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346 строки
12 KiB
346 строки
12 KiB
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
#ifndef nsIDocument_h___
#define nsIDocument_h___
#include "nslayout.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsIUnicharInputStream.h"
#include "nsGUIEvent.h"
#include "nsAWritableString.h"
class nsIAtom;
class nsIArena;
class nsIContent;
class nsIDocumentContainer;
class nsIDocumentObserver;
class nsIPresContext;
class nsIPresShell;
class nsIStreamListener;
class nsIStreamObserver;
class nsIStyleSet;
class nsIStyleSheet;
class nsIStyleRule;
class nsIURI;
class nsILoadGroup;
class nsIViewManager;
class nsIScriptGlobalObject;
class nsIDOMEvent;
class nsIDeviceContext;
class nsIParser;
class nsIDOMNode;
class nsINameSpaceManager;
class nsIDOMDocumentFragment;
class nsILineBreaker;
class nsIWordBreaker;
class nsISelection;
class nsIChannel;
class nsIPrincipal;
class nsINodeInfoManager;
class nsIDOMDocument;
class nsIDOMDocumentType;
class nsIBindingManager;
class nsIObserver;
class nsISupportsArray;
// IID for the nsIDocument interface
{ 0x94c6ceb0, 0x9447, 0x11d1, \
{0x93, 0x23, 0x00, 0x80, 0x5f, 0x8a, 0xdd, 0x32} }
// The base value for the content ID counter.
// This counter is used by the document to
// assign a monotonically increasing ID to each content
// object it creates
// Document interface
class nsIDocument : public nsISupports {
static const nsIID& GetIID() { static nsIID iid = NS_IDOCUMENT_IID; return iid; }
// All documents have a memory arena associated with them which is
// used for memory allocation during document creation. This call
// returns the arena associated with this document.
virtual nsIArena* GetArena() = 0;
NS_IMETHOD StartDocumentLoad(const char* aCommand,
nsIChannel* aChannel,
nsILoadGroup* aLoadGroup,
nsISupports* aContainer,
nsIStreamListener **aDocListener,
PRBool aReset) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD StopDocumentLoad() = 0;
* Return the title of the document. May return null.
virtual const nsString* GetDocumentTitle() const = 0;
* Return the URL for the document. May return null.
virtual nsIURI* GetDocumentURL() const = 0;
* Return the principal responsible for this document.
NS_IMETHOD GetPrincipal(nsIPrincipal **aPrincipal) = 0;
* Update principal responsible for this document to the intersection
* of its previous value and aPrincipal.
NS_IMETHOD AddPrincipal(nsIPrincipal *aPrincipal) = 0;
* Return the LoadGroup for the document. May return null.
NS_IMETHOD GetDocumentLoadGroup(nsILoadGroup** aGroup) const = 0;
* Return the base URL for realtive URLs in the document. May return null (or the document URL).
NS_IMETHOD GetBaseURL(nsIURI*& aURL) const = 0;
* Return the content (mime) type of this document.
NS_IMETHOD GetContentType(nsAWritableString& aContentType) const = 0;
* Return a standard name for the document's character set. This will
* trigger a startDocumentLoad if necessary to answer the question.
NS_IMETHOD GetDocumentCharacterSet(nsAWritableString& oCharSetID) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD SetDocumentCharacterSet(const nsAReadableString& aCharSetID) = 0;
* Add an observer that gets notified whenever the charset changes.
NS_IMETHOD AddCharSetObserver(nsIObserver* aObserver) = 0;
* Remove a charset observer.
NS_IMETHOD RemoveCharSetObserver(nsIObserver* aObserver) = 0;
* Return the Line Breaker for the document
NS_IMETHOD GetLineBreaker(nsILineBreaker** aResult) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD SetLineBreaker(nsILineBreaker* aLineBreaker) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD GetWordBreaker(nsIWordBreaker** aResult) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD SetWordBreaker(nsIWordBreaker* aWordBreaker) = 0;
* Access HTTP header data (this may also get set from other sources, like
* HTML META tags).
NS_IMETHOD GetHeaderData(nsIAtom* aHeaderField, nsAWritableString& aData) const = 0;
NS_IMETHOD SetHeaderData(nsIAtom* aheaderField, const nsAReadableString& aData) = 0;
* Create a new presentation shell that will use aContext for
* it's presentation context (presentation context's <b>must not</b> be
* shared among multiple presentation shell's).
NS_IMETHOD CreateShell(nsIPresContext* aContext,
nsIViewManager* aViewManager,
nsIStyleSet* aStyleSet,
nsIPresShell** aInstancePtrResult) = 0;
virtual PRBool DeleteShell(nsIPresShell* aShell) = 0;
virtual PRInt32 GetNumberOfShells() = 0;
virtual nsIPresShell* GetShellAt(PRInt32 aIndex) = 0;
* Return the parent document of this document. Will return null
* unless this document is within a compound document and has a parent.
virtual nsIDocument* GetParentDocument() = 0;
virtual void SetParentDocument(nsIDocument* aParent) = 0;
virtual void AddSubDocument(nsIDocument* aSubDoc) = 0;
virtual PRInt32 GetNumberOfSubDocuments() = 0;
virtual nsIDocument* GetSubDocumentAt(PRInt32 aIndex) = 0;
* Return the root content object for this document.
virtual nsIContent* GetRootContent() = 0;
virtual void SetRootContent(nsIContent* aRoot) = 0;
* Methods to append to the prolog and epilog of
* a document. The prolog is the content before the document
* element, the epilog after.
