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Common Lisp
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Common Lisp
;;; The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
;;; Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
;;; compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
;;; http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
;;; Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
;;; for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
;;; NPL.
;;; The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
;;; Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
;;; Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
;;; Reserved.
;;; Lexer grammar generator
;;; Waldemar Horwat (waldemar@netscape.com)
;;; A lexer grammar is an extension of a standard grammar that combines both parsing and combining
;;; characters into character classes.
;;; A lexer grammar is comprised of the following:
;;; a start nonterminal;
;;; a list of grammar productions, in which each terminal must be a character;
;;; a list of character classes, where each class is a list of:
;;; a nonterminal C;
;;; an expression <set-expr> that denotes the set of characters in character class C;
;;; a list of bindings, each containing:
;;; an action name;
;;; a lexer-action name;
;;; a list of lexer-action bindings, each containing:
;;; a lexer-action name;
;;; the type of this lexer-action's value;
;;; the name of a lisp function (char -> value) that performs the lexer-action on a character.
;;; Grammar productions may refer to character classes C as nonterminals.
;;; An expression <set-expr> can be any of the following:
;;; C The name of a previously defined character class.
;;; every The set of all characters
;;; (char1 char2 ... charn) The set of characters {char1, char2, ..., charn}
;;; (+ <set-expr1> ... <set-exprn>) The set union of <set-expr1>, ..., <set-exprn>,
;;; which should be disjoint.
;;; (++ <set-expr1> ... <set-exprn>) Same as +, but printed on separate lines.
;;; (- <set-expr1> <set-expr2>) The set of characters in <set-expr1> but not <set-expr2>;
;;; <set-expr2> should be a subset of <set-expr1>.
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; A character set is represented by an integer.
;;; The set may be infinite as long as its complement is finite.
;;; Bit n is set if the character with code n is a member of the set.
;;; The integer is negative if the set is infinite.
; Print the charset
(defun print-charset (charset &optional (stream t))
(pprint-logical-block (stream (bitmap-to-ranges charset) :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
((int-to-char (i)
(if (or (eq i :infinity) (= i char-code-limit))
(code-char i))))
(let* ((range (pprint-pop))
(lo (int-to-char (car range)))
(hi (int-to-char (cdr range))))
(write (if (eql lo hi) lo (list lo hi)) :stream stream :pretty t)
(format stream " ~:_"))))))
; Return the character set consisting of the single character char.
(declaim (inline char-charset))
(defun char-charset (char)
(ash 1 (char-code char)))
; Return the character set consisting of adding char to the given charset.
(defun charset-add-char (charset char)
(let ((i (char-code char)))
(if (logbitp i charset)
(logior charset (ash 1 i)))))
; Return the union of the two character sets, which should be disjoint.
(defun charset-union (charset1 charset2)
(unless (zerop (logand charset1 charset2))
(error "Union of overlapping character sets"))
(logior charset1 charset2))
; Return the difference of the two character sets, the second of which should be
; a subset of the first.
(defun charset-difference (charset1 charset2)
(unless (zerop (logandc1 charset1 charset2))
(error "Difference of non-subset character sets"))
(logandc2 charset1 charset2))
; Return true if the character set is empty.
(declaim (inline charset-empty?))
(defun charset-empty? (charset)
(zerop charset))
; Return true if the character set is infinite.
(declaim (inline charset-infinite?))
(defun charset-infinite? (charset)
(minusp charset))
; If the character set contains exactly one character, return that character;
; otherwise, return nil.
(defun charset-char (charset)
(let ((hi (1- (integer-length charset))))
(and (plusp charset) (= charset (ash 1 hi)) (code-char hi))))
; Return the highest character in the character set, which must be finite and nonempty.
(declaim (inline charset-highest-char))
(defun charset-highest-char (charset)
(assert-true (plusp charset))
(code-char (1- (integer-length charset))))
; Given a list of charsets, return a list of the largest possible
; charsets (called partitions) such that:
; for any input charset C and partition P, either P is entirely contained in C or it is disjoint from C;
; all partitions are mutually disjoint;
; the union of all partitions is the infinite set of all characters.
(defun compute-partitions (charsets)
((split-partitions (partitions charset)
(mapcan #'(lambda (partition)
(remove-if #'zerop (list (logand partition charset) (logandc2 partition charset))))
(partition< (partition1 partition2)
((minusp partition1) nil)
((minusp partition2) t)
(t (< partition1 partition2)))))
(sort (reduce #'split-partitions charsets :initial-value '(-1))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defstruct (lexer-action (:constructor make-lexer-action (name number type-expr function-name markup))
(:copier nil)
(:predicate lexer-action?))
