
274 строки
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- mode: cperl; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
# Version: MPL 1.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is Litmus.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# the Mozilla Corporation.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Chris Cooper <ccooper@deadsquid.com>
# Zach Lipton <zach@zachlipton.com>
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
use strict;
use Litmus;
use Litmus::Auth;
use Litmus::Error;
use Litmus::DB::TestRun;
use Text::Markdown;
use JSON -convert_blessed_universally;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
use Date::Manip;
my $json = new JSON;
my $c = Litmus->cgi();
print $c->header(
my $js;
if ($c->param("testcase_id")) {
my $testcase_id = $c->param("testcase_id");
my $testcase = Litmus::DB::Testcase->retrieve($testcase_id);
my @testgroups = Litmus::DB::Testgroup->search_UniqueByTestcase($testcase_id);
my @subgroups = Litmus::DB::Subgroup->search_ByTestcase($testcase_id);
if ($testcase) {
$testcase->{'testgroups'} = \@testgroups;
$testcase->{'subgroups'} = \@subgroups;
# apply markdown formatting to the steps and expected results:
eval {
$testcase->{'steps_formatted'} = Text::Markdown::markdown($testcase->steps);
if ($@) {
$testcase->{'steps_formatted'} = $testcase->steps;
eval {
$testcase->{'expected_results_formatted'} = Text::Markdown::markdown($testcase->expected_results);
if ($@) {
$testcase->{'expected_results_formatted'} = $testcase->expected_results;
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode($testcase);
} elsif ($c->param("subgroup_id")) {
my $subgroup_id = $c->param("subgroup_id");
my $subgroup = Litmus::DB::Subgroup->retrieve($subgroup_id);
my @testgroups = Litmus::DB::Testgroup->search_BySubgroup($subgroup_id);
my @testcases = Litmus::DB::Testcase->search_BySubgroup($subgroup_id);
$subgroup->{'testgroups'} = \@testgroups;
$subgroup->{'testcases'} = \@testcases;
# WORKAROUND: Class DBI is *supposed* to do cascading lookups for sub-objects
# but it's not working here for users. As a result, we need to lookup the
# subgroup creator data ourselves and put it where we expect it to be. We
# then also have to call discard_changes after we json-ify it to avoid
# filling the logs with "<object> destroyed without saving changes" error
# messages.
my $creator = Litmus::DB::User->retrieve($subgroup->creator_id->user_id);
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode($subgroup);
} elsif ($c->param("testgroup_id")) {
my $testgroup_id = $c->param("testgroup_id");
my $testgroup = Litmus::DB::Testgroup->retrieve($testgroup_id);
my @subgroups = Litmus::DB::Subgroup->search_ByTestgroup($testgroup_id);
$testgroup->{'subgroups'} = \@subgroups;
my @branches = Litmus::DB::Branch->search_ByTestgroup($testgroup_id);
$testgroup->{'branches'} = \@branches;
# WORKAROUND: Class DBI is *supposed* to do cascading lookups for sub-objects
# but it's not working here for users. As a result, we need to lookup the
# testgroup creator data ourselves and put it where we expect it to be. We
# then also have to call discard_changes after we json-ify it to avoid
# filling the logs with "<object> destroyed without saving changes" error
# messages.
my $creator = Litmus::DB::User->retrieve($testgroup->creator_id->user_id);
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode($testgroup);
} elsif ($c->param("test_run_id")) {
my $test_run_id = $c->param("test_run_id");
my $test_run = Litmus::DB::TestRun->retrieve($test_run_id);
if ($c->param("coverage")) {
my $coverage = $test_run->coverage;
print '{"test_run_id":' . $test_run_id . ',"coverage":' . ($coverage||0) . '}';
exit 0;
} elsif ($c->param("results")) {
$test_run->{'num_pass'} = $test_run->getNumResultsByStatus("pass") || 0;
$test_run->{'num_fail'} = $test_run->getNumResultsByStatus("fail") || 0;
$test_run->{'num_unclear'} = $test_run->getNumResultsByStatus("unclear") || 0;
$test_run->{'num_comments'} = $test_run->getNumResultsWithComments || 0;
} else {
my @testgroups = Litmus::DB::Testgroup->search_ByTestRun($test_run_id);
$test_run->{'testgroups'} = \@testgroups;
my $criteria = $test_run->getCriteria();
$test_run->{'criteria'} = $criteria;
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode($test_run);
} elsif ($c->param("test_runs_by_branch_product_name")) {
my $branch;
my $product;
my @runs;
if ($c->param("product_name")) {
my @products = Litmus::DB::Product->search(name => $c->param("product_name"));
$product = $products[0];
if ($c->param("branch_name")) {
my @branches = Litmus::DB::Branch->search(name => $c->param("branch_name"));
$branch = $branches[0];
if ($c->param("branch_name") && $c->param("product_name")) {
