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2154 строки
67 KiB
Copyright (c) 2013 Yaroslav Gaponov <yaroslav.gaponov@gmail.com>
var $: J2ME.Runtime; // The currently-executing runtime.
interface Math {
fround(value: number): number;
interface Long {
isZero(): boolean;
declare var Long: {
new (low: number, high: number): Long;
ZERO: Long;
fromBits(lowBits: number, highBits: number): Long;
fromInt(value: number);
fromNumber(value: number);
interface Promise {
catch(onRejected: { (reason: any): any; }): Promise;
interface CompiledMethodCache {
get(key: string): { key: string; source: string; referencedClasses: string[]; };
put(obj: { key: string; source: string; referencedClasses: string[]; }): Promise;
interface AOTMetaData {
* On stack replacement pc entry points.
osr: number [];
declare var throwHelper;
declare var throwPause;
declare var throwYield;
module J2ME {
declare var Native, Override;
declare var VM;
declare var CompiledMethodCache;
export var aotMetaData = <{string: AOTMetaData}>Object.create(null);
* Turns on just-in-time compilation of methods.
export var enableRuntimeCompilation = true;
* Turns on onStackReplacement
export var enableOnStackReplacement = true;
* Turns on caching of JIT-compiled methods.
export var enableCompiledMethodCache = true && typeof CompiledMethodCache !== "undefined";
* Traces method execution.
export var traceWriter = null;
* Traces performance problems.
export var perfWriter = null;
* Traces linking and class loading.
export var linkWriter = null;
* Traces JIT compilation.
export var jitWriter = null;
* Traces class loading.
export var loadWriter = null;
* Traces winding and unwinding.
export var windingWriter = null;
* Traces class initialization.
export var initWriter = null;
* Traces thread execution.
export var threadWriter = null;
* Traces generated code.
export var codeWriter = null;
export enum MethodState {
* All methods start in this state.
Cold = 0,
* Methods have this state if code has been compiled for them or
* there is a native implementation that needs to be used.
Compiled = 1,
* We don't want to compiled these methods, they may be too large
* to benefit from JIT compilation.
NotCompiled = 2,
* Methods are not compiled because of some exception.
CannotCompile = 3
declare var Shumway;
export var timeline;
export var methodTimeline;
export var threadTimeline;
export var nativeCounter = new Metrics.Counter(true);
export var runtimeCounter = new Metrics.Counter(true);
export var baselineMethodCounter = new Metrics.Counter(true);
export var asyncCounter = new Metrics.Counter(true);
export var jitMethodInfos = {};
export var unwindCount = 0;
if (typeof Shumway !== "undefined") {
timeline = new Shumway.Tools.Profiler.TimelineBuffer("Runtime");
methodTimeline = new Shumway.Tools.Profiler.TimelineBuffer("Methods");
threadTimeline = new Shumway.Tools.Profiler.TimelineBuffer("Threads");
export function enterTimeline(name: string, data?: any) {
timeline && timeline.enter(name, data);
export function leaveTimeline(name?: string, data?: any) {
timeline && timeline.leave(name, data);
export var Klasses = {
java: {
lang: {
Object: null,
Class: null,
String: null,
Thread: null,
IllegalArgumentException: null,
IllegalStateException: null,
NullPointerException: null,
RuntimeException: null,
IndexOutOfBoundsException: null,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: null,
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: null,
ArrayStoreException: null,
IllegalMonitorStateException: null,
ClassCastException: null,
NegativeArraySizeException: null,
ArithmeticException: null,
ClassNotFoundException: null,
SecurityException: null,
IllegalThreadStateException: null,
InstantiationException: null,
Exception: null
io: {
IOException: null,
UTFDataFormatException: null,
UnsupportedEncodingException: null
javax: {
microedition: {
media: {
MediaException: null
boolean: null,
char: null,
float: null,
double: null,
byte: null,
short: null,
int: null,
long: null
function Int64Array(size: number) {
var array = Array(size);
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
array[i] = Long.ZERO;
// We can't put the klass on the prototype.
(<any>array).klass = Klasses.long;
return array;
var arrays = {
'Z': Uint8Array,
'C': Uint16Array,
'F': Float32Array,
'D': Float64Array,
'B': Int8Array,
'S': Int16Array,
'I': Int32Array,
'J': Int64Array
export function getArrayConstructor(type: string): Function {
return arrays[type];
* We can't always mutate the |__proto__|.
function isPrototypeOfFunctionMutable(fn: Function): boolean {
// We don't list all builtins here, since not all of them are used in the object
// hierarchy.
switch (fn) {
case Object:
case Array:
case Uint8Array:
case Uint16Array:
case Float32Array:
case Float64Array:
case Int8Array:
case Int16Array:
case Int32Array:
return false;
return true;
export var stdoutWriter = new IndentingWriter();
export var stderrWriter = new IndentingWriter(false, IndentingWriter.stderr);
export enum ExecutionPhase {
* Default runtime behaviour.
Runtime = 0,
* When compiling code statically.
Compiler = 1
export var phase = ExecutionPhase.Runtime;
export var internedStrings: Map<string, java.lang.String> = new Map<string, java.lang.String>();
declare var util;
import assert = J2ME.Debug.assert;
export enum RuntimeStatus {
New = 1,
Started = 2,
Stopping = 3, // Unused
Stopped = 4
export enum MethodType {
var hashMap = Object.create(null);
var hashArray = new Int32Array(1024);
function hashString(s: string) {
if (hashArray.length < s.length) {
hashArray = new Int32Array((hashArray.length * 2 / 3) | 0);
var data = hashArray;
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
data[i] = s.charCodeAt(i);
var hash = HashUtilities.hashBytesTo32BitsMurmur(data, 0, s.length);
if (!release) { // Check to see that no collisions have ever happened.
if (hashMap[hash] && hashMap[hash] !== s) {
assert(false, "This is very bad.")
hashMap[hash] = s;
return hash;
export function hashUTF8String(s: Uint8Array): number {
var hash = HashUtilities.hashBytesTo32BitsMurmur(s, 0, s.length);
if (!release) { // Check to see that no collisions have ever happened.
if (hashMap[hash] && hashMap[hash] !== s) {
assert(false, "This is very bad.")
hashMap[hash] = s;
return hash;
function isIdentifierChar(c: number): boolean {
return (c >= 97 && c <= 122) || // a .. z
(c >= 65 && c <= 90) || // A .. Z
(c === 36) || (c === 95); // $ && _
function isDigit(c: number): boolean {
return c >= 48 && c <= 57;
var invalidChars = "[];/<>()";
var replaceChars = "abc_defg";
function needsEscaping(s: string): boolean {
var l = s.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
var c = s.charCodeAt(i);
if (!isIdentifierChar(c)) {
return true;
return false;
// Fast lookup table.
var map = new Array(128);
for (var i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
map[i] = String.fromCharCode(i);
// Patch up some entries.
var invalidChars = "[];/<>()";
var replaceChars = "abc_defg";
for (var i = 0; i < invalidChars.length; i++) {
map[invalidChars.charCodeAt(i)] = replaceChars[i];
// Reuse array.