(name nil :type identifier :read-only t) ;The action name to use for this lexer-action
(number nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Serial number of this lexer-action
(type-expr nil :read-only t) ;A type expression that specifies the result type of list function function-name
(function-name nil :type identifier :read-only t) ;A lisp function (char -> value) that performs the lexer-action on a character
(markup nil :type list :read-only t)) ;Markup template describing this lexer-action; replace '* with the nonterminal
(defun print-lexer-action (lexer-action &optional (stream t))
(format stream "~@<~A ~@_~:I: ~<<<~;~W~;>>~:> ~_= ~<<~;#'~W~;>~:>~:>"
(lexer-action-name lexer-action)
(list (lexer-action-type-expr lexer-action))
(list (lexer-action-function-name lexer-action))))
(defun depict-lexer-action (markup-stream lexer-action nonterminal)
(dolist (markup-item (lexer-action-markup lexer-action))
(if (eq markup-item '*)
(depict-general-nonterminal markup-stream nonterminal)
(depict-group markup-stream markup-item))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defstruct (charclass (:constructor make-charclass (nonterminal charset-source charset actions))
(:predicate charclass?))
(nonterminal nil :type nonterminal :read-only t) ;The nonterminal on the left-hand side of this production
(charset-source nil :read-only t) ;The source expression for the charset
(charset nil :type integer :read-only t) ;The set of characters in this class
(actions nil :type list :read-only t)) ;List of (action-name . lexer-action)
; Evaluate a <set-expr> whose syntax is given at the top of this file.
; Return the charset.
; charclasses-hash is a hash table of nonterminal -> charclass.
(defun eval-charset-expr (charclasses-hash expr)
((null expr) 0)
((eq expr 'every) -1)
((symbolp expr)
(or (gethash expr charclasses-hash)
(error "Character class ~S not defined" expr))))
((consp expr)
((recursive-eval (expr)
(eval-charset-expr charclasses-hash expr)))
(case (car expr)
((+ ++) (reduce #'charset-union (cdr expr) :initial-value 0 :key #'recursive-eval))
(- (unless (cdr expr)
(error "Bad character set expression ~S" expr))
(reduce #'charset-difference (cdr expr) :key #'recursive-eval))
(t (reduce #'charset-union expr :key #'char-charset)))))
(t (error "Bad character set expression ~S" expr))))
(defun print-charclass (charclass &optional (stream t))
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
(format stream "~W -> ~@_~:I" (charclass-nonterminal charclass))
(print-charset (charclass-charset charclass) stream)
(format stream " ~_")
(pprint-fill stream (mapcar #'car (charclass-actions charclass)))))
; Emit markup for the lexer charset expression.
(defun depict-charset-source (markup-stream expr)
((null expr) (error "Can't emit null charset expression"))
((eq expr 'every) (depict-general-nonterminal markup-stream ':any-character))
((symbolp expr) (depict-general-nonterminal markup-stream expr))
((consp expr)
(case (car expr)
((+ ++) (depict-list markup-stream #'depict-charset-source (cdr expr) :separator " | "))
(- (depict-charset-source markup-stream (second expr))
(depict markup-stream " " :but-not " ")
(depict-list markup-stream #'depict-charset-source (cddr expr) :separator " | "))
(t (depict-list markup-stream #'depict-terminal expr :separator " | "))))
(t (error "Bad character set expression ~S" expr))))
; Emit markup paragraphs for the lexer charclass.
(defun depict-charclass (markup-stream charclass)
(let ((nonterminal (charclass-nonterminal charclass))
(expr (charclass-charset-source charclass)))
(if (and (consp expr) (eq (car expr) '++))
(let* ((subexprs (cdr expr))
(length (length subexprs)))
(depict-paragraph (markup-stream ':grammar-lhs)
(depict-general-nonterminal markup-stream nonterminal)
(depict markup-stream " " ':derives-10))
(dotimes (i length)
(depict-paragraph (markup-stream (if (= i (1- length)) ':grammar-rhs-last ':grammar-rhs))
(if (zerop i)
(depict markup-stream ':tab3)
(depict markup-stream "|" ':tab2))
(depict-charset-source markup-stream (nth i subexprs)))))
(depict-paragraph (markup-stream ':grammar-lhs-last)
(depict-general-nonterminal markup-stream (charclass-nonterminal charclass))
(depict markup-stream " " ':derives-10 " ")
(depict-charset-source markup-stream expr)))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defstruct (partition (:constructor make-partition (charset lexer-actions))
(:predicate partition?))
