зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pluotsorbet.git
783 строки
20 KiB
783 строки
20 KiB
'use strict';
var DEBUG_FS = false;
var fs = (function() {
var Store = function() {
this.map = new Map();
// Pending changes to the persistent datastore, indexed by record key.
// Changes can represent puts or deletes and comprise a type and (for puts)
// the value to write:
// key: { type: "delete" } or key: { type: "put", value: <value> }
// We index by key, storing only the most recent change for a given key,
// to coalesce multiple changes, so that we always sync only the most recent
// change for a given record.
this.changesToSync = new Map();
this.db = null;
Store.DBNAME = "asyncStorage";
Store.DBVERSION = 2;
Store.DBSTORENAME = "fs";
Store.prototype.init = function(cb) {
var openreq = indexedDB.open(Store.DBNAME, Store.DBVERSION);
openreq.onerror = function() {
console.error("error opening database: " + openreq.error.name);
openreq.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("upgrade needed from " + event.oldVersion + " to " + event.newVersion); }
var db = event.target.result;
var transaction = openreq.transaction;
if (event.oldVersion == 0) {
// If the database doesn't exist yet, then all we have to do
// is create the object store for the latest version of the database.
} else if (event.oldVersion == 1) {
// Create new object store.
var newObjectStore = openreq.result.createObjectStore(Store.DBSTORENAME);
// Iterate the keys in the old object store and copy their values
// to the new one, converting them from old- to new-style records.
var oldObjectStore = transaction.objectStore("keyvaluepairs");
var oldRecords = {};
oldObjectStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function(event) {
var cursor = event.target.result;
if (cursor) {
oldRecords[cursor.key] = cursor.value;
// Convert the old records to new ones.
for (var key in oldRecords) {
// Records that start with an exclamation mark are stats,
// which we don't iterate (but do use below when processing
// their equivalent data records).
if (key[0] == "!") {
var oldRecord = oldRecords[key];
var oldStat = oldRecords["!" + key];
var newRecord = oldStat;
if (newRecord.isDir) {
newRecord.files = oldRecord;
} else {
newRecord.data = oldRecord;
newObjectStore.put(newRecord, key);
openreq.onsuccess = (function() {
this.db = openreq.result;
Store.prototype.getItem = function(key, cb) {
if (this.map.has(key)) {
var value = this.map.get(key);
window.setZeroTimeout(function() { cb(value) });
} else {
var transaction = this.db.transaction(Store.DBSTORENAME, "readonly");
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("get " + key + " initiated"); }
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore(Store.DBSTORENAME);
var req = objectStore.get(key);
req.onerror = function() {
console.error("Error getting " + key + ": " + req.error.name);
transaction.oncomplete = (function() {
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("get " + key + " completed"); }
var value = req.result;
if (value === undefined) {
value = null;
this.map.set(key, value);
Store.prototype.setItem = function(key, value) {
this.map.set(key, value);
this.changesToSync.set(key, { type: "put", value: value });
Store.prototype.removeItem = function(key) {
this.map.set(key, null);
this.changesToSync.set(key, { type: "delete" });
Store.prototype.clear = function() {
var transaction = this.db.transaction(Store.DBSTORENAME, "readwrite");
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("clear initiated"); }
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore(Store.DBSTORENAME);
var req = objectStore.clear();
req.onerror = function() {
console.error("Error clearing store: " + req.error.name);
transaction.oncomplete = function() {
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("clear completed"); }
Store.prototype.purge = function(cb) {
cb = cb || function() {};
// We have to sync to the persistent store before we purge the memory cache
// to ensure a caller who writes data to a file, purges the cache, and then
// immediately reads the file will get the data.
this.sync((function() {
Store.prototype.sync = function(cb) {
cb = cb || function() {};
// If there are no changes to sync, merely call the callback
// (in a timeout so the callback always gets called asynchronously).
if (this.changesToSync.size == 0) {
var transaction = this.db.transaction(Store.DBSTORENAME, "readwrite");
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("sync initiated"); }
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore(Store.DBSTORENAME);
this.changesToSync.forEach((function(change, key) {
var req;
if (change.type == "put") {
req = objectStore.put(change.value, key);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("put " + key); }
req.onerror = function() {
console.error("Error putting " + key + ": " + req.error.name);
} else if (change.type == "delete") {
req = objectStore.delete(key);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("delete " + key); }
req.onerror = function() {
console.error("Error deleting " + key + ": " + req.error.name);
transaction.oncomplete = function() {
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("sync completed"); }
var store = new Store();
var FileBuffer = function(array) {
this.array = array;
this.contentSize = array.byteLength;
FileBuffer.prototype.setSize = function(newContentSize) {
if (newContentSize < this.array.byteLength) {
this.contentSize = newContentSize;
var newBufferSize = 512;
// The buffer grows exponentially until the content size
// reaches 65536. After this threshold, it starts to grow
// linearly in increments of 65536 bytes.