var T = new Array(1024);
export function escapeString(s: string): string {
if (!needsEscaping(s)) {
return s;
var l = s.length;
var r = T;
r.length = l;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
var c = s.charCodeAt(i);
if (i === 0 && isDigit(c)) {
r[i] = String.fromCharCode(c - 48 + 97); // Map 0 .. 9 to a .. j
} else if (c < 128) {
r[i] = map[c]
} else {
r[i] = s[i];
return r.join("");
var stringHashes = Object.create(null);
var stringHashCount = 0;
function hashStringStrong(s): string {
// Hash with Murmur hash.
var result = StringUtilities.variableLengthEncodeInt32(hashString(s));
// Also use the length for some more precision.
result += StringUtilities.toEncoding(s.length & 0x3f);
return result;
export function hashStringToString(s: string) {
if (stringHashCount > 1024) {
return hashStringStrong(s);
var c = stringHashes[s];
if (c) {
return c;
c = stringHashes[s] = hashStringStrong(s);
stringHashCount ++;
return c;
* This class is abstract and should never be initialized. It only acts as a template for
* actual runtime objects.
export class RuntimeTemplate {
static all = new Set();
jvm: JVM;
status: RuntimeStatus;
waiting: any [];
threadCount: number;
initialized: any;
pending: any;
staticFields: any;
classObjects: any;
ctx: Context;
isolate: com.sun.cldc.isolate.Isolate;
mainThread: java.lang.Thread;
private static _nextRuntimeId: number = 0;
private _runtimeId: number;
private _nextHashCode: number;
constructor(jvm: JVM) {
this.jvm = jvm;
this.status = RuntimeStatus.New;
this.waiting = [];
this.threadCount = 0;
this.initialized = Object.create(null);
this.pending = {};
this.staticFields = {};
this.classObjects = {};
this.ctx = null;
this._runtimeId = RuntimeTemplate._nextRuntimeId ++;
this._nextHashCode = this._runtimeId << 24;
preInitializeClasses(ctx: Context) {
var prevCtx = $ ? $.ctx : null;
var preInit = CLASSES.preInitializedClasses;
for (var i = 0; i < preInit.length; i++) {
var runtimeKlass = this.getRuntimeKlass(preInit[i].klass);
var methodInfo = runtimeKlass.classObject.klass.classInfo.getMethodByNameString("initialize", "()V");
// runtimeKlass.classObject.initialize();
release || Debug.assert(!U, "Unexpected unwind during preInitializeClasses.");
if (prevCtx) {
* After class intialization is finished the init9 method will invoke this so
* any further initialize calls can be avoided. This isn't set on the first call
* to a class initializer because there can be multiple calls into initialize from
* different threads that need trigger the Class.initialize() code so they block.
setClassInitialized(runtimeKlass: RuntimeKlass) {
var className = runtimeKlass.templateKlass.classInfo.getClassNameSlow();
this.initialized[className] = true;
getRuntimeKlass(klass: Klass): RuntimeKlass {
var runtimeKlass = this[klass.classInfo.mangledName];
return runtimeKlass;
* Generates a new hash code for the specified |object|.
nextHashCode(): number {
return this._nextHashCode ++;
waitStatus(callback) {
updateStatus(status: RuntimeStatus) {
this.status = status;
var waiting = this.waiting;
this.waiting = [];
waiting.forEach(function (callback) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
// If the callback calls Runtime.prototype.waitStatus to continue waiting,
// then waitStatus will throw VM.Pause, which shouldn't propagate up to
// the caller of Runtime.prototype.updateStatus, so we silently ignore it
// (along with any other exceptions thrown by the callback, so they don't
// propagate to the caller of updateStatus).
addContext(ctx) {
removeContext(ctx) {
if (!--this.threadCount) {
newStringConstant(s: string): java.lang.String {
if (internedStrings.has(s)) {
return internedStrings.get(s);
var obj = J2ME.newString(s);
internedStrings.set(s, obj);
return obj;
setStatic(field, value) {
this.staticFields[field.id] = value;
getStatic(field) {
return this.staticFields[field.id];
newIOException(str?: string): java.io.IOException {
return <java.io.IOException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/io/IOException", str);
newUnsupportedEncodingException(str?: string): java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException {
return <java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException", str);
newUTFDataFormatException(str?: string): java.io.UTFDataFormatException {
return <java.io.UTFDataFormatException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/io/UTFDataFormatException", str);
newSecurityException(str?: string): java.lang.SecurityException {
return <java.lang.SecurityException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/SecurityException", str);
newIllegalThreadStateException(str?: string): java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException {
return <java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/IllegalThreadStateException", str);
newRuntimeException(str?: string): java.lang.RuntimeException {
return <java.lang.RuntimeException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/RuntimeException", str);
newIndexOutOfBoundsException(str?: string): java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return <java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException", str);
newArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(str?: string): java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
return <java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", str);
newStringIndexOutOfBoundsException(str?: string): java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException {
return <java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/StringIndexOutOfBoundsException", str);
newArrayStoreException(str?: string): java.lang.ArrayStoreException {
return <java.lang.ArrayStoreException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/ArrayStoreException", str);
newIllegalMonitorStateException(str?: string): java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException {
return <java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/IllegalMonitorStateException", str);
newClassCastException(str?: string): java.lang.ClassCastException {
return <java.lang.ClassCastException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/ClassCastException", str);
newArithmeticException(str?: string): java.lang.ArithmeticException {
return <java.lang.ArithmeticException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/ArithmeticException", str);
newClassNotFoundException(str?: string): java.lang.ClassNotFoundException {
return <java.lang.ClassNotFoundException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/ClassNotFoundException", str);
newIllegalArgumentException(str?: string): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
return <java.lang.IllegalArgumentException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/IllegalArgumentException", str);
newIllegalStateException(str?: string): java.lang.IllegalStateException {
return <java.lang.IllegalStateException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/IllegalStateException", str);
newNegativeArraySizeException(str?: string): java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException {
return <java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/NegativeArraySizeException", str);
newNullPointerException(str?: string): java.lang.NullPointerException {
return <java.lang.NullPointerException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/NullPointerException", str);
newMediaException(str?: string): javax.microedition.media.MediaException {
return <javax.microedition.media.MediaException>$.ctx.createException(
"javax/microedition/media/MediaException", str);
newInstantiationException(str?: string): java.lang.InstantiationException {
return <java.lang.InstantiationException>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/InstantiationException", str);
newException(str?: string): java.lang.Exception {
return <java.lang.Exception>$.ctx.createException(
"java/lang/Exception", str);
export enum VMState {
Running = 0,
Yielding = 1,
Pausing = 2,
Stopping = 3
/** @const */ export var MAX_PRIORITY: number = 10;
/** @const */ export var MIN_PRIORITY: number = 1;
/** @const */ export var NORMAL_PRIORITY: number = 5;
class PriorityQueue {
private _top: number;
private _queues: Context[][];
constructor() {
this._top = MIN_PRIORITY;
this._queues = [];
for (var i = MIN_PRIORITY; i <= MAX_PRIORITY; i++) {
this._queues[i] = [];
enqueue(ctx: Context) {
var priority = ctx.getPriority();
release || assert(priority >= MIN_PRIORITY && priority <= MAX_PRIORITY,
"Invalid priority: " + priority);
this._top = Math.max(priority, this._top);
dequeue(): Context {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return null;
var ctx = this._queues[this._top].shift();
while (this._queues[this._top].length === 0 && this._top > MIN_PRIORITY) {
return ctx;
isEmpty() {
return this._top === MIN_PRIORITY && this._queues[this._top].length === 0;
export class Runtime extends RuntimeTemplate {
private static _nextId: number = 0;
private static _runningQueue: PriorityQueue = new PriorityQueue();
private static _processQueueScheduled: boolean = false;
id: number;
* The thread scheduler uses green thread algorithm, which a non-preemptive,
* priority based algorithm.
