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546 строки
25 KiB
Executable File
546 строки
25 KiB
Executable File
class PermissionsManager {
var $modes;
var $trusted;
var $mode;
var $func;
function PermissionsManager($function) {
if( (!$this->decodeMode($mode)) // unknown mode degrades to U
|| ( $mode == 'A' && $_SESSION['level'] != 'admin' )
// only admins can create admins
) {
function decodeMode($mode) {
return $this->modes[$mode];
function printUI() {
if( $this->func == 'edituser' && ($level=='user' || $level=='editor')) {
// read-only (hidden) fields: "usermode" and "trusted"
echo "<input name=\"usermode\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$this->mode\">"
. ( $umDes?$umDes:"Unknown ($this->mode)" );
if ($this->trusted=="TRUE") {
echo"Trusted <INPUT NAME=\"trusted\" TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" VALUE=\"TRUE\">\n";
} else if( $level=='admin'
|| ($editorAdding=($this->func == 'adduser' && $level=='editor')) ) {
// editable fields: "usermode" (radio) and "trusted" (checkbox)
if($editorAdding) array_shift($modes); // only admins can create admins
foreach($modes as $umId=>$umDes) { // decode usermodes
echo '<input name="usermode" type="radio" value="'.$umId
. ($umId===$this->mode?'" checked="checked"/>':'"/>' )
echo '<input name="trusted" type="checkbox" value="TRUE"';
if($this->trusted) echo ' checked="checked"';
echo ">Trusted\n";
$function = $_GET["function"];
$perms=new PermissionsManager($function);
//Access Level: only admins can edit somebody else's profile
if ($_SESSION["level"] !=="admin") {
//Kill access to add user.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/loose.dtd">
<TITLE>Mozilla Update :: Developer Control Panel :: User Manager</TITLE>
//Security Check for EditUser/ChangePassword function.
if ($function=="edituser" or $function=="changepassword") {
$postuid = escape_string($_GET["userid"]);
$userid = escape_string($_SESSION["uid"]);
// All users users may change their own accounts, check when trying to change other accounts
if ($postuid and $postuid != $userid) {
$allowed = false;
if ($_SESSION["level"] == "admin") {
// Admins may change any account
$allowed = true;
} else if ($_SESSION["level"]=="editor") {
// Editors may only change regular users, not editors or admins
$sql = "SELECT `UserID` from `userprofiles` WHERE " .
"`UserMode`='U' and `UserID`='$postuid'" .
" LIMIT 1";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if (mysql_num_rows($sql_result) == 1) {
$allowed = true;
if ($allowed == false) {
echo"<h1>Error Accessing Record</h1>\n";
echo"You do not appear to have permission to edit this record.<br>\n";
echo"<a href=\"?function=\">«« Go Back</a>\n";
} else {
$userid = $postuid;
if (!$function) {
if ($_POST["submit"] && $_GET["action"]=="update") {
<h1>Updating User List...</h1>
//Process Post Data, Make Changes to User Table.
//Begin General Updating
for ($i=1; $i<=$_POST['maxuserid']; $i++) {
$admin = escape_string($_POST["admin$i"]);
$editor = escape_string($_POST["editor$i"]);
$trusted = escape_string($_POST["trusted$i"]);
$disabled = escape_string($_POST["disabled$i"]);
$selected = escape_string($_POST["selected$i"]);
//echo "$i - $admin - $editor - $trusted - $selected<br>\n";
if ($admin=="TRUE") { $mode="A";
} else if ($editor=="TRUE") { $mode="E";
} else if ($disabled=="TRUE") {$mode="D";
} else { $mode="U"; }
if ($trusted !=="TRUE") {$trusted="FALSE"; }
if (checkFormKey()) {
$sql = "UPDATE `userprofiles` SET `UserMode`= '$mode', `UserTrusted`= '$trusted' WHERE `UserID`='$selected'";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
//Do Special Disable, Delete, Enable Account Operations
if ($_POST["selected$i"] AND $_POST["submit"] !=="Update") {
$selecteduser = escape_string($_POST["selected$i"]);
if ($_POST["submit"]=="Disable Selected") {
if (checkFormKey()) {
$sql = "UPDATE `userprofiles` SET `UserMode`= 'D' WHERE `UserID`='$selecteduser'";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result) {
echo"User Account for User Number $selecteduser Disabled<br>\n";
//Disabling an author, check their extension list and disable any item they're the solo author of.
