Adds baseline JIT, sort of works.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Bebenita 2015-01-09 01:03:03 -08:00
Родитель a69fb622b8
Коммит 3df5fec4d3
5 изменённых файлов: 1010 добавлений и 5 удалений

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@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ module J2ME.Bytecode {
* Determines if a given opcode denotes an instruction that ends a basic block and does not let control flow fall
* through to its lexical successor.
function isStop(opcode: Bytecodes): boolean {
export function isStop(opcode: Bytecodes): boolean {
return (flags[opcode & 0xff] & Flags.STOP) != 0;
@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ module J2ME.Bytecode {
* Determines if a given opcode is an instruction that delimits a basic block.
function isBlockEnd(opcode: Bytecodes): boolean {
export function isBlockEnd(opcode: Bytecodes): boolean {
return (flags[opcode & 0xff] & (Flags.STOP | Flags.FALL_THROUGH)) != 0;
@ -1141,5 +1141,13 @@ module J2ME.Bytecode {
this._nextBCI = this._currentBCI;
public readTableSwitch(): BytecodeTableSwitch {
return new BytecodeTableSwitch(this._code, this._currentBCI);
public readLookupSwitch(): BytecodeLookupSwitch {
return new BytecodeTableSwitch(this._code, this._currentBCI);

jit/baseline.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,994 @@
module J2ME {
import assert = Debug.assert;
import Bytecodes = Bytecode.Bytecodes;
import Condition = Bytecode.Condition;
import BytecodeStream = Bytecode.BytecodeStream;
import Block = Bytecode.Block;
import BlockMap = Bytecode.BlockMap;
import ExceptionBlock = Bytecode.ExceptionBlock;
var writer = null; // new IndentingWriter();
export var baselineTotal = 0;
export var baselineCompiled = 0;
export function baselineCompileMethod(methodInfo: MethodInfo, ctx: Context, target: CompilationTarget): CompiledMethodInfo {
baselineTotal ++;
try {
var result = new BaselineCompiler(methodInfo, ctx, target).compile();
baselineCompiled ++;
return result;
} catch (e) {
throw e;
class Emitter {
private buffer: string [];
private _indent = 0;
constructor() {
this.buffer = [];
enter(s: string) {
this._indent ++;
leave(s: string) {
this._indent --;
leaveAndEnter(s: string) {
this._indent --;
this._indent ++;
writeLn(s: string) {
var prefix = "";
for (var i = 0; i < this._indent; i++) {
prefix += " ";
this.buffer.push(prefix + s);
writer && writer.writeLn(prefix + s);
indent() {
this._indent ++;
outdent() {
this._indent --;
toString(): string {
return this.buffer.join("\n");
function kindToTypedArrayName(kind: Kind): string {
switch (kind) {
case Kind.Int:
return "Int32Array";
case Kind.Char:
return "Uint16Array";
case Kind.Short:
return "Int16Array";
case Kind.Byte:
case Kind.Boolean:
return "Int8Array";
case Kind.Float:
return "Float32Array";
case Kind.Long:
return "Array";
case Kind.Double:
throw Debug.unexpected(Kind[kind]);
function conditionToOperator(condition: Condition): string {
switch (condition) {
case Condition.EQ: return "==";
case Condition.NE: return "!=";
case Condition.LT: return "<";
case Condition.LE: return "<=";
case Condition.GT: return ">";
case Condition.GE: return ">=";
function longConstant(v): string {
if (v === 0) {
return "Long.ZERO";
} else if (v === 1) {
return "Long.ONE";
return "Long.fromInt(" + v + ")";
export class BaselineCompiler {
sp: number;
pc: number;
private ctx: Context;
private emitter: Emitter;
private methodInfo: MethodInfo;
private parameters: string [];
private hasHandlers: boolean;
private blockStackHeightMap: number [];
private referencedClasses: ClassInfo [];
private locals: string [];
static localNames = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
constructor(methodInfo: MethodInfo, ctx: Context, target: CompilationTarget) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.methodInfo = methodInfo;
this.locals = [];
this.parameters = [];
this.referencedClasses = [];
this.hasHandlers = !!methodInfo.exception_table.length;
this.blockStackHeightMap = [0];
this.emitter = new Emitter();
compile(): CompiledMethodInfo {
return new CompiledMethodInfo(this.parameters, this.emitter.toString(), this.referencedClasses);
emitBody() {
var blockMap = new BlockMap(this.methodInfo);;
this.emitter.enter("while (true) {");
this.hasHandlers && this.emitter.enter("try {");
this.emitter.enter("switch (pc) {");
var blocks = blockMap.blocks;
for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
