Harmit Goswami a19ec1fb0f
Upgraded @codemirror dependencies to latest versions (#3250)
Co-authored-by: Harmit Goswami <hgoswami@MacBook-Pro.local>
2024-05-31 17:32:55 +02:00
public Add new tour card for email communications (#3229) 2024-05-14 22:34:37 +02:00
src Fix LLM machinery source issue in database (#3230) 2024-05-15 20:05:52 +02:00
package.json Upgraded @codemirror dependencies to latest versions (#3250) 2024-05-31 17:32:55 +02:00


Translate front-end app


Bootstrapper create-react-app https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app
Package manager npm https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8
Views React https://reactjs.org/
Data Redux https://redux.js.org/
Tests Jest http://jestjs.io/
Testing Library https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/intro/
Type checking TypeScript https://www.typescriptlang.org/
Localization Fluent https://projectfluent.org/
Style CSS

Code architecture

Where code goes

src/api/ provides methods wrapping Pontoon's REST API. Responses are typed, but are not completely validated.

src/context/ contains components and hooks for React Context -based commonly accessible features/modules/data stores.

src/modules/ contains front-end features, in the form of modules.

src/rootReducer.ts creates the main reducer to be used with Redux. When adding a new module with a reducer, make sure to include that reducer to rootReducer.


Each module should be in a folder and have an index.js file that serves as the module's public interface. Outside of the module, always import from the module's index if it's available. This allows us to easily evolve modules and keep things decoupled, which reduces code complexity.

Here are the files commonly found in a module:

  • index.js — public interface of the module. It is recommended to define a NAME constant here which should be a unique identifier of the module. This name will be used in combineReducers and in all mapStateToProps to identify the subtree of the global state relevant to this module.
  • actions.js — actions that can be used to fetch data from an API, trigger changes, etc.
  • reducer.js — a single Redux reducer (if you need to have more than one reducer, you probably actually need to make several modules)
  • components/ — a folder containing components, with file names in CamelCase

Of course, more can be added if needed. For example, modules with a high number of action types might want to have an actionTypes.js file to separate them from actions.

Note: As the codebase is currently migrating away from Redux, its structure is also evolving. This means that you may be able to find inconsistencies in the actual code, as we're actively determining the new structure.


To import code from further away than the parent directory, use paths starting with ~ to refer to the root of the src/ directory. For example:

import { SearchBox } from '~/modules/search';

In general, imports ought to be ordered first from the most general to the most specific, and then alphabetically.

Running and deploying


The only required step for the front-end is to build static files with npm run build. Django is configured to collect the translate.html and static files from the build folder and put them with other static files. All of that is automated for deployement to Heroku.


If you're using docker, make run automatically starts both a webpack server (on port 3000) and a Django server (on port 8000). Django is the server you want to hit, and it will then proxy appropriate requests to the webpack server.

A common case during development is to have 2 terminals open: one for the dev servers and one for the tests:

    # terminal 1
    $ make run

    # terminal 2
    $ make test-translate


We manage our JavaScript dependencies with npm. Dependencies and their versions are listed in the package.json file, under dependencies for production and devDependencies for development.

To add or upgrade a dependency, run the following commands at the repo root:

    # Add or upgrade the dependency. Make sure to use an exact version.
    npm install my-package@version -w translate

    # Rebuild the Pontoon image so that it has the new dependencies.
    make build-translate

Note that, in order to add new dependencies, you need to have npm installed and perform the actions locally (outside docker). You might want to remove the translate/node_modules folder after you've run the install or update command (and the package.json and package-lock.json files have been updated) and before rebuilding the image, to reduce the size of the docker context.

Type checking

Our code uses TypeScript for type-checking the production code. Tests are not type-checked in general, which allows for smaller test fixtures. Visit the TypeScript documentation to learn more about TypeScript.

To check for TypeScript errors locally, run:

$ make types


Tests are run using Jest and Sinon for mocking. We are currently migrating our React tests to the React Testing Library from Enzyme.