* All Java threads have a priority and the thread with he highest priority
* is scheduled to run.
* In case two threads have the same priority a FIFO ordering is followed.
* A different thread is invoked to run only if the current thread blocks or
* terminates.
static scheduleRunningContext(ctx: Context) {
private static processRunningQueue() {
if (Runtime._processQueueScheduled) {
Runtime._processQueueScheduled = true;
(<any>window).setZeroTimeout(function() {
Runtime._processQueueScheduled = false;
try {
} finally {
if (!Runtime._runningQueue.isEmpty()) {
* Bailout callback whenever a JIT frame is unwound.
B(pc: number, nextPC: number, local: any [], stack: any [], lockObject: java.lang.Object) {
var methodInfo = jitMethodInfos[(<any>arguments.callee.caller).name];
release || assert(methodInfo !== undefined);
$.ctx.bailout(methodInfo, pc, nextPC, local, stack, lockObject);
* Bailout callback whenever a JIT frame is unwound that uses a slightly different calling
* convetion that makes it more convenient to emit in some cases.
T(location: UnwindThrowLocation, local: any [], stack: any [], lockObject: java.lang.Object) {
var methodInfo = jitMethodInfos[(<any>arguments.callee.caller).name];
release || assert(methodInfo !== undefined);
$.ctx.bailout(methodInfo, location.getPC(), location.getNextPC(), local, stack.slice(0, location.getSP()), lockObject);
yield(reason: string) {
unwindCount ++;
threadWriter && threadWriter.writeLn("yielding " + reason);
runtimeCounter && runtimeCounter.count("yielding " + reason);
U = VMState.Yielding;
pause(reason: string) {
unwindCount ++;
threadWriter && threadWriter.writeLn("pausing " + reason);
runtimeCounter && runtimeCounter.count("pausing " + reason);
U = VMState.Pausing;
stop() {
U = VMState.Stopping;
constructor(jvm: JVM) {
this.id = Runtime._nextId ++;
export class Class {
constructor(public klass: Klass) {
// ...
* Representation of a template class.
export interface Klass extends Function {
new (): java.lang.Object;
* Array klass of this klass, constructed via \arrayKlass\.
arrayKlass: Klass;
superKlass: Klass;
* Would be nice to remove this. So we try not to depend on it too much.
classInfo: ClassInfo;
* Flattened array of super klasses. This makes type checking easy,
* see |classInstanceOf|.
display: Klass [];
* Flattened array of super klasses. This makes type checking easy,
* see |classInstanceOf|.
interfaces: Klass [];
* Depth in the class hierarchy.
depth: number;
classSymbols: string [];
* Static constructor, not all klasses have one.
staticConstructor: () => void;
* Whether this class is an interface class.
isInterfaceKlass: boolean;
isArrayKlass: boolean;
elementKlass: Klass;
* Links class method.
m(index: number): Function;
* Linked class methods.
methods: Function[];
export class RuntimeKlass {
templateKlass: Klass;
* Java class object. This is only available on runtime klasses and it points to itself. We go trough
* this indirection in VM code for now so that we can easily change it later if we need to.
classObject: java.lang.Class;
* Whether this class is a runtime class.
// isRuntimeKlass: boolean;
constructor(templateKlass: Klass) {
this.templateKlass = templateKlass;
export class Lock {
ready: Context [];
waiting: Context [];
constructor(public thread: java.lang.Thread, public level: number) {
this.ready = [];
this.waiting = [];
function initializeClassObject(runtimeKlass: RuntimeKlass) {
linkWriter && linkWriter.writeLn("Initializing Class Object For: " + runtimeKlass.templateKlass);
release || assert(!runtimeKlass.classObject);
runtimeKlass.classObject = <java.lang.Class><any>new Klasses.java.lang.Class();
runtimeKlass.classObject.runtimeKlass = runtimeKlass;
var className = runtimeKlass.templateKlass.classInfo.getClassNameSlow();
if (className === "java/lang/Object" ||
className === "java/lang/Class" ||
className === "java/lang/String" ||
className === "java/lang/Thread") {
(<any>runtimeKlass.classObject).status = 4;
var fields = runtimeKlass.templateKlass.classInfo.getFields();
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var field = fields[i];
if (field.isStatic) {
var kind = getSignatureKind(field.utf8Signature);
var defaultValue;
switch (kind) {
case Kind.Reference:
defaultValue = null;
case Kind.Long:
defaultValue = Long.ZERO;
defaultValue = 0;
field.set(<java.lang.Object><any>runtimeKlass, defaultValue);
* Registers the klass as a getter on the runtime template. On first access, the getter creates a runtime klass and
* adds it to the runtime.
export function registerKlass(klass: Klass, classInfo: ClassInfo) {
linkWriter && linkWriter.writeLn("Registering Klass: " + classInfo.getClassNameSlow());
Object.defineProperty(RuntimeTemplate.prototype, classInfo.mangledName, {
configurable: true,
get: function () {
linkWriter && linkWriter.writeLn("Creating Runtime Klass: " + classInfo.getClassNameSlow());
release || assert(!(klass instanceof RuntimeKlass));
var runtimeKlass = new RuntimeKlass(klass);
Object.defineProperty(this, classInfo.mangledName, {
value: runtimeKlass
return runtimeKlass;
var unresolvedSymbols = Object.create(null);
function findKlass(classInfo: ClassInfo) {
if (unresolvedSymbols[classInfo.mangledName]) {
return null;
var klass = jsGlobal[classInfo.mangledName];
if (klass) {
return klass;
return null;
export function registerKlassSymbol(className: string) {
// TODO: This needs to be kept in sync to how mangleClass works.
var mangledName = mangleClassName(toUTF8(className));
if (RuntimeTemplate.prototype.hasOwnProperty(mangledName)) {
linkWriter && linkWriter.writeLn("Registering Klass Symbol: " + className);
if (!RuntimeTemplate.prototype.hasOwnProperty(mangledName)) {
Object.defineProperty(RuntimeTemplate.prototype, mangledName, {
configurable: true,
get: function lazyKlass() {
linkWriter && linkWriter.writeLn("Load Klass: " + className);
return this[mangledName]; // This should not be recursive at this point.
if (!jsGlobal.hasOwnProperty(mangledName)) {
unresolvedSymbols[mangledName] = true;
Object.defineProperty(jsGlobal, mangledName, {
configurable: true,
get: function () {
linkWriter && linkWriter.writeLn("Load Klass: " + className);
return this[mangledName]; // This should not be recursive at this point.
