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File Name: 12.6.3-1.js
ECMA Section: 12.6.3 The for...in Statement
The production IterationStatement : for ( LeftHandSideExpression in Expression )
Statement is evaluated as follows:
1. Evaluate the Expression.
2. Call GetValue(Result(1)).
3. Call ToObject(Result(2)).
4. Let C be "normal completion".
5. Get the name of the next property of Result(3) that doesn't have the
DontEnum attribute. If there is no such property, go to step 14.
6. Evaluate the LeftHandSideExpression (it may be evaluated repeatedly).
7. Call PutValue(Result(6), Result(5)). PutValue( V, W ):
1. If Type(V) is not Reference, generate a runtime error.
2. Call GetBase(V).
3. If Result(2) is null, go to step 6.
4. Call the [[Put]] method of Result(2), passing GetPropertyName(V)
for the property name and W for the value.
5. Return.
6. Call the [[Put]] method for the global object, passing
GetPropertyName(V) for the property name and W for the value.
7. Return.
8. Evaluate Statement.
9. If Result(8) is a value completion, change C to be "normal completion
after value V" where V is the value carried by Result(8).
10. If Result(8) is a break completion, go to step 14.
11. If Result(8) is a continue completion, go to step 5.
12. If Result(8) is a return completion, return Result(8).
13. Go to step 5.
14. Return C.
Author: christine@netscape.com
Date: 11 september 1997
var SECTION = "12.6.3-4";
var VERSION = "ECMA_1";
var TITLE = "The for..in statment";
var BUGNUMBER="http://scopus.mcom.com/bugsplat/show_bug.cgi?id=344855";
writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);
var testcases = new Array();
// for ( LeftHandSideExpression in Expression )
// LeftHandSideExpression:NewExpression:MemberExpression
var o = new MyObject();
var result = 0;
for ( MyObject in o ) {
result += o[MyObject];
testcases[testcases.length] = new TestCase( SECTION,
"for ( MyObject in o ) { result += o[MyObject] }",
result );
var result = 0;
for ( value in o ) {
result += o[value];
testcases[testcases.length] = new TestCase( SECTION,
"for ( value in o ) { result += o[value]",
result );
var value = "value";
var result = 0;
for ( value in o ) {
result += o[value];
testcases[testcases.length] = new TestCase( SECTION,
"value = \"value\"; for ( value in o ) { result += o[value]",
result );
var value = 0;
var result = 0;
for ( value in o ) {
result += o[value];
testcases[testcases.length] = new TestCase( SECTION,
"value = 0; for ( value in o ) { result += o[value]",
result );
// this causes a segv
var ob = { 0:"hello" };
var result = 0;
for ( ob[0] in o ) {
result += o[ob[0]];
testcases[testcases.length] = new TestCase( SECTION,
"ob = { 0:\"hello\" }; for ( ob[0] in o ) { result += o[ob[0]]",
result );
var result = 0;
for ( ob["0"] in o ) {
result += o[ob["0"]];
testcases[testcases.length] = new TestCase( SECTION,
"value = 0; for ( ob[\"0\"] in o ) { result += o[o[\"0\"]]",
result );
var result = 0;
var ob = { value:"hello" };
for ( ob[value] in o ) {
result += o[ob[value]];
testcases[testcases.length] = new TestCase( SECTION,
"ob = { 0:\"hello\" }; for ( ob[value] in o ) { result += o[ob[value]]",
result );
var result = 0;
for ( ob["value"] in o ) {
result += o[ob["value"]];
testcases[testcases.length] = new TestCase( SECTION,
"value = 0; for ( ob[\"value\"] in o ) { result += o[ob[\"value\"]]",
result );
var result = 0;
for ( ob.value in o ) {
result += o[ob.value];
testcases[testcases.length] = new TestCase( SECTION,
"value = 0; for ( ob.value in o ) { result += o[ob.value]",
result );
// LeftHandSideExpression:NewExpression:MemberExpression [ Expression ]
// LeftHandSideExpression:NewExpression:MemberExpression . Identifier
// LeftHandSideExpression:NewExpression:new MemberExpression Arguments
// LeftHandSideExpression:NewExpression:PrimaryExpression:( Expression )
// LeftHandSideExpression:CallExpression:MemberExpression Arguments
// LeftHandSideExpression:CallExpression Arguments
// LeftHandSideExpression:CallExpression [ Expression ]
// LeftHandSideExpression:CallExpression . Identifier
function test() {
for ( tc=0; tc < testcases.length; tc++ ) {
testcases[tc].passed = writeTestCaseResult(
testcases[tc].description +" = "+
testcases[tc].actual );
testcases[tc].reason += ( testcases[tc].passed ) ? "" : "wrong value ";
return ( testcases );
function MyObject() {
this.value = 2;
this[0] = 4;
return this;