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445 строки
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<title>Test for selection underline</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/MochiKit/packed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/WindowSnapshot.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../base/tests/decoration_line_rendering.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// Canvas related code stolen from layout/base/tests/bidi_numeral_test.js which
// stole from http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Code_snippets:Canvas
const kStyleNames = [ "none", "dotted", "dashed", "solid", "double", "wavy" ];
var RemoteCanvas = function(aURL, aIsReference, aStyle, aRelativeSize) {
this.url = aURL;
this.id = kStyleNames[aStyle] + aRelativeSize;
if (aIsReference)
this.id = "ref-" + this.id;
this.isReference = aIsReference;
this.underlineStyle = aStyle;
this.underlineRelativeSize = aRelativeSize;
this.snapshot = null;
RemoteCanvas.CANVAS_WIDTH = 820;
RemoteCanvas.CANVAS_HEIGHT = 500;
RemoteCanvas.prototype.compare = function(otherCanvas, expected) {
var ret = compareSnapshots(this.snapshot, otherCanvas.snapshot, expected);
this.snapshotDataURL = ret[1];
otherCanvas.snapshotDataURL = ret[2];
return ret[0];
RemoteCanvas.prototype.load = function(callback) {
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.id = this.id;
iframe.width = RemoteCanvas.CANVAS_WIDTH + "px";
iframe.height = RemoteCanvas.CANVAS_HEIGHT + "px";
iframe.src = this.url;
var me = this;
iframe.addEventListener("load", function() {
}, false);
const kIsMac = navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") == 0;
const kIsWin = navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0;
const kIsLinux = navigator.platform.indexOf("Linux") == 0;
* gFontMetrics has predictable font metrics:
* 0: font-family: Ahem.ttf; font-size: 16px;
* 1: font-family: mplus-1p-regular.ttf; font-size: 16px;
* 2: font-family: Ahem.ttf; font-size: 32px;
* 3: font-family: mplus-1p-regular.ttf; font-size: 32px;
* 4: font-family: Ahem.ttf; font-size: 52px;
* 5: font-family: mplus-1p-regular.ttf; font-size: 52px;
var gFontMetrics = [];
if (kIsWin) {
gFontMetrics = [
{ emHeight: 16, ascent: 13, offset: -2, lineHeight: 1, descentLimit: 3 },
{ emHeight: 16, ascent: 17, offset: -2, lineHeight: 1, descentLimit: 5 },
{ emHeight: 32, ascent: 26, offset: -4, lineHeight: 1, descentLimit: 6 },
{ emHeight: 32, ascent: 34, offset: -4, lineHeight: 2, descentLimit: 10 },
{ emHeight: 52, ascent: 42, offset: -7, lineHeight: 1, descentLimit: 10 },
{ emHeight: 52, ascent: 56, offset: -7, lineHeight: 3, descentLimit: 17 }
if (kIsMac) {
// XXX mnakano: I got following metrics on my Mac (both 10.4 and 10.5).
// However, on tinderbox machines, they are different values. I'm not sure
// the reason.
gFontMetrics = [
{ ascent: 13, offset: -2.127930, lineHeight: 1.000000 },
{ ascent: 18, offset: -2.000000, lineHeight: 1.000000 },
{ ascent: 26, offset: -4.255859, lineHeight: 1.000000 },
{ ascent: 35, offset: -4.000000, lineHeight: 1.600098 },
{ ascent: 42, offset: -6.915771, lineHeight: 1.040222 },
{ ascent: 56, offset: -6.500000, lineHeight: 2.600159 }
if (kIsLinux) {
// XXX mnakano: I got following metrics on my Ubuntu 8.10. However, on
// tinderbox machines, they are different. Probably, the values depend on
// the version of FreeType and Pango. I bet we cannot test this on Linux
// without the way to get the actual font metrics from javascript.