if (newContentSize < 65536) {
while (newContentSize > newBufferSize) {
newBufferSize <<= 1;
} else {
while (newContentSize > newBufferSize) {
newBufferSize += 65536;
var newArray = new Uint8Array(newBufferSize);
this.array = newArray;
this.contentSize = newContentSize;
FileBuffer.prototype.getContent = function() {
return this.array.subarray(0, this.contentSize);
function normalizePath(path) {
// Remove a trailing slash.
if (path.length != 1 && path.lastIndexOf("/") == path.length-1) {
path = path.substring(0, path.length-1);
// Coalesce multiple consecutive slashes.
path = path.replace(/\/{2,}/, "/");
// XXX Replace "." and ".." parts.
return path;
function dirname(path) {
path = normalizePath(path);
var index = path.lastIndexOf("/");
if (index == -1) {
return ".";
while (index >= 0 && path[index] == "/") {
var dir = path.slice(0, index + 1);
if (dir == "") {
dir = "/";
return dir;
function basename(path) {
return path.slice(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
function initRootDir(cb) {
store.getItem("/", function(data) {
if (data) {
} else {
store.setItem("/", {
isDir: true,
mtime: Date.now(),
files: [],
function init(cb) {
store.init(function() {
initRootDir(cb || function() {});
var openedFiles = [null, null, null];
function open(path, cb) {
path = normalizePath(path);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs open " + path); }
store.getItem(path, function(record) {
if (record == null || record.isDir) {
} else {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("loadend", function() {
var fd = openedFiles.push({
dirty: false,
path: path,
buffer: new FileBuffer(new Uint8Array(reader.result)),
position: 0,
record: record,
}) - 1;
function close(fd) {
if (fd >= 0 && openedFiles[fd]) {
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs close " + openedFiles[fd].path); }
openedFiles.splice(fd, 1, null);
function read(fd, from, to) {
if (!openedFiles[fd]) {
return null;
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs read " + openedFiles[fd].path); }
var buffer = openedFiles[fd].buffer;
if (typeof from === "undefined") {
from = openedFiles[fd].position;
if (!to || to > buffer.contentSize) {
to = buffer.contentSize;
if (from > buffer.contentSize) {
from = buffer.contentSize;
openedFiles[fd].position += to - from;
return buffer.array.subarray(from, to);
function write(fd, data, from) {
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs write " + openedFiles[fd].path); }
if (typeof from == "undefined") {
from = openedFiles[fd].position;
var buffer = openedFiles[fd].buffer;
if (from > buffer.contentSize) {
from = buffer.contentSize;
var newLength = (from + data.byteLength > buffer.contentSize) ? (from + data.byteLength) : (buffer.contentSize);
buffer.array.set(data, from);
var file = openedFiles[fd];
file.position = from + data.byteLength;
file.record.mtime = Date.now();
file.record.size = buffer.contentSize;
file.dirty = true;
function getpos(fd) {
return openedFiles[fd].position;
function setpos(fd, pos) {
openedFiles[fd].position = pos;
function getsize(fd) {
if (!openedFiles[fd]) {
return -1;
return openedFiles[fd].buffer.contentSize;
function flush(fd) {
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs flush " + openedFiles[fd].path); }
var openedFile = openedFiles[fd];
// Bail early if the file has not been modified.
if (!openedFile.dirty) {
openedFile.record.data = new Blob([openedFile.buffer.getContent()]);
store.setItem(openedFile.path, openedFile.record);
openedFile.dirty = false;
function flushAll() {
for (var fd = 0; fd < openedFiles.length; fd++) {
if (!openedFiles[fd] || !openedFiles[fd].dirty) {
// After flushing to the in-memory datastore, sync it to the persistent one.
// We might want to decouple this from the flushAll calls, so we can do them
// at different interval (f.e. flushing to memory every five seconds
// but only syncing to the persistent datastore every minute or so), though
// we should continue to do both immediately on pagehide.
// Due to bug #227, we don't support Object::finalize(). But the Java
// filesystem implementation requires the `finalize` method to save cached
// file data if user doesn't flush or close the file explicitly. To avoid
// losing data, we flush files periodically.
setInterval(flushAll, 5000);
// Flush files when app goes into background.
window.addEventListener("pagehide", flushAll);
function list(path, cb) {
path = normalizePath(path);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs list " + path); }
store.getItem(path, function(record) {
if (record == null || !record.isDir) {
} else {
function exists(path, cb) {
path = normalizePath(path);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs exists " + path); }
store.getItem(path, function(record) {
cb(record ? true : false);
function truncate(path, cb) {
path = normalizePath(path);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs truncate " + path); }
store.getItem(path, function(record) {
if (record == null || record.isDir) {
} else {
record.data = new Blob();
record.mtime = Date.now();
record.size = 0;
store.setItem(path, record);
function ftruncate(fd, size) {
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs ftruncate " + openedFiles[fd].path); }
var file = openedFiles[fd];
if (size != file.buffer.contentSize) {
file.dirty = true;
file.record.mtime = Date.now();
file.record.size = size;
function remove(path, cb) {
path = normalizePath(path);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs remove " + path); }
if (openedFiles.findIndex(function(file) { return file && file.path === path; }) != -1) {
setZeroTimeout(function() { cb(false); });
store.getItem(path, function(record) {
// If it's a directory that isn't empty, then we can't remove it.