export function registerKlassSymbols(classNames: string []) {
for (var i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) {
var className = classNames[i];
function setKlassSymbol(mangledName: string, klass: Klass) {
Object.defineProperty(jsGlobal, mangledName, {
value: klass
function emitKlassConstructor(classInfo: ClassInfo, mangledName: string): Klass {
var klass: Klass;
// TODO: Creating and evaling a Klass here may be too slow at startup. Consider
// creating a closure, which will probably be slower at runtime.
var source = "";
var writer = new IndentingWriter(false, x => source += x + "\n");
var emitter = new Emitter(writer, false, true, true);
J2ME.emitKlass(emitter, classInfo);
(1, eval)(source);
// consoleWriter.writeLn("Synthesizing Klass: " + classInfo.getClassNameSlow());
// consoleWriter.writeLn(source);
klass = <Klass>jsGlobal[mangledName];
release || assert(klass, mangledName);
klass.toString = function () {
return "[Synthesized Klass " + classInfo.getClassNameSlow() + "]";
return klass;
export function getKlass(classInfo: ClassInfo): Klass {
if (!classInfo) {
return null;
if (classInfo.klass) {
return classInfo.klass;
return makeKlass(classInfo);
function makeKlass(classInfo: ClassInfo): Klass {
var klass = findKlass(classInfo);
if (klass) {
release || assert (!classInfo.isInterface, "Interfaces should not be compiled.");
linkWriter && linkWriter.greenLn("Found Compiled Klass: " + classInfo.getClassNameSlow());
release || assert(!classInfo.klass);
classInfo.klass = klass;
klass.toString = function () {
return "[Compiled Klass " + classInfo.getClassNameSlow() + "]";
if (klass.classSymbols) {
} else {
klass = makeKlassConstructor(classInfo);
release || assert(!classInfo.klass);
classInfo.klass = klass;
if (classInfo.superClass && !classInfo.superClass.klass &&
J2ME.phase === J2ME.ExecutionPhase.Runtime) {
var superKlass = getKlass(classInfo.superClass);
extendKlass(classInfo, klass, superKlass);
registerKlass(klass, classInfo);
if (classInfo instanceof ArrayClassInfo) {
klass.isArrayKlass = true;
var elementKlass = getKlass(classInfo.elementClass);
elementKlass.arrayKlass = klass;
klass.elementKlass = elementKlass;
klass.classInfo = classInfo;
if (!classInfo.isInterface) {
initializeInterfaces(klass, classInfo);
return klass;
function makeKlassConstructor(classInfo: ClassInfo): Klass {
var klass: Klass;
var mangledName = classInfo.mangledName;
if (classInfo.isInterface) {
klass = <Klass><any>function () {
Debug.unexpected("Should never be instantiated.")
klass.isInterfaceKlass = true;
klass.toString = function () {
return "[Interface Klass " + classInfo.getClassNameSlow() + "]";
setKlassSymbol(mangledName, klass);
} else if (classInfo instanceof ArrayClassInfo) {
var elementKlass = getKlass(classInfo.elementClass);
// Have we already created one? We need to maintain pointer identity.
if (elementKlass.arrayKlass) {
return elementKlass.arrayKlass;
klass = makeArrayKlassConstructor(elementKlass);
} else if (classInfo instanceof PrimitiveClassInfo) {
klass = <Klass><any>function () {
Debug.unexpected("Should never be instantiated.")
klass.toString = function () {
return "[Primitive Klass " + classInfo.getClassNameSlow() + "]";
} else {
klass = emitKlassConstructor(classInfo, mangledName);
return klass;
export function makeArrayKlassConstructor(elementKlass: Klass): Klass {
var klass = <Klass><any> getArrayConstructor(elementKlass.classInfo.getClassNameSlow());
if (!klass) {
klass = <Klass><any> function (size: number) {
var array = createEmptyObjectArray(size);
(<any>array).klass = klass;
return array;
klass.toString = function () {
return "[Array of " + elementKlass + "]";
} else {
release || assert(!klass.prototype.hasOwnProperty("klass"));
klass.prototype.klass = klass;
klass.toString = function () {
return "[Array of " + elementKlass + "]";
return klass;
* TODO: Find out if we need to also run class initialization here, or if the
* callers should be calling that instead of this.
export function linkKlass(classInfo: ClassInfo) {
// We shouldn't do any linking if we're not in the runtime phase.
if (phase !== ExecutionPhase.Runtime) {
if (classInfo.klass) {
enterTimeline("linkKlass", {classInfo: classInfo});
var mangledName = classInfo.mangledName;
var klass;
classInfo.klass = klass = getKlass(classInfo);
classInfo.klass.classInfo = classInfo;
if (classInfo instanceof PrimitiveClassInfo) {
switch (classInfo) {
case PrimitiveClassInfo.Z: Klasses.boolean = klass; break;
case PrimitiveClassInfo.C: Klasses.char = klass; break;
case PrimitiveClassInfo.F: Klasses.float = klass; break;
case PrimitiveClassInfo.D: Klasses.double = klass; break;
case PrimitiveClassInfo.B: Klasses.byte = klass; break;
case PrimitiveClassInfo.S: Klasses.short = klass; break;
case PrimitiveClassInfo.I: Klasses.int = klass; break;
case PrimitiveClassInfo.J: Klasses.long = klass; break;
default: J2ME.Debug.assertUnreachable("linking primitive " + classInfo.getClassNameSlow())
} else {
switch (classInfo.getClassNameSlow()) {
case "java/lang/Object": Klasses.java.lang.Object = klass; break;
case "java/lang/Class" : Klasses.java.lang.Class = klass; break;
case "java/lang/String": Klasses.java.lang.String = klass; break;
case "java/lang/Thread": Klasses.java.lang.Thread = klass; break;
case "java/lang/Exception": Klasses.java.lang.Exception = klass; break;
case "java/lang/InstantiationException": Klasses.java.lang.InstantiationException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException": Klasses.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/NegativeArraySizeException": Klasses.java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/IllegalStateException": Klasses.java.lang.IllegalStateException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/NullPointerException": Klasses.java.lang.NullPointerException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/RuntimeException": Klasses.java.lang.RuntimeException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException": Klasses.java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException": Klasses.java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/StringIndexOutOfBoundsException": Klasses.java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/ArrayStoreException": Klasses.java.lang.ArrayStoreException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/IllegalMonitorStateException": Klasses.java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/ClassCastException": Klasses.java.lang.ClassCastException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/ArithmeticException": Klasses.java.lang.ArithmeticException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/NegativeArraySizeException": Klasses.java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/ClassNotFoundException": Klasses.java.lang.ClassNotFoundException = klass; break;
case "javax/microedition/media/MediaException": Klasses.javax.microedition.media.MediaException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/SecurityException": Klasses.java.lang.SecurityException = klass; break;
case "java/lang/IllegalThreadStateException": Klasses.java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException = klass; break;
case "java/io/IOException": Klasses.java.io.IOException = klass; break;
case "java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException": Klasses.java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException = klass; break;
case "java/io/UTFDataFormatException": Klasses.java.io.UTFDataFormatException = klass; break;
linkWriter && linkWriter.writeLn("Link: " + classInfo.getClassNameSlow() + " -> " + klass);
if (klass === Klasses.java.lang.Object) {
extendKlass(classInfo, <Klass><any>Array, Klasses.java.lang.Object);
function findNativeMethodBinding(methodInfo: MethodInfo) {
var classBindings = Bindings[methodInfo.classInfo.getClassNameSlow()];
if (classBindings && classBindings.native) {
var method = classBindings.native[methodInfo.name + "." + methodInfo.signature];
if (method) {
return method;
return null;
function reportError(method, key) {
return function() {
try {
return method.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (e) {
// Filter JAVA exception and only report the native js exception, which
// cannnot be handled properly by the JAVA code.
