akhil.arora%sun.com 21d83ae88b r=akhil.arora@sun.com fix=Denis Sharypov <sdv@sparc.spb.su>
Added some new tests.
1999-11-22 22:10:44 +00:00
api New perl automated script. 1999-10-19 18:48:53 +00:00
log *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
BWBaseTest.java *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
BWJavaTemplate.README *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
BWJavaTemplate.html *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
BWJavaTemplate.java *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
BWProperties New perl automated script. 1999-10-19 18:48:53 +00:00
BWStaticDoc.java *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
BWTestClass.lst *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
BWTestClass.lst.ORIG *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
BWTestClass.lst.bak *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
BWTestClass.lst.html.ORIG *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
BWTestClass.lst.xml.ORIG *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
BWTestThread.java New perl automated script. 1999-10-19 18:48:53 +00:00
DOMAccessorImpl.java updated license boilerplate to xPL 1.1, a=chofmann@netscape.com,r=endico@mozilla.org 1999-11-06 02:47:15 +00:00
DOMFactory.java updated license boilerplate to xPL 1.1, a=chofmann@netscape.com,r=endico@mozilla.org 1999-11-06 02:47:15 +00:00
Execution.java *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
Makefile Added BWTestThread.java in makefiles, removed print stmt. from TestLoader 1999-10-20 17:21:23 +00:00
Makefile.solaris Added BWTestThread.java in makefiles, removed print stmt. from TestLoader 1999-10-20 17:21:23 +00:00
Makefile.win Added BWTestThread.java in makefiles, removed print stmt. from TestLoader 1999-10-20 17:21:23 +00:00
ParamCombination.java *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
README New perl automated script. 1999-10-19 18:48:53 +00:00
README.html New perl automated script. 1999-10-19 18:48:53 +00:00
ReflectionTest.java *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
TestDOMAccessorApplet.java fix=Denis Sharypov <sdv@sparc.spb.su> r=akhil.arora@sun.com 1999-11-19 02:17:28 +00:00
TestDOMAccessorApplet1.java r=akhil.arora@sun.com fix=Denis Sharypov <sdv@sparc.spb.su> 1999-11-22 22:10:44 +00:00
TestDocLoadListener.java fix=Denis Sharypov <sdv@sparc.spb.su> r=akhil.arora@sun.com 1999-11-19 02:17:28 +00:00
TestLoader.java Added BWTestThread.java in makefiles, removed print stmt. from TestLoader 1999-10-20 17:21:23 +00:00
autorun.pl New perl automated script. 1999-10-19 18:48:53 +00:00
autorun.sh Added BWTestThread.java in makefiles, removed print stmt. from TestLoader 1999-10-20 17:21:23 +00:00
mozilla.bat New perl automated script. 1999-10-19 18:48:53 +00:00
mozilla.csh New perl automated script. 1999-10-19 18:48:53 +00:00
test.html *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
test.xml *** empty log message *** 1999-09-01 23:17:55 +00:00
testa.html r=akhil.arora@sun.com fix=Denis Sharypov <sdv@sparc.spb.su> 1999-11-22 22:10:44 +00:00
testb.html r=akhil.arora@sun.com fix=Denis Sharypov <sdv@sparc.spb.su> 1999-11-22 22:10:44 +00:00


This document describes steps required to run the Test Suite for JavaDOM API.

For Solaris
  1)  open mozilla.csh

  2)  make changes to variables

  3)  source mozilla.csh 
      this will set up the environment

  4)  Edit BWProperties file and change the locations for variables
          BW_TESTDIR    (Absolute Directory Path where file BWTestClass.lst is 
          BW_LOGDIR     (Absolute Directory Path where  log files need to be 
          BW_THREADMODE (Execute tests in single thread [S] or 
                         multi-thread [M] mode. Takes values S/M.)

  5)  Copy test.html and test.xml files to your Web-Servers DOCUMENT_ROOT
      (By default it is assumed that they can be accessed as
        http://<server name>/text.html).
        http://<server name>/~<username>/text.html).

  6)  Invoke autorun.sh from command prompt.
       sh autorun.sh

  7)  The results are recorded in HTML file BWTest.html
      and in log file BWTest.log
      Individual test Log files are also found in 'log' directory.


To Invoke a specific test case 
   sh autorun.sh -t org.mozilla.dom.test.AttrImpl_getName

NOTE: All Test Cases are reocorded in file BWTestClass.lst.ORIG


 I  assume that u have copied the files test.xml and test.html to your 
 DOCUMENT_ROOT of your WebServer.
 The URL it tries to load is  http://<servername>/test.html.

 If it is set in users public_html then open file autorun.sh
 and change DOCROOT accordingly.


For WIN32
Assumes you have installed PERL

  1)  open mozilla.bat

  2)  make changes to variables
          BLACKWOOD_HOME - the path to the parent directory of this one
          TEST_URL- as explained below

  3)  execute mozilla.bat from command prompt
      this will set up the environment for this command prompt

  4)  Edit BWProperties file and change the locations for variables
          BW_TESTDIR    (Absolute Directory Path where file BWTestClass.lst is 
          BW_LOGDIR     (Absolute Directory Path where  log files need to be 
          BW_THREADMODE (Execute tests in single thread [S] or 
                         multi-thread [M] mode. Takes values S/M.)

  5)  Copy files test.html and test.xml into 
      some document directory of HTTP server. TEST_URL environment 
      variable should contain the URL of this directory.
      For example, if you placed the files in the root directory of
      HTTP server "myserver", then value of TEST_URL should be 

  6)  Invoke autorun.pl from command prompt.
       perl autorun.pl

  7)  The results are recorded in HTML file BWTest.html
      and in log file BWTest.log
      Individual test Log files are also found in 'log' directory.


To Invoke a specific test case 
   perl autorun.pl -t org.mozilla.dom.test.AttrImpl_getName

NOTE: All Test Cases are recorded in file BWTestClass.lst.ORIG