$sql = "SELECT TM.ID, TM.Name from `main` TM INNER JOIN `authorxref` TAX ON TM.ID=TAX.ID WHERE TAX.UserID = '$selecteduser'";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
$id = $row["ID"];
$name = $row["Name"];
$sql2 = "SELECT `ID` from `authorxref` WHERE `ID` = '$id'";
$sql_result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if (mysql_num_rows($sql_result2)<="1") {
$sql3 = "UPDATE `version` SET `approved`='DISABLED' WHERE `ID`='$id' and `approved` !='NO' ";
$sql_result3 = mysql_query($sql3, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result3) {
echo"$name disabled from public viewing...<br>\n";
} else if ($_POST["submit"]=="Delete Selected") {
if (checkFormKey()) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM `userprofiles` WHERE `UserID`='$selecteduser' LIMIT 1";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result) {
echo"User Account for User Number $selecteduser Deleted<br>\n";
} else if ($_POST["submit"]=="Enable Selected") {
if (checkFormKey()) {
$sql = "UPDATE `userprofiles` SET `UserMode`= 'U' WHERE `UserID`='$selecteduser'";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result) {
echo"User Account for User Number $selecteduser Enabled, User Mode set to User<br>\n";
//Disabling an author, check their extension list and disable any item they're the solo author of.
$sql = "SELECT TM.ID, TM.Name from `main` TM INNER JOIN `authorxref` TAX ON TM.ID=TAX.ID WHERE TAX.UserID = '$selecteduser'";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
$id = $row["ID"];
$name = $row["Name"];
$sql2 = "SELECT `ID` from `authorxref` WHERE `ID` = '$id'";
$sql_result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if (mysql_num_rows($sql_result2)<="1") {
$sql3 = "UPDATE `version` SET `approved`='?' WHERE `ID`='$id' and `approved` !='NO'";
$sql_result3 = mysql_query($sql3, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result3) {
echo"$name restored to public view pending approval...<br>\n";
echo"Your changes to the User List have been succesfully completed<BR>\n";
<h1>Manage User list</h1>
<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1 ALIGN=CENTER STYLE="border: 0px; width: 100%" class="listing">
<TR style="font-weight: bold">
<TH>E-Mail Address</TH>
<FORM NAME="updateusers" METHOD="POST" ACTION="?function=&action=update">
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `userprofiles` ORDER BY `UserMode`, `UserName` ASC";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
$userid = $row["UserID"];
$username = $row["UserName"];
$useremail = $row["UserEmail"];
$userwebsite = $row["UserWebsite"];
$usermode = $row["UserMode"];
$useremailhide = $row["UserEmailHide"];
$t = $row["UserTrusted"];
if ($userid>$maxuserid) {$maxuserid =$userid;}
if ($usermode=="A") {$a="TRUE"; $e="TRUE";
} else if ($usermode=="E") {$e="TRUE"; $a="FALSE";
} else if ($usermode=="U") {$e="FALSE"; $a="FALSE";
} else if ($usermode=="D") {$d="TRUE";}
echo"<TD CLASS=\"tablehighlight\" ALIGN=CENTER><B>$i</B></TD>\n";
echo"<TD CLASS=\"tablehighlight\"><B> <A HREF=\"?function=edituser&userid=$userid\">$username</A></B></TD>\n";
echo"<TD CLASS=\"tablehighlight\"><B> <A HREF=\"mailto:$useremail\">$useremail</A></B></TD>\n";
echo"<TD CLASS=\"tablehighlight\"><INPUT NAME=\"selected$userid\" TYPE=\"CHECKBOX\" VALUE=\"$userid\" TITLE=\"Selected User\""; if (($a=="TRUE" or $e=="TRUE") AND $_SESSION["level"]=="editor") {echo" DISABLED=\"DISABLED\"";} echo"></TD>";
echo"<TD CLASS=\"tablehighlight\"><INPUT NAME=\"editor$userid\" TYPE=\"CHECKBOX\" VALUE=\"TRUE\" "; if ($e=="TRUE") {echo"CHECKED=\"CHECKED\""; } if (($a=="TRUE" or $d=="TRUE") or $_SESSION["level"]=="editor") {echo" DISABLED=\"DISABLED\"";} echo" TITLE=\"Editor\"></TD>";
echo"<TD CLASS=\"tablehighlight\"><INPUT NAME=\"admin$userid\" TYPE=\"CHECKBOX\" VALUE=\"TRUE\" "; if ($a=="TRUE") {echo"CHECKED=\"CHECKED\""; } if ($d=="TRUE" or $_SESSION["level"]=="editor") {echo" DISABLED=\"DISABLED\"";} echo" TITLE=\"Administrator\"></TD>";
echo"<TD CLASS=\"tablehighlight\"><INPUT NAME=\"trusted$userid\" TYPE=\"CHECKBOX\" VALUE=\"TRUE\" "; if ($t=="TRUE") {echo"CHECKED=\"CHECKED\""; } if ($d=="TRUE" or (($a=="TRUE" or $e=="TRUE") AND $_SESSION["level"]=="editor" )) {echo" DISABLED=\"DISABLED\"";}echo" TITLE=\"Trusted User\"></TD>";
if ($d=="TRUE") {echo"<INPUT NAME=\"disabled$userid\" TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" VALUE=\"TRUE\">\n"; }
