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1316 строки
42 KiB
1316 строки
42 KiB
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Tinderbox build tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
use strict;
require 'header.pl';
my %colormap = (
null => 'a5a5a5',
success => '11DD11',
busted => 'EE0000',
building => 'EEFF00',
testfailed => 'FFAA00'
my %titlemap = (
success => 'success',
busted => 'busted',
building => 'building',
testfailed => 'testfailed',
flames => 'burning',
star => ''
my %textmap = (
success => 'L',
busted => 'L!',
building => 'L/',
testfailed => 'L-',
flames => '%',
star => '*'
my %images = (
flames => '1afi003r.gif',
star => 'star.gif'
my @who_check_list;
# $rel_path is the relative path to webtools/tinderbox used for links.
# It changes to "../" if the page is generated statically, because then
# it is placed in tinderbox/$tree.
my $rel_path = '';
sub tb_build_static($) {
my ($form_ref) = (@_);
$form_ref->{static} = 1;
sub do_static($) {
my ($form_ref) = (@_);
my $tree = &require_only_one_tree($form_ref->{tree});
local *OUT;
my @pages = ( ['index.html', 'do_tinderbox'],
['flash.rdf', 'do_flash'],
['panel.html', 'do_panel'],
['quickparse.txt', 'do_quickparse'],
['stats.hdml', 'do_hdml'],
['status.vxml', 'do_vxml'] );
my ($key, $value);
$rel_path = '../';
while (($key, $value) = each %images) {
$images{$key} = "$rel_path$value";
my $oldfh = select;
foreach my $pair (@pages) {
my ($page, $call) = @{$pair};
my $outfile = "$tree/$page";
open(OUT, ">", "$outfile.$$");
select OUT;
eval "$call(\$form_ref)";
rename("$outfile.$$", "$outfile");
select $oldfh;
sub do_tinderbox($) {
my ($form_ref) = (@_);
my $tinderbox_data = &tb_load_data($form_ref);
&print_page_head($form_ref, $tinderbox_data);
&print_table_header($form_ref, $tinderbox_data);
&print_table_footer($form_ref, $tinderbox_data);
sub print_page_head($$) {
my ($form_ref, $td) = (@_);
my $tree = $form_ref->{tree};
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n<HTML>\n" unless $form_ref->{static};
use POSIX qw(strftime);
# Print time in format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM timezone"
my $now = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z", localtime);
&EmitHtmlTitleAndHeader("tinderbox: $tree", "tinderbox",
"tree: $tree ($now)");
# Print rules, sheriff, and status. Only on the first pageful.
if ($::nowdate eq $td->{maxdate}) {
unless ($form_ref->{norules}) {
print "<a NAME=\"rules\"></a>" . &tb_load_rules($tree);
my $current_sheriff = &tb_load_sheriff($tree);
$current_sheriff =~ s:^\s*|\s*$::gs;
if ($current_sheriff and length($current_sheriff) gt 0) {
print "<a NAME=\"sheriff\"></a>$current_sheriff";
my $status_message = &tb_load_status($tree);
$status_message =~ s:^\s*|\s*$::gs;
if ($status_message and length($status_message) gt 0) {
print "<a NAME=\"status\"></a>$status_message";
# keeps the main table from clearing the IFRAME
print "<br clear=\"all\">\n";
# Quote and Legend
if ($form_ref->{legend}) {
my ($imageurl,$imagewidth,$imageheight,$quote) = &get_image;
print qq{
<table width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<td valign=bottom>
<p><center><a href=addimage.cgi><img src="$rel_path$imageurl"
width=$imagewidth height=$imageheight><br>
<td align=right valign=bottom>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0>
<td align=center><TT>L</TT></td>
<td>= Show Build Log</td>
<td align=center><TT>C</TT></td>
<td>= Show Checkins</td>
<td align=center><TT>D</TT></td>
<td>= Download Build</td>
<td align=center>
<img src="$images{star}" title="$titlemap{star}" alt="$textmap{star}"></td>
<td>= Show Log comments</td>
<td colspan=2>
<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=1>
<tr bgcolor="$colormap{success}">
Successful Build, optional bloaty stats:<br>
<tt>Lk:XXX</tt> (bytes leaked)<br>
<tt>Bl:YYYY</tt> (bytes allocated, bloat)<br>
<tt>Tp:TT.T</tt> (page-loader time, ms)<br>
<tt>Txul:TT.T</tt> (XUL openwindow time, ms)<br>
<tt>Ts:TT.T</tt> (startup time, sec)<br>
<tr bgcolor="$colormap{null}">
<td>No build in progress</td>
<tr bgcolor="$colormap{building}">
<td>Build in progress</td>
<tr bgcolor="$colormap{testfailed}">
<td>Successful build, but tests failed</td>
<tr bgcolor="$colormap{busted}">
<td>Build failed</td>
if (&is_tree_state_available($tree)) {
print "<a NAME=\"open\"></a>";
print "The tree is <font size=+2>";
print (&is_tree_open($tree) ? 'open' : 'closed');
print "</font>\n";
sub print_table_body($) {
my ($td) = (@_);
# Reset globals
undef @who_check_list;
for (my $tt=0; $tt < $td->{time_count}; $tt++) {
last if $td->{build_time_times}->[$tt] < $td->{mindate};
&print_table_row($td, $tt);
