
1590 строки
53 KiB

A representation of makefile data structures.
import logging, re, os, sys
import parserdata, parser, functions, process, util, implicit
from cStringIO import StringIO
_log = logging.getLogger('pymake.data')
class DataError(util.MakeError):
class ResolutionError(DataError):
Raised when dependency resolution fails, either due to recursion or to missing
prerequisites.This is separately catchable so that implicit rule search can try things
without having to commit.
def withoutdups(it):
r = set()
for i in it:
if not i in r:
yield i
def mtimeislater(deptime, targettime):
Is the mtime of the dependency later than the target?
if deptime is None:
return True
if targettime is None:
return False
return deptime > targettime
def getmtime(path):
s = os.stat(path)
return s.st_mtime
except OSError:
return None
def stripdotslash(s):
if s.startswith('./'):
st = s[2:]
return st if st != '' else '.'
return s
def stripdotslashes(sl):
for s in sl:
yield stripdotslash(s)
def getindent(stack):
return ''.ljust(len(stack) - 1)
def _if_else(c, t, f):
if c:
return t()
return f()
class StringExpansion(object):
__slots__ = ('loc', 's',)
simple = True
def __init__(self, s, loc):
assert isinstance(s, str)
self.s = s
self.loc = loc
def lstrip(self):
self.s = self.s.lstrip()
def rstrip(self):
self.s = self.s.rstrip()
def isempty(self):
return self.s == ''
def resolve(self, i, j, fd, k=None):
def resolvestr(self, i, j, k=None):
return self.s
def resolvesplit(self, i, j, k=None):
return self.s.split()
def clone(self):
e = Expansion(self.loc)
return e
def __len__(self):
return 1
def __getitem__(self, i):
assert i == 0
return self.s, False
def __str__(self):
return "Exp<%s>(%r)" % (self.loc, self.s)
class Expansion(list):
A representation of expanded data, such as that for a recursively-expanded variable, a command, etc.
__slots__ = ('loc', 'hasfunc')
simple = False
def __init__(self, loc=None):
# A list of (element, isfunc) tuples
# element is either a string or a function
self.loc = loc
self.hasfunc = False
def fromstring(s, path):
return StringExpansion(s, parserdata.Location(path, 1, 0))
def clone(self):
e = Expansion()
return e
def appendstr(self, s):
assert isinstance(s, str)
if s == '':
self.append((s, False))
def appendfunc(self, func):
assert isinstance(func, functions.Function)
self.append((func, True))
self.hasfunc = True
def concat(self, o):
"""Concatenate the other expansion on to this one."""
if o.simple:
self.hasfunc = self.hasfunc or o.hasfunc
def isempty(self):
return (not len(self)) or self[0] == ('', False)
def lstrip(self):
"""Strip leading literal whitespace from this expansion."""
while True:
i, isfunc = self[0]
if isfunc:
i = i.lstrip()
if i != '':
self[0] = i, False
del self[0]
def rstrip(self):
"""Strip trailing literal whitespace from this expansion."""
while True:
i, isfunc = self[-1]
if isfunc:
i = i.rstrip()
if i != '':
self[-1] = i, False
del self[-1]
def finish(self):
if self.hasfunc:
return self
return StringExpansion(''.join([i for i, isfunc in self]), self.loc)
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting=[]):
Resolve this variable into a value, by interpolating the value
of other variables.
@param setting (Variable instance) the variable currently
being set, if any. Setting variables must avoid self-referential
assert isinstance(makefile, Makefile)
assert isinstance(variables, Variables)
assert isinstance(setting, list)
for e, isfunc in self:
if isfunc:
e.resolve(makefile, variables, fd, setting)
assert isinstance(e, str)
def resolvestr(self, makefile, variables, setting=[]):
fd = StringIO()
self.resolve(makefile, variables, fd, setting)
return fd.getvalue()
def resolvesplit(self, makefile, variables, setting=[]):
return self.resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting).split()
def __repr__(self):
return "<Expansion with elements: %r>" % ([e for e, isfunc in self],)
class Variables(object):
A mapping from variable names to variables. Variables have flavor, source, and value. The value is an
expansion object.
__slots__ = ('parent', '_map')
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self._map = {} # vname -> flavor, source, valuestr, valueexp
self.parent = parent
def readfromenvironment(self, env):
for k, v in env.iteritems():
self.set(k, self.FLAVOR_SIMPLE, self.SOURCE_ENVIRONMENT, v)
def get(self, name, expand=True):
Get the value of a named variable. Returns a tuple (flavor, source, value)
If the variable is not present, returns (None, None, None)
@param expand If true, the value will be returned as an expansion. If false,
it will be returned as an unexpanded string.