echo"<INPUT NAME=\"maxuserid\" TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" VALUE=\"$maxuserid\">";
<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Disable Selected" ONCLICK="return confirm('Disabling this account will hide all their extensions and themes from view and prevent them from logging in. Do you want to procede and disable this account?');">
<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Enable Selected">
<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Delete Selected" ONCLICK="return confirm('Deleting this account will permanently remove all their extensions and account information from Mozilla Update. This cannot be undone. Do you want to procede and delete this account?');">
<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Update">
<h2><a href="?function=adduser">Add New User</A></h2>
<div style="width: 580px; border: 0px dotted #AAA; margin-top: 1px; margin-left: 50px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold">
<form name="adduser" method="post" action="?function=adduser">
E-Mail: <input name="email" type="text" size="30" maxlength="150" value="">
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Add User"></SPAN>
} else if ($function=="edituser") {
if (!$userid) {$userid = escape_string($_GET["userid"]);}
//Process Submitted Values if this is a return with $_POST data...
if ($_POST["submit"]=="Update") {
if ($_SESSION["level"] !=="admin" && $_SESSION["uid"] !== $_POST["userid"]) {$_POST["userid"]=$_SESSION["uid"];}
$userid = escape_string($_POST["userid"]);
$username = escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST["username"]));
$useremail = escape_string($_POST["useremail"]);
$userwebsite = escape_string($_POST["userwebsite"]);
$useremailhide = escape_string($_POST["useremailhide"]);
if (checkFormKey()) {
$sql = "UPDATE `userprofiles` SET `UserName`= '$username', `UserEmail`='$useremail', `UserWebsite`='$userwebsite', `UserMode`='$perms->mode', `UserTrusted`='$perms->trusted', `UserEmailHide`='$useremailhide' WHERE `UserID`='$userid'";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result) {
echo"<h1>Updating User Profile...</h1>\n";
echo"The User Profile for $username, has been successfully updated...<br>\n";
} else if ($_POST["submit"] == "Delete User") {
if ($_SESSION["level"] !=="admin" && $_SESSION["uid"] !== $_POST["userid"]) {$_POST["userid"]=$_SESSION["uid"];}
$userid = escape_string($_POST["userid"]);
if (checkFormKey()) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM `userprofiles` WHERE `UserID`='$userid'";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result) {
$username = htmlspecialchars($_POST["username"]);
echo"<h1>Deleting User... Please wait...</h1>\n";
echo"You've successfully deleted the user profile for $username...<br>\n";
if (!$userid) {$userid=escape_string($_POST["userid"]);}
//Show Edit Form
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `userprofiles` WHERE `UserID` = '$userid' LIMIT 1";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
$userid = $row["UserID"];
$username = $row["UserName"];
$useremail = $row["UserEmail"];
$userwebsite = $row["UserWebsite"];
$userpass = $row["UserPass"];
$perms->mode = $row["UserMode"];
$trusted = $row["UserTrusted"];
$useremailhide = $row["UserEmailHide"];
$userlastlogin = date("l, F, d, Y, g:i:sa", strtotime($row["UserLastLogin"]));
<h1>Edit User Profile for <?php echo"$username"; ?></h1>
<TR><TD COLSPAN=2>Last login: <?php echo"$userlastlogin"; ?></TD></TR>
<FORM NAME="edituser" METHOD="POST" ACTION="?function=edituser">
echo"<INPUT NAME=\"userid\" TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" VALUE=\"$userid\">\n";
echo"<TR><TD STYLE=\"width: 130px\"><B>Name:</B></TD><TD><INPUT NAME=\"username\" TYPE=\"TEXT\" VALUE=\"$username\" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=100></TD></TR>\n";
echo"<TR><TD><B>E-Mail:</B></TD><TD><INPUT NAME=\"useremail\" TYPE=\"TEXT\" VALUE=\"$useremail\" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=100></TD></TR>\n";
echo"<TR><TD><B>Website:</B></TD><TD><INPUT NAME=\"userwebsite\" TYPE=\"TEXT\" VALUE=\"$userwebsite\" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=100></TD></TR>\n";
echo"<TR><TD><B>Password:</B></TD><TD><FONT STYLE=\"font-size:10pt; font-weight: bold\"><A HREF=\"?function=changepassword&userid=$userid\">Change Password</A></FONT></TD></TR>\n";
echo"<TR><TD><B>E-Mail Public:<B></TD><TD>";
