interface Array { push2: (value) => void; pop2: () => any; pushKind: (kind: J2ME.Kind, value) => void; popKind: (kind: J2ME.Kind) => any; read: (i) => any; } module J2ME { import assert = Debug.assert; import Bytecodes = Bytecode.Bytecodes; declare var VM; declare var setZeroTimeout; export enum WriterFlags { None = 0x00, Trace = 0x01, Link = 0x02, Init = 0x04, Perf = 0x08, Load = 0x10, JIT = 0x20, Code = 0x40, Thread = 0x80, All = Trace | Link | Init | Perf | Load | JIT | Code | Thread } /** * Toggle VM tracing here. */ export var writers = WriterFlags.None; Array.prototype.push2 = function(value) { this.push(value); this.push(null); return value; } Array.prototype.pop2 = function() { this.pop(); return this.pop(); } Array.prototype.pushKind = function(kind: Kind, value) { if (isTwoSlot(kind)) { this.push2(value); return; } this.push(value); } Array.prototype.popKind = function(kind: Kind) { if (isTwoSlot(kind)) { return this.pop2(); } return this.pop(); } // A convenience function for retrieving values in reverse order // from the end of the stack. returns the topmost item // on the stack, while returns the one underneath it. = function(i) { return this[this.length - i]; }; export var frameCount = 0; export class Frame { methodInfo: MethodInfo; local: any []; stack: any []; code: Uint8Array; pc: number; opPC: number; cp: any; localBase: number; lockObject: java.lang.Object; static dirtyStack: Frame [] = []; /** * Denotes the start of the context frame stack. */ static Start: Frame = Frame.create(null, null, 0); /** * Marks a frame set. */ static Marker: Frame = Frame.create(null, null, 0); static isMarker(frame: Frame) { return frame.methodInfo === null; } constructor(methodInfo: MethodInfo, local: any [], localBase: number) { frameCount ++; this.reset(methodInfo, local, localBase); } reset(methodInfo: MethodInfo, local: any [], localBase: number) { this.methodInfo = methodInfo; this.cp = methodInfo ? methodInfo.classInfo.constant_pool : null; this.code = methodInfo ? methodInfo.code : null; this.pc = 0; this.opPC = 0; this.stack = []; this.local = local; this.localBase = localBase; this.lockObject = null; } static create(methodInfo: MethodInfo, local: any [], localBase: number): Frame { var dirtyStack = Frame.dirtyStack; if (dirtyStack.length) { var frame = dirtyStack.pop(); frame.reset(methodInfo, local, localBase); return frame; } else { return new Frame(methodInfo, local, localBase); } } free() { release || assert(!Frame.isMarker(this)); Frame.dirtyStack.push(this); } getLocal(i: number): any { return this.local[this.localBase + i]; } setLocal(i: number, value: any) { this.local[this.localBase + i] = value; } incLocal(i: number, value: any) { var j = this.localBase + i; this.local[j] = this.local[j] + value | 0; } read8(): number { return this.code[this.pc++]; } peek8(): number { return this.code[this.pc]; } read16(): number { var code = this.code return code[this.pc++] << 8 | code[this.pc++]; } patch(offset: number, oldValue: Bytecodes, newValue: Bytecodes) { release || assert(this.code[this.pc - offset] === oldValue); this.code[this.pc - offset] = newValue; } read32(): number { return this.read32Signed() >>> 0; } read8Signed(): number { return this.code[this.pc++] << 24 >> 24; } read16Signed(): number { var pc = this.pc; var code = this.code; this.pc = pc + 2 return (code[pc] << 8 | code[pc + 1]) << 16 >> 16; } readTargetPC(): number { var pc = this.pc; var code = this.code; this.pc = pc + 2 var offset = (code[pc] << 8 | code[pc + 1]) << 16 >> 16; return pc - 1 + offset; } read32Signed(): number { return this.read16() << 16 | this.read16(); } tableSwitch(): number { var start = this.pc; while ((this.pc & 3) != 0) { this.pc++; } var def = this.read32Signed(); var low = this.read32Signed(); var high = this.read32Signed(); var value = this.stack.pop(); var pc; if (value < low || value > high) { pc = def; } else { this.pc += (value - low) << 2; pc = this.read32Signed(); } return start - 1 + pc; } lookupSwitch(): number { var start = this.pc; while ((this.pc & 3) != 0) { this.pc++; } var pc = this.read32Signed(); var size = this.read32(); var value = this.stack.pop(); lookup: for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { var key = this.read32Signed(); var offset = this.read32Signed(); if (key === value) { pc = offset; } if (key >= value) { break lookup; } } return start - 1 + pc; } wide() { var stack = this.stack; var op = this.read8(); switch (op) { case Bytecodes.ILOAD: case Bytecodes.FLOAD: case Bytecodes.ALOAD: stack.push(this.getLocal(this.read16())); break; case Bytecodes.LLOAD: case Bytecodes.DLOAD: stack.push2(this.getLocal(this.read16())); break; case Bytecodes.ISTORE: case Bytecodes.FSTORE: case Bytecodes.ASTORE: this.setLocal(this.read16(), stack.pop()); break; case Bytecodes.LSTORE: case Bytecodes.DSTORE: this.setLocal(this.read16(), stack.pop2()); break; case Bytecodes.IINC: var index = this.read16(); var value = this.read16Signed(); this.setLocal(index, this.getLocal(index) + value); break; case Bytecodes.RET: this.pc = this.getLocal(this.read16()); break; default: var opName = Bytecodes[op]; throw new Error("Wide opcode " + opName + " [" + op + "] not supported."); } } /** * Returns the |object| on which a call to the specified |methodInfo| would be * called. */ peekInvokeObject(methodInfo: MethodInfo): java.lang.Object { release || assert(!methodInfo.isStatic); var i = this.stack.length - methodInfo.argumentSlots - 1; release || assert (i >= 0); release || assert (this.stack[i] !== undefined); return this.stack[i]; } popArgumentsInto(signatureDescriptor: SignatureDescriptor, args): any [] { var stack = this.stack; var typeDescriptors = signatureDescriptor.typeDescriptors; var argumentSlotCount = signatureDescriptor.getArgumentSlotCount(); for (var i = 1, j = stack.length - argumentSlotCount, k = 0; i < typeDescriptors.length; i++) { var typeDescriptor = typeDescriptors[i]; args[k++] = stack[j++]; if (isTwoSlot(typeDescriptor.kind)) { j++; } } release || assert(j === stack.length && k === signatureDescriptor.getArgumentCount()); stack.length -= argumentSlotCount; args.length = k; return args; } toString() { return this.methodInfo.implKey + " " + this.pc; } trace(writer: IndentingWriter) { var localStr = (x) { return toDebugString(x); }).join(", "); var stackStr = (x) { return toDebugString(x); }).join(", "); writer.writeLn(("" + this.pc).padLeft(" ", 4) + " " + localStr + " | " + stackStr); } } export class Context { private static _nextId: number = 0; private static _colors = [ IndentingWriter.PURPLE, IndentingWriter.YELLOW, IndentingWriter.GREEN, IndentingWriter.RED, IndentingWriter.BOLD_RED ]; private static writer: IndentingWriter = new IndentingWriter(false, function (s) { console.log(s); }); id: number; /* * Contains method frames separated by special frame instances called marker frames. These * mark the position in the frame stack where the interpreter starts execution. * * During normal execution, a marker frame is inserted on every call to |executeFrames|, so * the stack looks something like: * * frame stack: [start, f0, m, f1, m, f2] * ^ ^ ^ * | | | * js call stack: I ........ I .... I ... * * After unwinding, the frame stack is compacted: * * frame stack: [start, f0, f1, f2] * ^ ^ * | | * js call stack: I ..... I ....... * */ frames: Frame []; bailoutFrames: Frame []; lockTimeout: number; lockLevel: number; thread: java.lang.Thread; writer: IndentingWriter; constructor(public runtime: Runtime) { var id = = Context._nextId ++; this.frames = []; this.bailoutFrames = []; this.runtime = runtime; this.runtime.addContext(this); this.writer = new IndentingWriter(false, function (s) { console.log(s); }); } public static color(id) { if (inBrowser) { return id; } return Context._colors[id % Context._colors.length] + id + IndentingWriter.ENDC; } public static currentContextPrefix() { if ($) { return Context.color($.id) + ":" + Context.color($; } return ""; } /** * Sets global writers. Uncomment these if you want to see trace output. */ static setWriters(writer: IndentingWriter) { traceWriter = writers & WriterFlags.Trace ? writer : null; perfWriter = writers & WriterFlags.Perf ? writer : null; linkWriter = writers & WriterFlags.Link ? writer : null; jitWriter = writers & WriterFlags.JIT ? writer : null; codeWriter = writers & WriterFlags.Code ? writer : null; initWriter = writers & WriterFlags.Init ? writer : null; threadWriter = writers & WriterFlags.Thread ? writer : null; loadWriter = writers & WriterFlags.Load ? writer : null; } getPriority() { if (this.thread) { return this.thread.priority; } return NORMAL_PRIORITY; } kill() { if (this.thread) { this.thread.alive = false; } this.runtime.removeContext(this); } current(): Frame { var frames = this.frames; return frames[frames.length - 1]; } private popMarkerFrame() { var marker = this.frames.pop(); release || assert (Frame.isMarker(marker)); } executeFrames(group: Frame []) { var frames = this.frames; frames.push(Frame.Marker); for (var i = 0; i < group.length; i++) { frames.push(group[i]); } try { var returnValue = VM.execute(); if (U) { // Prepend all frames up until the first marker to the bailout frames. while (true) { var frame = frames.pop(); if (Frame.isMarker(frame)) { break; } this.bailoutFrames.unshift(frame); } return; } } catch (e) { this.popMarkerFrame(); throwHelper(e); } this.popMarkerFrame(); return returnValue; } getClassInitFrame(classInfo: ClassInfo) { if (this.runtime.initialized[classInfo.className]) { return; } classInfo.thread = this.thread; var syntheticMethod = new MethodInfo({ name: "ClassInitSynthetic", signature: "()V", isStatic: false, classInfo: ClassInfo.createFromObject({ className: {value: classInfo.className}, vmc: {value: {}}, vfc: {value: {}}, constant_pool: {value: [ null, {tag: TAGS.CONSTANT_Methodref, class_index: 2, name_and_type_index: 4}, {tag: TAGS.CONSTANT_Class, name_index: 3}, {bytes: "java/lang/Class"}, {name_index: 5, signature_index: 6}, {bytes: "invoke_clinit"}, {bytes: "()V"}, {tag: TAGS.CONSTANT_Methodref, class_index: 2, name_and_type_index: 8}, {name_index: 9, signature_index: 10}, {bytes: "init9"}, {bytes: "()V"}, ]}, }), code: new Uint8Array([ 0x2a, // aload_0 0x59, // dup 0x59, // dup 0x59, // dup 0xc2, // monitorenter 0xb7, 0x00, 0x01, // invokespecial 0xb7, 0x00, 0x07, // invokespecial 0xc3, // monitorexit 0xb1, // return ]) }); return Frame.create(syntheticMethod, [classInfo.getClassInitLockObject(this)], 0); } pushClassInitFrame(classInfo: ClassInfo) { if (this.runtime.initialized[classInfo.className] || this.runtime.pending[classInfo.className]) { return; } var needsInitialization = true; if (!classInfo.staticInitializer) { needsInitialization = false; // Special case Isolate. if (classInfo.className === "com/sun/cldc/isolate/Isolate") { needsInitialization = true; } var superClass = classInfo.superClass; while (superClass) { if (!this.runtime.initialized[superClass.className] && superClass.staticInitializer) { needsInitialization = true; break; } superClass = superClass.superClass; } } linkKlass(classInfo); if (!needsInitialization) { this.runtime.initialized[classInfo.className] = true; return; } var classInitFrame = this.getClassInitFrame(classInfo); this.executeFrames([classInitFrame]); } createException(className: string, message?: string) { if (!message) { message = ""; } message = "" + message; var classInfo = CLASSES.loadAndLinkClass(className); runtimeCounter && runtimeCounter.count("createException " + className); var exception = new classInfo.klass(); var methodInfo = CLASSES.getMethod(classInfo, "I..