flavor, source, valuestr, valueexp = self._map.get(name, (None, None, None, None))
if flavor is not None:
if expand and flavor != self.FLAVOR_SIMPLE and valueexp is None:
d = parser.Data.fromstring(valuestr, parserdata.Location("Expansion of variables '%s'" % (name,), 1, 0))
valueexp, t, o = parser.parsemakesyntax(d, 0, (), parser.iterdata)
self._map[name] = flavor, source, valuestr, valueexp
if flavor == self.FLAVOR_APPEND:
if self.parent:
pflavor, psource, pvalue = self.parent.get(name, expand)
pflavor, psource, pvalue = None, None, None
if pvalue is None:
flavor = self.FLAVOR_RECURSIVE
# fall through
if source > psource:
# TODO: log a warning?
return pflavor, psource, pvalue
if not expand:
return pflavor, psource, pvalue + ' ' + valuestr
pvalue = pvalue.clone()
pvalue.appendstr(' ')
return pflavor, psource, pvalue
if not expand:
return flavor, source, valuestr
if flavor == self.FLAVOR_RECURSIVE:
val = valueexp
val = Expansion.fromstring(valuestr, "Expansion of variable '%s'" % (name,))
return flavor, source, val
if self.parent is not None:
return self.parent.get(name, expand)
return (None, None, None)
def set(self, name, flavor, source, value):
assert flavor in (self.FLAVOR_RECURSIVE, self.FLAVOR_SIMPLE)
assert isinstance(value, str), "expected str, got %s" % type(value)
prevflavor, prevsource, prevvalue = self.get(name)
if prevsource is not None and source > prevsource:
# TODO: give a location for this warning
_log.info("not setting variable '%s', set by higher-priority source to value '%s'" % (name, prevvalue))
self._map[name] = flavor, source, value, None
def append(self, name, source, value, variables, makefile):
assert isinstance(value, str)
if name not in self._map:
self._map[name] = self.FLAVOR_APPEND, source, value, None
prevflavor, prevsource, prevvalue, valueexp = self._map[name]
if source > prevsource:
# TODO: log a warning?
if prevflavor == self.FLAVOR_SIMPLE:
d = parser.Data.fromstring(value, parserdata.Location("Expansion of variables '%s'" % (name,), 1, 0))
valueexp, t, o = parser.parsemakesyntax(d, 0, (), parser.iterdata)
val = valueexp.resolvestr(makefile, variables, [name])
self._map[name] = prevflavor, prevsource, prevvalue + ' ' + val, None
newvalue = prevvalue + ' ' + value
self._map[name] = prevflavor, prevsource, newvalue, None
def merge(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, Variables)
for k, flavor, source, value in other:
self.set(k, flavor, source, value)
def __iter__(self):
for k, (flavor, source, value, valueexp) in self._map.iteritems():
yield k, flavor, source, value
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self._map
class Pattern(object):
A pattern is a string, possibly with a % substitution character. From the GNU make manual:
'%' characters in pattern rules can be quoted with precending backslashes ('\'). Backslashes that
would otherwise quote '%' charcters can be quoted with more backslashes. Backslashes that
quote '%' characters or other backslashes are removed from the pattern before it is compared t
file names or has a stem substituted into it. Backslashes that are not in danger of quoting '%'
characters go unmolested. For example, the pattern the\%weird\\%pattern\\ has `the%weird\' preceding
the operative '%' character, and 'pattern\\' following it. The final two backslashes are left alone
because they cannot affect any '%' character.
This insane behavior probably doesn't matter, but we're compatible just for shits and giggles.
__slots__ = ('data')
def __init__(self, s):
r = []
i = 0
while i < len(s):
c = s[i]
if c == '\\':
nc = s[i + 1]
if nc == '%':
i += 1
elif nc == '\\':
i += 1
elif c == '%':
self.data = (''.join(r), s[i+1:])
i += 1
# This is different than (s,) because \% and \\ have been unescaped. Parsing patterns is
# context-sensitive!
self.data = (''.join(r),)
def ismatchany(self):
return self.data == ('','')
def ispattern(self):
return len(self.data) == 2
def __hash__(self):
return self.data.__hash__()
def __eq__(self, o):
assert isinstance(o, Pattern)
return self.data == o.data
def gettarget(self):
assert not self.ispattern()
return self.data[0]
def hasslash(self):
return self.data[0].find('/') != -1 or self.data[1].find('/') != -1
def match(self, word):
Match this search pattern against a word (string).
@returns None if the word doesn't match, or the matching stem.
If this is a %-less pattern, the stem will always be ''
d = self.data
if len(d) == 1:
if word == d[0]:
return word
return None
d0, d1 = d
l1 = len(d0)
l2 = len(d1)
if len(word) >= l1 + l2 and word.startswith(d0) and word.endswith(d1):
if l2 == 0:
return word[l1:]
return word[l1:-l2]
return None
def resolve(self, dir, stem):
if self.ispattern():
return dir + self.data[0] + stem + self.data[1]
return self.data[0]
def subst(self, replacement, word, mustmatch):
Given a word, replace the current pattern with the replacement pattern, a la 'patsubst'
@param mustmatch If true and this pattern doesn't match the word, throw a DataError. Otherwise
return word unchanged.