# Make $lasthour persistent private variable for print_table_row().
my $lasthour = '';
sub print_table_row {
my ($td, $tt) = @_;
my $tree = $td->{name};
# Time column
my $query_link = '';
my $end_query = '';
my $pretty_time = &print_time($td->{build_time_times}->[$tt]);
my $hour;
($hour) = $pretty_time =~ /(\d\d):/;
if ($lasthour ne $hour or &has_who_list($td, $tt)) {
$query_link = &query_ref($td, $td->{build_time_times}->[$tt]);
$end_query = '</a>';
if ($lasthour eq $hour) {
$pretty_time =~ s/^.* //;
} else {
$lasthour = $hour;
my $hour_color = '';
$hour_color = ' bgcolor=#e7e7e7'
if ($td->{build_time_times}->[$tt] + 1) % 7200 <= 3600;
print "<tr align=center><td align=right$hour_color>",
# Guilty
print '<td>';
for my $who (sort keys %{$td->{who_list}->[$tt]} ){
my $qr;
if ($tt eq 0) {
$qr = &who_menu($td, $td->{build_time_times}->[$tt],
} else {
$qr = &who_menu($td, $td->{build_time_times}->[$tt],
$who =~ s/%.*$//;
print " $qr$who</a>\n";
print '</td>';
# Build Status
for (my $build_index=0; $build_index < $td->{name_count}; $build_index++) {
my $br = $td->{build_table}->[$tt][$build_index];
if (not defined($br)) {
# No build data for this time (e.g. no build after this time).
print "<td></td>\n";
next if $br == -1; # Covered by rowspan
my $rowspan = $br->{rowspan};
# This appears to be designed to keep the rowspan from running beyond
# the length of the displayed table. I'm not certain that can happen
# in a table. Besides, if rowspan is set to that sort of invalid value,
# that's more of a sign that there's a bug in tbglobals.pl.
if ( $rowspan > $td->{mindate_time_count} - $tt + 1 ) {
$rowspan = $td->{mindate_time_count} - $tt + 1
print "<td rowspan=\"$rowspan\" bgcolor=\"$colormap{$br->{buildstatus}}\">\n";
if ( $br->{buildstatus} eq "null" ) {
print "</td>\n";
my $logfile = $br->{logfile};
my $buildtree = $br->{td}->{name};
print "<tt>\n";
# Build Note
my $logurl = "${rel_path}showlog.cgi?log=$buildtree/$logfile";
if ($br->{hasnote}) {
print qq|
<a href="$logurl"
onclick="return note(event,$br->{noteid},'$logfile');">
<img src="$images{star}" title="$titlemap{star}" alt="$textmap{star}" border=0></a>
# Build Log
# Uncomment this line to print logfile names in build rectangle.
# print "$logfile<br>";
if ( 1 ) {
# Add build start, end, and elapsed time where possible.
my($start, $end, $elapsed);
my $start_timet = $br->{buildtime};
my $end_timet = $br->{endtime};
# If either of the times aren't today, we need to qualify both with
# the month and day-of-month.
my $need_to_qualify;
if ( both_are_today($start_timet, $end_timet) ) {
$need_to_qualify = 0;
} else {
$need_to_qualify = 1;
