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1200 строки
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#import "PrivacyPane.h"
#import "NSString+Utils.h"
#import "NSArray+Utils.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
#include "nsIPref.h"
#include "nsNetCID.h"
#include "nsICookie.h"
#include "nsICookieManager.h"
#include "nsICookiePermission.h"
#include "nsIPermissionManager.h"
#include "nsISimpleEnumerator.h"
#include "nsIPermission.h"
#include "nsIURI.h"
#include "nsNetUtil.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "STFPopUpButtonCell.h"
// we should really get this from "CHBrowserService.h",
// but that requires linkage and extra search paths.
static NSString* XPCOMShutDownNotificationName = @"XPCOMShutDown";
#import "ExtendedTableView.h"
// prefs for keychain password autofill
static const char* const gUseKeychainPref = "chimera.store_passwords_with_keychain";
// network.cookie.lifetimePolicy settings
const int kAcceptCookiesNormally = 0;
const int kWarnAboutCookies = 1;
// sort order indicators
const int kSortReverse = 1;
@interface OrgMozillaChimeraPreferencePrivacy(Private)
- (void)addPermission:(int)inPermission forHost:(NSString*)inHost;
- (int)numCookiesSelectedInCookiePanel;
- (int)numPermissionsSelectedInPermissionsPanel;
// get the number of unique cookie sites that are selected,
// and if it's just one, return the site name (with leading period removed, if necessary)
- (int)numUniqueCookieSitesSelected:(NSString**)outSiteName;
- (NSString*)permissionsBlockingNameForCookieHostname:(NSString*)inHostname;
- (NSArray*)selectedCookieSites;
#pragma mark -
// callbacks for sorting the permission list
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) indexForCapability(int aCapability)
switch (aCapability)
case nsIPermissionManager::DENY_ACTION:
return eDenyIndex;
case nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_SESSION:
return eSessionOnlyIndex;
case nsIPermissionManager::ALLOW_ACTION:
return eAllowIndex;
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) comparePermHosts(nsIPermission* aPerm1, nsIPermission* aPerm2, void* aData)
nsCAutoString host1;
nsCAutoString host2;
if ((int)aData == kSortReverse)
return Compare(host2, host1);
return Compare(host1, host2);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) compareCapabilities(nsIPermission* aPerm1, nsIPermission* aPerm2, void* aData)
PRUint32 cap1 = 0;
PRUint32 cap2 = 0;
if(cap1 == cap2)
return comparePermHosts(aPerm1, aPerm2, nsnull); //always break ties in alphabetical order
if ((int)aData == kSortReverse)
return (indexForCapability(cap2) < indexForCapability(cap1)) ? -1 : 1;
return (indexForCapability(cap1) < indexForCapability(cap2)) ? -1 : 1;
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) compareCookieHosts(nsICookie* aCookie1, nsICookie* aCookie2, void* aData)
nsCAutoString host1;
nsCAutoString host2;
if ((int)aData == kSortReverse)
return Compare(host2, host1);
return Compare(host1, host2);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) compareNames(nsICookie* aCookie1, nsICookie* aCookie2, void* aData)
nsCAutoString name1;
nsCAutoString name2;
if ((int)aData == kSortReverse)
return Compare(name2, name1);
return Compare(name1, name2);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) comparePaths(nsICookie* aCookie1, nsICookie* aCookie2, void* aData)
nsCAutoString path1;
nsCAutoString path2;
if ((int)aData == kSortReverse)
return Compare(path1, path2);
return Compare(path2, path1);
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) compareSecures(nsICookie* aCookie1, nsICookie* aCookie2, void* aData)
PRBool secure1;
PRBool secure2;
if (secure1 == secure2)
return 0;
if ((int)aData == kSortReverse)
return (secure2) ? -1 : 1;
return (secure1) ? -1 : 1;
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) compareExpires(nsICookie* aCookie1, nsICookie* aCookie2, void* aData)
PRUint64 expires1;
PRUint64 expires2;
if (expires1 == expires2) return 0;
if ((int)aData == kSortReverse)
return (expires2 < expires1) ? -1 : 1;
return (expires1 < expires2) ? -1 : 1;
PR_STATIC_CALLBACK(int) compareValues(nsICookie* aCookie1, nsICookie* aCookie2, void* aData)
nsCAutoString value1;
nsCAutoString value2;
if ((int)aData == kSortReverse)
return Compare(value2, value1);
return Compare(value1, value2);
#pragma mark -
@implementation OrgMozillaChimeraPreferencePrivacy
-(void) dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
// NOTE: no need to worry about mCachedPermissions or mCachedCookies because if we're going away
// the respective sheets have closed and cleaned up.