assert isinstance(replacement, str)
stem = self.match(word)
if stem is None:
if mustmatch:
raise DataError("target '%s' doesn't match pattern" % (word,))
return word
if not self.ispattern():
# if we're not a pattern, the replacement is not parsed as a pattern either
return replacement
return Pattern(replacement).resolve('', stem)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Pattern with data %r>" % (self.data,)
_backre = re.compile(r'[%\\]')
def __str__(self):
if not self.ispattern():
return self._backre.sub(r'\\\1', self.data[0])
return self._backre.sub(r'\\\1', self.data[0]) + '%' + self.data[1]
class RemakeTargetSerially(object):
__slots__ = ('target', 'makefile', 'indent', 'rlist')
def __init__(self, target, makefile, indent, rlist):
self.target = target
self.makefile = makefile
self.indent = indent
self.rlist = rlist
def resolvecb(self, error, didanything):
assert error in (True, False)
if didanything:
self.target.didanything = True
if error:
self.target.error = True
self.makefile.error = True
if not self.makefile.keepgoing:
# don't run the commands!
del self.rlist[0]
self.rlist.pop(0).runcommands(self.indent, self.commandscb)
def commandscb(self, error):
assert error in (True, False)
if error:
self.target.error = True
self.makefile.error = True
if self.target.error and not self.makefile.keepgoing:
if not len(self.rlist):
self.rlist[0].resolvedeps(True, self.resolvecb)
class RemakeTargetParallel(object):
__slots__ = ('target', 'makefile', 'indent', 'rlist', 'rulesremaining', 'currunning')
def __init__(self, target, makefile, indent, rlist):
self.target = target
self.makefile = makefile
self.indent = indent
self.rlist = rlist
self.rulesremaining = len(rlist)
self.currunning = False
for r in rlist:
makefile.context.defer(self.doresolve, r)
def doresolve(self, r):
if self.makefile.error and not self.makefile.keepgoing:
r.error = True
self.resolvecb(True, False)
r.resolvedeps(False, self.resolvecb)
def resolvecb(self, error, didanything):
assert error in (True, False)
if error:
self.target.error = True
if didanything:
self.target.didanything = True
self.rulesremaining -= 1
# commandscb takes care of the details if we're currently building
# something
if self.currunning:
def runnext(self):
assert not self.currunning
if self.makefile.error and not self.makefile.keepgoing:
self.rlist = []
while len(self.rlist) and self.rlist[0].error:
del self.rlist[0]
if not len(self.rlist):
if not self.rulesremaining:
if self.rlist[0].depsremaining != 0:
self.currunning = True
self.rlist.pop(0).runcommands(self.indent, self.commandscb)
def commandscb(self, error):
assert error in (True, False)
if error:
self.target.error = True
self.makefile.error = True
assert self.currunning
self.currunning = False
class RemakeRuleContext(object):
def __init__(self, target, makefile, rule, deps,
targetstack, avoidremakeloop):
self.target = target
self.makefile = makefile
self.rule = rule
self.deps = deps
self.targetstack = targetstack
self.avoidremakeloop = avoidremakeloop
self.running = False
self.error = False
self.depsremaining = len(deps) + 1
self.remake = False
def resolvedeps(self, serial, cb):
self.resolvecb = cb
self.didanything = False
if serial:
def _weakdepfinishedserial(self, error, didanything):
if error:
self.remake = True
self._depfinishedserial(False, didanything)
def _depfinishedserial(self, error, didanything):
assert error in (True, False)
if didanything:
self.didanything = True
if error:
self.error = True
if not self.makefile.keepgoing:
self.resolvecb(error=True, didanything=self.didanything)
if len(self.resolvelist):
dep, weak = self.resolvelist.pop(0)
self.makefile, self.targetstack, weak and self._weakdepfinishedserial or self._depfinishedserial)
self.resolvecb(error=self.error, didanything=self.didanything)
def _resolvedepsserial(self):
self.resolvelist = list(self.deps)
self._depfinishedserial(False, False)
def _startdepparallel(self, d):
if self.makefile.error:
depfinished(True, False)
dep, weak = d
dep.make(self.makefile, self.targetstack, weak and self._weakdepfinishedparallel or self._depfinishedparallel)
def _weakdepfinishedparallel(self, error, didanything):
if error:
self.remake = True
self._depfinishedparallel(False, didanything)
def _depfinishedparallel(self, error, didanything):
assert error in (True, False)
if error:
print "<%s>: Found error" % self.target.target
self.error = True
if didanything:
self.didanything = True
self.depsremaining -= 1
if self.depsremaining == 0:
self.resolvecb(error=self.error, didanything=self.didanything)
def _resolvedepsparallel(self):
self.depsremaining -= 1
if self.depsremaining == 0:
self.resolvecb(error=self.error, didanything=self.didanything)
self.didanything = False
for d in self.deps:
self.makefile.context.defer(self._startdepparallel, d)
def _commandcb(self, error):
assert error in (True, False)
if error:
if len(self.commands):
def runcommands(self, indent, cb):
assert not self.running
self.running = True
self.runcb = cb
if self.rule is None or not len(self.rule.commands):
if self.target.mtime is None:
for d, weak in self.deps:
if mtimeislater(d.mtime, self.target.mtime):
if self.rule.doublecolon:
if len(self.deps) == 0:
if self.avoidremakeloop:
_log.info("%sNot remaking %s using rule at %s because it would introduce an infinite loop.", indent, self.target.target, self.rule.loc)
remake = self.remake
if remake:
_log.info("%sRemaking %s using rule at %s: weak dependency was not found.", indent, self.target.target, self.rule.loc)
if self.target.mtime is None:
remake = True
_log.info("%sRemaking %s using rule at %s: target doesn't exist or is a forced target", indent, self.target.target, self.rule.loc)
if not remake:
if self.rule.doublecolon:
if len(self.deps) == 0:
_log.info("%sRemaking %s using rule at %s because there are no prerequisites listed for a double-colon rule.", indent, self.target.target, self.rule.loc)
remake = True
if not remake:
for d, weak in self.deps:
if mtimeislater(d.mtime, self.target.mtime):
_log.info("%sRemaking %s using rule at %s because %s is newer.", indent, self.target.target, self.rule.loc, d.target)
remake = True
if remake:
self.target.didanything = True
self.commands = [c for c in self.rule.getcommands(self.target, self.makefile)]
except util.MakeError, e:
print e
class Target(object):
An actual (non-pattern) target.
