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/* -*- Mode: javascript; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
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* License.
* The Original Code is Oracle Corporation code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Oracle Corporation
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
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* Dan Mosedale <dan.mosedale@oracle.com>
* Mike Shaver <mike.x.shaver@oracle.com>
* Gary van der Merwe <garyvdm@gmail.com>
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* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
// calDavCalendar.js
// XXXdmose deal with generation goop
// XXXdmose need to re-query for add & modify to get up-to-date items
// XXXdmose deal with etags
// XXXdmose deal with locking
// XXXdmose need to make and use better error reporting interface for webdav
// (all uses of aStatusCode, probably)
// XXXdmose use real calendar result codes, not NS_ERROR_FAILURE for everything
const xmlHeader = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n';
function calDavCalendar() {
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
this.mObservers = Array();
this.unmappedProperties = [];
this.mUriParams = null;
// some shorthand
const nsIWebDAVOperationListener =
const calICalendar = Components.interfaces.calICalendar;
const nsISupportsCString = Components.interfaces.nsISupportsCString;
var appInfo = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"]
var isOnBranch = appInfo.platformVersion.indexOf("1.8") == 0;
function makeOccurrence(item, start, end)
var occ = item.createProxy();
occ.recurrenceId = start;
occ.startDate = start;
occ.endDate = end;
return occ;
// END_OF_TIME needs to be the max value a PRTime can be
const START_OF_TIME = -0x7fffffffffffffff;
const END_OF_TIME = 0x7fffffffffffffff;
// used by mAuthenticationStatus
const kCaldavNoAuthentication = 0;
const kCaldavFirstRequestSent = 1; // Queueing subsequent requests
const kCaldavFreshlyAuthenticated = 2; // Need to process queue
const kCaldavAuthenticated = 3; // Queue being processed or empty
// used in checking calendar URI for (Cal)DAV-ness
const kDavResourceTypeNone = 0;
const kDavResourceTypeCollection = 1;
const kDavResourceTypeCalendar = 2;
calDavCalendar.prototype = {
// nsISupports interface
QueryInterface: function (aIID) {
if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.calICalendarProvider) &&
!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.calICalendar) &&
!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
// calICalendarProvider interface
get prefChromeOverlay() {
return null;
get displayName() {
return calGetString("calendar", "caldavName");
createCalendar: function caldav_createCal() {
deleteCalendar: function caldav_deleteCal(cal, listener) {
// calICalendar interface
// attribute AUTF8String id;
mID: null,
get id() {
return this.mID;
set id(id) {
if (this.mID)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED;
return (this.mID = id);
// attribute AUTF8String name;
get name() {
return getCalendarManager().getCalendarPref(this, "NAME");
set name(name) {
getCalendarManager().setCalendarPref(this, "NAME", name);
// readonly attribute AUTF8String type;
get type() { return "caldav"; },
mReadOnly: false,
get readOnly() {
return this.mReadOnly;
set readOnly(bool) {
this.mReadOnly = bool;
// attribute PRUInt8 mAuthenticationStatus;
mAuthenticationStatus: 0,
mPendingStartupRequests: Array(),
get canRefresh() {
// refresh() is currently not implemented, but we may want to change that
return false;
// mUriParams stores trailing ?parameters from the
// supplied calendar URI. Needed for (at least) Cosmo
// tickets
mUriParams: null,
// attribute nsIURI uri;
mUri: null,
get uri() { return this.mUri; },
set uri(aUri) { this.mUri = aUri; },
get mCalendarUri() {
calUri = this.mUri.clone();
var parts = calUri.spec.split('?');
if (parts.length > 1) {
calUri.spec = parts.shift();
this.mUriParams = '?' + parts.join('?');
if (calUri.spec.charAt(calUri.spec.length-1) != '/') {
calUri.spec += "/";
return calUri;
mMakeUri: function caldav_makeUri(aInsertString) {
var spec = this.mCalendarUri.spec + aInsertString;
if (this.mUriParams) {
return spec + this.mUriParams;
return spec;
get mLocationPath() {
return decodeURIComponent(this.mCalendarUri.path);
refresh: function() {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
// attribute boolean suppressAlarms;
get suppressAlarms() { return false; },
set suppressAlarms(aSuppressAlarms) { throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; },
// void addObserver( in calIObserver observer );
addObserver: function (aObserver, aItemFilter) {
for each (obs in this.mObservers) {
if (compareObjects(obs, aObserver, Ci.calIObserver)) {
// void removeObserver( in calIObserver observer );
removeObserver: function (aObserver) {
this.mObservers = this.mObservers.filter(
function(o) {return (o != aObserver);});
// void addItem( in calIItemBase aItem, in calIOperationListener aListener );
addItem: function (aItem, aListener) {
var newItem = aItem.clone();
return this.adoptItem(newItem, aListener);
// void adoptItem( in calIItemBase aItem, in calIOperationListener aListener );
adoptItem: function (aItem, aListener) {
if (this.readOnly) {
throw Components.interfaces.calIErrors.CAL_IS_READONLY;
if (aItem.id == null && aItem.isMutable)
aItem.id = getUUID();
if (aItem.id == null) {
if (aListener)
aListener.onOperationComplete (this,
"Can't set ID on non-mutable item to addItem");
// XXX how are we REALLY supposed to figure this out?
