зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
828 строки
27 KiB
Executable File
828 строки
27 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
require 5.005;
# This script has split some functions off into a util
# script so they can be re-used by other scripts.
require "build-seamonkey-util.pl";
use strict;
use POSIX qw(sys_wait_h strftime);
use Cwd;
use File::Basename; # for basename();
use Config; # for $Config{sig_name} and $Config{sig_num}
$::Version = '$Revision: 1.88 $ ';
# "use strict" complains if we do not define these.
# They are not initialized here. The default values are after "__END__".
$Settings::MailNewsTest = $Settings::BloatStats = $Settings::UseTimeStamp =
$Settings::EditorTest = $Settings::BuildSleep = $Settings::ReportFinalStatus =
$Settings::DomToTextConversionTest = $Settings::AliveTest =
$Settings::BuildAdministrator = $Settings::BloatTest = $Settings::ViewerTest =
$Settings::BuildOnce = $Settings::RunTest = $Settings::Make =
$Settings::BinaryName = $Settings::CVS = undef;
sub PrintUsage {
usage: $0 [options]
--depend Build depend (must have this option or clobber).
--clobber Build clobber.
--example-config Print an example 'tinder-config.pl'.
--display DISPLAY Set DISPLAY for tests.
--once Do not loop.
--noreport Do not report status to tinderbox server.
--nofinalreport Do not report final status, only start status.
--notest Do not run smoke tests.
--testonly Only run the smoke tests (do not pull or build).
--notimestamp Do not pull by date.
-tag TREETAG Pull by tag (-r TREETAG).
-t TREENAME The name of the tree
--mozconfig FILENAME Provide a mozconfig file for client.mk to use.
--version Print the version number (same as cvs revision).
More details:
To get started, run '$0 --example-config'.
my $args = ParseArgs();
ApplyArgs($args); # Apply command-line arguments after the config file.
# End of main
sub InitVars {
local $_;
for (@ARGV) {
# Save DATA section for printing the example.
return if /^--example-config$/;
no strict 'vars';
while (<DATA>) {
package Settings;
#warn "config:$_";
sub PrintExampleConfig {
local $_;
print "#- tinder-config.pl - Tinderbox configuration file.\n";
print "#- Uncomment the variables you need to set.\n";
print "#- The default values are the same as the commented variables.\n";
print "\n";
while (<DATA>) {
sub ParseArgs {
PrintUsage() if $#ARGV == -1;
my $args = {};
while (my $arg = shift @ARGV) {
$Settings::BuildDepend = 0, next if $arg eq '--clobber';
$Settings::BuildDepend = 1, next if $arg eq '--depend';
PrintExampleConfig(), exit if $arg eq '--example-config';
PrintUsage(), exit if $arg eq '--help' or $arg eq '-h';
$args->{ReportStatus} = 0, next if $arg eq '--noreport';
$args->{ReportFinalStatus} = 0, next if $arg eq '--nofinalreport';
$args->{RunTest} = 0, next if $arg eq '--notest';
$args->{TestOnly} = 1, next if $arg eq '--testonly';
$args->{BuildOnce} = 1, next if $arg eq '--once';
$args->{UseTimeStamp} = 0, next if $arg eq '--notimestamp';
my %args_with_options = qw(
--display DisplayServer
-tag BuildTag
-t BuildTree
--mozconfig MozConfigFileName
if (defined $args_with_options{$arg}) {
my $arg_arg = shift @ARGV;
PrintUsage() if $arg_arg eq '' or $arg_arg =~ /^-/;
$args->{$args_with_options{$arg}} = $arg_arg;
elsif ($arg eq '--version' or $arg eq '-v') {
die "$0: version" . substr($::Version,9,6) . "\n";
} else {
return $args;
sub ApplyArgs {
my ($args) = @_;
my ($variable_name, $value);
while (($variable_name, $value) = each %{$args}) {
eval "\$Settings::$variable_name = \"$value\";";
sub ConditionalArgs {
$ENV{CVSROOT} = ":pserver:$ENV{USER}%netscape.com\@cvs.mozilla.org:/cvsroot";
$Settings::CVSCO .= " -r $Settings::BuildTag"
unless not defined($Settings::BuildTag) or $Settings::BuildTag eq '';
sub print_log {
my ($text) = @_;
print LOG $text;
print $text;
sub run_shell_command {
my ($shell_command) = @_;
local $_;
print_log "$shell_command\n";
open CMD, "$shell_command 2>&1|" or die "open: $!\n";
print_log $_ while <CMD>;
close CMD;
sub adjust_start_time {
# Allows the start time to match up with the update times of a mirror.
my ($start_time) = @_;
# Since we are not pulling for cvs-mirror anymore, just round times
# to 1 minute intervals to make them nice and even.
my $cycle = 1 * 60; # Updates every 1 minutes.
