зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon.git
148 строки
5.0 KiB
148 строки
5.0 KiB
DC := $(shell which docker-compose)
DOCKER := $(shell which docker)
# Don't use this instance in a production setting. More info at:
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#runserver
SITE_URL ?= http://localhost:8000
.PHONY: build build-translate build-tagadmin build-server server-env setup run clean shell ci test test-translate test-tagadmin test-server jest pytest format lint types eslint prettier check-prettier ruff check-ruff dropdb dumpdb loaddb sync-projects requirements
@echo "Welcome to Pontoon!\n"
@echo "The list of commands for local development:\n"
@echo " build Builds the docker images for the docker-compose setup"
@echo " build-translate Builds just the translate frontend component"
@echo " build-tagadmin Builds just the tag-admin frontend component"
@echo " build-server Builds just the Django server image"
@echo " server-env Regenerates the env variable file used by server"
@echo " setup Configures a local instance after a fresh build"
@echo " run Runs the whole stack, served on http://localhost:8000/"
@echo " clean Forces a rebuild of docker containers"
@echo " shell Opens a Bash shell in a server docker container"
@echo " ci Test and lint all code"
@echo " test Runs all test suites"
@echo " test-translate Runs the translate frontend test suite (Jest)"
@echo " test-tagadmin Runs the tag-admin test suite (Jest)"
@echo " test-server Runs the server test suite (Pytest)"
@echo " format Runs all formatters"
@echo " lint Runs all linters"
@echo " types Runs the tsc compiler to check TypeScript on all frontend code"
@echo " eslint Runs a code linter on the JavaScript code"
@echo " prettier Runs the Prettier formatter"
@echo " check-prettier Runs a check for format issues with the Prettier formatter"
@echo " dropdb Completely remove the postgres container and its data"
@echo " ruff Runs the ruff formatter on all Python code"
@echo " check-ruff Runs a check for format issues with the ruff formatter"
@echo " dumpdb Create a postgres database dump with timestamp used as file name"
@echo " loaddb Load a database dump into postgres, file name in DB_DUMP_FILE"
@echo " sync-projects Runs the synchronization task on all projects"
@echo " requirements Compiles all requirements files with pip-compile\n"
make build-translate
make build-tagadmin
make build-server
npm install
build: build-translate build-tagadmin build-server
build-translate: node_modules
npm run build -w translate
build-tagadmin: node_modules
npm run build -w tag-admin
build-server: server-env translate/dist tag-admin/dist
"${DC}" build --build-arg USER_ID=$(USER_ID) --build-arg GROUP_ID=$(GROUP_ID) server
touch .server-build
sed -e 's/#SITE_URL#/$(subst /,\/,${SITE_URL})/g' \
./docker/config/server.env.template > ./docker/config/server.env
setup: .server-build
"${DC}" run server //app/docker/server_setup.sh
run: translate/dist tag-admin/dist .server-build
"${DC}" up --detach
bash -c 'set -m; bash ./bin/watch.sh'
"${DC}" stop
rm -rf translate/dist tag-admin/dist .server-build
"${DC}" run --rm server //bin/bash
ci: test lint
test: test-server test-translate test-tagadmin
test-translate: jest
npm test -w translate
npm test -w tag-admin
test-server: pytest
"${DC}" run ${run_opts} --rm server pytest --cov-report=xml:pontoon/coverage.xml --cov=. $(opts)
format: prettier ruff
lint: types eslint check-prettier check-ruff
npm run types -w translate
npm run eslint
npm run prettier
npm run check-prettier
"${DC}" run --rm server ruff check --fix pontoon/
"${DC}" run --rm server ruff format pontoon/
"${DC}" run --rm server ruff check pontoon
"${DC}" run --rm server ruff format --check pontoon
"${DC}" down --volumes postgresql
"${DOCKER}" exec -t `"${DC}" ps -q postgresql` pg_dumpall -c -U pontoon > dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql
# Stop connections to the database so we can drop it.
-"${DC}" stop server
# Make sure the postgresql container is running.
-"${DC}" start postgresql
-"${DC}" exec postgresql dropdb -U pontoon pontoon
"${DC}" exec postgresql createdb -U pontoon pontoon
# Note: docker-compose doesn't support the `-i` (--interactive) argument
# that we need to send the dump file through STDIN. We thus are forced to
# use docker here instead.
"${DOCKER}" exec -i `"${DC}" ps -q postgresql` pg_restore -U pontoon -d pontoon -O < "${DB_DUMP_FILE}"
"${DC}" run --rm server .//manage.py sync_projects $(opts)
# Pass --upgrade to upgrade all dependencies
# The arguments are passed through to pip-compile
"${DC}" run --rm server //app/docker/compile_requirements.sh ${opts}