[super dealloc];
- (void)xpcomShutdown:(NSNotification*)notification
// these null the pointer
-(void) mainViewDidLoad
if (!mPrefService)
// we need to register for xpcom shutdown so that we can clear the
// services before XPCOM is shut down. We can't rely on dealloc,
// because we don't know when it will get called (we might be autoreleased).
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
// Hookup cookie prefs.
PRInt32 acceptCookies = eAcceptAllCookies;
mPrefService->GetIntPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", &acceptCookies);
[self mapCookiePrefToGUI:acceptCookies];
// lifetimePolicy now controls asking about cookies, despite being totally unintuitive
PRInt32 lifetimePolicy = kAcceptCookiesNormally;
mPrefService->GetIntPref("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", &lifetimePolicy);
if (lifetimePolicy == kWarnAboutCookies)
[mAskAboutCookies setState:NSOnState];
else if (lifetimePolicy == kAcceptCookiesNormally)
[mAskAboutCookies setState:NSOffState];
[mAskAboutCookies setState:NSMixedState];
// store permission manager service and cache the enumerator.
nsCOMPtr<nsIPermissionManager> pm(do_GetService(NS_PERMISSIONMANAGER_CONTRACTID));
mPermissionManager = pm.get();
// store cookie manager service
nsCOMPtr<nsICookieManager> cm(do_GetService(NS_COOKIEMANAGER_CONTRACTID));
mCookieManager = cm.get();
// Keychain checkbox
PRBool storePasswords = PR_TRUE;
mPrefService->GetBoolPref(gUseKeychainPref, &storePasswords);
[mStorePasswords setState:(storePasswords ? NSOnState : NSOffState)];
// set up policy popups
NSPopUpButtonCell *popupButtonCell = [mPermissionColumn dataCell];
[popupButtonCell setEditable:YES];
[popupButtonCell addItemsWithTitles:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[self getLocalizedString:@"Allow"],
[self getLocalizedString:@"Allow for Session"],
[self getLocalizedString:@"Deny"],
//remove the popup from the filter input fields
[[mPermissionFilterField cell] setHasPopUpButton: NO];
[[mCookiesFilterField cell] setHasPopUpButton: NO];
-(void) mapCookiePrefToGUI:(int)pref
[mCookieBehavior selectCellWithTag:pref];
[mAskAboutCookies setEnabled:(pref == eAcceptAllCookies || pref == eAcceptCookiesFromOriginatingServer)];
// Stored cookie editing methods
-(void) populateCookieCache
nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> cookieEnum;
if (mCookieManager)
mCachedCookies = new nsCOMArray<nsICookie>;
if (mCachedCookies && cookieEnum) {
PRBool hasMoreElements = PR_FALSE;
while (hasMoreElements) {
nsCOMPtr<nsICookie> cookie;
-(IBAction) editCookies:(id)aSender
// build parallel cookie list
[self populateCookieCache];
[mCookiesTable setDeleteAction:@selector(removeCookies:)];
[mCookiesTable setTarget:self];
CookieDateFormatter* cookieDateFormatter = [[CookieDateFormatter alloc] initWithDateFormat:@"%b %d, %Y" allowNaturalLanguage:NO];
// Once we are 10.4+, the above and all the CF stuff in CookieDateFormatter
// can be replaced with the following:
//CookieDateFormatter* cookieDateFormatter = [[CookieDateFormatter alloc] init];
//[cookieDateFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSDateFormatterBehavior10_4];
//[cookieDateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];
//[cookieDateFormatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle];
[[[mCookiesTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"Expires"] dataCell] setFormatter:cookieDateFormatter];
[cookieDateFormatter release];
// start sorted by host
mCachedCookies->Sort(compareCookieHosts, nsnull);
NSTableColumn* sortedColumn = [mCookiesTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"Website"];
[mCookiesTable setHighlightedTableColumn:sortedColumn];
if ([mCookiesTable respondsToSelector:@selector(setIndicatorImage:inTableColumn:)])
[mCookiesTable setIndicatorImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"NSAscendingSortIndicator"] inTableColumn:sortedColumn];
mSortedAscending = YES;
// ensure a row is selected (cocoa doesn't do this for us, but will keep
// us from unselecting a row once one is set; go figure).
