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312 строки
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<title>Test for XMLHttpRequest Progress Events</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/MochiKit/packed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<body onload="gen.next();">
<pre id=l></pre>
<script type="application/javascript;version=1.7">
var gen = runTests();
function log(s) {
//document.getElementById("l").textContent += s + "\n";
function getEvent(e) {
log("got event: " + e.type + " (" + e.target.readyState + ")");
function startsWith(a, b) {
return a.substr(0, b.length) === b;
function updateProgress(e, data, testName) {
var test = " while running " + testName;
is(e.type, "progress", "event type" + test);
let response;
if (data.nodata) {
is(e.target.response, null, "response should be null" + test);
response = null;
else if (data.text) {
is(typeof e.target.response, "string", "response should be a string" + test);
response = e.target.response;
else if (data.blob) {
ok(e.target.response instanceof Blob, "response should be a Blob" + test);
response = e.target.response;
else {
ok(e.target.response instanceof ArrayBuffer, "response should be an ArrayBuffer" + test);
response = bufferToString(e.target.response);
is(e.target.response, e.target.response, "reflexivity should hold" + test);
if (!data.nodata && !data.encoded) {
if (data.blob) {
is(e.loaded, response.size, "event.loaded matches response size" + test);
else if (!data.chunked) {
is(e.loaded, response.length, "event.loaded matches response size" + test);
else {
is(e.loaded - data.receivedBytes, response.length,
"event.loaded grew by response size" + test);
ok(e.loaded > data.receivedBytes, "event.loaded increased" + test);
ok(e.loaded - data.receivedBytes <= data.pendingBytes,
"event.loaded didn't increase too much" + test);
if (!data.nodata && !data.blob) {
var newData;
ok(startsWith(response, data.receivedResult),
"response strictly grew" + test);
newData = response.substr(data.receivedResult.length);
if (!data.encoded) {
ok(newData.length > 0, "sanity check for progress" + test);
ok(startsWith(data.pendingResult, newData), "new data matches expected" + test);
is(e.lengthComputable, "total" in data, "lengthComputable" + test);
if ("total" in data) {
is(e.total, data.total, "total" + test);
if (!data.nodata && !data.blob) {
data.pendingResult = data.pendingResult.substr(newData.length);
data.pendingBytes -= e.loaded - data.receivedBytes;
data.receivedResult = response;
data.receivedBytes = e.loaded;
function sendData(s) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", "progressserver.sjs?send");
function closeConn() {
log("in closeConn");
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", "progressserver.sjs?close");
var longString = "long";
while(longString.length < 65536)
longString += longString;
function utf8encode(s) {
return unescape(encodeURIComponent(s));
function bufferToString(buffer) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, new Uint8Array(buffer));
function runTests() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onprogress = xhr.onload = xhr.onerror = xhr.onreadystatechange = xhr.onloadend = getEvent;
var responseTypes = [{ type: "text", text: true },
{ type: "arraybuffer", text: false, nodata: true },
{ type: "blob", text: false, nodata: true, blob: true },
{ type: "moz-blob", text: false, nodata: false, blob: true },
{ type: "document", text: true, nodata: true },
{ type: "json", text: true, nodata: true },
{ type: "", text: true },
{ type: "moz-chunked-text", text: true, chunked: true },
{ type: "moz-chunked-arraybuffer", text: false, chunked: true },
var responseType;
var fileExpectedResult = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
fileExpectedResult += String.fromCharCode(i & 255);
while (responseType = responseTypes.shift()) {
let tests = [{ open: "Content-Type=text/plain", name: "simple test" },
{ data: "hello world" },
{ data: "\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003" },
{ data: longString },
{ data: "x" },
{ close: true },
{ open: "Content-Type=text/plain&Content-Length=20", name: "with length", total: 20 },
// 5 bytes from the "ready" in the open step
{ data: "abcde" },
{ data: "0123456789" },
{ close: true },
{ open: "Content-Type=application/xml", name: "without length, as xml" },
{ data: "<out>" },
{ data: "text" },