if ($useremailhide==="1") {
echo"Hidden: <INPUT NAME=\"useremailhide\" TYPE=\"RADIO\" VALUE=\"1\" CHECKED> Visible: <INPUT NAME=\"useremailhide\" TYPE=\"RADIO\" VALUE=\"0\">";
} else if ($useremailhide==="0") {
echo"Hidden: <INPUT NAME=\"useremailhide\" TYPE=\"RADIO\" VALUE=\"1\"> Visible: <INPUT NAME=\"useremailhide\" TYPE=\"RADIO\" VALUE=\"0\" CHECKED>";
} else {
echo"Hidden: <INPUT NAME=\"useremailhide\" TYPE=\"RADIO\" VALUE=\"1\"> Visible: <INPUT NAME=\"useremailhide\" TYPE=\"RADIO\" VALUE=\"0\">";
<TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><strong>Warning:</strong> Setting E-Mail Public to Visible will show your e-mail address in plaintext on your profile. Do not enable this if you wish to keep your e-mail address hidden.</TD></TR>
<TR><TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="CENTER"><INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Update"> <INPUT NAME="reset" TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Reset Form"> <INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Delete User" ONCLICK="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the profile for <?php echo"$username"; ?>?');"></TD></TR>
<?php if ($_SESSION["level"]=="user") {} else { ?>
<TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><A HREF="?function=">«« Return to User Manager</A></TD></TR>
<?php } ?>
} else if ($function=="adduser") {
if ($_POST["submit"]=="Create User") {
echo"<h1>Adding User...</h1>\n";
//Verify Users Password and md5 encode it for storage...
if ($_POST['userpass']==$_POST['userpassconfirm']) {
} else {
echo"<B>Your two passwords did not match, go back and try again...</B><br>\n";
//Add User to MySQL Table
if ($errors !="true") {
// Set user level, but only allow admins to set the admin flag
if ($admin=="TRUE" && $_SESSION["level"]=="admin") { $mode="A";
} else if ($editor=="TRUE") { $mode="E";
} else if ($disabled=="TRUE") {$mode="D";
} else { $mode="U"; }
if ($trusted !=="TRUE") {$trusted="FALSE"; }
$username = escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST["username"]));
$useremail = escape_string($_POST['useremail']);
$userwebsite = escape_string($_POST['userwebsite']);
$userpass = escape_string($_POST['userpass']);
$useremailhide = escape_string($_POST['useremailhide']);
if (checkFormKey()) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO `userprofiles` (`UserName`, `UserEmail`, `UserWebsite`, `UserPass`, `UserMode`, `UserTrusted`, `UserEmailHide`) VALUES ('$username', '$useremail', '$userwebsite', '$userpass', '$mode', '$trusted', '$useremailhide');";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result) {
echo"The user $username has been added successfully...<br>\n";
echo"An E-Mail has been sent to the e-mail address specified with the login info they need to log in to their new account.<br>\n";
<h1>Add New User</h1>
<FORM NAME="adduser" METHOD="POST" ACTION="?function=adduser">
<TR><TD><B>E-Mail:</B></TD><TD><INPUT NAME="useremail" TYPE="TEXT" VALUE="<?php echo"$_POST[email]"; ?>" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=100></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>Show E-Mail:<B></TD><TD>Hidden: <INPUT NAME="useremailhide" TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="1" CHECKED> Visible: <INPUT NAME="useremailhide" TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="0"></TD></TR>
<TR><TD STYLE="width: 150px"><B>Name:</B></TD><TD><INPUT NAME="username" TYPE="TEXT" VALUE="" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=100></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><B>Website:</B></TD><TD><INPUT NAME="userwebsite" TYPE="TEXT" VALUE="" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=100></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><B>Password:</B></TD><TD><INPUT NAME="userpass" TYPE="PASSWORD" VALUE="" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=200></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT STYLE="font-size: 10pt"><B>Confirm:</B></FONT> </TD><TD><INPUT NAME="userpassconfirm" TYPE="PASSWORD" VALUE="" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=200></TD></TR>
<?php $perms->printUI(); ?>
<TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><A HREF="?function=">«« Return to User Manager</A></TD></TR>
} else if ($function=="changepassword") {
if (!$userid) {$userid = escape_string($_GET["userid"]); }
//Set Password Change if this is a POST.
