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370 строки
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/* mozillasounds.cmd */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is a supplemental OS/2 script.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Rich Walsh <dragtext@e-vertise.com>
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
/* */
/* MozSounds.cmd enables the user to associate sounds with Mozilla events */
/* using the WPS Sound object in the System Setup folder. It does not set */
/* the sounds itself - it simply adds entries to the Sound object's list of */
/* events. This script only needs to be run once or twice: the first time */
/* to enable selected sounds, and the second time to disable most of them */
/* because they're so annoying. */
/* */
/* This script's design is coordinated with code in widget\os2\nsSound.cpp. */
/* Please don't make significant changes to it (e.g. changing the names of */
/* ini-file entries) without first examining nsSound.cpp. */
/* */
/* Note to Translators: everything that needs to be translated has been */
/* grouped together and placed toward the end of the file (a heading */
/* identifies where to start). Please preserve the formatting and don't */
/* change any of the numeric values. Thanks... */
/* */
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs
call InitVariables
call Main
/* Get the location of the MMOS2 directory. */
path = value('MMBASE',,'OS2ENVIRONMENT')
if path = '' then do
call SysCls
call EnvError
path = strip(path, B, ';')
/* Confirm that mmpm.ini can be found where we expect it to be. */
iniFile = path'\MMPM.INI'
call SysFileTree iniFile, 'stem', 'FO'
if stem.0 <> 1 then do
call SysCls
call IniError
/* Make a backup of mmpm.ini if one doesn't already exist. */
call SysFileTree iniFile'.BAK', 'stem', 'FO'
if stem.0 = 0 then
'@xcopy' iniFile path'\*.*.BAK /T > NUL'
/* Events are identified by number - MMOS2 uses 0-12. Mozilla events */
/* start at 800. If this conflicts with another app, the base index */
/* can be changed. The new value is stored in mmpm.ini where it can */
/* be accessed by the Mozilla apps and this script. */
baseIndex = SysIni(iniFile, 'MOZILLA_Events', 'BaseIndex')
baseIndex = strip(baseIndex, T, X2C('0'))
if baseIndex = 'ERROR:' | baseIndex <= '12' then
baseIndex = defaultIndex
/* The main loop: display current status & respond to commands */
call SysCls
call GetStatus
call Display
pull cmd parms
when cmd = soundCmd then do
rc = SysOpenObject('<WP_SOUND>', 2, 'TRUE')
when cmd = exitCmd then do
when cmd = disableCmd then do
call Disable
when cmd = enableCmd then do
call Enable
/* this command is "undocumented" & should NOT be translated */
when cmd = 'BASEINDEX' then do
call ChangeBaseIndex
/* Generate a listing of Mozilla events and their status: */
/* 'enabled' if there's an entry, 'disabled' if not. */
ctr = 1
show = 0
do nbr = 1 to events.0
rc = SysIni(iniFile, 'MMPM2_AlarmSounds', baseIndex + events.nbr.ndx)
if rc = 'ERROR:' then
status = disabledWord
status = enabledWord
if show = 0 then do
out = " "nbr". " left(events.nbr.name, 15) status
show = 1
else do
line.ctr = left(out, 35) " " nbr". " left(events.nbr.name, 15) status
ctr = ctr + 1
show = 0
if show = 1 then
line.ctr = left(out, 35)
/* Disable an event sound by deleting its entry. */
parse var parms nbr parms
if nbr = allWord then do
nbr = '1'
parms = '2 3 4 5 6 7'
do while nbr <> ''
if nbr >= '1' & nbr <= '7' then do
key = baseIndex + events.nbr.ndx
rc = SysIni(iniFile, 'MMPM2_AlarmSounds', key, 'DELETE:')
parse var parms nbr parms
/* Enable an event sound by adding an entry whose format is: */
/* 'fq_soundfile#event_name#volume'. */
/* Since this script isn't intended to set the actual soundfile, */
/* it uses the same dummy value as MMOS2: 'x:\MMOS2\SOUNDS\' */
parse var parms nbr parms
if nbr = allWord then do
nbr = '1'
parms = '2 3 4 5 6 7'
do while nbr <> ''
if nbr >= '1' & nbr <= '7' then do
key = baseIndex + events.nbr.ndx
/* if there's an existing entry, preserve the filename */
sndFile = SysIni(iniFile, 'MMPM2_AlarmSounds', key)
if sndFile = 'ERROR:' | left(sndFile, 1) = '#' then
sndFile = path'\'soundsDir'\'
parse var sndFile sndFile '#' .