[mCookiesTable selectRow: 0 byExtendingSelection: NO];
[mCookiesTable setUsesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors:YES];
NSArray* columns = [mCookiesTable tableColumns];
if (columns) {
int numColumns = [columns count];
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; ++i)
[[[columns objectAtIndex:i] dataCell] setDrawsBackground:NO];
//clear the filter field
[mCookiesFilterField setStringValue: @""];
// we shouldn't need to do this, but the scrollbar won't enable unless we
// force the table to reload its data. Oddly it gets the number of rows correct,
// it just forgets to tell the scrollbar. *shrug*
[mCookiesTable reloadData];
[mCookiesPanel setFrameAutosaveName:@"cookies_sheet"];
// bring up sheet
[NSApp beginSheet:mCookiesPanel
modalForWindow:[mAskAboutCookies window] // any old window accessor
NSSize min = {440, 240};
[mCookiesPanel setMinSize:min];
-(IBAction) removeCookies:(id)aSender
int rowToSelect = -1;
if (mCachedCookies && mCookieManager) {
NSArray *rows = [[mCookiesTable selectedRowEnumerator] allObjects];
NSEnumerator *e = [rows reverseObjectEnumerator];
NSNumber *index;
while ((index = [e nextObject]))
int row = [index intValue];
if (rowToSelect == -1)
rowToSelect = row;
nsCAutoString host, name, path;
mCookieManager->Remove(host, name, path, PR_FALSE); // don't block permanently
[mCookiesTable reloadData];
if (rowToSelect >=0 && rowToSelect < [mCookiesTable numberOfRows])
[mCookiesTable selectRow:rowToSelect byExtendingSelection:NO];
[mCookiesTable deselectAll:self];
-(IBAction) removeAllCookies: (id)aSender
if (NSRunCriticalAlertPanel([self getLocalizedString:@"RemoveAllCookiesWarningTitle"],
[self getLocalizedString:@"RemoveAllCookiesWarning"],
[self getLocalizedString:@"Remove All Cookies"],
[self getLocalizedString:@"CancelButtonText"],
nil) == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
if (mCookieManager) {
// remove all cookies from cookie manager
// create new cookie cache
delete mCachedCookies;
mCachedCookies = new nsCOMArray<nsICookie>;
[mCookiesTable reloadData];
-(IBAction) blockCookiesFromSites:(id)aSender
if (mCachedCookies && mPermissionManager) {
NSArray *rows = [[mCookiesTable selectedRowEnumerator] allObjects];
NSEnumerator *e = [rows reverseObjectEnumerator];
NSNumber *index;
while ((index = [e nextObject]))
int row = [index intValue];
nsCAutoString host, name, path;
[self addPermission:nsIPermissionManager::DENY_ACTION forHost:[NSString stringWith_nsACString:host]];
-(IBAction) removeCookiesAndBlockSites:(id)aSender
if (mCachedCookies && mPermissionManager)
// first fetch the list of sites
NSArray* selectedSites = [self selectedCookieSites];
int rowToSelect = -1;
// remove the cookies
for (int row = 0; row < mCachedCookies->Count(); row++)
nsCAutoString host, name, path;
// only search on the host
NSString* cookieHost = [NSString stringWith_nsACString:host];
if ([selectedSites containsObject:cookieHost])
if (rowToSelect == -1)
rowToSelect = row;
mCookieManager->Remove(host, name, path, PR_FALSE); // don't block permanently
--row; // to account for removal
// and block the sites
NSEnumerator* sitesEnum = [selectedSites objectEnumerator];
NSString* curSite;
while ((curSite = [sitesEnum nextObject]))
[self addPermission:nsIPermissionManager::DENY_ACTION forHost:curSite];
// and reload data
[mCookiesTable reloadData];
if (rowToSelect >=0 && rowToSelect < [mCookiesTable numberOfRows])
[mCookiesTable selectRow:rowToSelect byExtendingSelection:NO];
[mCookiesTable deselectAll:self];
-(IBAction) editCookiesDone:(id)aSender