gFontMetrics = [
{ ascent: 13, offset: -1.015625, lineHeight: 1.000000 },
{ ascent: 18, offset: -1.015625, lineHeight: 1.000000 },
{ ascent: 26, offset: -2.031250, lineHeight: 1.000000 },
{ ascent: 35, offset: -2.031250, lineHeight: 1.600003 },
{ ascent: 42, offset: -3.300781, lineHeight: 1.040001 },
{ ascent: 56, offset: -3.300781, lineHeight: 2.600002 }
const kUnderlineStyles = [
{ color: "rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)", isIMESelection: false },
{ color: "rgb( 0%,100%, 0%)", isIMESelection: true },
{ color: "rgb( 0%, 0%,100%)", isIMESelection: true },
{ color: "rgb(100%,100%, 0%)", isIMESelection: true },
{ color: "rgb( 0%,100%,100%)", isIMESelection: true }
var gDefaultFontSizeIndex = 0;
const kDefaultFontSizes = [ 16, 20, 21, 50 ];
function computeSpellcheckerUnderlineSize(aFontMetrics)
var fontSize = Math.min(aFontMetrics.emHeight,
kDefaultFontSizes[gDefaultFontSizeIndex - 1]);
fontSize = Math.max(fontSize, 1);
return Math.ceil(fontSize / 20);
function drawSelectionDecorationLines(aDocument, aStyle, aRelativeSize)
var index = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < kUnderlineStyles.length; i++) {
var underlineStyle = kUnderlineStyles[i];
for (var j = 0; j < gFontMetrics.length; j++) {
var fontMetrics = gFontMetrics[j];
var element = aDocument.getElementById("t" + index++);
var pt = { x: element.getBoundingClientRect().left,
y: element.getBoundingClientRect().top };
var width = 120;
var lineHeight;
if (underlineStyle.isIMESelection) {
pt.x += 1;
width -= 1;
lineHeight = fontMetrics.lineHeight;
} else {
// see bug 486735.
lineHeight = computeSpellcheckerUnderlineSize(fontMetrics);
drawDecorationLine(aDocument, underlineStyle.color, pt,
{ width: width, height: lineHeight * aRelativeSize },
fontMetrics.ascent, fontMetrics.offset, aStyle,
RemoteCanvas.prototype.remotePageLoaded = function(callback) {
var ldrFrame = document.getElementById(this.id);
if (this.isReference) {
var doc = ldrFrame.contentDocument;
drawSelectionDecorationLines(doc, this.underlineStyle,
this.snapshot = snapshotWindow(ldrFrame.contentWindow);
var gPrefs = [
name: "ui.SpellCheckerUnderline",
type: "char",
newValue: "#ff0000"
name: "ui.IMERawInputBackground",
type: "char",
newValue: "#ffffff"
name: "ui.IMERawInputForeground",
type: "char",
newValue: "#000000"
name: "ui.IMERawInputUnderline",
type: "char",
newValue: "#00ff00"
name: "ui.IMESelectedRawTextBackground",
type: "char",
newValue: "#ffffff"
name: "ui.IMESelectedRawTextForeground",
type: "char",
newValue: "#000000"
name: "ui.IMESelectedRawTextUnderline",
type: "char",
newValue: "#0000ff"
name: "ui.IMEConvertedTextBackground",
type: "char",
newValue: "#ffffff"
name: "ui.IMEConvertedTextForeground",
type: "char",
newValue: "#000000"
name: "ui.IMEConvertedTextUnderline",
type: "char",
newValue: "#ffff00"
name: "ui.IMESelectedConvertedTextBackground",
type: "char",
newValue: "#ffffff"
name: "ui.IMESelectedConvertedTextForeground",
type: "char",
newValue: "#000000"
name: "ui.IMESelectedConvertedTextUnderline",
type: "char",
newValue: "#00ffff"
name: "ui.SpellCheckerUnderlineStyle",
type: "int",
newValue: 0
name: "ui.IMERawInputUnderlineStyle",
type: "int",
newValue: 0
name: "ui.IMESelectedRawTextUnderlineStyle",
type: "int",
newValue: 0
name: "ui.IMEConvertedTextUnderlineStyle",
type: "int",
newValue: 0
name: "ui.IMESelectedConvertedTextUnderlineStyle",
type: "int",
newValue: 0
name: "ui.SpellCheckerUnderlineRelativeSize",
type: "float",
newValue: 1.0
name: "ui.IMEUnderlineRelativeSize",
type: "float",
newValue: 1.0
function setPrefValue(aPrefs, aName, aType, aValue)
if (aType == "char")
aPrefs.setCharPref(aName, aValue);
else if (aType == "int")
