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683 строки
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683 строки
25 KiB
/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* vim: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
'use strict';
var RECORD_STORE_BASE = "/RecordStore";
// The filesystem roots, which are used by both FileSystemRegistry.getRootsImpl
// and System.getProperty to provide inquiring midlets with the list. Each root
// must have a trailing slash. See FileSystemRegistry.listRoots for more info.
MIDP.fsRoots = [
// The names here should be localized.
MIDP.fsRootNames = [
"Memory card",
"Phone memory",
function getAbsolutePath(jPath) {
return "/" + util.decodeUtf8(jPath);
Native.create("com/sun/midp/io/j2me/storage/File.initConfigRoot.(I)Ljava/lang/String;", function(storageId) {
return "assets/" + storageId + "/";
Native.create("com/sun/midp/io/j2me/storage/File.initStorageRoot.(I)Ljava/lang/String;", function(storageId) {
return "assets/" + storageId + "/";
Native.create("com/sun/midp/midletsuite/MIDletSuiteStorage.getSecureFilenameBase.(I)Ljava/lang/String;", function(id) {
return "";
function(filenameBase, name, ext) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var path = RECORD_STORE_BASE + "/" + util.fromJavaString(filenameBase) + "/" + util.fromJavaString(name) + "." + ext;
fs.exists(path, resolve);
}, true);
function(filenameBase, name, ext) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var path = RECORD_STORE_BASE + "/" + util.fromJavaString(filenameBase) + "/" + util.fromJavaString(name) + "." + ext;
fs.remove(path, resolve);
}, true);
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreFile.spaceAvailableNewRecordStore0.(Ljava/lang/String;I)I", function(filenameBase, storageId) {
// Pretend there is 50MiB available. Our implementation is backed
// by IndexedDB, which has no actual limit beyond space available on device,
// which I don't think we can determine. But this should be sufficient
// to convince the MIDlet to use the API as needed.
return 50 * 1024 * 1024;
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreFile.spaceAvailableRecordStore.(ILjava/lang/String;I)I", function(handle, filenameBase, storageId) {
// Pretend there is 50MiB available. Our implementation is backed
// by IndexedDB, which has no actual limit beyond space available on device,
// which I don't think we can determine. But this should be sufficient
// to convince the MIDlet to use the API as needed.
return 50 * 1024 * 1024;
function(filenameBase, name, ext) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var path = RECORD_STORE_BASE + "/" + util.fromJavaString(filenameBase) + "/" + util.fromJavaString(name) + "." + ext;
function openCallback(fd) {
if (fd == -1) {
reject(new JavaException("java/io/IOException", "openRecordStoreFile: open failed"));
} else {
resolve(fd); // handle
fs.exists(path, function(exists) {
if (exists) {
fs.open(path, openCallback);
} else {
// Per the reference impl, create the file if it doesn't exist.
var dirname = fs.dirname(path);
fs.mkdirp(dirname, function(created) {
if (created) {
fs.create(path, new Blob(), function(created) {
if (created) {
fs.open(path, openCallback);
else {
reject(new JavaException("java/io/IOException", "openRecordStoreFile: create failed"));
} else {
reject(new JavaException("java/io/IOException", "openRecordStoreFile: mkdirp failed"));
}, true);
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreFile.setPosition.(II)V", function(handle, pos) {
fs.setpos(handle, pos);
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreFile.readBytes.(I[BII)I", function(handle, buf, offset, numBytes) {
var from = fs.getpos(handle);
var to = from + numBytes;
var readBytes = fs.read(handle, from, to);
if (readBytes.byteLength <= 0) {
throw new JavaException("java/io/IOException", "handle invalid or segment indices out of bounds");
var subBuffer = buf.subarray(offset, offset + readBytes.byteLength);
for (var i = 0; i < readBytes.byteLength; i++) {
subBuffer[i] = readBytes[i];
return readBytes.byteLength;
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreFile.writeBytes.(I[BII)V", function(handle, buf, offset, numBytes) {
fs.write(handle, buf.subarray(offset, offset + numBytes));
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreFile.commitWrite.(I)V", function(handle) {
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreFile.closeFile.(I)V", function(handle) {
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreFile.truncateFile.(II)V", function(handle, size) {
fs.ftruncate(handle, size);
MIDP.RecordStoreCache = [];
function(suiteId, jStoreName, headerDataSize) {
var storeName = util.fromJavaString(jStoreName);
var sharedHeader =
MIDP.RecordStoreCache.filter(function(v) { return (v && v.suiteId == suiteId && v.storeName == storeName); })[0];
if (!sharedHeader) {
sharedHeader = {
suiteId: suiteId,
storeName: storeName,
headerVersion: 0,
headerData: null,
headerDataSize: headerDataSize,
refCount: 0,
// Use cache indices as IDs, so we can look up objects by index.