value = sndFile'#'events.nbr.name' (Mozilla)#80'X2C('0')
rc = SysIni(iniFile, 'MMPM2_AlarmSounds', key, value)
parse var parms nbr parms
/* An "undocumented" function to change & restore the base index. */
/* It renumbers existing entries using the new base & adds or deletes */
/* a 'MOZILLA_Events\BaseIndex' entry depending on the new value. */
parse var parms newIndex parms
/* Ignore invalid values. */
if newIndex = '' | newIndex <= '12' then
/* Do NOT translate this. */
if newIndex = 'DEFAULT' then
newIndex = defaultIndex
/* If there's no change, exit after deleting the entry if it's the default */
if newIndex = baseIndex then do
if baseIndex = defaultIndex then
rc SysIni(iniFile, 'MOZILLA_Events', 'BaseIndex', 'DELETE:')
/* Move existing entries from the old index to the new index. */
do nbr = 1 to events.0
value = SysIni(iniFile, 'MMPM2_AlarmSounds', baseIndex + events.nbr.ndx)
if value = 'ERROR:' then
rc = SysIni(iniFile, 'MMPM2_AlarmSounds', baseIndex + events.nbr.ndx, 'DELETE:')
rc = SysIni(iniFile, 'MMPM2_AlarmSounds', newIndex + events.nbr.ndx, value)
/* If the new index is the default, delete the ini entry; */
/* otherwise, add or update the entry with the new value. */
if newIndex = defaultIndex then
rc = SysIni(iniFile, 'MOZILLA_Events', 'BaseIndex', 'DELETE:')
rc = SysIni(iniFile, 'MOZILLA_Events', 'BaseIndex', newIndex||X2C('0'))
baseIndex = newIndex
/* All strings that need to be translated appear below */
/* Just like it says, init variables. */
events.0 = 7
events.1.ndx = 0
events.1.name = 'New Mail'
events.2.ndx = 1
events.2.name = 'Alert Dialog'
events.3.ndx = 2
events.3.name = 'Confirm Dialog'
events.4.ndx = 3
events.4.name = 'Prompt Dialog'
events.5.ndx = 4
events.5.name = 'Select Dialog'
events.6.ndx = 5
events.6.name = 'Menu Execute'
events.7.ndx = 6
events.7.name = 'Menu Popup'
enabledWord = 'enabled'
disabledWord = 'disabled'
allWord = 'ALL'
soundsDir = 'SOUNDS'
enableCmd = 'E'
disableCmd = 'D'
soundCmd = 'S'
exitCmd = 'X'
defaultIndex = '800'
/* Display event status & command info. */
say " MozSounds.cmd lets you use the WPS Sound object in your System Setup"
say " folder to assign sounds to the Mozilla events listed below. It does"
say " NOT set the sound itself - it just adds and deletes entries in Sound."
say " New or changed sounds take effect after the Mozilla app is restarted."
say " Event Status Event Status"
say " ----------- -------- ----------- --------"
say line.1
say line.2
say line.3
say line.4
say " Commands:"
say " E - enable event sound(s) example: 'E 1' or 'E 3 5 7' or 'E All'"
say " D - disable event sound(s) example: 'D 2' or 'D 1 4 6' or 'D All'"
say " S - open the WPS Sound object"
say " X - exit this script"
call charout ," Enter a command > "
/* Display an error message */
say ""
say "ERROR: the 'MMBASE' environment variable is missing or invalid!"
say " Your Mozilla app won't be able to play system sounds without it."
say " Please add a line to config.sys like the following, then reboot."
say " SET MMBASE=x:\MMOS2 (where 'x' is the correct drive)"
/* Display an error message */
say ""
say "ERROR: file '"iniFile"' is missing or invalid!"
say " Your Mozilla app won't be able to play system sounds without it."
say " Please confirm that the 'SET MMBASE=' line in config.sys points"
say " at your MMOS2 directory and that it contains 'MMPM.INI'."