var block = blocks[i];
if (block instanceof ExceptionBlock) {
this.emitBlock(block, i < blocks.length - 1 ? blocks[i + 1] : null);
if (this.hasHandlers) {
this.emitter.leaveAndEnter("} catch (ex) {");
for (var i = 0; i < blockMap.blocks.length; i++) {
var block = blockMap.blocks[i];
if (block instanceof ExceptionBlock) {
this.emitBlock(block, null);
this.emitter.writeLn("throw ex;");
emitBlock(block: Block, nextBlock: Block) {
writer && writer.writeLn("emitBlock: " + block.startBci);
var stream = new BytecodeStream(this.methodInfo.code);
if (block instanceof ExceptionBlock) {
var exceptionBlock: ExceptionBlock = <ExceptionBlock>block;
var handler = exceptionBlock.handler;
this.sp = 0;
this.emitPush(Kind.Reference, "ex");
this.emitter.enter("if (bci >= " + handler.start_pc + " && bci < " + handler.end_pc + ") {");
this.emitter.writeLn("pc = " + handler.handler_pc + ";");
} else {
this.emitter.enter("case " + block.startBci + ":");
if (block.isExceptionEntry) {
this.sp = 1;
this.sp = this.blockStackHeightMap[block.startBci];
assert(this.sp !== undefined, "Bad stack height");
var lastSourceLocation = null;
while (stream.currentBCI <= block.endBci) {
this.pc = stream.currentBCI;
//var sourceLocation = this.methodInfo.getSourceLocationForPC(this.pc);
//if (sourceLocation && !sourceLocation.equals(lastSourceLocation)) {
// this.emitter.writeLn("// " + sourceLocation.toString() + " " + CLASSES.getSourceLine(sourceLocation));
// lastSourceLocation = sourceLocation;
if (stream.currentBCI === block.endBci && !Bytecode.isStop(stream.currentBC())) {
this.setBlockStackHeight(stream.nextBCI, this.sp);
if (!Bytecode.isBlockEnd(stream.currentBC())) {
if (nextBlock.startBci !== stream.nextBCI) {
this.emitter.writeLn("pc = " + stream.nextBCI + "; break;");
// this.emitter.writeLn("break;");
private emitPrologue() {
var locals = this.locals;
var localIndex = 0;
var typeDescriptors = SignatureDescriptor.makeSignatureDescriptor(this.methodInfo.signature).typeDescriptors;
// Skip the first typeDescriptor since it is the return type.
for (var i = 1; i < typeDescriptors.length; i++) {
var kind = Kind.Reference;
if (typeDescriptors[i] instanceof AtomicTypeDescriptor) {
kind = (<AtomicTypeDescriptor>typeDescriptors[i]).kind;
localIndex += isTwoSlot(kind) ? 2 : 1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.methodInfo.max_locals; i++) {
if (locals.length) {
this.emitter.writeLn("var " + locals.join(", ") + ";");
if (!this.methodInfo.isStatic) {
var stack = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.methodInfo.max_stack; i++) {
if (stack.length) {
this.emitter.writeLn("var " + stack.join(", ") + ";");
this.emitter.writeLn("var pc = 0;");
if (this.hasHandlers) {
this.emitter.writeLn("var ex;");
lookupClass(cpi: number): ClassInfo {
var classInfo = this.ctx.resolve(this.methodInfo.classInfo.constant_pool, cpi, false);
ArrayUtilities.pushUnique(this.referencedClasses, classInfo);
return classInfo;
lookupMethod(cpi: number, opcode: Bytecodes, isStatic: boolean): MethodInfo {
var methodInfo = this.ctx.resolve(this.methodInfo.classInfo.constant_pool, cpi, isStatic);
ArrayUtilities.pushUnique(this.referencedClasses, methodInfo.classInfo);
return methodInfo;
lookupField(cpi: number, opcode: Bytecodes, isStatic: boolean): FieldInfo {
var fieldInfo = this.ctx.resolve(this.methodInfo.classInfo.constant_pool, cpi, isStatic);
ArrayUtilities.pushUnique(this.referencedClasses, fieldInfo.classInfo);
return fieldInfo;
getStack(i: number): string {
if (i >= BaselineCompiler.stackNames.length) {
return "s" + (i - BaselineCompiler.stackNames.length);
return BaselineCompiler.stackNames[i];
getLocalName(i: number): string {
if (i >= BaselineCompiler.localNames.length) {
return "l" + (i - BaselineCompiler.localNames.length);
return BaselineCompiler.localNames[i];
getLocal(i: number): string {
return this.locals[i];
emitLoadLocal(kind: Kind, i: number) {
this.emitPush(kind, this.getLocal(i));
emitStoreLocal(kind: Kind, i: number) {
this.emitter.writeLn(this.getLocal(i) + " = " + this.pop(kind) + ";");
peek(): string {
return this.getStack(this.sp);
popAny(): string {
return this.pop(Kind.Void);
pop(kind: Kind): string {
writer && writer.writeLn(" pop: sp: " + this.sp + " " + Kind[kind]);
assert (this.sp, "SP below zero.");
this.sp -= isTwoSlot(kind) ? 2 : 1;
var v = this.getStack(this.sp);
writer && writer.writeLn(" pop: sp: " + this.sp + " " + Kind[kind] + " " + v);
return v;
emitPushAny(v) {
