зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
438 строки
11 KiB
Executable File
438 строки
11 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
# Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# The Original Code is Tinderbox
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1999
# Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Stephen Lamm <slamm@mozilla.org>
use FileHandle;
$tree = 'SeaMonkey';
# tinderbox/globals.pl uses many shameful globals
$form{tree} = $tree;
require 'globals.pl';
$cvsroot = '/cvsroot/mozilla';
$lxr_data_root = '/export2/lxr-data';
@ignore = (
'long long',
'location of the previous definition',
'\' was hidden',
'declaration of \`index\'',
$ignore_pat = "(?:".join('|',@ignore).")";
print STDERR "Building hash of file names...";
($file_bases, $file_fullpaths) = build_file_hash($cvsroot, $tree);
print STDERR "done.\n";
for $br (last_successful_builds($tree)) {
next unless $br->{buildname} =~ /shrike.*\b(Clobber|Clbr)\b/;
my $log_file = "$br->{logfile}";
warn "Parsing build log, $log_file\n";
$fh = new FileHandle "gunzip -c $tree/$log_file |";
&gcc_parser($fh, $cvsroot, $tree, $log_file, $file_bases, $file_fullpaths);
my $warn_file = "$tree/warn$log_file";
$warn_file =~ s/.gz$/.html/;
$fh->open(">$warn_file") or die "Unable to open $warn_file: $!\n";
&print_warnings_as_html($fh, $br);
warn "Wrote output to $warn_file\n";
# end of main
# ===================================================================
sub build_file_hash {
my ($cvsroot, $tree) = @_;
$lxr_data_root = "/export2/lxr-data/\L$tree";
$lxr_file_list = "\L$lxr_data_root/.glimpse_filenames";
open(LXR_FILENAMES, "<$lxr_file_list")
or die "Unable to open $lxr_file_list: $!\n";
use File::Basename;
while (<LXR_FILENAMES>) {
my ($base, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($_,'\.[^/]*');
next unless $ext =~ /^\.(cpp|h|C|s|c|mk|in)$/;
$base = "$base$ext";
$dir =~ s|$lxr_data_root/mozilla/||;
$dir =~ s|/$||;
unless (exists $bases{$base}) {
$bases{$base} = $dir;
} else {
$bases{$base} = '[multiple]';
return \%bases, \%fullpath;
sub last_successful_builds {
my $tree = shift;
my @build_records = ();
my $br;
$maxdate = time;
$mindate = $maxdate - 5*60*60; # Go back 5 hours
print STDERR "Loading build data...";
print STDERR "done\n";
for (my $ii=1; $ii <= $name_count; $ii++) {
for (my $tt=1; $tt <= $time_count; $tt++) {
if (defined($br = $build_table->[$tt][$ii])
and $br->{buildstatus} eq 'success') {
push @build_records, $br;
} } }
return @build_records;
sub gcc_parser {
my ($fh, $cvsroot, $tree, $log_file, $file_bases, $file_fullnames) = @_;
my $dir = '';
while (<$fh>) {
# Directory
if (/^gmake\[\d\]: Entering directory \`(.*)\'$/) {
($build_dir = $1) =~ s|.*/mozilla/||;
# Now only match lines with "warning:"
next unless /warning:/;
next if /$ignore_pat/o;
chomp; # Yum, yum
my ($filename, $line, $warning_text);
($filename, $line, undef, $warning_text) = split /:\s*/, $_, 4;
$filename =~ s/.*\///;
# Special case for Makefiles
$filename =~ s/Makefile$/Makefile.in/;
my $dir = '';
if ($file_fullnames->{"$build_dir/$filename"}) {
$dir = $build_dir;
} else {
unless(defined($dir = $file_bases->{$filename})) {
$dir = '[no_match]';
my $file = "$dir/$filename";
unless (defined($warnings{$file}{$line})) {
# Special case for "`foo' was hidden\nby `foo2'"
$warning_text = "...was hidden " . $warning_text
if $warning_text =~ /^by \`/;
# Remember where in the build log the warning occured
$warnings{$file}{$line} = {
first_seen_line => $.,
log_file => $log_file,
warning_text => $warning_text,
sub dump_warning_data {
while (my ($file, $lines_hash) = each %warnings) {
while (my ($line, $record) = each %{$lines_hash}) {
print join ':',
print "\n";
sub build_blame {
use lib '../bonsai';
require 'utils.pl';
require 'cvsblame.pl';
while (($file, $lines_hash) = each %warnings) {
my $rcs_filename = "$cvsroot/$file,v";
unless (-e $rcs_filename) {
warn "Unable to find $rcs_filename\n";
$unblamed{$file} = 1;
my $revision = &parse_cvs_file($rcs_filename);
@text = &extract_revision($revision);
while (my ($line, $warn_rec) = each %{$lines_hash}) {
my $line_rev = $revision_map[$line-1];
my $who = $revision_author{$line_rev};
my $source_text = join '', @text[$line-3..$line+1];
$source_text =~ s/\t/ /g;
$who = "$who%netscape.com" unless $who =~ /[%]/;
$warn_rec->{line_rev} = $line_rev;
$warn_rec->{source} = $source_text;
$warnings_by_who{$who}{$file}{$line} = $warn_rec;
$total_who_count++ unless exists $who_count{$who};
$who_count{$who} += $warn_rec->{count};
sub print_warnings_as_html {
my ($fh, $br) = @_;
my ($buildname, $buildtime) = ($br->{buildname}, $br->{buildtime});
my $time_str = print_time( $buildtime );