// save stuff
[mCookiesPanel orderOut:self];
[NSApp endSheet:mCookiesPanel];
delete mCachedCookies;
mCachedCookies = nsnull;
// Site permission editing methods
-(void) populatePermissionCache
nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> permEnum;
if (mPermissionManager)
mCachedPermissions = new nsCOMArray<nsIPermission>;
if (mCachedPermissions && permEnum) {
PRBool hasMoreElements = PR_FALSE;
while (hasMoreElements) {
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> curr;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPermission> currPerm(do_QueryInterface(curr));
if (currPerm) {
nsCAutoString type;
if (type.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("cookie")))
-(IBAction) editPermissions:(id)aSender
// build parallel permission list for speed with a lot of blocked sites
[self populatePermissionCache];
[mPermissionsTable setDeleteAction:@selector(removeCookiePermissions:)];
[mPermissionsTable setTarget:self];
// start sorted by host
mCachedPermissions->Sort(comparePermHosts, nsnull);
NSTableColumn* sortedColumn = [mPermissionsTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"Website"];
[mPermissionsTable setHighlightedTableColumn:sortedColumn];
if ([mPermissionsTable respondsToSelector:@selector(setIndicatorImage:inTableColumn:)])
[mPermissionsTable setIndicatorImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"NSAscendingSortIndicator"] inTableColumn:sortedColumn];
mSortedAscending = YES;
// ensure a row is selected (cocoa doesn't do this for us, but will keep
// us from unselecting a row once one is set; go figure).
[mPermissionsTable selectRow:0 byExtendingSelection:NO];
[mPermissionsTable setUsesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors:YES];
//clear the filter field
[mPermissionFilterField setStringValue: @""];
// we shouldn't need to do this, but the scrollbar won't enable unless we
// force the table to reload its data. Oddly it gets the number of rows correct,
// it just forgets to tell the scrollbar. *shrug*
[mPermissionsTable reloadData];
[mPermissionsPanel setFrameAutosaveName:@"permissions_sheet"];
// bring up sheet
[NSApp beginSheet:mPermissionsPanel
modalForWindow:[mAskAboutCookies window] // any old window accessor
NSSize min = {440, 240};
[mPermissionsPanel setMinSize:min];
-(IBAction) removeCookiePermissions:(id)aSender
int rowToSelect = -1;
if (mCachedPermissions && mPermissionManager) {
// remove from parallel array and cookie permissions list
NSArray *rows = [[mPermissionsTable selectedRowEnumerator] allObjects];
NSEnumerator *e = [rows reverseObjectEnumerator];
NSNumber *index;
while ((index = [e nextObject])) {
int row = [index intValue];
if (rowToSelect == -1)
rowToSelect = row;
nsCAutoString host;
mPermissionManager->Remove(host, "cookie");
[mPermissionsTable reloadData];
if (rowToSelect >=0 && rowToSelect < [mPermissionsTable numberOfRows])
[mPermissionsTable selectRow:rowToSelect byExtendingSelection:NO];
[mPermissionsTable deselectAll: self]; // don't want any traces of previous selection
-(IBAction) removeAllCookiePermissions: (id)aSender
if (NSRunCriticalAlertPanel([self getLocalizedString:@"RemoveAllCookiePermissionsWarningTitle"],
[self getLocalizedString:@"RemoveAllCookiePermissionsWarning"],
[self getLocalizedString:@"Remove All Exceptions"],
[self getLocalizedString:@"CancelButtonText"],
nil) == NSAlertDefaultReturn)
if (mPermissionManager)
// since the permissions manager stores not just cookie permissions,
// but also images etc, we have to manually remove just the cookie
// ones. Ugh.