(charset nil :type integer :read-only t) ;The set of characters in this partition
(lexer-actions nil :type list :read-only t)) ;List of lexer-actions needed on characters in this partition
(defconstant *default-partition-name* '$_other_) ;partition-name to use for characters not found in lexer-char-tokens
(defun print-partition (partition-name partition &optional (stream t))
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
(format stream "~W -> ~@_~:I" partition-name)
(print-charset (partition-charset partition) stream)
(format stream " ~_")
(pprint-fill stream (mapcar #'lexer-action-name (partition-lexer-actions partition)))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defstruct (lexer (:constructor allocate-lexer)
(:copier nil)
(:predicate lexer?))
(lexer-actions nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of lexer-action-name -> lexer-action
(charclasses nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of charclasses in the order in which they were given
(charclasses-hash nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of nonterminal -> charclass
(char-tokens nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of character -> (character or partition-name)
(partition-names nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of partition names in the order in which they were created
(partitions nil :type hash-table :read-only t) ;Hash table of partition-name -> partition
(grammar nil :type (or null grammar)) ;Grammar that accepts exactly one lexer token
(metagrammar nil :type (or null metagrammar))) ;Grammar that accepts the longest input sequence that forms a token
; Return a function (character -> terminal) that classifies an input character
; as either itself or a partition-name.
; If the returned function is called on a non-character, it returns its input unchanged.
(defun lexer-classifier (lexer)
(let ((char-tokens (lexer-char-tokens lexer)))
#'(lambda (char)
(if (characterp char)
(gethash char char-tokens *default-partition-name*)
; Return the charclass that defines the given lexer nonterminal or nil if none.
(defun lexer-charclass (lexer nonterminal)
(gethash nonterminal (lexer-charclasses-hash lexer)))
; Return the charset of all characters that appear as terminals in grammar-source.
(defun grammar-singletons (grammar-source)
(assert-type grammar-source (list (tuple t (list t) identifier)))
(let ((singletons 0))
(dolist (production-source grammar-source)
(dolist (grammar-symbol (second production-source))
(when (characterp grammar-symbol)
(setq singletons (charset-add-char singletons grammar-symbol)))))
; Return the list of all lexer-action-names that appear in at least one charclass of which this
; partition is a subset.
(defun collect-lexer-action-names (charclasses partition)
(let ((lexer-action-names nil))
(dolist (charclass charclasses)
(unless (zerop (logand (charclass-charset charclass) partition))
(dolist (action (charclass-actions charclass))
(pushnew (cdr action) lexer-action-names))))
(sort lexer-action-names #'< :key #'lexer-action-number)))
; Make a lexer structure corresponding to a grammar with the given source.
; charclasses-source is a list of character classes, where each class is a list of:
; a nonterminal C;
; an expression <set-expr> that denotes the set of characters in character class C;
; a list of bindings, each containing:
; an action name;
; a lexer-action name.
; lexer-actions-source is a list of lexer-action bindings, each containing:
; a lexer-action name;
; the type of this lexer-action's value;
; the name of a lisp function (char -> value) that performs the lexer-action on a character.
; This does not make the lexer's grammar; use make-lexer-and-grammar for that.