this.emitPush(Kind.Void, v);
emitPush(kind: Kind, v) {
writer && writer.writeLn("push: sp: " + this.sp + " " + Kind[kind] + " " + v);
this.emitter.writeLn(this.getStack(this.sp) + " = " + v + ";");
this.sp += isTwoSlot(kind) ? 2 : 1;
emitReturn(kind: Kind) {
if (kind === Kind.Void) {
this.emitter.writeLn("return " + this.pop(kind) + ";");
emitGetField(fieldInfo: FieldInfo, isStatic: boolean) {
var signature = TypeDescriptor.makeTypeDescriptor(fieldInfo.signature);
var object = isStatic ? this.runtimeClass(fieldInfo.classInfo) : this.pop(Kind.Reference);
this.emitPush(signature.kind, object + "." + fieldInfo.mangledName);
emitPutField(fieldInfo: FieldInfo, isStatic: boolean) {
var signature = TypeDescriptor.makeTypeDescriptor(fieldInfo.signature);
var value = this.pop(signature.kind);
var object = isStatic ? this.runtimeClass(fieldInfo.classInfo) : this.pop(Kind.Reference);
this.emitter.writeLn(object + "." + fieldInfo.mangledName + " = " + value + ";");
setBlockStackHeight(pc: number, height: number) {
writer && writer.writeLn("Setting " + pc + " " + height);
if (this.blockStackHeightMap[pc] !== undefined) {
assert(this.blockStackHeightMap[pc] === height, pc + " " + this.blockStackHeightMap[pc] + " " + height);
this.blockStackHeightMap[pc] = this.sp;
emitIf(stream: BytecodeStream, predicate: string) {
var target = stream.readBranchDest();
var next = stream.nextBCI;
this.setBlockStackHeight(target, this.sp);
this.setBlockStackHeight(next, this.sp);
this.emitter.writeLn("pc = " + predicate + " ? " + target + " : " + next + "; break;");
emitIfNull(stream: BytecodeStream, condition: Condition) {
var x = this.pop(Kind.Reference);
this.emitIf(stream, x + " " + conditionToOperator(condition) + " null");
emitIfSame(stream: BytecodeStream, kind: Kind, condition: Condition) {
var y = this.pop(kind);
var x = this.pop(kind);
this.emitIf(stream, x + " " + conditionToOperator(condition) + " " + y);
emitIfZero(stream: BytecodeStream, condition: Condition) {
var x = this.pop(Kind.Int);
this.emitIf(stream, x + " " + conditionToOperator(condition) + " 0");
runtimeClass(classInfo: ClassInfo) {
return "$." + mangleClass(classInfo);
emitClassInitializationCheck(classInfo: ClassInfo) {
if (!CLASSES.isPreInitializedClass(classInfo)) {
this.emitter.writeLn(this.runtimeClass(classInfo) + ";");
emitInvoke(methodInfo: MethodInfo, opcode: Bytecodes, nextBCI: number) {
var calleeCanYield = YieldReason.Virtual;
if (isStaticallyBound(opcode, methodInfo)) {
calleeCanYield = canYield(this.ctx, methodInfo);
var signature = SignatureDescriptor.makeSignatureDescriptor(methodInfo.signature);
var types = signature.typeDescriptors;
var args: string [] = [];
for (var i = types.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var object = null, call;
if (opcode !== Bytecodes.INVOKESTATIC) {
object = this.pop(Kind.Reference);
if (opcode === Bytecodes.INVOKESPECIAL) {
call = mangleClassAndMethod(methodInfo) + ".call(" + args.join(", ") + ")";
} else {
call = object + "." + mangleMethod(methodInfo) + "(" + args.join(", ") + ")";
} else {
call = mangleClassAndMethod(methodInfo) + "(" + args.join(", ") + ")";
if (types[0].kind !== Kind.Void) {
this.emitPush(types[0].kind, call);
} else {
this.emitter.writeLn(call + ";");
emitStoreIndexed(kind: Kind) {
var value = this.pop(stackKind(kind));
var index = this.pop(Kind.Int);
var array = this.pop(Kind.Reference);
this.emitter.writeLn(array + "[" + index + "] = " + value + ";");
emitLoadIndexed(kind: Kind) {
var index = this.pop(Kind.Int);
var array = this.pop(Kind.Reference);
this.emitPush(kind, array + "[" + index + "]");
emitIncrement(stream: BytecodeStream) {
this.emitter.writeLn(this.getLocal(stream.readLocalIndex()) + " += " + stream.readIncrement() + ";");
emitGoto(stream: BytecodeStream) {
var target = stream.readBranchDest();
this.setBlockStackHeight(target, this.sp);
this.emitter.writeLn("pc = " + target + "; break;");
emitLoadConstant(cpi: number) {
var cp = this.methodInfo.classInfo.constant_pool;
var entry = cp[cpi];
switch (entry.tag) {
case TAGS.CONSTANT_Integer:
this.emitPush(Kind.Int, entry.integer);
this.emitPush(Kind.Float, entry.float);
case TAGS.CONSTANT_Double:
this.emitPush(Kind.Double, entry.double);
case 5: // TAGS.CONSTANT_Long
this.emitPush(Kind.Long, "Long.fromBits(" + entry.lowBits + ", " + entry.highBits + ")");
case TAGS.CONSTANT_String:
entry = cp[entry.string_index];
this.emitPush(Kind.Reference, "$S(" + J2ME.C4.AST.escapeString(entry.bytes) + ")");