// we have to keep a list of permissions to remove, because it's
// not safe to remove while enumerating
nsCOMArray<nsIPermission> permissionsToRemove;
nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> permEnum;
if (permEnum)
PRBool hasMoreElements = PR_FALSE;
while (NS_SUCCEEDED(permEnum->HasMoreElements(&hasMoreElements)) && hasMoreElements)
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> curr;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPermission> currPerm(do_QueryInterface(curr));
if (currPerm)
nsCAutoString type;
if (type.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("cookie")))
// now do the removal
int numDoomed = permissionsToRemove.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < numDoomed; ++i)
nsCAutoString curHost, curType;
mPermissionManager->Remove(curHost, curType.get());
delete mCachedPermissions;
mCachedPermissions = new nsCOMArray<nsIPermission>;
[mPermissionsTable reloadData];
-(IBAction) editPermissionsDone:(id)aSender
// save stuff
[mPermissionsPanel orderOut:self];
[NSApp endSheet:mPermissionsPanel];
delete mCachedPermissions;
mCachedPermissions = nsnull;
-(int) getRowForPermissionWithHost:(NSString *)aHost
nsCAutoString host;
if (mCachedPermissions) {
int numRows = mCachedPermissions->Count();
for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row) {
if ([[NSString stringWithUTF8String:host.get()] isEqualToString:aHost]) return row;
return -1;
// NSTableDataSource protocol methods
-(int) numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView
PRUint32 numRows = 0;
if (aTableView == mPermissionsTable) {
if (mCachedPermissions)
numRows = mCachedPermissions->Count();
} else if (aTableView == mCookiesTable) {
if (mCachedCookies)
numRows = mCachedCookies->Count();
return (int) numRows;
-(id) tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(int)rowIndex
NSString* retVal = nil;
if (aTableView == mPermissionsTable) {
if (mCachedPermissions) {
if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"Website"]) {
// website url column
nsCAutoString host;
retVal = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:host.get()];
} else {
// policy column
PRUint32 capability = PR_FALSE;
return [NSNumber numberWithInt:indexForCapability(capability)];
else if (aTableView == mCookiesTable) {
if (mCachedCookies) {
nsCAutoString cookieVal;
if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"Website"]) {
} else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"Name"]) {
} else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"Path"]) {
} else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"Secure"]) {
PRBool secure = PR_FALSE;
if (secure)
retVal = [self getLocalizedString:@"yes"];
retVal = [self getLocalizedString:@"no"];
return retVal;
} else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"Expires"]) {
PRUint64 expires = 0;
// If expires is 0, it's a session cookie.
// We use a custom formatter to display a localised string in this case.
NSDate *date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:(NSTimeInterval)expires];
return date; // special case return
} else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"Value"]) {
retVal = [NSString stringWithCString: cookieVal.get()];
return retVal;
// currently, this only applies to the site allow/deny, since that's the only editable column
-(void) tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView
forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
if (aTableView == mPermissionsTable && aTableColumn == mPermissionColumn) {
if (mCachedPermissions && mPermissionManager) {
// create a URI from the hostname of the changed site
nsCAutoString host;
NSString* url = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://%s", host.get()];
const char* siteURL = [url UTF8String];
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> newURI;
NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(newURI), siteURL);
if (newURI) {
// nsIPermissions are immutable, and there's no API to change the action,
// so instead we have to delete the old pref and insert a new one.
// remove the old entry
mPermissionManager->Remove(host, "cookie"); // XXX necessary?
// add a new entry with the new permission
switch ([anObject intValue])
case eAllowIndex:
mPermissionManager->Add(newURI, "cookie", nsIPermissionManager::ALLOW_ACTION);
case eDenyIndex:
mPermissionManager->Add(newURI, "cookie", nsIPermissionManager::DENY_ACTION);
case eSessionOnlyIndex:
mPermissionManager->Add(newURI, "cookie", nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_SESSION);
// there really should be a better way to keep the cache up-to-date than rebuilding
// it, but the nsIPermissionManager interface doesn't have a way to get a pointer
// to a site's nsIPermission. It's this, use a custom class that duplicates the
// information (wasting a lot of memory), or find a way to tie in to
// PERM_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION to get the new nsIPermission that way.
