
363 строки
10 KiB

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<binding id="flash">
//From Jesse's XPCNativeWrapper: http://mavra.perilith.com/~luser/content/native.js
function nativeMethod(untrustedObject, methodName)
// happier stack traces and faster multiple calls
var fun = Components.lookupMethod(untrustedObject, methodName);
return function()
return fun.apply(untrustedObject, arguments);
function flashblockCreatePlaceholder(isStandalone) {
// Create placeholder
var flashblockCreateElement = nativeMethod(document, "createElement");
var placeholder = flashblockCreateElement("div");
placeholder.isStandalone = isStandalone;
return placeholder;
// Substitute the animation with a placeholder
function flashblockShowPlaceholder() {
// Just in case the object has been moved away from under our feet during
// the timeout, re-assign the parent node. See bug 13680
// parent = current.parentNode;
var newParent = current.parentNode;
parent = newParent ? newParent : parent;
parent.insertBefore(placeholder, current);
if(placeholder.isStandalone) {
placeholder.flashblock = "frame";
if ("StopPlay" in current)
if ("LoadMovie" in current)
current.LoadMovie(0, "");
current.prevWidth = current.width;
current.prevHeight = current.height;
current.width = current.height = 0;
} else {
placeholder.flashblock = "normal";
// Show the original animation
function flashblockShowFlash() {
if(placeholder.flashblock == "frame") {
current.height = current.prevHeight;
current.width = current.prevWidth;
current.src = placeholder.title;
if ("LoadMovie" in current)
current.LoadMovie(0, current.src);
} else {
parent.insertBefore(current, placeholder);
if (placeholder.hasAttribute("srcAttribute")) {
current.setAttribute("src", placeholder.getAttribute("srcAttribute"));
if (placeholder.hasAttribute("movieAttribute")) {
current.setAttribute("movie", placeholder.getAttribute("movieAttribute"));
if (placeholder.hasAttribute("dataAttribute")) {
current.setAttribute("data", placeholder.getAttribute("dataAttribute"));
if (placeholder.movieParam) {
var mparam = placeholder.movieParam;
mparam[0].value = mparam[1];
if (placeholder.hasAttribute("embedsrc")) {
var embeds = current.getElementsByTagName("embed");
if (embeds && embeds.length > 0) {
embeds[0].setAttribute("src", placeholder.getAttribute("embedsrc"));
function flashblockIsWhitelisted() {
// Check if the page that loaded the Flash site is whitelisted
// Thanks to Neil on #mozilla for suggesting this method, I would never have
// thought of it on my own. :-)
// Lor 20041215: Use "UIEvents" to make it work in post-1.0 FF
// (thanks to Neil again)
var flashblockEvent = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
if(flashblockEvent) {
flashblockEvent.initEvent("flashblockCheckLoad", true, true);
if(flashblockEvent.getPreventDefault() == true) {
// Whitelisted
return true;
return false;
function flashblockSetImage(placeholder, type) {
var inactiveurl = "chrome://flashblock/content/" + type + ".png";
var activeurl = "chrome://flashblock/content/flashplay.png";
placeholder.bgInactive = "url(" + inactiveurl + ") no-repeat center";
placeholder.bgActive = "url(" + activeurl + ") no-repeat center";
placeholder.style.background = placeholder.bgInactive;
function flashblockStylePlaceholder(flash, placeholder, isStandalone) {
// If object's size was relative, use that.
// Otherwise, set size to minimum 32x32 px
placeholder.style.setProperty("min-width", "32px", "important");
placeholder.style.setProperty("min-height", "32px", "important");
// The size and positioning may come from a class
var fClass = flash.getAttribute("class");
if (fClass)
placeholder.setAttribute("class", fClass);
if(flash.width.match("%$")) {
placeholder.style.width = current.width;
} else {
var width = parseInt(flash.width || flash.style.width);
if (width) {
if (width >= 32) {
placeholder.style.width = width + "px";
else {
placeholder.style.width = "32px";
if(flash.height.match("%$")) {
placeholder.style.height = flash.height;
} else {
var height = parseInt(flash.height || flash.style.height);
if (height) {
if (height >= 32) {
placeholder.style.height = height + "px";
else {
placeholder.style.height = "32px";
// Add styling rules to placeholder div.
placeholder.style.background = placeholder.bgInactive;
placeholder.style.border = "1px solid #dfdfdf";
placeholder.style.cursor = "pointer";
placeholder.style.overflow = "hidden";
placeholder.style.display = "inline-block";
// The size of the placeholder should include borders too,
// otherwise scrollbars appear for blocked standalone objects
placeholder.style.MozBoxSizing = "border-box";
// Make some style adjustments since the placeholder is a <div>
// element instead of a <embed>, <object>, ... element.