(defun make-lexer (charclasses-source lexer-actions-source grammar-source)
(assert-type charclasses-source (list (tuple nonterminal t (list (tuple identifier identifier)))))
(assert-type lexer-actions-source (list (tuple identifier t identifier list)))
(let ((lexer-actions (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
(charclasses nil)
(charclasses-hash (make-hash-table :test *grammar-symbol-=*))
(charsets nil)
(singletons (grammar-singletons grammar-source)))
(let ((lexer-action-number 0))
(dolist (lexer-action-source lexer-actions-source)
(let ((name (first lexer-action-source))
(type-expr (second lexer-action-source))
(function (third lexer-action-source))
(markup (fourth lexer-action-source)))
(when (gethash name lexer-actions)
(error "Attempt to redefine lexer action ~S" name))
(setf (gethash name lexer-actions)
(make-lexer-action name (incf lexer-action-number) type-expr function markup)))))
(dolist (charclass-source charclasses-source)
(let ((nonterminal (first charclass-source))
(charset (eval-charset-expr charclasses-hash (ensure-proper-form (second charclass-source))))
(mapcar #'(lambda (action-source)
(let* ((lexer-action-name (second action-source))
(lexer-action (gethash lexer-action-name lexer-actions)))
(unless lexer-action
(error "Unknown lexer-action ~S" lexer-action-name))
(cons (first action-source) lexer-action)))
(third charclass-source))))
(when (gethash nonterminal charclasses-hash)
(error "Attempt to redefine character class ~S" nonterminal))
(when (charset-empty? charset)
(error "Empty character class ~S" nonterminal))
(let ((charclass (make-charclass nonterminal (second charclass-source) charset actions)))
(push charclass charclasses)
(setf (gethash nonterminal charclasses-hash) charclass)
(push charset charsets))))
(setq charclasses (nreverse charclasses))
(bitmap-each-bit #'(lambda (i) (push (ash 1 i) charsets))
(let ((char-tokens (make-hash-table :test #'eql))
(partition-names nil)
(partitions (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
(current-partition-number 0))
(dolist (partition (compute-partitions charsets))
(let ((singleton (charset-char partition)))
(singleton (setf (gethash singleton char-tokens) singleton))
((charset-infinite? partition)
(push *default-partition-name* partition-names)
(setf (gethash *default-partition-name* partitions)
(make-partition partition (collect-lexer-action-names charclasses partition))))
(t (let ((token (intern (format nil "$_CHARS~D_" (incf current-partition-number)))))
(bitmap-each-bit #'(lambda (i)
(setf (gethash (code-char i) char-tokens) token))
(push token partition-names)
(setf (gethash token partitions)
(make-partition partition (collect-lexer-action-names charclasses partition))))))))
:lexer-actions lexer-actions
:charclasses charclasses
:charclasses-hash charclasses-hash
:char-tokens char-tokens
:partition-names (nreverse partition-names)
:partitions partitions))))
(defun print-lexer (lexer &optional (stream t))
(let* ((lexer-actions (lexer-lexer-actions lexer))
(lexer-action-names (sort (hash-table-keys lexer-actions) #'<
:key #'(lambda (lexer-action-name)
(lexer-action-number (gethash lexer-action-name lexer-actions)))))
(charclasses (lexer-charclasses lexer))
(partition-names (lexer-partition-names lexer))
(partitions (lexer-partitions lexer))
(singletons nil))
(when lexer-action-names
(pprint-logical-block (stream lexer-action-names)
(format stream "Lexer Actions:~2I")
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
(let ((lexer-action (gethash (pprint-pop) lexer-actions)))
(print-lexer-action lexer-action stream))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream))
(when charclasses
(pprint-logical-block (stream charclasses)
(format stream "Charclasses:~2I")
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
(let ((charclass (pprint-pop)))
(print-charclass charclass stream))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream))
(when partition-names
(pprint-logical-block (stream partition-names)
(format stream "Partitions:~2I")
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
(let ((partition-name (pprint-pop)))
(print-partition partition-name (gethash partition-name partitions) stream))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream))
#'(lambda (char char-or-partition)
(if (eql char char-or-partition)
(push char singletons)
(assert-type char-or-partition identifier)))
(lexer-char-tokens lexer))
(setq singletons (sort singletons #'char<))
(when singletons
(format stream "Singletons: ~@_~<~@{~W ~:_~}~:>~:@_~:@_" singletons))))
(defmethod print-object ((lexer lexer) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (lexer stream :identity t)
(write-string "lexer" stream)))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Return two values:
; extra grammar productions that define the character class nonterminals out of characters and tokens;
; extra commands that:
; define the partitions used in this lexer;
; define the actions of these productions.