if (record && record.isDir && record.files.length > 0) {
var name = basename(path);
var dir = dirname(path);
store.getItem(dir, function(parentRecord) {
var index = -1;
// If it isn't in the parent directory, then we can't remove it.
if (parentRecord == null || (index = parentRecord.files.indexOf(name)) < 0) {
parentRecord.files.splice(index, 1);
store.setItem(dir, parentRecord);
function createInternal(path, record, cb) {
var name = basename(path);
var dir = dirname(path);
store.getItem(dir, function(parentRecord) {
// If the parent directory doesn't exist or isn't a directory,
// then we can't create the file.
if (parentRecord == null || !parentRecord.isDir) {
// If the file already exists, we can't create it.
if (parentRecord.files.indexOf(name) >= 0) {
store.setItem(dir, parentRecord);
store.setItem(path, record);
function create(path, blob, cb) {
path = normalizePath(path);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs create " + path); }
var record = {
isDir: false,
mtime: Date.now(),
data: blob,
size: blob.size,
createInternal(path, record, cb);
function mkdir(path, cb) {
path = normalizePath(path);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs mkdir " + path); }
var record = {
isDir: true,
mtime: Date.now(),
files: [],
createInternal(path, record, cb);
function mkdirp(path, cb) {
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs mkdirp " + path); }
if (path[0] !== "/") {
console.error("mkdirp called on relative path: " + path);
// Split the path into parts across "/", discarding the initial, empty part.
var parts = normalizePath(path).split("/").slice(1);
var partPath = "";
function mkpart(created) {
if (!created) {
return cb(false);
if (!parts.length) {
return cb(true);
partPath += "/" + parts.shift();
store.getItem(partPath, function(record) {
if (!record) {
// The part doesn't exist; make it, then continue to next part.
mkdir(partPath, mkpart);
else if (record.isDir) {
// The part exists and is a directory; continue to next part.
else {
// The part exists but isn't a directory; fail.
console.error("mkdirp called on path with non-dir part: " + partPath);
function size(path, cb) {
path = normalizePath(path);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs size " + path); }
store.getItem(path, function(record) {
if (record == null || record.isDir) {
} else {
// Callers of this function should make sure
// newPath doesn't exist.
function rename(oldPath, newPath, cb) {
oldPath = normalizePath(oldPath);
newPath = normalizePath(newPath);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs rename " + oldPath + " -> " + newPath); }
if (openedFiles.findIndex(function(file) { return file && file.path === oldPath; }) != -1) {
setZeroTimeout(function() { cb(false); });
store.getItem(oldPath, function(oldRecord) {
// If the old path doesn't exist, we can't move it.
if (oldRecord == null) {
// If the old path is a dir with files in it, we don't move it.
// XXX Shouldn't we move it along with its files?
if (oldRecord.isDir && oldRecord.files.length > 0) {
remove(oldPath, function(removed) {
if (!removed) {
if (oldRecord.isDir) {
mkdir(newPath, cb);
} else {
create(newPath, oldRecord.data, cb);
function stat(path, cb) {
path = normalizePath(path);
if (DEBUG_FS) { console.log("fs stat " + path); }
var file = openedFiles.find(function (file) { return file && file.path === path });
if (file) {
var stat = {
isDir: file.record.isDir,
mtime: file.record.mtime,
size: file.record.size,
setZeroTimeout(function() { cb(stat); });
store.getItem(path, function(record) {
if (record == null) {
var stat = {
isDir: record.isDir,
mtime: record.mtime,
size: record.size,
function clear(cb) {
initRootDir(cb || function() {});
function syncStore(cb) {
function purgeStore(cb) {
var _creatingFile = false;
var _creatingQueue = [];
function createUniqueFile(parentDir, completeName, blob, callback) {
if (_creatingFile) {
parentDir: parentDir,
completeName: completeName,
blob: blob,
callback: callback
_creatingFile = true;
var name = completeName;
var ext = "";
var extIndex = name.lastIndexOf(".");
if (extIndex !== -1) {
ext = name.substring(extIndex);
name = name.substring(0, extIndex);
var i = 0;
function tryFile(fileName) {
exists(parentDir + "/" + fileName, function(exists) {
if (exists) {
tryFile(name + "-" + i + ext);
} else {
mkdir(parentDir, function() {
create(parentDir + "/" + fileName, blob, function() {
_creatingFile = false;
if (_creatingQueue.length > 0) {
var tmp = _creatingQueue.shift();
createUniqueFile(tmp.parentDir, tmp.completeName, tmp.blob, tmp.callback);
return {
dirname: dirname,
init: init,
open: open,
close: close,
read: read,
write: write,
getpos: getpos,
setpos: setpos,
getsize: getsize,
flush: flush,
list: list,
exists: exists,
truncate: truncate,
ftruncate: ftruncate,
remove: remove,
create: create,
mkdir: mkdir,
mkdirp: mkdirp,
size: size,
rename: rename,
stat: stat,
clear: clear,
syncStore: syncStore,
purgeStore: purgeStore,
createUniqueFile: createUniqueFile,