var locationPath = aItem.id + ".ics";
var itemUri = this.mCalendarUri.clone();
itemUri.spec = this.mMakeUri(locationPath);
LOG("itemUri.spec = " + itemUri.spec);
var eventResource = new WebDavResource(itemUri);
var listener = new WebDavListener();
var thisCalendar = this;
listener.onOperationComplete =
function onPutComplete(aStatusCode, aResource, aOperation, aClosure) {
// 201 = HTTP "Created"
if (aStatusCode == 201) {
LOG("Item added successfully");
var retVal = Components.results.NS_OK;
} else if (aStatusCode == 200) {
// XXXdmose once we get etag stuff working, this should
LOG("200 received from clients, until we have etags working"
+ " this probably means a collision; after that it'll"
+ " mean server malfunction");
retVal = Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
} else {
if (aStatusCode > 999) {
aStatusCode = "0x" + aStatusCode.toString(16);
// XXX real error handling
LOG("Error adding item: " + aStatusCode);
retVal = Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
// notify the listener
if (aListener) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
LOG("addItem's onOperationComplete threw an exception "
+ ex + "; ignoring");
// notify observers
if (Components.isSuccessCode(retVal)) {
aItem.calendar = this;
aItem.generation = 1;
aItem.setProperty("X-MOZ-LOCATIONPATH", locationPath);
LOG("icalString = " + aItem.icalString);
// XXX use if not exists
// do WebDAV put
var webSvc = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/webdav/service;1']
webSvc.putFromString(eventResource, "text/calendar; charset=utf-8",
aItem.icalString, listener, this, null);
// void modifyItem( in calIItemBase aNewItem, in calIItemBase aOldItem, in calIOperationListener aListener );
modifyItem: function modifyItem(aNewItem, aOldItem, aListener) {
if (this.readOnly) {
throw Components.interfaces.calIErrors.CAL_IS_READONLY;
if (aNewItem.id == null) {
// XXXYYY fix to match iface spec
// this is definitely an error
if (aListener) {
try {
"ID for modifyItem doesn't exist or is null");
} catch (ex) {
LOG("modifyItem's onOperationComplete threw an"
+ " exception " + ex + "; ignoring");
if (aNewItem.parentItem != aNewItem) {
aNewItem = aNewItem.parentItem;
var eventUri = this.mCalendarUri.clone();
try {
eventUri.spec = this.mMakeUri(aNewItem.getProperty("X-MOZ-LOCATIONPATH"));
LOG("using X-MOZ-LOCATIONPATH: " + eventUri.spec);
} catch (ex) {
// XXX how are we REALLY supposed to figure this out?
eventUri.spec = this.mMakeUri(aNewItem.id + ".ics");
if (aOldItem.parentItem.generation != aNewItem.generation) {
if (aListener) {
aListener.onOperationComplete (this.calendarToReturn,
"generation mismatch in modifyItem");
aNewItem.generation += 1;
var eventResource = new WebDavResource(eventUri);
var listener = new WebDavListener();
var thisCalendar = this;
const icssvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/calendar/ics-service;1"].