# Grab the human-readable start time.
$start = get_local_hms($start_timet, $need_to_qualify);
# If we're still building, the endtime only reflects the opening
# mail that the build has started, not the time at which the build
# ended. In that case, don't use it. Use the current time, instead.
my $time_info = "";
if ($br->{buildstatus} eq 'building') {
$elapsed = get_time_difference(time(), $start_timet);
$time_info = "Started $start, still building..";
} else {
$end = get_local_hms($end_timet, $need_to_qualify);
$elapsed = get_time_difference($end_timet, $start_timet);
$time_info = "Started $start, finished $end";
print qq|
<A HREF="$logurl"
onclick="return log(event,$build_index,'$logfile','$time_info','$elapsed');"
} else {
print qq|
<A HREF="$logurl"
onclick="return log(event,$build_index,'$logfile');"
# What Changed
# Only add the "C" link if there have been changes since the last build.
if ($br->{previousbuildtime}) {
my $previous_buildtime_index = $td->{build_time_index}->{$br->{previousbuildtime}};
my $this_buildtime_index = $td->{build_time_index}->{$br->{buildtime}} + 1;
if (&has_who_list($td,
$previous_buildtime_index)) {
print "\n", &query_ref($br->{td},
$br->{buildtime} - 1);
print "C</a>";
# Binary URL
# Only add the "D" link if there is a url to a downloadable binary
if( $br->{binaryurl} ){
my $binaryurl = $br->{binaryurl};
print" <A HREF=$binaryurl>D</A>";
# Scrape data
if (defined $td->{scrape}{$logfile}) {
my (@scrape_data)
= @{ $td->{scrape}{$logfile} };
# ex: Tp:5.45s
my $i;
foreach $i (@scrape_data) {
print "<br>$i";
# Warnings
if (defined $td->{warnings}{$logfile}) {
my ($warning_count) = $td->{warnings}{$logfile};
my $warn_file = "$tree/warn$logfile";
$warn_file =~ s/\.gz$/.html/;
print "<br><br><a href='${rel_path}$warn_file'>Warn:$warning_count</a>";
print "</tt>\n</td>";
print "</tr>\n";
} # END
sub print_table_header($) {
my ($form_ref, $td) = (@_);
print "<table border=1 bgcolor='#FFFFFF' cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>\n";
print "<tr align=center>\n";
print "<TH>Build Time</TH>\n";
print "<TH>Guilty</th>\n";
for (my $ii=0; $ii < $td->{name_count}; $ii++) {
my $bn = $td->{build_names}->[$ii];
$bn =~ s/Clobber/Clbr/g;
$bn =~ s/Depend/Dep/g;
$bn = "<font face='Helvetica,Arial' size=-1>$bn</font>";
my $last_status = &tb_last_status($td, $ii);
if ($last_status eq 'busted') {
if ($form_ref->{noflames}) {
print "<td rowspan=2 bgcolor=$colormap{busted}><a title='$titlemap{flames}'>$bn $textmap{flames}</a></td>";
} else {
print "<td rowspan=2 bgcolor=000000 background='$images{flames}' style='background-position: bottom; background-repeat: repeat-x;'>";
print "<font color=white><a title='$titlemap{flames}'>$bn $textmap{flames}</a></font></td>";
else {
print "<td rowspan=2 bgcolor=$colormap{$last_status}>$bn</td>";
print "</tr><tr>\n";
print "<td rowspan=1><font size=-1>Click time to <br>see changes <br>",
"since then</font></td>";
print "<td><font size=-1>",
"Click name to see what they did</font></td>";
print "</tr>\n";
sub print_table_footer($$) {
my ($form_ref, $td) = (@_);
my $tree = $form_ref->{tree};
print "</table>\n";
# Do not show 'previous hours' links for static pages
if (not defined($form_ref->{static})) {
# Copy form data into separate hash so that we can modify it
# but retain the original url values
my %footer_form = %{$form_ref};
$footer_form{norules} = 1;
$footer_form{legend} = 0;
my $hours = $footer_form{hours} || $::default_hours;
$footer_form{maxdate} = $td->{maxdate} - $hours*60*60;
print open_showbuilds_href(%footer_form) .
"Show previous $hours hours</a><br>";
if ($hours != 24) {
my $save_hours = $footer_form{hours};
$footer_form{hours} = 24;
print open_showbuilds_href(%footer_form) .
"Show previous 24 hours</a><br>";
$footer_form{hours} = $save_hours;
print "Show $hours hours from the previous ";
$footer_form{maxdate} = $td->{maxdate} - 24*60*60*7;
print open_showbuilds_href(%footer_form) . "1</a>, ";
$footer_form{maxdate} = $td->{maxdate} - 24*60*60*7*4;
print open_showbuilds_href(%footer_form) . "4</a>, ";
$footer_form{maxdate} = $td->{maxdate} - 24*60*60*7*12;
print open_showbuilds_href(%footer_form) . "12</a>, or ";
$footer_form{maxdate} = $td->{maxdate} - 24*60*60*7*52;
print open_showbuilds_href(%footer_form) . "52</a> weeks.<br>";
print "<p><a href='${rel_path}admintree.cgi?tree=$tree'>" .