// An <embed> will be centered if the parent has
// 'text-align: center' but a <div> will not. This code fixes that.
var parentStyle = window.getComputedStyle(flash.parentNode, "");
if (parentStyle.getPropertyValue("text-align") == "center") {
placeholder.style.marginRight = "auto";
placeholder.style.marginLeft = "auto";
function flashblockSetTitle(current, placeholder, isStandalone) {
// non-null "about:blank" value to prevent OS/2 crashing
var fakeURI = "about:blank";
if (isStandalone) {
placeholder.title = current.src;
current.src = fakeURI;
else if (current.hasAttribute("src") ||
current.hasAttribute("data") ||
current.hasAttribute("movie") ) {
var srcURI = current.getAttribute("src") ||
current.getAttribute("movie") ||
current.getAttribute("data") ;
placeholder.title = srcURI;
if (current.hasAttribute("src")) {
placeholder.setAttribute("srcAttribute", current.getAttribute("src"));
current.setAttribute("src", fakeURI);
if (current.hasAttribute("data")) {
placeholder.setAttribute("dataAttribute", current.getAttribute("data"));
current.setAttribute("data", fakeURI);
if (current.hasAttribute("movie")) {
placeholder.setAttribute("movieAttribute", current.getAttribute("movie"));
current.setAttribute("movie", fakeURI);
else {
var params = current.getElementsByTagName("param");
for (var ii = 0; ii < params.length; ii++) {
if (params[ii].getAttribute("name") == "movie" &&
params[ii].hasAttribute("value")) {
placeholder.title = params[ii].value;
placeholder.movieParam = [ params[ii], placeholder.title ];
params[ii].value = fakeURI;
var embeds = current.getElementsByTagName("embed");
if (embeds && embeds.length > 0 && embeds[0].hasAttribute("src")) {
placeholder.title = embeds[0].getAttribute("src");
placeholder.setAttribute("embedsrc", embeds[0].getAttribute("src"));
var current = this;
var parent = current.parentNode;
// Check parent too (case of working EMBED inside broken OBJECT)
if (current.overrideCTV || parentNode.overrideCTV) {
current.overrideCTV = true;
if (this.brokenObject) {
var params = this.getElementsByTagName("param");
var isFlash = false;
for (var ii = 0; ii < params.length; ii++) {
var pvalue = params[ii].getAttribute("value");
if (/\.swf/i.test(pvalue)) {
isFlash = true;
var embeds = this.getElementsByTagName("embed");
for (var jj = 0; jj < embeds.length; jj++) {
var embed = embeds[jj];
if (/x-shockwave-flash/i.test(embed.getAttribute("type")) ||
/\.swf/i.test(embed.getAttribute("src"))) {
isFlash = true;
if (!isFlash) {return;}
// Create placeholder div
var isStandalone = ("src" in current && current.src == current.ownerDocument.location);
var placeholder = flashblockCreatePlaceholder(isStandalone);
// Set placeholder image
var type = this.flashblockType ? this.flashblockType : "flash"
flashblockSetImage(placeholder, type);
flashblockStylePlaceholder(current, placeholder, isStandalone);
flashblockSetTitle(current, placeholder, isStandalone);
// Change the placeholder background when the mouse enters/exits the div.
placeholder.onmouseover = function()
this.style.background = this.bgActive;
placeholder.onmouseout = function()
this.style.background = this.bgInactive;
// Replace the flash document with a placeholder.
var flashblockSetTimeout = nativeMethod(window, "setTimeout");
flashblockSetTimeout(flashblockShowPlaceholder, 0);
// Replace the placeholder with the flash document.
placeholder.onclick = flashblockShowFlash;
<binding id="director" extends="#flash">
<field name="flashblockType">"director"</field>
<binding id="authorware" extends="#flash">
<field name="flashblockType">"authorware"</field>
<binding id="brokenobject" extends="#flash">
<field name="brokenObject">"yes"</field>
<binding id="sifr-replaced">
event = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
if(event) {
event.initEvent("flashblockCheckLoad", true, true);
if(event.getPreventDefault() == true) {
// Whitelisted
this.style.height = 0;
this.style.width = 0;
this.style.setProperty("display", "none", "important");
this.style.position ="absolute";
this.style.overflow ="hidden";
<binding id="sifr-alternate">
var event = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
if(event) {
event.initEvent("flashblockCheckLoad", true, true);
if(event.getPreventDefault() == true) {
// Whitelisted
this.style.setProperty("visibility", "visible", "important");
this.style.setProperty("display", "block", "important");
this.style.setProperty("left", "auto", "important");
this.style.setProperty("top", "auto", "important");
this.style.setProperty("height", "auto", "important");
this.style.setProperty("width", "auto", "important");
//this.style.position = "static";