if ($_POST["submit"]=="Change Password") {
echo"<h1>Changing Password, please wait...</h1>\n";
$userid = escape_string($_POST["userid"]);
$sql = "SELECT `UserPass`, `UserEmail` FROM `userprofiles` WHERE `UserID` = '$userid' LIMIT 1";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
$userpass = $row["UserPass"];
$email = $row["UserEmail"];
$oldpass = md5($_POST['oldpass']);
if ($userpass==$oldpass) {
if ($_POST['newpass']==$_POST['newpass2']) {
$newpassword = $_POST["newpass"];
$password_plain = $newpassword;
$userpass = md5($newpassword);
$sql_result = false;
if (checkFormKey()) {
$sql = "UPDATE `userprofiles` SET `UserPass`='$userpass' WHERE `UserID`='$userid'";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result) {
echo"The password has been successfully changed, an e-mail has been sent confirming this action.<br>\n";
} else {
echo"The two passwords did not match, please go back and try again.<BR>\n";
} else {
echo"Your Old password did not match the password on file, please try again.<br>\n";
} else if ($_POST["submit"]=="Generate New Password") {
echo"<h1>Generating New Password, please wait...</h1>\n";
$newpassword = substr(md5(mt_rand()),0,14);
$password_plain = $newpassword;
$userpass = md5($newpassword);
$userid = escape_string($_POST["userid"]);
$sql = "SELECT `UserEmail` FROM `userprofiles` WHERE `UserID` = '$userid' LIMIT 1";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
$email = $row["UserEmail"];
if (checkFormKey()) {
$sql = "UPDATE `userprofiles` SET `UserPass`='$userpass' WHERE `UserID`='$userid'";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><B>MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."</B></FONT>", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($sql_result) {
echo"The password has been successfully reset. The user has been sent an e-mail notifying them of their new password.<br>\n";
if (!$userid) { $userid = escape_string($_POST["userid"]); }
//Get Name of User for Form
$sql = "SELECT `UserName` FROM `userprofiles` WHERE `UserID` = '$userid' LIMIT 1";
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql, $connection) or trigger_error("MySQL Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."", E_USER_NOTICE);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
$username = $row["UserName"];
<h1>Change password for <?php echo"$username"; ?></h1>
<FORM NAME="adduser" METHOD="POST" ACTION="?function=changepassword&userid=<?php echo"$userid"; ?>">
<INPUT NAME="userid" TYPE="HIDDEN" VALUE="<?php echo"$userid"; ?>">
<?php if (($_SESSION["level"] =="admin" or $_SESSION["level"]=="editor") and $userid != $_SESSION["uid"]) { ?>
<TR><TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="CENTER"><INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Generate New Password"></TD></TR>
<?php } else { ?>
<TR><TD><B>Old Password:</B></TD><TD><INPUT NAME="oldpass" TYPE="PASSWORD" VALUE="" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=200></TD></TR>
<TR><TD style="width: 190px"><B>New Password:</B></TD><TD><INPUT NAME="newpass" TYPE="PASSWORD" VALUE="" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=200></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><B>Retype New Password:</B> </TD><TD><INPUT NAME="newpass2" TYPE="PASSWORD" VALUE="" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=200></TD></TR>
<TR><TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="CENTER"><INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Change Password"> <INPUT NAME="reset" TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Reset Form"></TD></TR>
<?php } ?>
<TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><A HREF="?function=">«« Return to User Manager</A></TD></TR>
} else {}
<!-- close #mBody-->