"Administrate Tinderbox Trees</a><br>\n";
sub open_showbuilds_url {
my %args = (@_);
my $url = "${rel_path}showbuilds.cgi?tree=$args{tree}";
while (my ($key, $value) = each %args) {
$url .= "&$key=$value" if ($value ne '' && $key ne 'tree');
return $url;
sub open_showbuilds_href {
return "<a href=\"".open_showbuilds_url(@_)."\">";
# Same as open_showbuilds_href, but adding parent target
# so that URL's in iframes take over the parent window.
sub open_showbuilds_href_target {
return "<a href=\"".open_showbuilds_url(@_)."\" target=\"_parent\">";
sub query_ref {
my ($td, $mindate, $maxdate, $who) = @_;
my $output = '<a><!-- query system not configured -->';
if ($::global_treedata->{$td->{name}}->{use_viewvc}) {
$output = "<a href=\"" .
$::global_treedata->{$td->{name}}->{viewvc_url} .
$output .= "&date=explicit&mindate=" .
strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T", gmtime($mindate));
$output .= "&maxdate=" .
strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T", gmtime($maxdate))
if (defined($maxdate) && $maxdate ne '');
$output .= "&who=" . &url_encode($who) if (defined($who) && $who ne '');
$output .= "\">";
} elsif ($::global_treedata->{$td->{name}}->{use_bonsai}) {
$output = "<a href=$::bonsai_url/cvsquery.cgi";
$output .= "?module=$td->{cvs_module}";
$output .= "&branch=$td->{cvs_branch}" if $td->{cvs_branch} ne 'HEAD';
$output .= "&branchtype=regexp"
if $td->{cvs_branch} =~ /\+|\?|\*/;
$output .= "&cvsroot=$td->{cvs_root}" if $td->{cvs_root} ne $::default_cvsroot;
$output .= "&date=explicit&mindate=$mindate";
$output .= "&maxdate=$maxdate" if $maxdate and $maxdate ne '';
$output .= "&who=$who" if $who and $who ne '';
$output .= ">";
return $output;
sub who_menu {
my ($td, $mindate, $maxdate, $who) = @_;
my $treeflag;
# this variable isn't doing anything, so i'm going to use it shamelessly
$treeflag = $td->{cvs_branch};
# trick who.cgi into using regexps, escaping & and =
$treeflag .= '%26branchtype%3Dregexp' if $treeflag =~ /\+|\?|\*/;
my $qr = '';
my $ret = '<a><!-- no query system configured -->';
if ($::global_treedata->{$td->{name}}->{use_viewvc}) {
$qr = $::global_treedata->{$td->{name}}->{viewvc_url} .
"?view=query&who_match=exact&who=" .
&url_encode($who) . "&querysort=date&date=explicit" .
"&mindate=" . strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T", gmtime($mindate));
$qr .= "&maxdate=" . strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T", gmtime($maxdate)) if
$ret = "<a href='$qr'>";
} elsif ($::global_treedata->{$td->{name}}->{use_bonsai}) {
$qr = "$::registry_url/who.cgi?email=". &url_encode($who)
. "&d=$td->{cvs_module}|$treeflag|$td->{cvs_root}|$mindate";
$qr = $qr . "|$maxdate" if defined($maxdate);
$ret = "<a href=\"$qr\" onclick=\"return who(event);\">";
return $ret;
# Check to see if anyone checked in during time slot.
# ex. has_who_list(1); # Check for checkins in most recent time slot.
# ex. has_who_list(1,5); # Check range of times.
sub has_who_list($$$) {
my ($td, $time1, $time2) = @_;