if (!e.klass) {
stderrWriter.errorLn("Native " + key + " throws: " + e);
throw e;
function findNativeMethodImplementation(methodInfo: MethodInfo) {
var implKey = methodInfo.implKey;
// Look in bindings first.
var binding = findNativeMethodBinding(methodInfo);
if (binding) {
return release ? binding : reportError(binding, implKey);
if (methodInfo.isNative) {
if (implKey in Native) {
return release ? Native[implKey] : reportError(Native[implKey], implKey);
} else {
// Some Native MethodInfos are constructed but never called;
// that's fine, unless we actually try to call them.
return function missingImplementation() {
stderrWriter.errorLn("implKey " + implKey + " is native but does not have an implementation.");
} else if (implKey in Override) {
return release ? Override[implKey] : reportError(Override[implKey], implKey);
return null;
function prepareInterpretedMethod(methodInfo: MethodInfo): Function {
// Adapter for the most common case.
if (!methodInfo.isSynchronized && !methodInfo.hasTwoSlotArguments) {
var method = function fastInterpreterFrameAdapter() {
var frame = Frame.create(methodInfo, [], 0);
var j = 0;
if (!methodInfo.isStatic) {
frame.setLocal(j++, this);
var slots = methodInfo.argumentSlots;
for (var i = 0; i < slots; i++) {
frame.setLocal(j++, arguments[i]);
return $.ctx.executeFrames([frame]);
(<any>method).methodInfo = methodInfo;
return method;
var method = function interpreterFrameAdapter() {
var frame = Frame.create(methodInfo, [], 0);
var j = 0;
if (!methodInfo.isStatic) {
frame.setLocal(j++, this);
var typeDescriptors = methodInfo.signatureDescriptor.typeDescriptors;
release || assert (arguments.length === typeDescriptors.length - 1,
"Number of adapter frame arguments (" + arguments.length + ") does not match signature descriptor " +
for (var i = 1; i < typeDescriptors.length; i++) {
frame.setLocal(j++, arguments[i - 1]);
if (isTwoSlot(typeDescriptors[i].kind)) {
frame.setLocal(j++, null);
if (methodInfo.isSynchronized) {
if (!frame.lockObject) {
frame.lockObject = methodInfo.isStatic
? methodInfo.classInfo.getClassObject()
: frame.getLocal(0);
if (U === VMState.Pausing) {
return $.ctx.executeFrames([frame]);
(<any>method).methodInfo = methodInfo;
return method;
function findCompiledMethod(klass: Klass, methodInfo: MethodInfo): Function {
var fn = jsGlobal[methodInfo.mangledClassAndMethodName];
if (fn) {
methodInfo.onStackReplacementEntryPoints = aotMetaData[methodInfo.mangledClassAndMethodName].osr;
return fn;
if (enableCompiledMethodCache) {
var cachedMethod;
if ((cachedMethod = CompiledMethodCache.get(methodInfo.implKey))) {
cachedMethodCount ++;
linkMethod(methodInfo, cachedMethod.source, cachedMethod.referencedClasses, cachedMethod.onStackReplacementEntryPoints);
return jsGlobal[methodInfo.mangledClassAndMethodName];
* Creates convenience getters / setters on Java objects.
function linkKlassFields(klass: Klass) {
var classInfo = klass.classInfo;
var fields = classInfo.getFields();
var classBindings = Bindings[klass.classInfo.getClassNameSlow()];
if (classBindings && classBindings.fields) {
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var field = fields[i];
// TODO Startup Performance: This iterates over all the fields then looks for symbols
// that need to be linked. We should instead scan the symbol list and then look for
// matching fields in the class. Doing this will avoid creating the key below that is
// only used to lookup symbols.
var key = ByteStream.readString(field.utf8Name) + "." + ByteStream.readString(field.utf8Signature);
var symbols = field.isStatic ? classBindings.fields.staticSymbols :
if (symbols && symbols[key]) {
release || assert(!field.isStatic, "Static fields are not supported yet.");
var symbolName = symbols[key];
var object = field.isStatic ? klass : klass.prototype;
release || assert (!object.hasOwnProperty(symbolName), "Should not overwrite existing properties.");
var getter = FunctionUtilities.makeForwardingGetter(field.mangledName);
var setter;
if (release) {
setter = FunctionUtilities.makeForwardingSetter(field.mangledName);
} else {
setter = FunctionUtilities.makeDebugForwardingSetter(field.mangledName, getKindCheck(field.kind));
Object.defineProperty(object, symbolName, {
get: getter,
set: setter,
configurable: true,
enumerable: false
delete symbols[key];
if (!release) {
if (classBindings.fields.staticSymbols) {
var staticSymbols = Object.keys(classBindings.fields.staticSymbols);
assert(staticSymbols.length === 0, "Unlinked symbols: " + staticSymbols.join(", "));
if (classBindings.fields.instanceSymbols) {
var instanceSymbols = Object.keys(classBindings.fields.instanceSymbols);
assert(instanceSymbols.length === 0, "Unlinked symbols: " + instanceSymbols.join(", "));
function profilingWrapper(fn: Function, methodInfo: MethodInfo, methodType: MethodType) {
return function (a, b, c, d) {
var key = MethodType[methodType];
if (methodType === MethodType.Interpreted) {
key += methodInfo.isSynchronized ? " Synchronized" : "";
key += methodInfo.exception_table_length ? " Has Exceptions" : "";
// key += " " + methodInfo.implKey;
// var key = methodType !== MethodType.Interpreted ? MethodType[methodType] : methodInfo.implKey;
// var key = MethodType[methodType] + " " + methodInfo.implKey;
var s = bytecodeCount;
try {
var r;
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
r = fn.call(this);
case 1:
r = fn.call(this, a);
case 2:
r = fn.call(this, a, b);
case 3:
r = fn.call(this, a, b, c);
r = fn.apply(this, arguments);
methodTimeline.leave(key, s !== bytecodeCount ? { bytecodeCount: bytecodeCount - s } : undefined);
} catch (e) {
methodTimeline.leave(key, s !== bytecodeCount ? { bytecodeCount: bytecodeCount - s } : undefined);
throw e;
return r;
function tracingWrapper(fn: Function, methodInfo: MethodInfo, methodType: MethodType) {
return function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
traceWriter.enter("> " + MethodType[methodType][0] + " " + methodInfo.implKey + " " + (methodInfo.stats.callCount ++));
var s = performance.now();
var value = fn.apply(this, args);
return value;
export function getLinkedMethod(methodInfo: MethodInfo) {
if (methodInfo.fn) {
return methodInfo.fn;
linkKlassMethod(methodInfo.classInfo.klass, methodInfo);
assert (methodInfo.fn);
return methodInfo.fn;
function linkKlassMethod(klass: Klass, methodInfo: MethodInfo) {
runtimeCounter && runtimeCounter.count("linkKlassMethod");
var fn;
var methodType;
var classBindings = Bindings[klass.classInfo.getClassNameSlow()];
var nativeMethod = findNativeMethodImplementation(methodInfo);
if (nativeMethod) {
linkWriter && linkWriter.writeLn("Method: " + methodInfo.name + methodInfo.signature + " -> Native / Override");
fn = nativeMethod;
methodType = MethodType.Native;
methodInfo.state = MethodState.Compiled;
} else {
fn = findCompiledMethod(klass, methodInfo);
if (fn) {
linkWriter && linkWriter.greenLn("Method: " + methodInfo.name + methodInfo.signature + " -> Compiled");
methodType = MethodType.Compiled;
// Save method info so that we can figure out where we are bailing
// out from.
