
546 строки
15 KiB

(function(global) {
// Cache refs to speed up calls to native utils
forEach = Array.prototype.forEach,
hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
slice = Array.prototype.slice,
// intentionally left undefined
// ID string matching
rIdExp = /^(#([\w\-\_\.]+))$/,
// Declare a pseudo-private constructor
// This constructor returns the instance object.
Popcorn = function( entity ) {
// Return new Popcorn object
return new Popcorn.p.init( entity );
// Declare a shortcut (Popcorn.p) to and a definition of
// the new prototype for our Popcorn constructor
Popcorn.p = Popcorn.prototype = {
init: function( entity ) {
var elem, matches;
matches = rIdExp.exec( entity );
if ( matches.length && matches[2] ) {
elem = document.getElementById(matches[2]);
this.video = elem ? elem : null;
this.data = {
events: {},
trackEvents: {
byStart: [{start: -1, end: -1}],
byEnd: [{start: -1, end: -1}],
startIndex: 0,
endIndex: 0,
previousUpdateTime: 0
var isReady = function( that ) {
if ( that.video.readyState >= 3 ) {
// adding padding to the front and end of the arrays
// this is so we do not fall off either end
var videoDurationPlus = that.video.duration + 1;
Popcorn.addTrackEvent(that, {start: videoDurationPlus, end: videoDurationPlus});
that.video.addEventListener( "timeupdate", function( event ) {
var currentTime = this.currentTime,
previousTime = that.data.trackEvents.previousUpdateTime
tracks = that.data.trackEvents,
tracksByEnd = tracks.byEnd,
tracksByStart = tracks.byStart;
// Playbar advancing
if (previousTime < currentTime) {
while (tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex] && tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex].end <= currentTime) {
if (tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex].running === true) {
tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex].running = false;
tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex].natives.end.call(that, event, tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex]);
while (tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex] && tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex].start <= currentTime) {
if (tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex].end > currentTime && tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex].running === false) {
tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex].running = true;
tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex].natives.start.call(that, event, tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex]);
// Playbar receding
} else if (previousTime > currentTime) {
while (tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex] && tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex].start > currentTime) {
if (tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex].running === true) {
tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex].running = false;
tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex].natives.end.call(that, event, tracksByStart[tracks.startIndex]);
while (tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex] && tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex].end > currentTime) {
if (tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex].start <= currentTime && tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex].running === false) {
tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex].running = true;
tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex].natives.start.call(that, event, tracksByEnd[tracks.endIndex]);
} else {
// When user seeks, currentTime can be equal to previousTime on the
// timeUpdate event. We are not doing anything with this right now, but we
// may need this at a later point and should be aware that this behavior
// happens in both Chrome and Firefox.
tracks.previousUpdateTime = currentTime;
}, false);
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
return this;
// This trick allows our api methods to be chained to
// instance references.
Popcorn.p.init.prototype = Popcorn.p;
Popcorn.forEach = function( obj, fn, context ) {
if ( !obj || !fn ) {
return {};
context = context || this;
// Use native whenever possible
if ( forEach && obj.forEach === forEach ) {
return obj.forEach(fn, context);
for ( var key in obj ) {
if ( hasOwn.call(obj, key) ) {
fn.call(context, obj[key], key, obj);
return obj;
Popcorn.extend = function( obj ) {
var dest = obj, src = slice.call(arguments, 1);
Popcorn.forEach( src, function( copy ) {
for ( var prop in copy ) {
dest[prop] = copy[prop];
return dest;
Popcorn.addTrackEvent = function( obj, track ) {
// Store this definition in an array sorted by times
obj.data.trackEvents.byStart.push( track );
obj.data.trackEvents.byEnd.push( track );
obj.data.trackEvents.byStart.sort( function( a, b ){
return ( a.start - b.start );
obj.data.trackEvents.byEnd.sort( function( a, b ){
return ( a.end - b.end );
// A Few reusable utils, memoized onto Popcorn
Popcorn.extend( Popcorn, {
error: function( msg ) {
throw msg;
guid: function() {
return +new Date() + Math.floor(Math.random()*11);
sizeOf: function ( obj ) {
var size = 0;
for ( var prop in obj ) {
return size;
nop: function () {}
// Simple Factory pattern to implement getters, setters and controllers
// as methods of the returned Popcorn instance. The immediately invoked function
// creates and returns an object of methods
Popcorn.extend(Popcorn.p, (function () {
// todo: play, pause, mute should toggle
var methods = "load play pause currentTime playbackRate mute volume duration",
ret = {};
// Build methods, store in object that is returned and passed to extend
Popcorn.forEach( methods.split(/\s+/g), function( name ) {
ret[ name ] = function( arg ) {
if ( typeof this.video[name] === "function" ) {
this.video[ name ]();
return this;
if ( arg !== false && arg !== null && typeof arg !== "undefined" ) {
this.video[ name ] = arg;