if (not defined(@who_check_list)) {
# Build a static array of true/false values for each time slot.
$who_check_list[$td->{time_count} - 1] = 0;
for (my $tt = 0; $tt < $td->{time_count}; $tt++) {
$who_check_list[$tt] = 1 if each %{$td->{who_list}->[$tt]};
if ($time2) {
for (my $ii=$time1; $ii<=$time2; $ii++) {
return 1 if $who_check_list[$ii];
return 0;
} else {
return 1 if $who_check_list[$time1];
# Check bonsai tree for open/close state
# Cache state in hash as multiple tinderboxes
# may have different bonsai trees
my %treestate = {};
my %checked_state = {};
sub _check_tree_state($) {
my ($tree) = (@_);
$checked_state{$tree} = 1;
my $bonsai_tree = $::global_treedata->{$tree}->{bonsai_tree};
return unless defined $bonsai_tree and $bonsai_tree ne '';
local $_;
eval qq(require "$::bonsai_dir/data/$bonsai_tree/batchid.pl");
if ($::BatchID eq '') {
warn "No BatchID in $::bonsai_dir/data/$bonsai_tree/batchid.pl\n";
open(BATCH, "<", "$::bonsai_dir/data/$bonsai_tree/batch-$::BatchID.pl")
or warn "Cannot open $::bonsai_dir/data/$bonsai_tree/batch-$::BatchID.pl";
while (<BATCH>) {
if (/^\$::TreeOpen = '(\d+)';/) {
$treestate{$tree} = $1;
sub is_tree_state_available($) {
my ($tree) = (@_);
return 1 if defined($treestate{$tree});
return 0 if defined($checked_state{$tree});
return &is_tree_state_available($tree);
sub is_tree_open($) {
my ($tree) = (@_);
&_check_tree_state($tree) unless $checked_state{$tree};
return $treestate{$tree};
sub print_javascript {
my ($td) = (@_);
my $tree = $td->{name};
my $script;
($script = <<"__ENDJS") =~ s/^ //gm;
<style type="text/css">
#popup {
position: absolute;
margin: -5em 0 0 -5em;
opacity: 0.9;
border: 0px;
height: 8em;
width: 16em;
.note#popup {
width: 25em;
.log#popup {
.note#popup, .log#popup {
border: 2px solid black;
background: white;
color: black;
padding: 0.5em;
var noDHTML = false;
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4) {
window.event = 0;
noDHTML = true;
} else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0 ) {
noDHTML = true;
if (document.body && document.body.addEventListener) {
function closepopup() {
var p = document.getElementById("popup");
if (p && p.parentNode) {
function maybeclosepopup(e) {
var n = e.target;
var close = true;
while(close && n && (n != document)) {
close = (n.id != "popup") && !(n.tagName && (n.tagName.toLowerCase() == "a"));
n = n.parentNode;
if (close) closepopup();
function who(d) {
if (noDHTML) {
return true;
if (typeof document.layers != 'undefined') {
var l = document.layers['popup'];
l.src = d.target.href;
l.top = d.target.y - 6;
l.left = d.target.x - 6;
if (l.left + l.clipWidth > window.width) {
l.left = window.width - l.clipWidth;
} else {
var t = d.target;
while (t.nodeType != 1) {
t = t.parentNode;
l = document.createElement("iframe");
l.setAttribute("src", t.href);
l.setAttribute("id", "popup");
l.className = "who";
return false;
function convert_timet_to_gmtdate(timet) {
var timeconv = new Date();
timeconv.setTime( (timet * 1000) + \
(timeconv.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000) );
return timeconv.toLocaleString();
function convert_timet_to_localdate(timet) {
var timeconv = new Date();
timeconv.setTime(timet * 1000);
return timeconv.toLocaleString();
function convert_timet_to_localhms(timet) {
var timeconv = new Date();
timeconv.setTime(timet * 1000);
hours = timeconv.getHours();
if (hours < 10)
hours = "0" + hours;
mins = timeconv.getMinutes();
if (mins < 10)
mins = "0" + mins;
secs = timeconv.getSeconds();
if (secs < 10)
secs = "0" + secs;
return hours + ":" + mins;
function log_url(logfile) {
return "${rel_path}showlog.cgi?log=" + buildtree + "/" + logfile;
function note(d,noteid,logfile) {
if (noDHTML) {
document.location = log_url(logfile);
return false;
if (typeof document.layers != 'undefined') {
var l = document.layers['popup'];
l.document.write("<table border=1 cellspacing=1><tr><td>"
+ notes[noteid] + "</tr></table>");
l.top = d.y-10;
var zz = d.x;
if (zz + l.clip.right > window.innerWidth) {
zz = (window.innerWidth-30) - l.clip.right;
if (zz < 0) { zz = 0; }
l.left = zz;
} else {
var t = d.target;
while (t.nodeType != 1) {
t = t.parentNode;
l = document.createElement("div");
l.innerHTML = notes[noteid];
l.setAttribute("id", "popup");
l.style.position = "absolute";
l.className = "note";
return false;
function log(e,buildindex,logfile,time_info,elapsed) {
var logurl = log_url(logfile);
var commenturl = "${rel_path}addnote.cgi?log=" + buildtree + "/" + logfile;
if (noDHTML) {
document.location = logurl;
return false;
var blurb = "<B>" + builds[buildindex] + "</B><BR>";
// If time_info is set, it will contain either the start time of the
// build or both the start and end time.