It holds target-specific variables and a list of rules. It may also point to a parent
PatternTarget, if this target is being created by an implicit rule.
The rules associated with this target may be Rule instances or, in the case of static pattern
rules, PatternRule instances.
wasremade = False
def __init__(self, target, makefile):
assert isinstance(target, str)
self.target = target
self.vpathtarget = None
self.rules = []
self.variables = Variables(makefile.variables)
self.explicit = False
self._state = MAKESTATE_NONE
def addrule(self, rule):
assert isinstance(rule, (Rule, PatternRuleInstance))
if len(self.rules) and rule.doublecolon != self.rules[0].doublecolon:
raise DataError("Cannot have single- and double-colon rules for the same target. Prior rule location: %s" % self.rules[0].loc, rule.loc)
if isinstance(rule, PatternRuleInstance):
if len(rule.prule.targetpatterns) != 1:
raise DataError("Static pattern rules must only have one target pattern", rule.prule.loc)
if rule.prule.targetpatterns[0].match(self.target) is None:
raise DataError("Static pattern rule doesn't match target '%s'" % self.target, rule.loc)
def isdoublecolon(self):
return self.rules[0].doublecolon
def isphony(self, makefile):
"""Is this a phony target? We don't check for existence of phony targets."""
return makefile.gettarget('.PHONY').hasdependency(self.target)
def hasdependency(self, t):
for rule in self.rules:
if t in rule.prerequisites:
return True
return False
def resolveimplicitrule(self, makefile, targetstack, rulestack):
Try to resolve an implicit rule to build this target.
# The steps in the GNU make manual Implicit-Rule-Search.html are very detailed. I hope they can be trusted.
indent = getindent(targetstack)
_log.info("%sSearching for implicit rule to make '%s'", indent, self.target)
dir, s, file = util.strrpartition(self.target, '/')
dir = dir + s
candidates = [] # list of PatternRuleInstance
hasmatch = util.any((r.hasspecificmatch(file) for r in makefile.implicitrules))
for r in makefile.implicitrules:
if r in rulestack:
_log.info("%s %s: Avoiding implicit rule recursion", indent, r.loc)
if not len(r.commands):
for ri in r.matchesfor(dir, file, hasmatch):
newcandidates = []
for r in candidates:
depfailed = None
for p in r.prerequisites:
t = makefile.gettarget(p)
if not t.explicit and t.mtime is None:
depfailed = p
if depfailed is not None:
if r.doublecolon:
_log.info("%s Terminal rule at %s doesn't match: prerequisite '%s' not mentioned and doesn't exist.", indent, r.loc, depfailed)
_log.info("%sFound implicit rule at %s for target '%s'", indent, r.loc, self.target)
# Try again, but this time with chaining and without terminal (double-colon) rules
for r in newcandidates:
newrulestack = rulestack + [r.prule]
depfailed = None
for p in r.prerequisites:
t = makefile.gettarget(p)
t.resolvedeps(makefile, targetstack, newrulestack, True)
except ResolutionError:
depfailed = p
if depfailed is not None:
_log.info("%s Rule at %s doesn't match: prerequisite '%s' could not be made.", indent, r.loc, depfailed)
_log.info("%sFound implicit rule at %s for target '%s'", indent, r.loc, self.target)
_log.info("%sCouldn't find implicit rule to remake '%s'", indent, self.target)
def ruleswithcommands(self):
"The number of rules with commands"
return reduce(lambda i, rule: i + (len(rule.commands) > 0), self.rules, 0)
def resolvedeps(self, makefile, targetstack, rulestack, recursive):
Resolve the actual path of this target, using vpath if necessary.