throw "Not done for: " + entry.tag;
emitThrow(pc: number) {
var object = this.peek();
this.emitter.writeLn("throw " + object);
emitNewInstance(cpi: number) {
var classInfo = this.lookupClass(cpi);
this.emitPush(Kind.Reference, "new " + mangleClass(classInfo)+ "()");
emitNewTypeArray(typeCode: number) {
var kind = arrayTypeCodeToKind(typeCode);
var length = this.pop(Kind.Int);
this.emitPush(Kind.Reference, "new " + kindToTypedArrayName(kind) + "(" + length + ")");
emitCheckCast(cpi: number) {
var object = this.pop(Kind.Reference);
var classInfo = this.lookupClass(cpi);
var call = "$CCK";
if (classInfo.isInterface) {
call = "$CCI";
this.emitter.writeLn(call + "(" + object + ", " + mangleClass(classInfo) + ")");
emitInstanceOf(cpi: number) {
var object = this.pop(Kind.Reference);
var classInfo = this.lookupClass(cpi);
var call = "$IOK";
if (classInfo.isInterface) {
call = "$IOI";
this.emitter.writeLn(call + "(" + object + ", " + mangleClass(classInfo) + ") | 0");
emitArrayLength() {
this.emitPush(Kind.Int, this.pop(Kind.Reference) + ".length");
emitNewObjectArray(cpi: number) {
var classInfo = this.lookupClass(cpi);
var length = this.pop(Kind.Int);
this.emitPush(Kind.Reference, "$NA(" + mangleClass(classInfo) + "," + length + ")");
emitUnwind() {
this.emitter.enter("if (U) {");
// TODO: Bailout.
emitMonitorEnter() {
var object = this.pop(Kind.Reference);
this.emitter.writeLn("$ME(" + object + ")");
emitMonitorExit() {
var object = this.pop(Kind.Reference);
this.emitter.writeLn("$MX(" + object + ")");
emitStackOp(opcode: Bytecodes) {
switch (opcode) {
case Bytecodes.POP: {
case Bytecodes.POP2: {
case Bytecodes.DUP: {
var w = this.popAny();
case Bytecodes.DUP_X1: {
var w1 = this.popAny();
var w2 = this.popAny();
case Bytecodes.DUP_X2: {
var w1 = this.popAny();
var w2 = this.popAny();
var w3 = this.popAny();
case Bytecodes.DUP2: {
var w1 = this.popAny();
var w2 = this.popAny();
case Bytecodes.DUP2_X1: {
var w1 = this.popAny();
var w2 = this.popAny();
var w3 = this.popAny();
case Bytecodes.DUP2_X2: {
var w1 = this.popAny();
var w2 = this.popAny();
var w3 = this.popAny();
var w4 = this.popAny();
case Bytecodes.SWAP: {
var w1 = this.popAny();
var w2 = this.popAny();
emitArithmeticOp(result: Kind, opcode: Bytecodes, canTrap: boolean) {
var y = this.pop(result);
var x = this.pop(result);
if (canTrap) {
this.emitter.writeLn("pc = " + this.pc + "; $CDZ(" + y + ");");
var v;
switch(opcode) {
case Bytecodes.IADD: v = x + " + " + y + " | 0"; break;
case Bytecodes.ISUB: v = x + " - " + y + " | 0"; break;
case Bytecodes.IMUL: v = "Math.imul(" + x + ", " + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.IDIV: v = x + " / " + y + " | 0"; break;
case Bytecodes.IREM: v = x + " % " + y; break;
case Bytecodes.FADD: v = "Math.fround(" + x + " + " + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.FSUB: v = "Math.fround(" + x + " - " + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.FMUL: v = "Math.fround(" + x + " * " + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.FDIV: v = "Math.fround(" + x + " / " + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.FREM: v = "Math.fround(" + x + " % " + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.LADD: v = x + ".add(" + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.LSUB: v = y + ".negate().add(" + x + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.LMUL: v = x + ".multiply(" + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.LDIV: v = x + ".div(" + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.LREM: v = x + ".modulo(" + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.DADD: v = x + " + " + y; break;
case Bytecodes.DSUB: v = x + " - " + y; break;
case Bytecodes.DMUL: v = x + " * " + y; break;
case Bytecodes.DDIV: v = x + " / " + y; break;
case Bytecodes.DREM: v = x + " % " + y; break;
assert(false, Bytecodes[opcode]);
this.emitPush(result, v);
emitNegateOp(kind: Kind) {
var x = this.pop(kind);
switch(kind) {
case Kind.Int:
this.emitPush(kind, "(- " + x + ")|0");
case Kind.Long:
this.emitPush(kind, x + ".negate()");
case Kind.Float:
case Kind.Double:
this.emitPush(kind, "- " + x);
emitShiftOp(kind: Kind, opcode: Bytecodes) {
var s = this.pop(Kind.Int);
var x = this.pop(kind);
var v;
switch(opcode) {
case Bytecodes.ISHL: v = x + " << " + s; break;
case Bytecodes.ISHR: v = x + " >> " + s; break;
case Bytecodes.IUSHR: v = x + " >>> " + s; break;