if (time_info) {
blurb = blurb + time_info + "<BR>"
// elapsed tracks the time the build started to either its end time or
// now.
if (elapsed) {
blurb = blurb + elapsed + " elapsed<BR>"
blurb = blurb + "<A HREF=" + logurl + ">View Brief Log</A><BR>"
+ "<A HREF=" + logurl + "&fulltext=1"+">View Full Log</A><BR>"
+ "<A HREF=" + commenturl + ">Add a Comment</A>";
if (typeof document.layers != 'undefined') {
var q = document.layers["logpopup"];
q.top = e.target.y - 6;
var yy = e.target.x;
if ( yy + q.clip.right > window.innerWidth) {
yy = (window.innerWidth-30) - q.clip.right;
if (yy < 0) { yy = 0; }
q.left = yy;
q.document.write("<TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TD>" + blurb
+ "</TD></TR></TABLE>");
} else {
var t = e.target;
while (t.nodeType != 1) {
t = t.parentNode;
var l = document.createElement("div");
l.innerHTML = blurb + "<BR>";
l.setAttribute("id", "popup");
l.className = "log";
return false;
var notes = new Array();
var builds = new Array();
print $script;
my $ii = 0;
my $note_arrayref = $td->{note_array};
if (defined($note_arrayref)) {
for ($ii=0; $ii < @$note_arrayref; $ii++) {
my $ss = $note_arrayref->[$ii];
print "notes[$ii] = ";
$ss =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$ss =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
$ss =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
print "\"$ss\";\n";
for ($ii=0; $ii < $td->{name_count}; $ii++) {
my $bn = $td->{build_names}->[$ii];
print "builds[$ii]='$bn';\n";
print "var buildtree = '$tree';\n";
# Use JavaScript to refresh the page every 15 minutes
print "setTimeout('location.reload()',900000);\n" if $::nowdate eq $td->{maxdate};
($script = <<'__ENDJS') =~ s/^ //gm;
<layer name="popup" onMouseOut="this.visibility='hide';"
left=0 top=0 bgcolor="#ffffff" visibility="hide">
<layer name="logpopup" onMouseOut="this.visibility='hide';"
left=0 top=0 bgcolor="#ffffff" visibility="hide">
print $script;
sub do_express($) {
my ($form_ref) = (@_);
my $tree = &require_only_one_tree($form_ref->{tree});
my %express_form = %{$form_ref};
undef $express_form{express};
print "Content-type: text/html\nRefresh: 900\n\n<HTML>\n";
my (%quickdata);
tb_loadquickparseinfo($tree, $form_ref->{maxdate}, \%quickdata);
my @keys = sort keys %quickdata;
my $keycount = @keys;
my $tm = &print_time(time);
print "<table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1><tr>";
print "<th align=left colspan=$keycount>";
print open_showbuilds_href_target(%express_form)."$tree";
if (&is_tree_state_available($tree)) {
print (&is_tree_open($tree) ? ' is open' : ' is closed');
print ", $tm</a></tr><tr>\n";
foreach my $buildname (@keys) {
print "<td bgcolor='$colormap{$quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus}}'>$buildname</td>";
print "</tr></table>\n";
# This is essentially do_express but it outputs a different format
sub do_panel($) {
my ($form_ref) = (@_);
my $tree = &require_only_one_tree($form_ref->{tree});
my %panel_form = %{$form_ref};
undef $panel_form{panel};
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n<HTML>\n" unless $form_ref->{static};
my (%quickdata);
tb_loadquickparseinfo($tree, $form_ref->{maxdate}, \%quickdata);
print q(
body, td {
font-family: Verdana, Sans-Serif;
font-size: 8pt;
<body BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000"
LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#551A8B" ALINK="#FF0000">
# Make the static version of panel reference the static index file
# Make sure the cgi panel output is reloaded in the same content window
if ($form_ref->{static}) {
print "<a target='_content' href='./'>";
} else {
print "<a href=\"" . open_showbuilds_url(%panel_form) .