jitMethodInfos[fn.name] = methodInfo;
methodInfo.state = MethodState.Compiled;
} else {
linkWriter && linkWriter.warnLn("Method: " + methodInfo.name + methodInfo.signature + " -> Interpreter");
methodType = MethodType.Interpreted;
fn = prepareInterpretedMethod(methodInfo);
if (false && methodTimeline) {
fn = profilingWrapper(fn, methodInfo, methodType);
if (traceWriter) {
fn = tracingWrapper(fn, methodInfo, methodType);
klass.methods[methodInfo.index] = methodInfo.fn = fn;
if (!methodInfo.isStatic && methodInfo.virtualName) {
release || assert(klass.prototype.hasOwnProperty(methodInfo.virtualName));
klass.prototype[methodInfo.virtualName] = fn;
if (classBindings && classBindings.methods && classBindings.methods.instanceSymbols) {
var methodKey = classBindings.methods.instanceSymbols[methodInfo.name + "." + methodInfo.signature];
if (methodKey) {
klass.prototype[methodKey] = fn;
function linkKlassMethods(klass: Klass) {
var methods = klass.classInfo.getMethods();
if (!methods) {
linkWriter && linkWriter.enter("Link Klass Methods: " + klass);
var methods = klass.classInfo.getMethods();
var vTable = klass.classInfo.vTable;
if (vTable) {
// Eagerly install interface forwarders.
for (var i = 0; i < vTable.length; i++) {
var methodInfo = vTable[i];
if (methodInfo.implementsInterface) {
release || assert(methodInfo.mangledName);
klass.prototype[methodInfo.mangledName] = makeInterfaceMethodForwarder(methodInfo.vTableIndex);
linkWriter && linkWriter.outdent();
* Creates lookup tables used to efficiently implement type checks.
function initializeKlassTables(klass: Klass) {
linkWriter && linkWriter.writeLn("initializeKlassTables: " + klass);
klass.depth = klass.superKlass ? klass.superKlass.depth + 1 : 0;
assert (klass.display === undefined, "Display should only be defined once.")
var display = klass.display = new Array(32);
var i = klass.depth;
while (klass) {
display[i--] = klass;
klass = klass.superKlass;
release || assert(i === -1, i);
function initializeInterfaces(klass: Klass, classInfo: ClassInfo) {
release || assert (!klass.interfaces);
var interfaces = klass.interfaces = klass.superKlass ? klass.superKlass.interfaces.slice() : [];
var interfaceClassInfos = classInfo.getAllInterfaces();
if (interfaceClassInfos) {
for (var j = 0; j < interfaceClassInfos.length; j++) {
ArrayUtilities.pushUnique(interfaces, getKlass(interfaceClassInfos[j]));
// Links the virtual method at a given index.
function linkVirtualMethodByIndex(self: java.lang.Object, index: number) {
// Self is the object on which the trampoline is called. We want to figure
// out the appropriate prototype object where we need to link the method. To
// do this we look at self's class vTable, then find out the class of the
// bound method and then call linkKlassMethod to patch it on the appropriate
// prototype.
var klass = self.klass;
var classInfo = klass.classInfo;
var methodInfo = classInfo.vTable[index];
var methodKlass = methodInfo.classInfo.klass;
linkKlassMethod(methodKlass, methodInfo);
release || assert(methodInfo.fn);
return methodInfo.fn;
// Cache interface forwarders.
var interfaceMethodForwarders = new Array(256);
// Creates a forwarder function that dispatches to a specified virtual
// name. These are used for interface dispatch.
function makeInterfaceMethodForwarder(index: number) {
var forwarder = interfaceMethodForwarders[index];
if (forwarder) {
return forwarder;
runtimeCounter && runtimeCounter.count("makeInterfaceMethodForwarder");
return interfaceMethodForwarders[index] = function () {
return this["v" + index].apply(this, arguments);
// Cache virtual trampolines.
var virtualMethodTrampolines = new Array(256);
// Creates a reusable trampoline function for a given index in the vTable.
function makeVirtualMethodTrampoline(index: number) {
var trampoline = virtualMethodTrampolines[index];
if (trampoline) {
return trampoline;
runtimeCounter && runtimeCounter.count("makeVirtualMethodTrampoline");
return virtualMethodTrampolines[index] = function vTrampoline() {
return linkVirtualMethodByIndex(this, index).apply(this, arguments);
function linkMethodByIndex(klass: Klass, index: number) {
var methodInfo = klass.classInfo.getMethodByIndex(index);
linkKlassMethod(klass, methodInfo);
release || assert(methodInfo.fn);
return methodInfo.fn;
function makeMethodTrampoline(klass: Klass, index: number) {
runtimeCounter && runtimeCounter.count("makeMethodTrampoline");
return function () {
return linkMethodByIndex(klass, index).apply(this, arguments);
// Inserts trampolines for virtual methods on prototype objects whenever new methods
// are defined. Inherited methods don't need trampolines since they already have them
// in the super class prototypes.
function initializeKlassVirtualMethodTrampolines(classInfo: ClassInfo, klass: Klass) {
var vTable = classInfo.vTable;
for (var i = 0; i < vTable.length; i++) {
if (vTable[i].classInfo === classInfo) {
runtimeCounter && runtimeCounter.count("fillTrampoline");
// TODO: Uncomment this assertion. Array prototype has Object prototype on the
// prototype hierarchy, and trips this assert since it already has the virtual
// trampolines installed.
