module J2ME { export var Bindings = { "java/lang/Object": { native: { "hashCode.()I": function (): number { var self: = this; if (self._hashCode) { return self._hashCode; } return self._hashCode = $.nextHashCode(); } } }, "java/lang/Thread": { fields: { instanceSymbols: { "priority.I": "priority" } } }, "java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream": { fields: { instanceSymbols: { "count.I": "count", "buf.[B": "buf" } } }, "com/sun/cldc/i18n/j2me/UTF_8_Writer": { fields: { instanceSymbols: { "pendingSurrogate.I": "pendingSurrogate" } } }, "com/nokia/mid/ui/DirectGraphicsImp": { fields: { instanceSymbols: { "graphics.Ljavax/microedition/lcdui/Graphics;": "graphics" } } }, "javax/microedition/lcdui/Image": { fields: { instanceSymbols: { "imageData.Ljavax/microedition/lcdui/ImageData;": "imageData", "width.I": "width", "height.I": "height" } } }, "javax/microedition/lcdui/ImageData": { fields: { instanceSymbols: { "width.I": "width", "height.I": "height" } } } }; export module java.lang { export interface Object { /** * Reference to the runtime klass. */ klass: Klass /** * All objects have an internal hash code. */ _hashCode: number; /** * Some objects may have a lock. */ _lock: Lock; waiting: Context []; clone(): java.lang.Object; equals(obj: java.lang.Object): boolean; finalize(): void; getClass(): java.lang.Class; hashCode(): number; notify(): void; notifyAll(): void; toString(): java.lang.String; notify(): void; notify(timeout: number): void; notify(timeout: number, nanos: number): void; } export interface Class extends java.lang.Object { /** * RuntimeKlass associated with this Class object. */ runtimeKlass: RuntimeKlass; } export interface String extends java.lang.Object { str: string; } export interface Thread extends java.lang.Object { pid: number; alive: boolean; priority: number; } export interface Exception extends java.lang.Object { message: string; } export interface IllegalArgumentException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface IllegalStateException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface NullPointerException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface RuntimeException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface IndexOutOfBoundsException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface StringIndexOutOfBoundsException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface ArrayStoreException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface IllegalMonitorStateException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface ClassCastException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface NegativeArraySizeException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface ArithmeticException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface ClassNotFoundException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface SecurityException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface IllegalThreadStateException extends java.lang.Exception { } } export module { export interface IOException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface UTFDataFormatException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface UnsupportedEncodingException extends java.lang.Exception { } export interface OutputStream extends java.lang.Object { } export interface ByteArrayOutputStream extends OutputStream { count: number; buf: Int8Array; } export interface Writer extends java.lang.Object {} } export module { export interface MediaException extends java.lang.Exception { } } export module com.sun.cldc.isolate { export interface Isolate extends java.lang.Object { id: number; runtime: Runtime; } } export module com.sun.cldc.i18n { export interface StreamWriter extends { } } export module com.sun.cldc.i18n.j2me { export interface UTF_8_Writer extends com.sun.cldc.i18n.StreamWriter { pendingSurrogate: number; } } export module javax.microedition.lcdui { export interface Graphics extends java.lang.Object { } export interface ImageData extends java.lang.Object { width: number; height: number; } export interface Image extends java.lang.Object { width: number; height: number; imageData: javax.microedition.lcdui.ImageData; } } export module { export interface DirectGraphicsImp extends java.lang.Object { graphics: javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics; } } }