getComponent("BYDAY", {}) ;
if (days.length > 0 && days[0] > 0) {
radioGroupSelectItem("monthly-type", "monthly-nth-week");
if (days.length > 0 && days[0] < 0) {
radioGroupSelectItem("monthly-type", "monthly-last-week");
case "YEARLY":
document.getElementById("period-list").selectedIndex = 3;
dump("unable to handle your rule type!\n");
/* load up the duration of the event radiogroup */
if (rule.isByCount) {
if (rule.count == -1) {
setElementValue("recurrence-duration", "forever");
} else {
setElementValue("recurrence-duration", "ntimes");
setElementValue("repeat-ntimes-count", rule.count );
} else {
var endDate = rule.endDate;
if (!endDate) {
setElementValue("recurrence-duration", "forever");
} else {
// convert the datetime from UTC to localtime.
endDate = endDate.getInTimezone(calendarDefaultTimezone());
setElementValue("recurrence-duration", "until");
setElementValue("repeat-until-date", endDate.jsDate);
function saveDialog()
// This works, but if we ever support more complex recurrence,
// e.g. recurrence for Martians, then we're going to want to
// not clone and just recreate the recurrenceInfo each time.
// The reason is that the order of items (rules/dates/datesets)
// matters, so we can't always just append at the end. This
// code here always inserts a rule first, because all our
// exceptions should come afterward.
var deckNumber = Number(getElementValue("period-list"));
var recurrenceInfo = null;
if (window.originalRecurrenceInfo) {
recurrenceInfo = window.originalRecurrenceInfo.clone();
var rrules = splitRecurrenceRules(recurrenceInfo);
if (rrules[0].length > 0)
} else {
recurrenceInfo = createRecurrenceInfo();
recurrenceInfo.item = window.calendarEvent;
var recRule = new calRecurrenceRule();
switch (deckNumber) {
case 0:
recRule.type = "DAILY";
var ndays = Number(getElementValue("daily-days"));
recRule.interval = ndays;
case 1:
recRule.type = "WEEKLY";
recRule.interval = 1; // XXX we need to support every 2 weeks and so on..
var onDays = [];
["sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat"].
var elem = document.getElementById("weekly-" + d);
if (elem.checked) {
if (onDays.length > 0)
recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", onDays.length, onDays);
case 2:
recRule.type = "MONTHLY";
recRule.interval = 1; // XXX we need to support every 2 months and so on..
var recurtype = getElementValue("monthly-type");
switch (recurtype) {
case "nth-day":
recRule.setComponent("BYMONTHDAY", 1, [window.calendarEvent.startDate.day]);
case "nth-week":
var el = document.getElementById('monthly-nth-week');
// For more info on where this magic formula comes from, see icalrecur.c,
// icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week()
recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", 1, [el.week*8 + el.day+1]);
case "last-week":
el = document.getElementById('monthly-last-week');
recRule.setComponent("BYDAY", 1, [(-1)*(8+Number(el.day)+1)]);
case "last-day":
recRule.setComponent("BYMONTHDAY", 1, [-1]);
case 3:
recRule.type = "YEARLY";
var nyears = Number(getElementValue("yearly-years"));
if (nyears == "")
nyears = 1;
recRule.interval = nyears;
/* figure out how long this event is supposed to last */
switch(document.getElementById("recurrence-duration").selectedItem.value) {
case "forever":
recRule.count = -1;
case "ntimes":
recRule.count = Math.max(1, getElementValue("repeat-ntimes-count"));
case "until":
// get the datetime from the control (which is in localtime),
// set the time to 23:59:99 and convert that to UTC time.
var endDate = getElementValue("repeat-until-date")
endDate = jsDateToDateTime(endDate);
recRule.endDate = endDate;
recurrenceInfo.insertRecurrenceItemAt(recRule, 0);
return recurrenceInfo;
function updateDeck()
document.getElementById("period-deck").selectedIndex = Number(getElementValue("period-list"));
function updateDuration()
var durationSelection = document.getElementById("recurrence-duration").selectedItem.value;
if (durationSelection == "forever") {
if (durationSelection == "ntimes") {
setElementValue("repeat-ntimes-count", false, "disabled");
} else {
setElementValue("repeat-ntimes-count", "true", "disabled");
if (durationSelection == "until") {
setElementValue("repeat-until-date", false, "disabled");
} else {
setElementValue("repeat-until-date", "true", "disabled");
function updateAccept()
var acceptButton = document.getElementById("calendar-recurrence-dialog").getButton("accept");
acceptButton.removeAttribute("disabled", "true");
document.getElementById("repeat-interval-warning").setAttribute("hidden", true);
document.getElementById("repeat-numberoftimes-warning").setAttribute("hidden", true);
switch (Number(getElementValue("period-list"))) {
case 0: // daily
var ndays = Number(getElementValue("daily-days"));
if (ndays == "" || ndays < 1) {
acceptButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
case 3: // yearly
var nyears = Number(getElementValue("yearly-years"));
if (nyears == "" || nyears < 1) {
acceptButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
if (document.getElementById("recurrence-duration").selectedItem.value == "ntimes") {
var ntimes = getElementValue("repeat-ntimes-count");
if (ntimes == "" || ntimes < 1) {
acceptButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
function splitRecurrenceRules(recurrenceInfo)
var ritems = recurrenceInfo.getRecurrenceItems({});
var rules = [];
var exceptions = [];
for each (var r in ritems) {
if (r.isNegative)
return [rules, exceptions];