my $begin = 0 * 60; # Starts 0 minutes after the hour.
my $lag = 0 * 60; # Takes 0 minute to update.
return int(($start_time - $begin - $lag) / $cycle) * $cycle + $begin;
sub BuildIt {
# $Settings::DirName is set in buildl-seamonkey-utils.pl
mkdir $Settings::DirName, 0777;
chdir $Settings::DirName or die "Couldn't enter $Settings::DirName";
my $build_dir = getcwd();
my $binary_basename = "$Settings::BinaryName";
my $binary_dir = "$build_dir/$Settings::Topsrcdir/dist/bin";
my $full_binary_name = "$binary_dir/$binary_basename";
my $exit_early = 0;
my $start_time = 0;
# Bypass profile at startup.
print "Starting dir is : $build_dir\n";
while (not $exit_early) {
# $BuildSleep is the minimum amount of time a build is allowed to take.
# It prevents sending too many messages to the tinderbox server when
# something is broken.
my $sleep_time = ($Settings::BuildSleep * 60) - (time - $start_time);
if (not $Settings::TestOnly and $sleep_time > 0) {
print "\n\nSleeping $sleep_time seconds ...\n";
sleep $sleep_time;
$start_time = time();
my $cvsco = '';
if ($Settings::UseTimeStamp) {
$start_time = adjust_start_time($start_time);
my $time_str = strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M", localtime($start_time));
$ENV{MOZ_CO_DATE} = "$time_str";
$cvsco = "$Settings::CVSCO -D '$time_str'";
} else {
$cvsco = "$Settings::CVSCO -A";
mail_build_started_message($start_time) if $Settings::ReportStatus;
chdir $build_dir;
my $logfile = "$Settings::DirName.log";
print "Opening $logfile\n";
open LOG, ">$logfile"
or die "Cannot open logfile, $logfile: $?\n";
print_log "current dir is -- " . $ENV{HOST} . ":$build_dir\n";
print_log "Build Administrator is $Settings::BuildAdministrator\n";
unless (-e "mozilla/client.mk") {
run_shell_command "$Settings::CVS $cvsco mozilla/client.mk";
chdir $Settings::Topsrcdir or die "chdir $Settings::Topsrcdir: $!\n";
DeleteBinary($full_binary_name); # Delete the binary before rebuilding
# Build it
unless ($Settings::TestOnly) { # Do not build if testing smoke tests.
my $targets = '';
$targets = 'checkout realclean build' unless $Settings::BuildDepend;
run_shell_command "$Settings::Make -f client.mk $targets";
my $build_status;
if (BinaryExists($full_binary_name)) {
if ($Settings::RunTest) {
$build_status = run_tests($full_binary_name, $build_dir);
} else {
print_log "$binary_basename binary exists, build successful.\n";
print_log "Skipping test.\n";
$build_status = 'success';
} else {
print_log "Error: $binary_basename binary missing, build FAILED\n";
$exit_early++ if $Settings::TestOnly;
$build_status = 'busted';
close LOG;
chdir $build_dir;
mail_build_finished_message($start_time, $build_status, $logfile)
if $Settings::ReportStatus;
$exit_early++ if $Settings::BuildOnce;
sub mail_build_started_message {
my ($start_time) = @_;
open LOG, "|$Settings::mail $Settings::Tinderbox_server";
PrintUsage() if $Settings::BuildTree =~ /^\s+$/i;
print_log "\n";
print_log "tinderbox: tree: $Settings::BuildTree\n";
print_log "tinderbox: builddate: $start_time\n";
print_log "tinderbox: status: building\n";
print_log "tinderbox: build: $Settings::BuildName\n";
print_log "tinderbox: errorparser: unix\n";
print_log "tinderbox: buildfamily: unix\n";
print_log "tinderbox: version: $::Version\n";
print_log "tinderbox: END\n";
print_log "\n";
close LOG;
sub mail_build_finished_message {
my ($start_time, $build_status, $logfile) = @_;