// assert (!klass.prototype.hasOwnProperty("v" + i));
klass.prototype["v" + i] = makeVirtualMethodTrampoline(i);
function initializeKlassMethodTrampolines(classInfo: ClassInfo, klass: Klass) {
var count = classInfo.getMethodCount();
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
klass["m" + i] = makeMethodTrampoline(klass, i);
function klassMethodLink(index: number) {
var klass: Klass = this;
var fn = klass.methods[index];
if (fn) {
return fn;
linkKlassMethod(klass, klass.classInfo.getMethodByIndex(index));
release || assert(klass.methods[index], "Method should be linked now.");
return klass.methods[index];
export function extendKlass(classInfo: ClassInfo, klass: Klass, superKlass: Klass) {
klass.superKlass = superKlass;
if (superKlass) {
if (isPrototypeOfFunctionMutable(klass)) {
linkWriter && linkWriter.writeLn("Extending: " + klass + " -> " + superKlass);
klass.prototype = Object.create(superKlass.prototype);
release || assert((<any>Object).getPrototypeOf(klass.prototype) === superKlass.prototype);
} else {
release || assert(!superKlass.superKlass, "Should not have a super-super-klass.");
for (var key in superKlass.prototype) {
klass.prototype[key] = superKlass.prototype[key];
} else {
klass.prototype = {};
klass.prototype.klass = klass;
initializeKlassVirtualMethodTrampolines(classInfo, klass);
// Method linking.
klass.m = klassMethodLink;
klass.methods = new Array(classInfo.getMethodCount());
* Number of methods that have been compiled thus far.
export var compiledMethodCount = 0;
* Number of methods that have been loaded from the code cache thus far.
export var cachedMethodCount = 0;
* Number of methods that have been loaded from ahead of time compiled code thus far.
export var aotMethodCount = 0;
* Number of ms that have been spent compiled code thus far.
var totalJITTime = 0;
* Compiles method and links it up at runtime.
export function compileAndLinkMethod(methodInfo: MethodInfo) {
// Don't do anything if we're past the compiled state.
if (methodInfo.state >= MethodState.Compiled) {
// Don't compile methods that are too large.
if (methodInfo.codeAttribute.code.length > 2000) {
jitWriter && jitWriter.writeLn("Not compiling: " + methodInfo.implKey + " because it's too large. " + methodInfo.codeAttribute.code.length);
methodInfo.state = MethodState.NotCompiled;
if (enableCompiledMethodCache) {
var cachedMethod;
if (cachedMethod = CompiledMethodCache.get(methodInfo.implKey)) {
cachedMethodCount ++;
jitWriter && jitWriter.writeLn("Getting " + methodInfo.implKey + " from compiled method cache");
return linkMethod(methodInfo, cachedMethod.source, cachedMethod.referencedClasses, cachedMethod.onStackReplacementEntryPoints);
var mangledClassAndMethodName = methodInfo.mangledClassAndMethodName;
jitWriter && jitWriter.enter("Compiling: " + methodInfo.implKey + ", currentBytecodeCount: " + methodInfo.stats.bytecodeCount);
var s = performance.now();
var compiledMethod;
try {
compiledMethod = baselineCompileMethod(methodInfo, CompilationTarget[enableCompiledMethodCache ? "Static" : "Runtime"]);
compiledMethodCount ++;
} catch (e) {
methodInfo.state = MethodState.CannotCompile;
jitWriter && jitWriter.writeLn("Cannot compile: " + methodInfo.implKey + " because of " + e);
var compiledMethodName = mangledClassAndMethodName;
var source = "function " + compiledMethodName +
"(" + compiledMethod.args.join(",") + ") {\n" +
compiledMethod.body +
codeWriter && codeWriter.writeLns(source);
var referencedClasses = compiledMethod.referencedClasses.map(function(v) { return v.getClassNameSlow() });
if (enableCompiledMethodCache) {
key: methodInfo.implKey,
source: source,
referencedClasses: referencedClasses,
onStackReplacementEntryPoints: compiledMethod.onStackReplacementEntryPoints
linkMethod(methodInfo, source, referencedClasses, compiledMethod.onStackReplacementEntryPoints);
var methodJITTime = (performance.now() - s);
totalJITTime += methodJITTime;
if (jitWriter) {
"Compilation Done: " + methodJITTime.toFixed(2) + " ms, " +
"codeSize: " + methodInfo.codeAttribute.code.length + ", " +
"sourceSize: " + compiledMethod.body.length);
jitWriter.writeLn("Total: " + totalJITTime.toFixed(2) + " ms");
* Links up compiled method at runtime.
export function linkMethod(methodInfo: MethodInfo, source: string, referencedClasses: string[], onStackReplacementEntryPoints: any) {
jitWriter && jitWriter.writeLn("Link method: " + methodInfo.implKey);
enterTimeline("Eval Compiled Code");
// This overwrites the method on the global object.
(1, eval)(source);
leaveTimeline("Eval Compiled Code");
var mangledClassAndMethodName = methodInfo.mangledClassAndMethodName;
var fn = jsGlobal[mangledClassAndMethodName];
methodInfo.fn = fn;
methodInfo.state = MethodState.Compiled;
methodInfo.onStackReplacementEntryPoints = onStackReplacementEntryPoints;
// Link member methods on the prototype.
if (!methodInfo.isStatic) {
var klass = methodInfo.classInfo.klass;
klass.prototype[methodInfo.mangledName] = fn;
if (methodInfo.virtualName) {
klass.prototype[methodInfo.virtualName] = fn;
// Make JITed code available in the |jitMethodInfos| so that bailout
// code can figure out the caller.
jitMethodInfos[mangledClassAndMethodName] = methodInfo;
// Make sure all the referenced symbols are registered.
for (var i = 0; i < referencedClasses.length; i++) {
export function isAssignableTo(from: Klass, to: Klass): boolean {
if (to.isInterfaceKlass) {
return from.interfaces.indexOf(to) >= 0;
} else if (to.isArrayKlass) {
if (!from.isArrayKlass) {
return false;
return isAssignableTo(from.elementKlass, to.elementKlass);
return from.display[to.depth] === to;
export function instanceOfKlass(object: java.lang.Object, klass: Klass): boolean {
return object !== null && isAssignableTo(object.klass, klass);
export function instanceOfInterface(object: java.lang.Object, klass: Klass): boolean {
release || assert(klass.isInterfaceKlass);
return object !== null && isAssignableTo(object.klass, klass);
export function checkCastKlass(object: java.lang.Object, klass: Klass) {
if (object !== null && !isAssignableTo(object.klass, klass)) {
throw $.newClassCastException();
export function checkCastInterface(object: java.lang.Object, klass: Klass) {
if (object !== null && !isAssignableTo(object.klass, klass)) {
throw $.newClassCastException();
function createEmptyObjectArray(size: number) {
var array = new Array(size);
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
array[i] = null;
return array;
export function newObject(klass: Klass): java.lang.Object {
return new klass();
export function newString(str: string): java.lang.String {
if (str === null || str === undefined) {
return null;
var object = <java.lang.String>newObject(Klasses.java.lang.String);
object.str = str;
return object;
export function newStringConstant(str: string): java.lang.String {
return $.newStringConstant(str);
export function newArray(klass: Klass, size: number) {
if (size < 0) {
throw $.newNegativeArraySizeException();
var constructor: any = getArrayKlass(klass);
return new constructor(size);
export function newMultiArray(klass: Klass, lengths: number[]) {
var length = lengths[0];
var array = newArray(klass.elementKlass, length);
if (lengths.length > 1) {
lengths = lengths.slice(1);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
array[i] = newMultiArray(klass.elementKlass, lengths);
return array;
export function newObjectArray(size: number): java.lang.Object[] {
return newArray(Klasses.java.lang.Object, size);
export function newStringArray(size: number): java.lang.String[] {
return newArray(Klasses.java.lang.String, size);
export function newByteArray(size: number): number[] {
return newArray(Klasses.byte, size);
export function newIntArray(size: number): number[] {
return newArray(Klasses.int, size);
export function getArrayKlass(elementKlass: Klass): Klass {
// Have we already created one? We need to maintain pointer identity.