aPrefs.setIntPref(aName, aValue);
else if (aType == "float")
aPrefs.setIntPref(aName, aValue * 100);
const kPrefStyles = [ 0, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5 ];
var gTests = [
{ size: 1.0, style: kDecorationStyleNone },
{ size: 1.0, style: kDecorationStyleSolid },
{ size: 1.0, style: kDecorationStyleDotted },
{ size: 1.0, style: kDecorationStyleDashed },
{ size: 1.0, style: kDecorationStyleDouble },
{ size: 1.0, style: kDecorationStyleWavy },
{ size: 2.0, style: kDecorationStyleNone },
{ size: 2.0, style: kDecorationStyleSolid },
{ size: 2.0, style: kDecorationStyleDotted },
{ size: 2.0, style: kDecorationStyleDashed },
{ size: 2.0, style: kDecorationStyleDouble },
{ size: 2.0, style: kDecorationStyleWavy }
var gTestingIndex = 0;
function run()
if (gTestingIndex == gTests.length) {
if (gDefaultFontSizeIndex == kDefaultFontSizes.length) {
gTestingIndex = 0;
'UniversalPreferencesRead UniversalPreferencesWrite UniversalXPConnect');
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
if (gTestingIndex == 0) {
var test = gTests[gTestingIndex++];
setPrefValue(prefs, "ui.SpellCheckerUnderlineRelativeSize", "float",
setPrefValue(prefs, "ui.IMEUnderlineRelativeSize", "float",
setPrefValue(prefs, "ui.SpellCheckerUnderlineStyle", "int",
setPrefValue(prefs, "ui.IMERawInputUnderlineStyle", "int",
setPrefValue(prefs, "ui.IMESelectedRawTextUnderlineStyle", "int",
setPrefValue(prefs, "ui.IMEConvertedTextUnderlineStyle", "int",
setPrefValue(prefs, "ui.IMESelectedConvertedTextUnderlineStyle", "int",
doTest(test.style, test.size);
function doTest(aStyle, aSize)
var canvases = [];
function callbackTestCanvas(canvas)
if (canvases.length != 2)
var result = !canvases[0].isReference ? canvases[0] : canvases[1];
var reference = canvases[0].isReference ? canvases[0] : canvases[1];
// when both canvases are loaded
ok(result.compare(reference, true),
"Rendering of reftest (style: " + kStyleNames[aStyle] +
", size: " + aSize + ", default font size: " +
kDefaultFontSizes[gDefaultFontSizeIndex - 1] + ") is different\n" +
"RESULT=" + result.snapshotDataURL + "\n" +
"REFERENCE=" + reference.snapshotDataURL + "\n");
var iframe = window.document.getElementById(canvases[0].id);
iframe = window.document.getElementById(canvases[1].id);
canvases = [];
setTimeout(run, 0);
var testCanvas = new RemoteCanvas("frame_selection_underline.xhtml",
false, aStyle, aSize);
var refFile = "frame_selection_underline-ref.xhtml";
var refCanvas = new RemoteCanvas(refFile, true, aStyle, aSize);
function onLoad()
if (gFontMetrics.length == 0) {
todo(false, "test_selection_underline doesn't support this platform");
'UniversalPreferencesRead UniversalPreferencesWrite UniversalXPConnect');
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
for (var i = 0; i < gPrefs.length; i++) {
gPrefs[i].wasUserSetValue = prefs.prefHasUserValue(gPrefs[i].name);
if (gPrefs[i].wasUserSetValue) {
if (gPrefs[i].type == "char")
gPrefs[i].oldValue = prefs.getCharPref(gPrefs[i].name);
else if (gPrefs[i].type == "int")
gPrefs[i].oldValue = prefs.getIntPref(gPrefs[i].name);
else if (gPrefs[i].type == "float")
gPrefs[i].oldValue = prefs.getIntPref(gPrefs[i].name) / 100;
setPrefValue(prefs, gPrefs[i].name, gPrefs[i].type, gPrefs[i].newValue);
function cleanup()
'UniversalPreferencesRead UniversalPreferencesWrite UniversalXPConnect');
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
if (prefs.prefHasUserValue("font.size.variable.x-western"))
for (var i = 0; i < gPrefs.length; i++) {
if (gPrefs[i].wasUserSetValue)
setPrefValue(prefs, gPrefs[i].name, gPrefs[i].type, gPrefs[i].oldValue);
else if (prefs.prefHasUserValue(gPrefs[i].name))
<body onload="onLoad();">
<pre id="test">