var modifiedItem = icssvc.createIcalComponent("VCALENDAR");
modifiedItem.prodid = "-//Mozilla Calendar//NONSGML Sunbird//EN";
modifiedItem.version = "2.0";
if (aNewItem.recurrenceInfo) {
var exceptions = aNewItem.recurrenceInfo.getExceptionIds({});
for each (var exc in exceptions) {
modifiedItem.addSubcomponent(aNewItem.recurrenceInfo.getExceptionFor(exc, true).icalComponent);
var modifiedItemICS = modifiedItem.serializeToICS();
listener.onOperationComplete = function(aStatusCode, aResource,
aOperation, aClosure) {
// 201 = HTTP "Created"
// 204 = HTTP "No Content"
if (aStatusCode == 204 || aStatusCode == 201) {
LOG("Item modified successfully.");
var retVal = Components.results.NS_OK;
} else {
if (aStatusCode > 999) {
aStatusCode = "0x " + aStatusCode.toString(16);
LOG("Error modifying item: " + aStatusCode);
// XXX deal with non-existent item here, other
// real error handling
// XXX aStatusCode will be 201 Created for a PUT on an item
// that didn't exist before.
retVal = Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
// XXX ensure immutable version returned
// notify listener
if (aListener) {
try {
aListener.onOperationComplete(thisCalendar, retVal,
aNewItem.id, aNewItem);
} catch (ex) {
LOG("modifyItem's onOperationComplete threw an"
+ " exception " + ex + "; ignoring");
// notify observers
if (Components.isSuccessCode(retVal)) {
thisCalendar.observeModifyItem(aNewItem, aOldItem.parentItem);
// XXX use if-exists stuff here
// XXX use etag as generation
// do WebDAV put
LOG("modifyItem: aNewItem.icalString = " + aNewItem.icalString);
var webSvc = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/webdav/service;1']
webSvc.putFromString(eventResource, "text/calendar; charset=utf-8",
modifiedItemICS, listener, this, null);
// void deleteItem( in calIItemBase aItem, in calIOperationListener aListener );
deleteItem: function (aItem, aListener) {
if (this.readOnly) {
throw Components.interfaces.calIErrors.CAL_IS_READONLY;
if (aItem.id == null) {
if (aListener)
aListener.onOperationComplete (this,
"ID doesn't exist for deleteItem");
var eventUri = this.mCalendarUri.clone();
try {
eventUri.spec = this.mMakeUri(aItem.getProperty("X-MOZ-LOCATIONPATH"));
LOG("using X-MOZ-LOCATIONPATH: " + eventUri.spec);
} catch (ex) {
// XXX how are we REALLY supposed to figure this out?
eventUri.spec = this.mMakeUri(aItem.id + ".ics");
var eventResource = new WebDavResource(eventUri);
var listener = new WebDavListener();
var thisCalendar = this;
listener.onOperationComplete =
function onOperationComplete(aStatusCode, aResource, aOperation,
aClosure) {
// 204 = HTTP "No content"
if (aStatusCode == 204) {
LOG("Item deleted successfully.");
var retVal = Components.results.NS_OK;
} else {
LOG("Error deleting item: " + aStatusCode);
// XXX real error handling here
retVal = Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
// notify the listener
if (aListener) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
LOG("deleteItem's onOperationComplete threw an"
+ " exception " + ex + "; ignoring");
// notify observers
if (Components.isSuccessCode(retVal)) {
// XXX check etag/generation
// do WebDAV remove
var webSvc = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/webdav/service;1']
webSvc.remove(eventResource, listener, this, null);
// void getItem( in string id, in calIOperationListener aListener );
getItem: function (aId, aListener) {
if (!aListener)
if (aId == null) {
"passed in empty iid");
// this is our basic search-by-uid xml
// XXX get rid of vevent filter?