# Rewrite LOG to OUTLOG, shortening lines.
open OUTLOG, ">$logfile.last" or die "Unable to open logfile, $logfile: $!";
# Put the status at the top of the log, so the server will not
# have to search through the entire log to find it.
print OUTLOG "tinderbox: tree: $Settings::BuildTree\n";
print OUTLOG "tinderbox: builddate: $start_time\n";
print OUTLOG "tinderbox: status: $build_status\n";
print OUTLOG "tinderbox: build: $Settings::BuildName\n";
print OUTLOG "tinderbox: errorparser: unix\n";
print OUTLOG "tinderbox: buildfamily: unix\n";
print OUTLOG "tinderbox: version: $::Version\n";
print OUTLOG "tinderbox: END\n";
# Make sendmail happy.
# Split lines longer than 1000 charaters into 1000 character lines.
# If any line is a dot on a line by itself, replace it with a blank
# line. This prevents cases where a <cr>.<cr> occurs in the log file.
# Sendmail interprets that as the end of the mail, and truncates the
# log before it gets to Tinderbox. (terry weismann, chris yeh)
open LOG, "$logfile" or die "Couldn't open logfile, $logfile: $!";
while (<LOG>) {
my $length = length($_);
for (my $offset = 0; $offset < $length ; $offset += 1000) {
my $chars_left = $length - $offset;
my $output_length = $chars_left < 1000 ? $chars_left : 1000;
my $output = substr $_, $offset, $output_length;
$output =~ s/^\.$//g;
$output =~ s/\n//g;
print OUTLOG "$output\n";
close OUTLOG;
close LOG;
if ($Settings::ReportStatus and $Settings::ReportFinalStatus) {
system "$Settings::mail $Settings::Tinderbox_server "
." < $logfile.last";
sub run_tests {
my ($binary, $build_dir) = @_;
my $binary_basename = basename($binary);
my $binary_dir = dirname($binary);
my $test_result = 'success';
# Setup for tests.
my $pref_file = $build_dir . "/.mozilla/$Settings::MozProfileName/prefs.js";
$ENV{HOME} = $build_dir;
# Check for profile, create it if necessary.
unless (stat($pref_file)) {
print_log "$pref_file not found, creating profile...\n";
CreateProfile($build_dir, $binary, 45);
} else {
print_log "prefs.js found\n";
# Mozilla alive test
# Note: Bloat & MailNews tests depend this on working.
# Only disable this test if you know it passes and are
# debugging another part of the test sequence. -mcafee
if ($Settings::AliveTest and $test_result eq 'success') {
print_log "Running AliveTest ...\n";
$test_result = AliveTest($build_dir, $binary, 45);
# Viewer alive test
if ($Settings::ViewerTest and $test_result eq 'success') {
print_log "Running ViewerTest ...\n";
$test_result = AliveTest($build_dir, "$binary_dir/viewer", 45);
# Bloat test
if ($Settings::BloatStats or $Settings::BloatTest
and $test_result eq 'success') {
print_log "Running BloatTest ...\n";
$test_result = BloatTest($binary, $build_dir);
# MailNews test needs this preference set:
# user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support",true);
# First run gives two dialogs; they set this preference:
# user_pref("security.principal.X0","[Codebase http://www.mozilla.org/quality/mailnews/popTest.html] UniversalBrowserRead=1 UniversalXPConnect=1");
# Only do pop3 test now.
if ($Settings::MailNewsTest and $test_result eq 'success') {
print_log "Running MailNewsTest ...\n";
my $cmd = "$binary_basename "
# Stuff prefs in here.
if (system("grep -s signed.applets.codebase_principal_support $pref_file > /dev/null")) {
open PREFS, ">>$pref_file" or die "can't open $pref_file ($?)\n";
print PREFS "user_pref(\"signed.applets.codebase_principal_support\", true);\n";
print PREFS "user_pref(\"security.principal.X0\", \"[Codebase http://www.mozilla.org/quality/mailnews/popTest.html] UniversalBrowserRead=1 UniversalXPConnect=1\");";
close PREFS;
$test_result = FileBasedTest("MailNewsTest", $build_dir, $binary_dir,
$cmd, 90,
1); # Timeout is Ok.