return this;
return this.video[ name ];
return ret;
Popcorn.extend(Popcorn.p, {
// getting properties
roundTime: function () {
return -~this.video.currentTime;
exec: function ( time, fn ) {
!fn && ( fn = Popcorn.nop );
var timer = 0,
self = this,
callback = function execCallback( event ) {
if ( this.currentTime() >= time && !timer ) {
fn.call(self, event);
this.listen("timeupdate", callback);
return this;
removePlugin: function( name ) {
var byStart = this.data.trackEvents.byStart,
byEnd = this.data.trackEvents.byEnd;
this[name] = undef;
// remove plugin reference from registry
for (var i = 0, rl = Popcorn.registry.length; i < rl; i++) {
if (Popcorn.registry[i].type === name) {
Popcorn.registry.splice(i, 1);
break; // plugin found, stop checking
// remove all trackEvents
for (var i = 0, sl = byStart.length; i < sl; i++) {
if (byStart[i] && byStart[i].natives && byStart[i].natives.type === name) {
byStart.splice(i, 1);
i--; sl--; // update for loop if something removed, but keep checking
if (this.data.trackEvents.startIndex <= i) {
this.data.trackEvents.startIndex--; // write test for this
for (var i = 0, el = byEnd.length; i < el; i++) {
if (byEnd[i] && byEnd[i].natives && byEnd[i].natives.type === name) {
byEnd.splice(i, 1);
i--; el--; // update for loop if something removed, but keep checking
if (this.data.trackEvents.endIndex <= i) {
this.data.trackEvents.endIndex--; // write test for this
return this;
Popcorn.Events = {
UIEvents: "blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload ",
MouseEvents: "mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave click dblclick",
Events: "loadstart progress suspend emptied stalled play pause " +
"loadedmetadata loadeddata waiting playing canplay canplaythrough " +
"seeking seeked timeupdate ended ratechange durationchange volumechange"
Popcorn.Events.Natives = Popcorn.Events.UIEvents + " " +
Popcorn.Events.MouseEvents + " " +
Popcorn.events = {
isNative: function( type ) {
var checks = Popcorn.Events.Natives.split(/\s+/g);
for ( var i = 0; i < checks.length; i++ ) {
if ( checks[i] === type ) {
return true;
return false;
getInterface: function( type ) {
if ( !Popcorn.events.isNative( type ) ) {
return false;
var natives = Popcorn.Events, proto;
for ( var p in natives ) {
if ( p !== "Natives" && natives[p].indexOf(type) > -1 ) {
proto = p;
return proto;
all: Popcorn.Events.Natives.split(/\s+/g),
fn: {
trigger: function ( type, data ) {
// setup checks for custom event system
if ( this.data.events[type] && Popcorn.sizeOf(this.data.events[type]) ) {
var interface = Popcorn.events.getInterface(type);
if ( interface ) {
var evt = document.createEvent( interface );
evt.initEvent(type, true, true, window, 1);
return this;
// Custom events
Popcorn.forEach(this.data.events[type], function ( obj, key ) {
obj.call( this, evt, data );
}, this);
return this;
listen: function ( type, fn ) {
var self = this, hasEvents = true, ns = '';
if ( !this.data.events[type] ) {
this.data.events[type] = {};
hasEvents = false;
// Register
this.data.events[type][ fn.name || ( fn.toString() + Popcorn.guid() ) ] = fn;
// only attach one event of any type
if ( !hasEvents && Popcorn.events.all.indexOf( type ) > -1 ) {
this.video.addEventListener( type, function( event ) {
Popcorn.forEach( self.data.events[type], function ( obj, key ) {
if ( typeof obj === "function" ) {
obj.call(self, event);
//fn.call( self, event );
}, false);
return this;
unlisten: function( type, fn ) {
if ( this.data.events[type] && this.data.events[type][fn] ) {
this.data.events[type][fn] = null;
return this;
this.data.events[type] = null;
return this;
special: {
// handles timeline controllers
play: function () {
// renders all of the interally stored track commands
// Extend listen and trigger to all Popcorn instances
Popcorn.forEach( ["trigger", "listen", "unlisten"], function ( key ) {
Popcorn.p[key] = Popcorn.events.fn[key];
Popcorn.protect = {
natives: "load play pause currentTime playbackRate mute volume duration".toLowerCase().split(/\s+/)
// Plugins are registered
Popcorn.registry = [];
// An interface for extending Popcorn
// with plugin functionality
Popcorn.plugin = function( name, definition ) {
if ( Popcorn.protect.natives.indexOf( name.toLowerCase() ) >= 0 ) {
Popcorn.error("'" + name + "' is a protected function name");
// Provides some sugar, but ultimately extends
// the definition into Popcorn.p
var natives = Popcorn.events.all,
reserved = [ "start", "end"],
plugin = {type: name},
if ( typeof definition === "object" ) {
setup = definition;
/*if ( !( "timeupdate" in setup ) ) {
setup.timeupdate = Popcorn.nop;
pluginFn = function ( options ) {
if ( !options ) {
return this;
// storing the plugin natives
options.natives = setup;
options.natives.type = name;
options.running = false;
// Checks for expected properties
if ( !( "start" in options ) ) {
options.start = 0;
if ( !( "end" in options ) ) {
options.end = this.duration();
// If a _setup was declared, then call it before
// the events commence
if ( "_setup" in setup && typeof setup._setup === "function" ) {
setup._setup.call(self, options);
Popcorn.addTrackEvent( this, options );
// Future support for plugin event definitions
// for all of the native events
Popcorn.forEach( setup, function ( callback, type ) {
if ( reserved.indexOf(type) === -1 ) {
this.listen( type, callback );
}, this);
return this;
// If a function is passed...
if ( typeof definition === "function" ) {
// Execute and capture returned object
setup = definition.call(this);
// Ensure an object was returned
// it has properties and isnt an array
if ( typeof setup === "object" &&
!( "length" in setup ) ) {
Popcorn.plugin( name, setup );
// Assign new named definition
plugin[ name ] = pluginFn;
// Extend Popcorn.p with new named definition
Popcorn.extend( Popcorn.p, plugin );
// Push into the registry
return plugin;
global.Popcorn = Popcorn;