Recursively resolve dependencies of this target. This means finding implicit
rules which match the target, if appropriate.
Figure out whether this target needs to be rebuild, and set self.outofdate
@param targetstack is the current stack of dependencies being resolved. If
this target is already in targetstack, bail to prevent infinite
@param rulestack is the current stack of implicit rules being used to resolve
dependencies. A rule chain cannot use the same implicit rule twice.
assert makefile.parsingfinished
if self.target in targetstack:
raise ResolutionError("Recursive dependency: %s -> %s" % (
" -> ".join(targetstack), self.target))
targetstack = targetstack + [self.target]
indent = getindent(targetstack)
_log.info("%sConsidering target '%s'", indent, self.target)
# Sanity-check our rules. If we're single-colon, only one rule should have commands
ruleswithcommands = self.ruleswithcommands()
if len(self.rules) and not self.isdoublecolon():
if ruleswithcommands > 1:
# In GNU make this is a warning, not an error. I'm going to be stricter.
# TODO: provide locations
raise DataError("Target '%s' has multiple rules with commands." % self.target)
if ruleswithcommands == 0:
self.resolveimplicitrule(makefile, targetstack, rulestack)
# If a target is mentioned, but doesn't exist, has no commands and no
# prerequisites, it is special and exists just to say that targets which
# depend on it are always out of date. This is like .FORCE but more
# compatible with other makes.
# Otherwise, we don't know how to make it.
if not len(self.rules) and self.mtime is None and not util.any((len(rule.prerequisites) > 0
for rule in self.rules)):
raise ResolutionError("No rule to make target '%s' needed by %r" % (self.target,
if recursive:
for r in self.rules:
newrulestack = rulestack + [r]
for d in r.prerequisites:
dt = makefile.gettarget(d)
if dt.explicit:
dt.resolvedeps(makefile, targetstack, newrulestack, True)
for v in makefile.getpatternvariablesfor(self.target):
def resolvevpath(self, makefile):
if self.vpathtarget is not None:
if self.isphony(makefile):
self.vpathtarget = self.target
self.mtime = None
if self.target.startswith('-l'):
stem = self.target[2:]
f, s, e = makefile.variables.get('.LIBPATTERNS')
if e is not None:
libpatterns = [Pattern(stripdotslash(s)) for s in e.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables)]
if len(libpatterns):
searchdirs = ['']
for lp in libpatterns:
if not lp.ispattern():
raise DataError('.LIBPATTERNS contains a non-pattern')
libname = lp.resolve('', stem)
for dir in searchdirs:
libpath = util.normaljoin(dir, libname).replace('\\', '/')
fspath = util.normaljoin(makefile.workdir, libpath)
mtime = getmtime(fspath)
if mtime is not None:
self.vpathtarget = libpath
self.mtime = mtime
self.vpathtarget = self.target
self.mtime = None
search = [self.target]
if not os.path.isabs(self.target):
search += [util.normaljoin(dir, self.target).replace('\\', '/')
for dir in makefile.getvpath(self.target)]
for t in search:
fspath = util.normaljoin(makefile.workdir, t).replace('\\', '/')
mtime = getmtime(fspath)
# _log.info("Searching %s ... checking %s ... mtime %r" % (t, fspath, mtime))
if mtime is not None:
self.vpathtarget = t
self.mtime = mtime
self.vpathtarget = self.target
self.mtime = None
def beingremade(self):
When we remake ourself, we need to reset our mtime and vpathtarget.
We store our old mtime so that $? can calculate out-of-date prerequisites.
self.realmtime = self.mtime
self.mtime = None
self.vpathtarget = self.target
self.wasremade = True
def notifydone(self, makefile):
assert self._state == MAKESTATE_WORKING, "State was %s" % self._state
for cb in self._callbacks:
makefile.context.defer(cb, error=self.error, didanything=self.didanything)
del self._callbacks
def make(self, makefile, targetstack, cb, avoidremakeloop=False, printerror=True):
If we are out of date, asynchronously make ourself. This is a multi-stage process, mostly handled
by the helper objects RemakeTargetSerially, RemakeTargetParallel,
RemakeRuleContext. These helper objects should keep us from developing
any cyclical dependencies.