To run the test suite, use:

$ make test-translate

It will start an auto-reloading test runner, that will refresh every time you make a change to the code or tests.

Tests are put in files called fileToTest.test.js in the same directory as the file to test. Inside test files, test suites are created. There should be one test suite per component, using this notation:

describe('<Component>', () => {
  // test suite here

Individual tests follow mocha's descriptive syntax. Try to be as explicit as possible in your test description. If you cannot, that probably means the test you want to write is not focused enough. Each test should be as small as possible, testing one single thing. It's better to have many small tests than one single, humongous test. Code repetition is tolerated in unit tests.

it('does something specific', () => {
  // unit test here

We use jest's expect assertion tool.


The user interface is localized using Fluent and the library fluent-react. Fluent allows to move the complexity of handling translated content from the developer to the translator. Thus, when using it, you should care only about the English version, and trust that the localizers will know what to do with your string in their language.

Adding localized content

Every time you add a piece of UI that contains some content, there are 2 things you need to do. First, make sure you put it inside a <Localized> element, and give it an id. String identifiers should follow this form: ${module}-${ComponentName}--${string-description}. For example, if you were to add a new button (<button>Update</button>) to the Editor component in the entitydetails module, the id for that button might be entitydetails-Editor--button-update.

That would give:

function Editor() {
  return (
      <Localized id='entitydetails-Editor--button-update'>

The second thing you need to do is to add that new string into our main translation files. Translations available to localizers are based on those files, so if you forget to put the new content there, no one will be able to translate that content.

The source language for our application is en-US (that is what you should use by default when writing content in the code, and in the language files). You can find them in translate/public/static/locale/en-US/. We currently have only one file, named translate.ftl, and that is where all content should be added.

Those files use the FTL format. In its simplest form, a string in such a file (called a message in Fluent vocabulary) looks like this: message-id = Content. There are, however, lots of tools that you can use in that syntax, and you are encouraged to read Fluent's Syntax Guide to familiarize yourself with them. Make sure you also take a look at the Good Practices for Developers guide.

Semantic identifiers

Fluent uses the concept of a social contract between developer and localizers. This contract is established by the selection of a unique identifier, called l10n-id, which carries a promise of being used in a particular place to carry a particular meaning.

You should consider the l10n-id as a variable name. If the meaning of the content changes, then you should also change the ID. This will notify localizers that the content is different from before and that a new translation is needed. However, if you make minor changes (fix a typo, make a change that keeps the same meaning) you should instead keep the same ID.

An important part of the contract is that the developer commits to treat the localization output as opaque. That means that no concatenations, replacements or splitting should happen after the translation is completed to generate the desired output.

In return, localizers enter the social contract by promising to provide an accurate and clean translation of the messages that match the request.

In Fluent, the developer is not to be bothered with inner logic and complexity that the localization will use to construct the response. Whether declensions or other variant selection techniques are used is up to a localizer and their particular translation. From the developer perspective, Fluent returns a final string to be presented to the user, with no l10n logic required in the running code.


In order to easily verify that a string is effectively localized, you can turn on pseudo-localization. To do that, add pseudolocalization=accented or pseudolocalization=bidi to the URL, then refresh the page.

Pseudo-localization turns every supported string into a different version of itself. We support two modes: "accented" (transforms "Accented English" into "Ȧȧƈƈḗḗƞŧḗḗḓ Ḗḗƞɠŀīīşħ") and "bidi" (transforms "Reversed English" into "ᴚǝʌǝɹsǝp Ǝuƃʅı"). Because only strings that are actually localized (they exist in our reference en-US FTL file and they are properly set in a <Localized> component) get that transformation, it is easy to spot which strings are not properly localized in the interface.

You can read more about pseudo-localization on Wikipedia.

Development resources

Integration between Django and React

Code architecture

Localization tools

Tools documentation