{ data: "</foo>invalid" },
{ close: true },
{ open: "Content-Type=text/plain;charset%3dutf-8", name: "utf8 data", encoded: true },
{ data: utf8encode("räksmörgås"), utf16: "räksmörgås" },
{ data: utf8encode("Å").substr(0,1), utf16: "" },
{ data: utf8encode("Å").substr(1), utf16: "Å" },
{ data: utf8encode("aöb").substr(0,2), utf16: "a" },
{ data: utf8encode("aöb").substr(2), utf16: "öb" },
{ data: utf8encode("a\u867Eb").substr(0,3), utf16: "a" },
{ data: utf8encode("a\u867Eb").substr(3,1), utf16: "\u867E" },
{ data: utf8encode("a\u867Eb").substr(4), utf16: "b" },
{ close: true },
if (responseType.blob) {
tests.push({ file: "file_XHR_binary2.bin", name: "cacheable data", total: 65536 },
{ close: true },
{ file: "file_XHR_binary2.bin", name: "cached data", total: 65536 },
{ close: true });
let testState = { index: 0 };
for (let i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) {
let test = tests[i];
if ("open" in test || "file" in test) {
log("opening " + testState.name);
testState = { name: test.name + " for " + responseType.type,
index: 0,
pendingResult: "ready",
pendingBytes: 5,
receivedResult: "",
receivedBytes: 0,
total: test.total,
encoded: test.encoded,
nodata: responseType.nodata,
chunked: responseType.chunked,
text: responseType.text,
blob: responseType.blob,
file: test.file };
xhr.onreadystatechange = null;
if (testState.file)
xhr.open("GET", test.file);
xhr.open("POST", "progressserver.sjs?open&" + test.open);
xhr.responseType = responseType.type;
xhr.onreadystatechange = getEvent;
let e = yield;
is(e.type, "readystatechange", "should readystate to headers-received starting " + testState.name);
is(xhr.readyState, xhr.HEADERS_RECEIVED, "should be in state HEADERS_RECEIVED starting " + testState.name);
e = yield;
is(e.type, "readystatechange", "should readystate to loading starting " + testState.name);
is(xhr.readyState, xhr.LOADING, "should be in state LOADING starting " + testState.name);
if (typeof testState.total == "undefined")
delete testState.total;
if ("file" in test) {
testState.pendingBytes = testState.total;
testState.pendingResult = fileExpectedResult;
if ("close" in test) {
if (!testState.file)
e = yield;
is(e.type, "readystatechange", "should readystate to done closing " + testState.name);
is(xhr.readyState, xhr.DONE, "should be in state DONE closing " + testState.name);
log("readystate to 4");
if (responseType.chunked) {
is(xhr.response, null, "chunked data has null response for " + testState.name);
e = yield;
is(e.type, "load", "should fire load closing " + testState.name);
is(e.lengthComputable, true, "length should be computable during load closing " + testState.name);
log("got load");
if (responseType.chunked) {
is(xhr.response, null, "chunked data has null response for " + testState.name);
e = yield;
is(e.type, "loadend", "should fire loadend closing " + testState.name);
is(e.lengthComputable, true, "length should be computable during loadend closing " + testState.name);
log("got loadend");
if (responseType.chunked) {
is(xhr.response, null, "chunked data has null response for " + testState.name);
if (!testState.nodata && !responseType.blob || responseType.chunked) {
// This branch intentionally left blank
// Under these conditions we check the response during updateProgress
else if (responseType.type === "arraybuffer") {
is(bufferToString(xhr.response), testState.pendingResult,
"full response for " + testState.name);
else if (responseType.blob) {
let reader = new FileReader;
reader.onloadend = getEvent;
is(reader.result, testState.pendingResult,
"full response in blob for " + testState.name);
testState.name = "";
if ("data" in test) {
if (responseType.text) {
testState.pendingResult += "utf16" in test ? test.utf16 : test.data;
else {
testState.pendingResult += test.data;
testState.pendingBytes = test.data.length;
while(testState.pendingBytes) {
log("waiting for more bytes: " + testState.pendingBytes);
e = yield;
// Readystate can fire several times between each progress event.
if (e.type === "readystatechange")
updateProgress(e, testState, "data for " + testState.name + "[" + testState.index + "]");
if (responseType.chunked) {
testState.receivedResult = "";
if (!testState.nodata && !testState.blob) {
is(testState.pendingResult, "",
"should have consumed the expected result");
log("done with this test");
is(testState.name, "", "forgot to close last test");