
156 строки
4.6 KiB

"name": "pontoon",
"description": "Mozilla localization platform",
"keywords": [
"website": "https://pontoon.mozilla.org",
"logo": "https://pontoon.mozilla.org/static/img/logo.svg",
"success_url": "/",
"image": "heroku/python",
"addons": [
"plan": "newrelic:wayne"
"plan": "raygun:cr-free"
"plan": "papertrail:choklad"
"plan": "cloudamqp",
"as": "RABBITMQ"
"plan": "memcachier",
"as": "MEMCACHE"
"plan": "heroku-postgresql",
"options": {
"version": "15"
"env": {
"description": "Base URL of the site. Has to be https://{app-name}.herokuapp.com.",
"required": true
"description": "A list of strings representing the host/domain names the site can serve. Has to be {app-name}.herokuapp.com.",
"required": true
"value": "python",
"description": "Needed for Google AutoML Translation.",
"required": true
"value": "pontoon@example.com",
"description": "Email address for the ``ADMINS`` setting."
"value": "pontoon-admin",
"description": "Name for the ``ADMINS`` setting."
"value": "supersecretpassword",
"description": "Password for the administrator account."
"description": "List of project managers.",
"required": false,
"value": ""
"value": "False",
"description": "Controls whether asynchronous tasks (mainly used during sync) are sent to Celery or executed immediately and synchronously. Set this to ``False`` on production."
"description": "Secret key used for sessions, cryptographic signing, etc.",
"generator": "secret"
"description": "Disables running ``./manage.py collectstatic`` during the build. Should be set to ``1``.",
"value": "1"
"SSH_KEY": {
"description": "SSH private key to use for authentication when Pontoon connects to VCS servers via SSH.",
"required": false,
"value": ""
"description": "Contents of the ``~/.ssh/config`` file used when Pontoon connects to VCS servers via SSH. Used for disabling strict key checking and setting the default user for SSH.",
"required": false,
"value": ""
"description": "API key for accessing the New Relic REST API. Used to mark deploys on New Relic.",
"required": false,
"value": ""
"description": "Name to give to this app on New Relic. Required if you're using New Relic.",
"required": false,
"value": ""
"description": "Hostname to prepend to static resources paths. Useful for serving static files from a CDN.",
"required": false,
"value": ""
"description": "Path to prepend to ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` when running SVN. This is necessary on Heroku because the Python buildpack alters the path in a way that breaks the built-in SVN command.",
"value": "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
"TZ": {
"description": "Timezone for the dynos that will run the app. Pontoon operates in UTC",
"value": "UTC"
"description": "Enabled features like a standalone login page etc.",
"value": "1"
"description": "Optional. Default committer's name used when committing translations to version control system.",
"value": "Pontoon"
"description": "Optional. Default committer's email used when committing translations to version control system.",
"value": "pontoon@example.com"
"buildpacks": [
"url": "https://github.com/gerywahyunugraha/heroku-google-application-credentials-buildpack.git"
"url": "https://github.com/Osmose/heroku-buildpack-ssh"
"url": "https://github.com/mozilla/heroku-buildpack-apt.git#v0.1"
"url": "heroku/nodejs"
"url": "heroku/python"
"scripts": {
"postdeploy": "./bin/heroku_postdeploy && ./manage.py heroku_deploy_setup"
"formation": {
"worker": {
"quantity": 1