* resolve dependencies (synchronous)
* gather a list of rules to execute and related dependencies (synchronous)
* for each rule (in parallel)
** remake dependencies (asynchronous)
** build list of commands to execute (synchronous)
** execute each command (asynchronous)
* asynchronously notify when all rules are complete
@param cb A callback function to notify when remaking is finished. It is called
thusly: callback(error=True/False, didanything=True/False)
If there is no asynchronous activity to perform, the callback may be called directly.
serial = makefile.context.jcount == 1
if self._state == MAKESTATE_FINISHED:
cb(error=self.error, didanything=self.didanything)
if self._state == MAKESTATE_WORKING:
assert not serial
assert self._state == MAKESTATE_NONE
self._callbacks = [cb]
self.error = False
self.didanything = False
indent = getindent(targetstack)
self.resolvedeps(makefile, targetstack, [], False)
except util.MakeError, e:
if printerror:
print e
self.error = True
assert self.vpathtarget is not None, "Target was never resolved!"
if not len(self.rules):
if self.isdoublecolon():
rulelist = [RemakeRuleContext(self, makefile, r, [(makefile.gettarget(p), False) for p in r.prerequisites], targetstack, avoidremakeloop) for r in self.rules]
alldeps = []
commandrule = None
for r in self.rules:
rdeps = [(makefile.gettarget(p), r.weakdeps) for p in r.prerequisites]
if len(r.commands):
assert commandrule is None
commandrule = r
# The dependencies of the command rule are resolved before other dependencies,
# no matter the ordering of the other no-command rules
alldeps[0:0] = rdeps
rulelist = [RemakeRuleContext(self, makefile, commandrule, alldeps, targetstack, avoidremakeloop)]
targetstack = targetstack + [self.target]
if serial:
RemakeTargetSerially(self, makefile, indent, rulelist)
RemakeTargetParallel(self, makefile, indent, rulelist)
def dirpart(p):
d, s, f = util.strrpartition(p, '/')
if d == '':
return '.'
return d
def filepart(p):
d, s, f = util.strrpartition(p, '/')
return f
def setautomatic(v, name, plist):
v.set(name, Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE, Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC, ' '.join(plist))
v.set(name + 'D', Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE, Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC, ' '.join((dirpart(p) for p in plist)))
v.set(name + 'F', Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE, Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC, ' '.join((filepart(p) for p in plist)))
def setautomaticvariables(v, makefile, target, prerequisites):
prtargets = [makefile.gettarget(p) for p in prerequisites]
prall = [pt.vpathtarget for pt in prtargets]
proutofdate = [pt.vpathtarget for pt in withoutdups(prtargets)
if target.realmtime is None or mtimeislater(pt.mtime, target.realmtime)]
setautomatic(v, '@', [target.vpathtarget])
if len(prall):
setautomatic(v, '<', [prall[0]])
setautomatic(v, '?', proutofdate)
setautomatic(v, '^', list(withoutdups(prall)))
setautomatic(v, '+', prall)
def splitcommand(command):
Using the esoteric rules, split command lines by unescaped newlines.
start = 0
i = 0
while i < len(command):
c = command[i]
if c == '\\':
i += 1
elif c == '\n':
yield command[start:i]
i += 1
start = i
i += 1
if i > start:
yield command[start:i]
def findmodifiers(command):
Find any of +-@% prefixed on the command.
@returns (command, isHidden, isRecursive, ignoreErrors, isNative)
isHidden = False
isRecursive = False
ignoreErrors = False
isNative = False
realcommand = command.lstrip(' \t\n@+-%')
modset = set(command[:-len(realcommand)])
return realcommand, '@' in modset, '+' in modset, '-' in modset, '%' in modset
class _CommandWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, cline, ignoreErrors, loc, context, **kwargs):
self.ignoreErrors = ignoreErrors
self.loc = loc
self.cline = cline
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.context = context
def _cb(self, res):
if res != 0 and not self.ignoreErrors:
print "%s: command '%s' failed, return code %i" % (self.loc, self.cline, res)
def __call__(self, cb):
self.usercb = cb
process.call(self.cline, loc=self.loc, cb=self._cb, context=self.context, **self.kwargs)
class _NativeWrapper(_CommandWrapper):
def __init__(self, cline, ignoreErrors, loc, context,
pycommandpath, **kwargs):
_CommandWrapper.__init__(self, cline, ignoreErrors, loc, context,
# get the module and method to call
parts, badchar = process.clinetoargv(cline)
if parts is None:
raise DataError("native command '%s': shell metacharacter '%s' in command line" % (cline, badchar), self.loc)
if len(parts) < 2:
raise DataError("native command '%s': no method name specified" % cline, self.loc)
if pycommandpath:
self.pycommandpath = re.split('[%s\s]+' % os.pathsep,
self.pycommandpath = None
self.module = parts[0]
self.method = parts[1]
self.cline_list = parts[2:]
def __call__(self, cb):
self.usercb = cb
process.call_native(self.module, self.method, self.cline_list,
loc=self.loc, cb=self._cb, context=self.context,
pycommandpath=self.pycommandpath, **self.kwargs)
def getcommandsforrule(rule, target, makefile, prerequisites, stem):
v = Variables(parent=target.variables)
setautomaticvariables(v, makefile, target, prerequisites)
if stem is not None:
setautomatic(v, '*', [stem])
env = makefile.getsubenvironment(v)
for c in rule.commands:
cstring = c.resolvestr(makefile, v)
for cline in splitcommand(cstring):
cline, isHidden, isRecursive, ignoreErrors, isNative = findmodifiers(cline)
if (isHidden or makefile.silent) and not makefile.justprint:
echo = None
echo = "%s$ %s" % (c.loc, cline)
if not isNative:
yield _CommandWrapper(cline, ignoreErrors=ignoreErrors, env=env, cwd=makefile.workdir, loc=c.loc, context=makefile.context,
echo=echo, justprint=makefile.justprint)
f, s, e = v.get("PYCOMMANDPATH", True)
if e:
e = e.resolvestr(makefile, v, ["PYCOMMANDPATH"])
yield _NativeWrapper(cline, ignoreErrors=ignoreErrors,
env=env, cwd=makefile.workdir,
loc=c.loc, context=makefile.context,
echo=echo, justprint=makefile.justprint,
class Rule(object):
A rule contains a list of prerequisites and a list of commands. It may also
contain rule-specific variables. This rule may be associated with multiple targets.