NS_IMETHOD AppendToProlog(nsIContent* aContent) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD AppendToEpilog(nsIContent* aContent) = 0;
* Get the direct children of the document - content in
* the prolog, the root content and content in the epilog.
NS_IMETHOD ChildAt(PRInt32 aIndex, nsIContent*& aResult) const = 0;
NS_IMETHOD IndexOf(nsIContent* aPossibleChild, PRInt32& aIndex) const = 0;
NS_IMETHOD GetChildCount(PRInt32& aCount) = 0;
* Get the style sheets owned by this document.
* Style sheets are ordered, most significant last.
virtual PRInt32 GetNumberOfStyleSheets() = 0;
virtual nsIStyleSheet* GetStyleSheetAt(PRInt32 aIndex) = 0;
virtual PRInt32 GetIndexOfStyleSheet(nsIStyleSheet* aSheet) = 0;
virtual void AddStyleSheet(nsIStyleSheet* aSheet) = 0;
virtual void RemoveStyleSheet(nsIStyleSheet* aSheet) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD UpdateStyleSheets(nsISupportsArray* aOldSheets, nsISupportsArray* aNewSheets) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD InsertStyleSheetAt(nsIStyleSheet* aSheet, PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool aNotify) = 0;
virtual void SetStyleSheetDisabledState(nsIStyleSheet* aSheet,
PRBool mDisabled) = 0;
* Set the object from which a document can get a script context.
* This is the context within which all scripts (during document
* creation and during event handling) will run.
NS_IMETHOD GetScriptGlobalObject(nsIScriptGlobalObject** aGlobalObject) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD SetScriptGlobalObject(nsIScriptGlobalObject* aGlobalObject) = 0;
* Get the name space manager for this document
NS_IMETHOD GetNameSpaceManager(nsINameSpaceManager*& aManager) = 0;
// Document notification API's
* Add a new observer of document change notifications. Whenever
* content is changed, appended, inserted or removed the observers are
* informed.
virtual void AddObserver(nsIDocumentObserver* aObserver) = 0;
* Remove an observer of document change notifications. This will
* return false if the observer cannot be found.
virtual PRBool RemoveObserver(nsIDocumentObserver* aObserver) = 0;
// Observation hooks used by content nodes to propagate
// notifications to document observers.
NS_IMETHOD BeginUpdate() = 0;
NS_IMETHOD EndUpdate() = 0;
NS_IMETHOD BeginLoad() = 0;
NS_IMETHOD EndLoad() = 0;
NS_IMETHOD ContentChanged(nsIContent* aContent,
nsISupports* aSubContent) = 0;
// notify that one or two content nodes changed state
// either may be nsnull, but not both
NS_IMETHOD ContentStatesChanged(nsIContent* aContent1,
nsIContent* aContent2) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD AttributeChanged(nsIContent* aChild,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsIAtom* aAttribute,
PRInt32 aHint) = 0; // See nsStyleConsts fot hint values
NS_IMETHOD ContentAppended(nsIContent* aContainer,
PRInt32 aNewIndexInContainer) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD ContentInserted(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aChild,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD ContentReplaced(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aOldChild,
nsIContent* aNewChild,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD ContentRemoved(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aChild,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer) = 0;
// Observation hooks for style data to propogate notifications
// to document observers
NS_IMETHOD StyleRuleChanged(nsIStyleSheet* aStyleSheet,
nsIStyleRule* aStyleRule,
PRInt32 aHint) = 0; // See nsStyleConsts fot hint values
NS_IMETHOD StyleRuleAdded(nsIStyleSheet* aStyleSheet,
nsIStyleRule* aStyleRule) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD StyleRuleRemoved(nsIStyleSheet* aStyleSheet,
nsIStyleRule* aStyleRule) = 0;
* Finds text in content
NS_IMETHOD FindNext(const nsAReadableString &aSearchStr, PRBool aMatchCase, PRBool aSearchDown, PRBool &aIsFound) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsEvent* aEvent,
nsIDOMEvent** aDOMEvent,
PRUint32 aFlags,
nsEventStatus* aEventStatus) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD FlushPendingNotifications() = 0;
NS_IMETHOD GetAndIncrementContentID(PRInt32* aID) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD GetBindingManager(nsIBindingManager** aResult) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD GetNodeInfoManager(nsINodeInfoManager*& aNodeInfoManager) = 0;
// XXX These belong somewhere else
extern NS_LAYOUT nsresult
NS_NewHTMLDocument(nsIDocument** aInstancePtrResult);
extern NS_LAYOUT nsresult
NS_NewXMLDocument(nsIDocument** aInstancePtrResult);
extern NS_LAYOUT nsresult
NS_NewImageDocument(nsIDocument** aInstancePtrResult);
extern NS_LAYOUT nsresult
NS_NewDocumentFragment(nsIDOMDocumentFragment** aInstancePtrResult,
nsIDocument* aOwnerDocument);
extern NS_LAYOUT nsresult
NS_NewDOMDocument(nsIDOMDocument** aInstancePtrResult,
const nsAReadableString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAReadableString& aQualifiedName,
nsIDOMDocumentType* aDoctype,
nsIURI* aBaseURI);
// Note: The buffer passed into NewPostData(...) becomes owned by the IPostData
// instance and is freed when the instance is destroyed...
#if 0
extern NS_LAYOUT nsresult
NS_NewPostData(PRBool aIsFile, char *aData, nsIPostData** aInstancePtrResult);
#endif /* nsIDocument_h___ */