mozpreed%sigkill.com f070ab9dbd Bug 399170: Merge the Buildbot 0.7.6 release into our buildbot tree.
Import of buildbot-0.7.6.tar.gz, downloaded from http://downloads.sourceforge.net/buildbot/buildbot-0.7.6.tar.gz.

fb4e1f19e9c37fc0d9d72fed0dc94e41  buildbot-0.7.6.tar.gz
f1c9693fefa6cc882387126e45cb0bdec8bce88c  buildbot-0.7.6.tar.gz
2007-11-06 18:04:00 +00:00


Mark Pauley contributed the two launchd plist files for OS-X (10.4+) to start
a buildmaster or buildslave automatically at startup:


His email message is as follows:

  Message-Id: <C0E57556-0432-4EB6-9A6C-22CDC72208E9@apple.com>
  From: Mark Pauley <mpauley@apple.com>
  To: buildbot-devel <buildbot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
  Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:05:44 -0800
  Subject: [Buildbot-devel] Sample buildbot launchd plists for MacOS 10.4+

  Hi guys,
  	I've had these kicking around for a while and thought that maybe
  someone would like to see them.  Installing either of these two to /
  Library/LaunchDaemons will cause the bulidbot slave or master to auto-
  start as whatever user you like on launch.  This is the "right way to
  do this" going forward, startupitems are deprecated.  Please note that
  this means any tests that require a windowserver connection on os x
  won't work.