def __init__(self, prereqs, doublecolon, loc, weakdeps):
self.prerequisites = prereqs
self.doublecolon = doublecolon
self.commands = []
self.loc = loc
self.weakdeps = weakdeps
def addcommand(self, c):
assert isinstance(c, (Expansion, StringExpansion))
def getcommands(self, target, makefile):
assert isinstance(target, Target)
return getcommandsforrule(self, target, makefile, self.prerequisites, stem=None)
# TODO: $* in non-pattern rules?
class PatternRuleInstance(object):
weakdeps = False
A pattern rule instantiated for a particular target. It has the same API as Rule, but
different internals, forwarding most information on to the PatternRule.
def __init__(self, prule, dir, stem, ismatchany):
assert isinstance(prule, PatternRule)
self.dir = dir
self.stem = stem
self.prule = prule
self.prerequisites = prule.prerequisitesforstem(dir, stem)
self.doublecolon = prule.doublecolon
self.loc = prule.loc
self.ismatchany = ismatchany
self.commands = prule.commands
def getcommands(self, target, makefile):
assert isinstance(target, Target)
return getcommandsforrule(self, target, makefile, self.prerequisites, stem=self.dir + self.stem)
def __str__(self):
return "Pattern rule at %s with stem '%s', matchany: %s doublecolon: %s" % (self.loc,
self.dir + self.stem,
class PatternRule(object):
An implicit rule or static pattern rule containing target patterns, prerequisite patterns,
and a list of commands.
def __init__(self, targetpatterns, prerequisites, doublecolon, loc):
self.targetpatterns = targetpatterns
self.prerequisites = prerequisites
self.doublecolon = doublecolon
self.loc = loc
self.commands = []
def addcommand(self, c):
assert isinstance(c, (Expansion, StringExpansion))
def ismatchany(self):
return util.any((t.ismatchany() for t in self.targetpatterns))
def hasspecificmatch(self, file):
for p in self.targetpatterns:
if not p.ismatchany() and p.match(file) is not None:
return True
return False
def matchesfor(self, dir, file, skipsinglecolonmatchany):
Determine all the target patterns of this rule that might match target t.
@yields a PatternRuleInstance for each.
for p in self.targetpatterns:
matchany = p.ismatchany()
if matchany:
if skipsinglecolonmatchany and not self.doublecolon:
yield PatternRuleInstance(self, dir, file, True)
stem = p.match(dir + file)
if stem is not None:
yield PatternRuleInstance(self, '', stem, False)
stem = p.match(file)
if stem is not None:
yield PatternRuleInstance(self, dir, stem, False)
def prerequisitesforstem(self, dir, stem):
return [p.resolve(dir, stem) for p in self.prerequisites]
class _RemakeContext(object):
def __init__(self, makefile, cb):
self.makefile = makefile
self.included = [(makefile.gettarget(f), required)
for f, required in makefile.included]
self.toremake = list(self.included)
self.cb = cb
self.remakecb(error=False, didanything=False)
def remakecb(self, error, didanything):
assert error in (True, False)
if error and self.required:
print "Error remaking makefiles (ignored)"
if len(self.toremake):
target, self.required = self.toremake.pop(0)
target.make(self.makefile, [], avoidremakeloop=True, cb=self.remakecb, printerror=False)
for t, required in self.included:
if t.wasremade:
_log.info("Included file %s was remade, restarting make", t.target)
elif required and t.mtime is None:
self.cb(remade=False, error=DataError("No rule to remake missing include file %s" % t.target))
class Makefile(object):
The top-level data structure for makefile execution. It holds Targets, implicit rules, and other
state data.
def __init__(self, workdir=None, env=None, restarts=0, make=None,
makeflags='', makeoverrides='',
makelevel=0, context=None, targets=(), keepgoing=False,
silent=False, justprint=False):
self.defaulttarget = None
if env is None:
env = os.environ
self.env = env
self.variables = Variables()
self.context = context
self.exportedvars = {}
self._targets = {}
self.keepgoing = keepgoing
self.silent = silent
self.justprint = justprint
self._patternvariables = [] # of (pattern, variables)
self.implicitrules = []
self.parsingfinished = False
self._patternvpaths = [] # of (pattern, [dir, ...])