lookupId: MIDP.RecordStoreCache.length,
return sharedHeader.lookupId;
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreSharedDBHeader.shareCachedData0.(I[BI)I", function(lookupId, headerData, headerDataSize) {
var sharedHeader = MIDP.RecordStoreCache[lookupId];
if (!sharedHeader) {
throw new JavaException("java/lang/IllegalStateException", "invalid header lookup ID");
if (!headerData) {
throw new JavaException("java/lang/IllegalArgumentException", "header data is null");
var size = headerDataSize;
if (size > sharedHeader.headerDataSize) {
size = sharedHeader.headerDataSize;
sharedHeader.headerData = headerData.buffer.slice(0, size);
return sharedHeader.headerVersion;
function(lookupId, headerData, headerDataSize, headerVersion) {
var sharedHeader = MIDP.RecordStoreCache[lookupId];
if (!sharedHeader) {
throw new JavaException("java/lang/IllegalStateException", "invalid header lookup ID");
if (!headerData) {
throw new JavaException("java/lang/IllegalArgumentException", "header data is null");
if (sharedHeader.headerVersion > headerVersion && sharedHeader.headerData) {
var size = sharedHeader.headerDataSize;
if (size > headerDataSize) {
size = headerDataSize;
var sharedHeaderData = new Int8Array(sharedHeader.headerData);
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
headerData[i] = sharedHeaderData[i];
return sharedHeader.headerVersion;
return headerVersion;
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreSharedDBHeader.getHeaderRefCount0.(I)I", function(lookupId) {
var sharedHeader = MIDP.RecordStoreCache[lookupId];
if (!sharedHeader) {
throw new JavaException("java/lang/IllegalStateException", "invalid header lookup ID");
return sharedHeader.refCount;
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreSharedDBHeader.cleanup0.()V", function() {
var lookupId = this.class.getField("I.lookupId.I").get(this);
if (MIDP.RecordStoreCache[lookupId] &&
--MIDP.RecordStoreCache[lookupId].refCount <= 0) {
// Set to null instead of removing from array to maintain
// correspondence between lookup IDs and array indices.
MIDP.RecordStoreCache[lookupId] = null;
// In the reference implementation, finalize is identical to cleanup0.
Native["com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreSharedDBHeader.finalize.()V"] =
function(suiteId, storeName) {
console.warn("RecordStoreRegistry.getRecordStoreListeners.(IL...String;)[I not implemented (" +
suiteId + ", " + util.fromJavaString(storeName) + ")");
return null;
function(suiteId, storeName, changeType, recordId) {
console.warn("RecordStoreRegistry.sendRecordStoreChangeEvent.(IL...String;II)V not implemented (" +
suiteId + ", " + util.fromJavaString(storeName) + ", " + changeType + ", " + recordId + ")");
function(suiteId, storeName) {
console.warn("RecordStoreRegistry.startRecordStoreListening.(IL...String;)V not implemented (" +
suiteId + ", " + util.fromJavaString(storeName) + ")");
function(suiteId, storeName) {
console.warn("RecordStoreRegistry.stopRecordStoreListening.(IL...String;)V not implemented (" +
suiteId + ", " + util.fromJavaString(storeName) + ")");
Native.create("com/sun/midp/rms/RecordStoreRegistry.stopAllRecordStoreListeners.(I)V", function(taskId) {
console.warn("RecordStoreRegistry.stopAllRecordStoreListeners.(I)V not implemented (" + taskId + ")");
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.isValidFilenameImpl.([B)Z", function(path) {
var invalid = ['<', '>', ':', '"', '/', '\\', '|', '*', '?'].map(function(char) {
return char.charCodeAt(0);
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (path[i] <= 31 || invalid.indexOf(path[i]) != -1) {
return false;
return true;
Override.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.decode.(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;", function(string) {
return decodeURIComponent(util.fromJavaString(string));
Override.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.encode.(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;", function(string) {
return util.fromJavaString(string).replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_\.!~\*\\'()/:]/g, encodeURIComponent);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.totalSizeImpl.([B)J", function(root) {
console.warn("Connection.totalSizeImpl.([B)J not implemented (" + util.decodeUtf8(root) + ")");
return Long.fromNumber(-1);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.usedSizeImpl.([B)J", function(root) {
console.warn("Connection.usedSizeImpl.([B)J not implemented (" + util.decodeUtf8(root) + ")");
return Long.fromNumber(-1);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.availableSizeImpl.([B)J", function(root) {
console.warn("Connection.availableSizeImpl.([B)J not implemented (" + util.decodeUtf8(root) + ")");
// Pretend there is 1 GB available
return Long.fromNumber(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.existsImpl.([B)Z", function(path) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.exists(getAbsolutePath(path), resolve);
}, true);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.directorySizeImpl.([BZ)J", function(path, includeSubDirs) {
console.warn("Connection.directorySizeImpl.([BZ)J not implemented (" + getAbsolutePath(path) + ", " + includeSubDirs + ")");
return Long.fromNumber(0);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.fileSizeImpl.([B)J", function(path) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.size(getAbsolutePath(path), function(size) {
}, true);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.isDirectoryImpl.([B)Z", function(path) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.stat(getAbsolutePath(path), function(stat) {
resolve(!!stat && stat.isDir);
}, true);
function(jPath, filterArray, includeHidden) {
var path = getAbsolutePath(jPath);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var filter = "";
if (filterArray) {
filter = util.decodeUtf8(filterArray);
if (filter.contains("?")) {
console.warn("Our implementation of Connection::listImpl assumes the filter doesn't contain the ? wildcard character");
// Translate the filter to a regular expression
// Escape regular expression (everything but * and ?)