if (elementKlass.arrayKlass) {
return elementKlass.arrayKlass;
var className = elementKlass.classInfo.getClassNameSlow();
if (!(elementKlass.classInfo instanceof PrimitiveClassInfo) && className[0] !== "[") {
className = "L" + className + ";";
className = "[" + className;
return getKlass(CLASSES.getClass(className));
export function toDebugString(value: any): string {
if (typeof value !== "object") {
return String(value);
if (value === undefined) {
return "undefined";
if (!value) {
return "null";
if (!value.klass) {
return "no klass";
if (!value.klass.classInfo) {
return value.klass + " no classInfo"
var hashcode = "";
if (value._hashCode) {
hashcode = " 0x" + value._hashCode.toString(16).toUpperCase();
if (value instanceof Klasses.java.lang.String) {
return "\"" + value.str + "\"";
return "[" + value.klass.classInfo.getClassNameSlow() + hashcode + "]";
export function fromJavaString(value: java.lang.String): string {
if (!value) {
return null;
return value.str;
export function checkDivideByZero(value: number) {
if (value === 0) {
throw $.newArithmeticException("/ by zero");
export function checkDivideByZeroLong(value: Long) {
if (value.isZero()) {
throw $.newArithmeticException("/ by zero");
* Do bounds check using only one branch. The math works out because array.length
* can't be larger than 2^31 - 1. So |index| >>> 0 will be larger than
* array.length if it is less than zero. We need to make the right side unsigned
* as well because otherwise the SM optimization that converts this to an
* unsinged branch doesn't kick in.
export function checkArrayBounds(array: any [], index: number) {
if ((index >>> 0) >= (array.length >>> 0)) {
throw $.newArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(String(index));
export function checkArrayStore(array: java.lang.Object, value: any) {
var arrayKlass = array.klass;
if (value && !isAssignableTo(value.klass, arrayKlass.elementKlass)) {
throw $.newArrayStoreException();
export function checkNull(object: java.lang.Object) {
if (!object) {
throw $.newNullPointerException();
export enum Constants {
BYTE_MIN = -128,
BYTE_MAX = 127,
SHORT_MIN = -32768,
SHORT_MAX = 32767,
CHAR_MAX = 65535,
INT_MIN = -2147483648,
INT_MAX = 2147483647
export function monitorEnter(object: J2ME.java.lang.Object) {
export function monitorExit(object: J2ME.java.lang.Object) {
export function translateException(e) {
if (e.name === "TypeError") {
// JavaScript's TypeError is analogous to a NullPointerException.
return $.newNullPointerException(e.message);
return e;
var initializeMethodInfo = null;
export function classInitCheck(classInfo: ClassInfo) {
if (classInfo instanceof ArrayClassInfo || $.initialized[classInfo.getClassNameSlow()]) {
var runtimeKlass = $.getRuntimeKlass(classInfo.klass);
if (!initializeMethodInfo) {
initializeMethodInfo = Klasses.java.lang.Class.classInfo.getMethodByNameString("initialize", "()V");
* Last time we preempted a thread.
var lastPreemption = 0;
* Number of ms between preemptions, chosen arbitrarily.
var preemptionInterval = 100;
* Number of preemptions thus far.
export var preemptionCount = 0;
* TODO: We will almost always preempt the next time we call this if the application
* has been idle. Figure out a better heurisitc here, maybe measure the frequency at
* at which |checkPreemption| is invoked and ony preempt if the frequency is sustained
* for a longer period of time *and* the time since we last preempted is above the
* |preemptionInterval|.
export function preempt() {
var now = performance.now();
var elapsed = now - lastPreemption;
if (elapsed > preemptionInterval) {
lastPreemption = now;
preemptionCount ++;
threadWriter && threadWriter.writeLn("Preemption timeout: " + elapsed.toFixed(2) + " ms, samples: " + PS + ", count: " + preemptionCount);
export class UnwindThrowLocation {
static instance: UnwindThrowLocation = new UnwindThrowLocation();
pc: number;
sp: number;
nextPC: number;
constructor() {
this.pc = 0;
this.sp = 0;
this.nextPC = 0;
setLocation(pc: number, nextPC: number, sp: number) {
this.pc = pc;
this.sp = sp;
this.nextPC = nextPC;
return this;
getPC() {
return this.pc;
getSP() {
return this.sp;
getNextPC() {
return this.nextPC;
* Generic unwind throw.
export function throwUnwind(pc: number, nextPC: number = pc + 3, sp: number = 0) {
throw UnwindThrowLocation.instance.setLocation(pc, nextPC, sp);
* Unwind throws with different stack heights. This is useful so we can
* save a few bytes encoding the stack height in the function name.
export function throwUnwind0(pc: number, nextPC: number = pc + 3) {
throwUnwind(pc, nextPC, 0);
export function throwUnwind1(pc: number, nextPC: number = pc + 3) {
throwUnwind(pc, nextPC, 1);
export function throwUnwind2(pc: number, nextPC: number = pc + 3) {
throwUnwind(pc, nextPC, 2);
export function throwUnwind3(pc: number, nextPC: number = pc + 3) {
throwUnwind(pc, nextPC, 3);
export function throwUnwind4(pc: number, nextPC: number = pc + 3) {
throwUnwind(pc, nextPC, 4);
export function throwUnwind5(pc: number, nextPC: number = pc + 3) {
throwUnwind(pc, nextPC, 5);
export function throwUnwind6(pc: number, nextPC: number = pc + 3) {
throwUnwind(pc, nextPC, 6);
export function throwUnwind7(pc: number, nextPC: number = pc + 3) {
throwUnwind(pc, nextPC, 7);
var Runtime = J2ME.Runtime;
var AOTMD = J2ME.aotMetaData;
* Are we currently unwinding the stack because of a Yield? This technically
* belonges to a context but we store it in the global object because it is
* read very often.
var U: J2ME.VMState = J2ME.VMState.Running;
// Several unwind throws for different stack heights.
var B0 = J2ME.throwUnwind0;
var B1 = J2ME.throwUnwind1;
var B2 = J2ME.throwUnwind2;
var B3 = J2ME.throwUnwind3;
var B4 = J2ME.throwUnwind4;
var B5 = J2ME.throwUnwind5;
var B6 = J2ME.throwUnwind6;
var B7 = J2ME.throwUnwind7;
* OSR Frame.
var O: J2ME.Frame = null;
* Runtime exports for compiled code.
* DO NOT use these short names outside of compiled code.
var IOK = J2ME.instanceOfKlass;
var IOI = J2ME.instanceOfInterface;
var CCK = J2ME.checkCastKlass;
var CCI = J2ME.checkCastInterface;
var AK = J2ME.getArrayKlass;
var NA = J2ME.newArray;
var NM = J2ME.newMultiArray;
var SC = J2ME.newStringConstant;
var CDZ = J2ME.checkDivideByZero;
var CDZL = J2ME.checkDivideByZeroLong;
var CAB = J2ME.checkArrayBounds;
var CAS = J2ME.checkArrayStore;
var ME = J2ME.monitorEnter;
var MX = J2ME.monitorExit;
var TE = J2ME.translateException;
var PE = J2ME.preempt;
var PS = 0; // Preemption samples.