// XXX need a prefix in the namespace decl?
default xml namespace = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav";
var D = new Namespace("D", "DAV:");
queryXml =
<calendar-query xmlns:D="DAV:">
<comp-filter name="VCALENDAR">
<comp-filter name="VEVENT">
<prop-filter name="UID">
<text-match caseless="no">
this.reportInternal(xmlHeader + queryXml.toXMLString(),
false, null, null, 1, aListener);
reportInternal: function (aQuery, aOccurrences, aRangeStart, aRangeEnd, aCount, aListener)
var reportListener = new WebDavListener();
var count = 0; // maximum number of hits to return
var thisCalendar = this; // need to access from inside the callback
reportListener.onOperationDetail = function(aStatusCode, aResource,
aOperation, aDetail,
aClosure) {
var rv;
var errString;
// is this detail the entire search result, rather than a single
// detail within a set?
if (aResource.path == calendarDirUri.path) {
// XXX is this even valid? what should we do here?
// XXX if it's an error, it might be valid?
throw("XXX report result for calendar, not event\n");
var items = null;
// XXX need to do better than looking for just 200
if (aStatusCode == 200) {
// we've already called back the maximum number of hits, so
// we're done here.
if (aCount && count >= aCount) {
// aDetail is the response element from the multi-status
// XXX try-catch
var xSerializer = Components.classes
// libical needs to see \r\n instead on \n\n in the case of "folded" lines
var response = xSerializer.serializeToString(aDetail).replace(/\n\n/g, "\r\n");
var responseElement = new XML(response);
// create calIItemBase from e4x object
// XXX error-check that we only have one result, etc
var C = new Namespace("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav");
var D = new Namespace("DAV:");
// cause returned data to be parsed into the item
var calData = responseElement..C::["calendar-data"];
if (!calData.toString().length) {
"Empty or non-existent <calendar-data> element returned" +
" by CalDAV server for URI <" + aResource.spec +
">; ignoring");
LOG("item result = \n" + calData);
this.mICSService = Cc["@mozilla.org/calendar/ics-service;1"].
var rootComp = this.mICSService.parseICS(calData);
var calComp;
if (rootComp.componentType == 'VCALENDAR') {
calComp = rootComp;
} else {
calComp = rootComp.getFirstSubcomponent('VCALENDAR');
var unexpandedItems = [];
var uid2parent = {};
var excItems = [];
while (calComp) {
// Get unknown properties
var prop = calComp.getFirstProperty("ANY");
while (prop) {
prop = calComp.getNextProperty("ANY");
var subComp = calComp.getFirstSubcomponent("ANY");
while (subComp) {
// Place each subcomp in a try block, to hopefully get as
// much of a bad calendar as possible
try {
var item = null;
switch (subComp.componentType) {
case "VEVENT":
item = Cc["@mozilla.org/calendar/event;1"].
case "VTODO":
item = Cc["@mozilla.org/calendar/todo;1"].
// we should already have this, so there's no need to
// do anything with it here.
if (item != null) {
item.icalComponent = subComp;
// save the location name in case we need to modify
// need to build using thisCalendar since aResource.spec
// won't contain any auth info embedded in the URI
var locationPath = decodeURIComponent(aResource.path)
item.setProperty("X-MOZ-LOCATIONPATH", locationPath);
var rid = item.recurrenceId;
if (rid == null) {
unexpandedItems.push( item );
if (item.recurrenceInfo != null) {
uid2parent[item.id] = item;
} else {
item.calendar = thisCalendar;
// force no recurrence info so we can
// rebuild it cleanly below
item.recurrenceInfo = null;
} catch (ex) {
this.mObserver.onError(ex.result, ex.toString());
subComp = calComp.getNextSubcomponent("ANY");
calComp = rootComp.getNextSubcomponent('VCALENDAR');
// tag "exceptions", i.e. items with rid:
for each (var item in excItems) {
var parent = uid2parent[item.id];
if (parent == null) {
LOG( "no parent item for rid=" + item.recurrenceId );
} else {
item.parentItem = parent;
// if we loop over both excItems and unexpandedItems using 'item'
// we can be confident that 'item' means something below
for each (var item in unexpandedItems) {
item.calendar = thisCalendar;
// figure out what type of item to return
var iid;
if(aOccurrences) {
iid = Ci.calIItemBase;
if (item.recurrenceInfo) {
LOG("ITEM has recurrence: " + item + " (" + item.title + ")");
LOG("rangestart: " + aRangeStart.jsDate + " -> " + aRangeEnd.jsDate);
// XXX does getOcc call makeImmutable?