"\" target=\"_content\">";
print "$tree";
if (&is_tree_state_available($tree)) {
print " is ", &is_tree_open($tree) ? 'open' : 'closed';
# Add the current time
my ($minute,$hour,$mday,$mon) = (localtime)[1..4];
my $tm = sprintf("%d/%d %d:%02d",$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$minute);
print ", $tm</a><br>";
print "<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1>";
foreach my $buildname (sort {$quickdata{$b}->{buildtime} cmp $quickdata{$a}->{buildtime}} keys %quickdata) {
print "<tr><td bgcolor='$colormap{$quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus}}'>$buildname</td></tr>";
print "</table></body>";
sub do_flash($) {
my ($form_ref) = (@_);
my $tree = &require_only_one_tree($form_ref->{tree});
print "Content-type: text/rdf\n\n" unless $form_ref->{static};
my (%quickdata);
tb_loadquickparseinfo($tree, $form_ref->{maxdate}, \%quickdata);
my ($mac,$unix,$win) = (0,0,0);
foreach my $name (keys %quickdata) {
next if $quickdata{$name}->{buildstatus} eq 'success';
$mac = 1, next if $name =~ /Mac/;
$win = 1, next if $name =~ /Win/;
$unix = 1;
print q{
<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'
<RDF:Description about='NC:FlashRoot'>
my $busted = $mac + $unix + $win;
if ($busted) {
# Construct a legible sentence; e.g., "Mac, Unix, and Windows
# are busted", "Windows is busted", etc. This is hideous. If
# you can think of something better, please fix it.
my $text;
if ($mac) {
$text .= 'Mac' . ($busted > 2 ? ', ' : ($busted > 1 ? ' and ' : ''));
if ($unix) {
$text .= 'Unix' . ($busted > 2 ? ', and ' : ($win ? ' and ' : ''));
if ($win) {
$text .= 'Windows';
$text .= ($busted > 1 ? ' are ' : ' is ') . 'busted';
# The Flash spec says we need to give ctime.
use POSIX;
my $tm = POSIX::ctime(time());
$tm =~ s/^...\s//; # Strip day of week
$tm =~ s/:\d\d\s/ /; # Strip seconds
chop $tm;
print qq{
<RDF:Description ID='flash'>
<NC:type resource='http://www.mozilla.org/RDF#TinderboxFlash' />
print q{
sub do_quickparse($) {
my ($form_ref) = (@_);
print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n" unless $form_ref->{static};
my $tree = $form_ref->{tree};
my @treelist = &make_tree_list();
my @requestedtreelist = split /,/, $tree;
foreach my $tt (@requestedtreelist) {
next unless grep {$tt eq $_} @treelist;
if (&is_tree_state_available($tt)) {
my $state = &is_tree_open($tt) ? 'open' : 'closed';
print "State|$tt|" .
$::global_treedata->{$tt}->{bonsai_tree} .
my (%quickdata);
tb_loadquickparseinfo($tt, $form_ref->{maxdate}, \%quickdata);
# URL encode binaryurl so that urls with | will not
# break the quickparse format
foreach my $buildname (sort keys %quickdata) {
print "Build|$tt|$buildname|" .
"$quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus}|" .
"$quickdata{$buildname}->{buildtime}|" .
url_encode($quickdata{$buildname}->{binaryurl}) . "\n";
sub do_rdf($) {
my ($form_ref) = (@_);
my $tree = &require_only_one_tree($form_ref->{tree});
print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
my $mainurl = "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}?tree=$tree";
my $dirurl = $mainurl;
$dirurl =~ s@/[^/]*$@@;
my (%quickdata);
tb_loadquickparseinfo($tree, $form_ref->{maxdate}, \%quickdata);
my $image = "channelok.gif";
my $imagetitle = "OK";
foreach my $buildname (sort keys %quickdata) {
if ($quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus} eq 'busted') {
$image = "channelflames.gif";
$imagetitle = "Bad";
print qq{<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Tinderbox - $tree</title>
<description>Build bustages for $tree</description>
if (&is_tree_state_available($tree)) {
my $state = &is_tree_open($tree) ? 'open' : 'closed';
print "<item><title>The tree is currently $state</title>",
foreach my $buildname (sort keys %quickdata) {
if ($quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus} eq 'busted') {
print "<item><title>$buildname is in flames</title>",
print "</rdf:RDF>\n";
# This is for Sprint phones
sub do_hdml($) {
my ($form_ref) = (@_);
my $tree = &require_only_one_tree($form_ref->{tree});
print "Content-type: text/hdml\n\n" unless $form_ref->{static};
print q{<hdml public=true version=2.0 ttl=0>
<display title=Tinderbox>
<action type=help task=go dest=#help>
my %state_symbols = (success=>'+',busted=>'!',testfailed=>'~');