case Bytecodes.LSHL: v = x + ".shiftLeft(" + s + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.LSHR: v = x + ".shiftRight(" + s + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.LUSHR: v = x + ".shiftRightUnsigned(" + s + ")"; break;
this.emitPush(kind, v);
emitLogicOp(kind: Kind, opcode: Bytecodes) {
var y = this.pop(kind);
var x = this.pop(kind);
var v;
switch(opcode) {
case Bytecodes.IAND: v = x + " & " + y; break;
case Bytecodes.IOR: v = x + " | " + y; break;
case Bytecodes.IXOR: v = x + " ^ " + y; break;
case Bytecodes.LAND: v = x + ".and(" + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.LOR: v = x + ".or(" + y + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.LXOR: v = x + ".xor(" + y + ")"; break;
this.emitPush(kind, v);
emitConvertOp(from: Kind, to: Kind, opcode: Bytecodes) {
var x = this.pop(from);
var v;
switch (opcode) {
case Bytecodes.I2L: v = "Long.fromInt(" + x + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.I2F:
case Bytecodes.I2D: v = x; break;
case Bytecodes.I2B: v = "(" + x + " << 24) >> 24"; break;
case Bytecodes.I2C: v = x + " & 0xffff"; break;
case Bytecodes.I2S: v = "(" + x + " << 16) >> 16"; break;
case Bytecodes.L2I: v = x + ".toInt()"; break;
case Bytecodes.L2F: v = "Math.fround(" + x + ".toNumber())"; break;
case Bytecodes.L2D: v = x + ".toNumber()"; break;
case Bytecodes.D2I:
case Bytecodes.F2I: v = "util.double2int(" + x + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.F2L: v = "Long.fromNumber(" + x + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.F2D: v = x; break;
case Bytecodes.D2L: v = "util.double2long(" + x + ")"; break;
case Bytecodes.D2F: v = "Math.fround(" + x + ")"; break;
this.emitPush(to, v);
emitCompareOp(kind: Kind, isLessThan: boolean) {
var y = this.pop(kind);
var x = this.pop(kind);
//if (kind === Kind.Long) {
// compare = new IR.JVMLongCompare(this.region, a, b);
//} else {
// compare = new IR.JVMFloatCompare(this.region, a, b, isLessThan);
// TODO, this is wrong...
this.emitPush(Kind.Int, "WRONG");
emitTableSwitch(stream: BytecodeStream) {
var tableSwitch = stream.readTableSwitch();
var value = this.pop(Kind.Int);
this.emitter.enter("switch(" + value + ") {");
for (var i = 0; i < tableSwitch.numberOfCases(); i++) {
this.emitter.writeLn("case " + tableSwitch.keyAt(i) + ": pc = " + tableSwitch.offsetAt(i) + "; break;");
this.emitter.writeLn("default: pc = " + tableSwitch.defaultOffset() + "; break;");
emitLookupSwitch(stream: BytecodeStream) {
//this.emitter.enter("switch(" + this.pop(Kind.Int) + ") {");
//for (var i = 0; i < tableSwitch.numberOfCases(); i++) {
// this.emitter.writeLn("case " + tableSwitch.keyAt(i) + ": pc = " + tableSwitch.offsetAt(i) + "; break;");
//this.emitter.writeLn("default: pc = " + tableSwitch.defaultOffset() + "; break;");
emitBytecode(stream: BytecodeStream) {
var cpi: number;
var opcode: Bytecodes = stream.currentBC();
writer && writer.writeLn("emit: pc: " + stream.currentBCI + ", sp: " + this.sp + " " + Bytecodes[opcode]);
this.emitter.writeLn("// " + stream.currentBCI + " " + Bytecodes[opcode] + ", sp: " + this.sp);
switch (opcode) {
case Bytecodes.NOP : break;
case Bytecodes.ACONST_NULL : this.emitPush(Kind.Reference, "null"); break;
case Bytecodes.ICONST_M1 :
case Bytecodes.ICONST_0 :
case Bytecodes.ICONST_1 :
case Bytecodes.ICONST_2 :
case Bytecodes.ICONST_3 :
case Bytecodes.ICONST_4 :
case Bytecodes.ICONST_5 : this.emitPush(Kind.Int, opcode - Bytecodes.ICONST_0); break;
case Bytecodes.FCONST_0 :
case Bytecodes.FCONST_1 :
case Bytecodes.FCONST_2 : this.emitPush(Kind.Float, opcode - Bytecodes.FCONST_0); break;
case Bytecodes.DCONST_0 :
case Bytecodes.DCONST_1 : this.emitPush(Kind.Float, opcode - Bytecodes.DCONST_0); break;
case Bytecodes.LCONST_0 :
case Bytecodes.LCONST_1 : this.emitPush(Kind.Long, longConstant(opcode - Bytecodes.LCONST_0)); break;
case Bytecodes.BIPUSH : this.emitPush(Kind.Int, stream.readByte()); break;
case Bytecodes.SIPUSH : this.emitPush(Kind.Int, stream.readShort()); break;
case Bytecodes.LDC :
case Bytecodes.LDC_W :
case Bytecodes.LDC2_W : this.emitLoadConstant(stream.readCPI()); break;
case Bytecodes.ILOAD : this.emitLoadLocal(Kind.Int, stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.LLOAD : this.emitLoadLocal(Kind.Long, stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.FLOAD : this.emitLoadLocal(Kind.Float, stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.DLOAD : this.emitLoadLocal(Kind.Double, stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.ALOAD : this.emitLoadLocal(Kind.Reference, stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.ILOAD_0 :