[self filterCookiesPermissionsWithString:[mPermissionFilterField stringValue]];
// re-aquire selection of the changed permission
int selectedRowIndex = [self getRowForPermissionWithHost:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:host.get()]];
nsCOMPtr<nsIPermission> selectedItem = (selectedRowIndex != -1) ?
mCachedPermissions->ObjectAt(selectedRowIndex) : nsnull;
// re-sort
[self sortPermissionsByColumn:[mPermissionsTable highlightedTableColumn] inAscendingOrder:mSortedAscending];
// scroll to the new position of changed item
if (selectedItem) {
int newRowIndex = mCachedPermissions->IndexOf(selectedItem);
if (newRowIndex >= 0) {
[aTableView selectRow:newRowIndex byExtendingSelection:NO];
[aTableView scrollRowToVisible:newRowIndex];
-(void) sortPermissionsByColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn inAscendingOrder:(BOOL)ascending
if(mCachedPermissions) {
if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"Website"])
mCachedPermissions->Sort(comparePermHosts, (ascending) ? nsnull : (void *)kSortReverse);
mCachedPermissions->Sort(compareCapabilities, (ascending) ? nsnull : (void *)kSortReverse);
[mPermissionsTable setHighlightedTableColumn:aTableColumn];
[mPermissionsTable reloadData];
-(void) sortCookiesByColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn inAscendingOrder:(BOOL)ascending
if(mCachedCookies) {
if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"Website"])
mCachedCookies->Sort(compareCookieHosts, (ascending) ? nsnull : (void *)kSortReverse);
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"Name"])
mCachedCookies->Sort(compareNames, (ascending) ? nsnull : (void *)kSortReverse);
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"Path"])
mCachedCookies->Sort(comparePaths, (ascending) ? nsnull : (void *)kSortReverse);
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"Secure"])
mCachedCookies->Sort(compareSecures, (ascending) ? nsnull : (void *)kSortReverse);
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"Expires"])
mCachedCookies->Sort(compareExpires, (ascending) ? nsnull : (void *)kSortReverse);
else if ([[aTableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"Value"])
mCachedCookies->Sort(compareValues, (ascending) ? nsnull : (void *)kSortReverse);
[mCookiesTable setHighlightedTableColumn:aTableColumn];
[mCookiesTable reloadData];
// NSTableView delegate methods
- (void) tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView didClickTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
// reverse the sort if clicking again on the same column
if (aTableColumn == [aTableView highlightedTableColumn])
mSortedAscending = !mSortedAscending;
mSortedAscending = YES;
// adjust sort indicator on new column, removing from old column
if ([aTableView respondsToSelector:@selector(setIndicatorImage:inTableColumn:)]) {
[aTableView setIndicatorImage:nil inTableColumn:[aTableView highlightedTableColumn]];
NSImage *sortIndicator = [NSImage imageNamed:(mSortedAscending ? @"NSAscendingSortIndicator" : @"NSDescendingSortIndicator")];
[aTableView setIndicatorImage:sortIndicator inTableColumn:aTableColumn];
if (aTableView == mPermissionsTable) {
if (mCachedPermissions) {
// save the currently selected rows, if any.
nsCOMArray<nsIPermission> selectedItems;
NSEnumerator *e = [mPermissionsTable selectedRowEnumerator];
NSNumber *index;
while ((index = [e nextObject])) {
int row = [index intValue];
// sort the table data
[self sortPermissionsByColumn:aTableColumn inAscendingOrder:mSortedAscending];
// if any rows were selected before, find them again
[mPermissionsTable deselectAll:self];
for (int i = 0; i < selectedItems.Count(); ++i) {
int newRowIndex = mCachedPermissions->IndexOf(selectedItems.ObjectAt(i));
if (newRowIndex >= 0) {
// scroll to the first item (arbitrary, but at least one should show)
if (i == 0)
[mPermissionsTable scrollRowToVisible:newRowIndex];
[mPermissionsTable selectRow:newRowIndex byExtendingSelection:YES];
} else if (aTableView == mCookiesTable) {
if (mCachedCookies) {
// save the currently selected rows, if any.
