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# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
# the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Python XPCOM language bindings.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ActiveState Tool Corp.
# Portions created by ActiveState Tool Corp. are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001
# ActiveState Tool Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Mark Hammond <MarkH@ActiveState.com> (original author)
import os
import new
from xpcom import xpt, _xpcom, COMException, nsError
XPTC_InvokeByIndex = _xpcom.XPTC_InvokeByIndex
_just_int_interfaces = ["nsISupportsPRInt32", "nsISupportsPRInt16", "nsISupportsPRUint32", "nsISupportsPRUint16", "nsISupportsPRUint8", "nsISupportsPRBool"]
_just_long_interfaces = ["nsISupportsPRInt64", "nsISupportsPRUint64"]
_just_float_interfaces = ["nsISupportsDouble", "nsISupportsFloat"]
# When doing a specific conversion, the order we try the interfaces in.
_int_interfaces = _just_int_interfaces + _just_float_interfaces
_long_interfaces = _just_long_interfaces + _just_int_interfaces + _just_float_interfaces
_float_interfaces = _just_float_interfaces + _just_long_interfaces + _just_int_interfaces
method_template = """
def %s(self, %s):
return XPTC_InvokeByIndex(self._comobj_, %d,
def _MakeMethodCode(method):
# Build a declaration
param_no = 0
param_decls = []
param_flags = []
param_names = []
used_default = 0
for param in method.params:
param_no = param_no + 1
param_name = "Param%d" % (param_no,)
param_default = ""
if not param.hidden_indicator and param.IsIn() and not param.IsDipper():
if param.IsOut() or used_default: # If the param is "inout", provide a useful default for the "in" direction.
param_default = " = None"
used_default = 1 # Once we have used one once, we must for the rest!
param_decls.append(param_name + param_default)
type_repr = xpt.MakeReprForInvoke(param)
param_flags.append( (param.param_flags,) + type_repr )
sep = ", "
param_decls = sep.join(param_decls)
if len(param_names)==1: # Damn tuple reprs.
param_names = param_names[0] + ","
param_names = sep.join(param_names)
# A couple of extra newlines make them easier to read for debugging :-)
return method_template % (method.name, param_decls, method.method_index, tuple(param_flags), param_names)
# Keyed by IID, each item is a tuple of (methods, getters, setters)
interface_cache = {}
# Fully process the interface - generate method code, etc.
def BuildInterfaceInfo(iid):
ret = interface_cache.get(iid, None)
if ret is None:
# Build the data for the cache.
method_code_blocks = []
getters = {}
setters = {}
method_names = []
interface = xpt.Interface(iid)
for m in interface.methods:
if not m.IsNotXPCOM() and \
not m.IsHidden() and \
not m.IsConstructor():
# Yay - a method we can use!
if m.IsSetter():
param_flags = map(lambda x: (x.param_flags,) + xpt.MakeReprForInvoke(x), m.params)
setters[m.name] = m.method_index, param_flags
elif m.IsGetter():
param_flags = map(lambda x: (x.param_flags,) + xpt.MakeReprForInvoke(x), m.params)
getters[m.name] = m.method_index, param_flags
# Build the constants.
constants = {}
for c in interface.constants:
constants[c.name] = c.value
# Build the methods - We only build function objects here
# - they are bound to each instance at instance creation.
methods = {}
if len(method_code_blocks)!=0:
method_code = "\n".join(method_code_blocks)
## print "Method Code:"
## print method_code
codeObject = compile(method_code, "<XPCOMObject method>","exec")
# Exec the code object
tempNameSpace = {}
exec codeObject in globals(), tempNameSpace # self.__dict__, self.__dict__
for name in method_names:
methods[name] = tempNameSpace[name]
ret = methods, getters, setters, constants
interface_cache[iid] = ret
return ret
def Component(ob, iid):
ob_name = None
if not hasattr(ob, "IID"):
ob_name = ob
cm = _xpcom.NS_GetGlobalComponentManager()
ob = cm.CreateInstanceByContractID(ob)
return Interface(ob, iid)
class Interface:
"""Implements a dynamic interface using xpcom reflection.
def __init__(self, ob, iid, object_name = None):
ob = ob.QueryInterface(iid, 0) # zero means "no auto-wrap"
self.__dict__['_comobj_'] = ob
# Hack - the last interface only!
methods, getters, setters, constants = BuildInterfaceInfo(iid)
self.__dict__['_interface_infos_'] = getters, setters
self.__dict__['_interface_methods_'] = methods # Unbound methods.