items = item.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrences(aRangeStart,
0, {});
} else {
// XXX need to make occurrences immutable?
items = [ item ];
rv = Components.results.NS_OK;
} else if (item instanceof Ci.calIEvent) {
iid = Ci.calIEvent;
rv = Components.results.NS_OK;
items = [ item ];
} else if (item instanceof Ci.calITodo) {
iid = Ci.calITodo;
rv = Components.results.NS_OK;
items = [ item ];
} else {
errString = "Can't deduce item type based on query";
rv = Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
} else {
// XXX
LOG("aStatusCode = " + aStatusCode);
errString = "XXX";
rv = Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
// XXX handle aCount
if (errString) {
LOG("errString = " + errString);
try {
aListener.onGetResult(thisCalendar, rv, iid, null,
items ? items.length : 0,
errString ? errString : items);
} catch (ex) {
LOG("reportInternal's onGetResult threw an"
+ " exception " + ex + "; ignoring");
// We have a result, so we must be authenticated
if (thisCalendar.mAuthenticationStatus == kCaldavFirstRequestSent) {
thisCalendar.mAuthenticationStatus = kCaldavFreshlyAuthenticated;
if (thisCalendar.mAuthenticationStatus == kCaldavFreshlyAuthenticated) {
thisCalendar.mAuthenticationStatus = kCaldavAuthenticated;
while (thisCalendar.mPendingStartupRequests.length > 0) {
reportListener.onOperationComplete = function(aStatusCode, aResource,
aOperation, aClosure) {
// XXX test that something reasonable happens w/notfound
// parse aStatusCode
var rv;
var errString;
if (aStatusCode == 200) { // XXX better error checking
rv = Components.results.NS_OK;
} else {
rv = Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
errString = "XXX something bad happened";
// call back the listener
try {
if (aListener) {
aListener.GET, null,
} catch (ex) {
LOG("reportInternal's onOperationComplete threw an"
+ " exception " + ex + "; ignoring");
// convert this into a form the WebDAV service can use
var xParser = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1']
queryDoc = xParser.parseFromString(aQuery, "application/xml");
// construct the resource we want to search against
var calendarDirUri = this.mCalendarUri.clone();
calendarDirUri.spec = this.mMakeUri('');
LOG("report uri = " + calendarDirUri.spec);
var calendarDirResource = new WebDavResource(calendarDirUri);
var webSvc = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/webdav/service;1']
webSvc.report(calendarDirResource, queryDoc, true, reportListener,
this, null);
// void getItems( in unsigned long aItemFilter, in unsigned long aCount,
// in calIDateTime aRangeStart, in calIDateTime aRangeEnd,
// in calIOperationListener aListener );
getItems: function (aItemFilter, aCount, aRangeStart, aRangeEnd, aListener)
if (!aListener) {
if (this.mAuthenticationStatus == kCaldavNoAuthentication) {
this.mAuthenticationStatus = kCaldavFirstRequestSent;
if (this.mAuthenticationStatus == kCaldavFirstRequestSent) {
var req = new Array(aItemFilter, aCount, aRangeStart, aRangeEnd, aListener);
// this is our basic report xml
var C = new Namespace("C", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav");
var D = new Namespace("D", "DAV:");
default xml namespace = C;
var queryXml =
<calendar-query xmlns:D={D}>
<comp-filter name="VCALENDAR">
// figure out
var compFilterNames = new Array();
compFilterNames[calICalendar.ITEM_FILTER_TYPE_TODO] = "VTODO";
compFilterNames[calICalendar.ITEM_FILTER_TYPE_VJOURNAL] = "VJOURNAL";
compFilterNames[calICalendar.ITEM_FILTER_TYPE_EVENT] = "VEVENT";
var filterTypes = 0;
for (var i in compFilterNames) {
if (aItemFilter & i) {
// XXX CalDAV only allows you to ask for one filter-type
// at once, so if the caller wants multiple filtern
// types, all they're going to get for now is events
// (since that's last in the Array). Sorry!