(Ljava/lang/String;)V"); jsGlobal[methodInfo.mangledClassAndMethodName].call(exception, message ? newString(message) : null); return exception; } setAsCurrentContext() { if ($) { threadTimeline && threadTimeline.leave(); } threadTimeline && threadTimeline.enter( + ":" +; $ = this.runtime; if ($.ctx === this) { return; } $.ctx = this; Context.setWriters(this.writer); } clearCurrentContext() { if ($) { threadTimeline && threadTimeline.leave(); } $ = null; Context.setWriters(Context.writer); } start(frame: Frame) { this.frames = [Frame.Start, frame]; this.resume(); } execute() { this.setAsCurrentContext(); do { VM.execute(); if (U) { if (this.bailoutFrames.length) { Array.prototype.push.apply(this.frames, this.bailoutFrames); this.bailoutFrames = []; } var frames = this.frames; switch (U) { case VMState.Yielding: this.resume(); break; case VMState.Pausing: break; } U = VMState.Running; this.clearCurrentContext(); return; } } while (this.current() !== Frame.Start); this.kill(); } resume() { Runtime.scheduleRunningContext(this); } block(obj, queue, lockLevel) { obj._lock[queue].push(this); this.lockLevel = lockLevel; $.pause("block"); } unblock(obj, queue, notifyAll) { while (obj._lock[queue].length) { var ctx = obj._lock[queue].pop(); if (!ctx) continue; ctx.wakeup(obj) if (!notifyAll) break; } } wakeup(obj) { if (this.lockTimeout !== null) { window.clearTimeout(this.lockTimeout); this.lockTimeout = null; } if (obj._lock.level !== 0) { obj._lock.ready.push(this); } else { while (this.lockLevel-- > 0) { this.monitorEnter(obj); if (U === VMState.Pausing) { return; } } this.resume(); } } monitorEnter(object: java.lang.Object) { var lock = object._lock; if (lock && lock.level === 0) { lock.thread = this.thread; lock.level = 1; return; } if (!lock) { object._lock = new Lock(this.thread, 1); return; } if (lock.thread === this.thread) { ++lock.level; return; } this.block(object, "ready", 1); } monitorExit(object: java.lang.Object) { var lock = object._lock; if (lock.level === 1 && lock.ready.length === 0) { lock.level = 0; return; } if (lock.thread !== this.thread) throw $.newIllegalMonitorStateException(); if (--lock.level > 0) { return; } this.unblock(object, "ready", false); } wait(object: java.lang.Object, timeout) { var lock = object._lock; if (timeout < 0) throw $.newIllegalArgumentException(); if (!lock || lock.thread !== this.thread) throw $.newIllegalMonitorStateException(); var lockLevel = lock.level; for (var i = lockLevel; i > 0; i--) { this.monitorExit(object); } if (timeout) { var self = this; this.lockTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () { for (var i = 0; i < lock.waiting.length; i++) { var ctx = lock.waiting[i]; if (ctx === self) { lock.waiting[i] = null; ctx.wakeup(object); } } }, timeout); } else { this.lockTimeout = null; } this.block(object, "waiting", lockLevel); } notify(obj, notifyAll) { if (!obj._lock || obj._lock.thread !== this.thread) throw $.newIllegalMonitorStateException(); this.unblock(obj, "waiting", notifyAll); } bailout(methodInfo: MethodInfo, pc: number, nextPC: number, local: any [], stack: any [], lockObject: java.lang.Object) { // perfWriter && perfWriter.writeLn("C Unwind: " + methodInfo.implKey); var frame = Frame.create(methodInfo, local, 0); frame.stack = stack; frame.pc = nextPC; frame.opPC = pc; frame.lockObject = lockObject; this.bailoutFrames.unshift(frame); } } } var Context = J2ME.Context; var Frame = J2ME.Frame;