# Editor test
if (($Settings::EditorTest or $Settings::DomToTextConversionTest)
and $test_result eq 'success') {
print_log "Running DomToTextConversionTest ...\n";
$test_result =
FileBasedTest("DomToTextConversionTest", $build_dir, $binary_dir,
"TestOutSinks", 45,
"FAILED", 0,
0); # Timeout means failure.
return $test_result;
sub BinaryExists {
my ($binary) = @_;
my ($binary_basename) = basename($binary);
if (not -e $binary) {
print_log "$binary does not exist.\n";
} elsif (not -s _) {
print_log "$binary is zero-size.\n";
} elsif (not -x _) {
print_log "$binary is not executable.\n";
} else {
print_log "$binary_basename exists, is nonzero, and executable.\n";
sub DeleteBinary {
my ($binary) = @_;
my ($binary_basename) = basename($binary);
if (BinaryExists($binary)) {
# Don't delete binary if we're only running tests.
unless ($Settings::TestOnly) {
print_log "Deleting binary: $binary_basename\n";
print_log "unlinking $binary\n";
unlink $binary or print_log "Error: Unlinking $binary failed\n";
} else {
print_log "No binary detected; none deleted.\n";
sub PrintEnv {
local $_;
foreach my $key (sort keys %ENV) {
print_log "$key=$ENV{$key}\n";
if (defined $ENV{MOZCONFIG} and -e $ENV{MOZCONFIG}) {
print_log "-->mozconfig<----------------------------------------\n";
print_log $_ while <CONFIG>;
close CONFIG;
print_log "-->end mozconfig<----------------------------------------\n";
if ($Settings::Compiler ne '') {
print_log "===============================\n";
if ($Settings::Compiler eq 'gcc' or $Settings::Compiler eq 'egcc') {
my $comptmp = `$Settings::Compiler --version`;
print_log "Compiler is -- $Settings::Compiler ($comptmp)\n";
} else {
print_log "Compiler is -- $Settings::Compiler\n";
print_log "===============================\n";
# Parse a file for $token, given a file handle.
sub file_has_token {
my ($filename, $token) = @_;
local $_;
my $has_token = 0;
open TESTLOG, "<$filename" or die "Cannot open file, $filename: $!";
while (<TESTLOG>) {
if (/$token/) {
$has_token = 1;
close TESTLOG;
return $has_token;
sub kill_process {
my ($target_pid) = @_;
my $start_time = time;
# Try to kill and wait 10 seconds, then try a kill -9
for my $sig ('TERM', 'KILL') {
kill $sig => $target_pid;
my $interval_start = time;
while (time - $interval_start < 10) {
my $pid = waitpid($target_pid, WNOHANG());
if (($pid == $target_pid and WIFEXITED($?)) or $pid == -1) {
my $secs = time - $start_time;
$secs = $secs == 1 ? '1 second' : "$secs seconds";
print_log "Process killed. Took $secs to die.\n";
sleep 1;
die "Unable to kill process: $target_pid";
my %sig_num = ();
my @sig_name = ();
sub signal_name {
# Find the name of a signal number
my ($number) = @_;
unless (@sig_name) {
unless($Config{sig_name} && $Config{sig_num}) {
die "No sigs?";
} else {
my @names = split ' ', $Config{sig_name};
@sig_num{@names} = split ' ', $Config{sig_num};
foreach (@names) {
$sig_name[$sig_num{$_}] ||= $_;
return $sig_name[$number];
sub fork_and_log {
# Fork a sub process and log the output.
my ($home, $dir, $cmd, $logfile) = @_;
my $pid = fork; # Fork off a child process.