// Source of the regexp: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions
filter = filter.replace(/([.+^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
// Transform * to .+
filter = filter.replace(/\*/g, ".*");
// Require filter to match from the beginning to the end.
filter = "^" + filter + "$";
fs.list(path, function(error, files) {
// For these exceptions, we append a URL representation of the path
// in Connection.listInternal, so we don't have to implement getURL
// in native code.
if (error && error.message == "Path does not exist") {
return reject(new JavaException("java/io/IOException", "Directory does not exist: "));
if (error && error.message == "Path is not a directory") {
return reject(new JavaException("java/io/IOException", "Connection is open on a file: "));
var regexp = new RegExp(filter);
files = files.filter(regexp.test.bind(regexp));
var filesArray = util.newArray("[[B", files.length);
var encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8");
files.forEach(function(file, i) {
var bytesFile = encoder.encode(file);
var fileArray = util.newPrimitiveArray("B", bytesFile.byteLength);
filesArray[i] = fileArray;
}, true);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.mkdirImpl.([B)I", function(path) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.mkdir(getAbsolutePath(path), function(created) {
// IBM's implementation returns different error numbers, we don't care
resolve(created ? 0 : 42);
}, true);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.newFileImpl.([B)I", function(jPath) {
var path = getAbsolutePath(jPath);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.stat(path, function(stat) {
if (stat !== null) {
resolve(stat.isDir ? 3 : 1);
} else {
fs.create(path, new Blob(), function(created) {
resolve(created ? 0 : 42);
}, true);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.deleteFileImpl.([B)Z", function(path) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.remove(getAbsolutePath(path), resolve);
}, true);
Native["com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.deleteDirImpl.([B)Z"] =
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.isReadOnlyImpl.([B)Z", function(path) {
console.warn("Connection.isReadOnlyImpl.([B)Z not implemented (" + getAbsolutePath(path) + ")");
return false;
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.isWriteOnlyImpl.([B)Z", function(path) {
console.warn("Connection.isWriteOnlyImpl.([B)Z not implemented (" + getAbsolutePath(path) + ")");
return false;
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.lastModifiedImpl.([B)J", function(path) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.stat(getAbsolutePath(path), function(stat) {
resolve(Long.fromNumber(stat != null ? stat.mtime : 0));
}, true);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.renameImpl.([B[B)V", function(oldPath, newPath) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.rename(getAbsolutePath(oldPath), getAbsolutePath(newPath), function(renamed) {
if (!renamed) {
reject(new JavaException("java/io/IOException", "Rename failed"));
}, true);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/Connection.truncateImpl.([BJ)V", function(path, newLength, _) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.open(getAbsolutePath(path), function(fd) {
if (fd == -1) {
reject(new JavaException("java/io/IOException", "truncate failed"));
fs.ftruncate(fd, newLength.toNumber());
}, true);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/FCInputStream.openImpl.([B)I", function(path) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.open(getAbsolutePath(path), resolve);
}, true);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/FCInputStream.availableImpl.(I)I", function(fd) {
return fs.getsize(fd) - fs.getpos(fd);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/FCInputStream.skipImpl.(JI)J", function(count, _, fd) {
var curpos = fs.getpos(fd);
var size = fs.getsize(fd);
if (curpos + count.toNumber() > size) {
fs.setpos(fd, size);
return Long.fromNumber(size - curpos);
fs.setpos(fd, curpos + count.toNumber());
return count;
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/FCInputStream.readImpl.([BIII)I", function(buffer, offset, count, fd) {
if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || offset > buffer.byteLength || (buffer.byteLength - offset) < count) {