(defun lexer-grammar-and-commands (lexer)
((component-partitions (charset partitions)
(if (charset-empty? charset)
(let* ((partition-name (if (charset-infinite? charset)
(gethash (charset-highest-char charset) (lexer-char-tokens lexer))))
(partition (gethash partition-name (lexer-partitions lexer))))
(component-partitions (charset-difference charset (partition-charset partition))
(cons partition partitions))))))
(let ((productions nil)
(commands nil))
(dolist (charclass (lexer-charclasses lexer))
(let ((nonterminal (charclass-nonterminal charclass))
(production-number 0))
(dolist (action (charclass-actions charclass))
(let ((lexer-action (cdr action)))
(push (list 'declare-action (car action) nonterminal (lexer-action-type-expr lexer-action)) commands)))
(do ((charset (charclass-charset charclass)))
((charset-empty? charset))
(let* ((partition-name (if (charset-infinite? charset)
(gethash (charset-highest-char charset) (lexer-char-tokens lexer))))
(partition-charset (if (characterp partition-name)
(char-charset partition-name)
(partition-charset (gethash partition-name (lexer-partitions lexer)))))
(production-name (intern (format nil "~A-~D" nonterminal (incf production-number)))))
(push (list nonterminal (list partition-name) production-name) productions)
(dolist (action (charclass-actions charclass))
(let* ((lexer-action (cdr action))
(body (if (characterp partition-name)
(let* ((lexer-action-function (lexer-action-function-name lexer-action))
(result (funcall lexer-action-function partition-name)))
(typecase result
(integer result)
(character result)
((eql nil) 'false)
((eql t) 'true)
(t (error "Cannot infer the type of ~S's result ~S" lexer-action-function result))))
(list (lexer-action-name lexer-action) partition-name))))
(push (list 'action (car action) production-name body nil) commands)))
(setq charset (charset-difference charset partition-charset))))))
(let ((partition-commands
#'(lambda (partition-name)
(mapcan #'(lambda (lexer-action)
(let ((lexer-action-name (lexer-action-name lexer-action)))
(list 'declare-action lexer-action-name partition-name (lexer-action-type-expr lexer-action))
(list 'terminal-action lexer-action-name partition-name (lexer-action-function-name lexer-action)))))
(partition-lexer-actions (gethash partition-name (lexer-partitions lexer)))))
(lexer-partition-names lexer))))
(nreverse productions)
(nconc partition-commands (nreverse commands)))))))
; Make a lexer and grammar from the given source.
; kind should be either :lalr-1 or :lr-1.
; charclasses-source is a list of character classes, and
; lexer-actions-source is a list of lexer-action bindings; see make-lexer.
; start-symbol is the grammar's start symbol, and grammar-source is its source.
; Return two values:
; the lexer (including the grammar in its grammar field);
; list of extra commands that:
; define the partitions used in this lexer;
; define the actions of these productions.
(defun make-lexer-and-grammar (kind charclasses-source lexer-actions-source parametrization start-symbol grammar-source &optional excluded-nonterminals-source)
(let ((lexer (make-lexer charclasses-source lexer-actions-source grammar-source)))
(multiple-value-bind (extra-grammar-source extra-commands) (lexer-grammar-and-commands lexer)
(let ((grammar (make-and-compile-grammar kind parametrization start-symbol
(append extra-grammar-source grammar-source) excluded-nonterminals-source)))
(setf (lexer-grammar lexer) grammar)
(values lexer extra-commands)))))
; Parse the input string to produce a list of action results.
; If trace is:
; nil, don't print trace information
; :code, print trace information, including action code
; other print trace information
; Return two values:
; the list of action results;
; the list of action results' types.
(defun lexer-parse (lexer string &key trace)
(let ((in (coerce string 'list)))
(action-parse (lexer-grammar lexer) (lexer-classifier lexer) in :trace trace)))
; Same as lexer-parse except that also print the action results nicely.
(defun lexer-pparse (lexer string &key (stream t) trace)
(multiple-value-bind (results types) (lexer-parse lexer string :trace trace)
(print-values results types stream)
(terpri stream)
(values results types)))
; Compute the lexer grammar's metagrammar.
(defun set-up-lexer-metagrammar (lexer)
(setf (lexer-metagrammar lexer) (make-metagrammar (lexer-grammar lexer))))
; Parse the input string into elements, where each element is the longest
; possible string of input characters that is accepted by the grammar.
; The grammar's terminals are all characters that may appear in the input
; string plus the symbol $END which is inserted after the last character of
; the string.
; Return the list of lists of action results of the elements.
; If trace is:
; nil, don't print trace information
; :code, print trace information, including action code
; other print trace information
; Return two values:
; the list of lists of action results;
; the list of action results' types. Each of the lists of action results has
; this type signature.
(defun lexer-metaparse (lexer string &key trace)
(let ((metagrammar (lexer-metagrammar lexer)))
(do ((in (append (coerce string 'list) '($end)))
(results-lists nil))
((endp in) (values (nreverse results-lists) (grammar-user-start-action-types (metagrammar-grammar metagrammar))))
(multiple-value-bind (results in-rest) (action-metaparse metagrammar (lexer-classifier lexer) in :trace trace)
(setq in in-rest)
(push results results-lists)))))
; Same as lexer-metaparse except that also print the action results nicely.
(defun lexer-pmetaparse (lexer string &key (stream t) trace)
(multiple-value-bind (results-lists types) (lexer-metaparse lexer string :trace trace)
(pprint-logical-block (stream results-lists)
(print-values (pprint-pop) types stream :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
(format stream " ~_")))
(terpri stream)
(values results-lists types)))