@runs = Litmus::DB::TestRun->search(branch => $branch, product => $product);
} elsif ($c->param("product_name")) {
@runs = Litmus::DB::TestRun->search(product => $product);
} elsif ($c->param("branch_name")) {
@runs = Litmus::DB::TestRun->search(branch => $branch);
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode(@runs);
} elsif ($c->param("validate_login")) {
my $uname = $c->param("username");
my $passwd = $c->param("password");
my $login = Litmus::Auth::validate_login($uname, $passwd);
if (!$login) { $login = 0 }
else { $login = 1 }
print $login;
exit 0;
} elsif ($c->param("l10n")) {
my $l10n;
my %args;
if ($c->param("product_id")) {
$args{"product_id"} = $c->param("product_id");
} else {
&displayJsonErrorMessage("No product_id specified.");
exit 1;
if ($c->param("branch_id")) {
$args{"branch_id"} = $c->param("branch_id");
} else {
&displayJsonErrorMessage("No branch_id specified.");
exit 1;
if ($c->param("locale")) {
$args{"locale"} = $c->param("locale");
if ($c->param("start_timestamp")) {
$args{"start_timestamp"} = &Date::Manip::UnixDate(&Date::Manip::ParseDateString($c->param("start_timestamp")),"%q");
if ($c->param("finish_timestamp")) {
$args{"finish_timestamp"} = &Date::Manip::UnixDate(&Date::Manip::ParseDateString($c->param("finish_timestamp")),"%q");
} else {
$args{"finish_timestamp"} = &Date::Manip::UnixDate("now","%q");
if (!$args{"start_timestamp"} or
!$args{"finish_timestamp"} or
$args{"start_timestamp"} >= $args{"finish_timestamp"}) {
&displayJsonErrorMessage("Unable to parse timestamps.");
exit 1;
} elsif ($c->param("testday_id")) {
$args{"testday_id"} = $c->param("testday_id");
} else {
$args{"finish_timestamp"} = &Date::Manip::UnixDate("now","%q");
$args{"start_timestamp"} = &Date::Manip::UnixDate(&Date::Manip::ParseDateString("1 month ago"),"%q");
$l10n = Litmus::DB::Testresult->getL10nAggregateResults(\%args);
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode($l10n);
} elsif ($c->param("product_id")) {
my $product_id = $c->param("product_id");
my $product = Litmus::DB::Product->retrieve($product_id);
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode($product);
} elsif ($c->param("platform_id")) {
my $platform_id = $c->param("platform_id");
my $platform = Litmus::DB::Platform->retrieve($platform_id);
my @products = Litmus::DB::Product->search_ByPlatform($platform_id);
$platform->{'products'} = \@products;
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode($platform);
} elsif ($c->param("branch_id")) {
my $branch_id = $c->param("branch_id");
my $branch = Litmus::DB::Branch->retrieve($branch_id);
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode($branch);
} elsif ($c->param("opsys_id")) {
my $opsys_id = $c->param("opsys_id");
my $opsys = Litmus::DB::Opsys->retrieve($opsys_id);
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode($opsys);
} elsif ($c->param("testday_id")) {
use Litmus::DB::TestDay;
my $testday_id = $c->param("testday_id");
my $testday = Litmus::DB::TestDay->retrieve($testday_id);
my @subgroups = Litmus::DB::Subgroup->search_ByTestDay($testday_id);
$testday->{'subgroups'} = \@subgroups;
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode($testday);
} elsif ($c->param("products")) {
my @products = Litmus::DB::Product->retrieve_all();
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode(\@products);
} elsif ($c->param("platforms")) {
my @platforms = Litmus::DB::Platform->retrieve_all();
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode(\@platforms);
} elsif ($c->param("opsyses")) {
my @opsyses = Litmus::DB::Opsys->retrieve_all();
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode(\@opsyses);
} elsif ($c->param("branches")) {
my @branches = Litmus::DB::Branch->retrieve_all();
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode(\@branches);
} elsif ($c->param("user_stats")) {
my %stats;
my $uname = $c->param("user_stats");
my @users = Litmus::DB::User->search(email => $uname);
my $user = $users[0];
if (! $user) {
exit; # invalid user
$stats{'week'} = [Litmus::DB::Testresult->search_NumResultsByUserDays(
$user->id(), 7)]->[0]->num_results();
$stats{'month'} = [Litmus::DB::Testresult->search_NumResultsByUserDays(
$user->id(), 30)]->[0]->num_results();
$stats{'alltime'} = [Litmus::DB::Testresult->search_NumResultsByUserDays(
$user->id(), 40000)]->[0]->num_results(); # 40000 is close enough to forever :)
$js = $json->allow_unknown->convert_blessed->encode(\%stats);
if ($js) {
if (utf8::is_utf8($js)) {
print $js;
} else {
# We don't have anything to return.
return undef;
exit 0;
sub displayJsonErrorMessage {
my ($error_msg) = @_;
my %error_obj;
$error_obj{'error'} = $error_msg;
if ($main::json) {
print $main::json->objToJson(\%error_obj);
} else {
Litmus::Error::logError(Dumper \%error_obj, caller(0));