зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pluotsorbet.git
289 строки
8.5 KiB
289 строки
8.5 KiB
///<reference path='build/j2me-jsc.d.ts' />
var jsGlobal = (function() { return this || (1, eval)('this'); })();
if (!jsGlobal.performance) {
jsGlobal.performance = {};
if (!jsGlobal.performance.now) {
jsGlobal.performance.now = typeof dateNow !== 'undefined' ? dateNow : Date.now;
declare var load: (string) => void;
load("libs/relooper.js"); // Load before we polyfill the window object.
var CC = {};
// Define objects and functions that j2me.js expects
// but are unavailable in the shell environment.
jsGlobal.window = {
setZeroTimeout: function(callback) {
addEventListener: function() {
crypto: {
getRandomValues: function() {
jsGlobal.navigator = {
language: "en-US",
jsGlobal.document = {
documentElement: {
classList: {
add: function() {
querySelector: function() {
return {
addEventListener: function() {
getElementById: function() {
return {
addEventListener: function() {
getContext: function() {
getBoundingClientRect: function() {
return { top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
addEventListener: function() {
jsGlobal.config = {
logConsole: "native",
args: "",
jsGlobal.Promise = function() {
module J2ME {
declare var process, require, global, quit, help, scriptArgs, arguments, snarf, ZipFile, JARStore;
var isNode = typeof process === 'object';
var writer: IndentingWriter;
var rootPath = "";
function loadFiles(...files: string[]) {
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
load(rootPath + files[i]);
loadFiles("libs/long.js", "blackBox.js", "build/j2me-jsc.js", "libs/zipfile.js", "libs/jarstore.js", "libs/encoding.js", "util.js");
phase = ExecutionPhase.Compiler;
writer = new IndentingWriter();
var verboseOption: Options.Option;
var classpathOption: Options.Option;
var callGraphOption: Options.Option;
var jarFileFilterOption: Options.Option;
var classFileFilterOption: Options.Option;
var classFilterOption: Options.Option;
var methodFilterOption: Options.Option;
var methodFileFilterOption: Options.Option;
var fileFilterOption: Options.Option;
var debuggerOption: Options.Option;
var releaseOption: Options.Option;
function main(commandLineArguments: string []) {
var options = new Options.OptionSet("J2ME");
var shellOptions = options.register(new Options.OptionSet(""));
verboseOption = shellOptions.register(new Options.Option("v", "verbose", "boolean", false, "Verbose"));
classpathOption = shellOptions.register(new Options.Option("cp", "classpath", "string []", [], "Compile ClassPath"));
callGraphOption = shellOptions.register(new Options.Option("cg", "callGraph", "string []", [], "Call Grpah Files"));
jarFileFilterOption = shellOptions.register(new Options.Option("jf", "jarFileFilter", "string", "", "Compile Jar File Filter"));
classFileFilterOption = shellOptions.register(new Options.Option("cff", "classFileFilter", "string", "", "Compile Class File Filter"));
methodFileFilterOption = shellOptions.register(new Options.Option("mff", "methodFileFilter", "string", "", "Compile Metgod File Filter"));
classFilterOption = shellOptions.register(new Options.Option("cf", "classFilter", "string", ".*", "Compile Class Filter"));
methodFilterOption = shellOptions.register(new Options.Option("mf", "methodFilter", "string", "", "Compile Method Filter"));
fileFilterOption = shellOptions.register(new Options.Option("ff", "fileFilter", "string", ".*", "Compile File Filter"));
debuggerOption = shellOptions.register(new Options.Option("d", "debugger", "boolean", false, "Emit Debug Information"));
releaseOption = shellOptions.register(new Options.Option("r", "release", "boolean", false, "Release mode"));
var argumentParser = new Options.ArgumentParser();
function printUsage() {
writer.enter("J2ME Command Line Interface");
argumentParser.addArgument("h", "help", "boolean", {
parse: function (x) {
var files = [];
// Try and parse command line arguments.
try {
classpathOption.value.filter(function (value, index, array) {
if (value.endsWith(".jar")) {
} else {
return true;
callGraphOption.value.filter(function (value, index, array) {
if (value.endsWith(".json")) {
var calls = JSON.parse(snarf(value));
var Y = {};
Y["java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.write.(I)V"] = true;
var changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
for (var k in calls) {
if (Y[k]) {
for (var z in Y) {
if (calls[k].indexOf(z) >= 0) {
Y[k] = true;
changed = true;
writer.writeLn(JSON.stringify(Y, null, 2));
} else {
return true;
} catch (x) {
var jarFiles = Object.create(null);
var jvm = new JVM();
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];
if (file.endsWith(".jar")) {
if (verboseOption.value) {
writer.writeLn("Loading: " + file);
var data = snarf(file, "binary").buffer
JARStore.addBuiltIn(file, data);
jarFiles[file] = new ZipFile(data);
if (verboseOption.value) {
writer.writeLn("Compiling Pattern: " + classFilterOption.value + " " + classFileFilterOption.value + " " + methodFileFilterOption.value);
var classNameList;
if (classFileFilterOption.value) {
var file;
try {
file = snarf(classFileFilterOption.value, "text");
} catch (e) {
if (file) {
classNameList = file.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\n").split("\n");
var methodFilterList = null;
if (methodFileFilterOption.value) {
var file;
try {
file = snarf(methodFileFilterOption.value, "text");
} catch (e) {
if (file) {
methodFilterList = [];
var lines = file.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\n").split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// Trim Whitespace
var line = lines[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (line === "") {
function jarFilter(file): boolean {
if (jarFileFilterOption.value) {
return file === jarFileFilterOption.value;
return true;
function classFilter(classInfo: ClassInfo): boolean {
if (classNameList) {
return classNameList.indexOf(classInfo.getClassNameSlow()) >= 0;
} else if (classFilterOption.value) {
return !!classInfo.getClassNameSlow().match(classFilterOption.value);
return false;
if (methodFilterOption.value) {
methodFilterList = [methodFilterOption.value];
stdoutWriter.writeLn("var start = performance.now();");
compile(jvm, jarFiles, jarFilter, classFilter, methodFilterList, fileFilterOption.value, debuggerOption.value);
stdoutWriter.writeLn("console.log(\"Loaded " + jarFileFilterOption.value + " in \" + (performance.now() - start).toFixed(2) + \" ms.\");");
if (methodFilterList !== null && methodFilterList.length) {
stderrWriter.enter("The following method(s) in the method filter list failed to compile or were not found:");
for (var i = 0; i < methodFilterList.length; i++) {
if (verboseOption.value) {
// ...
var commandLineArguments: string [];
// Shell Entry Point
if (typeof help === "function") {
// SpiderMonkey
if (typeof scriptArgs === "undefined") {
commandLineArguments = arguments;
} else {
commandLineArguments = scriptArgs;
} else if (isNode) {
// node.js
var commandLineArguments: string[] =
Array.prototype.slice.call(process.argv, 2);