case Bytecodes.ILOAD_1 :
case Bytecodes.ILOAD_2 :
case Bytecodes.ILOAD_3 : this.emitLoadLocal(Kind.Int, opcode - Bytecodes.ILOAD_0); break;
case Bytecodes.LLOAD_0 :
case Bytecodes.LLOAD_1 :
case Bytecodes.LLOAD_2 :
case Bytecodes.LLOAD_3 : this.emitLoadLocal(Kind.Long, opcode - Bytecodes.LLOAD_0); break;
case Bytecodes.FLOAD_0 :
case Bytecodes.FLOAD_1 :
case Bytecodes.FLOAD_2 :
case Bytecodes.FLOAD_3 : this.emitLoadLocal(Kind.Float, opcode - Bytecodes.FLOAD_0); break;
case Bytecodes.DLOAD_0 :
case Bytecodes.DLOAD_1 :
case Bytecodes.DLOAD_2 :
case Bytecodes.DLOAD_3 : this.emitLoadLocal(Kind.Double, opcode - Bytecodes.DLOAD_0); break;
case Bytecodes.ALOAD_0 :
case Bytecodes.ALOAD_1 :
case Bytecodes.ALOAD_2 :
case Bytecodes.ALOAD_3 : this.emitLoadLocal(Kind.Reference, opcode - Bytecodes.ALOAD_0); break;
case Bytecodes.IALOAD : this.emitLoadIndexed(Kind.Int); break;
case Bytecodes.LALOAD : this.emitLoadIndexed(Kind.Long); break;
case Bytecodes.FALOAD : this.emitLoadIndexed(Kind.Float); break;
case Bytecodes.DALOAD : this.emitLoadIndexed(Kind.Double); break;
case Bytecodes.AALOAD : this.emitLoadIndexed(Kind.Reference); break;
case Bytecodes.BALOAD : this.emitLoadIndexed(Kind.Byte); break;
case Bytecodes.CALOAD : this.emitLoadIndexed(Kind.Char); break;
case Bytecodes.SALOAD : this.emitLoadIndexed(Kind.Short); break;
case Bytecodes.ISTORE : this.emitStoreLocal(Kind.Int, stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.LSTORE : this.emitStoreLocal(Kind.Long, stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.FSTORE : this.emitStoreLocal(Kind.Float, stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.DSTORE : this.emitStoreLocal(Kind.Double, stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.ASTORE : this.emitStoreLocal(Kind.Reference, stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.ISTORE_0 :
case Bytecodes.ISTORE_1 :
case Bytecodes.ISTORE_2 :
case Bytecodes.ISTORE_3 : this.emitStoreLocal(Kind.Int, opcode - Bytecodes.ISTORE_0); break;
case Bytecodes.LSTORE_0 :
case Bytecodes.LSTORE_1 :
case Bytecodes.LSTORE_2 :
case Bytecodes.LSTORE_3 : this.emitStoreLocal(Kind.Long, opcode - Bytecodes.LSTORE_0); break;
case Bytecodes.FSTORE_0 :
case Bytecodes.FSTORE_1 :
case Bytecodes.FSTORE_2 :
case Bytecodes.FSTORE_3 : this.emitStoreLocal(Kind.Float, opcode - Bytecodes.FSTORE_0); break;
case Bytecodes.DSTORE_0 :
case Bytecodes.DSTORE_1 :
case Bytecodes.DSTORE_2 :
case Bytecodes.DSTORE_3 : this.emitStoreLocal(Kind.Double, opcode - Bytecodes.DSTORE_0); break;
case Bytecodes.ASTORE_0 :
case Bytecodes.ASTORE_1 :
case Bytecodes.ASTORE_2 :
case Bytecodes.ASTORE_3 : this.emitStoreLocal(Kind.Reference, opcode - Bytecodes.ASTORE_0); break;
case Bytecodes.IASTORE : this.emitStoreIndexed(Kind.Int); break;
case Bytecodes.LASTORE : this.emitStoreIndexed(Kind.Long); break;
case Bytecodes.FASTORE : this.emitStoreIndexed(Kind.Float); break;
case Bytecodes.DASTORE : this.emitStoreIndexed(Kind.Double); break;
case Bytecodes.AASTORE : this.emitStoreIndexed(Kind.Reference); break;
case Bytecodes.BASTORE : this.emitStoreIndexed(Kind.Byte); break;
case Bytecodes.CASTORE : this.emitStoreIndexed(Kind.Char); break;
case Bytecodes.SASTORE : this.emitStoreIndexed(Kind.Short); break;
case Bytecodes.POP :
case Bytecodes.POP2 :
case Bytecodes.DUP :
case Bytecodes.DUP_X1 :
case Bytecodes.DUP_X2 :
case Bytecodes.DUP2 :
case Bytecodes.DUP2_X1 :
case Bytecodes.DUP2_X2 :
case Bytecodes.SWAP : this.emitStackOp(opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.IADD :
case Bytecodes.ISUB :
case Bytecodes.IMUL : this.emitArithmeticOp(Kind.Int, opcode, false); break;
case Bytecodes.IDIV :
case Bytecodes.IREM : this.emitArithmeticOp(Kind.Int, opcode, true); break;
case Bytecodes.LADD :
case Bytecodes.LSUB :
case Bytecodes.LMUL : this.emitArithmeticOp(Kind.Long, opcode, false); break;
case Bytecodes.LDIV :
case Bytecodes.LREM : this.emitArithmeticOp(Kind.Long, opcode, true); break;
case Bytecodes.FADD :
case Bytecodes.FSUB :
case Bytecodes.FMUL :
case Bytecodes.FDIV :
case Bytecodes.FREM : this.emitArithmeticOp(Kind.Float, opcode, false); break;
case Bytecodes.DADD :
case Bytecodes.DSUB :
case Bytecodes.DMUL :
case Bytecodes.DDIV :
case Bytecodes.DREM : this.emitArithmeticOp(Kind.Double, opcode, false); break;