if (&is_tree_state_available($tree)) {
print "<LINE>$tree is " . (&is_tree_open($tree) ? 'open' : 'closed');
my (%quickdata);
tb_loadquickparseinfo($tree, $form_ref->{maxdate}, \%quickdata);
foreach my $buildname (sort keys %quickdata) {
print "<LINE>$state_symbols{$quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus}} $buildname\n";
print q{
+ : Good Build<BR>
! : Broken Build<BR>
~ : Tests Failed
sub do_vxml($) {
my ($form_ref) = (@_);
my $tree = &require_only_one_tree($form_ref->{tree});
print "Content-type: text/vxml\n\n";
print '<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE vxml PUBLIC "-//Tellme Networks//Voice Markup Language 1.0//EN" "http://resources.tellme.com/toolbox/vxml-tellme.dtd">';
print '<vxml><form id="tinderbox"><block>';
print "\n\n";
print '<audio src="http://www.boulderdesign.com/sounds/wargames.wav">Welcome</audio>';
print "\n";
print '<pause>500</pause>';
print "\n";
my %state_symbols = (success=>'green.',busted=>'red.',testfailed=>'orange.');
if (&is_tree_state_available($tree)) {
print "<audio>$tree is " . (&is_tree_open($tree) ? 'open.' : 'closed.') . "</audio>";
my (%quickdata);
tb_loadquickparseinfo($tree, $form_ref->{maxdate}, \%quickdata);
my $testFailed = 0;
my $flames = 0;
print "\n";
foreach my $buildname (sort keys %quickdata) {
if ($quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus} eq 'busted') {
$flames = 1;
} elsif ($quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus} eq 'testfailed') {
$testFailed = 1;
print '<pause>500</pause>';
if ($testFailed == 1 || $flames == 1) {
if ($testFailed == 1) {
print '<audio src="http://www.boulderdesign.com/sounds/hansolo_badfeeling.wav">a test failed</audio>';
} elsif ($flames == 1) {
print '<audio src="http://www.boulderdesign.com/sounds/brimstone.wav">something is on fire</audio>';
print "\n";
foreach my $buildname (sort keys %quickdata) {
print "<pause>500</pause>";
print "\n";
if ($quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus} eq 'busted' ||
$quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus} eq 'testfailed') {
print '<audio src="http://www.boulderdesign.com/sounds/getfixed.wav">bustage</audio>';
print "\n";
print "<pause>500</pause>";
print "\n";
print "<audio>$buildname is $state_symbols{$quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus}} </audio>";
print "\n";
} else {
print '<audio>All clear, move along.</audio>';
print "\n";
print '<pause>1000</pause><audio src="http://www.boulderdesign.com/sounds/goodbye.wav">goodbye</audio>';
print "\n";
print '<disconnect/></block></form></vxml>';
sub do_wml($) {
my ($form_ref) = (@_);
my $tree = &require_only_one_tree($form_ref->{tree});
print "Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml\n";
print "Pragma: No-Cache\n\n";
print '<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml">';
print '<wml><card id="Status" title="Status">';
print '<do type="accept" label="Builds"><go href="#Builds"/></do>';
print '<p align ="center"><b><u>Moz Tinderbox</u></b></p>';
my %state_symbols = (success=>'green.',busted=>'red.',testfailed=>'orange.');
if (&is_tree_state_available($tree)) {
print "<p align='left'>$tree is " . (&is_tree_open($tree) ? 'open.' : 'closed.') . "</p>";
my (%quickdata);
tb_loadquickparseinfo($tree, $form_ref->{maxdate}, \%quickdata);
my $testFailed = 0;
my $flames = 0;
print "\n";
foreach my $buildname (sort keys %quickdata) {
if ($quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus} eq 'busted') {
$flames = 1;
} elsif ($quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus} eq 'testfailed') {
$testFailed = 1;
print '<p align="left">';
if ($flames) {
print "There's bustage.</p>";
if ($testFailed) {
print "Tests are failing.</p>";
if ($flames == 0 && $testFailed == 0) {
print "No bustage.</p>";
print "</card>\n";
print '<card id="Builds" title="Builds">';
print '<p align="center"><b><u>Builds</u></b></p>';
print '<p mode="nowrap"><table columns="2">';
foreach my $buildname (sort keys %quickdata) {
print "<tr><td>[";
if ($quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus} eq 'busted') {
print '<b>RED</b>';
} elsif ($quickdata{$buildname}->{buildstatus} eq 'testfailed') {
print '<b>TEST FAILED</b>';
} else {
print 'GREEN';
print "]</td><td>$buildname</td></tr>";
print "\n";
print '</table></p></card></wml>';