unless ($pid) { # child
$ENV{HOME} = $home;
chdir $dir;
open STDOUT, ">$logfile";
open STDERR, ">&STDOUT";
select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make STDOUT unbuffered
select STDERR; $| = 1; # make STDERR unbuffered
exec $cmd;
die "Could not exec()";
return $pid;
sub wait_for_pid {
# Wait for a process to exit or kill it if it takes too long.
my ($pid, $timeout_secs) = @_;
my ($exit_value, $signal_num, $dumped_core, $timed_out) = (0,0,0,0);
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout" };
eval {
alarm $timeout_secs;
while (1) {
my $wait_pid = waitpid($pid, WNOHANG());
last if ($wait_pid == $pid and WIFEXITED($?)) or $wait_pid == -1;
sleep 1;
$exit_value = $? >> 8;
$signal_num = $? >> 127;
$dumped_core = $? & 128;
alarm 0; # Clear the alarm
if ($@) {
if ($@ =~ /timeout/) {
$timed_out = 1;
} else { # Died for some other reason.
die; # Propagate the error up.
my $signal_name = $signal_num ? signal_name($signal_num) : '';
return { timed_out=>$timed_out,
dumped_core=>$dumped_core };
sub run_test {
my ($home_dir, $binary_dir, $binary, $logfile, $timeout_secs) = @_;
my $now = localtime();
print_log "Begin: $now\n";
print_log "$binary\n";
my $pid = fork_and_log($home_dir, $binary_dir, $binary, $logfile);
my $result = wait_for_pid($pid, $timeout_secs);
$now = localtime();
print_log "End: $now\n";
return $result;
sub print_test_errors {
my ($result, $name) = @_;
if (not $result->{timed_out} and $result->{exit_value} != 0) {
if ($result->{signal_name} ne '') {
print_log "Error: $name: received SIG$result->{signal_name}\n";
print_log "Error: $name: exited with status $result->{exit_value}\n";
if ($result->{dumped_core}) {
print_log "Error: $name: dumped core.\n";
sub print_logfile {
my ($logfile, $test_name) = @_;
print_log "----------- Output from $test_name ------------- \n";
open READRUNLOG, "$logfile";
print_log " $_" while <READRUNLOG>;
print_log "----------- End Output from $test_name --------- \n";
# Start up Mozilla, test passes if Mozilla is still alive
# after $timeout_secs (seconds).
sub AliveTest {
my ($build_dir, $binary, $timeout_secs) = @_;
my $binary_basename = basename($binary);
my $binary_dir = dirname($binary);
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/runlog";
local $_;
my $result = run_test($build_dir, $binary_dir, $binary_basename,
$binary_log, $timeout_secs);
print_logfile($binary_log, "$binary_basename alive test");
if ($result->{timed_out}) {
print_log "$binary_basename successfully stayed up"
." for $timeout_secs seconds.\n";
return 'success';
} else {
print_test_errors($result, $binary_basename);
print_log "Turn the tree orange now.\n";
return 'testfailed';
# Create a profile, timeout if needed.
sub CreateProfile {
my ($build_dir, $binary, $timeout_secs) = @_;
my $binary_dir = dirname($binary);
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/profile.log";
local $_;
my $cmd = $binary . " -CreateProfile" . " " . $Settings::MozProfileName;
print_log "cmd = $cmd\n";
my $result = run_test($build_dir, $binary_dir, $cmd,
$binary_log, $timeout_secs);