.C::["comp-filter"] =
<comp-filter name={compFilterNames[i]}/>;
if (filterTypes < 1) {
LOG("No item types specified");
// XXX should we just quietly call back the completion method?
// if a time range has been specified, do the appropriate restriction.
// XXX express "end of time" in caldav by leaving off "start", "end"
if (aRangeStart && aRangeStart.isValid &&
aRangeEnd && aRangeEnd.isValid) {
var queryRangeStart = aRangeStart.clone();
var queryRangeEnd = aRangeEnd.clone();
queryRangeStart.isDate = false;
if (queryRangeEnd.isDate) {
// add a day to rangeEnd since we want to match events all that day
// and isDate=false is converting the date to midnight
queryRangeEnd.isDate = false;
var rangeXml = <time-range start={queryRangeStart.getInTimezone("UTC").icalString}
// append the time-range as a child of our innermost comp-filter
var queryString = xmlHeader + queryXml.toXMLString();
LOG("getItems(): querying CalDAV server for events: \n" + queryString);
var occurrences = (aItemFilter &
this.reportInternal(queryString, occurrences, aRangeStart, aRangeEnd,
aCount, aListener);
startBatch: function ()
endBatch: function ()
// nsIInterfaceRequestor impl
getInterface: function(iid) {
if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIAuthPrompt)) {
return new calAuthPrompt();
else if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIPrompt)) {
// use the window watcher service to get a nsIPrompt impl
return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
} else if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIProgressEventSink)) {
return this;
// Needed for Lightning on branch vvv
} else if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeItem)) {
return this;
} else if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIAuthPromptProvider)) {
return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"]
} else if (!isOnBranch && iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIAuthPrompt2)) {
return new calAuthPrompt();
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
// Helper functions
observeBatchChange: function observeBatchChange (aNewBatchMode) {
for each (obs in this.mObservers) {
if (aNewBatchMode) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
LOG("observer's onStartBatch threw an exception " + ex
+ "; ignoring");
} else {
try {
} catch (ex) {
LOG("observer's onEndBatch threw an exception " + ex
+ "; ignoring");
function observeAddItem(aItem) {
for each (obs in this.mObservers) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
LOG("observer's onAddItem threw an exception " + ex
+ "; ignoring");
function observeModifyItem(aNewItem, aOldItem) {
for each (obs in this.mObservers) {
try {
obs.onModifyItem(aNewItem, aOldItem);
} catch (ex) {
LOG("observer's onModifyItem threw an exception " + ex
+ "; ignoring");
function observeDeleteItem(aDeletedItem) {
for each (obs in this.mObservers) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
LOG("observer's onDeleteItem threw an exception " + ex
+ "; ignoring");
popStartupRequest: function popStartupRequest() {
var req = this.mPendingStartupRequests.pop();
this.getItems(req[0], req[1], req[2], req[3], req[4]);
* Checks that the calendar URI exists and is a CalDAV calendar
checkDavResourceType: function checkDavResourceType() {
var listener = new WebDavListener();
var resourceTypeXml = null;
var resourceType = kDavResourceTypeNone;
var thisCalendar = this;
listener.onOperationComplete =
function checkDavResourceType_oOC(aStatusCode, aResource,
aOperation, aClosure) {
if (resourceType == null || resourceType == kDavResourceTypeNone) {
thisCalendar.mReadOnly = true;
throw("The resource at " + thisCalendar.mUri.spec +
" is either not DAV or not available\n");
if (resourceType == kDavResourceTypeCollection) {
thisCalendar.mReadOnly = true;
throw("The resource at " + thisCalendar.mUri.spec +
" is a DAV collection but not a CalDAV calendar\n");
// we've authenticated in the process of PROPFINDing and can flush
// the getItems request queue
thisCalendar.mAuthenticationStatus = kCaldavFreshlyAuthenticated;
if (thisCalendar.mPendingStartupRequests.length > 0) {
listener.onOperationDetail =
function checkDavResourceType_oOD(aStatusCode, aResource,
aOperation, aDetail, aClosure) {
var prop = aDetail.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIProperties);
try {
resourceTypeXml = prop.get("DAV: resourcetype",
} catch (ex) {
LOG("error " + e + " fetching resource type");
if (resourceTypeXml.length == 0) {
resourceType = kDavResourceTypeNone;
} else if (resourceTypeXml.indexOf("calendar") != -1) {
resourceType = kDavResourceTypeCalendar;
} else if (resourceTypeXml.indexOf("collection") != -1) {
resourceType = kDavResourceTypeCollection;
var res = new WebDavResource(this.mUri);
var webSvc = Cc['@mozilla.org/webdav/service;1'].