# Change the default destination for print to $fh
my $old_fh = select($fh);
print <<"__END_HEADER";
<title>Blamed Build Warnings</title>
<font size="+2" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b>
Blamed Build Warnings
<font size="+1" face="Helvetica,Arial">
$buildname on $time_str<br>
$total_warnings_count total warnings
for $who (sort { $who_count{$b} <=> $who_count{$a}
|| $a cmp $b } keys %who_count) {
push @who_list, $who;
# Summary Table (name, count)
use POSIX;
print "<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=#ededed>\n";
my $num_columns = 6;
my $num_rows = ceil($#who_list / $num_columns);
for (my $ii=0; $ii < $num_rows; $ii++) {
print "<tr>";
for (my $jj=0; $jj < $num_columns; $jj++) {
my $index = $ii + $jj * $num_rows;
next if $index > $#who_list;
my $name = $who_list[$index];
my $count = $who_count{$name};
$name =~ s/%.*//;
print " " x $jj;
print "<td><a href='#$name'>$name</a>";
print "</td><td>";
print "$count";
print "</td><td> </td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
print "</table><p>\n";
# Count Unblamed warnings
my $total_unblamed_warnigns=0;
for my $file (keys %unblamed) {
for my $linenum (keys %{$warnings{$file}}) {
$total_unblamed_warnings += $warnings{$file}{$linenum}{count};
$warnings_by_who{Unblamed}{$file}{$linenum} = $warnings{$file}{$linenum};
$who_count{Unblamed} = $total_unblamed_warnings;
# Print all the warnings
for $who (@who_list, "Unblamed") {
my $total_count = $who_count{$who};
my ($name, $email);
($name = $who) =~ s/%.*//;
($email = $who) =~ s/%/@/;
print "<h2>";
print "<a name='$name' href='mailto:$email'>" unless $name eq 'Unblamed';
print "$name";
print "</a>" unless $name eq 'Unblamed';
print " (1 warning)" if $total_count == 1;
print " ($total_count warnings)" if $total_count > 1;
print "</h2>";
print "\n<table>\n";
my $count = 1;
for $file (sort keys %{$warnings_by_who{$who}}) {
for $linenum (sort keys %{$warnings_by_who{$who}{$file}}) {
my $warn_rec = $warnings_by_who{$who}{$file}{$linenum};
print_count($count, $warn_rec->{count});
print_warning($tree, $br, $file, $linenum, $warn_rec);
print_source_code($linenum, $warn_rec) unless $unblamed{$file};
$count += $warn_rec->{count};
print "</table>\n";
print <<"__END_FOOTER";
<hr align=left>
Send questions or comments to
<<a href="mailto:slamm\@netscape.com?subject=About the Blamed Build Warnings">slamm\@netcape.com</a>>.
# Change default destination back.
sub print_count {
my ($start, $count) = @_;
print "<tr><td align=right>$start";
print "-".($start+$count-1) if $count > 1;
print ".</td>";
sub print_warning {
my ($tree, $br, $file, $linenum, $warn_rec) = @_;
my $warning = $warn_rec->{warning_text};
print "<td>";
# File link
if ($file =~ /\[multiple\]/) {
$file =~ s/\[multiple\]\///;
print "<a href='http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/find?string=$file'>";
print "$file:$linenum";
print "</a> (multiple file matches)";
} elsif ($file =~ /\[no_match\]/) {
$file =~ s/\[no_match\]\///;
print "<b>$file:$linenum</b> (no file match)";
} else {
print "<a href='"
print "$file:$linenum";
print "</a> ";
print "</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>";
# Warning text
print "\u$warning";
# Build log link
my $log_line = $warn_rec->{first_seen_line};
print " (<a href='"
.build_url($tree, $br, $log_line)
if ($warn_rec->{count} == 1) {
print "See build log excerpt";
} else {
print "See 1st of $warn_rec->{count} occurrences in build log";
print "</a>)</td></tr>";
sub print_source_code {
my ($linenum, $warn_rec) = @_;
my $warning = $warn_rec->{warning_text};
# Source code fragment
my ($keyword) = $warning =~ /\`([^\']*)\'/;
print "<tr><td></td><td bgcolor=#ededed>";
print "<pre><font size='-1'>";
my $source_text = trim_common_leading_whitespace($warn_rec->{source});
$source_text =~ s/&/&/gm;
$source_text =~ s/</</gm;
$source_text =~ s/>/>/gm;
$source_text =~ s|\b\Q$keyword\E\b|<b>$keyword</b>|gm unless $keyword eq '';
my $line_index = $linenum - 2;
$source_text =~ s/^(.*)$/$line_index++." $1"/gme;
$source_text =~ s|^($linenum.*)$|<font color='red'>\1</font>|gm;
chomp $source_text;
print $source_text;
print "</font>";
#print "</pre>";
print "</td></tr>\n";
sub build_url {
my ($tree, $br, $linenum) = @_;
my $name = $br->{buildname};
$name =~ s/ /%20/g;
return "../showlog.cgi?log=$tree/$br->{logfile}:$linenum";
sub file_url {
my ($file, $linenum) = @_;
return "http://cvs-mirror.mozilla.org/webtools/bonsai/cvsblame.cgi"
sub trim_common_leading_whitespace {
# Adapted from dequote() in Perl Cookbook by Christiansen and Torkington
local $_ = shift;
my $white; # common whitespace
if (/(?:(\s*).*\n)(?:(?:\1.*\n)|(?:\s*\n))+$/) {
$white = $1;
} else {
$white = /^(\s+)/;
return $_;