# Run a generic test that writes output to stdout, save that output to a
# file, parse the file looking for failure token and report status based
# on that. A hack, but should be useful for many tests.
# test_name = Name of test we're gonna run, in dist/bin.
# testExecString = How to run the test
# testTimeoutSec = Timeout for hung tests, minimum test time.
# statusToken = What string to look for in test output to
# determine test status.
# statusTokenMeansPass = Default use of status token is to look for
# failure string. If this is set to 1, then invert logic to look for
# success string.
# timeout_is_ok = Don't report test failure if test times out.
# Note: I tried to merge this function with AliveTest(),
# the process flow control got too confusing :( -mcafee
sub FileBasedTest {
my ($test_name, $build_dir, $binary_dir, $test_command, $timeout_secs,
$status_token, $status_token_means_pass, $timeout_is_ok) = @_;
local $_;
# Assume the app is the first argument in the execString.
my ($binary_basename) = (split /\s+/, $test_command)[0];
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/$test_name.log";
my $result = run_test($build_dir, $binary_dir, $test_command,
$binary_log, $timeout_secs);
print_logfile($binary_log, $test_name);
if (($result->{timed_out}) and (!$timeout_is_ok)) {
print_log "Error: $test_name timed out after $timeout_secs seconds.\n";
return 'testfailed';
} elsif ($result->{exit_value} != 0) {
print_test_errors($result, $test_name);
return 'testfailed';
} else {
print_log "$test_name exited normally\n";
my $found_token = file_has_token($binary_log, $status_token);
if ($found_token) {
print_log "Found status token in log file: $status_token\n";
} else {
print_log "Status token, $status_token, not found\n";
if (($status_token_means_pass and $found_token) or
(not $status_token_means_pass and not $found_token)) {
return 'success';
} else {
print_log "Error: $test_name has failed. Turn the tree orange now.\n";
return 'testfailed';
} # FileBasedTest
sub BloatTest {
my ($binary, $build_dir) = @_;
my $binary_basename = basename($binary);
my $binary_dir = dirname($binary);
my $binary_log = "$build_dir/bloat-cur.log";
my $old_binary_log = "$build_dir/bloat-prev.log";
my $timeout_secs = 120;
local $_;
rename($binary_log, $old_binary_log);
unless (-e "$binary_dir/bloaturls.txt") {
print_log "Error: bloaturls.txt does not exist.\n";
return 'testfailed';
$ENV{XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG} = 1; # Turn on ref counting to track leaks.
my $cmd = "$binary_basename -f bloaturls.txt";
my $result = run_test($build_dir, $binary_dir, $cmd, $binary_log,
print_logfile($binary_log, "bloat test");
if ($result->{timed_out}) {
print_log "Error: bloat test timed out after"
." $timeout_secs seconds.\n";
return 'testfailed';
} elsif ($result->{exit_value}) {
print_test_errors($result, $binary_basename);
return 'testfailed';
print_log "<a href=#bloat>\n######################## BLOAT STATISTICS\n";
open DIFF, "$build_dir/../bloatdiff.pl $build_dir/bloat-prev.log $binary_log|"
or die "Unable to run bloatdiff.pl";
print_log $_ while <DIFF>;
close DIFF;
print_log "######################## END BLOAT STATISTICS\n</a>\n";
return 'success';
$BuildAdministrator = "$ENV{USER}\@$ENV{HOST}";
#- You'll need to change these to suit your machine's needs
$BaseDir = '/builds/tinderbox/SeaMonkey';
$DisplayServer = ':0.0';
#- Default values of command-line opts
$BuildDepend = 1; # Depend or Clobber
$ReportStatus = 1; # Send results to server, or not
$ReportFinalStatus = 1; # Finer control over $ReportStatus.
$UseTimeStamp = 1; # Use the CVS 'pull-by-timestamp' option, or not
$BuildOnce = 0; # Build once, don't send results to server
$RunTest = 1; # Run the smoke tests on successful build, or not
$TestOnly = 0; # Only run tests, don't pull/build
# Tests
$AliveTest = 1;
$ViewerTest = 0;
$BloatTest = 0;
$DomToTextConversionTest = 0;
$MailNewsTest = 0;
$MozConfigFileName = 'mozconfig';
$MozProfileName = 'mozProfile';
#- Set these to what makes sense for your system
$Make = 'gmake'; # Must be GNU make
$MakeOverrides = '';
$mail = '/bin/mail';
$CVS = 'cvs -q';
$CVSCO = 'checkout -P';
#- Set these proper values for your tinderbox server
$Tinderbox_server = 'tinderbox-daemon@tinderbox.mozilla.org';
#- The rest should not need to be changed
#- Minimum wait period from start of build to start of next build in minutes.
$BuildSleep = 10;
#- Until you get the script working. When it works,
#- change to the tree you're actually building
$BuildTree = 'MozillaTest';
$BuildName = '';
$BuildTag = '';
$BuildConfigDir = 'mozilla/config';
$Topsrcdir = 'mozilla';
$BinaryName = 'mozilla-bin';
$ShellOverride = ''; # Only used if the default shell is too stupid
$ConfigureArgs = '';
$ConfigureEnvArgs = '';
$Compiler = 'gcc';
$NSPRArgs = '';
$ShellOverride = '';