nsCOMArray<nsICookie> selectedItems;
NSEnumerator *e = [mCookiesTable selectedRowEnumerator];
NSNumber *index;
while ((index = [e nextObject])) {
int row = [index intValue];
// sort the table data
[self sortCookiesByColumn:aTableColumn inAscendingOrder:mSortedAscending];
// if any rows were selected before, find them again
[mCookiesTable deselectAll:self];
for (int i = 0; i < selectedItems.Count(); ++i) {
int newRowIndex = mCachedCookies->IndexOf(selectedItems.ObjectAt(i));
if (newRowIndex >= 0) {
// scroll to the first item (arbitrary, but at least one should show)
if (i == 0)
[mCookiesTable scrollRowToVisible:newRowIndex];
[mCookiesTable selectRow:newRowIndex byExtendingSelection:YES];
- (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification
if ([aNotification object] == mCookiesTable)
// nothing to do
// Buttons
-(IBAction) clickCookieBehavior:(id)sender
int row = [mCookieBehavior selectedRow];
[self setPref:"network.cookie.cookieBehavior" toInt:row];
[self mapCookiePrefToGUI:row];
-(IBAction) clickAskAboutCookies:(id)sender
[sender setAllowsMixedState:NO];
[self setPref:"network.cookie.lifetimePolicy" toInt:([sender state] == NSOnState) ? kWarnAboutCookies : kAcceptCookiesNormally];
// clickStorePasswords
-(IBAction) clickStorePasswords:(id)sender
if (!mPrefService)
([mStorePasswords state] == NSOnState) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
-(IBAction) launchKeychainAccess:(id)sender
FSRef fsRef;
CFURLRef urlRef;
OSErr err = ::LSGetApplicationForInfo('APPL', 'kcmr', NULL, kLSRolesAll, &fsRef, &urlRef);
if (!err) {
CFStringRef fileSystemURL = ::CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(urlRef, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:(NSString*)fileSystemURL];
- (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSString *filterString = [[aNotification object] stringValue];
// find out if we are filtering the permission or the cookies
if (([aNotification object] == mPermissionFilterField) && mCachedPermissions && mPermissionManager) {
// the user wants to filter down the list of cookies. Reinitialize the list of permission in case
// they deleted or replaced a letter.
[self filterCookiesPermissionsWithString:filterString];
// re-sort
[self sortPermissionsByColumn:[mPermissionsTable highlightedTableColumn] inAscendingOrder:mSortedAscending];
[mPermissionsTable deselectAll: self]; // don't want any traces of previous selection
[mPermissionsTable reloadData];
else if (([aNotification object] == mCookiesFilterField) && mCachedCookies && mCookieManager) {
// reinitialize the list of cookies in case user deleted a letter or replaced a letter
[self filterCookiesWithString:filterString];
// re-sort
[self sortCookiesByColumn:[mCookiesTable highlightedTableColumn] inAscendingOrder:mSortedAscending];
[mCookiesTable deselectAll: self]; // don't want any traces of previous selection
[mCookiesTable reloadData];
- (void) filterCookiesPermissionsWithString: (NSString*) inFilterString
// the user wants to filter down the list of cookies. Reinitialize the list of permission in case
// they deleted or replaced a letter.
[self populatePermissionCache];
if ([inFilterString length]) {
NSMutableArray *indexToRemove = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int row = 0; row < mCachedPermissions->Count(); row++) {
nsCAutoString host;
if ([[NSString stringWithUTF8String:host.get()] rangeOfString:inFilterString].location == NSNotFound)
// add to our buffer
[indexToRemove addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:row]];
//remove the items at the saved indexes
NSEnumerator *theEnum = [indexToRemove reverseObjectEnumerator];
NSNumber *currentItem;
while (currentItem = [theEnum nextObject])
mCachedPermissions->RemoveObjectAt([currentItem intValue]);
- (void) filterCookiesWithString: (NSString*) inFilterString
// reinitialize the list of cookies in case user deleted a letter or replaced a letter
[self populateCookieCache];
if ([inFilterString length]) {
NSMutableArray *indexToRemove = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int row = 0; row < mCachedCookies->Count(); row++) {
nsCAutoString host;
// only search on the host
if ([[NSString stringWithUTF8String:host.get()] rangeOfString:inFilterString].location == NSNotFound)
[indexToRemove addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:row]];
//remove the items at the saved indexes
NSEnumerator *theEnum = [indexToRemove reverseObjectEnumerator];
NSNumber *currentItem;
while (currentItem = [theEnum nextObject])
mCachedCookies->RemoveObjectAt([currentItem intValue]);
- (void)addPermission:(int)inPermission forHost:(NSString*)inHost
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> hostURI;
NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(hostURI), "http://");
nsCAutoString host([[self permissionsBlockingNameForCookieHostname:inHost] UTF8String]);
mPermissionManager->Add(hostURI, "cookie", inPermission);
- (int)numCookiesSelectedInCookiePanel
int numSelected = 0;
if ([mCookiesPanel isVisible])
numSelected = [mCookiesTable numberOfSelectedRows];
return numSelected;
- (int)numPermissionsSelectedInPermissionsPanel
int numSelected = 0;
if ([mPermissionsPanel isVisible])
numSelected = [mPermissionsTable numberOfSelectedRows];
return numSelected;
- (int)numUniqueCookieSitesSelected:(NSString**)outSiteName
if (outSiteName)
*outSiteName = nil;
NSArray* selectedSites = [self selectedCookieSites];
unsigned int numHosts = [selectedSites count];
if (numHosts == 1 && outSiteName)
*outSiteName = [self permissionsBlockingNameForCookieHostname:[selectedSites firstObject]];
return numHosts;
- (NSString*)permissionsBlockingNameForCookieHostname:(NSString*)inHostname
// if the host string starts with a '.', remove it (because this is
// how the permissions manager looks up hosts)
if ([inHostname hasPrefix:@"."])