throw new JavaException("java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException");
if (buffer.byteLength == 0 || count == 0) {
return 0;
var curpos = fs.getpos(fd);
var data = fs.read(fd, curpos, curpos + count);
buffer.set(data, offset);
return (data.byteLength > 0) ? data.byteLength : -1;
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/FCInputStream.readByteImpl.(I)I", function(fd) {
var curpos = fs.getpos(fd);
var data = fs.read(fd, curpos, curpos+1);
return (data.byteLength > 0) ? data[0] : -1;
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/FCInputStream.closeImpl.(I)V", function(fd) {
if (fd >= 0) {
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/FCOutputStream.closeImpl.(I)V", function(fd) {
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/FCOutputStream.openImpl.([B)I", function(jPath) {
var path = getAbsolutePath(jPath);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.exists(path, function(exists) {
if (exists) {
fs.open(path, function(fd) {
if (fd != -1) {
fs.ftruncate(fd, 0);
} else {
fs.create(path, new Blob(), function(created) {
if (created) {
fs.open(path, resolve);
} else {
}, true);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/FCOutputStream.openOffsetImpl.([BJ)I", function(jPath, offset, _) {
var path = getAbsolutePath(jPath);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
function open() {
fs.open(path, function(fd) {
fs.setpos(fd, offset.toNumber());
fs.exists(path, function(exists) {
if (exists) {
} else {
fs.create(path, new Blob(), function(created) {
if (created) {
} else {
}, true);
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/FCOutputStream.syncImpl.(I)V", function(fd) {
Native.create("com/ibm/oti/connection/file/FCOutputStream.writeByteImpl.(II)V", function(val, fd) {
var buf = new Uint8Array(1);
buf[0] = val;
fs.write(fd, buf);
function(byteArray, offset, count, fd) {
fs.write(fd, byteArray.subarray(offset, offset+count));
Native.create("com/sun/midp/io/j2me/storage/RandomAccessStream.open.(Ljava/lang/String;I)I", function(fileName, mode) {
var path = "/" + util.fromJavaString(fileName);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
function open() {
fs.open(path, function(fd) {
if (fd == -1) {
reject(new JavaException("java/io/IOException",
"RandomAccessStream::open(" + path + ") failed opening the file"));
} else {
fs.exists(path, function(exists) {
if (exists) {
} else if (mode == 1) {
reject(new JavaException("java/io/IOException", "RandomAccessStream::open(" + path + ") file doesn't exist"));
} else {
fs.create(path, new Blob(), function(created) {
if (created) {
} else {
reject(new JavaException("java/io/IOException",
"RandomAccessStream::open(" + path + ") failed creating the file"));
}, true);
function(handle, buffer, offset, length) {
var from = fs.getpos(handle);
var to = from + length;
var readBytes = fs.read(handle, from, to);
if (readBytes.byteLength <= 0) {
return -1;
var subBuffer = buffer.subarray(offset, offset + readBytes.byteLength);
for (var i = 0; i < readBytes.byteLength; i++) {
subBuffer[i] = readBytes[i];
return readBytes.byteLength;
function(handle, buffer, offset, length) {
fs.write(handle, buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length));
Native.create("com/sun/midp/io/j2me/storage/RandomAccessStream.commitWrite.(I)V", function(handle) {
Native.create("com/sun/midp/io/j2me/storage/RandomAccessStream.position.(II)V", function(handle, position) {
fs.setpos(handle, position);
Native.create("com/sun/midp/io/j2me/storage/RandomAccessStream.sizeOf.(I)I", function(handle) {
var size = fs.getsize(handle);
if (size == -1) {
throw new JavaException("java/io/IOException", "RandomAccessStream::sizeOf(" + handle + ") failed");
return size;
Native.create("com/sun/midp/io/j2me/storage/RandomAccessStream.close.(I)V", function(handle) {
Native.create("javax/microedition/io/file/FileSystemRegistry.initImpl.()V", function() {
console.warn("javax/microedition/io/file/FileSystemRegistry.initImpl.()V not implemented");
Native.create("javax/microedition/io/file/FileSystemRegistry.getRootsImpl.()[Ljava/lang/String;", function() {
var array = util.newArray("[Ljava/lang/String;", MIDP.fsRoots.length);
for (var i = 0; i < MIDP.fsRoots.length; i++) {
array[i] = util.newString(MIDP.fsRoots[i]);
return array;