case Bytecodes.INEG : this.emitNegateOp(Kind.Int); break;
case Bytecodes.LNEG : this.emitNegateOp(Kind.Long); break;
case Bytecodes.FNEG : this.emitNegateOp(Kind.Float); break;
case Bytecodes.DNEG : this.emitNegateOp(Kind.Double); break;
case Bytecodes.ISHL :
case Bytecodes.ISHR :
case Bytecodes.IUSHR : this.emitShiftOp(Kind.Int, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.IAND :
case Bytecodes.IOR :
case Bytecodes.IXOR : this.emitLogicOp(Kind.Int, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.LSHL :
case Bytecodes.LSHR :
case Bytecodes.LUSHR : this.emitShiftOp(Kind.Long, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.LAND :
case Bytecodes.LOR :
case Bytecodes.LXOR : this.emitLogicOp(Kind.Long, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.IINC : this.emitIncrement(stream); break;
case Bytecodes.I2L : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Int, Kind.Long, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.I2F : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Int, Kind.Float, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.I2D : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Int, Kind.Double, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.I2B : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Int, Kind.Byte, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.I2C : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Int, Kind.Char, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.I2S : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Int, Kind.Short, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.L2I : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Long, Kind.Int, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.L2F : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Long, Kind.Float, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.L2D : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Long, Kind.Double, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.F2I : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Float, Kind.Int, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.F2L : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Float, Kind.Long, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.F2D : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Float, Kind.Double, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.D2I : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Double, Kind.Int, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.D2L : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Double, Kind.Long, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.D2F : this.emitConvertOp(Kind.Double, Kind.Float, opcode); break;
case Bytecodes.LCMP : this.emitCompareOp(Kind.Long, false); break;
case Bytecodes.FCMPL : this.emitCompareOp(Kind.Float, true); break;
case Bytecodes.FCMPG : this.emitCompareOp(Kind.Float, false); break;
case Bytecodes.DCMPL : this.emitCompareOp(Kind.Double, true); break;
case Bytecodes.DCMPG : this.emitCompareOp(Kind.Double, false); break;
case Bytecodes.IFEQ : this.emitIfZero(stream, Condition.EQ); break;
case Bytecodes.IFNE : this.emitIfZero(stream, Condition.NE); break;
case Bytecodes.IFLT : this.emitIfZero(stream, Condition.LT); break;
case Bytecodes.IFGE : this.emitIfZero(stream, Condition.GE); break;
case Bytecodes.IFGT : this.emitIfZero(stream, Condition.GT); break;
case Bytecodes.IFLE : this.emitIfZero(stream, Condition.LE); break;
case Bytecodes.IF_ICMPEQ : this.emitIfSame(stream, Kind.Int, Condition.EQ); break;
case Bytecodes.IF_ICMPNE : this.emitIfSame(stream, Kind.Int, Condition.NE); break;
case Bytecodes.IF_ICMPLT : this.emitIfSame(stream, Kind.Int, Condition.LT); break;
case Bytecodes.IF_ICMPGE : this.emitIfSame(stream, Kind.Int, Condition.GE); break;
case Bytecodes.IF_ICMPGT : this.emitIfSame(stream, Kind.Int, Condition.GT); break;
case Bytecodes.IF_ICMPLE : this.emitIfSame(stream, Kind.Int, Condition.LE); break;
case Bytecodes.IF_ACMPEQ : this.emitIfSame(stream, Kind.Reference, Condition.EQ); break;
case Bytecodes.IF_ACMPNE : this.emitIfSame(stream, Kind.Reference, Condition.NE); break;
case Bytecodes.GOTO : this.emitGoto(stream); break;
//case Bytecodes.JSR : genJsr(stream.readBranchDest()); break;
//case Bytecodes.RET : genRet(stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.TABLESWITCH : this.emitTableSwitch(stream); break;
case Bytecodes.LOOKUPSWITCH : this.emitLookupSwitch(stream); break;