inHostname = [inHostname substringFromIndex:1];
return inHostname;
- (NSArray*)selectedCookieSites
// the set does the uniquifying for us
NSMutableSet* selectedHostsSet = [[[NSMutableSet alloc] init] autorelease];
NSEnumerator* e = [mCookiesTable selectedRowEnumerator];
NSNumber* index;
while ((index = [e nextObject]))
int row = [index intValue];
nsCAutoString host;
NSString* hostString = [NSString stringWith_nsACString:host];
[selectedHostsSet addObject:hostString];
return [selectedHostsSet allObjects];
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem*)inMenuItem
SEL action = [inMenuItem action];
// cookies context menu
if (action == @selector(removeCookies:))
return ([self numCookiesSelectedInCookiePanel] > 0);
// only allow "remove all" if we're not filtering
if (action == @selector(removeAllCookies:))
return ([[mCookiesFilterField stringValue] length] == 0);
if (action == @selector(blockCookiesFromSites:))
NSString* siteName = nil;
int numCookieSites = [self numUniqueCookieSitesSelected:&siteName];
NSString* menuTitle = (numCookieSites == 1) ?
[NSString stringWithFormat:[self getLocalizedString:@"BlockCookieFromSite"], siteName] :
[self getLocalizedString:@"BlockCookiesFromSites"];
[inMenuItem setTitle:menuTitle];
return (numCookieSites > 0);
if (action == @selector(removeCookiesAndBlockSites:))
NSString* siteName = nil;
int numCookieSites = [self numUniqueCookieSitesSelected:&siteName];
NSString* menuTitle = (numCookieSites == 1) ?
[NSString stringWithFormat:[self getLocalizedString:@"RemoveAndBlockCookieFromSite"], siteName] :
[self getLocalizedString:@"RemoveAndBlockCookiesFromSites"];
[inMenuItem setTitle:menuTitle];
return (numCookieSites > 0);
// permissions context menu
if (action == @selector(removeCookiePermissions:))
return ([self numPermissionsSelectedInPermissionsPanel] > 0);
// only allow "remove all" if we're not filtering
if (action == @selector(removeAllCookiePermissions:))
return ([[mPermissionFilterField stringValue] length] == 0);
return YES;
#pragma mark -
@implementation CookieDateFormatter
- (id)initWithDateFormat:(NSString*)format allowNaturalLanguage:(BOOL)flag;
if ((self = [super initWithDateFormat:format allowNaturalLanguage:flag])) {
CFLocaleRef userLocale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
if (userLocale) {
mLocaleFormatter = CFDateFormatterCreate(NULL,
return self;
- (void)dealloc
if (mLocaleFormatter)
[super dealloc];
- (NSString*)stringForObjectValue:(id)anObject
if ([(NSDate*)anObject timeIntervalSince1970] == 0)
return NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"CookieExpiresOnQuit", nil,
[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]], nil);
if (mLocaleFormatter) {
NSString* dateString = (NSString*)CFDateFormatterCreateStringWithDate(NULL,
if (dateString)
return [dateString autorelease];
// If all else fails, fall back on the standard date formatter
return [super stringForObjectValue:anObject];