# We remember the constant names to prevent the user trying to assign to them!
self.__dict__['_constant_names_'] = constants.keys()
if object_name is None:
object_name = "object with interface '%s'" % (iid.name,)
self.__dict__['_object_name_'] = object_name
def __cmp__(self, other):
other = other._comobj_
except AttributeError:
return cmp(self._comobj_, other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._comobj_)
def __repr__(self):
return "<XPCOM interface '%s'>" % (self._comobj_.IID.name,)
# See if the object support strings.
def __str__(self):
return str(self._comobj_)
except COMException:
return self.__repr__()
# Try the numeric support.
def _do_conversion(self, interface_names, cvt):
iim = _xpcom.XPTI_GetInterfaceInfoManager()
for interface_name in interface_names:
iid = iim.GetInfoForName(interface_name).GetIID()
prim = self._comobj_.QueryInterface(iid)
return cvt(prim.data)
except COMException:
raise ValueError, "This object does not support automatic numeric conversion to this type"
def __int__(self):
return self._do_conversion(_int_interfaces, int)
def __long__(self):
return self._do_conversion(_long_interfaces, long)
def __float__(self):
return self._do_conversion(_float_interfaces, float)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
# Allow the underlying interface to provide a better implementation if desired.
ret = getattr(self.__dict__['_comobj_'], attr, None)
if ret is not None:
return ret
# Do the function thing first.
unbound_method = self.__dict__['_interface_methods_'].get(attr)
if unbound_method is not None:
return new.instancemethod(unbound_method, self, self.__class__)
getters, setters = self.__dict__['_interface_infos_']
info = getters.get(attr)
if info is None:
raise AttributeError, "XPCOM component '%s' has no attribute '%s'" % (self._object_name_, attr)
method_index, param_infos = info
if len(param_infos)!=1: # Only expecting a retval
raise RuntimeError, "Can't get properties with this many args!"
args = ( param_infos, () )
return XPTC_InvokeByIndex(self._comobj_, method_index, args)
def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
# If we already have a __dict__ item of that name, and its not one of
# our constants, we just directly set it, and leave.
if self.__dict__.has_key(attr) and attr not in self.__dict__['_constant_names_']:
self.__dict__[attr] = val
# Start sniffing for what sort of attribute this might be?
getters, setters = self.__dict__['_interface_infos_']
info = setters.get(attr)
if info is None:
raise AttributeError, "XPCOM component '%s' can not set attribute '%s'" % (self._object_name_, attr)
method_index, param_infos = info
if len(param_infos)!=1: # Only expecting a single input val
raise RuntimeError, "Can't set properties with this many args!"
real_param_infos = ( param_infos, (val,) )
return XPTC_InvokeByIndex(self._comobj_, method_index, real_param_infos)
# Called by the _xpcom C++ framework to wrap interfaces up just
# before they are returned.
def MakeInterfaceResult(ob, iid):
return Interface(ob, iid)
class WeakReference:
"""A weak-reference object. You construct a weak reference by passing
any COM object you like. If the object does not support weak
refs, you will get a standard NS_NOINTERFACE exception.
Once you have a weak-reference, you can "call" the object to get
back a strong reference. Eg:
>>> some_ob = components.classes['...]
>>> weak_ref = WeakReference(some_ob)
>>> new_ob = weak_ref() # new_ob is effectively "some_ob" at this point
>>> # EXCEPT: new_ob may be None of some_ob has already died - a
>>> # weak reference does not keep the object alive (that is the point)
You should never hold onto this resulting strong object for a long time,
or else you defeat the purpose of the weak-reference.
def __init__(self, ob, iid = None):
swr = Interface(ob, _xpcom.IID_nsISupportsWeakReference)
self._comobj_ = Interface(swr.GetWeakReference(), _xpcom.IID_nsIWeakReference)
if iid is None:
iid = ob.IID
except AttributeError:
iid = _xpcom.IID_nsISupports
self._iid_ = iid
def __call__(self, iid = None):
if iid is None: iid = self._iid_
return Interface(self._comobj_.QueryReferent(iid), iid)
except COMException, details:
if details.errno != nsError.NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER:
return None