case Bytecodes.IRETURN : this.emitReturn(Kind.Int); break;
case Bytecodes.LRETURN : this.emitReturn(Kind.Long); break;
case Bytecodes.FRETURN : this.emitReturn(Kind.Float); break;
case Bytecodes.DRETURN : this.emitReturn(Kind.Double); break;
case Bytecodes.ARETURN : this.emitReturn(Kind.Reference); break;
case Bytecodes.RETURN : this.emitReturn(Kind.Void); break;
case Bytecodes.GETSTATIC : cpi = stream.readCPI(); this.emitGetField(this.lookupField(cpi, opcode, true), true); break;
case Bytecodes.PUTSTATIC : cpi = stream.readCPI(); this.emitPutField(this.lookupField(cpi, opcode, true), true); break;
case Bytecodes.GETFIELD : cpi = stream.readCPI(); this.emitGetField(this.lookupField(cpi, opcode, false), false); break;
case Bytecodes.PUTFIELD : cpi = stream.readCPI(); this.emitPutField(this.lookupField(cpi, opcode, false), false); break;
case Bytecodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL : cpi = stream.readCPI(); this.emitInvoke(this.lookupMethod(cpi, opcode, false), opcode, stream.nextBCI); break;
case Bytecodes.INVOKESPECIAL : cpi = stream.readCPI(); this.emitInvoke(this.lookupMethod(cpi, opcode, false), opcode, stream.nextBCI); break;
case Bytecodes.INVOKESTATIC : cpi = stream.readCPI(); this.emitInvoke(this.lookupMethod(cpi, opcode, true), opcode, stream.nextBCI); break;
case Bytecodes.INVOKEINTERFACE: cpi = stream.readCPI(); this.emitInvoke(this.lookupMethod(cpi, opcode, false), opcode, stream.nextBCI); break;
case Bytecodes.NEW : this.emitNewInstance(stream.readCPI()); break;
case Bytecodes.NEWARRAY : this.emitNewTypeArray(stream.readLocalIndex()); break;
case Bytecodes.ANEWARRAY : this.emitNewObjectArray(stream.readCPI()); break;
case Bytecodes.ARRAYLENGTH : this.emitArrayLength(); break;
case Bytecodes.ATHROW : this.emitThrow(stream.currentBCI); break;
case Bytecodes.CHECKCAST : this.emitCheckCast(stream.readCPI()); break;
case Bytecodes.INSTANCEOF : this.emitInstanceOf(stream.readCPI()); break;
case Bytecodes.MONITORENTER : this.emitMonitorEnter(); break;
case Bytecodes.MONITOREXIT : this.emitMonitorExit(); break;
//case Bytecodes.MULTIANEWARRAY : genNewMultiArray(stream.readCPI()); break;
case Bytecodes.IFNULL : this.emitIfNull(stream, Condition.EQ); break;
case Bytecodes.IFNONNULL : this.emitIfNull(stream, Condition.NE); break;
//case Bytecodes.GOTO_W : genGoto(stream.readFarBranchDest()); break;
//case Bytecodes.JSR_W : genJsr(stream.readFarBranchDest()); break;
//case Bytecodes.BREAKPOINT:
//throw new CiBailout("concurrent setting of breakpoint");
//throw new CiBailout("Unsupported opcode " + opcode + " (" + nameOf(opcode) + ") [bci=" + bci + "]");
throw new Error("Not Implemented " + Bytecodes[opcode]);
writer && writer.writeLn("");

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module J2ME {
var yieldWriter = null; // stderrWriter;
function isStaticallyBound(op: Bytecodes, methodInfo: MethodInfo): boolean {
export function isStaticallyBound(op: Bytecodes, methodInfo: MethodInfo): boolean {
// INVOKESPECIAL and INVOKESTATIC are always statically bound.
if (op === Bytecodes.INVOKESPECIAL || op === Bytecodes.INVOKESTATIC) {
return true;
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ module J2ME {
// Used to prevent cycles.
var checkingForCanYield = Object.create(null);
function canYield(ctx: Context, methodInfo: MethodInfo): YieldReason {
export function canYield(ctx: Context, methodInfo: MethodInfo): YieldReason {
if (yieldMap[methodInfo.implKey] !== undefined) {
return yieldMap[methodInfo.implKey];

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@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ module J2ME.C4.AST {
var escapeStringCacheCount = 0;
var escapeStringCache = Object.create(null);
function escapeString(str) {
export function escapeString(str) {
var result, i, len, ch, singleQuotes = 0, doubleQuotes = 0, single, original = str;
result = escapeStringCache[original];
if (result) {

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@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ module J2ME {
export function compileMethod(methodInfo: MethodInfo, ctx: Context, target: CompilationTarget): CompiledMethodInfo {
return method = baselineCompileMethod(methodInfo, ctx, target);
var method;
try {
method = optimizerCompileMethod(methodInfo, ctx, target);
@ -448,6 +449,8 @@ module J2ME {
// stdoutWriter.writeLn("Compiled " + baselineCompiled + " of " + baselineTotal);