try {
webSvc.getResourceProperties(res, 1, ["DAV: resourcetype"], false,
listener, this, null);
} catch (ex) {
thisCalendar.mReadOnly = true;
"Unable to get properties of resource " + thisCalendar.mUri.spec
+ " (not a network resource?); setting read-only");
refresh: function calDAV_refresh() {
// XXX-fill this in, get a report for modifications+onModifyItem
// stubs to keep callbacks we don't support yet from throwing errors
// we don't care about
// nsIProgressEventSink
onProgress: function onProgress(aRequest, aContext, aProgress, aProgressMax) {},
onStatus: function onStatus(aRequest, aContext, aStatus, aStatusArg) {},
// nsIDocShellTreeItem
findItemWithName: function findItemWithName(name, aRequestor, aOriginalRequestor) {}
function WebDavResource(url) {
this.mResourceURL = url;
WebDavResource.prototype = {
mResourceURL: {},
get resourceURL() {
return this.mResourceURL;} ,
QueryInterface: function(iid) {
if (iid.equals(CI.nsIWebDAVResource) ||
iid.equals(CI.nsISupports)) {
return this;
throw Components.interfaces.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
function WebDavListener() {
WebDavListener.prototype = {
QueryInterface: function (aIID) {
if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
!aIID.equals(nsIWebDavOperationListener)) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
onOperationComplete: function(aStatusCode, aResource, aOperation,
aClosure) {
// aClosure is the listener
aClosure.onOperationComplete(this, aStatusCode, 0, null, null);
LOG("WebDavListener.onOperationComplete() called");
onOperationDetail: function(aStatusCode, aResource, aOperation, aDetail,
aClosure) {
LOG("WebDavListener.onOperationDetail() called");
**** module registration
var calDavCalendarModule = {
mCID: Components.ID("{a35fc6ea-3d92-11d9-89f9-00045ace3b8d}"),
mContractID: "@mozilla.org/calendar/calendar;1?type=caldav",
mUtilsLoaded: false,
loadUtils: function caldavLoadUtils() {
if (this.mUtilsLoaded)
const jssslContractID = "@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1";
const jssslIID = Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader;
const iosvcContractID = "@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1";
const iosvcIID = Components.interfaces.nsIIOService;
var loader = Components.classes[jssslContractID].getService(jssslIID);
var iosvc = Components.classes[iosvcContractID].getService(iosvcIID);
// Note that unintuitively, __LOCATION__.parent == .
// We expect to find utils in ./../js
var appdir = __LOCATION__.parent.parent;
var scriptName = "calUtils.js";
var f = appdir.clone();
try {
var fileurl = iosvc.newFileURI(f);
loader.loadSubScript(fileurl.spec, this.__parent__.__parent__);
} catch (e) {
LOG("Error while loading " + fileurl.spec );
throw e;
this.mUtilsLoaded = true;
registerSelf: function (compMgr, fileSpec, location, type) {
compMgr = compMgr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar);
"Calendar CalDAV back-end",
getClassObject: function (compMgr, cid, iid) {
if (!cid.equals(this.mCID))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFactory))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
return this.mFactory;
mFactory: {
createInstance: function (outer, iid) {
if (outer != null)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
return (new calDavCalendar()).QueryInterface(iid);
canUnload: function(compMgr) {
return true;
function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) {
return calDavCalendarModule;