if workdir is None:
workdir = os.getcwd()
workdir = os.path.realpath(workdir)
self.workdir = workdir
self.variables.set('CURDIR', Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE,
Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC, workdir.replace('\\','/'))
# the list of included makefiles, whether or not they existed
self.included = []
self.variables.set('MAKE_RESTARTS', Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE,
Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC, restarts > 0 and str(restarts) or '')
self.variables.set('.PYMAKE', Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE,
Variables.SOURCE_MAKEFILE, "1")
if make is not None:
self.variables.set('MAKE', Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE,
Variables.SOURCE_MAKEFILE, make)
if makeoverrides != '':
self.variables.set('-*-command-variables-*-', Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE,
Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC, makeoverrides)
makeflags += ' -- $(MAKEOVERRIDES)'
self.variables.set('MAKEOVERRIDES', Variables.FLAVOR_RECURSIVE,
self.variables.set('MAKEFLAGS', Variables.FLAVOR_RECURSIVE,
Variables.SOURCE_MAKEFILE, makeflags)
self.exportedvars['MAKEFLAGS'] = True
self.makelevel = makelevel
self.variables.set('MAKELEVEL', Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE,
Variables.SOURCE_MAKEFILE, str(makelevel))
self.variables.set('MAKECMDGOALS', Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE,
Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC, ' '.join(targets))
for vname, val in implicit.variables.iteritems():
Variables.SOURCE_IMPLICIT, val)
def foundtarget(self, t):
Inform the makefile of a target which is a candidate for being the default target,
if there isn't already a default target.
if self.defaulttarget is None and t != '.PHONY':
self.defaulttarget = t
def getpatternvariables(self, pattern):
assert isinstance(pattern, Pattern)
for p, v in self._patternvariables:
if p == pattern:
return v
v = Variables()
self._patternvariables.append( (pattern, v) )
return v
def getpatternvariablesfor(self, target):
for p, v in self._patternvariables:
if p.match(target):
yield v
def hastarget(self, target):
return target in self._targets
def gettarget(self, target):
assert isinstance(target, str)
target = target.rstrip('/')
assert target != '', "empty target?"
if target.find('*') != -1 or target.find('?') != -1 or target.find('[') != -1:
raise DataError("wildcards should have been expanded by the parser: '%s'" % (target,))
t = self._targets.get(target, None)
if t is None:
t = Target(target, self)
self._targets[target] = t
return t
def appendimplicitrule(self, rule):
assert isinstance(rule, PatternRule)
def finishparsing(self):
Various activities, such as "eval", are not allowed after parsing is
finished. In addition, various warnings and errors can only be issued
after the parsing data model is complete. All dependency resolution
and rule execution requires that parsing be finished.
self.parsingfinished = True
flavor, source, value = self.variables.get('GPATH')
if value is not None and value.resolvestr(self, self.variables, ['GPATH']).strip() != '':
raise DataError('GPATH was set: pymake does not support GPATH semantics')
flavor, source, value = self.variables.get('VPATH')
if value is None:
self._vpath = []
self._vpath = filter(lambda e: e != '',
re.split('[%s\s]+' % os.pathsep,
value.resolvestr(self, self.variables, ['VPATH'])))
targets = list(self._targets.itervalues())
for t in targets:
t.explicit = True
for r in t.rules:
for p in r.prerequisites:
self.gettarget(p).explicit = True
np = self.gettarget('.NOTPARALLEL')
if len(np.rules):
self.context = process.getcontext(1)
self.error = False
def include(self, path, required=True, weak=False, loc=None):
Include the makefile at `path`.
self.included.append((path, required))
fspath = util.normaljoin(self.workdir, path)
if os.path.exists(fspath):
stmts = parser.parsefile(fspath)
self.variables.append('MAKEFILE_LIST', Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC, path, None, self)
stmts.execute(self, weak=weak)
self.gettarget(path).explicit = True
def addvpath(self, pattern, dirs):
Add a directory to the vpath search for the given pattern.
self._patternvpaths.append((pattern, dirs))
def clearvpath(self, pattern):
Clear vpaths for the given pattern.
self._patternvpaths = [(p, dirs)
for p, dirs in self._patternvpaths
if not p.match(pattern)]
def clearallvpaths(self):
self._patternvpaths = []
def getvpath(self, target):
vp = list(self._vpath)
for p, dirs in self._patternvpaths:
if p.match(target):
return withoutdups(vp)
def remakemakefiles(self, cb):
mlist = []
for f, required in self.included:
t = self.gettarget(f)
t.explicit = True
oldmtime = t.mtime
mlist.append((t, oldmtime))
_RemakeContext(self, cb)
def getsubenvironment(self, variables):
env = dict(self.env)
for vname, v in self.exportedvars.iteritems():
if v:
flavor, source, val = variables.get(vname)
if val is None:
strval = ''
strval = val.resolvestr(self, variables, [vname])
env[vname] = strval
env.pop(vname, None)
makeflags = ''
env['MAKELEVEL'] = str(self.makelevel + 1)
return env